Ballston Spa

Modified Athletics Handbook For Students and Parents (Grade 7 & 8 Students on Modified Sports Teams)

Joan P. Libby, Athletics Director

Ballston Spa High School 220 Ballston Ave Ballston Spa, NY 12020 884-7150 ext. 2372

1 Ballston Spa Central School District Modified Athletics Handbook for Students and Parents

Table of Contents

Page: Content

Cover Handbook Front Cover Page 2 Table of Contents Athletics Page 3 Director Letter of Welcome Page 4 Philosophy & Objectives - Interscholastic Athletics Page 5 Roles & Expectations – Coaches, Parents & Fans Page 6 Suburban Scholastic Council Sportsmanship Code Section 2 Spectator Code of Conduct Page 7 Code of Conduct for Modified Sports - Mission Statement Page 8 Attendance Eligibility Page 9 Standards of Conduct Page 10 Procedures for Reporting Violations, Assessing Penalties Page 11 Appeals Process for Student-Athletes Page 12 Penalties for Engaging in Prohibited Conduct Page 13 Support of the Student-Athlete in Interscholastic Athletics Page 14 State Requirement of Annual Physical Exams Page 15 Interscholastic Athletic Programs Page 16 Athletics Handbook Evaluation Cover Acknowledgement

2 Ballston Spa Educating Everyone Takes Everyone

C E N T R A L S C H O O L D I S T R I C T Joan P. Libby – Athletics Director

Dear Parents and Athletes:

Welcome to a new year of Interscholastic Sports at Ballston Spa. It is our belief that Interscholastic Sports is another educational opportunity for your child to learn the “Four C’s of Athletic Excellence” – specifically these are: Competence, Character, Civility and Citizenship. Competitive sports team membership affords constant training in commitment, perseverance, sportsmanship, and teamwork.

Our goal for the Ballston Spa interscholastic athletics programs is to educate our student-athletes through sports participation. The competition venues are our classrooms. Opportunities to learn are abundant, and these lessons, which last a lifetime, are the reason we offer school sports teams.

Naturally your child’s participation in an athletic program is important to you. Two-way communication is critical to clear understanding. Through improved communication, respect, and positive role modeling, parents can support and enrich their child’s experience in athletics as they attend, cheer and celebrate throughout each season. The intent of this handbook is to open that communication which will support mutual respect based on shared knowledge and values.

Please keep and use this “Student/Parent Athletics Handbook”, as it includes information that you will find useful as a reference throughout your child’s athletics participation.

If I can be of assistance to you or child, please contact me at the high school.


Joan P. Libby Athletics Director

3 Philosophy & Objectives of the Interscholastic Athletic Program

Philosophy: In Ballston Spa the interscholastic program offers students in grades 7-12 participation in a variety of sports. Athletic programming is in place to provide competitive opportunities so that all student- athletes may further develop their personal, academic, and athletic abilities. Student-athletes will strive to achieve their goals while learning and practicing the ideals of effective teamwork and sportsmanship in a positive atmosphere. Based on this philosophy, there will be a Student-Athlete Code of Conduct developed and followed for all interested parties to the interscholastic sports program, including student athletes, coaches, parents and spectators. The Student-Athlete Code of Conduct follows the Suburban Scholastic Council Sportsmanship Code.

Objectives: As outlined in this handbook, it is expected that all student-athletes will learn and demonstrate the following through personal and team performance.

Sportsmanship Citizenship Leadership Self discipline Commitment Pride Teamwork Physical fitness Academic Responsibility Confidence

Specific sports objectives: remaining consistent with the stated philosophy all student-athletes will be placed in a level of competition based upon that individual’s sport specific knowledge and skill level. At each level of competition specific target focus will be emphasized. The following information is a breakdown of the different competitive levels offered in the interscholastic program and the emphasis at each level: a. Modified Level - This level serves as an introduction to competitive high school sports for student- athletes. The objectives of this level are: 1. To acquire and develop sport specific skills and fundamental strategies 2. To provide student-athletes opportunities to practice skills and strategies in competition. b. Freshman and Junior Varsity Level - These are intermediate competitive levels, which serve as a bridge between the Modified and Varsity levels of competition. The objectives of these levels are: 1. To continue development and refinement of sport specific skills and strategies 2. To provide student-athletes opportunities to demonstrate acquired skills and knowledge c. Varsity Level - The varsity level is the highest level of competition offered in our athletic program. Student-athletes at in this level must demonstrate high levels of proficiency in acquired sport specific skills, concepts, and strategies. The objectives of this level are 1. To place emphasis on highly skilled competition 2. To base participation upon the demonstrated performance of an individual in sport specific skills and abilities 3. To field competitive teams at the league and sectional level of competition.

4 Roles and Expectations – Coaches, Parents & Fans

School Sports bring people together. Coaches, parents, and fans play integral roles in providing a quality competitive experience for our student-athletes. The roles and expectations of these groups in our interscholastic athletic program is one of support and sportsmanship.

1. The Coach - The role of the coach, at all levels of competition, is one of instructional leadership. Our coaches will strive to provide a positive experience for student-athletes through quality instruction based upon personal and professional development. The coach will challenge and encourage each athlete, individually and as a member of the team, to reach the objectives of his/her respective level of competition.

The varsity coach will serve as the instructional leader for the development of the total sport program, in addition to his/her responsibilities for the varsity team. Varsity coaches will work with assistant/sub-varsity level coaches to deliver a coordinated program with regards to goals and objectives, instruction, supervision, and budget development.

Our coaches are responsible for providing both the opportunity and the leadership for the student-athlete to compete in an athletic environment. Sportsmanship and fair play through team membership are key values learned through athletics. The student’s academic attention and focus should be enhanced by athletic participation. The following guidelines are conduct benchmarks for coaches: Each coach will:

a. Build a personal and team philosophy based upon the values expressed in this Interscholastic Athletic Program Philosophy statement. b. Strive to enlarge their technical knowledge and competency in all areas of the profession. c. Enhance and protect the physical and mental well being of their student-athletes. d. Teach student-athletes to respect self, teammates, opponents and officials. e. Instill in players a desire to know and live by the spirit of the rules of the school, team, and sports. f. Create an atmosphere of friendly competition wherein sportsmanship and honor transcends victory or defeat. g. Cooperate with administrators, faculty, and other coaches to maintain and improve the educational quality of our school. h. Encourage the highest standards of academic achievement among all student-athletes.

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