SOUTH COMMUNITY COUNCIL Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday, 7th June 2016 At Chapel.

Apologies: Cllr. Mrs. G. Wilson-Butterworth (family bereavement) Cllr. Ms. D. Kettle. Present: Cllr. Mrs. W. Sime, Cllr. G. Williams, Cllr. J. Gurr, Cllr. P. Jones, Cllr. J. Blanchard, Cllr. Mrs. R. Coathupe-Fox, Cllr. Mrs. B. Wynn, Mrs. R. Bettis, Mrs. L. Houston (Clerk) 1. Declarations of Interest There were none. 2. Minutes of the last meeting. These were agreed to be a true record of the meeting and were duly signed by the Chair. 3. Matters arising.  Item 3.3 - County Borough Council will supply and empty a litter bin and this has been ordered, to be placed on wasteland on the eastern side of the brook.  Item 10a) - Streetscene will provide an additional sign for The Cadney, but needed to know its exact location. This will be on Cadney Bank Road, on a piece of waste land on the corner of the right hand turning, where there is already a bus stop and post box. The Chair had thought all councillors had a copy of the map of the Maelor South district, but as this was not the case Cllr. Mrs. Coathupe-Fox volunteered to make copies, to be distributed at the next meeting. 4. Police report. No report was received. There was a discussion about the deployment of the Police helicopter on several occasions during the early hours of the morning over Penley. 5. County Council Matters. No report was received. 6. Open Forum. No-one attended. 7. Penley Playground. WREN require more information with the grant application:  A Service Level Agreement between the Council and Mr. Gerald Williams was required for grass cutting and general maintenance work.  A letter from MSCC, confirming that the Council will pay the third party contribution is required.  Technical information regarding the recycled benches is required.  In addition to the Facebook petition which has been set up, a paper petition for residents to sign is required. This is so that non-Facebook users are not alienated.  It was agreed that a space for a wheelchair would be included in the planned seating area. 8. Website. Cllr. Mrs. Coathupe-Fox confirmed that minutes of meetings are placed on the website each month. 9. Streetscene

a) Bettisfield.

 The Vehicle Activated sign has recorded a new top speed of 83mph.

 A resident has emailed the Canal and River Trust to complain about the inconsiderate and often dangerous parking of cars by canal users. It was agreed that the clerk would also email CART to explain the concerns of the Council. Cllr. Blanchard will contact Mr. Howard Griffiths of CART to try to find a solution to the problem.

 Dog fouling along the towpath is also becoming a bigger problem and it was agreed to request that proper bins were placed along the towpath. b)Penley

 It was reported that trees in the corner of the park need to be cut back because they are growing over the garage rooves. Mr. G. Williams will be asked to do this work, as this is the responsibility of the Council.

 The blockages in the grids are worse because they have not been cleared and now are filled up with silage. Clerk to report again, emphasising the Council’s concerns over flooding.

10. Planning


P/2016/0301 – an outbuilding to be used as a milking parlour at Avenue farm, Bettisfield. There were no objections.

Decisions – Application P/2016/0340 Red Hall Lane, Penley. Granted.

11. Village projects

a) Bettisfield

Bettisfield is a popular area for walkers, who are attracted by the canal. It was suggested that a fitness trail could be installed, possibly with the support of the Canal and River Trust. n conjunction with the Canal and River Trust. b)Penley Further discussions took place regarding the maintenance of waste land bordering the Morris Homes development. 12. Meetings attended by councillors. No meetings had been attended this month. 13. Payment of bills.

JDH Business Services £144.00 Audit. Cheque number 000712 Proposed by Cllr. Mrs. Coathupe-Fox. Seconded by Cllr. Mrs. B. Wynn. Mrs. L. Houston £584.19 Clerk’s salary Cheque number 000713 Claim checked by Cllr. Mrs. Sime. Proposed by Cllr. Mrs. Coathupe-Fox, seconded by Cllr. Mrs. B. Wynn.

Mrs. B.Wynn, £10.00 for Penley Planter. Cheque number 000714 Proposed by Cllr. Mrs. Coathupe-Fox, seconded by Cllr. Blanchard.

Audrey Hughes £3.00 for planter. Cheque number 000715 Proposed by Cllr. Mrs. Coathupe-Fox, seconded by Cllr. Mrs. Wynn.

Mr. Gerald Williams £150.00 Grasscutting in Penley Cheque number 000716 Proposed by Cllr. Jones, seconded by Cllr. Gurr.

Mrs. C. Long £5.96 for Bettisfield planter plus £3 owed in error from last year. Cheque number 000718 Proposed by Cllr. Jones, seconded by Cllr. Blanchard.

Mr. F. Simkiss £31.60 Flowers around Bettisfield sign. Cheque number 000719 Proposed by Cllr. Mrs. Coathupe-Fox, seconded by Cllr. Gurr.

Mrs. L. Houston £72.10, Clerk’s expenses. Cheque number 000720 Signed as correct by Cllr. Mrs. Sime. Proposed by Cllr. Gurr, seconded by Cllr. Mrs. Coathupe-Fox.

14. Income and Expenditure since the last meeting.

Treasurer’s Account Date Credits Debits Paid to/from Balance c/f 10,118.70

6.05.16 125.00 Penley Defibrilator 9.993.70 Chq. No. 000702 Fund 12.05.16 115.97 WCBC, Street light 9,877.73 Chq. No. 000708 maintenance 16.05.16 122.72 Scottish Power 9,755.01 Chq. No. 000709 23.05.16 110.00 G. Williams, 9,645.01 Chq. No. 000710 grasscutting. 25.05.16 20.00 S. Hills 9,625.01 Chq. No. 000711 Funeral donation

Business c/f 9,483.61 Instant Access Account Interest 0.36 9,483.97

It was reported that the Maelor South Community Council accounts have been audited by JDH Business Services, with two recommendations: 1) The Council should update their financial regulations. 2) The Council should refer to the publication ‘Governance and Accountability for Local Councils in – A Practitioner’s Guide 2011’ for guidance in carrying out its risk assessment. These items will be placed on the agenda for the July meeting. Councillors unanimously agreed that the Annual return for the year ended 31st March 2016 could be signed by the clerk and the Chair. Cllr. Mrs. Coathupe-Fox agreed to scrutinise the bank statements. 15. Correspondence.  Invitation to ROSPA Training Course from Clerk to Penycae Community Council. Clerk to confirm that Maelor South Community Council would like a place on the course.  Request from Businessline at Wrexham Library for advertising opportunities for their service.  Invitation to attend General Introduction to Planning training at Mold on 29th June.  Invitation to hold Dementia Awareness session. It was felt this was not needed. 16. Co-option of new councillor for Penley. Mrs. Rebecca Bettis would be interested in filling this vacancy. 17. Any Other Business. Cllr. Mrs. Sime asked if any councillor would be willing to take on the Chairmanship. Cllr. Gurr stated that he was willing to take over, but suggested a rolling programme where each Councillor takes on the responsibility for one year. Cllr. Mrs. Sime resigned as Chairperson of Maelor South Community Council. Cllr. Jones proposed and Cllr. Blanchard seconded that Cllr. Gurr should be Chair with effect from 1st July 2016. This was unanimously accepted. Clerk to inform Electoral Services at WCBC of this change.

Cllr. Jones proposed a vote of thanks to Cllr. Mrs. Sime for the excellent service she has given to the Maelor South Community Council during her time as Chairperson.

There being no other business, the meeting closed at 9.01p.m.