Manchester City Council Agenda item. 5 Planning and Highways REPORT FOR RESOLUTION Committee PLANNING AND HIGHWAYS Date 20th November 2008 Subject 087671/FO/2008/C3 Erection of 17 storey building (Use Class C1 Hotel) with associated plant accommodation, vehicular access and drop off point and associated landscaping works as revision to planning permission 081209/FU/2006/C3 approved 27/03/2007 Location Land Bounded By Princess Street/Whitworth Street/The Rochdale Canal And Venice Street, Manchester, M2 4DF, Applicant Mimas Developments Ltd And Starwood Group, C/o Agent Agent Drivers Jonas 5 New York Street, Manchester, M1 4JB Report of HEAD OF PLANNING Purpose of report Top describe the above application for planning permission, the issues involved and to put forward recommendations. Recommendation The Head of Planning recommends that the Committee APPROVE planning application 087671/FO/2008/C3 relating to Erection of 17 storey building (Use Class C1 Hotel) with associated plant accommodation, vehicular access and drop off point and associated landscaping works as revision to planning permission 081209/FU/2006/C3 approved 27/03/2007 for the reasons set out in this report. Financial Consequences for the Revenue Budget There are no financial consequences for the Revenue Budget. Financial Consequences for the Capital Budget There are no financial consequences for the Revenue Budget. Contact Officer(s) Angela Leckie 0161 234 4651
[email protected] Julie Roscoe 0161 234 3294
[email protected] Manchester City Council Agenda item. 5 Planning and Highways Background Documents Planning application 087671/FO/2007/C3 The Unitary Development Plan for the City of Manchester (UDP) A Guide to Development in Manchester DETR Circular 02/99 Environmental Impact Assessment Planning Policy Statement 1 and 22 Planning Policy Guidance Notes 13, 15 and 24 Third Party Consultations: Over 1000 residents, businesses and other third parties in the area were notified on each application.