
Postgrad Med J7 1996; 72: 109-112 C) The Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine, 1996 Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.72.844.109 on 1 February 1996. Downloaded from The risk of severe following the ingestion of topical medicaments or

Thomas YK Chan

Summary The main objective of this retrospective Apart from isolated reports of severe study was to assess the risk of severe salicylate salicylate poisoning after ingesting an poisoning amongst patients who had self- unusually large amount of a medicinal poisoned themselves with topical medicaments oil, there are no published data on the or aspirin tablets. threat arising from attempted suicide with topical medicaments containing Patients and methods or oil com- pared with aspirin tablets. In this retro- The Prince ofWales Hospital is the sole general spective study, the admission plasma teaching hospital in the New Territories East, salicylate concentrations and clinical Hong Kong, serving a population of about 1.2 presentations were compared in 80 sub- million in 1994. Also situated in this region are jects who had taken aspirin tablets two Vietnamese refugee camps. (n = 42) or topical medicaments (n = 38). From January 1991 to December 1993, all The proportions of subjects being symp- patients admitted to our general medical wards tomatic were similar in the two groups. with a history of salicylate ingestion were Although the admission plasma salicylate included in the study. They were identified concentrations were generally higher in from our previous studies of the pattern of subjects who had ingested aspirin tablets, acute poisoning4'6'7 or the registry of requests the two highest readings (4.3 and 3.5 for plasma salicylate measurements. Patients mmol/l) belonged to two of the subjects who had taken unknown /antipyr- who had taken topical medicaments. etics but with undetectable plasma salicylate Because of its liquid, concentrated form concentrations (< 0.1 mmol/ 1) were excluded. and lipid solubility, methyl salicylate The hospital records of these patients were poses the threat of severe, rapid-onset reviewed. Demographic data and information salicylate poisoning. The toxic potential regarding agents used, clinical features, treat-

oftopical medicaments containing meth- ment given and outcome were noted. The http://pmj.bmj.com/ yl salicylate or wintergreen oil should be identification of the agents responsible was fully appreciated by both physicians and based on the history from the patient/ the general public. witnesses, labelling on the containers and/or the clinical features. For patients who had Keywords: salicylate poisoning, poisoning, topical concomitantly taken more than one agent, only medicament, methyl salicylate, aspirin that could be attributed to salicylates were considered. on September 29, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Salicylate poisoning remains a common prob- Results lem in many Western countries with an app- reciable morbidity and mortality." 2 This is due Eighty patients who had ingested various kinds largely to the ready availability of aspirin and of aspirin tablets (n = 42) or topical medica- the frequent occurrence of salicylates in unex- ments containing methyl salicylate or winterg- pected sources such as cold and allergy reen oil (n = 38) were studied. The main preparations, oil of wintergreen, reasons for self-poisoning included emotional for rheumatism and ointments for psoriasis.3 upset, social crisis and physical illness. The more serious incidents in adults normally Psychiatric assessment indicated that three of occur following the ingestion of large doses of the patients who had ingested tablet formula- aspirin in its various formulations - solid, tions were suffering from anxiety and/or Department of Clinical soluble, sustained release and liquid prepara- depression. Pharmacology, The tions. As can be seen in table 1, most ofthe Chinese Chinese University of In Hong Kong, aspirin and other analgesics subjects included in this study had taken Hong Kong, Prince of accounted for 10-18% of the adult cases of aspirin tablets, whereas most ofthe Vietnamese Wales Hospital, self-poisoning admitted to the Prince of Wales subjects had taken topical medicaments. Sub- Shatin, New Hospital during 1988 to 1991.4 Topical jects who had taken aspirin tablets tended to Territories, Hong Kong medicaments containing wintergreen oil or present with mixed overdosage involving other TYK Chan methyl salicylate were involved in about half of or chemicals. Six ofthe subjects from the the patients who were suspected to have topical medicament group went missing within Accepted 5 September 1995 ingested salicylates.5 48 hours of admission. The two groups were 110 Chan

otherwise comparable with regard to age, time The plasma salicylate concentration in rela- lapsed between ingestion and admission to an tion to the time of ingestion is shown in the

emergency department, the use of gastric figure. Twenty-four subjects were excluded Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.72.844.109 on 1 February 1996. Downloaded from lavage or ipecac, the proportion having symp- because the test was not requested (n = 1), the toms of salicylate poisoning and duration of time of ingestion was not known (n = 6) or hospital stay. The alleged amounts ofaspirin or plasma salicylate concentrations were below salicylates ingested by the two groups of subj- 0.1 mmol/1 (n = 17). In the 11 patients who ects are summarised in table 2. had two or more measurements (six had taken aspirin tablets), the highest plasma level was used for analysis. Subjects who had taken aspirin tablets tended to have higher plasma salicylate concentrations than subjects who had Table 1 Clinical details of 80 subjects who self-poisoned themselves taken topical medicaments, although the two with two different formulations of salicylates subjects with the highest levels belonged to the Tablets Topical medicament latter group. (n = 42) (n = 38) Urinary alkalinisation8 was considered neces- sary in the two patients with moderate to severe Men:women ratio 8:34 7:31 of after Chinese subjects 39 (93%) 4 (10%) symptoms salicylate poisoning inges- Vietnamese subjects 2 (5%) 34(90%) ting 30 'Anacin' tablets (plasma salicylate con- Age (years) 22 (15-80)* 22 (15-86)* Ingestion-admission intervals (h) 3 (0.5-48)* 3 (0.5- 16)* Mixed overdosage 27 (64%)** 10 (26%)t 5.0 Gastric lavage/ipecac 32(76%) 29(76%) Plasma salicylate levels (mmol/ 1) o 4.5 not requested 1 (2%) 0 E <0.1 4(10%) 13(34%) E 4.0 0.1-1.0 13 (31%) 18(48%) c 1.1-2.1 16(38%) 5 (13%) .° 3.5 1- ~~0 > 2.2 8 (19%) 2(5%) 3-0 Severity ofsalicylate poisoningtf c4 o no symptoms 17(40%) 13(34%) 0 0 mild 24 (58%) 24 (64%) 20O -8 °00 80 o moderate to severe 1 (2%) 1 (2%) Duration ofstay (days) 2 (1 -4)* 2 (1 -5)* 0 Outcome (%) C 1-5 found missing 0 6 (16%) _co discharge against medical advice 3(7%) 1(3%) 02.00 transferred to other units 2(5%) 1(3%) E<, 0-5 -o home 37 (88%) 30(79%) L 0 *Medians and ranges. **Other agents included or paracetamol- 85 lo 15 2 30 35 40 45 50 containing drugs (n = 13), hypnotics (n = 7), (n = 7), Chinese proprietary Hours after ingestion medicines (n = 4), tricyclic antidepressants (n = 2), antacids (n = 2), and household products (n = 2). tOther agents included alcohol (n = 4), antibiotics (n = 3), Figure Plasma salicylate concentration in relation to paracetamol (n = 2), and household products (n = 2). ttSymptoms including , the time ofingestion in 56 subjects who had taken http://pmj.bmj.com/ , tinnitus, deafness, sweating, hyperventilation and respiratory aspirin tablets (0, n = 36) or topical medicaments (0, alkalosis/. n = 20).

Table 2 The alleged amounts of aspirin tablets or topical medicaments ingested by 80 subjects Dosageform Quantity on September 29, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Tabletformulations (n = 42) Cortal (n = 21) 10tab = 8; 11-20 = 11; > 21 = 1;NK = 1 Anacin (n = 8) 10 tab = 3*; 11 -20 = 2; > 21 = 2; NK = 1 Aspirin**(n =4) 10 tab = 1; > 21 = 1; NK = 2 (n= 1) 11-20tab= 1 (n= 1) 11 -20 tab = 1 Unspecified (n = 7) 11 -20 tab = 1; > 21 =2; NK= 4 Topical medicaments (n = 38) White Flower Medicine Oil (n = 22)t < 10 ml = 5; 11 -20 = 2; > 21 = 2; NK = 13 Red Flower Oil (n = 5) 11 -20 ml = 1; NK = 4 Axe Brand Universal Oil (n = 1) 11-20 ml = 1 Black Man Oil (n = 1) NK= 1 Unspecified medicated oils (n = 9) < 10 ml = 1; 11 -20 = 2; > 21 = 2; NK = 4 NK = not known. *One subject also took two aspirin tablets. **The strength of the tablet was not specified. tOne subject also took an unknown amount ofan unspecified medicated oil. Cortal (acetylsalicylic acid 500 mg, 30 mg), Anacin (aspirin 400 mg, caffeine 32 mg), Coricidin (chlorpheniramine 2mg, acetylsalicylic acid 388.8 mg, caffeine 32.4 mg), Excedrin (acetaminophen 250 mg, aspirin 250 mg, caffeine 65 mg). White Flower Medicine Oil (wintergreen oil 40%, crystal 30%, eucalyptus oil 18%, 6%, lavender oil 6%), Red Flower Oil (wintergreen oil 67%, turpentine oil 22%, cinnamic aldehyde 5%, leaf oil 4%, citronella oil 2%), Axe Brand Universal Oil (methyl salicylate 15%, menthol crystals 20%, eucalyptus oil 15%, 12%, camphor 5%), Black Man Oil (wintergreen oil 28%, turpentine oil 70%, crystal 1 %, citronella oil 1 %). Salicylate poisoning 111

centration 1.9 mmol/l seven hours post- fatal,"4 although the in adults is ingestion) or an unknown amount of 'Red estimated at 30 m1.'4"15 Ingestion of 100 ml of

Flower Oil' (4.3 mmol/1 at 11.5 hours). One one brand of 'Red Flower Oil' (methyl Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.72.844.109 on 1 February 1996. Downloaded from patient who had taken a salicylate content not known) has been reported and 'Cortal' was initially managed in the inten- to cause severe salicylate poisoning (initial sive care unit because ofrespiratory depression plasma salicylate level 9.6 mMol/1).'6 The toxic and aspiration pneumonia. One patient who potential of topical medicaments may also be had taken aspirin with an antitussive due to other ingredients such as camphor and also required admission to the intensive care turpentine oil. unit. One patient who had taken paracetamol Apart from the isolated report mentioned and 'Cortal' was given a full course of intra- above,'6 there are no published data on the venous N- because of a toxic threat to the average parasuicide patient who plasma paracetamol concentration. had ingested topical medicaments compared Ten patients discharged themselves prem- with aspirin tablets. To quantify this relative aturely or disappeared from wards before their risk, the dose of salicylates ingested must be symptoms had completely subsided. The known. However, such information was not remaining 70 patients made a complete available in many of our patients who had recovery. ingested topical medicaments. There might be several different manufacturers of products of Discussion the same or similar brand name. Some products are available in several different size packs, eg, Methyl salicylate or wintergreen oil is an 2.5 to 60 ml in the case of 'White Flower important cause ofacute salicylate poisoning in Medicine Oil', but the size of the bottle Hong Kong.5'7 This is due largely to the ready involved was seldom specified. availability of a wide range of topical medic- In this study, the proportions of subjects aments used in the self-treatment ofconditions having symptoms were similar in the two such as musculoskeletal and the common groups (table 1) although the plasma salicylate cold. The lack of a waming in the package concentrations (figure) were generally lower in inserts may also have contributed to their subjects who had ingested topical medic- popularity in deliberate self-poisoning.9 aments. However, as two of these patients also In salicylate poisoning, the dose ingested and had the highest plasma salicylate concentra- the age of the patient are the most important- tions, the potential dangers from these prod- factors which determine severity.3 Classification ucts, particularly those with a high methyl of toxicity (asymptomatic, mild, moderate, salicylate content, should not be underes- severe) may be made on clinical observation of timated. the patient and plasma salicylate concentra- Two factors may possibly explain why severe tions. Neurologic disturbances such as con- poisoning was not seen more frequently fusion, delirium and coma are the best clinical amongst subjects who had taken topical indicators of severe poisoning.10 They usually medicaments. Many of the subjects in the occur when metabolic acidosis is the dominant

acid-base abnormality and are due to reduced http://pmj.bmj.com/ ionisation of and a shift of salicylate from plasma into the brain.'0 Dom- Management ofsalicylate inant metabolic acidosis is most common in poisoning'8 young children, who are, therefore, more likely * gastric emptying if > 4.5 g taken by an adult to experience serious intoxication at relatively or > 2 g by a child within 4 h low plasma salicylate concentrations. * activated charcoal Methyl salicylate poses the threat of severe, * measurement ofplasma salicylate rapid-onset salicylate toxicity because of its concentration in those with symptoms on September 29, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. * arterial gas analysis in those with severe liquid, concentrated form." To put into per- poisoning or high plasma salicylate spective the danger of this compound, one concentrations teaspoon of wintergreen oil (98% methyl * supportive measures salicylate) is equivalent to approximately * enhanced elimination ofabsorbed salicylate 7000 mg of salicylate or 21.7 adult aspirin (325 mg) tablets.'2 However, in view ofits lipid Minor toxicity (plasma salicylate concentrations < 350 mg/ 1 (2.5 mmol/i) in children and , methyl salicylate is expected to be <450 mg/i (3.3 mmol/1) in adults): increase more toxic than aspirin."3 Ingestion of as little oral fluid intake as 4 ml in a child and 6 ml in an adult have been Moderate toxicity (plasma salicylate concentrations 350-700 mg/i (2.5-5.1 mmol/l) in children and 450-700 mg/i Features ofsalicylate poisoning'0 (3.3-5.1 mmol/i) in adults): repeated doses of activated charcoal plus urinary alkalisation * common: nausea, vomiting, tinnitus, deafness, sweating, hyperventilation, respiratory Severe poisoning (the presence of CNS features alkalosis/metabolic acidosis including delirium, extreme agitation, * uncommon: coma, ,hypoglycaemia, confusion, coma and convulsions, the presence hypokalaemia, gastrointestinal haemorrhage, ofacidaemia or plasma salicylate concentrations fluid retention, pulmonary oedema, >700mg/i1(5.1 mmol/l): correctacidaemia, respiratory distress syndrome, cerebral repeated doses of activated charcoal, consider oedema, renal failure haemodialysis 112 Chan

topical medicament group (predominantly refugees) disappeared from wards shortly after Summary/learning points

admission. These subjects might have swall- Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.72.844.109 on 1 February 1996. Downloaded from * because ofits liquid, concentrated form and owed only a small amount in order to come to lipid solubility, methyl salicylate poses a hospital, from where they could escape. The threat of severe, rapid-onset salicylate amount ingested obviously depended on the poisoning size of the bottle available to the subject at the * the toxic potential oftopical medicaments time of self-harm. 'Red Flower Oil' poses a containing methyl salicylate should be fully greater threat than 'White Flower Medicine appreciated Oil' as it has a higher methyl salicylate content ( > 60% vs < 40%)9,16,17 and is available only in Box 3 bottles of > 60 ml. The toxic potential of topical medicaments containing methyl salicylate or wintergreen oil 10 ml) may help to reduce the threat of serious should be fully appreciated by both physicians salicylate poisoning. and the general public. Including an adequate warning in the package insert and restricting I wish to thank my colleagues at the Prince of Wales the sizes of the bottle available (eg, to under Hospital for allowing me to study their patients.

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