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SPARTAN ILY Fee Hikes May Stop KEEPING FIT and EDUCATED VOLUME 108, NO. 88 TUESDAY MAY 6. 1 9 9 7 INSIDE * INSIDE a IS ell Spirit of friendship goes 4, The Offspring gives its.. w leehi beyond competition dose of alternative rock(---' Page 5 1" -V-- Page 8 Ma Ser San Jose State University Since 1 93 .1 SPARTAN ILY Fee hikes may stop KEEPING FIT AND EDUCATED By Dennis Knight said Ducheny, the chair of the Spartan Daily Stuff Write, Assembly Budget Committee, in a press release. "Not only would AB 01 pay Students who are tired 1318 hold the line on fee hikes for at California ing exorbitant fees die rest of the decade, but it would soon find relief if universities may give working families the opportu- Act of the College Affordability nity to plan and save for their chil- the 1997 makes its way through dren's education." State Assembly. Besides freezing fees until the Written by Assemblywoman turn of the century, AB 1318 (D - Denise Moreno Ducheny would limit student fee increases Vista), the bill, known as Chula after the year 2000 to no more AB 1318. would freeze student fees than the rise in personal income University, in the t ..difornia State from the prior year. The bill would California and University of also express the intent of the legis- College California Community lature to financially support public the year 2000. systems until colleges based on growth in enroll- continues in the spirit "This act ment and personal income, accord- 1960 in mak- of the Master Plan of ing to Ducheny. as essible ing our public colleges Currently, the cost for students by laying out a rational and pre- dictable policy for student lees," See Fees, page 5 It's standing room only in the Washington Square Hall let, ture room as author Anne Lamott speaks to SJSU students Friday afternoon. amott is best known for her recent best sell ers, "Bird by Bird" and "Operating Instructions." PHOTO BY DONA NICHOLS Spartan Daily Writer getting sick of the craft By William Jeake full houses of admirers Friday PHOTO ILLIISIIIA HON NY Rust NNA Jt NNISON Spar/a0 Daily Spartan Daily Venturi, kiliiia when she engaged in an after- noon conversation question and ni.iv be high schol)1 ere Answer session with English teal hers. wtxrst atisc writing, Professor Alan SoldolSky, and .111(1 eel .11SO be (hell Students find time to stay in ,thape while 111g111111114' later that evening to read the sec- u it t 1)est ku ond chapter of her new novel, sselt 11111,1 likely told that Vim "Crooked Little I lean." hooks the hills' ssiller tutu Ileedell It, MIR' hitting the and paying to At both sessions, Lamott's I OH svordS .1 day, eseryday, .11 IC.1,4 appearanse was in sync: with Ilk is Hough curing!' lir mirrig, rx.rinr, mai, in /nos! .1 Ittl Iti 111, :V11,1141\1, Anchor Anne Lamm' told Slildell1 what her readers have grown to triscs, .i rol, drin.ititls thy majority of .r ,Iiirlunt's rum- .11t1 1 It 111.1,1111111r IC, )1 ihi,111 11 4411111tt I, 111,11 She sent , know as 'wing: no nonsense. Who is Wilt It/ estIt 1St.' L1111.11111 lilt, .111 11, 1111.111(111.11 111,1 II, \ 111.1jol ,V1111 .11tICS All/11111,4 days.' week Amt, quite down-to-earth honesty. A1111.111(Iti Ver,.1, .1 111.11kt Illir Iii,litil, IS 011e SlIlde111 W114, I 111111s. 111.1kt , bit telt I%( k.1111111, .15 tivity she s said she's getting frankly, "You'll have to excuse me," 111AkeS 11111C 10 eXerll,c 1 /1,1,11t i tilt,Illy A 111111(1,1(1, Ver.! l.11,1 lasses, 111,111,111,g aertilm s sit kii he pm, ticc .1114,1011er i dressed in A Skill tight black 11141 Ile frit, III WIllk our lour rho,...1 v.r.r.l. %sax cit., mikes lime for extti ram,. is Its takmg, lull I anion ,i, part of blouse and blue leans. Iler dread - It liclp, 1,, r,I,,,t. silt is, \ , el .11,1 "1411 111( 11111r,I.1111,11Iit 11 ti hull' 1111 li11111 Authors 'series, 19'M Maim pits, slit 41, lox ked hair tied bat Is itt a pony- preparmg to 1'1.1,411.ilt 1111s selli, ir r r. I ,e been 1.1klS 1,111111); 41111 j)ttwer sponsor, du. Center for tail "I'm A complete mess, very busy with ,Arruri, mails Nos in affiliation with 1,lolr,l' lll,1 this hell's I today " me let tuff cow, 51C,1111 I his, shin splints and power lui,irditig the `srst ( ollege of' I iiiManities "Working out -, 1:rooked Little !leant" Is the The c.miplis weight room helps Vega 11111 penult, of the slrruu Is, ( 'en" sant i'silit \ 'is r.rorI 111111. III SI.IN in ..11.11n. ht.( amuse it allows him to Is yrrorking, out amott adtiresset1 twit See Lamott, page 8 helps me to mime', in ssor kotits between I lasses ancl meet cin ii 111111.1'iii its.111k1 i liiIlie sports Ail, mg. feel better Huiptis is mum -Working out Ileitis me Eli feel 1,eiter ,thout I lit 1 1111111e, .111. ( ciao said "I myself,. Vega said, "It gives me it energy in about myself. 5.111511111i .111, 1 111 I1Cloll 5 LISS I limit class " ir, I the restuirt ts here " Editorial It gives me Not all students go to a Weill Tomorrow Andre Morrow, SI's1 Aquatic 11111 VP al Student however 1,1,1,11 ',Milli. .111 F11,11,1111111411.11 Cellter/SpOrtS Club 'sutlers''s"l said thcre an' more energy St lent t 111,11111 Mita% make Skateboard plenty of students who use airI .111 . MIMI, I MI, liSes .1 1111111111.1111 hik, as his nom and Home ts %tridents ,1 nrinrit enthusiasts seek to fit users me 1Mo Mon busy . lictillics in class." .11Y,,ics hilsv, \ 'follow toirt I., Hui"- tom. fru rihittg a place to skate -111u WVISIII roottl Is Page Also 'smith pr, is 11 It, ,.111111',11, p Ill 2 IS lo s,Ild ICIttilleth.111 sl.IIIIIir pii k up, in San Jose we're seeing a trend 14 riffle 11111( 1/(4,/,,(1.11 ,i Armando Vega, I uric Irr, riust ii is.miuuimiilttimtusIui.,i,' Bombing trial p m And ' p m marketing major mull said till le loll t 11111111(1i III .1 11111e limoth Mt Veigh's I lie Slams I 1,11, 4,11lis Silltle111, 1.1t.titietkill 111.1/1. 11.1, .11111 111.11e 41,114,11, " (.11TVIIIII, 18 milts his sentes sister le itilies against stunts, A ILiSk(.11,.111 111114. MI .lettollit ,1111114i, and weight firfilli ( )1 .111 Illete Ille VVri1:111 Ytitilli liI 111' still tiles III 111.11.4 Illtle mm, rIticSruurrhisays hint in 'met it lift, tmuls slim IH,Yv flu his Is Ille most popular A, , ottling to statom s kept by st.III IticIll Ile 114es 111 silt,l< Page 3 hers, 99 perient tit die piiiiple s' hitss nit the Sports ( limb toe the 5(11C(Itlic IS VVIlt.11 Ilt. clot, 11.1svmom,,htc. rides .inywhere trim, m111.1111, title rus six lititirs. III Sports weight 1411/111, whit Ii AI, (.1111111,...114111,1, ell1111)111C111 SIII,11 I ' sit stepper ro.altilies. on father-son Pnoir ...I li, MIMI/4..111M L111111,111011 is really popular. 1,111 We It 'see Fitness, page 5 duo: FOothall coarh's son harks up team TEXT BY LARRY HERNANDEZ SPARTAN DAILY STAFF WRITER Page 6 remwegmemigmpamposegmgmemmignanagegmgaimpiesnewamimmegesommewrimenk Tusday, May 6, 1997 2 OPINION San Jose State University SPARTAN DAILY Vice president of Student Affairs: protect the interest of students which has put the A.S. checks and balances president Robert Caret has been in its riot so representative deLisions. the responsibility of resolving problems search of a new vice president of As of April 29, Monica Rascoc of New between President Robert Caret and thc stu- in question, the new V.P. should be able to Editorial the Student Affairs since Janurary, and the York was the last of four candidates to hold dents. discern between advocating the A.S. and search goes on. an open forum on campus. But the search Echoed among the last four candidates in students of SJSU. ri the past tvvo years as the result of what The individual hired will act as a link to continues as two more candidates have been regards to this duty is the advocacy for stu- V.P. of Student Affairs is an important lined up for the hiring process. Simmons calls a "mutual ignoring." dents and the critical relationship with the job and crucial to the students' well being. the president for the student body in the If the A.S. does not find it in the best decision making process. While the last four candidates have spo- AS. However complicated and responsibility ken in public forums, the audience has only interest of the student body to motivate itself In light of recent decisions by the A.S. laden the position, the main job is to protect Representing the student body is the and meet with its main link to the president, Associated Student Government. Beyond consisted of A.S. President Jerry Simmons such as the recent $500.00 per month pay the interests of SJSU students, which means members of the A.S. then the new V.P. who will be voicing raise for new A.S.
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