Village Survey Report, Bhadas, Part X-C, Series-6, Haryana

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Village Survey Report, Bhadas, Part X-C, Series-6, Haryana CENSUS OF INDIA 1981 SERIES-6 HARYANA PA'RT X-C VILLAGE SURVEY REPORT BHADAS Drafted by: J. R. Vashistha Assistant Director' Edited by : It K. Aggarwal Deputy Director blRECTbRA"T~ OF CENSUS OPERA-rION!& HARYANA, CHANDIGARH o HARVANA, 31 LOCATION OF VI LLAGE-:-..ADAS,._ c,". ~ _I' \ . " 80UNDARY, ST"'tlt BOUNDARV, DISTRla BOUNDARY, TAHSIL ,. .' .', DIIiTRICT ilEAOQU"RfE~$ o tAHSIL IIEAOQUAR TERS o o 30 ,. o 2• . 28 . \ . .; •.!"_, Km. 10 6 0 10 ~D JO 40 6D DISTRICT HEADQUARTERS ARE ALSO TAKSIL HEADQUARTEAS d!Ft:H ~!ill WHERE THE OISTRIC'r / TAHSIL N"lI1f DIFFERS fROM ITS HfAD"U~RHR&' 10 .. 0 '0 20 30 Milts TOWN NAME. THt FDRMU APPEARS WITIlIN BRAC~ETS CONTENTS Pages Foreword v Preface vii-viii CHAPTER I-The Village l-l!i Introduction; Grounds f of selecti._on; Locati on; Physi cal aspects; Cli mate; Rlinfall: Flora and Fauna; Siz..,; Number of households; Residential p:lttern; Transport and communications; Sources of drinking )Vater; Lighting and fuel; Administrative, religious and welfare institutions; Muk..,t ; History of the village CHAPTER II-The People and their Material Equipment Ethnic composition; House type: Dress and ornaments; Household goods; Food and drinks; Growth of p:>pulalion ; Density of popu­ 17-44 lation ; S)X ratio; Ag~ composition ; Houses and households; Marital status ; Literacy; Workers and non-workers; ~igration; Religious composition; Caste/Community structure; Language ; Customs and practices related with birth, marriage and death CHAPTER III-EcoD9my 45-72 Economic resOUrces: Land-Pattern of land utilisation; Ownership and occupation of cultivated land; Land tenure system; Land tax and ,Livestock-Stalistics of livestock and poultry birds, Economic activities and nature of changes-Livelihood classes; Primary and subsidiary occupations; Occupational diversity; Changes from the traditional occupations; Functional relations between different oc­ cupational communities. Description of different occupations­ Agriculture; Animal Husbandry; ViJlagc industries; Commercial acti vities ; Other occupations; Indebtedness ; Fami ly budget s CHAPTER I V-Social and Cultural Life 73---80 Family type ; Inheritance of property; Leisure and recreation; Religious institutions; Fairs and festivals; Religious beliefs and practi ces; Statutory panchayats; Communit y panchayat s ; Family planning ; Allotment of house sites under 20 point programme; Social disabilities CHAPTER V-CoDclusion 81-83 Maps and diagrams 1 L'Jcation of village Bhadasin Haryana Frontispiece Facing page 2 L'C)[email protected] of village Bhada.s in District Gurgaon 2 3 Notional map of village Bhadas 2 4 Lwout sketch of vj Uage ~hadas 2 5 D:strlbution of total main workers in village Bhadas by broad'industrial categories, 1981 34 6 Distribution of surveyed popUlation of village Bhadas by religj('Jl 36 (Hi ) FORBWORD The Indian Oensus has a long tradition of providing population figures separately for rural and urban areas. There has been a growing need for such a dichotomous data especially after independence to formulate different policies and proglammes for planned development especially in regard to rural areaS. There has' been, however, a dearth for data relating to the way of life of the rural m:lsses for making cross cultural and CrOSS regional comparisons to understand the imbalanCeS in the level of socio-economic development achieved by the people living in Indian villages situated in different geographical aJeas. To bridf,e this gap a socio-economic survey of about 500 villages from different parts of country was taken up for study by the Census Organisation in connection with the 1961 Census. By the tim~ of 1971 Census, it was envisaged that th~ sooio-economic life of the people especiallY of villages would show perceptible ohanges under the impact of Five Year Plans. It was, 1iurefore, decided to und'Jrtake a re~study of som~ of th~ villages ~hich had b..,en surveyed in cJllnection with the 1961 Census to understand the manner and. direction in which the Indian villages are changing under the influence of different developmental inputs. , , Although 78 villages were initially identified for the re .. study, due to the certain constraints this project could not make much headway. Therefore, it was decided to continue these studies as adjunct to tbe 1981 C~nsus. B.!sid'\Js, the re-study, a few new villages were S,elected to be studied for the first time especially from smaller states/Union Territories which have come up in recent years and where no villages' had been studied in connection· with the 1961 Census. , The new villages selected for the study were those which are situated either near to an urban centre or away from any Ul ban centre Or those which ale located in an already identified dry belt area or in areaS covered by Integrated RUIal Development Prcgramme and served by minor irrigation projects and rural electrification programme. Some of these criteria for the selection of villages for the study were adopted at tbe instance of the Planning Commission, The research design, tools for data collection and formats for tabulation of data required for the conduct of the socio-economic survey of villages taken up in connection with the 1961 Census were framed by Dr. B. K. Roy Burman whv was then headin~ Social Studies Division as Deputy Registrar General. These were suitably modified by his successor Dr. N. G. Nag, to be employed for undertaking fresh villag~ studies in connection with the ] 981 Census. Dr. K. P. Itt~man, present Deputy Registrar General (Social Studies), extended necessary technical guidance t·,) those Ditr~ctorLates of Census Operations which had undertaken the study of villages for the fitst time. I take this opportunity to congratulate all of them for 01 ganising these stUdies. The work relating to the scrutiny of dlaft reports received from the Directorates of Census Operations and communication of comments thereon was undertaken by Shri M. K. Jain, Senior Research Officer, Social Studies Division under the guidance of Dr. K. p, lttaman. Shri Jain WilS assisted in this task by Shti v. K.. Jain, Investigator. 1 am thankful to all of them. The pl"esent rep"rt relates to a study conducted by the Census Directorate, Haryana on the village Bhadas cf Ferozepur Jhirka Tahsil and GUrgaon district. I am grateful)o Shri R. K. Agg~r":al. D.!puty Director and his colleagues in the Directorate for the efforts taken by them fOI brrngrng out this report. New Delhi V. S. VERMA June, 1, 19&& R.egistrar General, India (v) PREFACE Censvs is essentially a statistical survey and as such it part.akes bf the ;iimit~.ti6ns. of these su.rv~ys because' ?f .its de,aling with such aspect~ of_1mman lire. as ~re ~~pable' b~ bein& expressed p.~tp.erifal~'y or .quant1tatlvely. A Ct~11, report deals with the !otal 'p~pulat.lon, -rate of Its J?r~~h, ~~ dl~t,rI~ button over land and accordmg to age, sex, mantal status, literacy, language, rel')glon1 mlg!!lt1on, occupation and other allied subjects. But tbe Census report does not satisfy completely the reader desirous of knowing the people as they live. It furnishes little information on social structure and I1A1.jJeri.~J of the p.op.u.1aJioI).-the :type.ofhouses they live 1n, the clothes .and ornaments they wear, the (Q;9.d t.lley e'!J, ~Q.~ir hOlJllehold equipment, the~r ec.onomic r~sources-lana and liveStock, their hQufs of work and re3::re.atJon, itheir belie~s and. ,customs and their traditions and aspirations. W~th <l; yieW to pr.e.sen}ing .a. more complete picture of the pe~ple than .was done at the, previouS Censuses, It had been deCIded In 1961 Census to prepare along with lhe mam Census reports, com­ plimentary monographs on socio-economic survey of some selected villages To study the characteristics of rUflJI Uf.e. It. WlS, n.owever, felt during 1,9701 J;:ep.slJ.s t])atJhcXLJrlli .I?t~di~.s ShOldd be supplemented by lQwlJ. I?tp4ie,$ to ,kno!-" t4e )mpact of sQ~iQ-e~onomi~ proc~.s,ses gencJated by urbanisation on the rq~~~ se.t }lp. .1'~e spfGi;al ,studies a~so. re~in~ ,Pflrt onhe 19~ 1 C~nsu~ due to their imp.ortance. in MlIpng Insl~ht llltQ ~he, [l1.~alJ.tng of statJstI.c(;t1 data In terms qf re41 life sltV.iilIo.ns. ' In' Haryana ,StaJ:e, two vilhlges, namely,!,as in Ourg~on .qisttj~t ,and ifatwar in Ambala. district 'Were selected for intensive st),!d¥ 41J,rillR .1971 CCI_1Sus. FieJd in v.e~tjg;Hions (or tbese ,village studies were undertaken by this Directorate during, 1975-76 when Shri Araaman Singh was the Deputy pirector. of gens_us Operatiolls, Haryana. The data collect~d in t.he household schedules p(Bb~d~s Village study was also tabulated but for a number of reasons lncludmg the commencement 6fprepara­ tory wqr~ fqr ~9i81, ,C~P.SIJ.Sl . tbi.s .study cou~d not be comple~ed and published. Th~ QPn.Qltt~nt<l' bas been taken 4.l;1'pn~ the 1981 Inler-censal p~rtod to c?mplete thiS study. As there was a big tIme gap between the conouct of survey and the fmal draftlilg of the report, the data have been updated and the developments taken place in village Bhadas since 1975 have been incorporated to make the re­ port more meaningful in the present situation, though the statistical analysis had to be restricted to the data collected during 1975 sllrvey. The schedules canvassed were designed by the Social Studies Division of the Registrar General, India's office, New Delhi. In all there were five schedules viz., three household schedules and two village schedules which are given below :- A.
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