
ISSN 2692-4374

Pharmaceutical Sciences | Review Article

Different techniques for Analysis of , , Sodium and : Review Article

Mahmoud M. Sebaiy1*, Sobhy M. El-Adl1, and Amr A. Mattar1&2

1 Medicinal Chemistry Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, Zagazig University, Zagazig, 44519, Egypt.

2 Pharmaceutical Medicinal Chemistry Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, Egyptian Russian University, Badr City, Cairo 11829, Egypt.

*Аuthоrcоrrеspоndеncе: Е-mаil: mmsеbаiу@zu.еdu.еg; sеbаiуm@gmаil.cоm.Tеl: 01062780060. Fаx: 0552303266

Submitted: 27 April 2020

Approved: 11 May 2020

Published: 14 May 2020

How to cite this article:

Sebaiy MM, El-Adl SM, Mattar AA. Different techniques for Analysis of Aspirin, Caffeine, Diclofenac Sodium and Paracetamol: Review Article. G Med Sci. 2020; 1(1): 013-031. https://www.doi.org/10.46766/thegms.pharma.20042701 Copyright: © 2020 Mahmoud MS. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unre- stricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Early treatment of is of a great importance as unrelieved pain can have profound psychological effects on the patient, and acute pain that is poorly managed initially can degenerate into , which may prove to be much more difficult to treat. It is important to assess and treat the article,mental weand will emotional shed the aspects light on of different the pain waysas well of assome its physicalanalgesic aspects. monitoring Although and therapyanalysis isusing a mainstay different of techniques pain treatment, in addition physical to methodsthe most such as physiotherapy (including massage and the application of heat and cold), , and drug monitoring are also very valuable. In this review recommended combinations of our cited drugs for pain relief. INTRODUCTION

According to British National Formulary: can be divided into three broad classes: non- (e.g. par- acetamol and Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), (e.g. phosphate ‘weak’ and ‘strong’) Non-opioidand adjuvant (e.g. Analgesics[2]: antidepressants and antiepileptics)[1]. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(NSAID)

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are a group of structurally unrelated organic acids that have anal- gesic, anti-inflammatory, and properties. NSAIDs are inhibitors of the , and so directly inhibit the biosynthesis of and from . There are 2 forms of cyclooxygenase (COX),COX-1, which is the constitutive form of the enzyme, andCOX-2, which is the form induced in the presence of inflammation.Inhibition of COX-2 is therefore thought to beresponsible for at least some of the , anti-inflammatory, and antipyretic properties of NSAIDs whereas inhibition of COX-1 is thought to produce some of their toxic effects, particularly those on the gastrointestinal tract. Most of the NSAIDs currently available for clinical use inhibit both COX-1 and COX-2, although selective COX-2 inhibitors such as are now available. NSAIDs 13 Different techniques for Analysis of Aspirin, Caffeine, Diclofenac Sodium and Paracetamol: Review Article are used for the relief of mild to moderate pain, minor fe are used in severe acute and chronic pain, including can disorders such as , rheumatoid ,- diamorphine are also used as antitussives, althoughthe- brile conditions, and for acute and chronic inflammatory lattercer pain. two Some are usually opioids reserved such as for codeine, use in morphine, terminal lung and juvenile idiopathic arthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis. Indomethacin and some other NSAIDs are used to close somedisease. of Somethese opioidmay also analgesics be used such in higher as dosesas and the its andpatent rheumatic ductus arteriosuspain, and insome premature are used neonates. in ophthalmic Some congeners are used mainly as adjuncts to anaesthesia; NSAIDs are applied topically for the relief of muscular sole anaesthetic drug. Opioids can produce physical de- preparations for ocular inflammatory disorders. Aspirin pendence and withdrawal symptoms if suddenly stopped. is considered to be an NSAID, although it also has other They are also subject to abuse. Aspirinproperties. and other salicylates On the other hand, caffeine has been used with the aim of whetherenhancing caffeine the effects enhances of non-opioid the effect and of opioid analgesics in the but is of debatable benefit. There are similar doubts about adverse effects and in large doses can itself cause head Aspirin and other salicylates have analgesic, anti-inflam- treatment of ; it may also add to gastrointestinal matory, and antipyretic properties. Like other NSAIDs, - they are inhibitors of the enzyme cyclooxygenase; how- 1.ache. Aspirin (Acetylsalicylic acid) ever, aspirin (though not the non-acetylated salicylates) ylatesirreversibly are used acetylates for the the relief enzyme of mild whereas to moderate other NSAIDs pain, minorcompete febrile with conditions,arachidonic and acid for for acute the active and chronic site. Salic in-

- flammatory disorders such as osteoarthritis, rheuma- rubefacienttoid arthritis, preparations juvenile idiopathic for the relief arthritis, of muscular and ankylos and- ing spondylitis. Some salicylates are applied topically in rheumatic pain. Aspirin also inhibits platelet aggregation Molecular Formula: H and is used in cardiovascular disorders. Non-acetylated 9 8 salicylates do not have antiplatelet activity. 4. Paracetamol and other para-aminophenols Chemical name: C O

M.Wt: 2-(Acetyloxy)benzoic acid.

Paracetamol is the principal para-aminophenol derivative Mode of180.2. Action and uses: Salicylate; in use. and have generally been re- placed by safer analgesics. Paracetamol has analgesic and non-se- elucidated,antipyretic propertiesbut may be and due weak to inhibition anti-inflammatory of activ- lective cyclo-oxygenase inhibitor; antipyretic; analgesic; ity. The mechanism of analgesic action remains to be fully Characters:anti-inflammatory. used for the relief of mild to moderate pain and minor fe synthesis both centrally and peripherally. Paracetamol is Appearance: White or almost white, crystalline pow - brileOpioid conditions. Analgesics[2]: - Solubility:der or colourless crystals. and codeine and their derivatives as well as synthetic Slightly soluble in water, freely soluble in Opioid analgesics include the morphine ethanolMelting (96 point: per cent). substances with agonist, partial agonist, or mixed agonist ate analgesics refers only to those opioids derived from Storage: About 143 °C. and antagonist activity at opioid receptors. The term opi- cotic analgesics has legal connotations and is no longer MethodsIn of an determination: airtight container. opium, or their semisynthetic congeners. The term nar- used as analgesics, and morphine is the standard against Pharmacopeial methods: used pharmacologically or clinically. Most opioids are British pharmacopeia[3]: treatmentwhich all other of less opioid severe analgesics pain, and are are compared. often combined Opioids such as codeine or are used in the with non-opioid analgesics such as aspirin, other NSAIDs, or paracetamol. More potent opioids such as morphine In a flask with a ground-glass stopper, dissolve 1.000 g 14 in 10 ml of (96 per cent) R.Add 50.0 ml of 0.5 Different techniques for Analysis of Aspirin, Caffeine, Diclofenac Sodium and Paracetamol: Review Article

M sodium hydroxide. Close the flask and allow to stand or by Chromatographicultraviolet spectrophotometry[11]. methods: for 1 h. Using 0.2 ml of phenolphthalein solution R as indicator, titrate with 0.5 M hydrochloric acid. Carry out 1.2. a blank titration. nation of aspirin, caffeine, and acetaminophen by using a Chromatographic method for the simultaneous determi- H 11 ml of9 0.58 M sodium hydroxide is equivalent to 45.04 mg of C O4 duplex column having aqueous solutions of sodium bicar- United States pharmacopeia[4]: bonate and sulfuric acid as immobile phases on a Celite support was determined[12]. phenytoin as an internal standard, the solvent was then evaporatedAspirin can beunder extracted reduced with pressuredichloromethane then the using residue me- Place about 1.5 g of Aspirin, accurately weighed, in a flask, add 50 ml of 0.5 N Sodium hydroxide VS, and boil the mix- ture gently for 10 minutes. Add phenolphthalein TS, and reconstituted and analyzed by high performance liquid titrate the excess sodium hydroxide with 0.5 N sulfuric chromatography (HPLC)[13]. acid VS. Perform a blank determination.

9H8 In rat whole blood, aspirin and were extract- Each mL of 0.5 N sodium hydroxide is equivalent to 4 ed from acidified whole blood into a 50/50 v/v ethy1ac- 45.04 Other mg methods of C O of. determination: uumetate/butylchloride was evaporated, organic the dried solvent residue system was reconstituted containing withinternal mobile standard phase then and organicseparation extract by ion under suppression partial vac re- 1.1 Spectrophotometric methods: - verse phase on a 5 µm octyldecasil and column with de- nol and volumes of aspirin samples were micropipetted tection by UV absorbance at 280 nm was performed[14]. Aspirin was determined by dilution with anhydrous etha- Determination of aspirin and slicylic acid in human plas- directly into the cuvette as required by an auto-controlled ma by column-switching liquid chromatography using microstirrerin which a blank of anhydrous ethanol was on-line solid-phase extraction by using C18 extraction used as reference[5]. column and a mixture of water-methanol- acetonitrile-or- tion of aspirin and salicylic acid concentrations in human thophosphoric acid as a mobile phase was reported[15]. Folin-Ciocalteu reagent was used for determina- Simultaneous determination of aspirin and isosorbide plasma[6]. 5-mononitrate in formulation by reversed phase high in aspirin tablets was determined by second derivative pressure liquid chromatography by using a Thermo A method for determination of aspirin and salicylic acid orthophosphoricQuest C18 column acid) was wasperformed used throughapplying in which a mixture chlor of water-methanol (water pH adjusted to 3.4 using dilute spectroscopy by using ethanol containing 1% citric acid - as a solvent[7]. zoxazone as internal standard[16]. pharmaceutical tablet preparations was performed by Simultaneous analysis of aspirin and salicyclic acid in Sensitive estimation of aspirin and its three metabolites in rat plasma by LC–UV using on-line solid-phase extrac- leasttwo multicomponentsquare algorithm and UV-spectrophotometric an assay procedure based methods on tion with methylcellulose-immobilized anion-exchange utilizing principal component regression and classical restricted access media was reported[17]. thophosphoric acid, methanol, and acetonitrile as a mo second derivative spectroscopy was developed[8]. bileAn Agilent phase Zorbaxwas used XDB for column simultaneous and a mixture determination of 0.2% or of- - Simultaneous determination of and aspi- rin binary mixture in their combined tablets by derivative aspirin and esomeprazole magnesium in combined tab- and ratio derivative spectrophotometry was reported[9]. lets by ultra performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) deine and caffeine drug percentages in standard and Sinha[18]. et al The estimation of paracetamol, aspirin, , co- troscopic method was developed in which the absorption ,[19]developed a validated stability indicating some formulated commercial dosage by using a UV-Spec- HPTLC method for determination of aspirin and clopi- dogrel in combined by using TLC aluminum maxima of drugs were found to be (244.8 nm, 238 nm, plates precoated with silica gel 60 F254 as the stationary 220.6 nm, 278 nm and 272.6 nm) respectively, by using phase and carbon tetrachloride-acetone (6: 2.4, v/v) as deionized water: acetonitrile (90:10 v/v) as solvent[10]. the solvent system.

The estimation of paracetamol and aspirin in mixtures A method for determination of aspirin and its major me- was estimated by non-aqueous potentiometric titrimetry tabolites in human urine by gas chromatography–mass 15 Different techniques for Analysis of Aspirin, Caffeine, Diclofenac Sodium and Paracetamol: Review Article

Methods of determination:

spectrometry by extraction through solid phase C18 car- Pharmacopeial methods: 1.3tridges Miscellaneous was developed[20]. methods: British pharmacopeia[3]:

anhydrous acetic Fluorescent determination of aspirin by using core-shell acid R R and cadmium telluride quantum dot-imprinted polymers was Dissolve toluene0.170 g Rwith heating in0.1 5 ml M perchloricof acid, developed[21].Electrochemical sensor for the simultaneous determina . Allow to cool, add 10 ml of tion of caffeine and aspirin in human urine samples by 20 ml of . Titrate with using edge plane pyrolytic graphite electrode was devel- determining0.1 M theperchloric end-point acid potentiometrically.

8H - 1 ml of is equivalent to 19.42 mg of 10 4 2 oped[22]. UnitedC N O States. pharmacopeia[4]: veloped for determination of aspirin and caffeine in which theA highly sensor sensitive was fabricated voltammetric on a glassysensor carbonmethod electrode was de- Method:

Chromatographic modified with a composite film of poly (4–vinylpyridine) Mode: and multiwall carbon nanotubes[23]. DetectionLC at Aspirin and omeprazole were determined by using nano- UV 275 nm magnetite/glutamine/carbon based electrochemical sen- Column:

sor in presence of sodium dodecyl [24]. 18 Flow rate:4.6-mm x 15-cm column C 2. Caffeine Injection size:1 mL/min

10 µL Other Methods of determination:

2.1. Spectrophotometric methods:

Paracetamol, caffeine and were deter- Molecular Formula: H 8 mined by means of a single flow-through UV multiparam- . 10 4 2 Chemical name: C N O H eter sensor (a multiparameter-responding flow-through system with solid phase UV spectrophotometric detec- 1,3,7-Trimethyl-3,7-dihydro-1 - tion (a multiparameter optosensor))[25]. purine-2,6-dione. reacts with M.Wt: Two3+ methods2+ : Spectroscopic derivative and2+ reduction of 194.2. Fe to Fe by paracetamol, the resulting Fe Mode of Action and uses: 1,10-phenanthroline to give a soluble orange-red com- plex in medium were used for determination Central nervous system of aspirin and caffeine in their tablet formulation[26]. .Characters: Simultaneous kinetic determination of paracetamol and Appearance: White or almost white, crystalline pow caffeine by H-point standard addition method based on difference in the rate of oxidation of these compounds - with Cu(II)-neocuproine system and formation of Cu(I)– Solubility:der or silky, white or almost white, crystals. neocuproine complex was reported[27]. ric method was settled for simultaneous determination of SSparingly soluble in water, freely soluble in paracetamolA simple, specific, and caffeine accurate in and pure precise form spectrophotometand in their phar- boiling water, slightly soluble in ethanol (96 percent). It dissolves in concentrated solutions of alkali benzoates or ® - Meltingsalicylates. point: maceutical formulation commercially known as Panadol Extra . H-Point assay has been used in simultaneous de- 234 °C to 239 °C. termination of both drugs without prior separation[28]. 16 Different techniques for Analysis of Aspirin, Caffeine, Diclofenac Sodium and Paracetamol: Review Article

paracetamol and caffeine in tablet formulation was re column with mobile phase con Simultaneous spectrophotometric determination of ramine in bulk and marketed formulation in which they - used a reversed-phase C18 - ported using simultaneous equation method and Q-ab- sisting of acetonitrile, methanol and 10 Mm phosphate sorbance equation at isobestic point[29]. buffer (16:22:62,v/v/v) (pH of buffer 2.5 ± 0.02, adjusted silica with ortho phosphoric acid). The flow rate was 1.0 ml/ Simultaneous determination of paracetamol and caffeine min and eluents were determined at 280 nm. by flow injection solid phase spectrometry using C18 gel as a sensing support was determined[30]. A reversed phase high performance liquid chromatogra- were determined from commercial pharmaceutical prod consistingphy (RP-HPLC) of chlorpheniramine method was successfully maleate, developed for Aspirin, paracetamol, caffeine, and chlorpheniramine hydrochloride,the simultaneous paracetamol determination and caffeine of quaternary in pharmaceu mixture - column using ucts using principal component regression (PCR) and - partial-least squares (PLS) regression[31]. tical preparation using an Inertsil ODS C18 0.05M dibasic phosphate buffer: acetonitrile (93:07; v/v) Principal component regression (PCR), partial least as the mobile phase. The flow rate of the mobile phase squares (PLS) and artificial neural networks (ANN) were was adjusted to 1.5 ml/min[40]. usedin the spectrometric multi- component assay of any drug containing paracetamol and caffeine[32]. RP–HPLC method was developed for the simultaneous estimation of acetaminophen and caffeine by using RP18 Green coffee was extracted with 70% ethanol aqueous so- Column, flow rate 1 ml/min and a mobile phase of metha- lution; then the solution was analyzed by spectroscopy in nol -distilled water (30:70, v/v)[41]. which caffeine and chlorogenic acids were analyzed[33]. by second and third order derivative spectrophotom Simultaneous determination of caffeine, paracetamol and Caffeine content was determined in cola, coffee and tea ibuprofenby capillary in electrophoresis pharmaceutical with formulations conductivity by detection high-per- - formance liquid chromatography with UV detection and etry[34]. methods for determination of caffeine content in tea and was described[42]. Development of HPLC and UV/Vis spectrophotometric Determination of paracetamol, propyphenazone and caf- instant coffee brands found in the Kenyan market was de- feine in pharmaceutical formulations by HPLC was per- veloped[35]. formed on a Gracesmart C18 column using the mixture of Sonali S. Bharateand Sandip B. Bharate, water and 2-propanol in the ratio of 80:20, v/v as mobile spectrophotometric and chromatographic assay for de [36]developed phase. The pH of aqueous phase was adjusted to 3 with - 1% o-phosphoric acid and a flow rate was maintained at termination of acetylsalicylic acid and caffeine in bulk and 1.5ml/min[43]. commercial tablets. 2.2. Chromatographic methods: KHChromatographic determination of acetaminophen and caffeine was performed on a C18 column using a 0.01M 2SO4 and acetonitrile as mobile phase (85:15, v/v) at a Paracetamol, caffeine and dipyrone were separated and flow rate of 1 ml / min with UV detection at 265 nm[44]. 8 column by isocratic Caffeinewas eluted and with vitamin an isocratic B6 were solution estimated of phosphate in energy drinksbuffer determined using a µ-Bondapack C 18 by HPLC using Phenomenex C column in which the HPLC elution with a flow rate of 1 ml/min. The mobile phase composition was 0.01 M KH2PO4 – methanol – acetonitrile (50 mM, pH 3.0) and methanol (60:40, v/v) at a flow rate - isopropyl (420: 20: 30: 30, v/v/v/v) and spec- of 1.0 mL/min[45]. trophotometric detection was carried out at 215 nm[37]. col taneous determination of paracetamol and caffeine in The chromatographic separation of caffeine and some Chromatographic method was developed for the simul- 18 tablet formulation in which the mobile phase consisted drugs was achieved using a Waters Acquity UPLC C - quadrupoleumn. The mobile mass phasespectrometric consisted detection of acetonitrile was operated and wa- ter (containing 0.1% formic acid) (15:85, v/v). The triple ofmethanol-buffer (70:30, v/v) ratio. The buffer consists of equal volume of 0.01 M ortho phosphoric acid and 0.01 by positive electrospray ionization. Phenacetin was cho- Mmonobasic sodium phosphate, pH adjusted to (4.5±0.2) sen as internal standard. Plasma samples were extracted with orthophosphoric acid. The column used was Zorbax, 18 with dichloromethane–butanol (10:1, v/v)[46]. C Column with flow rate of 1 ml/min using photodiode J.I. Dewaniarray detectionet al, at 254 nm[38]. RouthThe method et al of Axelrod. and Reichenthal for the determi- of phenylepherine, paracetamol, caffeine and chlorpheni nation of caffeine in serum and urine was modified by [39] developed a method for determination [47] - 17 Different techniques for Analysis of Aspirin, Caffeine, Diclofenac Sodium and Paracetamol: Review Article

electrode for simultaneous determination of paraceta Determination and characterization of caffeine in tea, Voltammetricmol, caffeine and sensor aspirin based in pharmaceutical on boron-doped formulations diamond coffee and soft drinks by solid phase extraction and high - performance liquid chromatography (SPE–HPLC) was ap- plied. 50m M KH2PO4 (pH=2), acetonitrile and methanol employing cyclic voltammetry and square-wave adsorp- (40:8:2) was used as solvent as well as mobile phase[48]. tive stripping voltammetry was reported[58].

Estimation of caffeine content in tea and Matétea by using An electrochemical sensor based on the electrocatalytic different methods through extraction with chloroform, activity of graphene (Gr) for sensitive detection of caf- micro method with lead-acetate and high performance werefeine investigated was presented. by cyclic The electrochemicalvoltammetry and behaviors differential of liquid chromatography method[49]. caffeine on Nafion–Gr modified glassy carbon electrode

Assay of caffeine content in non-alcoholic beverages and pulse voltammetry[59]. energy drinks through HPLC-UV method using Supelco formance liquid chromatography methods for caffeine HS C18 column, mobile phase (80:20, v/v) of methanol: Comparison of capillary electrophoresis and high per- water and aflow rate of 1.5mL/min was performed[50]. liquid chromatography was developed for the determi determination in decaffeinated coffee was presented[60]. A microextraction method, followed by high-performance 3.Diclofenac Sodium - nation of caffeine in different tea and energy drink sam- ples[51].

Assay of caffeine content of Bale coffee was carried out using HPLC analysis in which the collected samples were objected to liquid-liquid extraction using dichlorometh- ane[52]. determination of citrate, caffeine and aspi RP-HPLC method was carried out for the simultaneous - H rin in presence of their impurities[53]. Molecular Formula: the simultaneous estimation of aspirin, caffeine and or 14 10 l2 2. C C NNaO RP-HPLC method has been developed and validated for Chemical name: - phenadrine citrate. The chromatographic separation was Sodium 2-[(2,6-dichlorophenyl) achieved with methanol: phosphate buffer (pH 3) in the amino]M.wt: phenyl] acetate. ratio of 65:35, v/v as mobile phase, ACCLAIMTM 120 C18 column, at a flow rate of 1ml/m using isocratic elu- Mode 318.1.of Action and uses: tion[54]. Cyclo-oxygenase inhibitor; Determination of caffeine, theobromine and theophyl- analgesic;Characters: anti-inflammatory. line in Mate beer and Mate soft drinks by HPTLC–UV on LiChrospher silica gel plates with fluorescence indicator Appearance: White or slightly yellowish, slightly hygro and acetone/toluene/chloroform (4:3:3, v/v/v) as the mobile phase was estimated[55]. - scopic,Solubility: crystalline powder. Determinationtracted with chloroform of caffeine through content gentle in tea warmingpowder by in colori water- metric method was reported in which tea powder was ex- Sparingly soluble in water, freely soluble in methanol, soluble in ethanol (96 per cent), slightly solu- bath. The preparative TLC was carried out by using silical Meltingble in acetone. point: gel G as stationary phase and chloroform; acetone (9:1) as a mobile phase. 10% w/v solution of phosphomolybdic Storage: About 280 °C, with decomposition. acid in water was added and boiled for few minutes[56]. MethodsIn of an determination: airtight container, protected from light. A TLC spectrodensitometric method in which silica gel plate using ethyl acetate: acetone: methanol: triethyl- Pharmacopeial methods: amine (6:3:1:0.2, v/v/v) as mobile phase was used for determination of aspirin, caffeine and orphenadrine Ci- British pharmacopeia[3]: 2.3.trate[57]. Miscellaneous methods: 18 Dissolve 0.250 g in 30 ml of anhydrous acetic acid R. Ti- Different techniques for Analysis of Aspirin, Caffeine, Diclofenac Sodium and Paracetamol: Review Article

Mahmoud Sebaiy and Amr Mattar accurate and precise spectrophotometric method for si trate with 0.1 M perchloric acid, determining the end- multaneous determination of paracetamol[68] and developed diclofenac an point potentiometrically.0.1 M perchloric acid - H say has been used in simultaneous determination of both 1 ml of is equivalent to 31.81 mg of sodium in pure form and in Diclocin® tablets. H-Point as- 14 10 l2 2 UnitedC C NNaOStates. pharmacopeia[4]: drugs without prior separation. Method: dium in tablets, serum and urine samples by using aque ousDirect medium spectrophotometric without using a evaluation chemical reagent of diclofenac was devel so- Sample solution:Titrimetric - - Dissolve about 450 mg of Diclofenac oped[69]. Sodium in 25 mL of glacial acetic acid. Analysis: Sodium 1,2- naphthoquine- 4-sulfonate reagent in an al- Titrate with Titrant (0.1 N perchloric acid), kaline medium was used for estimation of diclofenac so- determining the endpoint potentiometrically. Perform a dium by forming an orange-colored product which has a blank determination, and make any necessary correction. maximum absorbance at 456 nm[70]. Each ml of 0.1 N perchloric acid is equivalent to 31.81 mg equation method, absorption ratio method and dual Spectrophotometric methods including simultaneous of diclofenac sodium. wavelength method were used for determination of par Other Methods of determination acetamol and diclofenac sodium by application of hydro - - 3.1. Spectrophotometric methods: tropic solubilization[71]. absorption & simultaneous equation method) were de scribedTwo spectrophotometric for the estimation methods of paracetamol (first order and diclofenacderivative - Diclofenac sodium reacts with an excess of methylene blue in the pH range 9.2-9.4, to form a chloroform-extractable Hegazyin their ettablet al dosage form[72]. blue ion-association complex for spectrophotometric de- termination of diclofenac sodium[61]. ,[73] developed potent processing methods aqueous solution in which the ferrous ions produced can for resolution and quantitation of paracetamol, chlorzox- Diclofenac reduces iron(III) to iron(II) when heated in asazone univariate and diclofenac spectrophotometric based on the applicationmethods, partial of continu least- ous wavelet transform and Savitsky–Golay derivatization react with 2,2’-bipyridine to form a complex having a maximum absorbance at 520 nm[62]. squares (PLS) and synergy interval partial least squares (siPLS) as multivariate methods. Diclofenac sodium can form colored compound with 3.2. Chromatographic methods: Ce(IV)-3-methyl-2-benzothiazolinone hydrazone hydro- chloride in H2SO4 medium to be assayed using flow-in- Estimation of diclofenac sodium in serum and its use

jection spectrophotometric method[63]. 8

absorbanceThe reaction of of the diclofenac orange products or mefenamic obtained acid is with measured potas- in pharmacokinetic studies was determinedusing C sium ferricyanide in a sodium hydroxide medium and the reversed-phase column, as the internal standard and acetonitrile for protein precipitation[74]. at 455nm for diclofenac and at 465nm for by two flow-injection spectrophotometric methods[64]. humanHigh-performance plasma using liquid ibuprofen chromatographic as internal (HPLC)standard meth and- od was developed for the quantification of diclofenac in The oxidation of diclofenac sodium or by iron(III) in the presence of o-phenanthroline in acetate purification by solid-phase extraction using Abselut Nex- buffer solution (pH 4.4 - 4.8) to form a ferroin complex is us cartridges (Varian)[75]. measured at 510 nm[65]. nm is formed upon the reaction of diclofenac sodium with HPLC method for the determination of diclofenac in syno- A yellowish compound with maximum absorbance at 380 vial fluid with a one-step liquid-liquid extraction extrac- tion procedure using isopropyl alcohol and n-hexane was concentrated (63% w/v) and can be measured constructed[76]. spectrophotometrically[66]. RP-HPLChas been developed for the simultaneous column esti- Partial least square (PLS) chemometric method can be mation of diclofenac sodium and rabeprazole sodium in 18 used for determination of benzyl alcohol and diclofenac pharmaceutical formulations using a HiQSiL C in pharmaceutical formulations[67]. with a mobile phase consisting of methanol:water, (80:20, v/v), at a flow rate of 1.25 mL/ min[77]. 19 Different techniques for Analysis of Aspirin, Caffeine, Diclofenac Sodium and Paracetamol: Review Article

papaverine hydrochloride in tablets was developed using Simultaneous determination of diclofenac sodium and – ethyl acetate – methanol – formic acid, (5: 4: 1: 0.01, v/v/v/v) as mobile phase[88]. a Zorbax SB C18 column, mobile phase of methanol: water paracetamol and diclofenac sodium on silica gel H layers (60:40, v/v), flow rate: 1 mL/min and UV detection at 278 TLC was used for the identification and separation of Nasirnm[78].et al, taneous estimation of timolol, rosuvastatin, and diclofe using surfactant mediated mobile phase systems[89]. nac sodium[79]developed in pharmaceuticals, HPLC-UV human method plasma for theand simul aque- column and applying- Diclofenac can be converted into its methyl or ethyl ester - in methanol or ethanol containing 0.1% or 0.5% sulfuric ous humor using Hypersil BDS C18 acid then determined in plasma by gas-liquid chromatog- 0.2% triethylamine and acetonitrile (40:60, v/v), in iso- raphy with electron capture detection[90]. cratic mode as mobile phase with a flow rate of 1ml/min. tions by linear sweep voltammetry and gas chromatog column with raphyDetermination with mass of diclofenacspectrometry in pharmaceutical detection was preparapresent- Determination of diclofenac sodium and hydro- - chloride in presence of their impurities by C18 - gradient elution of the mobile phase composed of 0.05 M ed[91]. orthophosphoricPolymer monolithic acid column and acetonitrile based on wasa green described[80]. poly deep 3.3. Miscellaneous methods: eutectic solvent was prepared for in-tube solid phase mi- croextraction of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in Capillary zone electrophoresis was employed for the de- aqueous samples[81]. termination of diclofenac sodium using an end-column theestimation of paracetamol and diclofenac sodium with amperometric detection with a carbon fiber microelec- A CN bonded phase column (RP-HPLC) was used for trode[92]. ric and differential pulse voltammetric techniques, using a mobile phase methanol-potassium dihydrogen phos- Diclofenac sodium was investigated by cyclic voltammet- phate (0.05M), (45:55) at flow rate 1 ml/min[82]. a tyrosine-modified carbon paste electrode[93]. A chromatographic method column using for the a mobile determination phase aque of paracetamol, tizanidine, and diclofenac was carried out Diclofenac sodium can be determined based on gold nan- on a Hypersil ODS, C18 - oparticle/multi-walled carbon nanotube modified glassy ous 0.2% ammonium carbonate-methanol (60 : 40, v/v) carbonEstimation electrode[94]. of trace amount of diclofenac in whole blood at a flow rate of 1 mL/min[83]. sample was performed by coupling of electromembrane

Paracetamol, and diclofenac sodium were separated and assayed by isocratic RP-HPLC on an inertsil extraction and stripping fast fourier transform continu- 18 ous cyclic voltammetry[95]. Corthophosphoric column, mobile acid), phase acetonitrile composed andof a mixturemethanol of inphos the- phate buffer (0.02 M KH2PO4, pH adjusted to 3.7 using mination of diclofenac in a sequential injection analysis systemSimultaneous in which potentiometric the potentiometric and detection fluorimetric was carried deter- ratio of (25: 25: 50) as a mobile phase at a flow rate of 1 Jana,mL/min[84]. Kallolet al, out with an ion-selective electrode based on a cyclodex- col [85]developed RP-HPLC method for de- trin while for the fluorimetric determination, the sample termination of paracetamol and diclofenac using RP18 - was previously subjected to in-line irradiation with UV umn and a mobile phase of acetonitrile : methanol (90:10, light[96]. v/v) at flow rate 1 ml/min. tion sensor for selective potentiometric determination of Iron(II)-phthalocyanine can be used as a novel recogni- famotidine, paracetamol and diclofenac in their pharma HPLC method has been developed for determination of 8 column with mobile phase - diclofenac and drugs[97]. ceutical formulations on C Diclofenac can be assayed in pharmaceutical preparations of methanol and 0.01 M sodium dihydrogen phosphate by diffuse reflectance photometry in the visible region of (80:20, v/v)[86]. Gimenesthe spectrum[98].et al Diclofenac sodium was spotted on silica gel 60 F254 pre- for determination of diclofenac in pharmaceutical formu ,[99] developed an amperometric method coated plates, using the mobile phase toluene : acetone - : glacial acetic acid (80:30:1,v/v/v) to be determined by lations using flow injection method with multiple pulse densitometric analysis at 280 nm[87]. amperometric detection using a boron-doped diamond Diclofenac sodium and paracetamol analysis was per- electrode. formed on silica gel 60F254 HPTLC plates with toluene 20 Different techniques for Analysis of Aspirin, Caffeine, Diclofenac Sodium and Paracetamol: Review Article

water R ml of dilute sulphuric acid R laryA method electrophoresis for fast and with simultaneous capacitively determinationcoupled contact of Dissolve 0.300 g in a mixture of 10 ml ofwater R and 30 lessdiclofenac conductivity and its detection common was counter-ions developed by using Cunhaa capilet- . Boilwater under R a reflux condenser al - offor dilute 1 h, cool hydrochloric and dilute acid to R100.0 ml with ferroin R. To 20.0 withml of 0.1 the M solution cerium addsulphate 40 ml of , 40 g of ice, 15 ml [100]. and 0.1 ml of . Titrate until a greenish-yellow colour An electrochemical sensor was developed for estimation is obtained.0.1 M Carry cerium out sulphate a blank titration. of diclofenac based on functionalized multi-walled car- 8H9 bon nanotubes and gold–platinum bimetallic nanoparti- 1 ml of is equivalent to 7.56 mg of 2 cles modified gold electrode[101]. UnitedC NO .States pharmacopeia[4]: Determination of ceftriaxone, ceftizoxime, paracetamol, in pharmaceutical formulations and in human blood se Method: Chromatographic and diclofenac sodium by capillary zone electrophoresis - Mode: rum was estimated[102]. diclofenac by using poly(diallyldimethylammonium chlo Detector:LC The electrochemical determination of paracetamolOkoth andet - al UV 243 nm ride) functionalized graphene was developed by Column: [103]. 18 3.9-mm x 30-cm column C and paracetamol was reported using differential pulse Flow rate: The quantification of diclofenac in presence of Injection size:1.5 mL/min voltammetry and an artificial neural network model us- 10 µL 4.Paracetamoling a carbon paste (Acetaminophen) electrode[104]. Other Methods of determination: 4.1. Spectrophotometric methods:

ric method was settled for simultaneous determination of paracetamolA simple, specific, and orphenadrine accurate and precisecitrate inspectrophotomet their pure form-

traction technique has been used in simultaneous deter H Molecular Formula: 8 9 and in their pharmaceutical formulation. Spectrum sub- 2. - C NO Chemical name: N mination of both drugs without prior separation[105]. act with paracetamol in a basic solution to form a prod M.Wt: -(4-Hydroxyphenyl) acetamide. The chromogenic reagent, sodium nitroprusside, can re- determination of paracetamol in pharmaceutical and bio- Mode of151.2. Action and uses: uct with colored O-nitrosamines for spectrophotometric - Characters: Analgesic; antipyretic. logical samples[106].

Appearance: White or almost white, crystalline pow A simple colorimetric method for determination of par- acetamol to assess risk in patients with acute paraceta- - mol poisoning was developed[107]. Solubility:der. First derivative UV spectrophotometry, with zero-cross- Sparingly soluble in water, freely soluble in asing a measurement, multivariate spectrophotometric first derivative of the method ratio-spectra was report and Meltingalcohol, very point: slightly soluble in methylene chloride. the use of partial least squares (PLS) regression analysis - 168 °C to 172 °C. Storage: Gondaliaed[108]. et al method for estimation of ibuprofen and paracetamol in Protected from light. , [109] developed simultaneous equation Methods of determination: soft gelatin capsule. Pharmacopeial assay: Ibuprofen and paracetamol were determined by using de- British pharmacopeia[3]: rivatives of the ratio spectra method[110]. 21 Different techniques for Analysis of Aspirin, Caffeine, Diclofenac Sodium and Paracetamol: Review Article

® ®, and Panda® by using differ prescribed for simultaneous estimation of paracetamol Simultaneous equation and Q-value determination were markets like Panadol , Adol - 4.2.ent solvents[120]. Chromatographic methods: and ibuprofen in pure and tablet dosage form[111].

Six simple, specific, accurate and precise spectrophoto- which samples were prepared by precipitation with metric methods were developed for the firsttime analy- Micro-assay for paracetamol in blood and plasma in &sis orphenadrine of some co-administered citrate were drugsdetermined with paracetamol by using dual in reversed phase liquid chromatography with dual elec wavelength,their mixture bivariate, form without ratio prior difference, separation. ratio Paracetamol derivative trichloroacetic assay solution and the drug quantified by - mol & caffeine were determined by using ratio difference, trode electrochemical detection in the mode was ratioand mean derivative centering and mean of ratio centering spectra of methods. ratio spectra Paraceta meth- described[121].

by using advanced absorption subtraction, ratio differ- C18 column using a pure micellar mobile phase of 0.02M ence,ods. Paracetamol ratio derivative & diclofenac and mean sodiumcentering were of ratio determined spectra sodium dodecyl sulfate at pH 7 with the use of electro- - chemical and UV detection was developed for determina- tion of paracetamol in physiological fluids by liquid chro- andmethods. robustness All of werethese found methods to be were within validated the accepted according lim S.S.matography[122]. Narwade to ICH guidelineswhere accuracy, precision, repeatability - [123]developed a chromatographic tech- its[112].Paracetamol and ibuprofen were estimated by using the nique in which stainless steel column packed with ocade- silance bonded to porous silica 10 micrometer was used at a flow rate of 0.2 ml /min at 20 micrometer loop injec- simultaneous equation UV spectrophotometric method in torParacetamol at 272 nm. was separated from plasma samples by a sin bulk and pharmaceutical dosage form[113]. - scribedThe application for the determination of first-order of ibuprofen derivative and and paraceta wavelet gle protein precipitation step then determined by HPLC- transforms to UV spectra and ratio spectra has been de- PDA detection (a Knauer Eurospher II, C18 column) and - its application to PK/PD studies with arthritic rats[124]. mol in pharmaceutical dosage form[114]. Simultaneous determination of paracetamol, caffeine and profenA zero-crossing and caffeine derivative in tablets spectrophotometric was developed by Saraan methodet propyphenazone in ternary mixtures was estimated by alfor determination of ternary mixture of paracetamol, ibu- micellarParacetamol electrokinetic and its metabolites capillary chromatography[125]. can be separated in a

Paracetamol[115]. and phenacetin can be reacted with sodium synthetic mixture using slightly acidic aqueous alcoholic eluents (e.g. water – methanol -formic acid, 85:15:0.15, 1,2-naphthoquinone-4-sulphonate and cetyltrimethyl v/v/v) on octadecyl silica to remove the residual hydroxyl ammonium bromide in alkaline medium to be deter- groups[126]. mined by UV–Vis spectrophotometry[116]. chlorpheniramine in human plasma has been devel A method for the determination of paracetamol and Spectrophotometric determination of paracetamolwith pheniramine with diethyl ether, followed by the deter- microwave assisted alkaline of paracetamol oped in which the extraction of paracetamol and chlor- to p-aminophenol which reacts with S2− in the presence - of Fe3+ as oxidant to produce a methylene blue-like dye mination of both drugs by an LC–MS–MS method, using having an absorptivity maximum at 540 nm was present- 2-acetamidophenol as internal standard was carried ed[117]. out[127]. nide and paracetamol sulphate in plasma and urine was Partial least squares regression (PLS), genetic algorithm The quantification of paracetamol, paracetamol glucuro- trophotometriccoupled with PLS estimation and principal of paracetamol, component-artificial ibuprofen neu and- ral network were used for chemometric analysis for spec- reported using a single isocratic reversed phase high- performance liquid chromatography assay by utilizing caffeineParacetamol in their and pharmaceuticals[118]. spectrophotometric data ob a reversed-phase C18 column and a mobile phase com- tained were processed and determined in tablets by posed of potassium dihydrogen orthophosphate (0.1 M)– - isopropanol–tetrahydrofuran (100:1.5:0.1, v/v/v)[128].

means of partial least squares (PLS) and genetic algo- Simultaneous determination of paracetamol and trama- rithm coupled with PLS methods[119]. dol hydrochloride in a binary mixture was developed us- ing high- performance liquid chromatography with UV Spectrophotometric determination of paracetamol has detection (HPLC–UV) and gas chromatography with mass been22 validated in some manufactured tablets in Iraqi spectrometry (GC–MS) techniques[129]. Different techniques for Analysis of Aspirin, Caffeine, Diclofenac Sodium and Paracetamol: Review Article

pheniramine were separated in human plasma by liquid be combined to enhance the performance of electroanaly Paracetamol, , dextrophan and chlor- Thesis of advantages ascorbic acid, of nanotechnology paracetamol and and chemometrics using can a phenhydramine as internal standard and separated on a - chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry using di- sequential experimentation strategy[140]. YMC-ODS-AQ C18 Column with mobile phase consisting of 0.3% (v/v) acetic acid and methanol at a flow rate of detectionIndirect determination system based ofon paracetamol the inhibitory was effect accomplished on a lumi 0.30 mL/min[130]. by using a capillary electrophoresis -chemiluminescence - ofRP-HPLC paracetamol using a and LiChrospher® codeine phosphate RP18 column where and a isocratmobile- nol-potassium hexacyanoferrate(III) reaction[141]. ic elution with a flow rate of 1 ml/min for determination Maslarskaet Chemiluminescensce method was proposed for determi- alphase consists of a mixture of acetonitrile andbuffer so- alsonation decreasing of paracetamol effect of and paracetamol in on pharmaceutical the graphene lution (pH=2.5) (15:85) was developed by preparations based on enhancing effect of isoniazid and [131]. oxide-luminol-dissolved oxygen chemiluminescence re- HPTLC separation of paracetamol followed by densitom- action in a strongly alkaline medium[142]. etry measurements of spot at 270 nm was developed for identification of paracetamol from biological material The determination of paracetamol in the presence of uric using benzene: ethanol (90:10) as mobile phase and the acid in body fluid based on the reduction of N-acetyl-p- use of a new chromomeric spray reagent - benzoquinoneimine formed on the electrochemically sulfuric acid which gives dark green colored spot with treated pencil graphite electrode was prescribed[143]. paracetamol[132]. nanoparticlesAn electrochemical was prescribed method using for the a glassy estimation carbon of elecpar- Quantitative extraction of paracetamol from serum with trode modified with graphene oxide and nickel oxide derivatization and gas chromatography was report- - 4.3.ed[133]. Miscellaneous methods: acetamol and ciprofloxacin[144]. Electrochemical sensor based on palladium-reduced gra- determined by investigating the electrochemical behav phene oxide modified with gold nanoparticles for simul- iorsThe electrochemicalof paracetamol detectionon screen of printed paracetamol graphene has beenelec taneous determination of paracetamol and 4-Aminophe- - nol was developed by Wang, Huijuanet al,[145]. - trodes by cyclic voltammetry[134]. Electrocatalysis of Cu-MOF/graphene composite and its Sensing application for electrochemical assay of dopa- Square-wave voltammetric determination of paraceta- mine and paracetamol was prescribed[146]. mol and codeine in pharmaceutical and human body fluid samples using a cathodicallypretreated boron-doped dia- pulseSimultaneous voltammetry determination using a glassy of ascorbic carbon acid,electrode caffeine in mond electrode was reported[135]. and paracetamol in drug formulations by differential- both as a solvent and supporting electrolyte was devel Differential pulse voltammetric method for estimation of which perchloric acid (0.1 M) - methanol (1 + 1) was used paracetamol by using a nanogold modified indium ox- - ide electrode at pH 7.2 was prescribed[136]. oped[147]. tammetric method for determination of paracetamol in Khaskheliaet al,[137] developed a differential pulse vol- developedA method infor which the simultaneous carbon-ceramic determination electrode modified of par with a thin film of single-walled carbon nanotubes was tablet and urine samples at a micro-crystalline natural - graphite–polystyrene composite film modified electrode. Referencesacetamol and caffeine[148]. chemically reduced on a glassy carbon electrode surface Graphene oxide and hexachloroplatinic acid were electro-

andto form domperidone a graphene-platinum can be assayed nanoparticles by using adsorptive composite [1] J.F. Committee, British National Formulary (BNF) and then coated with nafion film in which paracetamol 76, London: Pharmaceutical Press. (2018) 1616.

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