West Africa’s mining industry A rising mining market emerges in a challenging global context TABLE OF CONTENTS Ghana.......................................................p116 This report was researched and prepared by Mali...........................................................p122 Global Business Reports (www.gbreports.com) for Guinea.......................................................p126 Engineering & Mining Journal. Editorial researched and written by Ana Maria Miclea and Razvan Isac. For more details, please contact
[email protected]. Cover photo courtesy of Engineers & Planners. A REPORT BY GBR FOR E&MJ JUNE 2014 MINING IN GHANA Ghana West Africa’s most revered mining jurisdiction By now, the fact that Ghana is West Af- neighboring countries, nor is it dramatically to successfully leverage the foreign invest- rica’s most mature and developed mining richer in resources than other promising ju- ments made into Ghana’s mining industry jurisdiction should not be news to any se- risdictions such as Cote D’Ivoire or Burkina in recent times. rious, informed mining stakeholder. More- Faso. Although its 539 km coastline gives In fact, Rocksure International took only over, the fact that Ghanaian mining is it the edge against countries such as Mali, five years to go from an equipment rental virtually synonymous with Ghanaian gold this asset can hardly be considered a deci- company to a full-fledged mining contrac- mining should not startle anyone either. sive differentiator in a region where Togo, tor, with over 200 staff. “It has been a From the distant times of the legendary Benin, The Ivory Coast, Guinea, Sierra Le- very exciting journey so far […] Rocksure Ashanti Kings and their gold, to present- one, and Liberia also have ocean-access.