^ ~~~~~~E1169 VOL. 1


Public Disclosure Authorized ,

ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT FINAL REPORT NOVERMBER 2005 Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized





CWRC------Changjiang Water Resource Commission

CC------Construction Contractor

EIA------Environmental Impact Assessment

EPB------Environmental Protection Bureau

EMP------Environmental Management Plan

EPMs------Environmental Protection Measures

EMO------Environmental Management Office

ESE------Environmental Supervision Engineer

GRHP------Guangrun River Hydropower Project

HHDP------Hubei Hydropwer Development in Poor Areas Project

PMO------Project Management Office

RAP------Resettlement Action Plan

SNDI------The Second Navigation Design Institute

SEPA------State Environmental Projection Agency

WB------The World Bank


Chapter 2 Project Description

2.1 Project Location

As shown in Figure 2.1.1 -1, the GRHP is located in the northwest of Yezhou Town, Jianshi County, Hubei Province, upstream of Zhamushui River Basin. Figure 2.1.1-2 shows GRHP in the big picture of Hubei Province.



0 ~~~~~(6 big 7 Mashui power e Gor2es Dam

River stations)

127km * \ \ River Hubei Guangrun Province Q9 area River

Legend Oservoir

Power plant

Figure 2.1.1-2 GRHP Location in the "Big Picture"


As the data shows that, on Yangtze River Basin, the total capacity of already built hydropower projects is 4300x IO4kw including three gorges project, which acounts for one-fifth of potential water resources capacity of the whole river basin. On the secondary tributary, Qingjiang, the potential water resources capacity is about 62x10 4kw, and the capacity from current developed hydropower projects is about 8.62X104kw, accounting for 17.2 percent; the capacity of current

GRHP is 2.8x 104kw, accounting for 4.5 percent of the total water resources capacity.

2.2 Project Scope

The GRHP is a small-scale comprehensive hydropower project with major objectives of power generation and water supply as well as flood control and tourism development. The project includes two small reservoirs with a total reservoir storage capacity of 29.47 million m3 and three small-sized hydropower stations with a total installation capacity of 28.0 MW. The total project cost is estimated to be 255 million Yuan.

2.3 Project Objectives and Benefits

Major objectives of the project include power generation, water supply as well as flood-control and tourism development. The project will have significant economical and social benefits:

1) Annual power generation of 89.68 million kwh with an annual power sale of 29.972 million yuan.

2) Flood control standard: from once in every 10 years to once in every 50 years.

3) New employment opportunities for about 1500 local people.

4) Power generation increase in the downstream Xiaoxikou power station.

5) Tourism development in project area.

2.4 Project Components

Hongwawu Sub-project: the Hongwawu sub-project is consisted of dam structures, water convey system, water diversion system, first and second stage power plants, and power transmission and distribution system.

Zhamushui Sup-project: the Zhamushui Sub-project is mainly consisted of a roller compacted concrete arch dam, a water release structure, water convey structure, a power house, and power transmission line.

The characteristics of GRHP are shown in Table 2.3.2-1. Figure 2.4-1 demonstrates the whole parts of GRHP.


Chapter 3 Environmental Setting in Study Area

In this chapter, the environmental study areas (ESA) are firstly defined and then the environmental settings in the ESA is described. The environmental setting covers four aspects as: physical environment, environmental quality and ecological environment, land use, and social environment.

3.1 Environmental Study Area

According to the characteristics of this project, the overall environmental study area of this project is seen in the Figure3. 1-1; and it can be divided into 8 impact areas as shown in the Figure 3.1-2. 3.1.1 Reservoir Catchment Area

Reservoir catchment area includes two impact zones: Impact Zone I refers to Hongwawu reservoir: the runoffs from the upstream of the Majia river above the dam with the area of about 6.03kmr2 and the water diverted from gullies with the catchment area of 15.45km2, such as from Duantou river, Dongpiao river, Huoshaoyiba, Huoshaoerba, Shangcao, Goujiao river, Liujia gully, Qilibian river, Zhichang river. The total catchment area is about 21.48 km2.

Impact Zone IV refers to Zhamushui reservoir: the runoffs from the tail water of the Sishier hydropower station and the inflow from the branches of the river between Zhamushui dam to the Sishierba hydropower station. 3.1.2 Reservoir Areas and its Surrounding

Reservoir areas in clude two impact zones: Impact zone II refers to Hongwawu reservoir with submerged area 21.48 km2 and the length of the backwater 1.0 km.at its normal water level 1583.0m.

Impact zone V refers to Zhamushui reservoir with the submerged area 1.63 km2, and with 8.17 km backwater till Sishierba hydropower station (4 stages) at its normal water level 660 m.

Reservoir surroundings refer to the areas in the both sides of the dams within its watershed. 3.1.3 Affected Areas in Lower Reaches

Generally, affected areas in lower reaches in clude two impact zones: Impact Zone III covers the areas from Hongwawu dam to the of Majia river with Zhamushui River, Majiahe Bridge with the total length 12km.

Impact zone VI covers the areas from Zhamushui dam till the backwater of Xiaoxikou Hydropower station whose installed capacity, 3x 104 kW, is bigger than this project, thus the total length is 1 1km. 3.1.4 Construction Areas

It is called Impact Zone VII that the total construction area is 4 km2, which refers to the areas for construction of two dams, three power plants, diversion system, spoil disposal sites, etc.


3.1.5 Resettlement Areas

It is named Impact Zone VIII, according to East China Exploration and Design Institute, the major resettlement areas for resettlers are arranged in the 17th and 18th group of Dangyangba village, 12th group of Xishuya village, I1th group of Chayuangou village, and 1 st and 7h two group of Jigongling


Runoffs of the upstreams Hongwawu reservoir Hongwawu Reservoir Hongwawu lower Diverted water flows catchment area area and its reaches


The tail water of Sishierba Dam Zhamushui Reservoir Zhamushui Reservoir Zhamushui lower Catchment area area and its reaches Branchcs flowing itoa ZhatmushuiRese surrounding

Construction areas Resettlement Areas Three power plants construction Xishuya villages

Diversion system works - Impact zone VII Jigongling villages - Impact zoneVIII

Figure 3.1-2 Impact Areas of GRHP EIA


3.2 Physical Environment

Climate: Hongwawu reservoir areas are mostly located in the place above EL1400 m. Yearly average temperature is 7.9-1 0.6°C; relative humidity is 85%. Hongwawu river basin is located at the center place of the west of Hubei where rainstorm normally happens, the average annual rainfall is about 2000 mm, frost-free period is about 200 days, the sunshine is about 1500 hours. Zhamushui sub-project area is relatively warm, its altitude is mostly between 500-800m. The annual average rainfall is between 1200-1500mm and the annual average temperature is between 14.2- 16.2°C with an relative humidity of 80%.

Topography: The ESA is located in the third upheaval of Xinhuaxia system, crossing the joint between the end of the southem Daba Mountain and the rest branches of Wulin Mountain. Lithosphere is broken and lifts up in an obvious way. The special feature of its geology, such as round peak of the mountains, rushing groove, lithontriptic holes, invisible valley, hidden stream and etc. are seen everywhere.

Geology and Earthquake: The stratum is exposed with quite extent, which belongs to the Palaepzonic Cambrian to Quaternary Cenozonic. The stratum of Upper and Lower Carboniferous system, lower Devonian system, Middle and Upper Jurassic period lack. The rock are mainly rudaceous roak and carbonate rock..

There are two fault layers within the study area. Jianshi fault is located in the southwest of the county. This fault is developed by multi-period activities. However, it is quite far away from the damsite. The second fault is from Qinshan to Shilipai. This one is not as active as the first one. According to the "China earthquake intensity territorial map", there is no active fault within the dam areas, and the center of the earthquake is also far from this region. The basic earthquake intensity in this area is rated VI.

Hydrology: (1) Surface Water in the ESA, the major water system is the water system in Guangrun river basin area, including Guangrun river and its major tributaries, such as, Hongwawu river and Chichang river, etc. The Guangrun river basin is located in the upper reaches of Mashui river, which is the largest tributary of Qingjiang river in the north bank. And the Qingjiang river is one of the major tributaries of the Changjiang River (the Yangtze).

The Guangrun river basin has a total area of 1709km2. The average flow at the Zhamushui dam is 6.29m3/s with an average annual runoff of 1.98x108m3. major tributaries of the river include Hongwawu, Zhamushui, Mazixia, Taiyanghe and etc.

The Hongwawu River originates at Heshangbao. It flows from north towards south, and later on joins with the Zhamushui River at Majiahe Bridge. The annual average flow at Hongwawu dam is 0.91 m3/s with an annual average runoff of 0.29 X 10 8m3.

(2) Ground Water: The groundwater is rich in the ESA with following features: Cranny rocky water mainly in carbonate rock widely distributes in the area of over 1200m altitudes. The fissure and pore water existed in rudaceous rock mainly distribute in lower mountain areas with altitudes lower than 800m. Pore and fissure water existed in incompact pile-up layer mainly scatters at some basins, valleys where Zhamushui River, Shengzhu River and Donglonghe River seats.


Mineral Resources: In the study areas, minerals like coal, iron, sulfur, limestone, china clay, silica, purple gritstone, marble, quartzite, aluminum earth, gypsum and phosphorite, etc, of over 20 kinds spread broadly, of which coal, sulfur, iron, silica, and limestone reserves abundantly. However, no minerals resources are found in reservoir inundated areas.

Natural Reserves and Touring Sites : No natural reserves are identified in ESA. There are a few touring sites near the ESA: the Chaoyangguan scenery region of the suburb of Yezhou Town, and Jiugushan scenery of west Yezhou Town. Anyway, they are quite away from the reservoir inundated areas.

Cultural Relics and Historic site: So far, no cultural relics or historic sites are found in the study areas according to Enshi District Cultural Relics Exploration Team. And the project company has signed an agreement with local government to promise that further work will be done in case that new historic site or cultural relics is to be discovered during construction. 3.3 Environmental Quality and Ecology

(1) Environmental Quality

Surface water quality: the water quality in ESA meets standards of surface water Class II or Class III, which could be used as drinking water source.

Atmospheric environment: The project is located in the rural area without major pollution sources, the air quality is very good.

Acoustic environment: Since the major components of the project are in the rural area, the acoustic environment in the area is quite good.

(2) Ecology

Terrestrial plant The vegetation in Guangrunhe river basin is rich in species but distributed differently in different elevations: Below EL 800m: Green-leaf,broad-leaf, partial miscellaneous green-broad woods and man-made woods; EL 800-1500m: Green miscellaneous hardwood and tail-pine, China fir and spinal-broad leaved, partial man-made fir and spinal leaved; EL 15OOm-1700m: Hardwood, broad-leaved, and short woods, partial sawtooth oak, azalea; over EL 1700m: Bosk, meadow plant.

According to site survey, there is no ancient, great or rare plants in reservoir inundated areas.

Terrestrial animals In the ESA there exist some National first-class protected wild animals, such as Golden vulture, musk deer. The national-level rare and in danger species is goral (Naemorhedus goral). There are 4 species of the special animals in ESA, which are only found in China: southern rabbit, rocky squirrel, China sokhor, and China bamboo rat. In addition, there are some other state and provincial protected wild animals and birds in the EAS, which are listed in the main report.

Aquatic creatures A. Species of phytoplankton There are 60 species of phytoplankton in Guangrunhe River, respectively 5 phylum, 8 classes, 15 cohorts, 22 families, 34 categories, of which 32 are diatoms, 53.33%; Chlorophyta: 17, 28.33%; Cyanophyta: 7, 11.67%; Pyrrophta: 2, 3.33%; Cryptophyta: 2, 3.33%. C. Zooplankton Species 27 kinds of zooplanktons were found: 4 of

10 EIA/GRHPFINALPORT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY protozoas, 8 of rotifers; 5 of cladocerans; 10 kinds of copepods; Detailed information is available in Annex C of the main report.

Bottom Dweller Resources There is little bottom dwellers found in ESA because of the coverage of the river bottom by coal mine disposals and water pollution from the Jianshi County seat.

Fish Resources There are 37 species fish, which belong to 4 cohorts and 10 families, out of which, there are 23 kinds of cyprinoid, which ranks the first in amount, accounting for 62%. 6 kinds of loach, fish are accounting for 16% of the all. 1 kind each in other 7 fish families.

Reptiles and Amphibian A. Reptiles There are 2 cohorts, 8 families, and 20 sorts of reptiles in this area, out of which colubriadae ranks the first in amount (8 sorts), accounting for 40% of the all. Tortoise and turtles are little, only one kind for each. There are some eumeces chinensis and takydromus sexlineatus. There exist some provincial protected animals, such as elaphe carinata, E. mandarina, E. schrenckii, E. taeniur, Ptyas mucosus, P korros, Naja naja, Bunharus multicinctus Blyth, and Agkistrodon acueus. B. Amphibian There are two cohorts, 5 families, and 12 sorts of amphibia in this river basin, out of which, ranidae (7 sorts) ranks the first in amount,accounting for 58.33 of the all. There are 10 sorts of important amphibia of the provincial protection, and 2 kinds are listed as the II-class protected animals by the country, respectively named Andrias davidianus and Hoplobatrachus rugulosus. There exist some provincial-protection level animals: B . gargarizans Cantor, Paa boulengeri, Paa boulengeri, Rana chensinensis David, R. Limnocharis Boie, R. nigromaculata,and R. Plancyi.

Soil Erosion According to satellite monitoring data, the total soil erosion area in ESA in 76755091.94m 2 , 94.6% of the total land area. Among the soil erosion area, slight and light erosion areas take 99%. 3.4 Land Use

The total land area in Jianshi County is 2659km2 , of which 37700 ha. is used for agriculture; 161100 ha. is used for forest; 500 ha. is used for grassland, 1100 ha. for garden, 3100 ha. for watershed, uncultivated lands 47000 ha., and other uses 15400 hmi. Farmland and forest/grass land are major land use patterns in ESA, which take 88% of the total land: 11.03% of farmland and 87% of forest/grass land 3.5 Social and Economical Environment

Population and income: In 2003, there are 509,099 people I Jianshi county, among which, urban: 274,223, rural: 234,876. The GDP of the whole county is RMB 1550.03 million Yuan. The average income of urban people is RMB 5604 Yuan and the average annual net income of rural residents (farmers) is 1448 yuan.

Agriculture: The total grain output is 201,252t, edible oil 10, 919t, tobacco 11, 534t, vegetable 100,962t, tea 940t, fruit 5,602 t, pig in- stall 444,000.

Industry: There are no any major industry except coalmines and hydropower plants.

Education: There are one vocational school with students 918 and 29 secondary schools with total students 27,834. The school enrollment rate is 87.18 % in 29 junior middle schools. The school

11 EIA/GRHPFINALPORT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY enrollment rate is 99.23 % in 204 elementary schools.

Public health: There are 15 hospitals with total patient beds of 615. There are 1057 medical professionals, including doctors 423, and registered nurses 396. There are 10 town-level hospitals with 267 beds. About 84.6 % of the villages have clinics. The birthrate is 9.23%o and death rate is 7.25Y%o.

Transportation: Generally, the condition of transportation in the study areas is very poor; there is only one road of substandard in Hongwawu reservoir area, which can be used only when it is not frosted. Zhamushui reservoir area is near the county seat, the road condition is better.

Living level: In 2003, the total expenditure was 1855 yuan on average for a rural resident. Every 100 households had 51 sets televisions, 9 sets refrigerators, 17 sets motorcycle, 24 mobile phones .The average living area is 39.16m2 per person.

Cultural Relics and Historic site: So far, no cultural relics or historic sites are found in study areas.


Chapter 4 Environmental Impacts Assessment and EPMs 4.1 Introduction

Following completion of Chapter 2 (Project Description) and of Chapter 3 (Environmental Setting for Project), Chapter 4 has been prepared for the following purposes, (a) to identify the environmental issues, including Major Environmental Issues and General Environmental Issues, based on use of a matrix system which lists all of the types of environmental issues known to be involved in hydropower development projects and compares these for application for the present Project, and (b) to present a detailed discussion for each of these environmental issues including evaluation of the potential hazards for creating adverse impacts, and delineation of EPMs needed to prevent or neutralize and offset such adverse effects.

The matrix analysis found 4 SEIs to be considered as major SEIs, namely (i) Resettlement, (ii) Ecology, (iii) Hongwawu Water Diversion from nearby valleys, and (iv) Water Quality in Zhamushui Reservoir; and 8 general SEIs, namely (i) Zhamushui Dam Safety, (ii) Land Use, (iii) Soil Erosion, (iv) Project Construction Impacts, (v) Public Health, (vi) Impacts of Transmission Lines, (vii) Hydrology, (viii) Accumulative Impacts. 4.2 Major Environmental Issues

4.2.1 Resettlement

(1) The GRHP would affect 206 households with a total population of 848, of which 145 need to be relocated and 305 need to be adjusted with production arrangements.

(2) A Resettlement Action Plan /GRHP (RAP) has been prepared by the East China Investigation and Design Institute for Jianshi county government and GRHP PMO in March 2005. The resettlement program described in the RAP is designed to not only protect the resettled population from potential adverse project impacts but also to make them a shareholder to the benefits accruing from the project. The population affected includes the people residing in the affected area as well as those in the host areas that receive the resettled population.

(3) Most resettlers are to be relocated in those "empty houses" from which the hosts have moved out to cities or other villages with their original houses, land, and trees left in their original villages (called 3 &I households). A total of 8 nearby villages in the same township have been identified to have such 3 & 1 households with enough capacity for all the resettlers.

(4) Due to limited number of resettlers and the nature of "3&1 households" resettlement, no significant environmental issues are expected in both move-out areas and host areas.

(5) Pertinent EPMs are prepared for resettlement program in the EIA and in the RAP including environmental monitoring activities. Assuming all the EPMs and the RAP are implemented, the project resettlement activities will be in compliance with both the national as well as the World Bank environmental standards. No significant negative environmental impacts are expected. The implementation of the EPMs and the RAP will be monitored by the Project Environmental


Management Office.

4.2.2 Ecological impacts and EPMs

(1) Terrestrial Plants

In Zone I, inundation activity does not bring direct impact on terrestrial plants since the activity will occur at the downstream of this zone.

In Zone II & V, the vegetations are mostly shrubbery and grasses. Dominate trees are Japanese Leafed Pine and Fir, and there are also a few of sumac. The main crops on cropland are potatoes, sweet potatoes, and coms, etc. These are common plants and the inundation will not cause any obviously negative impact.

In Zone III, terrestrial plants at both banks and mountains will be definitely impacted due to the river flow broken, they will lack their moisture habitats and some may become extinct due to insufficient water. Some mitigation measures should be taken.

In Zone IV, like in zone I, inundation activity does not bring direct impact on terrestrial plants since inundation activity does not change habitats of this zone.

In zone VI, like in zone III, terrestrial plants at both banks and mountains will be definitely impacted due to the river flow broken, they will lack their moisture habitats and some may become extinct due to insufficient water. Some mitigation measures should be taken.

It is worth noticing that in the overall study area including 8 zones, there is no natural protection zone of the state and provincial level existed in each zone, the vegetation varieties are common ones. No important plant and ancient rare plant of the national protection level are found, the possibility of variety extinction by partial inundation is not existed. The impact on vegetation in zone III and VI by reservoir impounding is irreversible, some mitigation measures should be carried out to lower the effect to minimum degree.

(2) Terrestrial Animals

Same as plants, in zone I and IV, terrestrial animals will not cause any obvious impact.

In zone II and V, some terrestrial animals' habitats will disappear. According to investigation, current terrestrial animals near reservoirs are mostly small-sized Chinese rabbit, pig-badger, rats and yellow stoat etc. It is irreversible impact on habitats of terrestrial animals by reservoir impounding for submerging. However, according to investigation, the similar ecosystem broadly spreads above the submerge-line. Furthermore, Guangrun River is a mountain stream with flood rising and dropping, so those animals that live in these areas are used to this kind of moving ecological environments. After reservoir water is filled up, the former unstable state turns into stable, calm lake-state, to certain animals, they may decrease activities, yet for others, they may benefit from this change. In a word, the inundation bring animals' habitats change is certain, yet the change is still accetable to those animals in these zones, and they are still able to find similar habitats nearby.

In zone III and VI, samely, the habitats will greatly vary due to flow reduced, they will lose their familiar moist settings and may have to move. Some basic flow should be given to lower reaches

14 EIA/GRHPFINALPORT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY to maintain the fundamental ecoststem need.

In study areas, the national protected animal gorals usually live at higher altitudes at the edge of forest; storing water will not submerge their nests and will not cause direct impact on them.

(3) Acquatic Creatures

There are very few fish in impact zone I since the diverted streams are most mountain brooks, and three of them are seasonal rainoffs basin, so neither fish nor planktons can be found in these areas, no obvious effect will come along with the project.

In imapct zone II & III, the normal water storage level in Hongwawu reservoir is 1583 m, and the backwater is 1 km in length. No fish has been found in Hongwawu River (impact zone II and III) so far for the discarded residue from Hongxing coalmine is delivered into the river channel and covered on the bed. Hence, there is no obvious effect to fish by Hongwawu Project. The storage of Hongwawu reservoir is only 499.2x 104m3, very small, and the temperature of the discharged water will not have distinct change so that the aquatic creatures will hardly be affected.

In impact zone IV & V, After Zhamushui Hydropower Project is completed, a relatively still lake of 8.17km-long forms, those fish which are used to live in the habitat composed by large rocks, cobbles and grits, will lose their familiar places and be forced to move to up-streams to find their new appropriate habitats. However, there are many similar habitats in the tributaries of Zhamushui River that provide possible convenient places for these fish to move.

In impact zone VI of Zhmushui lower reaches, the survey shows that the species of fish are plenty and common, and the adverse impact on fish by Zhamushui dam construction will be certain, and the minimum ecological flow should be given to meet the basic ecosystem need. As for the temperature of the discharged water from Zhamushui reservoir will change very little, probably between 1-2°C (by the similar reservoir experience), thus the aquatic creatures will hardly be affected as well.

The river flow of Hongwawu is very small, with the reservoir completing and impounding, the plankton will increase, and some species of fish might occur and exist.

With the reservoirs in Guangrun river basin impounding and suitable water body area for fish inhabiting and reproducing enlarged, some microorganism for fish will become more and more, the economic fish like carp, crucian, and etc. will increase and become dominant species. In addition to function in power generation and water supply, the reservoirs will become important for breeding aquatics. This has happened in Xiaoxikou reservoir, that the species of the fish in the reservoirs will experience the same development as above stated.

There is no national-level protected aquatics in the whole Guangrun River Basin. There is not any migrating fish in this section, for Xiaoxikou reservoir has blocked the watercourse for fish swimming back and forth. Therefore, this project will not have impact on those fish sailing against the current for reproducing.

With the reservoirs impounding, part of the vegetation (brushwood and shrub) on both banks, which are the important habitat of the amphibian animals , are inundated to force these animal to find new habitat, thus the number of them might decrease. However, the number of other


amphibian animals such as Chinese giant toad and black-spot frog etc. will increase for its similar habitat enlarged in area by reservoir impounding to favor its breeding and reproducing.

(4) EPMs

For Hongwawu Reservoir, the additional streams or brooks in impact zone I, II and III will supplement the ecosystem need while 0.12 m3 /s flow is suggested to release.

In impact zone VI, since there are many species of the aquatic creatures in this section, and in dry season and no-power-generating times, flow breaking will cause adverse impact on aquatic creatures, so continuous flow release should be taken to maintain the basic ecosystem need. According to 40 years hydraulic data, the minimum flow of 0.63m3 /s in the lower reaches should be discharged in order to both maintain the normal state in case that no power is to be generated at dry season and accounting for 0.7 percent of the total reservoir volume, 17.4 X 104m3while no power is generated.

Any aquatic creatures catching. by contractors and its staff is prohibited in Guangrun River and construction areas.

Monitoring on the aquatic creatures should be taken so as to timely take measures to resolve problems probably occurred.

The Environmental Protection Regulation During Construction Period are required to be followed by contractors so as to protect wild animals and plants instead of hunting and illegal logging, and not to expand the construction area.

Each year PMO should take a survey in the study area on terrestrial animals and plants.

4.2.3 Impact of Hongwawu Water Diversion from Nearby Valleys

(1) Water Diversion System Brief Description

Hongwawu water diversion works is briefly described as follows in table 4.2.3-1.

16 EIA/GRHP FINAL REPORT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Table 4.2.3-1 Hongwawu Water diversion system description

Description River Goujiao River Qilibian River Shangcao Huoshaoyiba Huoshaoerba Liujiagou Laolongdong River

3km in Chongqin, Part in Jianshi, At Dangyangba Gaoyanzi 300-2000m Location In Jianshi and part in Jianshi In Chongqin In Chongqin Town in Forestry center away from 2.2km in Chongqin Jianshi in Jianshi Majia River Jianshi.

Huoshaoyiba Wushan in - Dongquan- Water Sources and C h qn C Huoshaoyiba Huoshaoerba Chongqin yewan in Jianshi shui

Water system Qingjiang Qingjiang Qingjiang Qingjiang Qingjiang

Total length(km) 3 2.08 3.5 - - 0.2 4.55

Altitude (m) 1700-2000 1795-1981 1780-2058 1800 above 1800-1810 1830-1850 1586 above 1780-2101 1107 above

catchment (km2) 6.2 2.02 2.64 1.49 2.07 1.94 1.00 8. 2

Diversion flow 1.90 1.87 including Flow into Introduce into including 0.5 Huoshaoerba Flibin Flow into Qilibian Duantou River 0.3 - 0.61 (m3/s) Huoshaoerba and shangcao Qilibian

No drinking, No drinking, No drinking, Ditch (no No drinking, No drinking, Function irrigation irrigation and irrigation and Basin (no water) Basin (no water) Basin (no water) Dit () irrigation and irrigation and breeding breeding breeding water breeding and breeding

No rare No rare aquatics No rare aquatics Near Qilibian, No river but surface No rare animals Many defoliate Diversity aquatics, and local fish, and local fish, no rare animals runoffs from and and plants found pine, rare NA NA few diatom but few diatom but few diatom and plants found plantsfo nd so far plant plants found plants


(2) Impacts from diversion work

Hongwawu diversion scheme concems with 3 counties (Jianshi, Fengjie and Wushan ) of Hubei Province and Chongqin Municipality. The catchment area 25.56 km2 and diversion flow is 5.18m3 /s.Without the water diversion, the reservoir storage is only 8.41million m3 . With the diversion, storage will be 19.93million m3 , and the power generation at least will increase by 2500kW.h/a, and thereafter the income raise RMB 10 million Yuan.

Duantou River, Goujiao River, Qilibian, and Zhichang River and others for water diversion for Hongwawu are all small mountain streams, without any special functions such as drinking water, irrigation, and breeding aquatics. Neither rare nor economic fish is found in them. All water intakes are located at rather low altitude of the rivers, except Zhichang River (from an upstream point), and the project will not change conditions of river sections of upstream the water intakes so that no negative impact will be caused on the river sections upstream of the intakes. As for river sections downstream of the water intakes, negative impacts are quite limited because the water diverted is quite limited and the water functions of the small streams are very limited too. The water diversion from the Zhichang River will not cause any significant negative impacts to the whole river basin.

(3) EPMs

PMO will organize site investigation in the gullies and streams where water are diverted to monitor the actual status after water diversion, and to understand the impact on the water and biological status.

Necessary ecological flow with 0. 12m3/s is recommended to release to the lower reaches so as to meet the need of the habitats.

4.2.4 Water Quality Analysis

(1) Hongwawu water quality analysis

In Hongwawu reservoir, there is a big-scale coalmine, Hongxin Coalmine, who discharges wastewater and residues disposals into the river, 6 X 104 t each year, in chapter 3, the table 3.3.1-7 shows that the wastewater pollutants in Hongxin coalmine meets the need of the first-class standard of GB8978-1996 except for the suspended material which is 9.8 times of the stipulation. Hongxin coalmine discharges its wastewater into the Hongwawu river directly without any treatment so this may cause SS concentration goes up, and those disposals abandoned at the banks in a random way may cause the reservoir filled up. Therefore Hongxin coalmine has become the potential threat to Hongwawu reservoir water quality, thereafter, the future aquatic creatures in the reservoir will face dangerous situation in terms of ecosystem.

Therefore, the local govenmment has ordered this coalmine to adopt treatment measures to deal with its wastewater before it discharges.

(2) Zhamushui water quality analysis

In the upstream of Zhamushui reservoir, a number of small-scale coalmines exist. There are 9 coalmines till 2004 based on the statistic data from environmental Bureau, of which 6 are located


near the Dongpiao River, a tributary of Zhamushui River. They produce coals 13.2x 104t, discharge wastewater 26.4x 104t including pollutants 67.35t with COD, SS and etc., waste residues 2.64x 104t. Details are seen in Table 4.2.4-1 and Figure 4.2.4-1.

Although it seems that many coalmines are closely located at Zhamushui river, they only cause indirect impact on water quality of Zhamushui reservoir. This is because most coalmines are 30-40km far away from Zhamushui dam, the wastewater from these mines usually purify themselves and deposit some pollutants at the watercourses after 10.0 km traveling. Moreover, all along the way, many other streams join with it and increase the dilute ability of the river. Therefore, the wastewater and solid wastes from those coalmines may contaminate partial water quality at upstream but will not significantly contaminate the water quality in downstream water reaches.

It is necessary to mention that local government has already planned to relocate another drinking water supply source in 2007, and Zhamushui dam will not be completed by the end of 2008, therefore, the water quality change due to the project will not directly impact on local residents drinking.

(3) EMPs

It is known that some coalmines have already taken certain measures to deal with their wastewater. In addition, Jianshi County government also has established specific regulations to coalmines at study areas, such as "Jianshi Yezhou Town Drinking Water Environmental Protection Provisional Method". The regulation defines the specific scope to protect drinking water that includes most sections of Guangrun River Basin; meanwhile it also confined that no new exit of drain pollutants should be set up along the river basin; neither any more waste solids should be discarded into the river. Moreover, those already established exits for draining pollutants should decrease the total amount to meet the surface water quality standard after treatment.

A special meeting was held by Jianshi County government in 2004 on coalmine pollution control. A formal document: "Summary of meeting decisions regarding how to guide coal industry development" No. 15, K2004 2 was issued after the meeting. The document requires that all those coalmines with annual capacity lower than l x 104t should be washed out by the end of 2005; and those with annual capacity lower than 3x 104t should be washed out by the end of 2007. Meanwhile, the document requires that all coalmine enterprises should strengthen their pollution control measures.

The new drinking water supply source should be implemented before Zhamushui damsite is completed so that the potential threat to local drinking may be removed.

The PMO/EMO needs to monitor and cooperate with pertinent agencies in implementation of the water pollution control measures; Annual report on this issue is to be prepared by the EMO.

Water quality monitoring is to be carried out at Zhamushui dam site and in Zhamushui reservoir.


4.3 General Environmental Issues

4.3.1 Dam Safety

The Jianshi County seat is located in the north bank of Guanrun river. The Zhamushui reservoir is located at a position 5.5 km upstream of the county seat. According to project design, the design water level of the reservoir is EL661.36m and check water level EL662.7m. The elevation of Jianshi county seat is EL555.Om in average. In case of Zhamushui dam failure, the water in the reservoir would rush to the county seat along Zhamushui river course and therefore threat the lives of 80,000 people in the county seat if dame failure control measures were not properly designed and implemented. Three major causes of dam failure are identified: earthquake, flooding, poor quality of dam design and construction.

According to the monitoring data of the West-Hubei Earthquake Monitoring Network, over 10 earthquakes have been recorded since 1959 with all of intensities less than degree V in the epicenters. The proposed Zhamushui dam is a roller compacted concrete double arch dam, which has been designed to stand earthquakes of intensity VI or above. An earthquake monitoring and pre-waming system will be set up in the reservoir area to work together with the West-Hubei Prefecture Earthquake Station to conduct earthquake monitoring and pre-waming in the reservoir area. When the earthquake of intensity VI or above occur or to occur, pre-waming will be timely given and the emergency response system prepared in advance will be carried out. As a result, the urban residents could have time to be evacuated out to safe areas.

Similar analysis was carried out and similar conclusions were obtained for dam failure caused by extraordinary flooding. The flood monitoring and pre-waming system would protect the county seat in similar way.

The Intemational Expert Panel on Dam Safety and Environment for the "Hubei Hydropower Development in Poor areas Project" would extend its responsibilities to GRHP and visit GRHP sites twice a year to provide dam safety assistance and guidance during project implementation, which would eliminate the risks of dam failure due to poor quality of dam design and construction.

4.3.2 Land Use

The project impacts on land use include temporary land occupation of 40 mu and permanent land occupation of some 2527 mu. The impact of temporary land occupation by the project on local land use is negligible because the amount is so small and the land will be reused after construction period.

Table 4.2.2-1 shows the comparison of the permanent land occupation and the overall land resources in project environmental study area. It is seen from the table that the permanent land occupation by the project takes 2.07% of the total land resources in the study area, in which farmland, 3.63%, woodland, 1.6%. The project has certain adverse impact on local land use but not significant.


Table 4.3.2-2 Permanent land occupation and overall land use in ESA Total areas Farmland Woodland Item mu % mu % Mu %

ESA 122385 100 13500 100 88275 100

Hongwawu 658.5 0.54 154.9 1.15 410.1 0.46

Zhamushui 1868.5 1.53 335.2 2.48 971.1 1.10

Total 2213.6 2.07 490.1 3.63 1381.2 1.56

4.3.3 Soil Erosion

Construction of most hydropower projects involve earth and rock operations which would cause serious soil erosion if proper prevention measures were not taken. In China, the Law of Water and Soil Conservation" requires that a soil conservation plan be prepared and implemented for projects with significant soil erosion potentials including all kind of hydropower projects. A such plan was prepared by the Enshi Hydraulic Design Institute in 2002 for the project PMO, which was approved by Hubei Provincial Water Resources Bureau in 2004. In the plan, total amount of soil erosion was predicted, detailed protection measures were identified, and cost of some 1.70million yuan was estimated. It is concluded that with implementation of the plan the soil erosion will be under effective control and the soil erosion due to construction of the GRHP would be with an acceptable level. Annex E of the main report is a summary of the soil erosion control plan for Hongwawu Sub-project.

4.3.4 Environmental impacts during GRHP Construction

There are no national, provincial, or local natural reserves, no valuable scenery sites, no historic sites, and no any sensitive spots like schools, hospitals in project construction areas. In addition, construction activities of GRHP are mainly normal operations for normal hydropower projects, which will not have any significant environmental impacts.

According to current project construction management model in China, most EPMs during project construction will be implemented by construction contractors. In order to ensure all EPMs fully implemented during construction, systematic environmental management will be carried out during project construction with key elements as follows:

1) All the EPMs to be implemented by contractors are summarized into one document, namely "Environmental Protection Rules for GRHP Construction" (Rules). Annex D of the main report is a proposed draft such document;

2) The project PMO will finalize the Rules and put it into effect;

3) The Rules will be included in project construction contracts and in this way construction contractors would consent to implement all the EPMs required in the Rules;

4) Environmental Supervision Engineers will be employed by project EMO to environmentally supervise at construction sites contractors' construction operations to ensure actual implementation of the Rules and the EPMs.


With effective implementation of above mentioned management measures, the adverse impacts due to GRHP construction would be controlled and limited to an minimum and/or an acceptable level.

4.3.5 Environmental Impact by Transmission Lines

Currently, the actual route of the transmission lines of GRHP has not been determined. It is not possible now to conduct quantitative analysis and evaluation of the impacts of the transmission lines on environment. However, it is for sure that the power will be connected to nearby national network through an 1lOkV transmission lines. The area the transmission line may pass through has been roughly identified. In March, 2004, the EIA team made a site visit to the area. It was found that the area was actually remote mountainous area where there is no natural reserves, no scenery spots, no residential area, and no large size breeding farms. Thus, it may be concluded that the transmission line of the project would have no significant adverse impacts on environment.

An analogy analysis method was adopted to analyze electromagnetic radiation impact of the transmission lines of GRHP. The analysis results show that the maximum electric intensity at ground level adjacent to the transmission line (away 0-40m) is l.OOkV/m, lower than the pertinent standard value 4kV/m, and the intensity of electromagnetic field radiation is 0.39 I' T, lower than national standard, 0.1 mT, radio interference value at 0.5MHz is 21.9dB (A), lower than the national standard, 46dB (A). Hence, no obvious electromagnetic field radiation impact is respected when the I lOkV transmission lines are put into operation.

The EIA for transmission lines of the "Hubei Hydropower Development in Poor Areas Project" has made very detailed description on environmental protection measures for establishment of power transmission lines. Same protection measures will be followed in construction of the transmission lines of GRIIP.

4.3.6 Public Health

It is known from Section 3.4 that no special local diseases have been found in the ESA. The top five infectious diseases are Tuberculosis, Hepatitis B, diarrhea, Hepatitis A, and gonorrhea.

Due to the nature of resettlement program that some 145 people need to be relocated in nearby 8 villages in the same Yezhou Township in a way of "3&1 households"(see Section 4.2.1), no significant public health impacts on resettlers are expected.

A potential public health issue would be the increase of diseases caused through rats and mosquitoes due to the forming of reservoirs and changes of water environment, especially in the reservoir surrounding areas. EPMs have been identified in the EIA main report which will be implemented during project implementation. These EPMs include rat density monitoring, mosquito density monitoring, evaluation of variation of disease cases in reservoir surrounding areas. With those measures implemented, the impacts of the project on public health in reservoir surrounding areas would be controlled to a minimum level.

Another potential public health issue would be the break-out of infectious diseases among some 800 construction workers during construction of GRHP. Detailed EPMs have been identified and


included in the proposed Rules for project construction, including medical screen, rat and mosquito monitoring, rat and mosquito killing, medical examination, health care, food sanitary, first aid etc.. The Environmental Supervision Engineer will ensure implementation of these measures. Therefore, the potentials of break-out of infectious diseases among construction workers would be limited to a lowest level.

4.3.7 Hydrological Impacts

(1) River flow

In Zone I: for diverted water flows, as it mentioned in section 4.2.3, the flow of each stream will decrease, yet, the amount of flow only accounts for 10-30 percent of the original flow, which will not cause unacceptable impact on its ecosystem; and for the runoffs of upstream, the river flow will increase since the diverted water will flow into reservoir, which will eventually form 21 .48km2 control area of Hongwawu reservoir.

In zone III: the river flow will certainly decrease since water is to be drawn to the power plants, however, there are plenty brooks and mountain streams between Hongwawu dam and two power plants so that the river will not become dry. As assumed, these flow change will not bring about unacceptable impact in terms of acquatic creatures habitats since few are found in this section as analyzed in section

In zone VI, the river flow will decrease as well after the water is diverted to channel to the power plant, according to project feasibility study report, the average flow 6.52m3/s in the river will be broken that the lower reaches will lose its regular flow except receiving tributaries around, which will impact on water quality, and eventuall bring about a series of relevant impacts like public health, drinking water issue, and aquatic creatures issues.

The basic ecological flow is recommended to release 0.63m3/s in a regular manner to ensure that the ecosystem will maintain its water resources need in terms of its general habitats.

(2) Water Temperature

By past experience in the similar hydropower project, in the lower reaches, the water temperature will increase comparing with that of original water state during winter season, but it will decrease during summer season. Generally speaking, the water temperature in the river course after construction of the reservoir will lie to average annual temperature.

Based on the similar reservoir experience and local geographical distribution, the temperature of the reservoir bottom is very close to yearly average temperature. Thus, the average bottom temperature of Zhamushui reservoir is 9.8C .

(3) Temperature, rainfalls, humidity

The tempeature at both reservoir areas will vary due to the river course changing into quiet water so that the surface heat exchange and evaporation activity vary, and the surface water temperature increase quickly and decrease slowly.

Since the natural coarse river course become smooth water surface after the reservoir storm water, the water quantity will increase and the water surface will enlarge, the total evaporation amount


will decrease while interior evaporation amount decrease. Therefore, the closer is to the center and upstream, the less the rainfalls will become, vice versa, the rainfalls is getting more and more with the distance away from the river bank, but the overall rainfalls at reservoirs throughout the whole year is getting less and less.

It is obvious that the reservoir areas will become humid due to watershed become large so that the heat exchange areas become large to increase moisture. It is estimated that the yearly average humidity will increase 2 percent around by the past experience.

(4) EPMs

Since the river flow adjustment after the project has been suggested as 0.12m3/s for the lower reaches of Hongwawu reservoir and 0.63m3/s for the lower reaches of Zhamushui reservoir to mitigate the impacts, and other hydrological factors do not have obvious negative effects, no other environmental protection measures need to be done so far.

4.3.8 Accumulative Impacts

As it is known in the table 2.7.1-1, there are two built reservoirs on Guangrun River Basin: Sishierba and Xiaoxikou, and two projected reservoirs: Hongwawu and Zhamushui. Since Sishierba Reservoir is located on the far upstream of another tributary of Guangrun River (seen in the Figure 2.7.1-3), and Xiaoxikou is right at the end of the river. According to "Guangrun River Basin water resources program", and the past data and experiences have shown the interactive, accumulative impacts mainly refers to water resources allocation and utilization, water quality, and biological creatures' diversity especially aquatic creatures.

In conclusion, when the four reservoirs all enters into its runing stage, it will bring following obvious impacts to the whole river basin:

(1) Sigificant, positive impacts on water resources utilization;

(2) Significant, positive impacts on flood prevent;

(3) Slight negative impacts on water quality, and to Xiaoxikou reservoir, it will receive obvious negative impacts due to all projects so that it needs corresponding treatment measures;

(4) No obvious impacts on fish;

(5) It will bring obvious impact on the aquatic setting due to the river flow breaking up, yet the effect from flow interception can be mitigated if the flow adjustment is appropriate 4.4 Summary of EIA Evaluation

Table 4.4-1 is a summary table of EIA evaluations, which shows that no net adverse environmental effects are expected in GRHP if EPMs specified in the EIA are duly implemented.


4.5 Review Lessons and Experiences from Previous and Ongoing

Hydropower Projects

4.5.1 Positive experiences from ongoing hydropower projects

At least four positive experiences from ongoing hydropower projects may be kept on going in Guangrun Hydropower project in the future. They are listed as follows:

(1) The overall environmental management and supervision system was established within the project management hierarchy, an environmental management framework including environmental management and supervision organizations, environmental monitoring, institutional strengthening and personnel training was established to ensure the environmental performance of the project.

(2) The environment management framework operated with high efficiency and effective up to now, the environmental mitigation measures, management plans were incorporated into bidding documents to ensure sufficient funding prepared by the bidding contractors for these activities and the environmental management was contractual obligations to the contractors.

(3) All staffs including both administrators and general individuals are given appropriate training about environmental management to enhance and draw more attention to environmental issues, which are effective in terms of environmental training, education and advocation.

(4) Environmental investment has been put into the action to implement EPMs, including periodical health examination during construction, wastewater treatment implementation, waste disposals and solids and so on, and this has made greater progress comparing with national environmental treatment investment trend and ratios. 4.5.2 Lessons learned from ongoing hydropower projects

However, some lessons still may be leamed from ongoing hydropower projects to make improvement. The following points are quoted from the report of Hubei Hydropower projects mission in Novermber this year.

(1) Maps, the positions of borrowing sites, quarries sites, dumping sites, concrete mixing stations and Sand/gravel processing site need to be drawn, and the environmental status and the mitigation measures adopted need to be described.

(2) During different construction/or operation phases, record and file the main on-site environmental issues, updated mitigation measures adopted, and the effects achieved for each contract sections. Sieve out some best practices for site environmental management and disseminate the experience among contractors.

(3) The actual environmental protection investment inventory.

(4) If any, revision of the project components and their related safeguards works and effects need to be timely reported.

(5) The results of environmental monitoring for sensitive points need to be summarized, analyzed;

25 EIA/GRHP FINAL REPORT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY I it contains not only numerical monitoring data but also observations and recommendations on the environmental issues.

(6) Implementation of environment training plans should be followed, and environmental management and monitoring plan for the next year should be prepared.



Environmental Issues Sections of EIA report Potential for adverse Adequacy Net adverse which discuss SEI effects if not properly of EPMs environmental effects controlled

(A) Significant Environmental Issues

I.Resettlement 2.2.2, 4.2.2, 5.2.1 *** OK NNASEEs

2. Ecology 3,3, 4.2.2, 5.2.2 ** OK NNASEEs

3. Honhwawu water diversion 3.7.2, 4.2.4, 5.2.4 OK NNASEEs

4. Water quality in Zhamushui reservoir ** OK NNASEEs

(B) General Environmental Issues

1. Zhamushui dam safety 3.1.3, 3.1.4, 3.4.4 *** OK NNASEEs

2. Land use 4.2.7 OK NNASEEs

3. Impacts of project construction 3.5.2, 4.2.8 OK NNASEEs

4. Public health 4.2.9 ** OK NNASEEs

5. Transmission lines 3.7.3, 4.2.10 OK NNASEEs

6. Soil erosion 4.2.11 *** OK NNASEEs

7. Hydrology 3.2.4, 4.3.7 OK NNASEEs

8. Accumulative impacts 4.2.12 ** OK NNASEEs

9. Lessons and experiences from previous projects 4.5 OK NNASEEs

Notes: NNASEEs = No net adverse significant environmental effects if EPMs specified in EIA are duly applied.

= Major, ** = Intermediate, * = lesser impacts


Chapter 5 Project Alternatives

Basic alternatives of the project mainly include "Do nothing", other water diversion, and coal power plant.

5.1 "Do-nothing" alternative

As mentioned before, there are abundant water resources in Guangrun River Basin; yet, which are not fully developed due to lack of money. Currently, most of the power stations are run-of-river types, and power generation is not under balance during rich water period and low flow season. According to local information, the whole county is short of electric energy about 100 million kW during dry season, and this shortage is becoming larger and larger with the development of local industry and improvement of people's living standard. It is obvious that the further economy development will be greatly restrained by power supply if no more power is generated. In addition, it is unrealistic to depend upon the adjustment from the local electric network.

In conclusion, "Do-nothing " alternative is neither realistic, nor an appropriate mean in terms of long-term development in the county.

5.2 Other Water Diversion alternative

Within the scope of 30km2, according to the investigation, most of the rivers are categorized as rather small-size mountain streams with very low flow. However, some of those rivers are actually headwaters. As discussed in Chapter 2 and Section 4.2.3 there are no other spare streams to be considered for use in the area. The current diversion system ( three streams and four catchment areas ) is the only possible and a good alternative in terms of technology, cost and benefit.

5.3 Coal Power Plant Alternative

The other alternative is to use coal as resource for power generation. A detailed analysis has shown that a same capacity coal power plant will need coal of 32,100 tons/year; and various air pollutants will be discharged to the air, including CO 728.4t/year, NOx 115.5t/year, SO2 268.3t/year, dust 1284t/year, and waste solid 11,000 tons/year. On the contrary, GRHP is a clean energy project without obvious pollutants produced during operation. Therefore, with water power resources available in the county, coal power plant is obviously not adequate altemative in terms of pollution effects.

In conclusion, the GRHP is necessary and is the best alternative for the project objectives.


5.4 Dam Location Alternatives

5.4.1 Hongwawu Dam Location

According to the feasibility research report of Hongwawu Hydroproject, two dam locations were proposed as altematives. The comparison of these two locations are listed in the table 5-1.

Table 5-1 Comparison of two dam locations

Decisive fatcors Upper dam location Lower dam location

Rain catchment area (kin') 6.03 7.08

Goodwater-separation Nra odto Geological condition . . Nommal condition condition

If sliding mass no Yes, about 18-24X 104m3

If broken layer no yes

Relative wide, average Wide and slowly flat, thick Landformnmstyle coverage at both bank 600m, river bed is of ladder style

conclusion Chosen site Secondry site

Therefore, the upper dam site of Hongwawu was selected as the right one after comparing all relative factors. 5.4.2 Zhamushui Dam Location Alternatives

Same as Hongwawu Dam, two dam locations at both Lujiaping and Tianxian Bridge were set as altematives damsites. However, the upper dam Lujiaping is to be selected as right one after comparing all factors in terms of landforms, construction road, construction site, construction layout, and environmental effects.


Chapter 6 Public Consultation and Information Disclosure

During this EIA, two major methods have been adopted: one is to deliver carefully designed questionnaires to the public, and the other is to directly visit the project stakeholders.

A total of 86 questionnaires were delivered and collected. Several consultation meetings were held as shown below in Table 6-1, 6-2.

Table 6-1 GRHP public consultation meetings during project preparation

Item Activities Comments

County-level meetings 13

Local newspaper 2

Local TV news 3

Local broadcast 5

Project professional meeting 20

Table 6-2 GRHP public consultation meetings during EIA preparation

Item Times Comments

Seminars Introduce the significance and necessity of EIA to project officials, Province-level I and share how to carry EIA work

County-level 1 out.

Project organizers 2

Consultation meetings 8 To discuss technical issues, modify EIA report and schedule, WB experts and WB representatives I inviting professionals from agriculture, water resources, Provincial institutes 3 forestry, and hygiene department Local professionals 2

Farmers 4

Site investigation 4 EIA site survey

On the basis of all above results and analyses, conclusion can be drawn as follows:

Most people have known the positive impact on the local economy and social development, hence they show their great support to the project, and meanwhile they think the measures of environmental protection and management are reasonable and feasible.

A few shew their doubts to the long-term benefit from the project.

Some gave their opinions regarding how to decrease the noise effect during construction and transportation, hoping to arrange emigrants to work for the dam construction.

Some negative concem regarding wastewater pollution from coalmine have been brought out, and

30 EIA/GRHP FINAL REPORT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY the core concern is about drinking water quality in Zhamushui reservoir. In responsee to this issue, local government has promised to implement every necessary measures including order relevant coalmines close or take measures to deal with their wastewater, and finishing new water supply work as planned.

In a word, the public involvement not only shows their understanding to this project, also demonstrates what and how they concerns environmental issues like wastewater treatment, drinking water quality effect and so on. Indeed, their attitudes to this project, to certain degree, reflect their acceptance to the project and support conclusions in EIA report.


Chapter 7 Compliance with Environmental Laws and Guidelines

Table 7-1 in the main report lists the various laws/regulations of PRC, and of the World Bank requirements, and identifies the sections of the EIA report which cover compliance with the PRC requirements and World Bank guidelines. The EIA and the EMP give due attention to all Chinese Government requirements and World Bank guidelines including safeguard guidelines.


Table7- 1 Compliance With Envirornental Laws And Regulations

No. Laws and Regulazions Year of EIA Descriptions

I Constitution of P.R.C. 401 2004 Entire EIA General environmental requirements.

2 Environmental Law of P.R.C. 402 1989 Entire EIA The basis of the EIA. The EIA process should be done for projects, show EPMs approved by ______~~~~~~~~~~~~administrativedepartment. Entire EIA The basis of the EIA. The EIA process should be done for projects, show EPMs approved by 3 EIA Law P.R.C 403 2003 administrative department. According to the relevant rules of water resources development and flood control, to evaluate 4 Water Law .P.R.C 404 2002 Chapters 4, 5, 7 resettlement program, arrange stocking yards in river areas, state that land use should meet the anti-flood requirements, etc. 5Land Managcment Law of P.R.C. 405 1998 Sections 3.4, The land-use entity should pay fees of resettlement and subsidiary for lands requisitioned. 4.3.3, 4.3.2 Temporarily occupied lands should be recovered and resurfaces for erosion control. 6 Law of Prevention of Water Pollution in 406 1996 Section 3.3.1, Evaluate water pollution hazards from construction, give EPMs. ______~~~~~P.R.C. ______4.2.3, 4.2.4 ______7 Law of Prevention of Air Pollution in P.R.C. 407 2000 Section 3.3.1, Evaluate air pollution hazards from construction, give EPMs.

8 Law of Prevention of Noise and Vibration 408 1996 Section 4.3.4 Evaluate noise pollution arose by construction, give EPMs. ______~~~Pollutionin P.R.C. ______9 Law of Prevention of Solid Waste Pollution 409 1995 Section 4.3.4 Evaluate waste solid waste pollution hazards from construction, give EPMs. _ _ _ _ _ ~~~~inP .R .C . ______10 Water and Soil Conservation Law of P.R.C. 410 1991 Section 4.2.10 Give water and soil measures for erosion loss during construction. 1988 Sections 4.2.2 Evaluate adverse impact on habitants of aquatic life, and give EPMs including monitoring 11 Law of Protection of Wildlife of P.R.C. 411 plan.

12 Contasion Prevention Law of P.R.C. 412 1989 Sections 4.2.2 Evaluate adverse impact on habitants of aquatic life, and give EPMs including monitoring I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~plan.

13 Fishery Law of P.R.C. 413 1986 Sections 3.3.2, Evaluate potential effects on fishery spawning caused by project and give EPMs.

14 Law of Laborer Protection of P.R.C. 414 1994 Section 4.3.4 Construction contractors must provide workers with facilities for safety and health, and ______require periodic health_checkup. 15 Law of Urban Planning of P.R.C. 415 1989 Section 4.3.2 This law stipulates that land use must be in accordance with urban planning.


Table 7-1 Compliance With Environmental Laws And Regulations Ref. Relevant Sections No. Adminisnuave Regulacions NO. Y of EIA Descrptions

1 Environmental protection management 416 1998 Entire EIA Evaluate various potential impacts in project, and give EPMs. ordinance of construction projects 2 Rules on environmental protection design of 417 1987 Entire EIA This EIA is the basis of environment impact portion of FS. construction projects Announcement on the strengthening 3 management of the EIA for construction 418 1993 Entire EIA Public participation is important part of EIA. project with IAA loans 4 Detailed rules of implementation of the Law 419 1989 Sections 4.2.4, Water protective measures and monitoring plan have been included in EIA. of prevention of water pollution of P.R.C." 5.2.3 5 Detailed rules of implementation of the Law 420 1991 Sections 4.3.4, Air protective measures and monitoring plan have been included in EIA. of prevention of air pollution of the P.R.C." 5.2.7 6 Detailed rules of implementation of the Law 421 1989 Sections 4.3.4, Noise protective measures and monitoring plan have been included in EIA. of prevention of noise pollution of P.R.C." 5.2.8 Noise_protective_measures_and_monitoring_plan_have_been_included_in_EIA_ 7 Ordinance of implementation the protection 422 1993 Sections 4.2.3, Protective measures and monitoring plan have been included in EIA for protection aquatic life of aquatic wildlife of P.R.C. 5.2.8 habits. Ordinance of implementation the protection Sections 4.2.8, Protective measures and monitoring plan have been included in EIA for bird habitants of 8 of terrestrial wildlife of P.R.C. 5.2.8 study areas. 9 Ordinance of river channel management of 424 1988 Chapters 4, 5, 7 Evaluate dyke stability, furnish safe dyke design including EPMs.

10 Detailed rules of implement of law of water 425 1993 Sections 4.2.2, Land-using entities have the responsibility for resurfacing the borrow yards, gives EPMs. and soil conservation of P.R.C. 4.2.9,5.2.2 1 1 Detailed rules of implement of rule of land 426 1991 Sections 3.3, 4.2.2 Evaluate the current land use and impact of land resources, give EPMs. management of P.R.C. _ 12 Technical Guideline for Envirommental 427 1993 Entire EIA EIA process follows the guidelines requirements. Impact Assessment 13 Technical Guideline for Enviromnental 428 1996 Entire EIA EIA process follows the guidelines requirements. Impact Assessment-acousticenviroment l l I



14 Technical Guideline for Environmental 429 1998 Entire EIA EIA process follows the guidelines requirements. Impact Assessment-non-pollution 15 Technical Guideline for Enviromnental 430 2003 Entire EIA ElA process follows the guidelines requirements. Impact Assessment-Hydropower 16 Economic evaluation for water resources 431 1994 Sections 2.6, 6.4 Project economic and eco-economic has been carried out in EIA. developments project(SL72-94) Regulations on Resettlement and Land 17 Acquisition Compensation for Construction 432 1991 Section 4.2.1 Specifies that production and living of resettlers must be properly arranged. of Large/Middle-sized Water Resources and Hydro-electric Power Project 18 Administrative Regulations on Urban 433 1991 Section 4.2.1 Points out that people whose houses are removed must be properly compensated and ______~~BuildingRelocation ______relocated. Ration for Budgetary Estimation of Water 19 Resources and Hydroelectric Power 434 1998 Section 2.6, 6.4 These rations are to be used in budgetary estimation and economic assessment of this project. Construction Project Ration for Costs Per Working Day of 20 Machines Used in Construction of Water 435 1991 Section 5.4, 6.4 These rations are to be used in budgetary estimation and economic assessment of this project. Resources and Hydroelectric Power Project


Chapter 8 Environmental Economic Analysis

This chapter of the main report discusses environmental economics. The discussions show clearly that the environmental benefits of the project in power generation, water supply, flood control, and touring development will result in significant economic and social-economic benefits, compared to quite limited and relatively insignificant project dis-benefits. The average annual environmental loss is estimated to be 38.7 x1 04 Yuan and the average annual environmental benefit is estimated to be 53.4 x 104 Yuan with a ratio of benefit/loss of 1: 1.38. It is obvious that the benefit from this project is far greater than its loss, and the social benefit and environmental benefit is also evident. The project is for all people in the region served by the project and is not in the "rich get richer poor get poorer" category.


Chapter 9 Risk Assessment

Chapter 9 of the EIA makes a Risk Assessment evaluation for the GRHO. The assessment evaluation shows that the Project planning and design have given proper careful attention to this issue.

The biggest risk of the project would be the failure of the Zhamushui Dam, which has a height of 87m and which is only 5.5 km from the downstream Jianshi County seat with a population of 80,000, if proper measures were not taken. The risk analysis shows that with both earthquake and flood monitoring and pre-waming systems established or improved and with the emergency response plans ready before dam operation, the risk of dam failure to the 80,000 people in the county seat would be limited to a lowest and acceptable level. Anyway, the current International Panel of Dam Safety Experts for the "Hubei Hydropower Development in Poor Areas Project" needs to extend its duties to GRHP to ensure dam safety for the project.


Chapter 10 Global Environmental Issues

This section deals with Global Environmental Issues particularly Earth Warning and Biodiversity degradation. This evaluation shows that the effects of the project in these issues will be negligible.


Chapter 11 Environmental Management Plan 11.1 Introduction

Objectives and Basis: The EMP is prepared in accordance with the Environmental Assessment (EA) Guidelines OP4.01 of the World Bank and with relevant Chinese laws and regulations. The objective of the EMP is for the project PMO to implement the environmental protection measures, identified and required by the EIA, during the implementation and operation of the Project, so as to mitigate adverse environmental impacts to a lowest and/or acceptable level, and to maximize positive environmental effect potentials.

Main Features: 1) Environmental management tasks are described for each of the environmental issues identified in EIA; 2) In light of current model of project construction management in China, the environmental protection measures to be implemented by contractors are summarized and to be incorporated into construction contracts in a form of "Environmental Protection Rules for Project Construction", with its implementation being supervised by the Environmental Supervision Engineer to be engaged by the project PMO. A proposed such Rules is attached as an annex to the EMP. Therefore, detailed environmental protection measures for project construction are not described in the main text of the EMP. 11.2 Environmental Issues identified in EIA

Significant Environmental Issues: 1) Resettlement, 2) Ecology, 3) Hongwawu water diversion, and 4) Water Quality in Zhamushui Reservoir

General Environmental Issues: 1) Zhamushui Dam Safety, 2) Land Use, 3) Soil Erosion

4) Environmental Impacts due to Project Construction, 5) Power Transmission Line, 6) Public Health, 7)Hydrology, 8) Accumulative impacts. 11.3 Summary of Environmental Protection Measures

All the EPMs identified in Chapter 4 are summarized and listed by each environmental issue, including design measures, monitoring measures, management measures, and measures to be implemented by construction contractors. 11.4 Summary of Environmental Monitoring Plan

Table 11.4-1 is a summary table of the environmental monitoring program to be implemented in project implementation.


Table 11.4-1 Environmental Monitoring Plan

Environmental Contents/paramet Monitoring Work quantity (man-month) Budget (Yuan Profession issues ers locations Frequency Construction Operation Construction Operation needed Sponsor period period period period Drinking water Hosts areas Once/year 0.5 0.5 10000 10000 man-month EMO quality ______man-month______Resettlement Ensironmental Hosts areas Twice/year 1.0 10000 experth EMO survey ______man-month Resettlers' health Hosts areas Once/year 0.5 0.5 20000 10000 expmnrto0n EMO ______~~~~~man-m onth _ _ _ _ _ Ecology Species of aquatic Lower reaches Once/year 0.51 5000 10000 expert/0.6 EMO Ecology ~~creatures of reservoir Once/yarn0. Ecological status Environmental Hongwawu water survey at lower Lower reaches Once per year 0.5 1 5000 10000 expert/0.5 EMO diversion reaches man-month pH, SS, COD, Hongwawu water DO, BOD,, Oil, Reservoir and 4 times 3-5 3-5 50000 500003-5 qualty N3-N,Fluoid, Lower reaches 4tmsper year 353500 00 Technicians EM Cr6 + Turbid degree, Visible matter, pH, smell, total alkalinity, total ridigity,Chloid,Drinking water 3 Zhamushui water Solvable TSS, source/dam 4 times per year 3-5 3-5 50000 50000 3-5 EMO quality Sulfate, Nitie areas Technicians Lead, Copper, Arsenic, Total bacteria number, Total coliform number Zhamushui dam implementation Zhamushui Once per year 0.25 0.25 2500 2500 expert/0.5 EMO safety evaluation dam man-month

Land use Land use surveysurvey sitesSiesman-month Once per year 0.25 0.25 2500 2500 experth EMO soil erosion Implementation Construction Once per year 0.25 0.5 2500 5000 expertl0.5 EMO of plan sites ______man-month _4



ratsdensityR Reservoir areas Twice per year 0.5 2 5000 20000 E EMO monitornng man-month Public health safe water supply Construction Twice per year 0.5 1 5000 10000 man-month EMO Eanti-epidemic Construction Health!0.5~ EM Eanti-survey sites Once per year 0.5 1 5000 10000 man-month EMO Construction air, noise, water Construction Construction period 2 20000 decidedSE period quality sites by ESE accumulative survey and Guangrun river Once per year 0.5 0.5 5000 5000 experts/0.5 EMO effects evaluation basin prman-month _____ Transmission lines Required by local Operation period 0.5 5000 As required EMO ______E P B ______Sub-total(x 10 yuan 20.25 22.25


11.5 Technical assistance and environmental training

In order to ensure smooth implementation of the EMP, the Provincial PMO and Jianshi EMO will employ relevant experts to provide following technical assistance: 1) Environmental management in water projects; 2) Ecology Protection, 3)Public Health, 4) Annual review and evaluation of environmental monitoring data and reports;

The environmental expert in the Dam Safety and Environment Panel of Experts for the "Hubei Hydropower Development in Poor Areas Project" will visit GRHP periodically to provide technical assistance to the project.

Environmental management training classes are to be held by Jianshi PMO before project implementation. Environmental protection training classes are to be held by Jianshi PMO when contractors enter construction sites. The training classes for contractors are mainly to study and discuss implementation of the "Environmental Rules for Construction Period". 11.6 Environmental Management

Environmental Management Office: An environmental management office (EMO) will be established in Jianshi PMO to be responsible for implementation of the EMP.

Environmental Management System: When EMO is established, an environmental management system is to be formed through engagement of environmental supervision engineers, environmental monitoring institutes, and environmental consultants. Figure 11.6-1 shows the environmental management system to be formed for GRHP.

Environmental Management Reporting: During implementation of the EMP, a semi-annual environmental management report is to be prepared by the EMO, which will describe the progress in implementation of the EMP in the half year.

11.7 Environmental Management Cost Estimates

A total of 2.2 million yuan was estimated to be needed for implementation of the EMP, which has been included in overall project cost estimates. Fund for implementing the EMP would be made available with project implementation. Table 11.7-1 lists the cost estimates in GRHP.

11.8 Summary Table of Environmental Management Plan

Table 11.8-1 is a summary table of the EMP for GRHP.


Table 11. 7-1 Cost Estimates for Environmental Management of GRHP

Item Cost Estimate (X104 Yuan) EMO (administratiion) 17.5 Environmental Supervision Engineers (civil 20 Environmental Monitoring 42.5 Environmental experts 20.0 Training 60.0 EMO Facilities 40 Sub-total 200 Contingency 20 Total 220

|Provincial EI PMO | | World Bank |FJianshiPMOl

GRHP Company LGD |EMOl (Local Government Departments)

|Environmental Supervision Engineer l (Engineering and Technical)

Contractors/Construction Areas/Project Affected Areas j

[ Environmental Monitoring Civil Engineering ]

Figure 11.6-1 Environmental Management System for GRHP


Table 11.8-1 Summary of Environmental Management Plan for GRHP

No. Item Environmental management tasks Implementation Implementer Funding

I )Implement RAP as it is planned; 2)monitor drinking water quality at hosts areas; 3)take medical examination for resettlers During and PMO/RO Included in I Resettlement once before emigration,once and once a year after relocation EMO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~projectbudget after resettlement. 4)Take investigation to resettlers' environments every year, and correct problems whenever they are found;

I)keep a minimum flow of 0.63m3/s in Zhamushui river reaches.

2) ensure contractors to follow the Rules Included in 2 Ecology suggested in Annex D; Overall process EMO/CC EM budget 3)carry out annual ecological monitoring of animals and plants, and aquatic creatures in study areas.

Hongwawu Annual survey of environmental Included in 3 Water situations in areas downstream of water Overall process EMO/CC EM budget Diversion diversion works

Hongwawu Carry out surface water quality 4 Water monitoring at reservoir and lower Overall process EMO/CC Quality reaches

I )Coordinate with local govemment to ensure implementation of water pollution Zhamushui measures required by county Included in 5 water quality government. Overall process EMO/CC EM budget protection 2)Carry out water quality monitoring for drinking water supply purpose. I)set up, improve, and operate earthquake monitoring and pre-warning system;

2)set-up, improve, and operate flood Included in 6 Zhamushui monitoring and pre-warning system; Overall process EMO/CC project dam safety budget 3)prepare earthquake and flood emergency response programs; 4)use of international panel of experts on dam safety and environment. I)acquire and use land as it is planned;

7 Land use 2)take survey to evaluate actual land use Overall process EMO/CC Included in every year; ~~~~~~~~~budget 3)land reclamation after temporary use.

I )carry out "Water and Soil Conservation Program"; Included in 8 Soil erosion Overall process EMO/CC project 2)annual evaluation of implementation budget of the program


Continued I) monitor rats density and take rat killing when needed. 2) investigate public health and epidemic status in reservoir Included in 9 Public health surrounding areas, and in resettlement Overall process EMO/CC project budget areas;

3) ensure implementation of public health measures specified in the Rules by contractors. 1) prepare and issue "Environmental Management Rules"; 2) include the Rules in project contracts; Environmental 10 Impacts during 3) employ Environmental supervision Constr.uction CC Included in construction engineers; penod project budget 4) ensure implementation of environmental design measures; 4) carry out monitoring programs

_ Accumulative annual evaluate by professionals Overall process EMO/CC Included in impact actual accumulative impacts project budget I) prepare EIA report when detailed design for transmission lines are completed;

12 Tranmlines 2) adopt advanced techniques like a Overall process EMO/CC Included in kind of adjustable tower. project budget

3) use of bird protection devise on transmission lines.

Implementation carry out environmental monitoring of programs Included in 13 environmental Overall process EMO/CC environmental monitoring budget program

I )organize environmental management training before project implementation 14 Environmental Implementation Included in training 2)organize "Environmental phase PMO/EMO EM budget Management Rules" training course after contractors enter construction sites

engage pertinent professionals to provide technical assistance on project environmental management, 15 Technical ecological protection, public health, Overall process EMO/CC Included in Assistance and EM budget environmental monitoring data and report evaluation

16 Environmental Prepare quarterly environmental implementation EMO Included in reporting management report phase project budget

17 Data Data collection and file management implementation EMO Included in management phase project budget

Note: EM=environmental management




1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose and Background of EIA

This report is the main EIA report for the proposed Guangrun River Hydropower Project (GRHP), which is one of the project preparatory documents to be appraised by the World Bank for the project. The report, in both English and Chinese versions, has been prepared by the Chinese Second Navigation Design Institute (SNDI) for the Project Management Office (PMO) in May 2005. As shown in Figure 1.1-1, the GRHP is located in Jianshi County of Hubei Province, China, where a World Bank (WB) financed project, the "Hubei Hydropower Development in Poor Areas Project" (HHDP) is under implementation (2002-2008). One of the component of the HHDP, Dongping Hydropower Project, is in Xuanen County which is a neighbor county of the Jianshi County. Because of its similarity with the HHDP components, the GRHP has been approved by Hubei Development and Reform Conunittee in November 2004 to apply for use of World Bank loan savings from the HHDP. The GRHP is a small-scale comprehensive hydropower project with major objectives of power generation and water supply as well as flood control and tourism development. The project includes two small reservoirs with a total reservoir storage capacity of 29.47 million m3 and three small-sized hydropower stations with a total installation capacity of 28.0 MW. The total project cost is estimated to be 255 million Yuan. The WB supervision mission for the HHDP visited the GRHP site in November 2004. The mission required in its Aide Memoir that an EIA report is to be prepared for the project as one of the documents for WB appraisal. The SNDI was engaged by the GRHP PMO in November 2004 to prepare an EIA report for the project. This final report has been prepared with guidance and help from a World Bank environmental consultant. 1.2 Basis for EIA

1.2.1 Chinese Laws, Regulations and WB Policies Pertinent Chinese laws, regulations and WB safeguard policies were closely followed in the preparation of the report. Section 6.3 of the report, "Compliance with Environmental Laws and Polices", describes this in detail. 1.2.2 Relevant Documents for EIA Preparation This EIA report is mainly based on the following documents: (1) The EIA task assignment letter from the GRHP PMO to the SNDI. (2) "Major Suggestions on GRHP EIA Preparation" from WB environmental consultant. (3) "Suggested Outline for GRHP EIA" by WB environmental consultant. Above three documents were attached in the report as Annex B: Documents for EIA Preparation. 1.2.3 EIA Rating Category: A The WB environmental consultant, during his first visit to in the period of December 7- 16, 2004, reviewed available project documents and had detailed discussions with SNDI EIA team. In his "Major Suggestions on GRHP EIA Preparation", the consultant rated the project as Category A. The current EIA report has been prepared accordingly.


1.3 EIA Procedures and Progress

1.3.1 EIA Procedures The EIA is carried out in three stages: The first stage is preparation period. Main tasks of the stage include project data collection, preliminary project analysis, site survey, identification of significant environmental issues, and preparation of EIA outline; The second stage is a "formal working" period. Main tasks of the stage include further project analysis, site investigations, and impacts assessments; The third stage is report preparation period. Main tasks of the stage include formation of the report, identification of environmental protection measures (EPMs), deternination of environmental monitoring needs, and preparation of an environmental management plan. 1.3.2 EIA Progress In November 2004, the EIA team was set up and first site survey was carried out December 7-16, 2004, the WB environmental consultant discussed with EIA team in Wuhan on project EIA rating, major environmental issues, and EIA outline. December 2004 to February 2005, data collection and preparation of a draft EIA report. February 24 to March 5, 2005, the WB environmental consultant reviewed the draft EIA report and discussed in detail with EIA team on revisions of the draft report. From March to April 2005, second site survey was carried out and an updated draft ETA report was prepared. From April 22 to May 10, 2005, the first draft EIA report (English version) was prepared with assistance from the WB environmental consultant. From Novmber 3 to November 19, 2005, the final EIA report (English version) was modified and finalized with assistance from the WB environmental specialist. 1.4 EIA Team and Task Assignments

The EIA team members and their task assignments are shown in Table 1.4- 1.


Table 1.4-1 EIA Team and Task Assignments

Name Specialty Institute* Title Task Assignments Luo Xianqin EIA SNDI Senior Overall examination Senior Overall examination, You, Lixin EIA SNDI Senior 1,2,4.3.6, 4.2.1, 4.2.4, Engineer ~~4.3.1,6.4.3 Senior 3, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3.2,4.3.4, Han, Wei EIA SNDI ESenior 4.3.7, 4.3.8, 5, 6.1-6.3, Engineer ~6.5,7,4.3.5 Chen, Yong EIA SNDI Senior 4.2.4, 4.2.5

Wang, Weimin Wetland resource and HZAU Professor 4.2.2 environment Ma, Xufa Wetland use and HZAU Doctorate 4.2.2 environment Jin, HuiJin, Hui Wetland~environmentHZUEgne422 resources & HZAU Engineer 4.2.2 Wang, Youji Wetland resources & HZAU Graduate 4.2.2 Wang,Youji ~environment Student______Gao, Zexia Wetland resources & HZAU Graduate 6.1 ,______environment Student Liu,Fei Environmental Graduate Liu,l Fei Engineering HZUST Student Photographig, mappig Hong, Jihua EIA WHGG Engineer Overall EIA (English ______v ersio n ) Note: HZAU=Huazhong Agriculture University; HZUST=Huazhong University of Science and Technology, WHGG=Wuhan Green Garden Environmental Science & Technology Co. Ltd. 1.5 Report Organization 1.5.1 Organization of Overall EIA Report The overall EIA report consists of three parts: Executive Sunmnary, Main Report, and Annexes. An Environmental Management Plan (EMP) is included in the main report, Chapter 7. A copy of the EMP is specially made available with the overall EIA report for purposes of WB appraisal and later project implementation. 1.5.2 Major Contents of the Main Report The main report includes 11 chapters and major contents of each chapter are as follows. Chapter 1: Introduction, briefly introduce EIA purposes, background, basis, procedures, progress, EIA team, EIA organization, and references. Chapter 2: Project Description, description of project locations, objectives, components, construction arrangements and emigration resettlement program etc.. Chapter 3: Environmental Setting, identification of environmental study areas, description of physical and natural environmental resources, land use, and socioeconomic resources in the environmental study areas. Chapter 4: EIA and EPMs: the core of the report, major contents include identification of environmental issues, including four significant environmental issues and seven general issues, assessment of project impacts on each of the issue identified, identification of needed corresponding environmental protection measures. Chapter 5: Project Alternatives, discussing possible project design such as damsites, water diversion alternatives, and so on to minimize the effect out of the project. Chapter 6: Public consultation and information disclosure, describing the procedure of the


involvement of the public and analyzing the opinions from local relevant parties like residents, government, school, and organizations, so as to timely explain and solve certain unnessary problems and remove doubts from the public. Chapter 7: Compliance with environmental laws/regulations and policies, explaining the environmental laws/regulations and policies in details related to this EIA in China. Chapter 8: Environmental economic analysis, estimating the environmental loss and benefits roughly and analyzing the compresensive benefits from the viewpoints of social, economic and environmental. Chapter 9: risk analysis, discussing possible risks such as the dam collapse or the earthquake due to the construction of the project, and put forward emergency program to mitigate the possible harm or damage. Chapter 10: global environmental issues, Chapter 11: Environmental Monitoring & Management Plan, summary of needed environmental monitoring tasks and development of an environmental monitoring plan based on the findings and conclusions in Chapter 4; and including all environmental issues, EPMs, environmental monitoring tasks, institutional arrangements for environmental management, environmental consultation and training, management reporting requirements, and cost estimates for environmental management. 1.5.3 Table of Content Except a General Table of Content for the main report, each chapter of the report has its own Table of Content. 1.5.4 List of References Major references are listed and numbered as 100, 200, 300, and 400 series in Annex A: 100 series: documents related to engineering, project feasibility study reports, water resources analysis, etc. provided by design institutes; 200 series: data and documents related to EIA including domestic and international documents, especially reports for similar projects; 300 series: Background information including meeting records, county annals, yearbooks, local governmental documents; 400: Major Chinese laws, regulations, standards, and WB guidelines. 1.6 Acknowledgements

Sincere thanks are intended to Hubei Provincial PMO for "Hubei Hydropower Developing in Poor Areas project", GRHP PMO, local governments, design institutes, and local residents for their precious supports during the preparation of the report.

1 5 EIA/GRHP FINAL REPORT CHAPTER 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2 Project Description 2.1 Project Background and Location 2.1.1 Project Background Guangrun River Basin Hydropower Project (GRHP) With the consent by local and the provincial government, Zhamushui and Hongwawu hydropower plants are clustered into one project due to locating on the same river basin---Guangrun River Basin, namely Guangrun River Hydropower Project (GRHP) to apply for WB loan. Each project's background will be presented as follows. Hongwawu Sub-project As shown in Figure 2.1.1-1, the Shuibuya Hydropower Project in Hubei is a large-sized hydropower project on the Qingjiang River, one of the most important tributaries of the Yangtze River. According to the project planning, Shuibuya reservoir will submerge several small power plants in Jianshi county: the Yeshan river second-stage power plant, Yeshan river fifth-stage power plant, and Doupo first-stage and second-stage power plants, and Dali, Xing River power plants. In Chapter 9 of Feasibility Study Report on Shuibuya Hydropower Project on Qing River in Hubei Province by Changjiang Water Resource Commission (CWRC), Hongwawu Staged-hydropower plants were recommended as compensation and power recovery projects for a group of hydropower plants under submerge by Shuibuya project. In 2003, Jianshi County Water Resources Bureau completed "The Feasibility Report on Jianshi County Hongwawu Reservoir Hydropower Plant " and got approval by Enshi Tujia and Miao Minority with the document No. 2003 38 entitled as the official reply to Feasibility Report on the Jianshi County Hongwawu Hydropower Plant. In June 2004, Hubei Hydraulic and Hydropower Exploration & Design Institute completed "the preliminary design report on Hongwawu Hydropower plant". Zhamushui Sub-project The Zhamushui sub-project is a multi-purpose hydropower project with its major function in hydropower generation, water supply and additional function in flood control and tourism. In April 2001, Hubei Hydraulic and Hydropower Exploration & Design Institute took the site investigation, and finished "Feasibility Report on Zhamushui River Hydropower Plant". 2.1.2 Project Location As shown in Figure 2.1. 1 -1, generally, the GRHP is located in the northwest of Yezhou Town, Jianshi County, Hubei Province, upstream of Zhamushui River Basin. Hongwawu Reservoir seats on Hongwawu river, near Yezhou town, northwest upper stream of Majia River, 32 km away from the main county-level road Its first-stage power plant will be built at village, 19 km away from the main county-level road; its second-stage power plant will be at Xiaochayuan village, 14.5 km away from the main county-level road. Zhamushui Reservoir is at downstream of Zhamushui River, also called Guangrun River, 5.5 km away from the Jianshi County seat. The two dams and three power plants are shown in the figure 2.1.1-2.


Hong high) ham(1586m

toFirst powerstation (1230m high)

Guang v

\ 9 ~~~~~~Secondpowerstation(I111 Om high) Run all_CC C < ) \t Zhamhl Dam(71 Om high)

~~ > < |P~~~iowerstation(575m)

Water flow direction

Figure 2.1.1-2 GRHP components with two dams and three power plants Each sub-project is respectively described as follows. 2.2 Project Objectives and Expected Benefits This project is a multi-purpose project with its main function in hydropower generation and urban water supply and additional function in flood-prevention and tourism. With the completion of this project, it will produce good economic and social benefit as follows: The annual power generation will reach 89.68 million kwh, annual income is 29.972 million Yuan, annual taxes levy is 8.227 xl O4Yuan, financial income will increase by 3.871xlO 4 Yuan for government. It only takes 16 years to pay back its investment. It will also make up the shortage of the electric energy due to some power plants submerged by Shuibuya Hydropower Project, improves the quality and balance of the electricity supply during dry season. It will increases the flood control standard for Jianshi County Seat. It will ensure the quality and quantity of the drinking water for people in Jianshi county seat. The life quality of 80,000 poor people located in the project area will be improved. It can increase employment opportunity and stabilize local society. It is roughly estimated that 1500 people will find relevant jobs in the power plants and its relevant industries. It will ensure irrigation need for 3000 mu of vegetable garden in urbane area and 12,000 mu farmland in rural area. It can also cooperatively adjust and increase the electricity of the completed Xiaoxikou power station. It will play an important role in promoting the conditions of tourism development and aquatic production, improving investment environment and speeding up the pace of urbanization and industry of Jianshi county so as to realize supporting the sustainable development of local social and economic by sustainable use of water resources.



2.3 Hongwawu Sub-project

2.3.1 Sub-project Components Hongwawu sub-project is made up of dams, water convey system, water diversion system, the first-stage power plant, and the second-stage power plant, power transmission and distribution system. The detailed information is shown in Table 2.3.1-1. Table 2.3.1-1 Hongwawu Sub-project Components Project Item Components Dam Left and right dam to hold water, two-hole flood discharge sluice gate etc. water convey system Inlet structure, pressure tunnels, pressure-relief well water diversion system 7 water diversion channels Power plant system Main & secondary power houses, transformer hall, tail-water holes, transporting holes, ventilation holes Transmission and distribution Transmission line, conversion plant etc. system Rock filled dam with concrete face slab The dam crest elevation is 1586.0m, length of the dam is 516m, and the maximum height is 45.80m. Spillway The broad crest wire without sluice gate is adopted for discharging flood. The wire crest elevation is set at 1583.0 m ( normal elevation of the dam ).The Max. flow discharge is 118 m3/s at the level of the check- flood-level 1585.26m. The Discharging wire has 3 holes, and each with net width 8.0m. A transportation bridge with 6.0 m width for walkers is set on the weir. The guide walls are designed as at the both sides of the weir. The total length of the spillway is 96.22m. Water diversion tunnel It is recommended to combine water guiding tunnel with water diversion tunnel into one. The intake tunnel is set at the right bank of the dam, where the length of the tunnels should be shortest without going through the dam foundation, and the tunnel is easy to be drilled. The inlet canal is 55.7 m, then 11.6 m intake follows, and the last 207.58 m tunnel follows. A open canal follows the tunnel to carry the water into dawnstream river channel. With the completion of water diversion, the transition section will be set to connect reinforced concrete pipe culvert. The first-stage power plant It consists of reinforced concrete and steel pressure tubes, main power house, auxiliary room, voltage step-up station, 11OkV transmission work and auxiliary facilities. The second-stage power plant The water sources to generate hydropower energy at the second-stage power plant come from the combination of the tail water discharging out of the first-stage plant and local runoffs from the Zhichang River. The impulse turbine is adopted The power plant mainly consists of the main canal (connecting with the tail-water of the first stage power plant), diversion channel ( local runoff from Zhichang River), Three dynamotors will be installed and of which two is 40 MW capacities, and one is 20MW. Office building and dormitory will stands at both sides of entrance. Water Diversion Works Need for Water Diversion Because the catchment area of Hongwawu reservoir is limited, only 6.03km2, gathering water about 8.41million m3. In order to fully utilize the water reservoir of the high mountain areas, some water diversion system works have been designed to fetch water from some rivulets, such as from Dantou river, Qilibian, Laolongdong and Goujiao river, to increase the capacity of Hongwawu reservoir;


Meanwhile, in order to raise the volume of Hongwawu reservoir and increase the electric energy to the greatest degree, some seep-off water are gathered and intercepted from basins or gullies of Huoshaoyiba, Huoshaoerba, Liujiagou, and Shangcao to improve the overall economic benefit of the project. Water diversion concerns with the catchment area 25.56 km2 out of 3 counties (Jianshi, Fengjie and Wushan) of Hubei Province and Chong Qing Municipality, of which, 10.21kmn in Fengjie and Wushan County, accounting for 40 % of the total. The diversion flow is 5.18m3/s, of which, 1.90m3/s in Fengjie and Wushan county, accounting for 36.7% of the total diversion. Without the above diversion, the reservoir storage is only 8.4 1million mi3 . With the above diversion, the storage will be 19.93million m3 , and the power generation at least will increase by 2500kW.hla, and thereafter the income raise 10 million Yuan. Hongwawu reservoir diversion system Hongwawu Reservoir receives inflows from two parts: one part is the runoff from the reservoir and the other is from water diverted from streams, rainfalls and etc.. In order to obtain first-hand information, EIA team took sites investigation during 8h-12th, March 2005, with the assistance of GRHP PMO, and gathered important data listed in as follows, the diversion works are seen in Figure 2.3.1-1. A. A dam will be built on Dongpiao River ( which is called Duantou river in the upper reaches ) to receive the runoffs above the intake from the area of about 4.53 km2, which is only 30 percent of the total runoffs of Dongpiao River. In the mean time, the runoffs from the area of about 1.94km2 out of Huoshaoerba, which is only 10 percent of the total river flow will be diverted into Hongwawu Reservoir by a tunnel of 501Om in length with the Max. flowing capacity is 1.90m3 /s. B. The runoffs from the catchment area of 1.78 km2 in Goujiao River will be diverted into Hongwawu Reservoir through a 690m long tunnel with the Max.flowing capacity 0.50m3 /s, which is 10 percent of the flow of Goujiao river. C. The runoff from the area of 1.00 km2 in Liujia ditch, around 15 percent of the total flow of this ditch, will be diverted into Hongwawu Reservoir through a 340m long tunnel with Max. flowing capacity 0.30m3 /s. D. The runoff from the area of 2.07 kmn in Huoshaoyiba (Laolongdong tunnel ) and also from the area of 1.49 km2 in Shangcao, about 20 percent of its natural flow, will be diverted into Qilibian River, whose natural runoffs is 2.64km2, and then it is diverted into Hongwawu Reservoir through a 2500m long tunnel with the Max. flowing capacity 1.87m3/s. The total water receiving area from the above-mentioned water diversion works is 15.45km2 , thus the total control area of Hongwawu Reservoir is 21.48 km2. 2) Inflow from the interzone at Hongwawu second-stage plant The inflow into the second-stage power plant include two parts: one part is the tail water out of the first-stage power plant, and the other part is the spring flow diverted at Chengmentong of Zhichang river into No.2 open canal and then to the plant with the Max. flowing capacity 0.61m3 /s. (7) Power transmission line According to the local transmission network planning, one circuit 11OkV power line of Honewawu first stage power plant will be set up and connected to the generatrix of its second-stage power plant. Its total transmission distance is 4.6km. In Hongwawu 2nd stage power plant, 2 circuits 11OKV will be sent out, one for the first-stage power plant and the other for Jianshi county. The total transmission distance is 13.6km. 2.3.2 Summary of Project Characteristics The characteristics of Hongwawu sub-project are shown in the Table 2.3.2-2.


Table 2.3.2-2 Hongwawu Sub-project Characteristics Quatiy_Cmmnt No. Items Unit Quantity Comments A Hydraulic parameters I Overall river basin area km2 18.02 2 Catchment area km2 6.03 No diversion 3 Average annual runoff 104km3 2868 4 Average annual flow at dam m3/s 0.91 5 Design peak flood m3/s 132 Once in 50 years 6 Checked peak flood m3/s 174 Once in 500 B Reservoir features 1 Normal water level m 1583 2 Dead water level m 1558 3 Design flood level m 1584.78 4 Checked flood level m 1585.21 5 Maximum discharge flow at design m3/s 85.9 6 Maximum discharge flow at check m3/s 118 7 Total reservoir storage 104km3 498.1 8 Dead reservoir volume 104km3 42.3 C Main structure I Water diversion structure (1) Dongpiao River to Hongwawu reservoir Maximum diversion flow m3/s 1.95 Tunnel cross-section area mxm 1.5x2.5 Total tunnel length m 5700 (2) Liujiagou Diversion system Maximum diversion flow m3/s 0.3 Tunnel cross-section area mxm 0.6x0.6 Total tunnel length m 340 (3) Qilibian to Hongwawu reservoir Maximum diversion flow m3/s 1.87 Tunnel cross-section area mxm 1.5x2.5 Total tunnel length m 2510 2 Dam Dam type Rock fill with Dam crest elevation m 1586 Maximum dam height m 45.8 Axial length at dam top m 516 Dam top width m 6 Construction base level m 1544 Foundation features Quartz and shale

Structuregrade _ _ _ _ small(1) Earthquake cardinal intensity VI degree 3 water releasing structure Type crest spillway Crest elevation m 1583 Orifice dimension mxm 8x2.76 3 holes


Spillway horizon projection length m 96.22 Maximum discharge flow m3/s 118 Discharge per unit width m3/s 4.37 4 Intake structure for generation Intake floor slab m 1552 Design flow m3/s 2.38 Main hole intemal diameter m 2.5 5 First-stage power plant Type ground plant Flow m3/s 2.35 Concrete pipe length m 1080 Intemal diameter of the pipe m 0.85 Dimension of plant (lxwxh) m 35x11.3x10 Installation elevation m 1110.56 6 Second-stage power plant Type ground plant Flow m3/s 2.96 canal Cross-section mxm 2.3x2.24 Canal length m 870 Dimension of plant(lxwxh) m 50x 11.3x10 Installation elevation m 663.66 D Major electric equipment (I).First -stage power plant No. of unit set 2 Per unit installation capacity MW 4 Total installation capacity MW 8 (2).Second -stage plant No. of unit Set 3 Per unit installation capacity MW 2x4+l x2 Total installation capacity MW 10 E Major Quantity of Works Concrete x 104m3 3.66 2 Stone back fill x 104m3 9.14 3 Earth & stone excavation x 104m3 15.79 4 Steel t 1100 F Construction Total construction period Month 36 G Cost Estimation Static investment 104 Yuan 13206.95 Dynamic investment 104 Yuan 13734.11 H. Economic evaluation index Static investment per unit kw Yuan/kW 7337 static investment/kwh Yuan/kW h 2.21 Intemal return rate % 19.47 Net present value 104 yuan 999.72 L=18% Benefit-cost rate 1.21


2.3.3 Classification of Engineering Works According to the national standard GB50201-94 "National Flood Prevention Criterion", Hongwawu sub-project is classified as small size (1) reservoir, grade El works. Its dam and diversion works are classified as the 4sh class structures with the design of 50-year flood frequency and 500-year frequency of check flood. Its bottom railing and diversion tunnel are classified as the 5' grade structure with the flood design of 20-year frequency and 50-year frequency of check flood. The first-stage power plant is classified as small size (2), grade Li works, and its main structures and provisional structures are classified as 5th class, its power house is classified as 5th class structure with the flood design of 20-year frequency and 50-year frequency of check flood. The second-stage power plant is classified as small size (1) reservoir, grade LI works, and its main structures are classified as the 4th class,and its secondary and temporary ones are classified as the 5h class. 2.3.4 Project Layout Hongwawu sub-project consists of rock-filled dam with concrete face slab, broad crest weir spillway, diversion tunnel, first-stage plant, second-stage plant and other structures. The first stage power plant consists of reinforced concrete pipe,steel pipe, main power house and secondary power house,voltage boosting station, 110 KV power transmission line and auxiliary facilities.The second stage power plant gets the water from the tail of the first stage power plant and from the inflow of the interzone of Zhichang river. The send stage power plant consists of the main canal (following the tail water of the first stage power plant), diversion open channel (receiving inflow from the interzone of Zhichang river ), forebay, pipeline, main power house,secondary power house, voltage boosting station, 110 KV power transmission line and auxiliary facilities. Please refer Figure 2.3.4-1 for the detailed layout of Hongwawu Sub-project. 2.3.5 Project Construction (1) Condition for construction Two major roads can be used for transporting materials, equipments, and construction apparatus: one is from county town to Wushan County in Chonqin City, and the other one is from Dangyang damsite to Hongwawu Sub-project damsite or other projected power plants. It is accessible to go from first-stage plant to construction areas through Dangyang road, and it is only 19km from the first power plant to main road of the county, hence it is rather convenient in the first plant. Several roads is accessible from Hongwawu second-stage plant to other power plants of Sishierba River system, and also accessible to Dangyang damsite and the first power plant. The diversion system is generally laid along Dangyang road, but the pressure pipeline is not along roads. The condition for transportation is still acceptable. There is an open, flat and spacious place at the damsite to arrange concrete blending station, processing workshop, and living area etc. All materials like concrete, reinforcing steel bar, rolled steels can be bought at the markets in Chongqin, and oils, dynamite and all various detonators can be obtained from the local oil company and chemical company. A special power line, with lOkV, 1500 m long, will be established to provide construction utility. Water for construction can be drawn from the river. (2) Transportation Conditions It is accessible from the dam sites to outside are. The road is available from the county town to the dam site through the road of Hongdeng coal mine. The road can reach Wushan county of Chongqing City, and passes quarries both located in the upper and lower reaches of the dams. Steel,cement and machinery equipment can be deliveried into the dam site through the above mentioned roads. The wood can be obtained from Gaoyanzhi forest farm nearby.


(3) River diversion during construction The runoff of the river will be intercepted in dry season, from November to March, and then diverted away through a tunnel, and in then end back to the river at the place of lower reach. (4) Construction of the major component Major component includes dam, tunnel, all diversion system, power plant house etc. Machines will be used as the major tools for construction, and manpower as the auxiliary tools. (5) Borrow area Three borrow areas are proposed as follows: Materials storage site: an old deserted lime site with 20000m2 area in the middle reaches of the canal. The stone reserve is very rich, the stone is Devonian cryptocrystalline limestone. Tianjiaping borrow area: it is 4.8km far away from the first power plant, where some local residents already work with small-scale machines. Gangouzi borrow area: it is 4.5km far away from the second-stage power plant, with abundant limestones easily obtained, in which local peasants have been manufacturing with small-sized machine. (6) Spoil and Disposal Site According to the feasibility study report and site investigation, total disposal soils from digging, clearance, and roads construction are estimated as 5.66x 104m3, and disposal rocks 0.11 x 104m3. Hence, the total spoil quantity from construction is as 5.77x 104m3. Details regarding spoil from Hongwawu Sub-project are listed in the Table 2.3.5-1. Three spoil disposal sites will be set respectively, i.e., dam area spoil disposal site, Huangshiban spoil disposal site and Laoyinyan spoil disposal site. 5.51x10 4m3 of spoil will be produced from dam construction and shipped to the disposal site where the elevation is below1546m in the downstream of the dam. 0.16x10 4m3 of the spoil from the first power plant construction, generally from excavating open channel, diversion tunnel and forebay, will be partially put at the dam-site, and partially at Huangshiban. 0.10x 104m3 residues from the construction of second-power plant, generally from excavating diversion tunnel and daily water regulation basin will be put at Laoyinyan.


Table 2.3.5-1 Spoil from Hongwawu Sub-project unit m3

Earthworks Stone works Total Digging Utilization waste digging utilization waste Waste Dam 44337 44337 6560 6400 160 44497 Sillway 5874 5874 1474 1100 374 6248 Reservoir Intake 1705 1705 352 200 152 1857 Diversion 0 0 870 750 120 120 Roads 3402 1000 2402 2268 2268 0 2402 Subtotal 55318 1000 54318 11524 10718 806 55124 Channel 499 499 333 250 83 582 Tunnel 262 262 2362 2200 162 424 First-stage Forebay 279 279 31 31 310 power Pipeline 300 300 0 300 station Power house 1680 1680 0 420 420 0 0 Road 5400 5400 0 3600 3600 0 0 Subtotal 8420 7080 1340 6746 6470 276 1616 Tunnel 358 358 3226 3200 26 384 Second forebay 279 279 31 31 310 -stage pipeline 273 273 0 273 Power Power house 580 580 0 145 145 0 0 plant road 2700 2700 0 1800 1800 0 0 subtotal 4190 3280 910 5202 5145 57 967 Total 67928 11360 56568 23472 22333 1139 57707 (7) Overall construction layout In order to save land, be convenient for transportation and shorten shipping distance, also be good at construction and workers' life, generally, the living area and construction area are to be separated. All such facilities will be set up with concentration on the spacious place at the left bank near Dangyang village,where the road is by the side of river bank, when Hongwawu Sub-project is being constructed. 2.3.6 Investment and Construction Schedule

(1) Investment The total project investment of Hongwawu Sub-project is 14.950 million Yuan, out of which, the World Bank loan is 8 million USD, and the counterpart fund is 83.1 million Yuan. (2) Schedule The project is planned to start in January of 2006 and to be completed in three years. 2.4 Zhamushui Sub-project

2.4.1 Project Components Please refer to the Table 2.4.1 -1. Table 2.4.1 -1 Zhamushui Sub-project Components Project system Components Dam Left and right dam section to hold water, the sluice gate of two-hole to discharge flood etc. water convey system Inlet structure, pressure tunnels, surgetank Water diversion system Diversion tunnel Power plant system Main & secondary power houses, transformer rooms, tail-water holes, transporting holes, ventilation holes etc. Transmission and distribution Transmission line etc. (1) Roller Compacted concrete arch dam The dam is designed as symmetry spiral dual-curviform arch dam. The crest elevation of the dam is 664m, and the structure base level of the dam is 577m, and the height of the dam is 87m. The total concrete volume for the dam is 10.6x I0 mi3.


(2) Water release structure The overflow weir on the top of dam is designed for releasing flood, and the elevation of the discharging weir is 654.5m, and its net width is 12m with two holes. Arched steel sluice gate at the overflow weir is to be built. (3) Water convey structures Water convey system is designed to set at the left bank, and is made up of inlet structure, pressure tunnel, surge tank and etc. The total length of the system is 662.43m with the flow 17.6m3/s. (4) Power House The power house and transformer substation are set on the relatively spacious and flat land on the left bank of Zhamushui River. The main power house, auxiliary power and workshop face the road. The ground level of the power plant is 584. Im. (5) Power transmission line The rating output of the plant is 5000 kW with the total installation capacity 10000 kW. The average yearly electric energy generation is 31.0million kwh. and annually available use hours is 3100 h. A one-circuit power transmission-line with 35 kV, 8km long, LGJ-150 will be set up to join with a transformer substation at Hongtuping. 2.4.2 Zhamushui Sub-project Characteristics The characteristics of Zhamushui Sub-project are shown in the following Table 2.4.2-2.


Table 2.4.2-2 Zhamushui Sub-project Characteristics No. Items Unit Quantity comments A Hydraulic parameters I Overall river basin area km2 185.6 2 Catchment area km2 136.8 3 Average annual runoff 108m3 1.98 4 Average annual flow m3/s 6.29 5 Design flood peak flow m3/s 960 Once in 50 years 6 Check flood peak flow m3/s 1331 Once in 500 years B Reservoir features I Normal water level m 660 2 Dead water level m 638 3 Design flood level m 661.36 4 Check flood level m 662.7 5 Maximum discharge flow at design m3/s 839.16 flood level _ _ _ _ _1112.80 6 Maximum discharging flow at check m3/s 1112.80 ______~~floodlevel ______7 Total reservoir volume 104m3 2446 8 Active reservoir volume 104m3 1711 9 Dead reservoir volume 104m3 773 C Major Structures I Dam Roller compacted concrete Type arch dam Dam crest elevation m 664 Max. dam height m 87 Axes length of dam crest m 139.00 Width of the damtop m 5.0 Base level of structure m 577 Foundation features limestone Structure Classification Grade III, medium Earthquake intensity VI degree 2 Water Releasing Structure Type orifice Weir elevation m 654.5 Orifice dimension (B xH) mxm 12x6.0 2 holes Orifice horizon projection m 28.56 Maximum discharge flow m3/s 1195 Max. discharge/ unit width m3/s 49.52 3 Tunnel Inlet bottom slab m 630.00 Design diversion flow m3/s 17.6 Total length m 662.43 diameter of main tunnel m 2.8 elevation of tunnel exit m 577.70 4 Power house Type Ground Foundation features Lime stone Dimension (LxWxH) m 19xI3.5x23.9 installation elevation m 577.70 5 Substation . area( LxW) m 19x17.3 D Major Equipment Unit set 2 capacity per unit MW 5 Total installed capacity MW 10 D Quantityof Construction I concrete ( normal) 104m3 3.66 2 Compacted concrete 104m3 9.14 3 Earth & rock cut 104m3 15.79 4 Steel t 1100


E Construction Total construction period Month 36 F Capital Estimation Yuan Static investment 104 12193.82 Yuan Dynamic investment 104 13198.43 Yuan G Economic evaluation index Static investment per kw Yuan 11708 Static investment per kwh Yuan 3.545 Intemal rate of return % 12.84 Net Present value 104 378.58 Yuan Benefit-cost rate 1.04 2.4.3 Engineering Works Classification Zhamushui dam and its structures are all classified as grade i: structures with design flood 50 years frequency and check flood 500 years frequency. Its hydropower plant is classified grade [I structure with design flood 50 years frequency and check flood 100 years frequency. 2.4.4 Project Layout Zhamushui Sub-project is composed of roller compacted concrete dual-curviform arch-dam, the water releasing structure on the dam body, left bank diversion tunnel, left inlet channel and evacuation holes, power houses and outside transformer sub-station,etc.The layout of Zhamushui Sub-project is shown in Figure 2.4.4-1. 2.4.5 Project Construction (1) Condition for construction From Jianshi county seat to Zhamushui damsite, there are acceptable roads to meet the needs of transportation during construction. Major construction materials are cement, coal ash, steel, oil, dynamite and woods, and etc, which can be bought from the market, but sand and rock can be obtained locally. Water for construction can be drawn from the river, and local electric net will supply power during construction. (2) River Diversion for construction Zhamushui river hydraulic data shows that the dry season happens between October and April, and flood season happens between May and September. Thus, during construction, the way of river diversion will be settled according to different seasons by use of cofferdam, diversion tunnel and dam body. (3) Transportation The transportation during construction will be relied on road and river. The 5.5 Km long road from Zhamushui to the county seat need to be repaired to meet heavy traffic requirement. Inside construction yard, the provisional road will be built generally on the left bank with 5 km long, 7.5 m wide and paved with crushed stone. (4) Quantities of Works

Table 2.4.5-1 Zhamushui Sub-project Ma or Quantity of Works

Tunnel ac Normal Compacted Steel Curtain Joints Item exxcvathon filackBigging concrete Concrete 432 Grouting Grouting (x104m3) (x 104m3) m3 3)(in) (m2)

Dam 7.93 0.11 I33522 I70370 432 8000 I3000


Howuse 1.44 4000 4689 269

Diversion 0.47 0.85 5082 93.4 tunnel Sum 9.84 0.96 4000 43293 70370 794.4 8000 3000

(5) Borrow area In the project area, natural sands and rocks are not available. It is necessary to cut the mountains to obtain these materials. The proposed borrow area is located at the upstream of the left bank, 400m away from the dam site, where the elevation is 700m; The rock is hard and strip-shape limestone of Cambrian period.. The base rock is exposed. The rock processing site is near the left shoulder of the dam,where the elevation is 720m. The Max. monthly exploration is 20650 m3 , which can meet 75m3/h concrete blending capacity for three shifts daily. (6) Spoil and Disposal Site According to the feasibility report and site investigation, the total spoil from the project construction and resettlement by digging, clearance, and roads construction,etc. are estimated as 26X 104m3 ,which will be put in the proposed spoil disposal sites in the downstream of the dam with land 2.25 ha. occupied. Very few spoil will be produced from resettlement, for the relocated houses are not concentrated in one site and the excavation are generally balanced with the back fill. (7) Overall construction layout Considering the geographic condition, construction layout is mainly arranged on the left bank. The living quarter, steel and form-board processing workshop and warehoused are arranged by the side road and near powerhouses where the elevation is between 580m to 600m. The sand and rock processing site and concrete batching & mixing plant are set up by the left dam should area where the elevation is at 720m. The temporary construction area is 6850 m2, out of which, the area of the living quarter and offices is 4500m2 in total and workshop area is 2450m2. 2.4.6 Investment and Schedule

(1) Investment The total investment of Zhamushui Sub-project is estimated as 13.198 million Yuan, out of which the World Bank loan is 7 million USD, and local counterpart fund is 71.426 million Yuan. (2) Schedule The reservoir will be completed in 3 years. The total implementation duration of Zhamushui hydropower subproject is 3 years, out of which, 9- month is for preparation, 22-month is for major works and 5-month is for follow-up works. 2.5 Reservoir Submerge and Resettlement

2.5.1 Quantity of the Reservoir Submerge The submerge quantity of Hongwawu and Zhamushui reservoirs is shown in the following Table 2.5.1-1.

Table 2.5.1 -1 Inundation Impacts in Hongwawu Reservoir and Zhamushui reservoirs

No. Itemn Unit Ql i Hongwawu Zhanushui Total


I Affected residents Households/residents 37/149 169/699 206/848

A resettler Households/residents 30/124 20/84 50/208

B Lose lands Households/residents 7/25 149/615 156/640

2 Land submerged mu 429.8 1783.8 2213.6

A farmland mu 336.3 1222.6 1558.9

B uncultivated mu 85.5 547 632.5 C Land for Construction mu 8.0 14.2 22.2 In Hongwawu Sub-project, 37 households with 149 people will be affected, out of which, 30 households with 124 people will be moved out and 7 households with 25 people will be re-arranged with farmland. The land submerged is 429.8 mu, out of which, the farmland is 336.0 mu, the land for building is 8.0 mu, and the unused land is 85.5 mu. In Zhamushui Sub-project, 169 households with 699 people in total will be affected, out of which, 20 households with 84 people have to move out, and 149 households with 615 people will be re-arranged with their farmland. The land submerged is 1783.8 mu, out of which, 1222.6 mu is farmland, 14.2 mu is the land for building and un-used land is 547.0 mu. 2.5.2 Resettlement Plan In the project area and nearby, some farmers have gone, but their houses and land ( farmland and forest land ) are available and can be used for the resettlers. The township resettlement office is going to make investigation on such information, and these houses and land will be requisitioned for resettles.The available houses and land will be made open to the public for the resettlers to chose.It is preliminarily decided that the resettlers will be arranged in 8 villages around the reservoirs areas in Yezhou Town. The detailed plan is shown in Table 2.5.1-2. Table 2.5.1-2 Plan on resettlement and land allocation Relevant towns, village sgroups, and emigr Its,and land allocation resettlers in total . Land allocation Town Village Group No.of resettler (acre) 145 Yezhou 5 17 14.5 Qilipin 6 5 4.3 subtotal 22 18.8 5 12 10.2 Jinyindian 10 4 3.4

Subtotal 21 17.9 Polashu~~~ 51am 5 4.34.3 Polahuqa9 5 4.3 oaoshupn10 5 4.3 Subtotal 15 12.9 9 17 14.5 91 5 4.3 Hongtupin ~12 5 4.3 subtotal 27 23.1 2 5 4.3 Heiyuquan 5 4 3.4 subtotal 9 7.7 1 4 3.4 Maoshupin 2 4 3.4 Maoshupin ~ ~8 12 10.2 Subtotal 20 17.0 Luojiaba 2 6 5.1 4 5 4.3

______9 5 4 .3


Subtotal 16 13.7 5 15 12.8 Yangmaotou Subtotal 15 12.8 Total 145 123.9 2.6 Land Occupation

During the project construction, there are two kinds of land occupation: one is permanent one due to reservoir inundation and structure establishment as the dam, plants and etc; the other is temporary during construction. 2.6.1 Permanent Land Occupation The details are shown in Table 2.6.1-1. Table 2.6.1-1 Permanent land occupation in Hongwawu and Zhamushui unit: mu Item Submerged areas Construction areas subtotal farmnland woodland Construction land Un-used land subtotal farmland woodland Hongwawu 429.8 74.3 262.0 8.0 85.5 228.7 80.6 148.1 Zhamushui 1783.8 321.7 900.9 14.2 547 84.7 13.5 70.2 Total 2213.6 396 1162.9 22.2 632.5 313.4 94.1 218.3 2.6.2 Temporary land occupation The details are shown in Table 2.6.1-2. Table 2.6.1-2 Temporary Land Occupation in Hongwawu and Zhamushui Unit :mu

Village Total Farmland Woodland Subtotal Paddy field Dryland Subtotal wood Shrubbery Dangyangba 8.0 2.0 2.0 6.0 6.0 H Sharnu 11.0 5.0 5.0 6.0 5.0 1.0 Sub-total 19.0 7.0 7.0 12.0 11.0 1.0 Qilipin 21.0 10.0 6.0 4.0 11.0 11.0 Note: H=Hongwawu; Z=Zhamushui 2.7 Guangrun River Basin Plan

Guangrun River is one of the third-level tributary of Yangtze River, the second-level tributary of Qingjiang River, and the first-level tributary of Mashui River. The River Basin is shown in the figure 2.7.1-1, and the position of GRHP in the "big" picture of the river Basin is shown in the figure 2.7.1-2. The Guangrun River has abundant water resources with theoretical potentiality over 600MW and exploitability 500MW. Because Guangrun River basin is relatively small basin, it has no separate river basin plan. Thus, the development of Guangrun River is based on Mashui River Plan approved by the Enshi prefecture in 1999, in which 4 reservoirs and 8 power plants have been planned, as listed in Table 2.7.1-1 and shown in Figure 2.7.1-3. Table 2.7.1-1 Reservoirs and power plants in Mashui River Basin Progam

Reservoir 4capacity Power plant Installation capacity Year of ReservoirReservor Name(Xl0Name M) Poe(patMW) programmed/built Sishierba 1140 1-4 levels 15.26 1976 Hongwawu 498.1 1-2 levels 18 2008 Zhamushui 2448 Zhamushui power 2008 Zhainushui2448plat I______2008 __ Xiaoxikou 6440 Xiaoxikou Power 30 1999 plant



Hongwawu River Rivt (6 big Mashui power stations) Three Gorges Dam River 127km total in


Guangrun Prverobvice River ae

Legend RItrvoir Peer plant

Figure 2.7.1-2 GRHP Location in the "Big Picture" So far, the completed reservoirs and power plants include Sishierba reservoir, which locates at 4 upstream of Xipiao River, with its four stages power plants. Its reservoir capacity is 1140 X 10 3 and the total installation capacity is 15.26MW. The scheme was put into operation in 1976. Xiaoxikou reservoir was built in 1999, it is located at downstream of Mashui River, with storage capacity 6440x 104m3 and total installation capacity 30MW. GRHP is being under planning, which includes two reservoirs and three plants with the total installation capacity 28MW. GRHP is one of important components of Mashui River Basin Program. According to program, Hongwawu scheme is projected to mainly generate electric power, and then serve breeding aquatics, and Zhamushui scheme is projected to serve for water supply, and then for power generation and flood control.


3 Environmental Setting in Study Area

In this chapter, the study areas of EIA firstly defined, and then the study areas' environmental settings is described. This chapter covers four aspects as: physical environment, environmental quality and ecological environment, land use, and social environment.

(1) Physical environment: referring to climate, topography and physiognomy, geology and earthquake, hydrology, mineral resources, natural protected areas, tourism and cultural relics and historic sites etc.

(2) Environmental quality and Ecological environment: environmental quality covers water quality, atmospheric and acoustic environment; ecological environment covers terrestrial creatures and aquatic creatures etc.

(3) In order to emphasize the significance of the land, it is singled out to address.

(4) Social environment: covering social development resources, life level demonstrated by social and economic parameters, public establishment and health. 3.1 Environmental Study Area

According to the characteristics of this project, the overall environmental study area of this project is seen in the Figure3.I -1; and it can be divided into 8 impact areas as shown in the Figure 3.1-2. 3.1.1 Reservoir Catchment Area

Reservoir catchment area includes two impact zones: Impact Zone I refers to Hongwawu reservoir: the runoffs from the upstream of the Majia river above the dam with the area of about 6.03km2 and the water diverted from gullies with the catchment area of 15.45 5km2, such as from Duantou river, Dongpiao river, Huoshaoyiba, Huoshaoerba, Shangcao, Goujiao river, Liujia gully, Qilibian river, Zhichang river. The total catchment area is about 21.48 km2 .

Impact Zone IV refers to Zhamushui rese