Philip Slomovitz Collection Papers, 1919-1991 76.5 Linear Feet 153 Manuscript Boxes
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Philip Slomovitz Collection Papers, 1919-1991 76.5 linear feet 153 manuscript boxes Accession # 1494 DALNET# OCLC# Philip Slomovitz, called the dean of Jewish-American journalists, was born in Russia in 1897 and emigrated to the United States in 1910, settling in Bayonne, New Jersey. He began his career in journalism as an apprentice at the University of Michigan's Michigan Daily, where he later served as night editor. During his early career, he worked on the copy desk and as a reporter for The Detroit News and as an editor of the Jewish Pictorial. He also worked for the Jewish Telegraphic Agency news service and was editor and columnist for the Jewish Chronicle. In 1942, he founded The Jewish News, which absorbed the Chronicle. For almost fifty years, until the sale of The Jewish News in 1984, Slomovitz used the paper as a vehicle to champion Jewish causes as well as promote amity among diverse peoples. He lived through and reported upon many history-making events, including Henry Ford's anti- Semitism, broadcast propaganda and Vatican silencing of Royal Oak radio priest, Father Coughlin, the founding of the United Nations, birth of the state of Israel, and the trial of Adolph Eichmann, Hitler's director of the "final solution." Mr. Slomovitz was a founder of the Detroit Roundtable of Christians and Jews. He was a strong supporter of the Jewish Red Cross and served as president of the local branch of the Jewish National Fund, the American Jewish Press Association, the Zionist Organization of Detroit, and the Detroit chapter of the American Jewish Congress. He also served on the board of the United Hebrew Schools. He was the author of two books, Without Malice and Purely Commentary: Philip Slomovitz's 60 Years as a Newspaperman. His editorials and columns sometimes made national news. He was the recipient of numerous honors. Although legally blind for most of his life, Slomovitz typed his own material until 1991. He relied on his memory and his nine file cabinets of clippings, articles, personal correspondence, and background information to tie current events to previous episodes in Jewish history. In 1992, he donated the contents of these file cabinets to the newly-created Jewish Community Archives. The Philip Slomovitz papers were arranged and described by the Jewish Historical Society of Michigan under the supervision of Judith Levin Cantor. Among the important subjects are: Anti-Semitism Holocaust Middle East Arabs Israel Negroes Black-Jewish Relations Jewish Charities PLO Butzel, Fred Jewish Customs & Culture Refugees Coughlin, Father Charles Jewish Educat Trifa, Bishop Valerian Detroit Jewish Press Zionism Ford, Henry Meir, Golda Slomovitz Collection 1 SLOMOVITZ ARCHIVES BOX 1 Aaronson, Aaron Abram, Morris D. Aaronson, Maurice Abu- Diab Aaronson, Sarah Abu Ghosh Abarbanel, Don Isaac Abyssinia Abdullah Acheson, Dean Abel, El Ackerman, Martin S. Abergil, Reuben Adamic, Louis Abortion A-Alig Abourezk, James All-Az Aden Adenauer Adler, Dr. Bernard Adinoff, Dr. Bernard BOX 2 Adler, Dr. Cyrus Adler, Jacob Adler, Larry Adler, Leo Adler, Rabbi Morris Adoption Adventures Afghanistan Agnew, Spiro Agnon, sy AgriculTure Agudath Israel Ahad Ha-Am Agus, Dr. Jacob Air France Akiba, Rabbi Akim Alaska, 1 & 2 BOX 3 Albert, Jacob Albo, Joseph Alexandrovich, Ruth Aleppo Algeria Alien Legislation Al1en, Henry D. Al1en, Ri chard Allman, David Allocations to Jewish Education Allon, Yigdal Slomovitz Collection 2 BOX 3, CONT IISTZJEID Almug, Yehudah Alpert, Carl Alphabet Alsop, Joseph Al Tidom Altelend Amadeo, Dr. Marco Amberg, Julius American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) American Council American Council for Judaism, 1 & 2 BOX: 4 American Friends of the Middle East American Jewish Committee American Jewish Conference on the Soviet Union American Jewish Congress, 1 & 2 American Jewry American Legion American Tobacco American Zionist Council American Zionist Emergency Council Amery, L.S. Amin Amnesty International Anderson, John Anders Anderson, Jack Angel1, Sir Norman Ann Arbor Annenberg, Hubert Annenberg, Walter ADL Anti-Nazi Boycott, 1 & 2 BOX 5 Anti-Semitism BOX 6 Anti-Semitism Anti-Semitism, Detroit 1 & 2 Anti-Semitism in Europe Anti-Semitism in Michigan Slomovitz Collection 3 BOX 7 Anti-Semitism in the United States (1-6) BOX 8 Anti-Semitism in the United States (7-8) Anti-Semitism at the University of Michigan Anti-Zionism Antoine, Nicolas Antwerp Apartheid Apologetics Aqaba Aqaba, Gulf of Arab League Arabs, 1-4 BOX 9 Arabs, 5-10 BOX 10 Arabs, 11-17 BOX 11 Arabs, 18-21 Arab Boycott Arabs in Detroit Arabs in Universities Arab Refugees Arabs since 8/13/57 BOX 12 Arafat, Yasir Aramco Arava Archeology Arendt, Hannah Argentina Arizona. Arlusoroff, Chaim Arm, Rabbi Milton Armenia Armstrong, George Army, Jewish, 1-5 Slomovitz Collection 4 BOX 13 Aaron, Herberg Arnoni, M.S. Arnow, Robert Arrowsmith, Harold Art, Jewish Arts, Detroit Institute of Artukovic, Andrija Aruba Aryan, C. Leon de Asan Asch, Shalom, 1-2 Asher, Court Asman, Larry Aspen Al-assad, Hafetz Assimi1ation Aswan Dam Atalena Atlanta Attlee, Clement R. Auschwitz Australia Austria Automobi1e BOX 14 Autopsy Avneri, Uri Avrunin, William Avukah Azores Awacs, 1-2 B-Baruch Bas-Be Bu-Byron Babel, Isaac Babi Yar Slomovitz Collection 5 BOX 15 Bacher, George Baeck, Dr. Leo Bagels Baghdad Bahai Bahamas Bahrain Backdash Bakke Balfour, Lord Balfour Declaration Bal1, George Bandak, Yusif Barash, Asher (missing) Barbados Barbour, Walworth Barbarash, Ernest Barcus, Frank Bar-Han University Barit, Edward Baron, Salo Bar Kochba Barlev, Gen. Haim Bar Mitzvah Barody, Jamil Barry, William B. Baruch, Bernard Basebal1 Bastards Bassami, Giorgio Bastuni, Rustuh Beam, Jacob Beame, Abraham Beard, Charles on "Nazis" 1939 Beards Beger, Hoffman Beersheva Slomovitz C o l l e c t i o n 6 BOX 16 Begin, Aliza Begin, Menachem (1-4) Begin Cabinet Beilus, Mendel Beirut Belgian Jewry Be1giurn Belkin, Dr. Samuel Bellamy, Dr. James Bel1oe, Hi 1laire Bellow, Saul Bel sen Benderly Ben-Eliezer, Arieh Bene Israel BOX 17 Ben Gurion, David Ben Yehudah Ben-Gurion, Paula Ben-Gurion University Benjamin Bennett, Harry Benjamin, Judah Benny, Jack Bentwich, Norman Ben-Zvi, Rachel Ben-Zvi, Yitzhak Berditchev, Sage of Berg, Gertrude Berger, Samuel Berger, Rabbi Elmer Bergman, Bernard Bergson, Peter H. Berkowitz, Milt Berlin, Irving Bernstein, Leonard Bevin, Ernest Slomovitz Collection 7 BOX 19 Ber1in Berman, Emilez Berman, Julius (outsize) Bermuda Conference April 1943 Bernadette, Count Folke Berry, Louis Best, Dr. Werner Bet Din Beth, Hatefutsoth Bevis Marks Synagogue Bialik, Haim Nakhman Bialystok Bible Bienfield, Rabbi Jacob (missing) Bienstock, Victor Bilbo, Sen. Theodore G. Billikopf, Jacob Bill of Rights Birch Society Birnbaum, Dr. Soloman Birobidzan (1, 2) BOX 19 Biron, Phineas Borkowska, Anna Birth Control Borman Family Birth Rate (among Jews) Borochov, Ber Black Legion Borscht (missing) Black, Hugo Borscht Belt Black Hundreds Black Jews Black-Jewish Relations Blackstone, William Blake, William Blaustein, Jacob Bleichroeder, Gerson von Bloch, Ernest Bloom, Dr. Herbert Blum, Leon Blum, Yehudah Blumberg, Louis Blumenthal, Michael B'nai B'rith Boerne, Karl Boguslovsky, Victor Bombay Books Borge, Victor Slomovitz Collection 8 BOX 20 Boston Bourguiba, Pres. Habia (Tunisia) Borough Park Bottome, Phyllis Boy Scouts Bra-Bro Brainin Brandeis, Louis Brandeis University Brasol, Boris Brazil BOX 20 Breira Brezhnev, Leonid Brickner, Balfour Briscoe, Robert Britain and the Jews Broder, Mrs. Hyrnan Brodhead, William Brodetsky, Selig Brodie, Rabbi Israel Broomficld, William Broun, Heywood Browder, Earl BOX 22 Brown, George Burma Brown, Jerry Burns, Arthur Brown, David Burns, Gen. E.L.M. Brown, Prentis Burns, George Browning, Robert Bush, George Bruning, Heinrich Buttenweiser, Benjamin Bryan, Julien Butler, Sen. Hugh Brzezinski, Zbigniew Buber, Martin, 1-2 Buch, Peter Buckley, James Buckman, Rev. Buckner, Norman Buenos Aires Bull, Lt. Gen. Odd Bullitt, William Bunche, Ralph Bunim, Amos Burdick, Benjamin Burdick, James Slornovitz Collection 9 BOX 23 B u t z e l , Leo Butzel, Henry Butzel, Fred Byoir, Carl Byron, Lord C - Cag Cahan, Abraham Cahil1, Audrey Calander Bishop Carl (Segni, Italy) Carlebach, Shlomo Carstens, Karl Carlson, John Roy Cameron, W. J. Cantor, Eddie Cantor, George Carter, Booake Caribbean Carmichael, Stokely BOX 24 Campion, Joan (I & II) Camp, David Canaanites Canada, Canetti, Elias Canetti, Elias Canterbury Chicago Chief Rabbinate Chile Ch - Cz China Chisholm, Shirley Chomsky, Noam BOX 25 Chosen People Chotiner, Murray Christadelphians Christmas Chuetas Church, Sen. Frank Churchill, Winston (I, II) Chutzpah Ci rcumcision Citrin, Martin & Toby Civil Liberties Slomovitz Collection 10 BOX 25, cont. Clay - Cremation (misc.) Cleveland Clifford, Clark Close, Upton Coca-Cola Cochin, Jews in Coffin, Howard Cohen, Benjamin BOX 26 Cohen, Eli Cohen, Rabbi Henry Cohen, Gen. Morris Abraham Cohen, Wilbur Cohn, Avern Cohn, Irwin Cohn, Roy Cohn-Bendit, Daniel Capital Punishmen Cardoza, Benjamin CARE Carey, Edward Carey, Richard F. Carter, Billy Carter Cabinet Carter, Jimmy (1, 2) BOX 27 Carter, Jimmy (3-6) Caspi, Matti Cassin, Prof. Rene Catholicism, Catholics (1, 2) BOX 29 Catholicism (3, 4) Catskill Resorts Caucasus Cazalet, Major Victor Ceine Celler, Emeanuel Censorship Census Cerf, Bennett Chafet, William Chagal1, Marc Chain, Dr. Ernest Boris Chajes, Margaret Slomovitz Collection 11 BOX 28, cont. Chamberlain, Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Neville Chamoun, Camille Chaplaincy Chaplin, Charlie Charity Charleston, S. C. Char 1evoix Cherniak,