Biological Resources Data

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Biological Resources Data County of Solano – Solano360 Specific Plan Draft EIR Appendix C: Biological Resources Data Michael Brandman Associates H:\Client (PN-JN)\2085\20850018\EIR\5 - Draft EIR\20850018_Sec99-00 Appendices Title Page and TOC.doc County of Solano – Solano360 Specific Plan Draft EIR C.1 - Special-Status Species Wildlife Table Michael Brandman Associates H:\Client (PN-JN)\2085\20850018\EIR\5 - Draft EIR\20850018_Sec99-00 Appendices Title Page and TOC.doc Summary of Special-Status Wildlife Species Review Listing Status Scientific Name Period of USFWS/CDFG/ General Habitat Description Potential for Impacts Common name Identification WBWG Invertebrates Fishes Oncorhynchus mykiss FT/—/— Central Coast rivers and streams from the None. NA Russian River south to Aptos Creek, The relatively small amount of aquatic Central California Coastal supporting cold, deep waters with dense habitat adjacent to the project site does not steelhead overhanging vegetation and gravelly support suitable habitat for steelhead. bottoms. Also occurs in the Pacific Ocean. Furthermore, Rindler Creek and Blue Rock Creek have never been known to support the species. The nearest known occurrence of steelhead occurred approximately 4 miles northwest of the site in the 1990s. Hypomesus transpacificus FT/SE/— Endemic to the Sacramento Delta from the None. NA Suisun Bay through the Delta in Contra The creeks adjacent to the project do not Delta smelt Costa, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Solano support suitable habitat for Delta smelt. and Yolo counties, saline to brackish The closest known occurrence of the waters. species occurred approximately 4.5 miles west of the site. Pogonichthys macrolepidotus —/SSC/— Current distribution limited to the San None. NA Francisco Bay Delta, Suisun Bay and The creeks adjacent to the project do not Sacramento splittail Suisun Marsh, Petaluma River and Napa support suitable habitat for the Sacramento River, and most abundant in the splittail. The closest known occurrences Sacramento-San Joaquin estuary. Adults of the species were recorded in 1995 in generally found in brackish waters and egg White Slough, approximately 3 to 4 miles laying happens in freshwater areas subject west of the project site. to flooding. Listing Status Scientific Name Period of USFWS/CDFG/ General Habitat Description Potential for Impacts Common name Identification WBWG Amphibians Rana draytonii FT/SSC/— Preferred habitat includes lowlands and Moderate. January to September foothills in or near permanent or late- Rindler Creek and Blue Rock Creek offer (survey time to California red-legged frog season sources of deep water with dense, potentially suitable, albeit marginal, observe all life stages) shrubby, or emergent vegetation. habitat for the California red-legged frog. However, the species is also know to There is 1 CNDDB-recorded occurrence occur in stock ponds with emergent of the species within approximately 0.5 vegetation. mile of the site (on a reach of Rindler Creek that occurs in the foothills to the east of the site). There are another 9 recorded occurrences within 5 miles of the site, all occurring in foothill habitat. No frogs were observed onsite during reconnaissance surveys. Rindler Creek passes under I-80 between the closest sighting and the site. Reptiles Actinemys marmorata —/SSC/— Associated with permanent or nearly Moderate. February to October permanent water in a wide variety of The aquatic features adjacent the project Pacific pond turtle habitats. Requires basking sites. Nests area support potentially suitable, albeit sites may be found up to 0.5 km from marginal, habitat for the Pacific pond water. turtle; however, there are only 4 CNDDB- related occurrences of the species within 5 miles. Furthermore, none were observed during the reconnaissance visit to the site. Listing Status Scientific Name Period of USFWS/CDFG/ General Habitat Description Potential for Impacts Common name Identification WBWG Birds Elanus leucurus —/CFP/— Rolling foothills and valley margins with Low Year Round scattered oaks and river bottomlands or While the project area supports suitable February to August White-tailed kite marshes next to deciduous woodland. foraging habitat for the white-tailed kite (breeding) Open grasslands, meadows, or marshes for and moderate nesting habitat (tall, mature foraging close to isolated, dense-topped trees), no obvious stick nests were trees for nesting and perching. observed during the reconnaissance survey. There is only 1 CNDDB-related occurrence of the species within 5 miles of the site from 1995. Circus cyaneus —/SSC/— Winter resident throughout most of the Low Year Round state; year-round in the Central Valley and The project site supports marginally February to August Northern harrier Coast Range. Forages in marshes, suitable foraging habitat for the northern (breeding) grasslands, and ruderal habitats; nests in harrier, and nesting habitat (tall grasses in extensive marshes and wet fields or which to make ground nests) is absent. grasslands. There is only CNDDB-related occurrence of the species approximately 5 miles southeast of the project. Buteo Swainsoni —/ST/— The largest population breeding within Low. Year Round California is located in the midsection of The site supports marginal habitat, at best, February to August Swainson’s hawk the Central Valley in the area between for the Swainson’s hawk. Furthermore, (breeding) Sacramento and Modesto, and in the there are no known occurrences of the northern San Joaquin Valley. Swainson’s species within 5 miles of the site. hawks construct their nests in a wide variety of trees species, existing as riparian forest, remnant riparian trees, planted windbreaks, shade trees at residences and along roadsides, and solitary upland oaks. Forages over a open grasslands and crops, especially alfalfa. Listing Status Scientific Name Period of USFWS/CDFG/ General Habitat Description Potential for Impacts Common name Identification WBWG Aquila chrysaetos —/SSC,CFP/— Breeds on cliffs or in large trees or Low. Year-round electrical towers, forages in open habitats. The project area supports only marginally February to August Golden eagle suitable foraging and nesting habitat for (breeding) the golden eagle. However, no obvious stick nests were observed during the reconnaissance survey. There are 2 CNDDB-recorded occurrences within 5 miles of the site. These observations occurred in the foothills to the east of the site where more highly suitable habitat occurs for the species. Laterallus —/SSC,CFP/— Inhabits salt marsh vegetation occurring None. NA jamaicensiscoturniculus between the high tideline and the upland Neither the site nor its surroundings shore, dominated by pickleweed, salt grass support suitable habitat for the California California black rail and sedges. black rail. Railus longirostris obsoletus FE/SE, CFP/— Found in the ecotone between mudflats an None. NA higher vegetated zones mainly around the The site does not provide suitable habitat California clapper rail San Francisco Bay. Forages on a variety for the California clapper rail. There are 4 of organisms including mussels, clams, historic CNDDB observations within 5 arthropods, snails, worms, fish and even miles west of the site. mice. Breeds March-July. Required emergent wetland vegetation (e.g., pickleweed, cordgrass, bulrush) for cover. Athene cunicularia —/SSC/— Open, dry annual or perennial grasslands, Low February to August deserts and scrublands characterized by No ground squirrel burrows (preferred (breeding) Burrowing owl low-growing vegetation. Subterranean nesting habitat for the owl) were observed September to January nester; dependent upon burrowing onsite during the reconnaissance survey in (wintering) mammals (e.g., California ground April 2011. There are two historic (1979) squirrel). CNDDB observations of burrowing owls within 5 miles of the site. Listing Status Scientific Name Period of USFWS/CDFG/ General Habitat Description Potential for Impacts Common name Identification WBWG Geothlypis trichas sinuosa —/SSC/— This species is found in a variety of Low. Year-round habitats including woody swamp, brackish The project site does not support dense Saltmarsh common yellowthroat marsh and freshwater marsh, and occupies stands of rushes, juncus or peppergrass the ecotone between the moist and upland preferred by the saltmarsh common conditions support dense rushes, yellowthroat. No yellowthroats have been peppergrass and juncus.. Breeds March – observed onsite. There are 8 CNDDB July. occurrences of the species within 5 miles of the site. Melospiza melodia maxillaries —/SSC/— Inhabits tidal marshes in Suisun Bay with None. NA dense vegetation (e.g., cordgrass, The site does not support suitable habitat Suisun song sparrow pickleweed and gumplant – also Scirpus for the Suisun song sparrow. and Typha). Breeds March – July. Melospiza melodia samuelis —/SSC/— Inhabits tidal salt marshes in San Pablo None. NA Bay. The San Pablo song sparrow The site does not support suitable habitat San Pablo song sparrow requires dense vegetation (e.g., cordgrass, for the San Pablo song sparrow. There are pickleweed and gumplant) for nesting and 5 historic CNDDB occurrences within 5 perching sites, and to act as cover from miles west of the site. predators. Breeds March – July. Agelaius tricolor —/SSC/— Colonial species, most numerous in central Low. April to July valley and vicinity. Largely endemic to The project area does not support dense Tricolored blackbird California. Requires open water, protected freshwater emergent vegetation;
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