* A O I T « n . V B fllanrltrBtnr lEitntfno ¥ml& fV ^ |lb- Pluera la 8 t John's Bugle, Fife EHBBOBNOF DOCTORS Stanley Zepatka. who graduated AVBRAOB DAILY CnODLA'nOM - WEATHEB and Drum eorpa are requested to June from St, Thomas Sem- Fraaoea Marie Waters, ABODTTOWN wear their uniforms this evening stenographer, daughter of Fnmk T. for the Month of Angnat, 1937 Forecoet el 0 . 8. Weather 1 Physicians who will respond Inary, West Hartford, being award­ Waters, of 17 Demiag street, and Hartford fmr the meeting at T o'clock, but It to emergency calls tomorrow af­ ed first prize' for oratory, today left ------L MDlkowakl left today la not necessary to bring their In- Herbert Bradford C ra n d ^ cleric, of fbr PWladotphla to attend tba oon* ternoon are Dr. M. E. Morlarty, for BalUmore, Md. He will continue 1384 Main ptreet. Bast Hartford, atrumenta Corporal Danny Shea 6448, and Dr. D. a T, Mopre, hla studies for admission to priest­ S,861 nUr and contlnoed oool tonight; veatloa o t the FloHata’ Tek^raph and Jack Crawford who will be hsvre applied , at the town clerk’s Member of the Andlt Delivery Aaaodatkn thU week in 4847. hood In the Franciscan Order of the The HALC CORR office for a marriage licenee. Thnreday fair and wariner. present have arranged tor a player Roman Catholic Church. . MANCHISTIW CONM. Bnrean ef areniathMs, ;si_ that d ^ . m m the famous Moodus Drum Reald&its o f the northeast p ^ of MANCHESTER ~ A (TTY OF VnXAGE CHARM corps to give a demonstration, and Manchester reported today that dui' > Thnraday ia tueat day at the one representative from Uanches-' Memorial Temple, Pythian Sis­ Temple Oiapter, O. E. S., No. 88, ing the noon hour a flock of no leas iBmdieater Ooontiy dub. and It tor's equally well known "Spirit of ters, win take part In the Neigh­ will meet In Masonic Temple tomor­ than 11 henhawka appeared out of BOSPITAL NOTES VOL. LVL, NO. 301 Advmtiataig ou Page U ) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESbAY, SEPTEMBER 22,1937 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE w in materially aaalat with the aii^ 1774." Mr. Von Deck who was to bors' night program of Unity Tem­ row evening, with the obligation the north, circled two or three times SELF SERVE AND taagamenta If membeia win please have given a demonstration In ple, Hartford Thursday night, and ceremony part of the bualneaa, over the duck farm Doane street aotuy Mra. Kramer hy Wednesday drumming Is out of town and un­ all who are in the play or sing In it la hoped many of the members and continued on their way to the Admitted lata yesterday: Mrs. HEALTH MARKET awsBlar at the latest aa to the num* able to keep the engagement. the chonu are requested to appear will attend. A social hour with re­ southwrest. It Is extremely seldom EUzabetb Modin, 148 Cooper street. her c f (uasta they are Invltliic. tonight at 7 o'clock In Odd Fellows freshments will follow, with Mrs. that these hawks, or hawks of any Dlacharged lata yesterday: Wil­ Throngs Jam Streets To See Legion Parade banquet hall for rehearsal. variety, are seen together In any Past Chief Danrtters. _ of Helen EDIzabeth Johnson, cbalmuui, in liam Sedlack, 189 Oakland atreet; The Past Presklenta assodatloo S ■ II— - charge, assisted by Mrs. Florence such number and bird-wise observers JAPS IGNORE PLEAS Davidson______Lodge,______No.98. Daughters Stanley Zwiiakl, WUUmgntic. Wednesday Morning «C Mary BushasD Cheney aualUary, Mra Mercedes Prior is chairman Beeman, Mra. Ada Carr. Mrs. Mil­ were speculating aa-to whether some Census: Fifty-one patients. GREEN WARNS LEGION of Scotia, will hold their ■ regular . U. B. W: V„ will hold a meeting to­ meeting this evening at the home of of the rummage sale which S t Mar­ dred Clarke, Mrs. Eva Wctherell. unusual condition had arisen to stsirt morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock with Mrs. Margaret Pentland of the garet Circle, Daughters of Isabella Mrs. Ethel Mohr, Mrs. Alice Thorn­ a migration of the predators. Mrs. Ploreoce Treadwell of 4SS ton, Mrs. Marie Bunzel, Mrs. Nellie Specials Centennial Apartments. win conduct Thursday from 10 OF BRITAIN, U. S. Oentet atreet Taylor and Miss Florence Taylor. o'clock on In the Coughlin building. Oi Interest to local K li^ la n a Is Men's - Women’s ■ CWIdren'S store Oosed At*Noon On Wednesdays. Mra Charles Howard, lecturer of Depot Square. the announcement of a broadcast to Sunset Rebekah Lodge members be given tomorrow night at 8:18 HAIR CUTS - 25c. AGAINST FORCES OF Manchester Grange Is In charge of • Barbeas — No Waltingl the Boosters' night program for the The Emblem club will have a pub­ enjoyed a solicited supper and enter­ o'clock over Station WMAS on Kl- Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales. tainment last night in connection wanis boys' and girls’ work. The AND BOMB NANKING Grange's opening meeting tomor­ lic bridge party at the Elks home lr PINEHURST . with the first fall meeting. Mrs. row evening at 8 o'clock in Odd In Rockville tomorrow at 2 p. m., speakers will be John D. Pond, CUUITTA’S C sm ptoll’s Fellows hall. A social time with with Mrs. Irene Kosloreck, chalr- Minnie Krause was chairman ofrthe chairman of the New England Dis­ BARBEB SHOP 84 Onk St. Closes A t Noon supper committee, and Vice Grand trict committee on the work, and PRETZELS IN CARRIAGE refreshments win also be enj0}red Refreshments and a social fty Planes Ra|n Death GIVES WIFE FBEEDUM COMMUNISM, NAZlISM and a large attendance U antici­ time srlll foUow the games. Mrs. Jessie Kerr of the entertain­ Clarence Abbott. The' S^ngfleld Pork & Beans % cans 2 1 e Wednesdays pated. ment committee. Mrs. Emma Swan­ Club quartet will be an a ^ ed fea­ I<1 son gave several humorous readings. ture of the program. Cliaae A Sanborn Twice On Capita]; 0?er Salem, Maas., Sept 22.— (AP) The Selectmen and Town Clerk Miss Betty McCarthy, song and —Pretzels In her baby's car­ Union Asks Closer Mrs. Ralph Strickland, the for­ Samuel J. Turklngton will be In the riage puzzled Mrs. Angela M. 1^ i f ? **«le Bttlo spe- dance numbers, and Miss Astrid Fred Jackson of Summit street clal paver tiseuieut to remind our mer Mias Ora Squires of Colches­ Municipal building office of the clerk Skoog, acrobatic dances. Mrs. * * 8 t a t e lb. Ask, 26, she told Probate Court, ter, was honored with a surprise tomorrow night from 7 to 9 p. m. to and Kenneth Walker of Woodbridge COFFEE 2C e 200 Chinese Refugees Claim Enough Votes that Pliiehnnt closes Tbora Stoehr accompanied the street have entered the employ of until she turned detective. Cooperation Between War Wednesday aftemoona miscellaneous shower at the home I examine the quallflcations of pros­ dancers. Elmwood Farm Boned Then, she said, she discovered of Mr. Strickland's parents, Mr. and pective new voters and to give the Plnehurst Grocery. Inspection'* T to majority of the members Are KiOed or Wounded her husband, Adolph, Beverly Mra. Calvin Strickland of Golway Elector’s Oath to those who are Have Your Car Checked Veterans and Worker^ o f the Retail Division of the I eligible. tool worker, was taking their i To Elect Doherty On street Saturday evening. Friends and Repaired At . . . CHICKEN 5 J oz. can two-year-old son Into saloons In- j Chamber of Oommeree voted to and relatives to the number of 40 dose Wednesday afternoons right The Women's Home League of By C. YATES McDANIEL stead of wheeling him for a Sun-1 Organization; GoTem- u r o ^ the year, eaoept during were present from Providence, day airing. { Danielson. Columbia, Hartford and the Salvation Army has postponed JUST PHONE 3615 Nanking, Sept. 22.— lA P )— Leaa HsBday weeks. Scott Towel and Scott Judge Edward P. O’Brien First Legion Ballot this town. Games were played Its meeting from tomorrow to ABEL'S & than 48 boura after Brittah and ft w8l pay yon to shop Wednes- and a buffet luncheon served. Thursday afternoon .'at the citadel, Guaranteed Bleetricnl and granted a divorce on grounds of ment Leaders Also Speak. Towel Holder All For A American proteata to the Japaneae Intoxication and cruelty. Mrs. New York. Sept. 22 — (AP) — dey nseming at Plnebnrst. Our when Mrs. Major Charles M. Abbott Hechanloal Auto Kepalring Campaigners for Daniel Doherty, regular advertlaemeat appenrs Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Segar and wlU be the guest, and all members Bear 78 Cooper Street KeBogg*B government agalnat unreatricted Ask, a formerly Beverly resident etoenhuie on this page. now of New York won custody Boston lawyer, for 1637-38 National Mrs. Eva White of Main atreet are aud friends are urged to be on hand RE-UPHOLSTERED BstabUsbed 1971 bombardment of thla capital, more commander of tbe American Legion BULLETIN! DIAL 4181 enjojrlng a trip through Maine and to greet her. Major and Mrs. Abbott than 60 Japaneae airplanea twice of the boy. today announced they had enough New York, Sept. 22.— the White Mountains. were the commanding officers of C o F n FI r I c r s 2 phgs. 1 rained death and» deatructlon from votes lined up to elect Doherty on the local eorpa 10 years ago. the sklea today, killing, wounding The American Leffion to* Freeh tbe first ballot at the final conven­ $39-00 or burning to death more tban TOO tion session tomorrow. day selected Los Angeles, Innocent Chinese refugees. An emphatic denial of thla claim California, as the city of Those killed or Injured were most­ came Immediately from the head­ ^ ^ A g a ta Ptortnrst meat department reminds yoa of the VOUB S-PIECE SET ONLY. Teacher of Piano ITALIANS h a i l " its 1938 convention. rritaiiuy ^ boyteg a whole SbonMer of Lamb at 34« lb. Have A N * w BEETS bunch ly those who bad been too feeble or quarters of Ray KeUy, of Detroit, fiw m stato nine chops cot off and the rest of the shonlder fixed Wo will call for your living Mildred S. Willes ® helpless to join the exodus Into the Mich., generally regarded as Doher­ The choice was made n r miviiife 4 ty’s strongest opponent for leader­ P lan - room suite—completely over­ 54 Fairfield Street safety of the surrounding country­ PIRACY PARLEY after Frank N. Belgrano^ far year atder. Meaty Shank Soap Bones and Veal haul It, re-cover It—,uid re­ side. ship o f the Nation’s World War former national com­ Tel. 6807 veterans. turn It to you, same as new, Dozens of Incendiary bombs and TRAVELERS, SPINACH peck 2Ce high explosives fell Into their Reports of a swing to Doherty mander, had painted ths Tender, Genuine, Fresh VEAL TENDER only $89.00. AD materials Ripe •' wretched straw huts In the Haiak- AS AJICTORY gained currency with announcement attractions of the city in from his headq\iartera that the CALVES' LIVER CHOPS LAMB added are brand new. Now wan slum district, between the wall­ a speech climaxing a live* Oo\-ors, New Seat Cushions, ateong Pennaylvonla delegation, VEAL LIVER Special 35c-50c ed section of the city and the with 76 votes, had been committed ly advertising campaign 65c lb-, 84c lb. CUTLETS 25e lb. New Felt FllUng added. BANANAS 4 lbs. 2 1 c Yangtze river. The huts burned like See Recogm'don of Parity to the Bostonian. conducted by Loa Angeles Frwmoo Repaired and Polished. Springs Reset and Retied__Re­ match boxes. The report was not denied at the Business Men’s Many were trapped and burned to Legionnaires since they . * *S..” ***?l Haehprst jnlcy, leader GROUND BEEF la \ » \ W \20 \2 i\ placed where necessary. WebMng Reset. SUITE CALLED FOR headquarters of the four other can­ began drifting in here last Ua\TR\2f\26l29\30\Mj AND DELIVERED. Lunch death. m ^Odr Sea” and EUmina- didates, Including Lynn U. Stam- —w2^v2ne*id depend- Alrfiady accuatomed to the hor­ baugh, of Fargo, N. D.; MUo J. week. rifying reaulta of twelve previous PAY AS LITTI.E AS $5.02 A MONTH. SHERIDAN HOTEL tmg Russia from Coming Warner, of Toledo, O., and Stephen Denver and Chicago had v HEALTH MARKET air raids here, this correspondent, F. CHiadwick, of Seattle, Wash. made bida for the next CRABAPPLES Tender, NsUva who baa reported a dozen civil wars, Legion observers agreed that year’s convention. 16-qt basket $1.10 Earle S. Rohan ALWAYS FOB HONEST RE-UPHOLSTERING COME HERE! famines and plagues in China, Experts’ Meeting at Paris. Broccoli ...... bun. 10c Writing All Forms of Busy Since 1977. nevertheless was alckened at the (OontiaiMd On PBgB Two) Daniel Doherty Insarsnee Have Your VEAL CHOPS lb. \ 2 .e sight of women, children and old New York, Sept 22.— (AP) Wild Jelly Grapes 817 HtfA Itoad TeL 7488 Parsnips ...... Ib. 10c MANCHESTER UPHOLSTERING CO. men, already burned to death or be­ Rome, Sept. 22.— (A P )—Italians — Closer cooperation between 75e iMsket 48 Madison Street We Go Anywhere! yond aid. the An\erican Legion and hla Butabaga In many places heaps of dismem­ today balled the Impending Italian- ASYLUM INMATE Veal Stew lb. i s - a o o bered legs, arms and beads were Britiah-French anti-piracy confer­ HOFFMAN’S MAN RUNS FOR OFFICE own organization was recom­ Tdlow Corn Turnips. . . . .2 lbs. 9c TIRES seen. ence aa a sign that Premier Mus- mended today by William Link Lower Prtee On The odor of burning bodies sicken­ sollnl's demand for Mediterranean Green, president of the Amer­ Suniner Sqna.


horison was the questloa of eon' barrlara to home construction, Mr. erly mt the southwest Oalessan Is eholman In charge and a thros day oonferenea ottendod by totecsections on tb« itreat, and tba Legion Auxiliary to be held this tracts for drivers of local wholesale Stark said that shelter Is called signs have been placed to the Inter- evening to tbe G. A. R. haU, to ad­ PUBUC RECORDS^ Main and Haynes, atreet NO ACCORD SEEN REALTORS PROTEST upon to cany the great share of the WILKINS TO QUIT 3 GARR BROTHERS sbs Is assisted by Mrs. Nellie Htmt, Episcopal clergymen. The confer­ and retail houses. ITALIANS HAH eet of public safety. dition - to tbe annual election of tax burden. Mrs. Mildred Burke, Mrs. Katherine ence opened on Tueeday and wUI Union headquarters said Uu Local Stocks TO TRY TO SETTLE (taptato. Peter Dowgewicx states officers. The Installation of officers The worth of the good will at • contracts had been submitted to ROCKVILLE Itoke, Mrs. Marlon Bums and Mrs. conclude on Thursday. Qnlt-Olalm Deed going business Is commonly ap* Walter Burke. that tbe signs ore a warning to wUI take place on October 13tb to most of the large employers and UNFAIR TAX LOAD SEARCH lO R FLIERS Bieet Warning Signs tbe G. A. R hall. Hartford-Connectlcut Trust eom- praised at five or six timea Ito aver* IN TRUCK STRIKE PIRACY PARLEY Fumlslied by F. B. Shaw, Inn. ARE SEEKING BAIL PunenU of Frederick Swindells rootorista, and If they are. disregard­ answers were expected late this Following numerous comptalnta pany to WlUlam A. Robinson, prop­ age net profits per year. CLAM ENOUGH VOTES 968 Farmington Ave., CLOAK STRIKEAGAIN The funeral of Frederick Swin­ ed, tha poUce wUl take aetton to see OffMo) Board Meeting week. Meanwhile the drivers con­ to regard' to tbe fast driving of that they are enforced. tinued at work. West Hartford dells, 89, well known manufacturer, aoms drivers down Prospect street, The oSlelat Board of the Rock­ May Join Strikers AS AJICTORY WUIlam B. Martin PLAN FOR A R E D R A n wee largely attended from hla late AmdUaiy Meettag ville Methodist church will hold a Head of National Gronp at TO ELECT DOHERTY ON Only Two Rassian Planes iJioal Bepresentattve Their La\vyer Announces the Roclcvllle polity have posted fie p iu iig irf Third Week If those contracts are rejected— home on Elm street on Tuesday signs on tbe street to slow up the' , Annual reporla will be presented meeting this evening at 7:30 o’clock and It appeared today that by at (OsattaiMd tm a Pag« Om ) Bid Asked Selectman Chambers Calls afternoon. Rev. EMward Nield, pas­ at the meeting of the American at the Men’s room of the church. -- Capt N at Bk. A Tr. . 32 OF LIQUOR ORNINANCE baffle. There are many dangerous Shows SettlemeDl Remote least one group of merchants they Hartford Tefls What FIRST LEGION BALLOT Engaged in Hont Now at 36 They Win Claim Self De­ tor of the Rockville Baptist church Cl will be—the drivers will Join In the ItallM FaselaU also ooagratulatod Htfd. Conn. Trust . . . 68 78 officiated at the services. During the Htfd." N at Bk. A Tr. . 81% 88 Conference of Mediation Walkout themselves that Communist Russia % Proposed Law As Submittefl Is time of the service, a program of Is Halting Constmetion. (COntlnned from Pago One) bad been eliminated from the forth­ This Side of North Pole. Pbosnlx S t Bk. A Tr. 280 300 fense in Deshardt Slajting — No Violence Reported. This would make the dty serious­ Iniaranoe Stocks Defeated Laat Night— ly strikebound. coming conference of naval experts Board on Differences. at the Union Congregational church. Doherty was "far in the lead” today at Parts. Aetna Casualty...... 84% 86% Await ConnseTs Action.^ Not only would the ban on In­ and that barring a laat-mlnute land­ Aetna Fire ...... 44% 46% -f^Burlal was in Hill Crest Parle ceme­ bound shipments be maintained, but Hartford, Sept 22.—(A P )—Un­ n Popolq dl Romm axulUpgly said: Barrow, Alaaka, Bept. 22.— (AP) Shelbyvllls, Ky„ Sept. 22.— (AP) tery, Springfield, Maae. Hartford, Sapt i t . — (A P)—Th* slide to some other candidate, pos­ "Ths qussUon of surveiUanes of ths Aetna Life ...... 26 28 RockviUe, Sept 22.—There was union members would endeavor to fair tax burdens, high interest rates sibly to avoid a deadlock, his elee- —Withdrawal at Btr Hubert Wll- Autoroobtle ...... 28% 30% —The thre* Oarr brothew, who Acting upon petition of The body wae home by portere truck ^rike today began ita third prevent pickup of the freight sent Meditorranean today rs-satort Its klaa and bis huge fljrlnf boat from wrote another bloody chapter la but one abeentee at the meeting of and the honorary bearera were and short amortization block wide­ tl4> seemed assured. proper channel and it is now up to Conn. General . .. a . . 30% 32% .strikers and sympathisers and iveek with the prospect of eettle- here Increasingly by railroad since tba Bsareb to r tbe lost Bovtet trans­ the Denbardt-Taylor ease—a story the Common Council on Tuesday eSyde H. Mooie and Dr. Bock ol spread home construction In this A minor squabble over the ethics Uie powers which have the Jurl&eai Hartford Fire ...... 69 71 signed by other local business men rnent apparently remote and the the strike was called Sept 7. country, Paul E. Stark. Madison, Uvolved In the reported ’’deal” polar fllsra left only two Russian Hartford Steam BoUer 60 64 that began with romance and Boston, Mass.: A. H. Chapin of Local 671 announced today that title and means to sotvs i t Thsrs wound up with bullets—prepared and town residents, Chairman David evening when tbe question of the threat of further and possibly more Wla., president of the National As­ arose when a spokesman Kelly’s planes engaged in tbe quest on this National F ir s ...... 60 62 ordinance requiring persona seeking Springfield, Moss.; W. B. Dana, lerloua trouble heavy. some 40 of the small trucking com­ will be no Intruders.” side of tbe North Pole today. today to eeek freedom from Jail on sociation of Real Estate Boards, headquarters declared: Phoenix Fire ...... 80% 83% Chambers yesterday called a second a permit to sell liquor or beer In the John J. Rogerson and Joseph Con­ » Strike acUviUes today were rtia panies la Hartford had signed Refers To Bovleto One of tbs planes, aa amphibian bond. — said here today. "I don’t believe It The caltbra of Rossla Insurance . . . 681 8% meeting for tonight of the Board of City of Rockville get the approval nor of Hartford; Rev. Dr. Gmrge 8. iUvaly subdued. Pickets continued closed shop contracts. Movement of Informed quarters interpreted ths pUoted by.AIexsei Gratdansky, ’Area The trio—Jack, Roy and Dr. Mr. Stark, speaking at the open­ the men running for the office of Travelers ...... 480 445 Selectmen, Police Commissioners of the Common Council before ap- Brookes, Francis T. Maxwell, WU- T o prohibit the shipment of truck these companies' trucks was per­ ing session of the Second Regional National commander Is too high for latter remark to refer to the Soviet several hundred mUes north of here Public Utility Stocks Garr—charged with slaying 1 Uam Maxwell, Dr. R. C, Ferguson, ^ifrelght Into or out of the city. mitted without interference. Union which on the eve of the Nyon on a 2,000 mile searchbtg flight Gen. Henty H. Denhardt, who. Chief of Police Samuel O. Gor- pl}ring to the State Liquor Commis­ Convention of the National Associa­ them to be Involved In any political Conn. L t and P ow .... 65 58 • sion tor a license, came up for dis­ Dr. E. H. Jletcalf. David A. Sykes. Flying squadrons were being dlS' Express Trucks Running tion of Real Estate Boards, which conference formally acctised Italy The other, pUoted by Baail Zad- Conn. Pow...... 43 45 Commonwealth contended, kll as a local board of mediation In deals.” cussion. Parley B. Leonard and Max Wet- hatched from headquarters of the Railway Express Agency trucks opened its two-day meeting at the herself of being a-plrate nation In koff, was undergoing repairs fol­ Htfd. Elec. Lt...... 56% 58% the Garrs’ sister, comely Vera Qi attempt to settle the trouble at steln, all of RockviUe. jiwinn, Local 671, Truck Drivers’ today were running. They bore" Nevertheless, one source stated the aid of the Insurgents in the Taylor, will claim self-defense. It Mayor Claude A. Mills presided at Hotel Bond, listed these as the three that Dobefty, Stambaugb and lowing a minor crackup several Hartford Gas ...... 28 32 ' the plant between strikers and offi­ ApproSMdilng Marriage YT^on, to check reports that car- blacards stating that the drivers great barriers to home ownership. Spanish civil war. The Soviet note days ago east of here. So. New EMg. Tel. Co. 157 162 was indicated ^ their attorney, J. cials of the independent CHoak com­ the session. There were remarks by Chadwick had reached an under­ tbe various members of the council, Announcement Is made of tbe ap­ I were moving. Routine plcket- were members of the Railway Driv­ They hold back normal activity In —which brought a hot denial from Sir Hubert made five long-dla- Manufactnring Stocks Ballard Clark,'of La Grange. pany. proaching marriage of Frsmees , at the dty lines wss continued. ers' Union, also an A. F. of L. af- standing on a ”one-two-three” deal The cose was given another most of whom were in favor of tbe the building industry, he said. whereby Stambaugb and Chadwick Rome—asserted Italian submarines tancs flights across the Arctic Acme Wire ...... 41% 43% Two'hearings were held previ­ Catherine Hannewald, daughter of But no violence or fracas wss re- miate. Convention leaders ■ were Intro­ had sunk two Russian merchant­ wilderness in vain search tor the Am. Hardware ...... 25 27 atrange twist wben Common­ ously, one In which officers of the ordinance, but some thought that would throw their support to men. a clause should be Included to have Albert Hannewald to' Edward J. ,,orted, and no new offensive, as far Plans for strengthening picket duced to the more than 300 real es­ Doherty In tomoFrow’s election In six Russian fliers who vanished Arrow H and H, com. 54% 66% wealth’s Attorney H. B. Kinsolving, ILGWU, representing the strikers, ;p. could be learned, was under way. lines were discussed at a mass tate men who attended by Louis S. II Popolo said France and Britain Jr., who prosecuted Denhardt on a hearing privilege. When tbe vote Vanderman, eon of Mrs. Robert return for his pledge to support Aug. 18 on an attempted non-stop Billings and Spencer . 584 684 presrated their case but at which Brown of 104 Grove street. g The darkest cloud-oiS the strike meeting of the strikers last night in Buths, president of the Hartford had come to Rome ’’the long way” the Taylor murder charge, disclosed meeting the officials of the cloak was taken the ordinance aa present­ their cabdidacies In 10B8 and 1939. flight from Moscow to Fairbanks, Bristol Brass ...... 64% 66% The wedding wUl take place on Labor Temple. Real Estate Board. On that basis. It was said, Chad­ but that It was Inevitable that they Alaska. OolHns Co...... 126 — he had suggested to County Attor­ company were not present. At a ed laat evening was defeated, but a John M. Hutchinson, Waterbury should come because ’’all roads lead redrafted ordinance will be consid­ Tuesday, September 28th In SL No further move toward arbitra­ wick would run for national com­ Dreary toga seriously hampered Colt’s P at Firearms. 68% 60% ney Coleman Wright that the Garrs second meeting with President Sld- tion was evident today, although It vice-president of the National asso­ to Rome.” be denied bond, at least until their ' ney Enils, Attorney Walfrid G. ered at a special meeting to be held Mary Magdalene’s church at Mun- mander next year and Stambaugb the noted Arctic explorer. Two days Eagle Lock ...... 23 25 boU, Penn., with the Rev. Shannon was reported the State Labor De­ ciation, sounded the keynote of the In 1939. A communique yesterday by For­ Fafnlr Bearings _____125 135 arraignment, scheduled Friday. Lundborg and other company rep­ on Friday evening. Due to the (act New Arrivals convention In outlining the growth eign Minister CJlano disclosed that ago he waa forced down In the Mac­ resentatives present, little progress officiating. partment was considering trying to In addition to Pennsylvania’s 75 Gray Tel Pay Station 6% 8 Brothers Silent that Corporation Counsel Bernard bring both sides together again In In this country of detailed and spe­ the French and British governments kenzie delta region and was unre­ was made towards settlement. Fol­ Both the bride and groom are votes, Doherty’s headquarters also ported for hours. Hart and C ooley ___ 220 230 Meanwhile, aa the brothers re­ ■J. Ackerman is In New York at­ another effort to end the strike. cialised Information on real estate had Invited Italy to the meeting. Hendey Mfg. Co. . . . 10 12 lowing a conference between union tending the National Legion conven­ graduates of the RockviUe High claimed the newly-achieved support Also Forced Out mained silent In Jail here In this school. Mr. Vanderman Is also a The Connecticut Manufacturers' use smd real estate trends. Days of diplomatic stalemate had Landers, Frary A Clk. 32% 34% blue grass tobacco county seat, officers and company officials before tion, it was Impossible to have the of Texas, Maine, Missouri and Ver­ Several weeks ago, Jimmie Mat- the State Board of Mediation, At­ graduate of the Massachusetts In­ Assodatlon refused comment on the Business Standards mont, and It was stated there wt« passed with both Britain and prance Mann A Bow, cnaas A — 10 friends of Denhardt, former lieuten­ ordinance redrafted on Tuesday at strikers’ allegation that It was the One of the first great steps taken represented aa solidly opposed to tem, American filer who once waa New Brit. Mch., com. 35 37 torney Lundborg stated that the stitute of Technology and is em­ a strong possibility that the power­ rescued In Siberia by Slglsmund ant-governor and adjutant-general the council meeting. However, It la chief barrier to settlement of the by real estate boards nationally. Mr. ful New York vote would come Into any Italian patrol beyond the nar­ do., pfd...... 98 106 company would consider the issu­ expected that when the hearing ployed with the Carnegie lUlnols Hutchinson said, was the fbrmula- Levaneffsky, pUot of the missing of Kentucky, made plans for funer­ ance of “counter proposals" which, walkout the betierty column after Its cau­ row one outlined by the Nyon pact, North and J u d d ...... 32% 34% al services for the colorful, soldler- clause Is inserted, that the ordi­ Steel (Company which Is a branch pick” of the tlon of a definite group of standards while they concentrated a warship plane, waa forced out of tbe hunt Peck, Stow A Wilcox 10% 12V4 wben they were received three of the U. 8. Steel Company In Mun- cus late today. politlclan tomorrow -at Bowling weeks ago were refused consldera- nance will be adopted. BIABKSBLANSHIP of business practice. A second great A spokesman for Kelly said Flor­ fieet, to number about 180, -virtually by treacherous weather conditions, Russell Mfg. Co...... 32 36 baU, Penn. new season’s furs step, he added, was adoption of the ringing Italy. growing stsadUy worse as the Arc­ Green. tlpn by tbe union. Tbe strike Is Mayor (JIaude Mills announced the ida, Oeorgla, North and South Caro­ Scovin Mfg. Oo. .... 36 87 appointment of two new super­ Miss Hannewald wlU leave for coined term ’’Realtor” to distinguish Negoffatlons "IMffleiilt” tic winter sets iq- Following private servlcee at the now In Ita seventh week and a picket ...t h e “ pick” of Philadelphia— Patrolman Leroy lina, Oklahoma and Arizona—repre. Stanley Works ...... 54 66 home of the general's sister tomor­ numerary policemen at last night’s Peiuisylvania on Friday by plane. Jordan saw a thief escaping from a to the public those persons In the Clano’s communique pointed out Information yesterday was that Torrlngton ...... 32% 34% line haa been midntained at the Attending Oonfeienoe sentlng 107 votes—had been ’’defin­ row morning, the body will lie In plant during that time with neither session, Edward Quinn, Jr. and Elart taproom and fired hastily. The bul­ real estate business who are bound, itely committed” to the Detroit can­ that Italy was keeping Germany Sir Hubert would fly to New York Union Mfg. Co...... 7- 9 Rev. H. B. Olmstead, rector at St. the new season’s through their membership In the fully Informed of her Intentloit to state at the National Guard Armo­ side making any overtures for set­ Beebe. let, Imbedded In the heel of the sus­ didate "over and beyond a solid bloc City this week. U S Ekivelope, Com .. 70 80 ry—"Denhardt Hall”—until mld- John’s Episcopal church la at the pect’s rtgbt shoe, tripped him. Jor-. national association to follow the attend, the Paris conference. At EMmonton, Alta., MaJ. J. E. do., pfd...... 120 130 tlement. Petitions were received at Tues­ styles! Coats from other delegations. aftemoon when military services It is expected that tonight's con­ day's session as follows: Harold W. Choate school- In Wallingford for dan captured him but was annoyed. realtors’ code of ethics. A total of 070 votes la required n Messaggero, another Rome Genet of the Royal Canadian Corps Veeder Root ...... 125 132 "The Ugbt was bad,” be apolo­ The third great step In real estate newspaper, predicted the negotia­ Whitlock Coll Pipe . 9 11 will be conducted. ference will fail to produce results, Lebrmitt to build a dwelling 22x30 with softer, for election. of Signals said be believed Sir The self-defense plea waa given due to the fact that tbe company gised. "I was aiming at his left business advance, he said, w m the tions atUl would be "long and diffi­ Hubert possibly planned to obtain New York Bank and Ins. Stock on Grant street, granted. i?. The three “ minor” candidates In Impetus when Patrolman Jeptha has refused to maintain a "closed” Edwin J. Sucbeckl, to build ga­ HELP STOMACH squared shoul­ heel." gradual building up of a the race—Stambaugb, Chadwick cult” and warned that R ^ l a might an airplane better suited for winter Bank of New York .. 450 480 knnwiedff6 Of real ea- yet raise obstacles. Tracey, to whom the brothers sur­ shop, one of the union’s demands. rage, 20x24 on Franklin street, and and Warner—maintained -their flying. Bankers T______r u s t...... 60 60 62 rendered after Denhardt waa cut At 11 o’clock Friday all of the DIGEST FOOD ders. . .newer col­ determination to fight to Che tlnlab, MuasoUnl’a newspaper, D Popolo Flight followers here were told Chase ...... 42 44 granted. WMHal LusStm—Hid TeeT Ert through the pooling of Individual down by bullets on the main atreet strike cases will be tiled In town Ernest Welti to remodel the with mounting hope that a dead­ D’ltalta of Milan,- commented brlefiy four Russian airplanes were at (^emlcal ...... 55 57 Erwythisf ina S*^ le Note , Personal Notices exF^rfence and through development that the slghlflcahce of Ciano’s an­ here Monday night, said he was told court before Judge Harold Garrity. steeple on the German Lutheran lU lUMk iSaiM dxm tm , poond, et tm t lars, smart lock between the Doherty and Krflly Rudolph Island, Russian Arctic air Continental ______15% 17% “that before any shots were fired Tbe ban fM Uko a toxatl** tor EtotoMli mandershlp was further complicat­ ceived from Moscow of their pro­ 15 When questioned about the aelf- have been made since tbe first day rtla. It to MMsrcM sad fooltoh. It tolrar Qmm neighbors for kindness shown to us em Division, the Farm ^nda tasti ed by the sharp rivalry for the post Mediterranean power. Manhattan ...... 28 30 C. W. Peterson to build an addi­ tiWo MMk ttbtoto Mitod M l-ia $ tor ladifMilM later... so BUY durinir the Illness, and at the time of tute and other specialized atudy British and French spokesmen in gress lately. defense report. Clark retorted; of ths ban’s Inauguration. A BAM Um matm stotoac* toldi htmtoM. ro- ibe death of our husband and father. of legion chaplain, with four can­ Mnnufact. Trust 4.5 47 During the past few days an In­ tion to a chicken coop, 8x10 at 98 I dlftroto ta • BladtM aad ym M A m groups within the London expressed the belief that the National City Bank . 87 39 "Men don’t kill each other for Grove street, referred to the Public roM f*oC B«IUf to ao M ick It la asastag i__ Ura, J. N. Ashford and Son. didates seeking the honor and their nothing.” crease In the number of pickets oaa tto gackiga grm a It. dak tor Ball-ana Igr NOW! * M a v o r Spellncy greeted the dele state delegations dickering with all projected tri-power conference had New York Trust___ 122 126 Works comnUttee with power. fgHatotoa Bald i i tojaBwto (a) M * Oto UiV. gau“ saytag that the city wae hon­ has been noted. IN MKMOKIAM the candidates for National com­ done much to relax the tension In Public ...... 38 38 Organizers Frank Libertl and John .Parrari to build a one room In lovlnff memory o f Mrs. Martha ored to have them meet here mander. the Mediterranean. French sources Title Guarantee...... 10 12 addition 10x12 (eet on Progress he hoped their rftay. would not Irving Horowlts of New. York are Dean, who died Sept. S2nd, 1994: The four candidates are the Rev. predicted an agreement which would N. Y. Stocks Insurance tn town for tbe conference tonight avenue, referred to ths Public on?y b! * pleasant, but an Informs- assure Italian cooperation In the American (I^ewark) . 11 She wae a flower from Qod’a Garden, John M. Belaray, of Messina, N. Y. 13 Manchester and It is expected that President Works committee with power. Have Your Lent to us for Just awhile; Uve one. _ , the Rey. Frank Lawler, of Jackson­ patrol and receive German approval. Adam Exp ...... 1481 American Re.serve . .24% 26% Sidney EHUs and his company asso­ Permission waa granted the Ital­ Yet now her memory linaors, The Rev. John Newton Lackey, ville, m.; the Rev. Frederick J. Hal- Alaska Jun ...... 10 H American Surety .. 47’% 49% Date Book ciates will have .etumed from New ian Social club to build a club bouse In all hearts that knew her emlle. pastor of the Central Baptist loran, of Trenton, N. J., and the Allegheny ...... 2 Baltimore American 6V4 7V4 York In time for the meeting which 40x60 off Snlpsic street. church, gave the Invocation. Rev. Patrick N. McDermott, of At­ Allied Chem ...... 102 Excess ...... 6 7 will be called at 8 o’clock. WAYS Her Dauahter and Son. lanta, Iowa. LEGION DELEGATION Fid. and Deposit .. This Week The various bills of tbe depart­ Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Smith. In elaborating on the three great Am Can ...... 97 112 118 ments were presented to the (5oun- Am Home P r o d ...... 39^^ Great American .. 22% 24 >4 Sept. 25.—First dance of (all and muss TO P A Y HaUfax ...... 23 2,'5 winter season at local Country Club. cU and order^ paid. Retreaded DUE HOME XONIGirr Am Rad St S ...... 16 Tbe Public Works committee an-, Am Smelt ...... 73H Hanover ...... 30% 32V4 A1.SO Girl Scout Round-up at the HAMDEN TEACHERS OK’D 1. Small Depoait, Old lot. nounced that new cement sidewalks BARTOUNI FACES Am Tel and T e l ...... 1618« Home Ins...... 31 33 For Inspection Balance 10 eaay Larnrest Representation from Am Tob B ...... 74:^ Home Fire Security . 284 3% Coming Events were being ordered on Elm street. JUST PH ONE 3615 Am Wat Wks ...... 15 H Mass. Bonding ...... 53% 5,’)% Oct. 2.—Salvation Army musical BY BOARD OF EDUCATION Prospect street and Taloott avenue paymenta. DEATH SENTENCE Manchester Since Conven­ to replace the old tar walks where CAMPBELL’S Anaconda ...... 4281 National Liberty 7% 8 % festival at citadel. . 2. 10% Down. Bal­ tion and Parade in Boston. North River ...... 24% Oct. 3.—Confirmation and CUiurcb necessary. Armour, III ...... 6^ 26% SERVICE STATION ance November Atchison ...... 62 Prof. Wash...... 30 32% rcdedicatlon at St. Bridget's church. Balsa Foida (tOntlnUed Or Page ' eo) Hamden, Sept 22.— (A P )—Exec­ OOr. Mala St. and sadiOe Tpk. Members of Dllworth-Comell Aviation Corp ...... 4 81 Pref.-Accldent ___ 16 18 Oct. 4.—Town election at State utives at the Hamden school system As the first step towards a swim­ 18th. RE-UPHOLSTERED Post, American Legion, who left Seaboard Surety .... 26 Aj-mory and town meeting at High ming or wading pool for the chil­ berment slaying of Mrs. Grayce As­ Baldwin CT ...... 13>i 28 had tbe backing of the Board of E Una Tour Charge quith, widowed Weymouth model, Sunday afternoon by special bua for Balt and O h io ...... 19 »4 Security Ins...... 30 32 achool. Education today in the strike of 300 dren of Rockville, the RockvUle the dark Quincy chef coolly kissed tbe New York National Convention Bendlx ...... 16 Springfield Fire A Ma. i n 115 Oct. 6.—Lecture on ''The Romance High school students tor shorter Federation of Democratic Women Account. the hand of his coun-sel. George are expected -to return home this Beth Steel ...... 76 • Sun Life ...... 540 590 of News Gathering”, at Hollister hours and no home work. will hold a card party on Wednee- $39-00 Lourle, as he was led off to Jail evening. During the three days In Beth Steel, pfd ...... 109 U. S. F. and G...... 19 21 Street. School hall, auspices of Edu­ The board meeting last night in day evening, October 29th. Cuated and whispered reassuringly, “That's New York the post participated In Borden ...... 22 Westchester ...... 31% 33% cational Club. executive session expressed "full The organization will make every the 40 and 8 parade on Monday O ct 28.—"The First Lady," a rOUB S-PIECE SET ONLY. all right." Con Pac ...... 10 confidence” In the school heads and effort to sell a large number of night and In the big convention pa­ Case (J. I.) ...... 140 three-act comedy played by the tickets, to get a start for a fund We will call tor your living Jury Foreman Frederick Phelps, condemned "the use of disorderly white-haired and grave, read the rade on Fifth Avenue yesterday aft Cerre De Pas ...... 55 SPANISH REBELS HOLD Community Players and sponsored procedures to obtain any desired for a pooL As there were room suite—completely over­ verdict to a half-filled courtroom a emoon and throughout laat night Ches and Ohio ...... 42>.l by the Manchester Motliera’ Club at student objectives.” no playgrounds the past year tbe haul It, re-oover It—and re­ few minutes after midnight, six and until early thia morning. Chrysler ...... 96 VVhlton Memorial Hall. 'The students, part of 1,300 at­ children were forced to play on the 749 Main Street turn It to yon, same aa new, hours and 57 minutes after the Nor­ Not alnce the National Conven­ Coca Cola ...... 139 Nov. 14.— Annual Conflrmand Re­ tending tbe Hamden High school streets or else go some considerable t X > R O N A tion held In Boston about ten years Col Gas and El ...... lOtl THE FRENCH ENVOY union at Emanuel Lutheran church. CdBdtdorslera FRADIN’S folk county Jurors filed out to pon­ walked out of classes Sept. 19 In distance to swim, no safe place be­ PORTABLES only $39.00. AU materials ago have so many post members Coml Inv Tr ...... 8?H •ad ••• th« der Bartolinl's fate. protest and returned Monday with ing available near at hand for the ■ lataat nodclie added are brand new. New taken part In a National conven Coml Solv ...... 11H (fVmtlno^d from One) DEAD MAN NOMINATED the reopening of the school for en- The verdict upheld District At­ Cons Edison ...... 33H smaller children. priced ta fit Covers, New Seat Cushions, torney Edmund R. Dewlngs closing tlon. Others who drove to New othar week. Both bridge and whist wlU be New Felt FUlIng ad,ded. York planning to attend the entire Cons on ...... 12H heard reports that the consul. Pierre New Brunswick, N. J„ 8ept_ 22. Over the signature of .Floyd A argument that a chain of "scienti­ Cont Can ...... 55 played at the card party with Mrs. fic" circumstantial evidence had convention activities, will stay until des Martts. waa ordered to remain — (A P )—To a dead man went ’ the Beecher, secretary to ths board, Framea Repaired and Polished. Springs Reset and Retied—Re­ Com Prod ...... 60 within hla home but had no actual Ruth McKinstry Cooley* In charge of _”llnk b]s link encircled the defend­ tbe close of the sessions. Democratic nomination for tax as- statement Issued after the meeting placed where neoeasary. Webbing Reoet. SUITE CALLED FOR Commander-elect W. Henry Weir Del Lack and W e s t...... 1184 confirmation. They expressed ba- aessor of North Brunswick tOWB- the tickets. Mrs. Nicholas Ashe Is ant and left him in the middle.” Douglas Aircraft ...... 3984 Uef, that If the report Is confirmed. resdi chairman of the committee In AND DfcU\’ERED. Jealousy the Nlotlve was In charge of the local unit ship. "The Board of Education, at Ita A VIULT which marched yesterday. Du Pont ...... I48H It would create only a "local Inci­ Into, the polling place stepped 424 charge and the other members In­ lUVt ONt Dewing accused BartoUnl of kill­ Eastman Kodak ...... 175 ^ dent.” meeting tonight, expressed Its full clude Mrs. Jennie Burke, Mrs. Leo Vary tailored, or noftened ______PAY AS LITTLE AS >5.02 A MONTH.______Democrats to ca.st their votes for confidence In the executives of the ing the pretty widow because of in­ EHec and Mus ...... 5 Tension Inrreaaed Flaherty and Mrs. Emma Lisk. In detail for afternoon wear. fatuation and Jealousy. Afterward, George Smith as well as for other school system. Elec Auto Lite ...... 31*4 Nevertheleaa. tension was In­ Holding Dessert Bridge Service Typewriter Co. Cheney Brothers AI.W AYS FOR HONEST RE-ilPHOUSTERINO COME HERE! the prosecution charged, l)s dis­ GOV. CROSS CABINET candidates. Now that homage has "The Board of Education also Gen Elec ...... 45 creased here because of the Tron- been paid to the 67-year-old party Tbe RockvUle Embldin club is 195 Tminball St. Hartford Busy Since 1922. membered the body, wrapped the Gen Foods ...... 35 strongly disapproved the use of dis­ holding a Dessert bridge this after­ coso Incident, and Insurgent mili­ worker, stricken while Icaring a orderly procedures to obtain any Local Agent: KEMP’S, Inc. head and legs with burlap and win­ NOW ESTABUSHED Gen Motors ...... 51 tary authorltlea kept the frontier noon at the Elks Home. Mrs. John MANCHESTER UPHOLSTERING CO. dow shade material taken from a Gillette ...... 12>i rally on primary election eve. the desired Student objectives. doted to all Frenchmen. township Democratic committee ”It la the sentiment of tbe board ^ b i r n n u ^ 48 aiadison street We On Anyvrberel curtaOn shop over which he room­ Hecker Prod ...... lOH French officials said they also had ed, and sank them In Boston har­ (Continued from Page One) Hershey ...... 55 will choose a successor to take his that they maintain an open mind in taken ’‘measures of precaution" place on the general election ballot Auction Sale EXAMINED - GLASSES FITTED bor. Discovery of the legs floating Hudson Motors ...... llH along the border. the matter until such time as the spedsl committee now studying the b b ia l l w e e k l y p a y b ie n t s In the harbor disclosed the crime aloners as they now exist. Int Harv ...... 05 VI The Insurgent major, military October 3, 1936, 13 days after the "After L-onslderlng the matter Int Nick ...... 5481 governor of three Insurgent-held educational policy of the High olaylng. very csrefully, he has decided to Int Tel and Tel ...... 8% achool, makes Its report and definite Wie have received the following: letter today which should he RICHARD STONE Spanlah provinces, was brought to­ W edding OPTICIAN Bartolinl's defense assailed the appoint the commissioners (those Johns Manville ...... 106 day from the frontier town of Hen- recommendations to the board.” prosecution's scientific evidence as named), on the understanding that Kenneeott ...... 49<4 of interest to all prospective purchasers: Wm. J. Bergeroa, OptonwtrM daye and placed In Jail on the con­ S t State Tbeatar Bldg. ToL 42M ‘theories," asserted the one-time he will find it necessary at times to Lehigh Val Rd ...... 10 H spiracy charge. chef was asleep ln.bls room the day call Into conferences other commit U gg and Myers B ...... 94V1 Officials said Troncoao probably THURS. - FRI. a n d SAT. G ift of the crime and laid the slaying to aloners and sometimes heads of va­ Loew’s ...... 71% would be taken to Brest after fur­ WAlLST.BRIffS Sept. 22,1937 RED D IW r n FRIDAY Lorillard ...... 20H "Sure I Like John A. Lyons, a World War veter­ rious state Institutions.” ther questioniev in connection with i ^ - an friend of the widow who disap­ The commissioners named were: Mont Ward ...... 49H the miscarried plot One of the In­ j a good timo, Suggestions TO ROBERT J. SmXH, INC.: peared the day she was slain. Dr. Ernest W. Butterfield, Ekluca- Nash Kelv ...... 15*4 surgent raiding party was killed I but who says New York, Bept. 22.—An Increase MEN D iilljU n i g h t tlon: Col. Michael A. Connor: Motor Nat BIsc ...... 2384 Charge of the Court Sunday In ttie attempt to comman­ ' I Tm not a fit, I" of about 5.5 per cent in Cuban Weddings at this aeaaon of the ytmr In reply to your inquiry in reference to fire insurance during tha Judge George Leary told the Vehicles; William H. Hackett. Tax­ Nat Caab Reg ...... 25% deer the Spanish government Sub­ mother!" sugar exports to 2,128,600 tons raw are becoming more popular than In Jurors "proof that someone else bad es; Edward F. Hall, Finance; Rob­ Nat Dairy ...... 1784 marine C-2 at Brest, France, where value from 2,017.344 tons last year the Spring. period allowed for settlement, we desire to advise you that without cost Nat Dlatin ...... 2814 an opportunity to commit the crime ert' H. Hurley, Public Works; Ol- It had undergone drydock repairs. from the first of the year to Sep- to the purchasers, Cheney Bros, will continue the present insurance to Tinker Hall Starting at 8:30 does not constitute a reasonable eott F. King, Agriculture; John -A N Y Central ...... 30 Armand Moiteaaler, chief of the tember 18, waa reported today by Macdonald, Highways; Dr. Stanlay NY NH and H ...... 384 French Surete Natlonale. said three Lomhorn a Co., sugar brokers, date of settlement. This protects the buyer to the whole extent of that doubt, if the defendant already North Am ...... 22V4 DOUBLE COMPACTS seems guilty beyond a reasonable H. Osborn, Health; Walter Perry, wltneaaes had Identified Troncoso aa ats to tbe United States policy as applied to each particular property. However, from the moment Banka; Joseph M. Tone, Labor and Packard ...... 7% a member of ths redding party. A brand new style 4-way Compact with day and RESTAURANT doubt.” Param Plct ...... 19 1,649.478 tons against 1.871,- He gave the Jury four alterna­ Frederic C, Walcott, Public Wel­ Troncoso was said to havs admitted year, an increase of 20.2 night lipstick and powder and rouge. the property is knocked down the purchaser possesses an insurable inter­ .■fSi.” Penn ...... S2H TAM’S fare. readily that he waa author of the 30 CJAMES — 30 PRIZES tives. It might either acquit, con­ Phelps Dodge ...... 38 nt. Gold fiDed enamel finish...... ^ O e L lv F est If he desires to take out additional coverage to that at present car­ vict the defendant of murder tn the These men will serve through the plot but waa quoted by Investigators 10 East Center Street Odd Fellows’ Bldft, remainder of the governor’s term Phil Pete ...... 4984 aa saying he waa "very sorry" he ried by Cheney Bros, he is at liberty to do so. It is our opinion that the PRIZES INCLUDE: LAMPS - TABLES - ELECTRICAL AP­ first or second degree or find him Pub Sent N J ...... S8V4 /'Stocks of pneumatic casings In guilty of manslaughter. until January, 1939. bad not actually taken part In the tbe bands at manufacturers at the present coverage will be sufficient in all reasonable probability to protect PLIANCES - RADIOS - LOUNGING CHAIRS - MANY OTHERS Radio ...... 984 raid, being detained at I run. OTHER COMPACTS...... ^ ^ e O U up Bartolinl’s calm was shattered Reading ...... 31 end of July totaled 11,654,114 units, WE THANK YOU FOR THE HNE WAY IN when the jury returned to the The major waa reported to have ' the buyer’s interest to the day of settlement. TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION THAT MUST BE SEEN TO Rem Rand ...... 1884 argued It waa hla "right and duty” aa Increase of 50.4 per cent over the WHICH YOU GREETED OUR OPENING TODAY courtroom for further instructions CALLS INSECURITY Repub Steel ...... 27 hi like 1936 period when they were GOLD nLLE D BRACELETS » > ■ BE APPRECIATED! an hour before It reached its final to oppose the enemies of hla chief­ in New Link V • e O \ / Our office possesses a record showing the amount of insurance on each Rey Tob B ...... 60 tain. Generallaslmo Francisco Fran­ 7,749347, the Rubber Manufactur­ decision. The defendant talked ex­ Safeway Stores ...... 2984 ers Asrodatlon Inc,, announced. particular property. We will be glad to advise purchaser of the amount For a Complete Dinette Set Which Includes Table, 4 AH) TO STUDENTS co, even on foreign solL TELiA FREE citedly with hie guards as the Jury Schenl^ Dls ...... 36 Shipments during July were esti­ GOLD nLLED BRACELETS 0 1 A A A carried on any of their purchases. . - THURSDAY foreman asked the court to clarify Sears Roebuck ...... 7884 mated at 5,190,107 unita, a decreaae Set With 3 a rcons...... aPi U e U U —^ jk m * 1-1 I Chairs, Tablecloth, Napkins, Dishes and Silverware— or the distinctions between first and (OnatteoM Jvin Pagr Om ) Shell Union ...... 22 at S.7 per cent from June and 9.6 SAMUEL T. FREEMAN & CO. second degree murder. Socony Vac ...... I 8V4 FATHER IS KILLED, DALLAS par cent under July laat year. SOLID GOLD PENDANTS Set With Various Colored Special 50c Lunch, 11:30 a. rh. to 2 p. GAME ) ITS EQUIVALENT! But wben the Jurors came In with lege tor them Is an adventure, not South Pac ...... 34% Stones Including O Q their death verdict an hour later an experience In 'Safety First.’ South Rwy 2184 CUcken Brotb with Noodles — Split Pea Soup Au Crouton Bartollnl took It standing erect, ap­ "Real safety, in the true sense of St Brands ...... 1084 SONTHESUYER -f a m o u s p o e t APPOINTED It will pay you to consult Robert J.. Smith, Inc., before you CaUcken Ooquets — Mashed Potatoea — Asporagua Ttpe parently unmoved. A woman the word, never comes from se­ St Gas and E l ...... 6% Calvea' Liver and Bacon — Mashed Potatoea — Peoa curity. Most of us need tbe spur of St on Cal ...... 38% JOHN BOLES NEWEST STYLE WATERBIAN Q A A "»<• I , Don’t Keep hind him gasped, but Bartolinl’s (OsotteMd from Pago One) ANNE SHIRLEY Roma, Sapt 22.— (A P )—Premier purchase insurance. Strong: stock and mutual companies. Broiled Lamb Chopa — F. F. Potatoea — String Beoas FIRST NIGHT OFFER (ace never twitched. Insecurity to nudee us do Our best.” St on N J ...... 5884 UuaaoUal today named tbe elderly PEN AND PENCIL SETS...... 3 > O e U U up Judge Leary set no date for sen­ President MeCooaugby announeetl Tex Corp ...... 60% n gbriele D’Annunzio president of Ham Omelette — F. F. Potatoes r— Peaa that the university had received as TYmken Roll B e a r ...... 68 showed the gun waa a single shoot­ Fried Scallops — Tartar Sauce — Cols Slaw — Potatoea I This News tence. er and that Armand waa trirlng to the Royal Academy na!f^§

MANCHESTER EVENTNG H1!;RALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAT, SEPTEMBER 22,198T iFACKroxm PAOB FiVft MANCHESTER EVENTNG HERALD, MANCHESTER, C0NN„ WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22,1937 ' AOVBKTI8EUENT— A DVKRTI8EMENT— ADVERTTSEMENT— caU on hlA' Brookfield farm lay Stars In State Feature PENNSYLYANU PARTY slaughtered, the American Board to which lecturer of Binghamton, New York; ence Is "The Christian Church W Sarasen’s (arm foreman' told A Thought ment gratis merely by addressing • delegates are invited. Dr. Henry C. McDowell of Gal- Our Day*’. Detailed. Vo- Stats Policeman William Flynn, request to the 8 U t* Highway Com- CHURCH (UTHERING Honorable William R. CAsUe of angue. West Africa and Kings' getber with an artistic poster, an­ ON YISIT TO HARTFORD called to InvesttgatA U was obrious God LoveOi n%iaheei'ful gtyec- EARLY FALL USE mlBSloner, Hartford. Fireplaces for Wasbl^ton, D. C., former Assist­ Mountain Academy, North CAro- nouncing these red-letter meetings, doge had killed the calf. n Oorinthlnaa 9, 3. ^ outdoor cooking are provided at the FOR CONIHtEGATlONiaS ant Secretary of State and former llna; Dr. John C. Schroedcr of Port­ have Just been placed in the band$ WE, the WOMEN following locations: (one fireplace United States Ambassador to land, Maine; Rev. Harold W . Mat­ of approximately 3,000 Oongrega* Hartford, Sept 33.— (A P ) — One ■nXJBD IN FACTORY We should give as we would' re­ OF PICNIC SITES unless otherwise noted): • Bolton Japan; Miss Mildred H. McAfee, thews o t Fenchow, North China; tional pastors Bind lay leaders to hundred and ten members of tbe ceive, cheerfully, quickly, and with­ Pines, Bolton, U. 8. Routes 44 and brUllant sroung Fireeident of Welles­ Rev. W alter C. Tong of Davao, New ^ g la n d and a call to the BY RUTH MILLET American Board annual meeting Scranton, P a , Chamber of Com­ Bridgeport 8ept 33.— (AP) — A out hesitation; for there la no grace 6, just west of Bolton Notch rail­ Regional Meeting to Be Held ley college; Dr. Justin Wree Nixon Mindanao, Philippine Islands and BARGAIN HOUND merce good wiU tour are la Hart­ piece of steel from a drop hammer In a benefit that zticks to the fin­ of O>lgate-Rochester Divinity F.^‘. William P. Woodard of Osaka. has been lent to over a ttaotisand road overpaas; Housatoiflc Highway in Concord, N. H-, October ford today. By RUTH MIUJGTT thoughts and codes peculiarly then Corporate Members from Maine to cuaed the death of Stephen Kele- gers.—SeaecA ON ROADS URGED Park, CAnaan, U. 8. RouU 7, ad­ School, autbpr, lecturer'and student Japan. Arriving at 11 a m., they were man, 26. It turns out that Adolpl) Hitler— own. 23-25; Those in Charge. CAllfornlA jacent to Ume Rock Bridge and of International affairs; Miss Laur­ The general theme of the confer- taken (or an inspection of the Aetna He died at Bridgeport hospital The first real piano was developed Germany’s bachelor leader and lead­ And Hitler’s talk is Interesting bordering ■ the river, three flre^ etta A. Dibble of Means School, Insurance Company, later returning yesterday on hour after the acci­ In 1709 when an Italian, Bartolom­ ing bachelor—knows women, after too—so far as we American women Boston, SepL 32— One of the most During the past summer, the 190 placet; Mountain View, Danbury, U. Dondl, West Africa; Rev. Judson L. for a luncheon at tbe Hotel Bond, dent which occurred In the factory meo Cristoforl, Invehted a system are concerned— in the picture It ■ leant church gatherings of . Apru Fool! So yen thc«»tit 1 in the fashion picture. Many well- aU. odd picnic sites and roadside park­ 8. Route 7, three miles south of Cross, president of Tougaloo col­ dressed women find It an excellent guarantee Immediate and expert The group came here from New w b m be was employed. o f hammers which when striking When he was called on to address gives us of today’s German wo­ the'Sesuwn will take place in Con­ loi^ot to come b*dt‘ » o ^ y o u Danbury Center; Mill Plain, Rest, lege, Tougaloo, Mississippi; Luther material (or some of the separate service—If ever and whenever Haven, having prerloualy visitad in 'The steel eliver, about an Inch and the strings of the harpsichord drew 10,000 of them the other day, he men'. Most of us have wondered how ing areas established by the State cord. N ^H ,, on October 38 to 35 R. Fowle of Istanbul, Turkey; Ur. lu t at piece of pie will be much, much spare bedroom? Aunt Jessie might home. to golf, bad a bit of bad news oOm- ordeele of Ute: I. Tumlns bom speeches. receptacles for refuse disposal. scales, Rhode Island line. Routes 12 R E A L ESTATE BAKUA1.NS1 the morning service on October 10. girlhoed to wemsabood. a. Pr^ But It la Interesting to Relieve New England Regional committee Don’t be satisfled with an ordi­ goo big for your favorite case of come to visit and you wouldn’t want Thomas Edison placed on tbe ing to him today. Poor GelTnan women—with sUl Many of them have fireplaces on and 211: “ Crystal Spring. Tolland, A Newington troop of Boy Scouts Friends of James Edmundson ex­ ONE SPOT DlSnUBCnriNO OO. parlat ter ototherhoed. A Ap- that In this modem, age even a dic­ and will preside over all joint ses­ Don’t let an opportunity allp by Myipepsla.” You won't cry at market tbe find commercial model With the n o M golfer reported which thick, delicious steaks or Route 19, quarter mile south of Tol- nary coat this Winter . . . when her to freeze to death on you. camped out over the week-end at press their sympathy and hope (or Wooaeoeket, R. L pmirtilnz "middle see." tator must see women ss they are their "equality of duties"—they sions. Mrs. Erlon M. Richardson for lack of ready caah. Auction jriovles either or get terribly moody tbe-home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl a speedy recovery from his injuries of the phonograph In 1888. Within a somewhere on the Pacific, bound Don't be a tbna-quarter wlte^ still have to have "sex appeal." other meats may be broiled In the land-EUlngton line. laloB of property may offer tho you can get a really stunning one few years, phonographs and records —Uve, warm human beings with of PorOand. Maine, Is vice chair­ Over a book because the hero re- Schramm. 'This 4s an annual cus­ received In .an automobile accident for an eight-months links tour of DUtrlbotor oovertng New England taka LYDIA E. PTNKHAM’S open to taste as only food prepared bargain you have been wattlnc Glorifying Towels. were sweeping the country. VEGETABLE COMPOUND and man. at the Wilrose . . . fusea to live up to your expccU- tom of thla troop for the last four Sunday. the world, a year-old prize Guernsey and New York. outdoors over an open flre» can for. i Mothers who realize Uiat only Oo ‘'Smiling ThrouzA" “The general headquarters of the You ein borrow cash for tha llona. Oh no, you won't be so very, practical, durable ' materials are years. Miss Clara and Miss Ruth Hatch Connecticut State college, was taste. Cim SERVICE EXAMS conference are at the South Con­ down payment from ua. Repay Sfery sUly. WeU not crying at suitable for a boy’s room are. learn­ Mr. and Mrs. John E. Bamsbee of Killlngly were Sunday guests at named a Junior examiner in the Connecticut motorists are urged gregational church, (Oncord, N. H., In amkU amounts over a year ia o e im will be a relief ’cause I’ve ing that large Turkish towels can and children have moved te this the home of Mr. mid Mrs. Benjamin Overnight News State personnel department by dl by the department to make use of Rev. Andrew V. McCracken, pastor, or more. iitb er forgotten to bring a hanky towrn from Manchester. They pur­ The United States Civil Service i2 4 .95-$59.50 be used (or any number of things— A. Strack. rector Harry W. Marsh. these roadside facilities, many of with other COncord churches co­ Commission has announced open ikt all or else have loaned It to besides their original beach towels chased the "Old Cromwall Place," Frank Raut, a student at Con­ Bridgeport—Superior C o u r which open on fine water vistas, operating. The opening session will up to $S00— All PUtns Of Connecticut competitive examinations as fol gomeone else In the party who In gay designs can-be sewed togeth­ and have renovated It considerably. necticut State college, spent Sunday Judge Kenneth Wynne overruled during the early fall. They offer the be Saturday morning, October 23. aalek* Private, filmple. Prlead- Glamorously furred with Per­ broke down a lot earlier than I did Mr. and Mrs. James Wood of Tal- (By AseocUted Frees) lows: er for bedspreads and solid colored afternoon with Miss Bessie Strack. demurrer In which residents of the chance to get outdoors and tc en­ at 9:30 with a business meeting of Ir* You need only ONE thlnr sian Lamb - W olf - Badger - Rac­ (gee! could that be a sign that I'm cottvllle visited their sister, Mrs. Saugatuck Valley contended the Medical social worker, 83,800 to set a loan here: the ability towels In some bright shade make joy picnics and outings for several lo maka small, regular pay- beginning to get a little bit older Gilbert Storrs, Sunday. Mansfield— Fire which burned Bridgeport Hydraulic Company act­ year; associate medical social work­ coon - Fox and Lynx. good looking draperies. DELANEY A CITIZEN weeks before the cold weather seU er, 83,200 a year, and assistant med menta on any loan plan you already— Sqy, wait a minute! I’ve Mr. and Mrs. Axel Olsen have four days In a 150-ton stack of hay ed illegally In seeking to condemn In, unless weather conditions should leal social worker, 82,600 a year; ■elect. Dreasy fabriCa. Warmly in­ got too much to do right now, to purchased a «e w Ford DeLuxe and and oats on tbe farm of Robert Gar­ Junior Rainwear. Bridgeport, Sept. 23.— (A P ) — 77 acres of land In Redding for Its be far from normal. That the build­ Children’s Bureau, Department of Rate of Interest (8) per cent atart getting older so soon, and one took a motor trip to Cape Cod Sun­ THIS WEEK ONLY! diner was put out with dynamite. reservoir project In the valley. monthly on unpaid principal terlined. Oliva Cbapdelalne was a citizen of ing of the roadside recreation spots When you buy yourself a new day. Labor. not exceeding ItOO: and (8) per ghlng Is to get back on the job and the United States today. New Haven—James M. Roche Hartford—B. H. Vanburen, state by the highway department has tell you o f some excellent "Buys” raincoat or cape for (all be sure Stmday morning service at the Associate botanUt, 83.200 a year, cent monthly on any remainder. Sixes 12-20 — 38 to 46 Judge Ernest C. Simpson, who was re-elected president of the Con­ selecting agent for the CCC said been appreciated by out-of-atate Ifanebester merchants have for also to at the new capes and Second Congregational church was and assistant bontantst. 82,600 a Come In TODAY. Or. If you pre- coats for the “very young." They presided at the naturalization hear­ necticut A. A. U. at the annuiu that four hundred boys, who were motorists as well as'those In Con­ year: Bureau of Plant Industry, De­ fer.l make arrangements by you. well attended. The pastor. Rev meeting In the Ray Tompkins In new shades o f Black - M argo • are being made In gay rubberized ing yesterday, did not recognize the to have left camps in Connecticut necticut Is evidenced by the scores partment of Agriculture. phona. Leon H. Austin, read Deuteronomy House at Yale. Sept. 30 under regulations of the Wally Blue - Rust - Brown prints that any child would .love, 3-1 for the scripture reading. The successful applicant as Jack De­ of letters which Commissioner Mac­ Full Information may be obtained Aad B|ere*s One of the Best laney, former world’s llght-heavy- MlUdale— George C. Blackall of Federal, organization, will be per and they are roomy enough (or ac­ sermon was on “The Constitution of THE SEASON’S GREATEST donald has received during recent from Thomas F. Moriarty, Secretary and long fa*Hap PERSONAL HMNCE CO. Green - Wine On the Market. welght , until an examiner Bristol, recently reappointed by mitted to stay under a new ruling tive scampering. the United States". The choir ren­ weeks, praising tbe plan, and ex­ of the U. 8. a v U Service Board of eewieil opply loeinol. *o$oma , Montgomery Ward’s have a dan- explained that the one-time French Gov. Wilbur L. Cross for a second from Washington. a Cwnvealeat olVIeea la Man- dered the anthem, "Hall To Our SUr ceptionally neat condition In which Ehcamlners, at the post office. ‘ ~ y many ykyiklawa. rheateri TM .tlala afreet. Room 4 y selection of raincoats and hats I f You haven’t Gone—You Must term of five years on the State the sites are maintained. 3. (Mate Theater Rl«lg. Tel. 1U30 for the Uddiei, In the prettiest red, Gemmed Flag". The flowers that Pharmacy board, was feted at a DRESS SHOP Go Iminedlstoly decorated tbe Communion table A complete list of the roadside The earth travels around the eun —Mr. Volai B31 Mala afreet. blua or green plaids or gay checks, dinner here. More than 200 drug­ The Seafarers’ Library supplied Room Is over Graat’a Store. and see the ALL-OAS Home at were furnished by Benjamin A. picnic spots together with a map at an average speed of 18.52 miles H o M Sheridan BMg. ■Ued at 6 to 14 years and priced at gists attended. reading matter to sailors at sea all TeL T381— Mr. Levfaa, WILROSE Monehester’e newest development of the Connecticut highway system a second, or nearly 70,000 miles an RESINOL $1.98 and 83.98. Don’t wait for Strack. Special 35c>50c over the world. The library con­ II ft" SI AID IN IC/IM* "Stonehaven." For your Inspec­ The Coventry Fragment society Is Hartford—Mrs. Jennie B. Hdiser, a stormy day to g;o out and buy the tains 80,000 volumes may be obtained from the depart­ hour. tion and enjoyment this modem, up- holding an all-day meeting today zn assistant director of research in children rain sets. Buy them to- Business Men’s to-the-minute all-gas home Is open with Mrs. O. O. Anderson. The > day and have them all ready, for a dolly from 3 'til 4 and 7 to 9 p. m. ladles brought their sandwiches. Lunch rainy morning to send the children Plan on early visit and while there Business meeting was called to or­ oS to school well protected and notice particularly the gas appli­ der at 1:39- to allow lime (or the SHERIDAN HOTEL aafe. ances that dote this house "Tomor­ Missionary committee to have their X:1 f h ! U Y 4 i M : 1iV ★ row" and moke living In It all fun quarterly meeting. ★ ★ ★ The Raining Fashion. and no work. The beautiful Magic Choir rehearsal will be held this // CABINET HEATER HOT WATER HEATER The newest development In wom­ Chef gas range ndth Ite partner the evening at 7 -36 at the home of Mrs. HEAT EVERY NOOK and CORNER IN an’s rainy day garb is a two-piece Electrolux Gas Refrigerator make Ernest Gowdy. YOUR CAB rain suit, consisting o f jacket and a kitchen combination that's Im­ Special meeting of Coventry m u sew Reral bet wmer Iwaler tea tke aeweftt t ______^RADIOS skirt. I t Is made of a very thin possible to beat. All you have to Grange. No. 79. P. of H., will be held OIL •TftrftUe AateOMlIe trv* »ei»per cere Ibftl hnMft wore wiiler wnd glee# miaftt h m l. ll«U«r * Ugfatwetgbt, transparent oiled fabric do la buy tbe food— they see to It Thursday evening, at which time the ItaraftCfti. Will hast itKwr with triple and comes In blue, green and crys­ •Mrmlmftletr d*fleeter«. C that It la preserved propeHy and thlro and fourth degrees will be raHft feel er abeal p trte w ith YLOOK FILTER a overoge ^se tal. The Jacket Is hip length, with prepared to the' queen’s taste. Take conferred. Tbe Harvest supper will Here Is Your Chance To Buy Real Comfort At rawOft. KMllr ^*> fm inga. long sleeves, snug collar and button a trl^ to the basement and have be served at 7 p. m., D. S. T. •wdbr weom e tt F MODELS • IlKelMd ftpim front. The skirt Is wrap-around explataed to you the fully automatic Rev. Pauline Hutchinson will oc­ VALUES IftTFlft ai»d 4 ad* style. The suit comes In a small gas beating boiler that provides a cupy the pulpit for the next two m !?^i g ■ and envelope o f the. same material, and lifetime of clean, abundant beat. Sabbaths during the pastor’s ab­ / W FOR OUR Is Ideal to stick In the comer of a Tbe economy of It wdll surprise sence. Church service will start on Savings You’ll Perhaps Never Realize Again! 'Demonitnton traveling bagr’ or automobile pocket. you! Also tbe automatic gas Standard Time next Sunday. 10;49 NEW YORK Whil. Tbep Lari—Some 810. 880 and water beater In cabinet style—al­ m. Ly. MARTFORO •!«■ AM. Lt. RIRLIR tlOl *2 «o most like a piece of furniture, and When Trussing Poultry. October 10 will be Rally Sunday A.M Any tundtr Quicker and easier to use than a insuring gallona of hot water every Rev. Leon H. Austin will start on O N E F O R EVERY / / poultry needle and thread (or minute of the day and night. And that day to conduct a class for ROUWOTRIR sUchlng up the roast fowl after above all, tbe thing that really everyone Interested above first year !!•?• 8 tlK «•$ i* SEW TORk for 8liru- A 4 > e M - •M lnf a t • eDoal CblIJrtfi undgf 3 etrritd YEAR IN BUSINESS^ stuffing are sturdy aluminum pins counts Is tbe service In back of High school. It will be a three fr—- > $n.l un(t$r U H$ir r«rt Tlrktts at$ 25 Innerspring M attresses Valne goed Mitr |p rtp*ria> t'OMtj Trttn*. k's$ fur- long enougli so that sufficient these all gas appliances. The Man­ months' course on "The World's Liv­ •b*f dfUll* (\hfl08 Tfluf mil Ti.-k$$ 818(11 length protrudes on either side of chester Division of the Gas Co. ing Religions” . This class will be '-•NEW HAVE N > ■ the opening to lace firmly together Bought On Special Concessions With cord or strong thread. When From Manufacturers i m the fowl is baked, remove the pins and the lacing is automatically re ­ STEERING STABILIZERS leased. Comes In seta of four pins. Oaereateed 182 Springs with A Brand New Idea heavy layer of good Is the AMERICAN PROVINCIAL felt, with side handles Regnlar — a new. theme— a new color—in Money grows • • • ! Valoe solid maple bedroom groups. Tbe and ventilators; 6- French settlers in Louisiana exert­ ounce ticking — rolled IGNITION COILS ed this Influence on lEarly American furniture, as did the great Ehigllsh edges. Made to sell for Ter Moap mPLE^STORES designers of the 18th century. So $22.50 and worth it. Bofslar ere have American Provincial which This week only ...... T ils...... 5*5 ® reflects the vogue for finer details In furniture. New in finish as well as Inspiration, this "Open Stock” IGNITION POINTS Touch Up Enamdl RBUNSWICK I Je»KOBIC»aES Large• t •*.4 Jar ef d fi Bleek Teeehap group, bed. drcs“fr and cheat, used [ eaaatel trtlli brash in the furnishing of one of the most Ter OiMv. Ob«i la I t attractive bedrooms in the lovely Ply. P A T H * Down r new "Model All Gas Home" at Pw Set .. 8 AnA Oaip 6 « "Stoneh.i-'en," Is finished in hick­ ory brown color. Note the desk Special »ft A____ section In chest.’ Watkins Broth­ SOLDERING IRONS a WEEK 2 CELL FLASHLIGHT IMrtu Ln. Batterlw ers offer the.se 3 pieces for only A Goad Otml^ Iron far Light Work VZBHtaT .A IX — IH. $98. On your visit to this home | I A |ar|t.a Mlcrtta. i. note bow easily this maple furniture : fMte towe. lends Itself to tasteful. Inexpensive | Offer Vatoe 18. furnishing. | *20.95 Small Tables Help ilostesa CLUTCH PLATES FLASHLIGHT CELLS Nothing In a living room Is more ! FRESH STOCK. Important than conveniently placed 4-Poster Maple Bed Bmdp UsW fei Owe. to ’ll. a*fS A i j Larga or Small Blxo small tables. If more than three ' Regular $32.50 ^ Beg. Ode Val«o of your guests have no place to sot Full or Twin Size with 4>strap sturdy spring Isr Tels., SMT . 4 8 *34.95 2 their teacups Uu* ch.nr.ccs arc that | •II.M CftoB CM« the room Isn’t e.spcolally suitable (or i ■Adilistabk entertaining. This Is a fine time ‘ STUDIO and white cotton rolled edge mattress. AmnVEKBABT BICYCLE TIRES to take advantage of early fall fur­ A RANDT TOOL Ittalti e* Heavy Nobby Tread niture sales and to select a tiny • INCB ■ Inch Ulneb table for each chair which now COUCHES Gonidete £wo- stands uncomfortsbly alone. S3C Also, fat, squatty ottomans give 19c 2Sc a note o f real comfort to almost BEADY LINED BTSSAMLINE any room In the nouse. For the VULCANIZING "tviNcgismt BRAKE SHOES AUTO SCOOTERS FOOTBALLS i nursery, have them in wasb.able oil- ! Y n caa trad, in tmt rid Bmke A heallhr eierrUe fer the Klddte* VELOCIPEDES A Cemrlele Line of Feeib.ll. I cloth In a gay. childish print; for $24*50 $22-50 SbM. im BraaA New One* at AERIALS For Klddtae. I to t y te ts . Into iM' jDTtniles. Ametreee and | the living room, real leather, tap­ OUTFIT aaj ri «nr itom. Dm l tok* e l Hcrilhj (an. Sml-Proe. estry, chenille or brocade to bar- rhaam — Drln a SAFE CAE. ror J $ U 2 5 r Regularij Vria. 1 Konlze with your furnishings; (or Complete s m L bedroom, hand blocked linrn, chintz $29.50 rOKD *A- Tore Lnrt* SiM or U the room Is more formal, da- : wttli 10 Wheel. mask. Furniture stores carry ' I Oblong them, finished in heavy mualin, klfh eoriKp PstchM rasidy to cover. If you prefer to up­ Our low overhead is the JOVENnX rOOTBAU. — With holster them with you own mate- •but not on trees ! A V.lre Bladder. S Q d * rtals. A Iwe-VihK e»W reason we can give you that tooch ri-dic- $»;50r EACH aMp. W k m o a ty a Dollar Down There’s one pbee it does grow . . . and that’s in a bank account! Here, these bargains and still VAlne WHIi Old Oo* PEOCLATION SIZE and the rest In easy payments will I * i lWwn riM . a Bto.1. to ctito. b a l l . With Vahe ’TTPe outfit you and your family in a I where yoar dollars are working, they grow gradually and safely. A small not sacrifice on quality! Bladde.'. A 8hWValne 98c hcaad new fall and winter outfit weekly deposit will grow into a larger, usable sunu - i (titfRVwZuit you’re foolish If you don’t hustle PcLinid SCOOTER o m C IA L SIZE rOOTKALL — Get the Habit of Depositinji. Regularly In FOB CHET. Te. Grain Cowhide with 8ft A* lig h t down to Silbros end make Vrire Bladder. A dg-vahw A your selectiODa while the etock Is Ulg-II-8t Fir Seti q o F tot WbMii IM. wri rimlw. a I a M S t complete. You will find rocks- ; _ I WHIi Old Sham to Trad. (nl c t coats, suits and dresses to ‘ ANNITEKSAKT ANNITKRaABT aniotebbabt BFECIAL •booso (tom in all atylea and colors. a h n it s k s a k Y ANNIVEXSASZ nwaaa. ^ A lw im s A n T ■FECIAL The Savings Bank of Manchester Benson Furniture & Radio .■FECIAI,^ iM gfetly Fsttems bs Cordoroy. Corduroy, noted for long-wearing A Mutual Savtafi Bank 705 Main Street * ^ e Home of Good Bedding” J o h n s o n B lo c k mtSlty. la now maUag a dtforatlve I s wen M practicsJ places t i t ItitaeU •1MI 'A'- -.• 'Jf A< i-i::'.?^*!^.- ■ rwFHPgi^



o f Hamden, Conn., were Saturday Golden Rule clijb on Friday evening. non Grange hall Saturday evenlilg.: much wisdom or considerable good of that reglmenL His father had ly convenient for ths mother o f waa professor o f Isgtolation svbsn, rial hospital where he was seriously were united in marriage on Satur­ Lanz were In charge of It and Misses 4(attd(|paipr waa used by ths Great QloriJIsr 111. day by Rev. Francis Bachelor. They callers at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Miss Margaret Welles and Mrs. Doris Rlvenburg and Marjorie Pren­ 'Music will he fumlahad 1^ "W a b w luck to follow. Instead of preceding, been a regular army colonel and it young children. ill IBSS, ths goveniment Invltod him hlmoelf. Among the phptograpbs SYMPBONI ORCHE^ to help write tbs securitiss set Ths Miss Helen Reseler, Frederick will reside at the home of the bride. F. G. Wellea. Franklin Welles are In charge of tice were the hostesses. Music Weavers." Is just posslbla that It waa dua to I suggest that you place in ths aha diseovared on the walls waa It. the New York city primaries. Ba- bathroom cabinet some soft, white, goveriivemmant paid him $10,000 a year. TALCOTTVILLE Khae and WUbur Reasler spent Sun­ Miss Delepblne Lanz ipent Sun- Mrs. Kata Smith spent a few days Mias Mabel McCorriaton o f New n ew ork the Inscription. "Thanks, F lo,"’ this week visiting with friends In There waa a meeting of the York spent Sunday at the home of Murmansk, the most n e r th e ily . cause one of the strategic proposals that fact that our particular cap­ That' la mors than teaching usually I N Y day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'day visiting In New York. Stinting Ibralii clean cotton material so that you CAMPAIGN ORGANIZED whicli She had penned to tbs Clareaee Koch has retuned to his Boston. Maas. Friendly Circle Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Webb. port In the world, ia which It was planned to consider tain ever got Into West Point in the will be able to fix up a hot or cold pays. greet .producsr during her "Kid Sumner Smith. ..Mr. and Msr. Hoffman and sons, PUBUaRBb BT TBB Mrs. Amelia Koch and John Robb Donald and Roger, and Mrs. Jewel There wlU be a meeting of the Misses Eleanor Webb and Florence There will be a dance st the 'Ver­ throughout the year. ' ■M -tt-n PHJNTINU COMPANl. INC. first place. Not that he was not application in a .'hurry, -to apply Caianoes are bis successful trick BopU” days. home from the M uchestor Memo­ was the. making of an effort to In government eervles put him In Fran n polanmlsfs Nstobook— She 'was unemployed and bored II Mintll atmt over a bump or bruise. ODD NOTES ON MANHATTAN Manchester Included in Area MaDcb*at«r. Coon. effect a sort of fusion, next year, the finest type of boy, not that be line fdr dean o t the law school and without the beneflta of tba TaOMA8 rCItOUSON The above list is not very long ODDITIES British dole. And that stocs its From ths Oagaters: Tbs reason (o Be Canvassed for Support between the RepubUcan party and lacked high Intelligence, courage or nor complicated and yet It wUl pro­ away ahead o f the time bs coidd Oapatmi' Manacar have siq;>ected it if be hod ztsyM successful opening in London, he many Broadwayltes don't hear — May Visit Here. Dciebat I. lit! the anU-New Deal wing of the Dem­ character. He had all of them and vide you with most of the tb ln n opportunity knocking, volunteers in the class room. By GEORGE ROBS has earned roymtles upward of he waa of just about perfect TOU need. Of course, different faml- $100,(WO, not to speak of what he Alice Foret, la bscauas they are FMliabaa afiaarp Bvaotag Cscapi ocratic party; and It would have 3 Landis and.McOrady are not the New York, Sept. 22—:A Manhat­ got from movie rights. busy at. _ store where vagabonds taka rsf- check-books . . . Johnny Orson's paign. » guessing. If you are sick enough so their night's work to pick up the J r ICCMBER OF rHA AS8«>CIATE0 Wittingly or unwittingly. Senator for a long time a pain In the neck uge while In town. To their brief description ot a prase agent: In making this announcement. that you need to keep a big stock posies, still fresh after six hours on PKGSn r/ahdering colleagues, tboas gyp­ He's there for the buUd-up but Hr. Alcorn said that plans were un­ Tba Aaaoeiatad Praaa la asciuatvaiy Copeland served most usefully as a to, him. He would have given al­ of remedies on band, the best plan Ice. QuoUatiors— sies who happen to be occupying never around for ths ist-down . . . der eonslderaUon for bringing the aatttlad lo tba uaa of rapublloation trial horse for the RepubUcans of most any^lng to have been two or Is to secure a thorough examination, U terary sources here convey Many stara, A1 Jolaon has dsolor- *af all oawa diapairnap eradMad t* it at present, render the latest orchestra to various Connecticut three inches taller. so that you may find out the real the information that Errol Flynn sd, have learned that ■octal tact or oot otharwtaa craditad la tbii the country In that New York city People do not hope any more, Information about negotlabla dUea In a series o f regional eon- par aod alao tha looal nawa oub- nature o f your trouble and then la at work on another book— this Is making Intervlawara faal at R contest. He had the backing of the But not after that baptism of fire they only fear. However, I would highways, camping taoUlUea, cli­ eerta, in addlUon to those already bad berain ■tart the correct treatment to re­ one a novel dealing with the cur­ matic conditions and temporary home—though tbs ata n wish they All rtghta or rapubnoationa oi very definitely anU-New Deal force# at CahUgny. * not venture any opinion as to the planned for Greater Hartford. "A l­ move It. rent catastrophe In Spain. employment — opportunities — all were. apoetal diapatebaa barato ara alap ra* possibility of a general European One of the networks is banking though no dates have been set for of Tammany Hall In the Democrat­ On that day, when the First Divi­ over the United States. One thing aarrad war. heavily on Northwestern Univer­ these state-wide concerts, the rer TRA-IN LOADS OF'FIRE IN G AT LOW.-SAtE ICES fa ic primaries and be was a ’umdldate sion gave the allies and the Ger­ QUES'nONS AND ANSWERS is lacking, though; no special roewl And than thera'S ' a tola Fall aarviea oliant of N B A Sara* — Bernard M. Bsmeh, financier. sity turning out a crack sponse which has been received . — I____ . (FUl First Teeth) maps are Issued to tsiganea. sd from- aa overseas aoouL laa iBc In the RepubUcan primaries against mans an example of what the hith­ squad this fall — having already seams that during Quseo from the various districts indicates Question: Subscriber writes: "M y tha neeeaalty for aatalfllsbment of What a aala thla will bet Planned to be by far tha greataat bedding tale of tha Mambar Amarlcao Nawaoaoar Pob- the pro-New Dealer Mayor Lba erto rather despised- American sol­ little girl, 4 years old, has very bad They're to frivolotu. My man signed to broadcast no fewer than beth'a recant jaunt to Scotland muat have aome common sense like six of the Boilermakers' gridiron <3ielle Janis, a comely and regional areas,'' Alcom said. "W hile Itabara AaaootaMon Guardla. , So far aa New York city diers could do, our undersized teeth. Should teeth be filled In one so she .was preasntad with a large my dad. brawls. statuesque lady, la one of the basket o f gikpc* one o f the hundreds of citizens from out of entire aeaaont Wards are famous the country over for great bedding aalea . . . Fobliahara Kapraaantativaa Tha is concerned his was • double can­ friend was Nea tly creased, right young, or la It best to have these town have attended the Hartford iaitaa Matnawa dpaaial Agancy — Naa —June Travis, film setreas, oom- members of the Z ie^eld Girls' older Inhabitants there. The fruit but thia one will break all record# I That’# becaute every item la the tale ia a didacy perfectly calciUated to test along the part of bla hair, by a baby teeth removed?" meaUng on Hollywood men. Profitable Ptarlng Cauh, having earned ner creden­ made such a hit with Her High­ coaeerte, there are many others Torb Chiaaao l>atrolt and Bnaton Answer: It !s usually advisable the strength o f O. O. P.-New Deal German bullet that, if lie had been I f there are doubts about play­ tials as a chorine in "Kid Boots." ness that aha wrote a note to the who are unable to do so. They are •anaation . . , the finest developihents iii^laeping comfort, and during thia Sale. M E M H E H a u d i t B U R E A U OP to have the cavities In children's writing being a lucrative busi­ Miss Janis has come a long way the ones who are eager for local ap- coalition. And be was snowed un­ an Inch taller, would have knocked Now when the breadbaskets are native, thanking btm for hla ciR^*Dt«ATn»Na______teeth filled In order to retain the full and the meal tickets are pur­ ness, turn to the case uf Gerald since she rompod in the chorus, thoughtfulness. Tba graufled pearancea of the orcheatra.” Ward# offer these value# to you at prices far below competition! Don’t mite’ the top o f bis bead off. Tha Barald Frtoilng Compaoy me der, buried, in both Democratic and teeth aa long aa poailble until there chased, it is a good time for a ^ - Savory, author of "George and but by strange rotation ot fats, owner showed the latter to all of Dlatrict 1, Greater Hartford, thia aalel I f you need new bedding you can't afford to! You aave up to 40%/ Aaaomaa no Qnanrial ratp<>naihiiiiy RepubUcan camps. &o, though this Is no old fashioned la evidence that the second teeth culture to put its bouse In order. Margaret” that is due on the she now hsppena to be back at bla friends, who eompUmsnted comae under tha jurisdiction of the for rypographicii arrora appaarma m are ready to come In. I f the. first — L. J. Tabor, master of the Na­ Broadway boards. When Inter­ the Zlegfeld Theater w)tere she him upon bla good fortune. Ihcecutive Campaign Oommlttae, OdFarttpamania in tha Manrhaatat New York Is not only the biggest fable but a perfectly true tale, it teeth are removed too soon It may tional Orange. viewed In Toronto, where be was started. She is there now as man­ ‘1 know,” replied the ahrswd beaded by Mayor Thomas J. Spel- Branina Harald city, It is a representative big city. carries the old fashioned moral that make the second teeth come In at a staying temporarily, Mr. Savory ager for the motion picture chain Scot, "It's wurra nice— but she laey, and Includes Bloomfield, East WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 22 And It Is extremely doubtful, after pretty often we don't recognize our poor angle. America la fundamentally a confided that be wrote "George which controls the playhouse, dlnnk Bay anything about re­ Hartford. Glastonbury, Hartford. the Copeland experience, that many bleaalnga when we meet them com­ peace-loving nation. It does not and Margaret” In six weeks while and ths office she occupies once turning tha basket!" West Hartford, Wethersfield and seek war and the majority o f Its big city RepubUcans any longer ing down the street. (Artichoke) Windsor. Included In this dlatrict H U LL’S THEORY people hate war. also are: Buriialde. snmwood, Po- hold the delusion that tnsre la soms- (Suestlon: Mrs. J. asks: "Is the artichoke a etarcy vegetable? Do —Gov. Herbert Lehman of New quonock. Rocky Htn, South Glas­ For wmethln,: like u, hundred Y ork .. thing Important to ba gained for you recommend It In your diet?” tonbury and Wilson. TTRESS HOFFM AN’S ECLIPSE TM Ti there h u alwa>i been a. con- the Republleaa party by playing Answer: The edible portion ot Dietriot 2 Includes A'von, OoUlns- The conference table must vina, Farmington. Granby, Sims­ .ideiabto proportion of the Amerl- around with the anU-New Deal I f there' had never been a Lind­ the ai^choke really contains about eventually take the place of the bury, Bufflald, West Granby and eu i paople who firmly believe that bergh kidnaping or a Hauptmann 14 percent of starch, but such a Democrats. strike. Windsor Locks. Alao, In this terri­ small amount Is eaten at any time, in the cuitoma duUea lay the key to case, Governor Harold G. Hoffman —President Rooaevslt. A FALL FASHION tory are: Canton, Canton Center, the nation's proeperity and develop­ might now have been onr of the and it makes such an enjoyable East Granby, North Canton, North W A R ’S LATEST T H R E A T ' change, that I can recommend Its ment. No other economic or social moat noted man in the United I can't understand why she mar­ Granby, Tariffville, UnlonviUe use if net Improperly seasoned. It ried me In the first place. PLAIN FRIEZE- Waatogua, W est Simsbury and qoMtion, In their conviction, en­ There baa always hem a tendency Btatea Yesterday bis candidats should be cooked In unsalted boiling —Baron Artnro Berlinglere, after W M t 8ufD#ld. on the part of a great many people, tered into the nation'! problem on a for the gubenatorial nomination on water but may be seasoned with Helrees Merry Fahmey sued m i" Dietriet S: Bristol. Meriden, Mid Mala at all oompaiable to the im­ probably a very large majority of the Republican ticket. State Sena­ butter, aa it is being eaten. for divorce. TYPE BROADLOOM dlstowB. New Britain, Newington, (Either Orange or Tomato Juice) portance of the tariff. aU peoples, to taka rather lightly tor Clifton R. Powell, was soundly Newington Junction, Plaln'viUe, Question: Miss N. T. writes: "In ^ Within 10 yeara, and perhaps five, TeRyvUle and Thomaaton; and IW a part of. the .public— and of the often repeated predltUon that beaten by a Presbyterian clergy­ RUGS, 9x12 using/ a fruit juice for reducing' 250,000-pound planea carrying 180 B w l^ Ckomwell, BSaat Berlin, For the "next great war" will result In tha public's reprcMntatlvee In Con- man. State Senator Lester H. Clee, should I use orange juice or tomato, passengers will fly the Atlantic. aetvUle, Kmalniton. Mlddlefleld. grcM and the verioua admlnletra- the destruction of dvlllzatlon. Ae- in a primary election. juice?" — Glenn L. Martin, airplane bnllder. Paquahuck, Plymouth. Rockfall tlona—was divided Into two caropa; cepting the proposition U.at an­ This completes the total eclipse Answer: It la perfectly all right South Meridm and Wealyan. other world war would probably be to use whichever Juice you prefer. AU the younger Metropolitan Dlatrict 4, the territory from lilgfa-proteettonlsts and free-trad- of the one-time promising young wiiitaw i anil Blast Hampton east mucii worse than the last one, the ■tars are looking bopefuUy toward m , they called each other. The governor,, whose face, not without (BaUver Oil) the screen. They're guarding their 5 4 5 0 and a o u ^ including New London, eoa group never bad a doubt that average person wlU stUl Instinctive­ reason, waa turned toward the Question: Mrs. Dorothy I. writes; figures as opera lingers never did Stonlngton, Norwich, Lebanon, Col- tha higher the tariff the more pros­ ly resist tha conclusion that It will White House. "Can you tell me wbaj hallver oU befoK. AND 29 OTHER SIZES rhratar and Baltic, Black Point Is?" F ti-h Club, Bozrah, Clark Falla, perous the country; the other group work such utter destruction as is ao There Is, however, this reflection - ^ e le n Jepeon, noted atngcr. Answer: Hallver oil Is prepared Oohalt, Crescent Beiuh, East Had- navar h»d a doubt that all that kept often foretold. —that if there bad been no Lind­ dam. East Lyme, FltchvUle, Frank­ from the livers of the halibut and No country where the people have A Great Contribntlon to Sleeping Comfort the country from being healthy, A special dispatch to the New bergh case something else might is an excellent source of vitamin U lin, Galea Ferry, OUdereleeve, Oil- a voice in government is going to Frieze type Broadloom Rugs are Olaago, QreenvlUe, Griswold, wealthy and wise was the tariff's York Times from Berlin should par­ have disclosed, before this, the fact and also supplies vitamin A. It is start war. Here’s an inneraprihg mattraaa that will give you reatfuL invigorating ale^ every used as a substitute for cod liver definitely a Fall Faahlon. Their plain Oroton, Hadlyma, Hanover, Hlgga- night I It’s the kind advertiaed over the country at $29.95—made like tba expenaivn handicap on tree international ticularly Interest those who etlll re­ that the former New Jersey Idol —4}ov. George H. Esrie of Peon- imm, Jewett City, Ledyard, Lisbon olL unbroken colorings tend to enlarge mattreaaea on palatial ocean linerat A famous maker built them with 272 comfort trade. tain aome degree of optimism with had feet of clay. You can't walk sylvaala. Lord's Point, Lyme, Middle Had' the else of a room. The pebble "tex­ colla, tiaal pads and hundreds of layera of flu ffy, faltad cotton lintaral Tha pra-built An, however, were In agreement relation to war. It makea the fiat far before clay feet begin to melt. iiam, M iiiftniw, MontvUle, Moodua, TOUCHDOWN SIT-DOWN tured" weave makes them much MyaUe, NlanUe, Noank. North ^ rd e r w ont aagi Hundreda of ventllatora keep the interior fresh and clean I Four that everything hut the ‘ tariff was statement, unadorned by aiiy at­ easier to care for than absolutely Franklin. North Plain, North Bton- rip-proof cord handles for easy turning I It’a covered with one of tha naweat, atrongest, absolutely all right In America and tempt to create shock or horror, Kansas City—^Two and a I WakhlNAgton plain rugs. Ington, North Waijcheater, Nor- 'Snoat attractive Rayon Medallion Damask tickings on the market today! that there was no o'har major Is- that Oerman military experts are hours of time out ended only when wlefatown, Oakdale. Old Lyme, Old the Northeast Aces, a neighborhood MBette, Pachaug, Poquonock $7,50 DOWN, $3 Monthlyt Pfu* Carrytng Oiorgm sns and oould not be. g^^en the In­ studiously engsged In figuring out Daybook aggregation, picketed Mrs. George And there are alsea to fit nearly Health and Diet Bridge, Portland, Praatoa. Quaker terlude o t alavery and tha Civil War the most effectlvs msthods of dis­ By PRCSTUN GRUVER Acord's home and sat down In her every room . . ranging from 27x64 HIU, Salem, Sound View, South was a tariff matter-whera It aras not tributing germs of spotted tsrpbus, front yard. Inch to 12x21 fe e t Ckilora: Jade FLUFF CINnR PLATFORM $21.95 Quality PLUMP FIATHIR Advice An Incomplete pass sailed Into Iqrme, Sprague, Stsvanaon, Taft- Baantifol davenport makea double or n matter o f social animoslUee—the yeUow fever, " typhoid, smallpox, Washington, -r- These sob-storiee Greeo, Copper Rose, Borgmidy, Rose viUa. Uneasvllla, Versalllee. Volun- MATTRISSIS SPRING INNIRSPRING PILLOWS By DB. FBANH HoOOY Mrs. Acord's yard. She Intercepted twin beds at rogular bed height above cholera and black plague among the of self-sacrlflelng federal officials Cedar, Antique Mahogany, Blue, toam. Waterford, West Mystic, Wo- floor drafts I Covered with amart, outgrowth of tha oonfllcUng Inter­ and skirted right end Into the bouse. DeeUeDetk f09CWk 1 4 9 0 large ests a fras trad# agricultural sec- civlUan populations o f enemy na­ who stay on the job while high- The sit-down ended when tha boys Apple Green, Caeeade Green, Van powog and Yantle. roogb-wsava tapeitryl o t THK HOME HEOIdNE CBEST Dtatrtct 5, the northeast section, tioa and a high tariff industrial aec- tions. priced positions await them on the promised to practice a block away Dyke Brown, Bermuda Send, Du- S3 Deem, S5 Meelhly, Cenyhia Qieige Eazlly a $12 valnel Compare $15 qualltyl Hundreda o f layers of Oooae and t a r k e y outside will bear looking Into. from the lawn Mrs. Acord said bad iiyiiiiring gu o f the communitlee The study Includes ways of cul­ Bonnet Imperial Blue. 4oDG mors felted cot­ 90 double deck coils new, clean, felted cot- feathert vitolUadeoft Uon. A recent letter opens up an In­ There is no dcubt that some are been trampled by tod many delayed north o t Marlborough. Columbia. ton—eztra comfort I of ,fln«t wire! Im­ toni Imported medal­ and flu ffy I Feather- Thera ara Just a few of the old tivating the various microbes, and teresting question: "W hat should offered better positions; and when line buc)u lately. WUUmantlc, Canterbury and Plain Floral ^Ul ticUngl proved platform topi lion damiak ticUngi proof ticki 31x27 in.1 and Blast Windsor and time adberenta of tba tariff obses- their control until tha time to the home medicine chest contain T they stay on to "work for the Presi­ dent" through the election period or Holllfield, N. C., U the borne of WATKINS UanchMter east, with oontact com- spread them In devastating quanti­ Certain thlnga abould be kept In tne BROTMCRS, INC alon left. One of them Is our wor­ a session ot congress, they lose N. C. Holllfield. mlttiaa at RockvlUe, Stafford thy Secretary of State, Cordell HuU. ties over the enemy countries shall home at all times to taka care ot money. But the losses are well Springs, Pomfret, Putnam and pos­ small accidents and Injuries requir­ Pilll down ell International tariff arrive. balanced by personal beneflta gained sibly other centers, including: Ah- ing simple treatment. Although' tha itigtM, Addison, Amston, Andover, Heolt 5 to 6 barrleTS, be says in effect over and No great secret Is made of these from their service for tha govern­ llet of necessary jhlngs la not long Aehtord, BallouvUle, Bolton, Broad activltlea. They are written about ment. Room# over again, and there will be no once you are equipped with them James Landis, chairman of the Brook. Brooklyn. Buckland, Central nmre Incentive to war. Right now, In Deutsche Wehr, a military pub­ you will find you a n able to meet ■ecuriUes exchange commission, and V U la ^ Chaplin, Chestnut HIU. arltb several nations under the dlc- lication, and treated aa being purely practically any common emergency. Edward F. McGrady, assistant seC' O c r^ tiy , Danielson, ElaglevlUe, The medicine cheat In tha bath retaiy of labor, are the latest pair IBastford, East Qlastonbury, East tstorahip of romlcidal maniacs each matters of military science. room of the average home usually to quit the government to contest A FALL FASHION KilUngly, Bast Windsor HIU, East If one has any great hope that 95 lusting to be ten times a Caesar or becomea g;radually cluttered up be­ for bacon and eggs In the outside Woodstock, EUington, EInfleld, Fab- a Jenghlz Khan and to stand with civilization Is bound to survive any cause of various preparations world. The government wlU mlse yan, Goodyear, Grosvenordale, 67 his heel upon the neck of the world, war. however horrible, let him con­ bought at one time or another, used them, and It has been stated that Hampton, Hazard'vlUe, Hebron. $6.00 DOWN the bote left by McGrady in the H l g h l ^ Park. KilUngly, Manches­ $1.00 Monthly with armament heaped on arma­ sider the attitude toward civilian once or tndee and then forgotten. labor department will be particu­ ter Green, Mansfield, Mausfleld Carrying populations adopted by the. Japan- A home medicine chest should be ment and all thrown Into a gigantic equipped with the followrtng eseen- larly bald to fill. Center, Mansfield Depot, Mechan- Charge ese'army, and ponder whether there Jackpot to be determined by a cast tials: first, absorbent cotton In a It should be written at once that ieevlUs, Melrose, Merrow. Moosup, Is even a trace of civilization's ma­ both Landis and McGrady are the North Grosvenordale, North Wind­ o f the dice of war, Mr. Hull with sterile package; clean gauze band­ grandest sort of individuals. They jor attributes remaining among the ages In various wddths for bandag­ ham, North Wooditock, Oneco, tears In bis eyes, pleads to them to are the kind you would like to have Packer, Pomfret Center, Qulne- tear down their tariff uarriert and J apanese—alre ady. ing up cuts; and adhesive tape for for friends for life. But'Landis and fastening the bandage material. A baug, Sootland. Somers, Somers- nREPLACE COZINESS- let sweet Peace move placidly and McGrady cannot write In the honest vUle, South Coventry. South Wll- cheap pair of scissors should bs privracy of their diaries that they beautifully across the face of the MOVABLE HOMES supplied for cutting off ths desired Miigtnn, South Windham. South Plus WhoU-Housu Comfort served the federal government at a Windsor, South Woodstock. Staf length of bandage. It is also a good Radiatse and clrenlztee heat I Bums coaL earth.' They are having their first trailer tragic eacrlfice to their welfare. ford, StaffordvlUe, Sterling, Stony He was at It again Monday, plan to provide a good pair of Ovar-alze combuition dome and c u t - show In New York and one of the Creek. Storre. Talcottvllle, Tbomp- iron ribbinjc give eztra wear—double tweezers for removing splinters and The Rise of Mr. McGrady ■OB, TbompeonvlUe. Tolland, Union, war HuU, In a Boston address He exhibits may be of more than paas- Extra Heavy 9x12 hsetina aoriaeet other foreign ibjecta from the ekl.|. Several months before McGrady*! Vamon Wapplng, Warebouaa Point. Is forever st It proposed departure became public *1 Ing Interest to people who have no Whichever antlfeptlc solution one WarrenvlUe, Wauregan. Westford, knowledge, he bad offers from out­ It makes not the slightest differ­ aspirations toward going a-glpsylng prefers for use on cuts, scratches West WUllngton. WUUngton. Wll- Powerful ence whether Mr. Hiill'i tariff Ideas and other akin srounds, should also side concerns that easily topped hla o'er the land, provided the present 19.000 salary as assistant secretary ■onvlUc, Windham. WlndsorvlUe, Oil are. In principle, right or wrong. be provided. Carron oil or some Woodstock and Woodstock Valley. housing shortage continues. It Is other preparation for taklna care of labor. He stayed on at the Presi­ AXMINSTERS The point la that the world has got­ District 6: BurUngton, Goshen, Space- described as a more or less perma­ of bums should also be available. dent’s request, so Information here goes, because the President wanted Harwlnton, Litchfield, New Hart­ ten Into a state where the question Many people feel ^hat It Is de­ Heater nent shelter, containing all the fa­ him during the election and tba ford, Torriiagton and Wlnated. Also of war or peace la no longer In the sirable to put Into thr bathroom cilities of a small home and weigh­ troublesome labor period that fol­ Included In the sixth dlatrict are: 46% Morm Wmor tor Your Mommy bands of reasonable beings but u cabinet soma one ot the preparations Bantam, Barkbamsted. CenterblU, ing a ton and a half, but still mount- lowed. To that extent there Extiusivm Two-Tone Colored Yams 95 used aa eyewasbea. Those who are sacrifice on the part of McGrady, Oolebzook. East Hartland, Hart- " ’h**'* pracUcaWe to be conscious of a burning or tired sen- land, Lakaalde, Morris, Nortbfleld. Inal lunatics animated by a fixed But look at the whole M cG n i^ 32 moved any distance although not eation In the eyes svould not do picture. Instead of just a part. Pine Meadow, Pleasant VaUey, R iv­ $4 DOW N, $5 Monthly, Plw Ccarying Oioia* g4 DOWN, $6 HoatU) purpose to take what they want by Intended for touring. It waa really without It—otherj srould find UtUe He Is 66. During 60 of those erton, West Ooeben, West Hart- Carrying Charge ' force. The Immediate question u use for it. designed to sell to residents of Ohio years not one man in a thousand land, Winebqater and Wlncbaater H hlf » f » i a tbm wear that moat Axminatera at thia low not, then, bow to establish economic A small bottls of pure ollvs oil outside of labor ranks could have Oentef. price give! Wards luxurious new aeamlesa Loomcraft River Valley towns and cities who srill come In handy for various pur­ ^ Dlatrict 7 Includes Canaan, Kent, Giant 8-lnch pot-type burner provides relatlonahlpi that may—or may fall told who McGrady waa For 16 ruga have 5 to 7 LBS. M O RE clean, lively wool woven plenty of quick, clean, odorless heat for are almost annually compelled to poses. In addition to having many years before hli appointment as as­ ,M keviU e. NorfoUc, Sallabury. Sba- to—slowly establish some sort of into the extra heavy, extra thick pile! M o d e r^ Tex­ 1 to 2 rooms I No sopt. no ashes, no Oil Circulator abandon their homes for a while other uses, it may be used for rub­ sistant secretary, he was an organ­ M ln and Warren. Among other cen- c o s i-c a rin g I Smartly dssigntd csbiiMt izer and lobbyist In Washington for tures, Hooked Rug and Oriental copies I NoO'^lip ends! contentment throughout the world, and retreat from flood waters. The bing on the akin when tba akin sur­ ^ H F a Included In this area are: Oom- finished in lustrous Suntan Porcalain. perhaps after lifts or a hundred face is dry and rough. I suggest the American Federation of Labor. OomwaU Bridge, East CS' Wards Sava you up to 50% I Idea, of course, la that aa soon os It waa an Important job, but not A b e ovolloblo fai A o Feilowing alcaa jreara, but how to-disarm and hog- that you also place in your medicine fnaan. Falla VUloge, Ume Rock. the water begins to threaten the such a job as to cause privrata en­ You Save *35 cheat the cheep Epsom salts sshicn ' North South Kent, Tacon- prapertlenafply low priced. Burns Coal or Wood tie the raving, blood-mad dictators. place where the resident la living In may be diasolvsd in warm water and terprise to rush to his tide with fat Ic. Twin Lakaa and West Cornwall. 9x15.. 9x13V4. - 9x10%.. 6x9.. 6z7\4.. 6x4«y4.. ir x S r * Double Duty Heater It Is to be hoped that the theory offers. Thoea offers developed aft­ Biggest value we ever offered is a circulating No more furnace firing, coal carrying, emptying his trailer, - all he has to do la lo used In the footbath. Tba comfort­ AMERICAN V TRADITIONAL in SOLID ZMPLE Among other features which tha » f reincarnation Is corr^t and that ing effect of such a foot bath must er be became assistant secretary present mamberablp campaign wUl heater. Large cast-iron dome gives extra haat- ashes! This low-priced Oil Circlilator floods your book on the old but and drag hit be experienced to be appreciated. and made a name for himself as a malm'posslbla are the continuance holding, heat-radiating surface. Rugged cor- home with clean, bealthfol heat at tbe turn o f a Oordell Hull will have another crack strike mediator. house to high ground and safety. Many home medicine chests con­ o t educational concerts for school Wai^oleum Rags r e lr e t And you ll pay at least 135 elsewhere for at the problems of statesmanship Don't undercut this man Uc- The trend toward Provincial styles started a year BSD, CHEST, rugated caat-iron firepot provides longer 95 its fsaturtsl Constant Level Valve. Automatio We don't have floods In Manches­ tain an array of laxatives, cathar­ chlldrea It is hoped to extend these B y actual teat, over four mlllioii tramplM feet iQ B f/R X say a century hence. Perhaps his Grady. He la a bargain at what­ ago. Now this informal furniture is in great de­ performancae and make them s'vall- service. A ll joints cementad, cupfiUed. ^r~ Draft ControL ter. but w1U. a flood tide on In rents tics or purges. Aa a general rule it ever figure the Radio ' Corporation DRESSER couldn’t wear out the gleaming. baked.on ' ^ T r a P 16 tariff-barrier theories might fit m abla tor a wider area throughout tight—aaiure more heat per dollarl Finiahed and hundreds of families being auc­ Is unwise to get into ths habit ot of America bod to pay to get him mand. So this new Solid Maple group is in step with surface or break down ths eatra heavy tl ^ depending upon a strong laxative various parte o f the atate. (alt bate! Gay Modrma, Tiles, Fleralsl Stain- in handsome walnut-grained porcelain. more or leas well In a world rebuild­ tion ^ out of their dwellings, pfr- aa Its labor relations man. But the the times. Inapired by the furniture of the Louisi­ Hcre’a a portable 3-woy ing Itself after It has been ruined for the relief of constipation. In- offer came after hla government proof! W aterproofl Eaay-to-cleani ----- circulator that hapr the concern that builds these etead of relying upon Uaatlvaa 1 ana settler^ it is American with a French flavor. HEATEHS by the Impending holocaust, and eervtce. not before. U>VS PROBLEM N a L 9x10%______$6.95 7Vfc«9...... 8469 6z9------$369 I beats and eooka perigrlnatlng residences might find suggest that you supplement your i IXIMPARE these pith the eock-eyed frenzy of armed Finished in new nut brovm color. See part of thia I at the same timet w ith soms customers here—if the things bathroom equipment with an enema Tte Rise of Mr. I juwvi. 9 8 °o open^^s^k group at “Stonehaven" exhibition home. Sioux FaUo. S. D.— The county Flrs-rssist- Extra big,^ 12 wieklsas ksr»- Hflfllct ssBShed out into a real don't cost too much. Which they bag or enamel can ao that Uis ans- Much the same can be said of dark’s office here failed to extend ing, cast- coavsidenC'' TRI-FLAME ma may be used wfaeaevar needed. Landla. He never had an extensive Soper Service W ardoleom Iscaebarnsrs. reaming for intematlonaJ amity. probably do. a helping band to Vincent Szeligow- iron dome. Feed D eer The plain warm water enema wui private practice; so be didn't give Wide selectioa of beaatifal patteme for seam- S ? EXTRA Sum wherever But as a aolvar « f "present world ik l in a in«ig iHetimne romance. urlth Smoke Adjusts to low, medium or high. Gives you m u tt bring about tba asms sucoesaful re­ up a $100,000 a year law buslneea Vtaeent wrote a poBte note from lee# floors! Extra heavy fait back requires no > 9 w 9 surface, ex­ jaranted . . . no problsms through W l f f agreements tcreeal beet needed . . . InstanUyl tavss fusil OLD-FASHIONED M0R.\L sults as a laxativs and by using the to help the government out of e New Haven. Conn., requesting the fastaning o f aav Undl W aterproof I Stainproof I Sq.Yd. tra haatl I floe conaectioo M is like one srbo would try to put enema you not ouly secure - rsUei bole. He was so bright as a Har­ (L e ft) A clever wtng dialr of solid birth data of a Sloax Falla giri. 0wid9 A « Ineeded! I Nit on oO srsO eaoflagratkm with Marching at the bead of the Reg­ within a abort tlma, but also avoid vard law atudant that Justice Braa- maple with upholstered seat and ‘*rbe reason I erant this informa­ deis cboee him as his law clerk, a back. Eacellent for maple living Ingar-aprinkUngs o t water from a ular Army division of the Legion the irritation which ao often follows tion," he explained, "is that we have dli tinction that means rooms end bedroome. Choice of te r e h fiont. parade In New York yssterday seas the use o f self-preMribed laxatlvaa. WATKINS tecome anqualnted through a oor- A hot water bottle should alao be even In thcee eourt-balUng days. bomeepua covers. • ROTHERS. INC 924-838 M A IN STREET But juatlcea are allowed only $S,600 teapondance dub and 1 wlab to sur- the Sixteenth Unttsd Btatas Infan­ placed in the bathrbom and it la a priaa her on her birthday." try. first AmsTtesn ragtmsntsl or- tor oCfioe eialitince, and that sum TELEPHONE 5161 WAS TRIAL HORSE good plan to fasten the stoppsr

MANCHESTER EVENTNO HERALD, BIANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22.198T PAGE Nnorii MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER * 2 ,198T "He’s a good-looking young man, vestigatlon. Can you tell me what driver of the Sudermann car waa joyed by tb* youngatdn as thijLliii^ weU-mannered, and Amy enjoyed time Hutchins got in lost night— TWOirOMEN ARE HURT not Injured, but her two compan­ VETERAN DRUMMERS tmied to word* o< enoouracw the words of Jesus In John 7;lfl, the healing of the Impotent man Idea ef- ths value which ChrisUan a slek body, or a oltuatlen which going out with him. She had no Harry Hutrtilna? What’s th a t?... ions were cut on the face and hands. from members of the trio and 17, 18: at the pool of Bethesda than.ia ax- Sdenee haa brought to a suffering preeshU sU ot the hopeln onsaa OUT of the NIGHT- friends here In the city, you see, Walt a minute, let me get that The accident was witnessed by of their own pariah, “Jesus answered them, and said. pressed In these straightforward humanity. which confronted Moses ot old as he GIVES BOY SCOUTS BY MARION WHITE Copyright, 1937, NEA Swvka, Ine. end I suppose the was glad that number.. , . Yeh. Thanks. All right, IN BOLTON CAR CRASH Miss Mildred Wolfe, who was stand­ ENTERTAIN YOUTHS who was Master of C My doctrine la not mine,' but his woi;^ of tlie woman, who. In obed­ stood at the edge of the Red Sea Harry took her to dinner and the now connect me with him, ..will ing at thr window at the time and kept the young fIfsM, DECLARES CHRISTIAN SCIENCE’S Being purely spiritual In Its na- at once ran out. Miss Wolf* Is and buglers on oig o os ha called oM'i that sent me. ience to Jesus' own Injim cU ^ with the children of lerael. In the theater occasidnaUy." you?" turs, OiriaUan Science does not CAST OF CHARACTERS Hartford Woman and Kansas the owner of BilUe's Beauty parlor Original Members of “Spirit of several ot them to do a i. "If any man win do his will, be "Search the scriptures; fO r....they foUow ths practices used In ordi­ Glossary of Science' .. .and Health 16 ACRES IN T O m demanded sharply, "Here, let me “How long had she known him? CUly waited whUe Sergeant shall know of the doctrine, whether are they which testify of me.” (p. 583) Mrs. Eddy has defined PRISCILLA FIERCE —heroine, Resident Taken to Hospital; on Depot Square and was wearing ”76“ Drum and Fife for St. set. The Drum Major of the OOtpM nary material systems of bssling; take it.” Where did she meet him?" Dolan told Harry about Amy's played erverml harmonlea eoloa paM it be of Ood, or whether I speak of looked long into the Bible, |ook^ "Children of Israel,” In part, as young women attorney, Ha took the phone from CUly’i "She knew him before I met tragic death. She noticed that he Driver Is Arrested. her regulation uniform when she " John’s Church Boys. nor does its action rast upon physi­ came out of the house. later oa In the evening, the h'abrtgl COMPENSATION INEXHAUSTIBLE myself. long Into the teachings and works "The representaUvaa of Soul.” AMY KERB—CUIy’s roommete trembling hand. her. I understand that Amy met him did not mention the fact of her be­ cal or material dlagnosU. Both the "He that speaKeth of himself of Jesus, until she saw there, cl«ar- These representative* of Soul 'Or* and D)nrderer*a vtetlm. Mrs. Margaret R. R. Maaoey, 39, The orlglaal member* of the weU of ell went out to Uttle FhylUaj premiss and oonelualon of physical Howird M. BidweH Deeds "Hello!" he said authoriUtlvely. quite Informally on a train, in tne ing murdered. He did not ask CUly Miss Anna Sudermann, the nurse, Bkrebocs ee she doaoed fttr b a r j seeketlr his own glory; biit be that ly, something that philosophy and diagnosis are based upon the uncer- the spiritual or true ideads of Lif i, JIM KERBld>(N—Cniy’ s fiance. “Can you give me your Interlaken dining car. They were both coming it she wanted to speak to Harry. He of 887 Farmington avenue. Hart­ seeing the white uniform mistook known Spirit of '78 gave on ex­ craving - and desire of human the scientific traaslatlon ot mortal ritualism bad never revealed—a life audience. Because of :b* appladts . seeketb bis glory that sent him, talnUea M matter, * hence such a Mind, or God. which unfold to the HARRY HUTCHINS — Amy's operator on this line direct?” To to New 'York and so they just finUbed speaking and replaced the ford, was brought to the Manches­ Miss Wolfe for a registered nurse tensive program of drumming and Phyllis woe forced to do eeveral e a .: thought to gcJn an adequate view mind la-a true process, divinely con­ ths same Is true, and no unright­ governed by the simplicity and lu­ understanding a satisfying sense of strange vUitor. ter Memorlii hospital last evening and started to give orders aa to 'Isdn re in Boshnen Memo* of man Is compensated and satlstled ceived, directed, and authorized. diagnosia cannot express the true Coimdl Parcel of Land in ClUy he mumbled: "Small town. naturally grew to be friends." phone. fifing to the boy* and girl* of St. cores. The program, ended about 'i eousness Is in him.” cidity of exact, demonstrable Bci- omnipotence, omnipresence, and SERGE.4NT DOLAN—offloer as­ The operator* know everybody. “Looks as If Hutchins la O. K." as was Miss Margaret Sudermann, what a nurse should do In such a only as man la seen to be identical The purpose of religion and pray­ euce? Ideas of Mind, which, only, reflect ‘Hutchins from out of town too?" John’s Drum Corps lost night. nine o’clock aftw which tho ladJea The capacity for scientific dis­ understanding. omnl^ence, as reflected and re­ signed to solve the murder of Amy They can tsU us where to find Aunt he said. "Desk clerk didn't see mm 28, of Newton, Mass., where they case. She demanded that towels, of the parish eerved retreohmonta with the spiritual or true idea of er la aot to force upon thought the peated in all Identity and Individu­ Soothem Part of Town. Kerr. - "No, 1 think he's Uved In New were treated for lacerations and bandages and hot water be provided Throughout tha entire evening, the ^ m Hartford Last acceptance of an assumed authority cernment Is set forth here in the That a thought so sincere and Harriet.. . . Hello—Interlaken ? New com* In last night, naturally—be three veteriui* were called upon for to the jrouagstors and gueeto. Infinite Mind. Life, or God. selfless as that of Jesus should bs A caae may be recounted here of ality. York, on and off, for many years. cuts and later removed by W. P. at once. Miss Wolfe followed or­ but to eatablish the recognition most direct and explicit thinking a young woman, a student In a „ . . “ T— . . . I York police calling. Sent a message He has a great many friends here.” was off duty—but there’s a record various numbers by their young ad Loot evening’s program wafi put- TRUE IDENTITY AND the world has ever known. With concerned solely or largely with It may be that you never have Yesterday; ^ y b < ^ anotoeri^g Harriet Kerr last night. QuUh's ambulance to the Hartford ders. INDIVIDUALITY of aasumed authority or .Principle, well-known college. She was at­ "What, does he do for a Uvlng?" of a phone caU be made at 13:3U. mlrera The trio consisted of Peter on as a reward tor the splendid job Efenmg Befirered by W3* which operates In a co;npensatlng what surprising clearness and sim­ dogmatic human theories waa aelf- actually stood on the shore of the There was recorded In the Man­ ronfeiMoe with I n s i ^ r ^ i a n . j at Interlaken? Where? hospital. ' Constable Chesterfield Pirie was The question arises; Whence tacked with what the college physi­ "He writes. Trade journal articles, He must have gone right home U called and conducted the investiga­ Meltzner, Michael Barry and Joseph the corps did on Labor Day .M M way with respect to the good or sal­ plicity the great teacher has shown contrsdlctory — Inconsistent with Red Sea as did Moses In ’ ancient chester land escords today a deed Then he reveals that A-my had been ; vvhat's that you say?” They were Injured In an accident Ferguson, all members of the comes the true Identlcy and Indivi­ cian reported 1° U* appen&dtla. I believe. On business management he'left here at 11:30. Takes a good Involving cars driven by Miss Anna tion. He placed the driver ot the they took a prlae in Glaototfimry. vation at the individual. here the simple way of salvation. In Jesus' own words and acts. Here days, with every human hope cut strangW before she was hurled | replace the phone on Its 40 minutes on the subway over to Moodqs n fe and Drum (Torpe. Mr. Many enjoyable affaire of thla klad liam W. Porter, C. S. B. duality of all things? it is perfect­ was a beg

wmyimxssrrcH isv£M inu JtuCRAXaJ, MANCHES^fER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 22.1937 IIANCHBSIBR EVENlNa HERAUD, MANCHESTER, OOMN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, llST GRBN WARNS LEQON DEATH CAR DRIVER ABOOTTOWN VON DECK LEGION’S OBITUARY TWO ARE INJURED AGAINST W1US OF ~ William R. Knapp, son at Dr. and CHENEY HOUSE AUCTIONS C u b s Shave Lead of Giatiis To Game And A Half Mrs. R. P. Knapp o t South Main GOES 1 0 GERMANY street, baa entered Loomis school CHAMP DRUMMER I- DEATHS INAUTOCRASH COHMONISTS NAZIS la Windaor as a boanUag atndeat ia TAKE PLACE TOMORROW the senior class, Ho was gradtaated Mancfaeater loses another of its (CtoattBoed tram Psge One)> from Manchester High ia June. Manchester Man Captures older Swedish residents in the death PHUTE, U T H E , SNEAD I & ^Wkose Auto Killed of Ernest O. Hulander ot 104 Ridge Winsted Woman and Her four-family dwalUngs. B U D G E ’S O H A R T N E m BIG STICK Labor," he continued, "with Its The selectman and Town Clerk StreeL Mr. Hulander died last night Homes of 375 Hlanchester Lodge, a stora and tenement block membership totalling more than Samuel J. Turirington win be ia the Top Honors in Contest in at the Manchester Memorial hospi­ and five multiple-stall garageo, will E raest Habuider, Free On four million dues-parlng men and Municipal buUdiag offlca of the tal, his death resulting from an Brother-in-Law in Inter- be eold on the premtoee, with the FAVORITES AT BELMONT By The AP Feature Bervtoa clerk to a l^ t from 7 to 9 o'clock to Families to Be Knocked LEADS TO 7-5 TRIUMPH women, remains steadfast and un­ automobile accident at the corner auctioneer moving to the nest proo- Not stoce the rosiest days of Bill Bold, Leates the Conntry compromising in its opposition to give the Inactor's Oath to persons N. Y. Central Park Todaj. of Cooper and.West Center stresU, sediwi Crash Tdidaj. erty os rapidly as the previous ooe Communism, Fascism, Nazism and who are eligible to be made voters September 15. Down to Highest Bidder ia sold. TUden-rrif even then—has a toe second game of toe series in toa the different philosophies which all ia Manchester. With the exception of one year Starting tomorrow the Herald Rated a t 12-1 ^ Golf AB JENKINS BESTS playsr reached the dizzy heigfata of Veteran Catcher ffits Triple, I best mental condition la tlx weeks. these ‘Isms' represent Robert Von Deck of this town, in Topeka, Kansas, Mr. Hulander will report each ealA listing ths luperiority attained this summer They go into it with toe Impetus of n « a OD s bond of $200, Richard To Battle Tsnrw* The Board of Selectmen win meet baa been a resident of Manrhutfi- Mae Sylvta Vail, 28. of 76 Ooe in Three Days Sale. parcel number, the street addreae, KIttlar ot S2 Fozcroft road, Weat tonight at 8 o'clock in the Municipal leader of the DUworth-Comell Post, IRojalty’Starts OH in by Donald Budge, the Oakland red­ a five game winning streak, that "We will have nothing to do with American Legion Drum Corps, was for the past 49 years and was for •tneeL Winsted, and bar brothei^ln- present occupants, assessed valtiA head. Double and Smgle As started when toelr Injured first Hartford, and emploTed by Pratt UiM destructive movements. We building to discuss further the strike many years foreman of the Spin­ auction price, number of bids and EIGHT AUTO MARKS and Whitney Aircraft, East Hart­ situation at the Independent Cloak named the finest drummer in the l»w, .jiamllton Bickford, of 45 Lan­ Budge, the sUenL phlegmatic baseman. Rip Collins, returned to shall oppose them vigorously, as we ning department and later aasistaat the name and address of the pur­ - - -- % youngster of 22 Is out there all champion's coat-tails are bound to | Davis Cup, and the selectors know action last Friday. Since then they ford, the driver of the car which have always done, and resist with company. In response to peUtlons Legion this afternoon at the Legion caster road, department manager in The three-day auction aale of the chaser. IQoest of Season’s Rich- Root Twirls Fine Relief; circulated by strikers and sym­ National Convention In New York foreman in the machine repair de­ homea of 875 Manchester families alone. His three defeats of the have Impressed on him that be ia i it. They wanted to make a change have taken up two full games on fatally injured Ernest,Hulander, 68. all the resources at our command partment at Cheney Brothers. C hei^ Brothers, were severely in­ Baron Gottfried Von Cramm of something pretty special. There ia toe past season, but B u ^ e balked. of 104 Rldfe street, lairi Wednesday an attempts which they may make pathizers. Representativ s ot the following competition held In Cen­ jured at 1:30 this afternoon when wUl start tomorrow at 10 a. m. Be­ toe Giants, While Collins wss miss­ firm have been invited to attend. tral Park. Von Deck's score In win­ Mr. Hulander was bom in flafs- tween that time and some hour late fe st Prize; $3,000 to Win- Utah Speed Kmg M akes Bid Germany, the last to the recent a lot of t ^ that this adultatlon They want to equip Don with a Eye Sweep of Crucial Ser­ ing. toe (iubs rlssipated a seven night, was reported today to have to substitute the form of govern- borgs Province, Vest Gotland, Swe­ the car in which they arere riding national championships at Forest has bad its effecL now partner for next year, so w e; left the United States for a two n.ent which they advocate for the ning was 97.6. — den. March 19. 1869. Besides his w ^ on Oak street driven W Saturday dwelling properties of and one-half game lead. They start­ Miss Beatrice Thomas and Mn. Von Deck, who has been Instru­ Cheney Brothers which are aasessed PROTECTION OF TENANTS Hills, have placed Um In a class Budge Always Tadtura will be -sure of keeping toe Davis' ed their depressing tail spin on toe years stay in Germany. free, representative form of govern­ wife who was Miss Hulda L. Carl­ Charles Dtetlln. chauffeur, of the l^er; Low 150 to Qualify. for World Records; Sof> by himself among the amateurs. The simple truth is that nobody Cup, yet it is very jJoubUul they ies With Terry Terriers. Presented In Police Court last ment which our forefathers estab­ Dorothy Belcher are co-chairmen of mental Ih training the Legion Band, son, he Is survived by one daughter: V ^ famUy, was struck by a car for a total of- approximately one A* day Ctollins broke his right aakls the food.sale which the members of also the Girl Scouts and several and one-third millions o t dollars There isn't even the prospect of can tell for certain. Even to 1934, will put It over. 'They won't try to August 10. Friday night on a charge of reck lished here. Mrs. Gerda Morse; two grandchil­ driven by Richard Brannlck of 149 IS PURPOSE OF PErm oiil a serious rival for bis throne next toe year be "arrived” so sudden­ push Budge too far. leas driving, Mr. Klttler, through "We recognize that in a democ­ the American Legion auxiliary will other drum corps in Mancbe.ster, is dren, Beatrice anfl Elton Morse and Oakland streeL Brannlck was will be knocked down to the highest fers Two Accidents. OoUlns Spark Plug conduct tomorrow morning at the well known for his ability as corps bidder at the average rate of one nt. Mom., Sept. 33.—(AP) year. Budge is far too good for tbe ly and beat Von Cramm to toe Da- Ambition Brought Don to Top ' By BILL BONY Ms attorney, Wilfred O. Lundborg racy the people may change their one sister, Mrs. Oscar Peterson, all driving south on Spruce street in a crop coming up, though Bobby 'vlB Cup Interzone final at Wimble­ Altoougb be has received some Tha presence of Collins on first , of Hartford, asked for a contin' form of goverhment at will, but it J. W. Hale company's store. Donors Instructor in the state. of Manchester; also one sister, Mrs. Ford V»8 ledao. “ every six minutes. The primary aim of the petition he mort brilliant galaxy of golf- Associated Frees Sports Writer are requested to see that their con­ The sale, believed to be the larg­ signed by Jon Zapatka and nearly Riggs, another Califo’rnla product, don, Budge didn't have anything good coaching sin(£ be won bis i base has been a great psychological uanoe of his case. Adjournment for is inconceivable that an enlighten­ Ilulda Peterson of Gothenborg, The two cars crashed In the mid­ stars the Boston qiiitrtct baa Bonneville, Salt Fiats, Itah, Sept. may be expected to extend him to say, except in monosyllablea He first important event — toe Cali­ The Giants have had a dose of factor in favor of toa Cubs. His bat a month was granted. ed people which has practiced the tributions of food are at the' store Sweden. dle of the Intersection of Osik and est single turn-over of residential thirty others and presented to the la almoit 20 years teed off at 22—(AP)—Ab Jenkins, bis left now and then before Don Joins tbe still doesnt' do any talking unless fornia championship for boys un­ Dt. Charley Grimm's pet medicine-^ art of self-government for one hun­ by 9:80 a m. properties at any one time in the selectmen last Monday night la tha has been Important in two of toe th e bond was placed after a con­ I „ UTTLE LATE FOR PARADE Mr. Hulander was a member ot Spruce streetA Brannlck's car Dont today for the first qualify- arm cut and bandaged, hurled bis professional ranks at the close of pressed, and he never was toe der 15 to 1930 — it was Budge's hq hopes to call it “toe pennant five victories. Yesterday he connect­ ference between Mr. Lundborg and dred and flirty years would accept the Emanuel Lutheran church, sihasblng Into the right rear wheel history of New England, will be hope that the board will be able to tbe 1938 campaign. type to holler at friends across own consuming ambition that winner”—and they woke up today ■Hi Prosecuting Attorney George C. either Fascism or Communism.” Mrs. William H. Hall of 89 Falr- Manchester Lodge of Masons, and of the Vail’s V-8 LaSalle, turning |t conducted by Samuel T. Freeman take some action to prevent the I round of the $12,000 open match ‘Mormon Meteor" around a 1214 ed with a single and a triple to fleld street was noUfled by cable­ wholesale eviction ^ f preAent occu­ TUden Bracketed With Budge toe street. The truth possibly is brought him to toe top of the with a bitter taste In their mouths, score a run. He always has been at Lemner. It was known then that Communists have tried and failed, AS CHIEF LETS HIM GO Society Segar. He was formerly a around In the street near the south and Company of Boston, New Yora ' tourney, richest of the season's lUle saline course today, hot to pur­ At Wimbledon, wbere they Imow that toe average person ts quick world this year. He -was a very determination to do better and a Mr. Hulander was seriously Injured he said, to gala control of the A. F. gram this morning of the death of member of Company O. curb of Oak streeL west of the in­ and PhUarJelphla. Addison B. Free­ pants of 245 Cheney Brothers 1 purses. suit of new world speed records. bis best when the going was tough- dwellings to be sold aL auction this considerable about tennis, they say to imagine a slight from a cham­ fine player two years ago. but he National League lead that had est, particularly against toe Giants. and that Mr. Klttler was planning of L., but realize now "they cannot her mother, Mrs. Thomas Best ot Funeral services will be held from tersection. man. member of the firm will be Kictory will bring tbe winner $3,- The huge, cream-colored machine there has been only one player to pion, because champions are pop­ had an indifferent forehand. That dwindled to«a game and a half. to leave the country. penetrade the sanctity of the Portadown, Ireland, his late home Saturday afternoon Miss Van and Mr. Bickford were auctioneer. week, with winter approaching and I and the runner up $2,000. When toe Chibs returned to their Thomas Kelley of Boston was thundered from the starting line at the history of tennis who might ularly believed to develop abnor­ Is. it was a pretty good forehand, Dr. Grimm's medicine, the one dressing room yesterday they were The following morning. Informed American Federation of Labor or able to see part of the American at 2 p. m. for the members of the taken to the Manchester Memorial First to go on the block will be before tbe tenants can make other unwieldly field, which toclud- 7:33 a. m. (PST) Tuesday and will have trimmed the Oakland slasher. mally about toe cranium. At least, but not nearly so good as toe Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Glenty, of plana that has done such wonders for toe whooping hilariously. Manager ‘ that Mr. Klttler's car was not in­ Impair Its solidarity." Legion parade In New York yester­ family, followed by a service at hospital In the W. P. Qulah am­ the one-family five-room home at ntoe of the victorious U. S. CLjttoue until the same time Thurs­ ThaL of course,' was Tilden. Tha nobody has yet accused Budge of Budge backhand. cocky Cubs on past afternoons, is a sured and that he intended to de­ He said the Federation favors Canton, have purchased the two- Emanuel Lutheran church at 3:30 bulance. Neither Brannlck nor 4 North Fairfield streeL occupied Interest of the signers of the der Cup players, among whom day. "old master," some of them con­ talking out of tuiji. It would have been easy for CharUe Grimm pulled off hts sweaty . day, although his Intention when he petition, who have been Invited to well-adjusted mixture of garrulous pants and shoes, dropped Into a ? part so Ralph Guldahl, tbe Open Two accidents failed to deter the tend, bad a greater variety ot One of toe most popular myths toe redhead to answer his critics: Gabby Hartnett’s war club and ative of Mr. Hulander retained Dougherty street ffom R O. Denton. tor, officiating. Burial will be in after the accldenL Miss Vail had and assessed for $2,879. From then attend the session of the Board of strokes and would have out- concerning Budge is that, on his "Weil it's a good enough forehand choir and began yelling IndivlduaJ ' lation, and conveyed to the Le^on arrived in Manchester on Monday, Selectmen next Monday nlgfaL is npion, and Denny Sbute, the Utah speed king. His left arm was smooth-flowing relief pitching by counsel but an attempt to locate the thanks of Federation members Mr. Glenty is a forenuui in the em­ stayed over a little longer than he Ekwt cemetery. been taken from the car and placed on tomorrow bouses will be sold on Ktime P. O. A. UtlelsL was ached- cut by bits of metal torn from a thought Budge. to a tight match first appearance In toe famous to beat you." But be didn’L When praise to Pitcher Larry French, ploy of the HartfSid Electric Light not so much at the present time In where tbe blue chips were down. center court at Wimbledon, he toe playing season ended be went veteran Charley Root. Hartnett, Stanley Hack and otoera. Mr. Klttler for service of papers in for the Legion's support of the pro­ bad expected and also had a few on the graas as It was believed her North Fairfield, WesL High. Wal- the possibility that rents may be to get started about sun-up. rear wheel when a tire gave way. The Giants got both yesterday, to a civil suit for damages was nudle posed child labor amendment t.. the company and wUl move here within more drinks than be could hold. The Injuries were too serious to be taken nuL Mlddtefleld, Fairfield, Cooper xkness will probably fall before An hour before that accident tbe Others doubt that Budge, with his waved his racket at Queen Mary to ChUifornl'a and went to work "We have met toe enemy and we in vain as he could not be found. 60 da3TS. The sale was made by the to the hospital in a private car. Increased as it Is in the possibility blazing power, doesn’t need to do and shouted "hello Queenle.” He’s bn it. He made the most radical the delight of 34,807 Chicago eus- don't know the absolute result yet", Constitution. result was that he was picked up FUNERALS Hill, Bank and Cooper streets and that many of tbe Cheney homes low 150 and ties qualify for to- car struck a soft spot while'travel­ tomerr and the dismay of Gotham's A wltness.at the scene of the ac- Secretary of War H. Woodring, Wallace D. Robb agency. early In the evening and brought to Miss Vail complained of a back Hartford road. Drrow’s second medal round, after ing 180 miles an hour and went Into a great deal of thinking. never troubled to deny it for print, change possible, from a "western," Grimm bellowed. "WeTl give those ddent, ivhlch occurred at West Cen­ the police station and charged with Mrs. Orasio Bcartato Injury and Bickford suffered a will be purchased by persons who The opinion around Forest Hills and It’s fast becoming a classic. or "topped" shot, employing wrist rooters for a nickel World Series. guys helL We're going to win. AU another speaker, greeted the Le­ Bach of the 348 properties to be will order them from their homes lich tha field will be reduced to a careening, half-mile slide. Garrulous Gabby, he of toe wag' ter and Cooper streets. Informed gionnaires as comrades, praised the Alexander Barber, agent here for intoxication. Yesterday morning he The funeral of Mrs. Orazio Scar- laceration of the scalp. sold. Including 144 one-famlly, 79 for tbe first round match play. Lou Meyer, veteran Indianapolis was that tbe amateur king-pin Tbe only thing Is, It didn't hap­ movement, to toe "eastern” fist you guys played woopsy daisy baU. Polleeman Joseph A. P m tlce that the New Haven railroad, stated to­ told the story of his being In Man­ lato, of 36 Cottage street, who died Brannlck told Officer Walter Cos- without sufficient time to find other could Jump into the money pen. On that momentous qpcasion drive. Now he haa about as good glng tongue and the flailing sbUalah, "Nice pitching Lany," be yelled administration's foreign policy as day that the railroad's contract with two-famUy, 11 three-family, nine lodgings, according to Mr. Stepatka. I Sbute, Lawson Little and slam- >eed driver, relieved Jenkins for was in bis best form. Missing only Klttler was driving at a "very high "open and direct," and warned chester to Chief Gordon. As the at the Manchester Memorial hospi­ selU^- the Investigator, that he was iree hours after his tojurr and with Ellsworth Vines and Fred Budge came smartly to attention a forehand as there la to the game. to French who was relieved to toa the New England Transportation parade was to last the better part tal Monday morning, was largely Sam Snead were grouped as Perry right now and nail them to as toe queen entered the royal box Hia backhand, which came natural­ a homer on his triumphant tour, the rata of speed” Just before the acci­ against propaganda which would driving south on Spruce street and 1-1 co-favorltea. Ranked Just be­ continued to "speU" him at -Inter­ seventh. "You bad tough luck. Those ; dent. company for store-door deliveries of 18 hours the chief decided to let attended at the W. P. Qulah Funer­ on reaching the Oak and Spruce vals today. the boards. With another yea-’s and bowed slightly with his head, ly, never haa been tampered with. big Cub backstop smashed out guys could get three base bits with create sympathy foi those engaged has been cancelled and awarded to al home at 8:30 this morning with nd them were such stars as Gul- amateur play behind him they toe correct thing to do. BUU, it's His heaviest artillery la on that triple with toe bases loaded, a sin­ In conflicts abroad with the conse­ the Boston visitor have part of bis street intersection, the Vail ear sud­ New world land speed records a newspaper. the Dumas Motor Lines, owned by wish In seeing and taking part' In a mass being said at 9 o'clock at denly came out from his left and , Henry Picard, Ed Dudley, Jlm- don’t figure it will even be close a good yarn If you believe iL side. Rival players, through force gle that put him in position to scors, quent attempts to Influence govern­ Alexander and Harold Dumas of this Hlnes, Ray Mangrum, Johnny were established each hour and each after a few one-night stands. A Judge of character might^ftodhMftod of babiL hit too many bails to A perfect natural backhand, 'Swell bittto’,'' Leo, Grimm hol- the parade and allowed him to con­ St. James's church. — crossed In front of him. He said he SOO miles. Among the major marks and a double that drove home toe ment at Loma" town. The Dumas company is com­ tinue without holding him for court. Rev. J. Vincent Hines, assistant applied his brakes but struck the fevolta, Tony Manero, Harold That's pretty heady stuff for a something a little noble Vbout Don's backhand. He loves that. *hnade'’ forehand that’s as good as final nail in toe Giants' eoffin and lerM to Hartnett, whose triple scor­ Woodring told the convention the pletely unionized and operates a pastor of SL James’s church, cele­ lug) MeSpaden and Byron Nelson. achieved thus far: youngster Budge's age to absorb. Budge to toe way be has stu(tuck to An inch and one-half over six feet toe final run in toe Chibs’ 7-5 vic­ ed three runs to the first toning and HOFFMAN’S MAN larger car directly abreast ot the Cold Weather any In the game end ell toe power whose double also scored another Legion "has been a steadying hr- closed shop and Is, therefore, allow­ brated the mass and also conducted right rear wheeL He said that the |Twenty-slx amateurs were enter- 12-hour run, 160 miles and hour; He can’t help reading the papers Gene Mako, bis original doubles and of solid construction, Budge tory. fluence in a difficult period s-.of dls- ed to continue work by the striking the committal services at St. driver o t the Witurted car did not to thla most heavily endowed 3,000, kilometers, 161.4 miles an DOW and then, and even conced­ partner. There are quite a few can last out a five-setter with any a wefi-conditiobed, 180-pound, 6V)- While the Chibs and Giants battle run to tbe eighth. trese and uncertainty" and that Le­ MAY BE THE YOUNGEST hour; 2,000 miles, 160.07 miles an ing that he’s not the literary type, better doubles players than Mako of them. He doesn’t drink (except, 'Tm nothing but a hitting fooL” truck drivers. James's cemetery. stop at the "stop" sign located east lent of the season, to be climaxed foot body CM develop guarantee tooth and nail to settle toelr pennant FOR GOVERNOR gionnaires "are progressive without The bearers were Peter Clgnettl, of the Intersection. a $5,000 final next Tuesday, but hour. Most of the marks be shat­ the swarms of autograph hunters banging around eating their hearts maybe, a little beer), smoke or issue, toe Yanks sit still and ease toe good natured Etortnett yelled being extremists." OFFICER IN THE STATE Comforts |ly Ray Billows of Poughkeepsie, tered were the ones be himself and those others who cling to a out for a chance to play to toe chew, and he likes plenty of sleep. Badge's supremacy for some time. back. Michael Ginofll, Matthew Pacholskl, The right retm side of the Van ear established here last year. in. When toe Tigers split toelr dou "In a time when many people John Sullivan, Salvatore D'Pumpo was smashed In and the right rear Y„ runner-up to Johnny Good- ble-header in Boston yesterday, los­ “Tex’* Carletoa, tha big right. were toying with notions of prole- STRIKERS FINED Other marks set on the present hander, slated to face tha OUata MEEIS DEFEAT Loren Fracchla, eon of Mr. and and Anthony Trivigno. tire was blown. The entire front to the recent national amateur run; 500 kilometers, 172.82; old ing tbe first, 12-7, to a ten-run Rod- (OeathHMd tra o Pago One) tarlanlsm or dictatorships the World end of Brannlck's ear was crushed Id burly Joe Lynch of Boston, Sox fifth Inning, and winning toe this afternoon, regards tha New Mrs. Joseph Fracchla. former re.sl- record 167.11; 500 mUes, 170.77; Torkara aa tha luckiaat club to tha War veterans In the Legion were IN NEW BRITAIN dents of Manchester, has been nom­ John Strsogh in by the solid impacL Storm Sash pre regarded as serious threats by old record 168.44; 1,000 kilometers, ENDICOn CUP PLAY GREENTREE DEFENDS second, 4-1, tost made it so much thras years won the qieakersblp ot steadily working to prove that a The funeral of John Straugh, of A Crowd gathered at the scene, at­ professional delegation. 171.53; old record 166.65; 1,000 simpler for toe Ruppert riot squad. National League. ) .; tbs Stats Assembly, his country’s great democracy could function bet­ inated for constsible on the Demo­ New Britain, Sept. 33—(AP) — cratic ticket In the town of Hebron 66 Spencer streeL who died at the tracted there by the noise caused by |Tbe course, long, narrow and miles, 168.06; old record 165.73; .2.- LED BY JEAN BAUER Ambers-Montanez Clash ^ winning both games from toa "Wa’ra over tha huoip Sapatorahlp and his party's guber­ ter In a crisis than could any other .Manchester Memorial hospital Sun­ the solidly, crashing ears. It la not Ddtog, stumped everyone during 000 kilometers, 162.98; old record ITS TITLE AT POLO Browns today, they con eliminate Oarleton eommented. *Tt'a tha fln t . natorial designation, opposing a After disposing of the cases of The nomination was made at the ; form of government," Woodring seven strikers at the plant of the caucus held Monday, Septeniber 13. day as the result of injulrles suf­ known what charges, if any. would sterday’s final practice rounds ex- 168.46; six hours 168.09; old record Detroit from all conslderstlon. one that eounto." Democrat veteran who entered said. It dependent Cloak Company In the same time as the Republican!! fered when struck by an automobile be made In connection with the accl- Combination Doors pt Snead who put together . a 165.72. The Yanks and Browns ware kept Ou-leton haa only atartad againat politics in 1907 and is regarded as on Sliver Lane, East Hartford a denL i-under-par 68 without being Farmington, Conn., Sept 22.— New York, Sept. 32.—(AP)—The Manchester, who were charged with held their caucus. (AP)—Jean ^uer, high ranking Heads Champs’ Carnival Idle yesterday by too American Le­ the Giants once .this aaason and beak tbs Denoocratr No. 1 votegetter In week earlier, was held at his late The car In which Miss Vail and tiled upon to hole several easy Greentrec polo team wlU bid again gion parade that tied up practical­ them, 7 to 1. Ha held them to three tbs stats. disturbances in this city. Judge Wil­ Mr. Fracchla when nominated home at 8:30 this morning followed Bickford were riding Is owned by Providence, R. I., woman golfer, V. F. W. TO NOMINATE ' liam E. Hagearty in police court was not a voter as he was not of |tts. The competitive course rec- teed off today at toe (Country club for toe national charoplonibip today ly everything In New York. hits and didn't aUow a runner to Tbs S9-yaar-old Moore, although today declared "1 do not know the age to be made last year and was by a funeral mass celebrated In SL Dudley L. Vail of 76 Coe street, of 69 waa set by Burt Nichols, Sports Roundup against Old Westbury at Interna­ The rest of the big league pro­ reach first base from tha and o t the unopposed for the Democratic noml- right or wrong of this strike busi­ Catherine’s church. Broad Brook. Winsted. Lehigh Valley I home pro 14 years ago. for toe final round of toe 36-hole first toning to tha start of tha ninth. not made a voter until last Satur­ The burial was In St. Catherine’s Elndicott cup medal play tourna­ Is Given Top Ranidni! In Big] tional field, Westbury, with toe gram saw toe Dodgers drop two In natimi. polled his heavy votes yes­ ness but I do know that lo one can day. If elected, which seems prob­ be first two rounds of match By EDDIE BRIETZ same quartet Which carried it to toe St. Louis, 8-5 and 6-3; the Pirates The 87 year eld Hartnatt, plajrtog terday as the state organization OFnCERS TONIGin Cemetery, Brood Brook. ment with a four-stroke advantage act with vtolence in New Britain." able. he will be one of the yoimgesi ay, on Friday, will be over 18- over her closest rival, Mrs. R. F. Local Sport championship in 1935 and 1936. sting toe Bees, 9-3; the Phils lose hit ifith year with tha Ciuha, to leek- head^ by Mayor Frank Hague ot He disposed of the cases as fol­ pes but the remaining matches New York, Sept.,22—(AP) — Ot- Show at Garden Tomor­ tog forward to tying Ray Sehalkto office holden in the state as It la A a . j^du. ^ Jtkoi Anthracite . Swett of Springfield, Masa Oreentree wins, it will be the'first 'the opener, 6-3, and win toe night Jersey C ^ made a special effort to A meeting of Anderson-Bbea lows: not possible to hold any town or be 86-boIe affairs. flclale of toe San Antonio club ot team to take three straight titles. cap from toe Reds, 10-1; Wally aU-tlma record of eato fa^ 100 or ran up an Impresslva total as an Poet VFW will be held In the post’s Mrs. corn Valenti, 81. of 103 SEND PHANTOM BURGLAR toe Texas league have the misery Miss Bauer poated a brilliant 80 home tonight when nomlnatlooa for state elective office unless the per­ yesterday in the opening round row Night; Figored Even Chatter Both teams won to the finals with Moses* llto Inning boiber with more gmmea to aaeh of 13 aeaaeM tadleatlon ^bat Moore's popularity Grove street, arrested twice, $35 son Is 31 years of age. w i i a a ? " . . . toer are blue in toe face try­ potent attacks and fans expect high man on beat toe White Sox, 5-4, for . . . .he haa only five more games to baa not suffered by bis opposition to officers will be made'. Hie officers fine; Anthony Pawllckl, 20. 28 Booth ing to explain to fans why they against an 84 for Mra. Swett While the Democrats were nomi­ TO STATE REFORMATORY Whether yen waat to add Mrs. Hazel Martelle of Hartford, NEA Service, in accordance with scoring in toe contest postponed toa Athletics, and Johnny Allen of go tola year... .no Cub pitcher has Nsw Deal measures. nominated tonight will serve only streeL who. Judge Hagearty said, nating Fracchla for constable the traded Pitcher Ash Hlllto to Okla­ imtll April, when a new board of lied in his testimony, $10; Mrs. Baanda or aobtiact, the preh- Coke Racing Notes homa Chty . . . (all Ash did for toe OmnecUcut women's champion, Scrap; Title Holders Fa­ toe wishes of national football from Sunday by rain. toe Indians win bis thirteenth succeeded to winning hto ISth game officers will be elected. This change Theresa Plara, 29. 228 Washington Republicans placed la nomination Hartford, SepL 32.—(AP)—Pas- lemhmateiietobeeppreachcd Oklahoma City was win 31 ball and Miss Deborah Verry of Worces­ groups and individual directors of Greentree will use Pete Bostwlck straight—be hasn't been beaten— this season. Las, Carleton and Is made to conform with a new reg­ street. Judgment suspended; Mra for constable Leo Gambolatl. Mr quale Franglllo. 24, of New Haven, in a haphaaard manner. The By ASSOCIATED PRESS games) . . . Young Terry, toe ter, Mass., were close to toe leading vored in Other Contests. atoletlcs, has discontinued toe at No. 1, Gerald Balding at No. 2, with a 6-3 subjection of toe Sena- French each ha'va woo 1 4 ... .Fraach NEW BRITAIN WOMAN' ulation of the national organization, Lucy Gregorian, 81, 387 Burrett Gambolatl la also a young man, but known to police as the "Phantom method that worked beanti- iger, chief hope of Mra. Ethel V. Trenton (N. J.) busz saw, wants It pair with 85’s, five strokes off toe practice of having coaches fore­ Tommy Hitchcock at No. 3 and tora tried for hto 10th yesterday and which specifies that the election and street. Judgment suspended; Mrs. older than Mr. Fracchla. They are Burglar," and John Gwlnnell, 34, al­ foUy far a fi held or neiihbar Itrs' depleted stable, in the (uturi- distinctly understood be is not toe pace. cast the winners of football games Jock Whitney at back. Old West­ Just missed... .Carietm wlU ha trj^ first Cousins. Mr. Fracchta's mother so of New Haven, pleaded guilty In may ha the very thing yots pusbed back into a ranking po­ Others within striking distance of ....th is season members of toe bury. with two members of last tog for hla today. IS INJURED IN CRASH terms ot all officers Is to start In Sadie Garabedlan, 34. 33 Chapman shooldn’t do. Adept no diet Range and Fuel Oils "Young Terry" who was kayoed by EYE CLEAN SWEEP April. street, discharged; Walter Bednarz, being a sister of Mr, Gambolati’a Superior Court today to breaking tion yesterday with an Impressive Mickey Page of Providence at Miss Bauer are Mrs. Warren Beard New York. Sept 22.—(AP)—The NEA sports staff will predict the year's American team which defeat­ Chicago, Sept. 33,—(AP)—From Sea Attendanea Mask father. and entering two homes in Man­ er formnla, take no medicine lumph to the Dunboyne purse at winners and scores of major games In order to. make It possible to 20, 395 High street. Judgment sus­ er taoie natil yea here ilie- Augusta, Me., toe other night . . of Charlea River, Mass., who shot bout that's going to pack toe big­ ed England In London, has an equal­ battle-scarred "Gabby" Hartnett The attendance for tha Otaat- Mias Anna Carbo, 20, of 85 Mill have the term of officers start In The chances are that the Gam- chester. Judge Arthur F. Ells sen­ llmont Park. Tbe son of Bull Dog “such publicity affects me 'advoise- on 86; Mrs. I. L. R. Browne of ....although toe 1937 campaign is ly Impressive array. The Inte.-na- down to toe youngest member of Cubs aeries ia Ukaly to sat a raoord pended, and Corrado Vasili, 17, 380 m seed year inoividael preb- gest share of. about $350,000 worth still in Its Infancy, there are no less street. New Britain, was taken to April the officers nominated tonight Washington street, discharged. bolati and Fracchla families ndll tenced both men to the State re­ ' lem with a eompeteat pliyii* In t the six furlongs of the ly'," said toe buzs saw . . . looks Farmington, 87; Mrs. Carol Smith tionallats are Mike Phipps at No. 1. the team, toa CSiicago (hibs ware for three week-day gamaa... .yaa- the Manchester Memorial hospital will be for the short term with a ca.st split ballots at the October formatory. where they had served |dener straightaway In 1:11 4-5 like Jimmy Wilson at Chnclonati of Hartford, 88; Mrs. Frederick Da­ of customers Into toe Polo Grounds than 22 games if national Interest The arrests were made after clan, Te follow any other Insulation for toe carnival of champions to­ Stewart Iglehart at No. 3, Cecil fired with new entouaiaam today to terday’s crowd waa.84307.... m a t 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon change to be made In the by-laws workers at the garment factory, election. previous terms. State police say eoorae may injnre year health der 125 pounds to whip John Hay and more power to him. vis of Providence smd Mra W. L. slated this weekend.... Smith, the brilliant Texan, at No. ’i completely conquer the New York crowd at 86,000 or bettar was ak- following an accident at Cooper Hill of the local post later to have the who live here, complained to the that Franglllo bos operated in sev­ and ovan< In aztrema in> Jtney'a Pumpkin with Great Cook of Hartford, tied at 89. morrow night appears to be the one and Sonny Whitney, like his cousin, Giants In bringing toe National pacted this afternoon... .if tha Cuba and West streets. She Is employed officers elected and Inducted In police of Interference as they were en of the eight counties of the stancoe, ewdengwr year life. Make use of our facilities and service lion third. Those trucking tycoons, toe A field of 67 of the leading femi­ between lightweight champion Lou We confess that we haven't bad at back. League pennant race to a dramatic win tha first two, Wrigley Ftold by the Independent Cloak Company April. slate. Meeara. Jameo J. Braddock and Joe nine maable wieldera from Connec­ Ambers and Pedro *Montanez, toe much opportunity to study toe grid about to take buses to go to Man­ HOSPITAL NOTES for comfort eltuatioD so far and our choices are Iglehart and Hitchcock are the close. won't be big enough for aU those and was returning to her home in chester. riger's fine showing compensates Gould report bix is O. K. . . . Jake ticut Massachusetts and Rhode Is­ gay Puerto Rican. game's best offenstve threats. They The Chibs, victorious over their wanting to see the final game which an automobile driven by Joseph De- Manchester police were not called WELDON DRUG CO. I. Mara for the loss of Sky Lark- Todd of Ersklne college in Soutn land are entered in toe competition That at least, is toe fight they baaed more or less on pure guess­ Preacrlptioa Phaimaclsta all were talking about today, and it work... .without evta toe benefit are the world's only ten-goal play­ arch-rivals, 7 to 6 yesterday, enter starts 3 p. m. (CDT) tomorrow. balslo of 35 Pleasant street. New Admitted late yesterday: -Mrs. by State's Attorney Hugh M. Al­ destroyed on toe track at Bel- (JaroUna ia toe onlv one-man coach- for toe well known trophy which ers. Hitchcock, who has been a top­ Britain, when the car collided with JAPS IGNORE PLEAS Annie Enaman, Tinker block: Mlsa corn to testify regarding tha bur­ 90S Mala SL We Deliver Int after breaking a leg in toe Ing staff In Dixie . . . be double- has been won three times by Mrs. is toe only one of tbe three and of kissing toe Blarney stooe (hey, BURIED IN NEVADA, . heb, what's this!), we make tbe flight poloist since toe war, gave one driven by Mias Anna May An­ Aana Carbo. 85 Mill streeL New glaries In Manchester when tbe Mai 5331 |ampagne Stakes. times with the varsity and fresh­ Frederick Davis of Providence. one-balf championship bouts on toe derson pf 181 Highland street, Man­ OF GREAT BRITAIN, D. S. Britain: Mra Sarah Turklngfton, 23 "Phantom Burglar" and his aaslst- The Manchester men and last year borrowed from program that is getting an impor­ following selections: Friday, Tem­ toe Argentine team a lesson in all- chester. . TO BRING BODY HERE Orchard street: Mrs. Adelle Grigo- ant went to trial thla morning In Penn A. C. of Philadelphia bis varsity reserves so his 11-man tant play from the gamblers. Pro­ ple over V. M. I. and U. C. L. A. around ability in a semi-final match Miss Carbo, admitted to the hos­ leL 113 Summer street; Robert the Superior Court of this county. |l send 300 members to Havre de frosb squad could play out its sched­ moter Mike Jacobs has dropped It over Oregon; Saturday, St. Mary's while Iglebart's dashing play baa pital, complMned of a side injury (Ooattnoed fratn Page One) Henry. Middle Turnpike east: Billy It was understood before tha trial Lumber & Fuel Co. ce tomorrow to see a special ule . . . Henry Armstrong looks Yesterday*s Stars in toe "top" spot of toe evening, over California, Cornell over Penn been a tremendous factor In Old and was thought to have either a The body of Matthew J. Toohey. Sedlack, 159 Oakland streeL that the two m ^ would not be |:e bearing toe club's name. The like a miniature edition of Joe toe third act. State, Duke over V. P. L, Illinois Weatbury's success. bruised or fractured rib. The acci­ showed thet all government and a native of Manchester, but a resi­ Discharged late yesterday: Mrs. prosecuted for the larger number of Phone 5145 255 Center Street ner of toe winner will receive a Louis when it comes to socking By ASSOCIATED PRESS Expect Rougb-Honse over Ohio U„ Indiana over Centre, Tbe Argimtlnes will try for toe dent was investigated by Policeman military buildings had come through dent of Nevada for the greater part Mary Thompson, 83 >4 Charter Oak burglarlea that they were accused Ige silver platter donated by toe . . . last season was tbe second Gabby Hartnett and Chwley Ehcpcctatlonz are It will be a real L. S. U. over Florida, Rhode Island last American trophy left open for the bombardments virtually un­ of his life and who died and was best ia toe International league's Root, Cubs—Former's single, double rough-house for 16 rounds if it lasts over Maine, Minnesota over North them, the Waterbury cup, tomor­ Raymond Griffin, who reported the street: Mrs. William Johnston and of having committed In tbe differ­ lb. Dakota State, North Carolina over Debalsio car was overturned In the scathed. buried In Reno, Nev., Is on Its wav Infant soo, 183 Lydall streeL ent countiea In the atate and that history from an attendance stand­ and triple figured in all Cub scor­ that long. In their previous 10- row when they meet Aknuati in toe In the third raid, at 1:50 p. m.. to Manchester for burial In 8t. point ing In 7-5 defeat of Giants; latter’s round_ __ overweight___ - battle at toe South Chtrollna, Ohio State over first round. The San Joee players, accident Death: Ernest Hulander, 67, 104 they would be tried for 11 bur­ he seven-year-old Beefsteak, Garden, MontMez bad toe champion Texas Christian, Purdue over But- the Japanese planes droned over at Bridget’s cemetery, where other rel­ Ridge StreeL at 11:35 p. m., yester­ glaries In Manchester. s'orth Star gelding, won bit first relief pitching choked off losers' somewhat disheartened by toelr a great height because of the seri­ atives ars buried. day. ke in two years, the Beaver Lake No ons could find out definitely raUy. on toe floor In an early round, but ler, Pitt over Ohio Wesleyan, U. S. failure to make toe open finals, wUi Thera had been evidence aecured H'al Troaky, Indiana—Home run I Ambers came back to plaster Pedro C. over Pacific College, Stanford BIG FREIGHT BUSINESS ous property damage they had pre- The body was dlrinterred on Admitted today; Mrs. Shtrlay In all 11 breaks la Manchester, but liming purse at Rockingham why toe Hippodrome was being go ''all out” in toe match. Wously suffered from the Chinese Tuesday and aent by train that picketed yesterday . . .somebody with bases loaded provided winning toward toe last, and there are those over Santa Clara, Tenn^essee over Reid, Middle Turnpike east; Lester only la tat> cases were ths man Irk yesterday. Mrs. Louis H. Wake Forest, Tulane over Clem- pursuit planes. They dropped their night to Manchester where It will nkofTs campaigner ran the dls- said it was because all toe boys margin in 6-3 trimming of Senators. who think be would have won in IS Turkington, 30 Ford streeL charged with breaking and aater- Ben Chapman, R ^ Sox and rounds. Bon, Oklahoma over Tulsa, Navy FOR LOCAL RAILROAD bombs from an estimated'altitude be met by Undertaker William P. Census; Fifty-four patlenta tog. nce of Bix furlongs to 1:11 4-5 to being employed by Mike Jacobs at of two mllca Qulah who win arrange for tbe toe Hippodrome are not union boys George GIU. Tigers — Former’s If you want to bet .on either over William A Mary, Vanderbilt Vt Miss D. L Letenore’s Monaco Pedro or Lou, you have to lay toe over Kentucky, West Virginia over burial. win a close dueL Idle Way wss . . . Big Ten football prestige may homer with three on started ten- Tbe South Manchester railroad is Lead melts et 620 degrees Fahr­ He waa tha son of Michael M. get a Jolt when Texas Cbristlaa and run rally that beat Tigers In opener, odds with Jack Doyle, toe Broadway W. Va. Wesleyan coming Into Its own again, due to enheit: tin melts at 446 degrees and Chitherlna Toohey and Is sur­ Ohio State collide Saturday . . . 12-7: latter'held Sox to eight bits oommlssloner. Five dollars will win the strike of tbe truckmen. At least you four, and you take your choice. Our Hat la toe same as that of Fahrenheit, yet, when the two vived by two slaters, Mias Mary E. ■Hen Riddle's War Admiral, tbe add success stories: Fred Thomsen, and fanned eight in 4-1 nightcap one freight a day has been sent metals are melted together, as and Mias EHen M. Toohay of Man­ coach at toe spectacular Arkansas win. In other words. Doyle considers it a toe NEA staff with three ex* over the line. It was a surprise for Yhy winner, worked a half to :47 Razorbacks, is one of toe few men Jim Tobin. Pirates— Pitched dead-level proposition and doesn't cepUons, NEA picking California YXSTERDAVS RESULTS solder, the melting point Is only 356 chester and a brother, John M. Manchester Public Market rvday morning. Trainer Oanway over St. Mary's, Santa Clara over National League The Safest and M(»t Dependable Tire residents living In the vicinity of the degrees. Toohey, of New Britain. who Jumped from a smoU-town high seven-bitter to tame Bees, 9-3, and really want to do much wagering. railroad to hear the tooting of a lo­ For A zJ-!! to start him in the $10,000 school directly to a major university led 13-blt winning attack with two On Doyle’s books. Fred Apostoli is Stanford and Tulsa over Oklahoma Chicago 7, New York 5. That Money Can Buy comotive whistle at 8:30 p. m. on I de Grace Handicap on Sept. —and made good . . . don't look doubles and single. favored to trim Marcel Thll, Eu­ ....here's hoping we get at least S t Louis 8-6, Brooklyn 5-3. two different occasions this week A Fresh Shipment Of Sea Food Limited Time! now, boys, but another ibajor Don Gutteridge and Don Padgett. ropean middleweight, in toe' night's a 50.50 break this w'eck and we'il ClnclnnaU 6-1, Philadelphia 8-10 THEY'RE TRIPLE-SAFE! and looking to learn the reaaon. league manager is about to get toe Cardinals—Former’s triple cleared first feature while Barney Roes is be well satisfied with an even split Pittsburgh 9. Boston 2. And Yet They Cost No More Than Ordinary Tires found the locomotive was pulling a Fancy Swordfish, center aliccs...... 35c Ib. old heave-ho. bases In big Inning that won opener Doyle’s choice in toe second duel for the season, what with toe American League couple of freight ctu-s. These are i Fresh Haddock To Bake, whole...... ,. .40c Ib. from Brooklyn, 8-5; latter's three over challenger Ceferino Garcia tough games ahead.... Boaton 12-1, Detroit 7-4. taken to the Manchester yards and' FRESH SALMON If Slxto Escobar trims Harry singles and four-bagger led way to from toe Philippines. CTeveland 6, Washington 3. sent out on a late west bound ■ Fresh, Small. Stewing Oysters ...... 35c |d n t FUR-TRIMMED COATS Jeffra tomorrow night, he’ll vaca­ 6-3 win In second game. Doyle’s money also says that For toe next two weeks until Philadelphia 6, Chicago 4 (11). Sentinel Type TIRES TUBES frelghL ] SEE Large Frying Oysters------. — ______tion in Europe . . . if be loaes, his Wally Moses, Athletics — His Slxto Escobar still will be bantam­ toe World Series, betting pools of (Only games scheduled). The office of the Rallvay Ex- ■ -49c pint Cleaned, plans are uncertain—be won't dare elevento-lnntbg homer with man on weight king when be and Harry aU descriptions will be offered to 4.40-21 s a s • • • e ...J 5.65 51.65 press is nqw finding It necessary to i Chowder Clams...... ~ to go borne . . . Erie, Pa.^ has the Jeffra of Baltimore wind up toe sports fans who Uke to have a • .15c qt. base broke tie and gave A’s 5-4 de­ THE STA.N DINGS 4.50-20 • • • • • # « s e a 6.03 1.60 decline shipments of I'rge consign­ Steaming Clams ...... Pressed and Fur Glazed disUncUon ot coktributlng toe long­ cision over White Sox. show. financial Interest in the dlsmond . .15c q t. National League 4.50-21 • • • a • *• • a 6.35 1.6.3 ments from Manchester. Where a! Fresh Scallops — Steak Cod — Boston Blueflsh est and shortest names on ths South Harry Craft, Reds and Wayne To get back to the star turn, classic...poo’s have already start­ W. L. — Fresh 4.75-19 a .a a.a • * a a a a 6.70 1.65 person owns their ow^ trucks It Is Halibut — Mackerel — Filet of Haddock Carolina football squad . . . A. is Lamaster, PhlUles — Craft drove Montanez' handlers say toelr slug­ ed to' make their appearance and New York ...... 85 54 — Filet Leonislaus Josephius Franriszko ger is going to show toe crowd "his prices range from a dime a chance a a a a • a a * 6.65 1.60 possible to take frelgl^t to the sta­ of Sole!. home two runs with double and sin­ Chicago ...... 85 57 4.75-20 • • tion without objection from the CLARENCE H. Antoonio Kroto^-nzld, a guard gle as Reds won first - game, 6-8; real seU" against Ambers this time. up. depending entirely on toe "Jack a.a a 1 5.00-19 * ■ * a a a • a 7.20 1.80 atriking truck drivers, but the ex- .00 . . . B. Iz A1 Grygo, a triple-threat f .»in««t»r. gavs sight hits and no They assert with gravity that Pedro pot"---- St. Louis ...... 77 66 ,.76 66 a a a • • a a a a a 7.40 1.90 preas compahy cannot handle heavy back who may m an Olympic de­ bases on balls and fanned five to twisted an ankle so badly three It looks like the . Giants to toe Pittsburgh ...... 5.00-20 freight from concerns that have not AT OUR MEAT DEPARTMENT cathlon champion one of these deya weeks before biz bout with Lou last National League but toe C^ibs are Bolton ...... 71 71. 1 5.00-21 a . « a-e a ••• a.a a 7.65 2.00 win nightcap 10-1. ..61 82 dealt with them In tbe past as It Special On Tender Calves’ Liver (W estern)...... 39c lb. . . . Tony Cansoneri li on record spring that be didn't get back to still to be reckoned with, which Is Brooklyn ...... IS.2.5-17 a-a s a a a.a • 7.70 1.80 Called For and Delivered Cincinnati ...... 56 85 win prsyent giving proper service Fresh, Center Cut Pork Chops...... 45c lb. * aa predicting Lou Ambers will be toe training until four days before toe simply a preamble to our reiUra. 15.23-18 •aa a e a a.a • 8.00 1.80 ANDERSON only champ to ratain biz title on bell. That, they explain, was why tlon of toe Uttle couplet: ^Uadelphla ...... 56 86 to their regulkr customers. It Is Fresh Ribs for Soup, 3 to 4 Ihs. each ...... - ...... 15c Ib. a.a a • a e.a a 8.50 1.90 akx> against an agreement that the toe carnival of champions card to­ Last Nigh t ’s Figh ts be played out In toa closing rounds. "Bet the family plate, my dearies, American League 15.25-20 a a • 2.00 drtvsrs of the, expresa company's 647 Main Street Fancy, Fresh Made Cube Steak ...... 45c Ib. morrow night. AD Must BCake Weight On the Yanks to oop tbe Series.' w. L. f 5.25-21 •a * a a e •-* 8.80 tracks bass with the truck drivers Fuey, Fresh, Cut Up Fowl for a nice chicken soup ___ DIAL 7100 Uy ASSOCIATED PRESS An eight of tbe lads who are due And it shouldn't go more than New York ...... 95 45 5.50-17 as* asa a • * • a * • 8.75 2.10 that handla frelghL a • • ••• aaaaaa**#aa aaa*^a*oaa«ogaooo«o» Oorreetlon: Add Tennessee to that Cleveland — Cbariey Baxter, to split up a reported $196,000 of five games, whether It be toe Detroit ...... 84 58 ' 5.50.18 a « a.e a. a.a a • • 9.05 2.25 list at breatoeis (aw yeoh7) 137H, Pittsburgh, knocked, out Mike Jacobs* money wiU be paraded Giants or tbe Chiba who oppose ,.78 63 Even with thU restriction on You’d better ’phone right away, be> Chicago ...... 5.50-19 a a ae* ^ a.a a a a 9.15 2.30 tiMra was naore business done s t the Auburn has ekedded this year . . Frankie Flrnn, 130H, Batavia, N. into toe commission base­ tbe Ruppert Rifles. ^. .that’s our (Cleveland ...... 75 66 -5.50-20 a a a a a •a* a 9.50 2.50 local offlea on Monday th.n at any In Regard To Fire AT OUR VEGETABLE DEPARTMEl^ fore you forget iti Tliis is a real Incidentally, Auburn wt|l travel T , (10). ment at noon tomorrow to see conservative prediction but to our Boaton ...... 73 65 ttaaa Mnea W. A. Nickerson haa been Frssh Green String Beans...... 2 qts. 19c timely special that yon can’t afford 6393 miles in playing an its ten Los A ngles—Big Boy Bray, 309, whether they have mode toe pre­ rasher momenta we look for a Washington ...... 67 74 6.00-16 a a • a a ••• a a a 9.75 2.40 to atiaa! Plain Garments Geined games away frenn horns . . . Joel Lo Angeles, knocked out Frankie scribed weights. If any of them series of only four games...... 50 91 6.00-20 H.D. . . — a 12.70 2.50 Native Blue Grapes for Eating ____ Sc Ib. Hunt ix>w is Just a line coach at Philadelphia ...... Connelly. 329, Son Francisco. (4). hasn’t there win be soma fun. and H J). . . a s a 2.50 Fancy Cooking Apples...... lbs. 25e and Preamd. called for and ddlvered, Louisiana State . . . but go down SL Louis ...... 43 99 6.00-21 13.00 Insurance Nsw York—Eddie McGeever. not so many ebamplonstaip acrapa WANT SnnCDT OFFICIALS 30x3 a . E x t Size 5.55 1.35 RUTH ROLAND DIES; CaHfomia Bulk Carrots ...... 3 lbs. 14e 75c. SH0WIN6J to Texas and he rates os aa im­ 139%, Scrantoo, Pa„ and Joe Jacobs, incidentally, does not plan mortal , . . Joel scored the first TODAY’S GAMES Libeiml Trade-In AUowanoe On Your Old Tliex Gheeouly, 181H, St. Louis, draw, to refund any ticket money on a Atlanta, SepL — Te qualify as a National League GROCERY VALUES touchdown for Texas A. and M. In (8). ' basis of tbs number of title bouts member of the Southern Football Flreatone—The Safest and Most Dependable nra.Monay Can Bay FORMER MOVIE STAR On All Cheney Bros. every game during 193S, 26, 37 . . . Nsw York—Leoaard Del Genlo. promised and produced. Asaoctotloo of (Mflcials you have to New York st (jhicago. Eggs, Western Selected, large size...... dos. S5e .OMt and continued bla s t r l ^ by mak­ 145, Batavia. N. T„ outp,-itiu 7 d

TrvUk TaOingl A lisa Boss want Into n pet .shop to buy a parrot: - . . _ I told the truth to a y broBiar, D e ik —Hers Is a fine bird. For And my brother punched a y years ha was the companion ot a head; big movla ^odueer — weren’t you I told the truth to a y neighbor, ‘■ Polly? LOST AND POUND 1 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 POULTRY AND SUPPUES 43 WANTED—TO BUY 68 LEGAL NOTICES 11:15—Tommy Dorsey's Orchestra. gram title of “Rising And I can't print what ha aaid; Polly (ehrlUln)—Yee, elrl Yee. 11:80—Roger Pryor's Orchestra. Stars,’’ './as suggested I told the truth to my friends, and yee, yee, yes! Yes, Indeed! You're FOR SALE—DODGE truck. 1934, ROASTtNO CHICKENS. Broilers, SAVE TOUR RAGS and Junk. SeU D lftrlet o f ADdOTtr bb. Probate 13:00— Frankie Master's Orchestra. now UOBt-^tHJSX. A N D taa hound, Court* Sfpt. SI, 19^7. Yolanda president abeoluteiy right Yes, sir! . m n t o f Bolton tn j. Telephone panel body, good condition, good fowl and roasting duck. Also duck to us. Livs poultry boUgbL Wm. EBtate of CharlBB SamuBl Baker WTIG 12:80 a.-m.—Red Norvo's Orches­ the Women's National Radio Co rv a nothing but (oaa, instead BT07 ICaacheater. rubber. No reasonable offer refus­ eggs. B. T. Allen, 37 Doans atreeL Ostrlnsky, 183 Bissell streeL Tele­ latli o f Bolton In aald District, de* Traveler* Brautfeuatteg t i c mitlee, who is to supervise the : The idea tax, o f course, is one ed. Call at 468 Hartford Road or Telephone 7616. phone 8879. CBBSBd. I told the truth te my boas, aad paid by the other fellow. The only Upon application of Anita B. Tlnk* Bartfoffl, Co m . lies. I t wtU include a concert i liOST— FSaCALS poUce dog, named telephone 7796. Tomorraw’a Program chastra directed by Alexani I forthwith Icwt my Job, trouble is to find him. FANCY QUALITY broUeru, roast­ er* o f Manchester, Conn., prajrlnir that 50,000 W . 1046 K . CL 383A K utt. Finder pleaae notify Donald letters of administration mar he Smallens, augmented by a cboi I told tba truth to the public, FOR SALE—1936 AUBURN 853 ing chickens and fowl, dreaseo. BOARDERS WANTED 59-A Eaateru DajUgM Ttuw A . M. Oehrlng. T d . Manchester 8798. granted on said .estate represented 7:00—Eta Alpha Prograrama. Va­ o f 70 voices. ' Aad they all erlad, “ Lynch the convertible coupe, privately own­ Freah eggs delivered direct from ROOM AND BOARD in private intestate as per application on Me riety Musical. . It Is the plan to conduct the p swab!” Carlson A Son Poultry Farm, Tele­ more fully appears. It Is And I left tha town oa a murky DID YOU INO W T H A T - ed. Beautiful yellow sport car In family. References exchanged. Tel. Wednesday, SepL S3 7:30-^hoppers SpeclaL Time and gram somewhat on an auditl ORDERED:—That said applica­ P. M. night ANNOUNCEMENTS ' 2 perfect condition. Radio and heat­ phone 4217. Manchester 4430, or apply l4l tion be heard and determined at the weatbef. basis In three cycles o f four we< er. Must be seen to be appreciat­ 4:00— Lorenao Jones. Tw o Jumps ahsad o f the mob. Indiana la known aa the BICYCLES FOR RENT—25c hr. Pitkin streeL Probate Office in Columbia in aald 7:45—News Service. each, with- suitable ' tntermedl ed. Apply to' Agnes Hall Cude, 141 District* on the 39th day of Sepu, 4:15—The Guiding LIgbL 8:00—^Treasure House. Variety tmd grand prizes. The guest ent- ler" ateto. 8 p e ^ rates by day. Ask about Pitkin stteet, Manchester. ELECTRICAL APPUANCES 1937* at 9:00 o’clock in the forenoon: 4:30— Te Story o f Mary Marlin. So I Uva oa a lonely island Sdatlea is a form of neuralgia our S for 1 plan. Geo. Williams, and that a public notice be given of Program. talnera are to be selected both f r Where the salt sea licks the'sod, Toonerville Folks -R A D IO 49 4:45—The Road of Life. 8:15-^Shoppers Special. Record­ which affacte tha sdatlo narva. 105 Oxford, off Strickland. TUe- APARTMENl'S-^FLATS— the pendency of said application and seasoned and less experienced ^ t Aad never another human 1936 PO NTIAC COACH painted time and placs of hearing thereon* 5:00— “N ot for Ladies.’' ings, weather. Oats la tha principal crop galaad pbooe 6334. REFRIGERATORS — Remanufao- TENEMENTS 63 ent. . On these desoluto ahoraa bath gray, mobalr trim, factory built in by publishing a copy pf this ordsr 5:15— While the <3ty Sleeps. 9:00—Music in the Air. Variety In Scotland. Barley comet eaoond. SuiTCASB .Simpson has thb largest f e e t in the whole township trunk, good Ores, motor excellent, tured, juat like new. Guaranteed 1 FOR R E NT—8 ROOM tenement, In once in a newspaper having a clr* 5:30— Don Winslow o f the Navy. I) trod; The first consumer’s cooperative SOMETHING TO DOT Ride a culation in said District, at least five programs. Llstening tonight; ^And I wonder what would happen low mileage, safety glass, 3575. year. Westlngbouse, Frtgldalre, good condition, at 160 School 5:45— Jobimy Johnston. bank In Denmark was founded in bicycle, 25c per hour, free rides. days befors said day of hearing. 9:25—News Service. Five-minute Talks—W EAF-NBC. 6:30;1 to me Terms to suit. Cole Mou>rs-r6463. General EHectric, Kelvlnator and StreeL Telephone 6517. CLAYTON Be HUNT 6:00— N ew s 1886. Special rates per day. 71 Delmont, NewacasL cusslon o f “Infantile Paralysis” I f I told the truth to God. Grunow. Prices start at 359.50. See Judfe. 6:15— Scores aad High­ 9:30— Greenfield Village Choir. Psycbologiste aay infante have cor. Summit Arnold, Nelson. Tel. Dr. George Draper of Colum —^Ted BoUneoa, Cleveland. these, values today. Brunner's H-9.S2-87. lights. 9:45— Ivan White, Organ^ Melo^es. no Ingrained fear of such things aa 6333. University and Dr. PblUp D. Wlli PAINTINU—PAPERIN6 21 Redlo DepL 80 Oakland streeL BUSINESS LOCATIONS 6:30—WrigbtvUle Clarion. 9:55— Star Gazing In Hollywood. anakee and thunderstorms. o f New York: WABC-CB8 9:30, Phone 619L 6:45— ^Musical Moments with Vic Hews from Movleland. O’Kelly (shouting to'a bricklayer Most New York social register PROPERTY OW NERS— AttsaOOO FOR RENT 64 nsj In cabinet series. Secretary Arden’s Orehastra. HJ:00—Pretty Kitty KeUy. Dra- oa the scaffold above him) — Hi! clubs have iaore than a thousand 86M rspapars room, esiung papar- Agriculture Henry A. Wallace. FOR RENT—OFFICE with wait­ SOUTH CHURCH R A U Y 7:00— Amoa 'n' -Andy. matic Skit. Throw me a brick down. members. Manchester ad or kalsomlned. UatarlAl. lAboi American Lej^on Oanventlo; GARDEN—FARM- ing room in House A Hale Bldg.' 7:15—Uncle Exra’s Radio Station. 10:15—M yrt and Marga. Dramatic Bricklayer—What for? Apfel strudel Is an Austrian des­ compIstA Instds, outside pMnUng. W E AF-N B C 10:30 and WABC- O'Kelly—Well, don’t 1 need oue DAIRY PRODUCTS 60 Inquire H. B. or C. S. House. 7:30—^Tbrough the Looking Glass. Skit. sert made with apples and dough. large aavlagA Work guarantsad. DAY NEXT SUNDAY 11, Legion entertainment Jaml more brick to fill this hod I ’m bring­ Ereninsr Herald'^ 7:45—“ White Esgles.” 10:80—Instrumentalista. The life of patent leather may Lang A Pbona 8693. FOR BALE—CONCORD and atn - ree: ing up? 8:00— One Man's Family. ,11:00— Hartford Tuberculosis and be prolonged by rubbing it oe- CLASSmEO ton grapes. F. McClelland, 81 Lake FOR R E N T—STORE at 995 Main W E AF-N BC — 7. One Man’s Fa! 8:30— Wayne King's O ^ e a tra . Public Health 'Society: Dr. Daniel eaelonally with glycerine applied streeL Telephone 3539. atreeL Apply Edward J. UoU. lly; 8. Walter O'Keefe Town Hi There are worse things than lono- _ ADVERTISEMENTS Church Schod Promotions to 9:00—Walter O'Keefe with Peter E. Shea. with a clean cloth. REPAIKINC 2H 11:15—Heinz Magazine of the Air. 9, H it Parade; 9:45, Alistair Uness as many a woman has fotmd _4Maat su werSe ta a llaa Be Made in Ceremonies; Van 's Orcheatra. from London; 1, Paul Whttem{ Shakespeare was the father of 10:00—Your Hit Parade. “ Carol Kenned^s Romance.” out who married a cranky old man talUala. eesibers mad abbrevlattoaa LA W N MOWERS put In 6n t ciaaa HOI ISEHOLD GOODS 51 SUBURBAN FOR RENT 66 List of School Students. band. for company. twins. Hamnet (not Hamlet) and eaek eooat as a word aad eempeaed 10:45—Talks by Allstair Cboke. 11:30—Big Sister. Dramatic SklL working condition; -vacuum clsao- WABC-CB8—6:15, Song Tima: Judith. He also had another daugh­ words as two werda Mlalmaa saet Is FOR SALE—ONE CRAWFORD, FOR RENT— SM ALL place, on 11:00— Newa 11:45—Aim t Jenny's Real Life •ties m t throa Uaaa ara cleanad. repalrsd; key making, Cavalcade o f music; 7:30, Kan M ’ Contractor— How much will thle ter, Susanna. one Glenwood and one Magee North Coventry Road. Inquire Miss Sunday, September 36, will be 11:15—Ink Sports. Stories. lock and gunamltblng. Braitb- 13:00—Noon—^The Merrymakers. ray and Oswald; 8, Frank Parke! bridge for my teeth cost? During the first nine years of range, with oil burner. Telephone Clifford,' at the stone bimgalow, at 11:30— Russ Morgan's Orehestra. sralta, 53 Pearl atract rally and promotion day at the P finale; 8:30, Jessica Dragonette Dentist—On, about 3175.00. living yn London, George Bernard — aaWia ■ a r i» tt. IM t 7982. the Twin Hills, In North Coventry. 13:00—Weather ReporL Contractor—Couldn't you Just put Shaw aold ivritlngs which brought . Cash Chaisa EXPERT RADIO REPAIR service South Methodist church school. The 13:16-l"Your .News Parade> ’ “Dearest Enemy:’’ 9. Gang Busti 12:02—Paul Whiteman's Orehestra 12:30—Romance of Helen Trent. WJZ-NBO—7, Mary Small’s In a culvert? him six pounds. S OSBssaaUTs Oars ..I T aul S c u on all makea. Let us give' /ou an FOR SALE—FOUR ROOMS house­ exercises will |sdce place at the reg­ f OnssentiTs Oars ..I S stsi 11 aU 12:30—Andy Kirk's Orchestra Dramatic Skit. vue: 7:30, Drama? “Wllken’a FoU; The Arctic ocean sea route, now estimate on your radio. Phone hold furniture. Inquire 31 Summit WANTED TO KENT 68 * •• e«a a a aaa a •• ••! U OtMj tt ular school hour, 9:30 a. m. Chil­ 1:00 a m.— SlIenL 13:45—Our Gal Sunday. Dramatic 8, Frank Black string sympboi Give the average woman a screw­ used regularly by Ruetlan ships, 5191, BrunnePs Radio Dept., 80 street, between 5 and 7. Irrasralar Uasrttaaa ELDERLY LA D Y wishes one or two dren graduating Into the different Tomorrow's Program S M t 9:30, Minstrel show; 11, Mart K Jerry— IVa natural; but she's menting successfully with electrical aa*F Md trpssrapbr with houaework, steady work. Talephone 11:00— Da-vld Hatum. MANCHESTER — NEW S room Donald WUey, Joyce Wolcott. dieting now. hotbeds to start plants early. easalatlaat aatarasd hr ths pahitah. 8615. Charles Knofla, Marguerite Hln- 11:15—Backstaga Wife. 2 » aad thar rsaarro tbo risbt.ta colonial house with all modem Im­ Some Thursday short 'waves: African natives Judge by the MACHINERY AND TIMILS .52 richs. 11:30— H alf Past Eleven. •F. »»r eepy aea. provements, insulsted. attached ga­ JZK Tojtyo, P- In’P This cock-eyed world! They sing winds across^ the Sahara deaert Juniors to Intermediate depart­ 11:45—HI Boys. USED JOHN DEERE Row crop rage, tile bath, 1st floor lavatory RADIO Court raiuic; LR X Buenos Airesjj and dance and make merry when a whether beavjT rains will fall on the HODRS—ClaaatBad ad* HELP WANTED— ment—Mildred Plercy, Nina Pokut- 12:00 Noon—Alice Cornet, voeaUst. tractor. Used Farmalls. Dublin and flreplace. Large rooms and a Orchestra variety: GSP, OSO, 08 . girl getn married and seem to be headwaters of the Nile and cause MALE OR FEMALE 37 ney, Edna Mullen, Sally Robb, Ethel P. M. Esstera Standard tim e GSD London, 6:00, London's fan Just as enthusias.tlc when she gets S jed br 11 aaloah aeon: datuid^ Tractor Co., Wlllimantlc. large lot. For price and terma tele­ generous floods on the great river. t«i lilt Xbrft ^ Russell, Marjorie Shields, Caroline 12:15— Jake and Carl. markets; W2XAF SchenecUd phone Manchester 6394 or see divorced. One way to teat a dollar bill to WANTED — BOOKKEEPER for Hodge, Charlotte Montle, Patricia 12:30—^The Story o f Sight. 6:30, » Science Forum; OLR< George L. Fish, 110 Benton atreet. New York, Sept 22.—(A P )—The see whether or not It Is counterfeit TELEPHONE YOUR general office work. Write Box K. VlliSlLAL INSTRUMENTS 53 Dowd, Janet Boyd, Marion Buck, 12:45— Singing Sam. Tuskegte Institute choir, which has Prague. 7:55, Light music ag Tourist—This seems to be a verv WANT ADS care of The Herald,, giving expert Barbara Fox, Elvina Horton, Eve­ 1:00—News; Weather. been on the air only on rare occa­ songs; 'YV5BC Caracas, 8:80, Bqu ' dangerous precipice. It's a wonder is to rub It across a sheet of white S<'OR( HY SMITH ence and references. LEGAL NUTICBS 78 lyn McConkey, Joan Todd, Jacque­ 1:15— Joyce Jordan, Girl Interne. sions, will provide a regular series torian imislc; DJD Berlin,. 8:^ they don't put up a warning sign. paper. I f the paper does not show *be totophoo* FOR s a l e ;—M ILTON piano, rea­ IHF SrEePING 80CX CAE 6HA9HE4 M tto CHARao R a TB slroa aboro line Goodrich, Marion Ferry, Alice 1:30— Words and Musle. of Sunday vocal coooects for New piano miufc; OSG, GSI. GS Native— Yes, It Is very dangerous, green stains the bill la usually sonable. Telephone 5814.' Liauott PBM lt* 2:00— Studio Program. but they kept a warning sign up for counterfeit, INTO THE 9AERICADE EUlLr 0V W Vk •• »«»ertuoro, but NOTICE o r application HcOonkey. Arlene Tomlinson, Dor­ WEAF-NBC. GSB London. 10, Play, “The Gr« Uls CASH Ka TBS w ill b# seoeBled mm DOliS— BIRDS— PETS 41 2:15— Beatrice Fairfax. two years and no one fell over, ao The coat of living for a manual "a kTOI. PATMBMT It POM o T ^ ; buo" FOR SALE— U PRIGHT piano. In This Is to give notice thst 1, John othy Wlttke. Evelyn Small, Dorothy The starting date Is October 10, er R ight." CJRO. CJRX, Wlnnlp Tyes of 2:s Spruce atreet. Msnehef- Peterson, Mildred Hennequln. 2:30— Guy Hedlund and Company. and the time 1:80 p. m. The choir, 12:30. Drama; JZK, 12:40, Natlq It was taken down. worker's family of four persons la before tbo Mvootb FOR SALE—5 MONTHS old Eng­ good condition, also gas tank heat­ ^ toUowtas tbo drat laMrtlaa at ter. Conn., have Sled «n application Gladys Wilson. Barbara Murphy, 3:00— Pepper Young’s Family. to feature negro spirituals, will al program. higher In Washington, D. C , than lish Setter, female, perfect condi­ er. Telephone 6175 after 6. dated iOtb of Sept. 1997 with the Our high school and college Liquor Control Commission for a Gladys Irwin, Noreen Pratt, Pearl 3:15—Ma Perkins. sing from the Institute chapel at In any other city of the United 5 * ™ 2 ® ba oeUoetad. Na naponal. tion. Phone Manchester 4876. graduates know a lot about higher States, a government survey shows. a n o a la talaphenod ad* FOR SALE—BRADBURY player Club Permit for the sale o f alcoholto Boughton, Allen Krob. Thomas 3:30—Vic and Sade. Tuskegee. It Is composed of 100 liquor on the premlsts o f 104 Clinton 3:45—The O'NeUls. negro boy and girl students under MoCLURE FUNERAL. mathematics even If they can’t open Second highest cost city was San win ^ ao*nm*d aad tbair aoearaer FOR SALE—BEAGLE hound pup, piano, price reasonable. Inquire 28 Bristow, Robert McKeown, Alfred bM AIMPMStM^. street, Manchester* Conn. The busl the direction of William L. Daw- the drain In the kitchen sink when Francisco and third was Minne­ about 6 months old. Fred Harris, West atreet. Keeney. Lewis Remmy, Wells Al­ ness Is ow*ned by Polish American o. New Haven, Sept. 32.— (AP) It gets clogged. apolis. Lowest In a list of 59 cities INUKX OP 30 Centerfleld street, North Man­ Club. Incorporated, of 104 Clinton fred Case, Fred Miller, David Mose­ Jimmy Melton's Sunday night Funeral servlcea will be held tome was Mobile, Ala. chester. Tel. 6497. street. Manchester* Conn., and will be ley, William Robbliu, Roy Thomp­ Jasper — Karl was kicked CLASSinpATIONS conducted by John Tycs of 333 Spruce son, Donald Porterfield, Robert Fin­ parties on WEAF-NBC, lasting an row for Jay C. McClure, 55-ye» Sir Walter Scott, Scotch poet and street. Manchrster, Conn., as per­ out of school for cheating. FlrtSS •a a a a ada 6•dda•••da a•«ddd• A ley, Richard Koster, Willard Cole., hour each, will close with the old broker, who died Tuesday novelist, died In 1M3. XMSbjSMMMAtM ••••••#•6 ••••••••• H mittee. WDRC broadcast o f Oct. 10, to be replaced New Haven hospital from compile Robert—How come? zF*^*'*®** aaaaaaBWBBBBBBBBBBBB C FOR SA LE — PEKIN ESE puppies, JOHN TVC2 Walter Weir, Elden Wilson, Harold Heat your paring knife beforo 335 Hartford. Oona. ISM the next week with a half-hour tions resulting from injuries 1 Jasper—He was caught counting P BMthM O a d a a ad aa a*«««*«»«*«a a « D 3 months old. 39 Cottage streeL NOTICE Dated 10th of Sept.. 1937. GUI, Johnson McKee, Ronald W il­ his ribs In a physlcology exam. you start to slice potatoes. CmtA o f ThMnlu ...... X H-9-33-37. son, Richard Turklngton, Andrew Eeeteni OayUgbt Time program having the announced ob­ suffered In a fall last May. The Mountains of the Moon are KMAIOrlMni a a aa a aa«* aaaaaa ad»« X jective of seeking outstanding in­ His widow, two sons, a daught of the AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD Loomis. Clifford Jones. Ifid you ever stop to think that In “ darkest" Africa. AMS FOMMS aaaa*aaa**««a*« 1 strumental and vocal talent. and a . brother survive. Burt ABOOV&e«menU'*.aaaaaaaBaaaaaa« t at Manchester, within and for the Primary to Junior department— people who won't trust can't be The stings of bees, If sufficiently Wedneeday, Sept. 32. The broadcast, to use the pro- will be in Oakcllffe cemetery, Derb aa«**a a a a a a a a a %*aa a M S district of Manchester, on the 23nd Doris Copeland, Barbara Johnson, P. M. awiadled? numerous, often are fatal. Aafoaahtlaa day of September. A. D., 1937. TAX COLLECTOR Present W ILLIA M S. HYDE. Esq., Lillian Moore, Dorothy Sebrock, 4:00— Dance Time. Aato*aobllM tor Sale ...... « Anteaiobllu tor Ezahanso .... ( Judge. Edna Wilson, Jane Winchester, 4:30— RuseeU Dorr — baritone Auto Aoe***orlao—Tlraa ...... e EMERGENCY All persona liable by law to pay Estate of Robert V. Treat late of Marjorie Weir, Edith Anderson. with orchestra. Manchester in aald district, deceas­ FREC KLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Blosser Auto R*palrlBe—Falntlus t taxes In the ed. Shirley Gleimey. Elale Herter, Lor­ 4:45—Academy o f Medicine — WASHINGTON TDBBS By CRANE OUT OUR WAY . A u a Behoolo ...... t-A EIGHTH SCHOOL AND raine McKee, Do(t>tby McCreedy, Current Queetions for the Lay- Autoo—Ship br T ru e b ...... S Upon application of the esecutora 3(X) INDIANS <&0 C . - Autoo—For Bira ...... * UnUTIES DISTRICT praying for authority to sell certain Leone Plercy, Grace Russell, Betty I WEE7HD11AW MV ' THER^SOUSEE! SOU WATER LINE i CALLS real estate belonging to aald deceaa IT (WTH, BURNIN6 EVEIMTHlNIb OFFER OF »5,(XJO, 0U6HT OF SOLD OUT, Oorosoo—dorTtoo—atoraso . . . . . « of Manchester are hereby notified Irwin. 6:00— All-Liner — Dance program tVE GOT TO BEPOWT AT WHV NO - WE 1 ed. as per appllpation on file. It is W SI6HT, I Metorcnlao—BIcreU* ...... 11 that on OcL 1 I shall have a rate Lois Doering, Doris Luurtsema. using latest recordings. THE /m-ll_ETIC PIELD TO GET W E « WIPED OLIT! THE ^UKE T ADVISED VOU TO. ais CAN'T REACH **d A o to ^ -lle te re ro lu . . . . It POLICE ORDERED:—That the foregolnf: 6:30— Doris Kerr. •aotasao ood Frofaaoloual l*rrS*** bill for the collection of two mills application be heard and determlneti Roberta McLachlan, Shirley Porter­ MV RSOTBAU. EQUIPMEWT * SAWMILLS (k)NE! EVERV - j NO FUfETHEIR UP B o*Ib*** Sarrleao 0—NatBirl** ...... It In the forenoon, and that notice bo FoBaral IXr*etor* ...... 1* and evening during October af 47 given to all persons intsrssted in ' fin. Robert Pbllllpt, Douglas Rgnd. tlon Program. SUMPIN' BssUnr—Plnmtilns—ItooflBS IT FIRE Main Street and every day until said estate of the peqgency of Wendell Gates. William Strain, 6:30 — .News Service—Flve-tnin. XasBrsne* ...... 11 Saturday noon at Blacksmith Shop, aald application and the time and Francis Sullivan, Harold Hodge, ute Newscast o t latest bapq^- MllIlB*rv—Dr«ssRi*kIas .. 1* South 13 William Street. place of hearing thereon, by publish­ Frank Johnson, WiUlsm Mullen- t n ^ stoTlitB—Traeklas— Stora«* , .. to ing s copy of (his order In sopis 6;8s — Sports Resume — Paul Fublle Paasftnsvr 8«rvle* ..te -A Take Notice! All taxes unpaid newspaper having a circulatlen In Robert Olson, Milton Alpert, -An­ ^iBtlas—Paptrins ...... II 4321 Nov. I, 1917, win be charged Inter- said district, at least five days before drew Riker. Douglas. Profe**loBal Sm-tIc** ...... 22 eet at the rate of 6-10 of I per cent the day of said hearing, to appear if .Intermediate to Young People's 6:45— Singing Walters. Rvpalrtas ...... 21 per montll from OcL 1, 1937 until they see cause at said time and place department—Marion Bentley, Mar­ 7:00— Poetic Melodies—Jack Ful­ Tailoring—D7*lns-^1**alns .. 24 North and be heard relative thereto, and ton, tenor; Franklyn MacCor- Toilet <3ood* and 8«r*le* ,,, .. It paid. make return to this court. guerite Barry, Harriet Glenney, W«nt*d—Buein*** Sarvic* 1* JOSEPH CHARTIER, W’lLLIAM 8. HYDE Jeaime Robb, Dbria Porterfield, madc, reader. XSaeotloBBt OoUector. /udgs. Helen Wilson, Dorothy Dowd, Jean­ 7:15— Song Time — Patti Chapin CourM* mad CU***...... » i 5432 H-9-33-97. and Howard PhllUpa. Mancheeter, Coiui., SepL 32, 1937. nette Alden, Betty Tootillnaon, Privet* laatruetlon* ...... Tt 7:30—Neal O'Hara's Radio Ga­ D sa rin s ...... |j . a Ralph Miller, Barbara Ewen, Ehre- Muelcal— Dram atic ...... 2* AMBULANCE The boomerang was known to zette— From Boston. lyn Crane, Anita Lewis, Ruth Cook, 7:45— Boake Carter— Frbnl PhUa- W'arlad—Inatrucllon* ...... SO (Dougun) stone-age Europeans and In ancient Ruth Fraser, Norma Lee. • Plaaarial EgypL delphla. Ikeda—Btoeka—Moris*a*a li Read The Herald Advs. William McKinney, Eskel Buck- 8:00— Cavalcade o f Music — Don Bualn«*a OpportaaltU* ...... 1? land, W alter Zemanek, JJordon Voorheea* Orchestra. ,'HBV. THEV r B^ w c iL w l u o 7 m s BETTWN NOTMII MSS KELTON. M oom r to lx > a a '...... 2t 5630 Thrall, James Findlay, Allen Ferris. 8:30— Ken Murray — Comedian WELL,nrtFTRUE ...AMD ISETDNIS FIRE IF WE AIN T FOR PETES SAKE, _ Hrip aad IlfmattoM (Holloran) William Moseley, Roy Helm, Leon­ I TO THE TOOL MAESACREQ IT H elp W anted— l-Unial* ...... I t Oswald — Mariyn Stuart, Lud POP PROa/EO IT TD WHILE THERES SD l L SOMETHIN& TOj ard Drigga, Russell Haugh, Russell Oluskins' Orchestra. O O SW .ITlS SHED. Help Wanted—Male ...... I* ME LAST MKSMT* BOY, SELL. Salesmen Wanted ...... tt-A Now Available In. Rockville Pratt, Robert Stearns, Wilson Cone, 9:00—Chesterfield Presents Frank RJWUY MOW Help Wanted—Mala ar Famala.. 3060 Eugene Earl, Arthur Carpenter, 21 Parker, Andre Kostelanets* or­ R O L E S j HE SURE LAID TME Asaota Waatad ...... |t. a (Quish) William Lennon, Richard Kimball, chestra. SItuatlona Waatad—Femala ... It 3 Large Rooms* second floor ______$50.00 O P F O O T - LAiw D o w w ! rr w a s SItaatlona Wanted—Mala ...... I t Ronald Ferris. 9:30—Beauty Box Theater — Jes- Emplovment Asenclea ...... to atca Dragonette and Charles ABOUT MY STUDIES Lira Stack—Fela—Paaltrv— Tekiclee 4340 KuUmann. SH APE A AT SCHOOL. * Dose— BIrda— Peta ...... 41 5 Rooms* first floor* with g a ra g e ___ $75.00 IJva Stork—VahIclea ...... 4} 10:00— “ Gang Busters’* — True P E L L A ’ S PoBltr* and Sunpliea ...... 41 HOSPITAL Both have Jeoltrol gaa beet, cootlnuon* hot wkter, together Crime Dramatizations — Phillips LIFE * Wanted— Pete— Paoltrr—Stock a with gea end electricity Included In the renL Newly deeorated, F ar Sale— ttlaeellaaeaaa new gaa ranges and gaa refrigeratora. Cae of latwdry and elec­ A itle laa For Sale ...... a Boata aad Acceaaorlaa ...... «« 5131 tric wraaber. Cboloeat locattofi. BalMlas MatarlaU ...... 47 Dtaaionda—Watchaa—Jawelrr .. 41 Hlootrl'eal Appllanoe^—Radio .. 49 WATER DEPTe CALL HARTFORD 7-7028 F aal aaS Food ...... 41-A Oardoa— Farm Dalrr Fr^acts io BoaaaboU Oooda ...... |i 3077 M a e b l a ^ aad T o o U ...... I I eopB. iw BT______MCA tCBVia. INC. Maaleal laetramaau ...... t l (A fter 5 P. M.) V T- M Ufa U. B. THE DEAP UN5 Oftlea aad Stora Kaalpmaat ..._ I t MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE k— SQOUHLll •poolalo at lha Storaa ...... I t Waartns Apparal—Fara ...... 17 7S68 Oop Is Probably Right By HAMUN ■tod—To Bar ...... I I SOfVDO AUD EY DOR MANCHESTER 3IMCE OB. JASOM ARE LEW' D JASOM iNO-fOe MEW WBVE serroue .B/OUM,I WISHHTDA BY TM' LOOKS OF rW ELL, OOP--1 6UE5S YOU WATER CO. HAS NOCK eiOHT w b l l , h e s ;a » « ^ z d o w V WAKE UP! I WANTU HIM, HE'LL BE OUT CAM TELL ME ABOUT n A O U M ^ ABBAMCSeO AWAY? COtJCEUTRATE OH MY RASStKla hca« - a n ' h b a a h KNOW WHAT FOe SOME TIME I ikl TH' MOAMlNOMliA J GUI* POC MUfBA THIS VEAR^HE’S < ^ H A RUH AM THAT WAS ALL VET- OOlM* TO TH' p a l a c e / OOOO 5974 TOAOCOMmtlf Aeoin.' HIM TO >14(808. LCnTA PLAYS AROUMO GAS CO. MEW MOCK AkH KWO....AWD TOO k n ow TO VISIT FURMI8HTHE KND o e . VOM BOOEM^MVeA 5075 WOtdDEBS JUST HOW ELECTRIC CO. JACK LAMS W ILL REACT 51S1 WHEN SHE TELLS HIM EVENING HERALD THE M6WS.- 5121