U. S. Geological Survey. REPORTS-OPEN FILE SERIES, No

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U. S. Geological Survey. REPORTS-OPEN FILE SERIES, No U. S. Geological Survey . REPORTS -OPEN FILE SERIES , no. 1582 : 1971. (?-oo) May 1971 ~21~ JU;. ; _st-:<_ u.{.~~· c4""'~ - ~--ft. -~; Jw. /S6'z: I 17 ;J A List of References on Lead Isotope Geochemistry 1967-1969 (with an Addendum to the List through 1966) by Bruce R. Doe I ' 1 U. S. Geological Survey Denver, Colorado (Compiled primarily from Chemical Abstracts, Geophysical Abstrac ts , Mass Spectrometry Bulletin, and personal r eprint files) This bibliography was constructed to be as complete as possible for terminal papers containing new data relative to the geochemical applications of: Common lead U-Th-Pb isotopic dating Pb-a Pb210, Pb212, Pb214 No effort was made for completeness of: Annual reports, Yearbooks, etc. Review papers although many are included. Abstracts and theses are omitted. Wel.cl - Int. 2905 .,., U.S. Gmi.OGICAL SURVEY ( WASHIHGroN, D. C. ) -· 20242 For rel.eaee Jl!lE 2.3, 1971' The U.S. Geol.Qgioal S\U"VeY ia releasing in open file the fol.lmring reports. Copiee are a"f8.ilable for inspection in the Geological Survey Libraries, 1033 GS Bldg., Waahingt'on, D.C. 20242; Bldg. 25, Fed.eral Center, Denver, Colo. 80225; and 345 Middlefield Rd. , Menlo Park, Ca.li.t. 94025. Copies are al8o available !or inspection at other offices as listed: 1. Geologic map o! the Indian Hills quadrangle, J~ferson County, Colo­ rado, by Bruce Bryant, Robert D. Mil.ler, and Glenn R. Scott. 59 p. , 2 pl., 1 fig. (Scale 1:24,000). 1012 Federal Bldg., Denver, Colo. 80202; 8102 Federal Office Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah 84lll; Colorado Geol. Survey, 254 Columbine Bldg. , 1845 Sherman St. , Denver, Colo. 802()3. bfaterial from which copy can be made at private expense is available at 1012 Federal Bldg., "DertnJr.J 2 A list of references on lead isotope geochemistry, l'j_67-1969 (with an addendum to the list through 1966), ~ Bruce R. Doe. 28 p. LMaterial tram which copy can be made at private expense is available in the Library, USGS, Bldg. 25, Federal Center, DerrverJ I 3. Geology of the Sargent fault zone in tho vicinity of Mount Madonna, Santa Clara County, california, by Robert J. McLaughlin. 1 map, scale 1:12,000, explanation, cross-sections (3 sheets in all). 504 Custom House, San Francisco, Calif. 94lll; 7638 Federal Bldg., Los Angeles, calif. 90012; California Div. Mines and Geology Library, Ferry Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. 94lllj,~and State Office Bldg., 107 So. Broadway, Los Angeles, Calif. 90012. LMterial from which copy can be made at private expense is available in the San Fran- .f cisco and Loe Angeles offices of the USGS listed above, and in the Library,.. reGS, 345 Middlefield Rd. , Menlo Park, Calif. 94025J Correction to address of depositery: On June 3, 1971, the following was placed in open file, with one of the depositories listed ae Woods Hole Oceanog. Inst: Fol.lowi.ng is the correct listing for the depository in Woods Hole: Western Gulf of Maine and the southeastern Massachusetts offshore area: sec:Umenta.ry framework, by R. N. Old.ale, Elaza.r Uohupi, and K. E. Prada. USGS, Albatross St., Woods Hole, Mass. 02543. Lead Isotope References 1969 Allegre, Claude J. Portioning of the U-Th -Pb system in the upper mantle and its evolution model through geological time: Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 2, 261 -269, 1969. Armstrong, Richard Lee . Correction I to "A model for the evolution of strontium and lead isotopes in a dynamic earth," 1968]: Rev. Geophysics, v. 7, no. 3, p. 665, 1969. Arnaudov, V.; Amov, Bl.; Pavlova, M. Absolute geological age of some southern Bulgarian pegmatites: Izv. Geol. Inst., Bulg. Akad. Nauk., Ser. Geokhim., Mineral. Petrogr., 18, 19-27, 1969. Assaf, G. Emanated products as a probe of atmospheric transport: Tellus, v. 21, no. 6, p. 820-828, 1969. Banks, Philip 0 .; Cain, J. Allen. Zircon ages of Precambrian granitic rocks, northeastern Wis consin: Jour. Geology, v. 77, no. 2, p. 208 -220 , 1969. Banks, Philip o.; Shimizu, Nobumichi . Isotopic measurements on zircons from Japanese granitic rocks: Geochem. Jour., v. 3, no. 1, p. 25 -34, 1969. Banks, P. 0.; Rebello, D. P. Zircon age of a Precambrian rhyolite, northeastern Wisconsin: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 80, no. 5, p. 907-910, 1969. Bartnitskiy, Ye. N.; Yeliseyeva, G. D.; Shcherbak, N. P. Isotopic composition of lead in granites from the western part of the Ukrainian shield (in Russian with English summ.): Geokhimiya, no. 8, p. 991-996, 1969. ' Beasley, T. M., Lead-210 produc~ion by nuclear devices: 1946-1958 : Nature, v. 224, no. 5219, p. 573, 1969. Beasley, Thomas M.; Osterberg, Charles L. Spontaneous deposition of lead on silver and nickel from inorganic and organic digests: Anal . Chern ., v . 41, no. 3, p. 541-543 , 1969. Birkenfeld, H. ; Haase, G.; Zahn, H. Mass spectrometric isotope analysis (German): Book. Phys.-Chem. Trenn und Messmethoden. Veb Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften Berlin, v. 5, 323 p., 1969. Bonnyman, J.; Malina-Ramos, J. Concentrations of lead-210 in rain water in Australia during the years 1964 -1967: Commonwealth X-ray Radium Lab ., Rep. 1969, CXRL-10, 11 p., 1969. Brookins, D. G.; Fairbairn, H. W.; Hurley, P.M.; Pinson, W. H. A Rb-Sr geochronologic study of the pegmatites of the Middletown area, Connecticut: Contr. Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 22, no. 2 , p . 157-168, 1969 . 1 Burger, A. J. ; Oosthuyzen, E. J.; Van Niekirk, C. B. New lead isotopic ages for minerals from granitic rocks, Northern and Central Transvaal: Rep. Suid-Africa Dept. Mynwese, Geol. Opname, Ann. Geol.-Opname, 1967, v. 6, p. 85-89, 1969. Burwash, R. A. Comparative Precambrian geochronology of the North American, European, and Siberian shields: Canadian Jour. Earth Sci., v. 6, no. 3 , p. 357-365, 1969. Cameron, A. E.; Smith, D. H.; Walker, R. L. Mass spectrometry of nano-gram-size samples of lead: Anal. Chern., v. 41, no. 3, p. 525-525, 1969. Cannon, RalphS., J r .; Pierce, Arthur P. Lead isotope guides for Mississippi Valley lead-zinc exploration: u. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1312-G, p. Gl-G20, 1969. Cassedanne, Jacques P. Linear distribution of lead and zinc deposits of Brazil (with English and Portuguese abs.): Chronique Mines et Recherche Miniere, v. 37, no. 382, p. 119-124, 1969. Cassedanne, J.; Lasserre, M. Geologic study and isotopic analysis, by the lead method, of some galenas of Brazil (with English abs.): [ France l Bur. Recherches Geol. et Minieres Bull., 2d ser., sec. 4, Geologie Generale et Divers, no. 1, p. 71-87, 1969. Chow, Tsaihwa J. Lead isotopes of the Red Sea region: Earth and Planetary Sc. Letters, v. 4, no. 3, p. 143-147, 1969. Compston, W.; Oversby, V. M. Lead isotopic analysis using a double spike: J. Geophys. Res., v. 74, no. 17, p. 4338-4348, 1969. Cooper, J. A.; Green, D. H. Lead isotope measurements on lherzolite inclusions and host basanites from western Victoria, Australia: Earth and Planetary Sci. Letters, v. 6, no. 1, p. 69-76, 1969. Cooper, J. A.; Reynolds, P. H.; Richards, J. R. Double-spike calibration of the Broken Hill standard lead: Earth and Planetary Sci. Letters, v . 6, no . 6, p. 467-478, 1969. Coo per, John A.; Richards, John R. Lead isotope measurements on volcanics and associated galenas from the Coromandel-Te Aroha region, New Zealand: Geochem. Jour., v. 3, no. 1, p. 1-14, 1969. Cooper, J. A.; Ric hards, J. R. Lead isotope measurements on sediments from Atlantis II and Discovery Deep areas, in Hot brines and recent heavy metal deposits in the Red Sea-cE. T. Degens; D. A. Ross, editors): New York, Springer-Verlag, p. 499-511, 1969. 2 Coppens, R.; Kosztonalyi, Ch.; Dottin, H. Geochronologic study of the Brugeaud mine, in La geologie de l'uranium dans le Massif granitique de Saint-Sylvestre (Limousin- Massif Central francais) : Sci . Terr. Mem . , no . 15, p. 195-213, 1969. Cumming, G. L.; Rob e rtson, D. K. Isotopic composition of lead from the Pine Point deposit: Econ . Geology, v . 64, no. 7, p. 731-732, 1969 . Danilov, L. T.; Keshishyan, G. 0.; Burgov, N. M. Mobility of lead isotopes in rocks (with English summ . ): Geokhimiya, no. 5, p . 582-588, 1969. Delhal, J.; Ledent, D.; Cordani, U. Pb:U, Rb:Sr and K:Ar ages of metamorphic formations and granites of southeastern Brazil (States of Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais (with English abs.): Soc. Geol. Belgique Annales, v . 92 , no. 2, p . 271-283, 1969 . DeVilliers, J.; Burger, A. J. The minimum age of certain granites from the Richtersveld area: Rep. Suid-Afrika Dept. Mynwese, Geol. Opname, Ann. Geol. Opname, 1967, v. 6, p . 83-84, 1969. Doe, B. R. ; Lipman, P . W.; Hedge, C. E. Radiogenic tracers and the source of contine ntal andesites: a beginning at the San Juan Volca nic Field, Colorado: Proceedings of the Conference on Andesites: Int . Upper Mantle Sci . Rpt . 16: State Oregon Dept . Geo. Mineral. Industries Bull . 65, p . 143- 149 , 1969 . Doe, Bruce R.; Lipman, Peter W.; Hedge, Carl E . ; Kurasawa, Hajime Primitive and contaminated basalts from the Southern Rocky Mountains, U.S.A.: Contrib . Mineral. Petrol.~' 142-156, 1969. Doe, Bruce R. ; Pearson, Robert C. U- Th-Pb chronology of zircons from the St. Kevin Granite, northern Sawatch Range, Colorado: Geol . Soc. America Bull., v. 80, no. 12, p. 2495-2502, 1969. Fisher, H. L. Model f or estimating the inhalation exposure to radon- 222 and daughter products from the accumulated lead-210 body burden: Health Phys., v . 16, no. 5, p. 597-616, 1969. Franke, H. W. Methods of geochronology: Heidelberg, Springer Verlag, 132 p . , 1969 .
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