Fllanrltrbtnr Leitntfno ¥Ml& Fv ^ |Lb- Pluera La 8 T John's Bugle, Fife EHBBOBNOF DOCTORS Stanley Zepatka
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* A O I T « n . V B fllanrltrBtnr lEitntfno ¥ml& fV ^ |lb- Pluera la 8 t John's Bugle, Fife EHBBOBNOF DOCTORS Stanley Zepatka. who graduated AVBRAOB DAILY CnODLA'nOM - WEATHEB and Drum eorpa are requested to June from St, Thomas Sem- Fraaoea Marie Waters, ABODTTOWN wear their uniforms this evening stenographer, daughter of Fnmk T. for the Month of Angnat, 1937 Forecoet el 0 . 8. Weather 1 Physicians who will respond Inary, West Hartford, being award Waters, of 17 Demiag street, and Hartford fmr the meeting at T o'clock, but It to emergency calls tomorrow af ed first prize' for oratory, today left -------------- L MDlkowakl left today la not necessary to bring their In- Herbert Bradford C ra n d ^ cleric, of fbr PWladotphla to attend tba oon* ternoon are Dr. M. E. Morlarty, for BalUmore, Md. He will continue 1384 Main ptreet. Bast Hartford, atrumenta Corporal Danny Shea 6448, and Dr. D. a T, Mopre, hla studies for admission to priest S,861 nUr and contlnoed oool tonight; veatloa o t the FloHata’ Tek^raph and Jack Crawford who will be hsvre applied , at the town clerk’s Member of the Andlt Delivery Aaaodatkn thU week in 4847. hood In the Franciscan Order of the The HALC CORR office for a marriage licenee. Thnreday fair and wariner. present have arranged tor a player Roman Catholic Church. MANCHISTIW CONM. Bnrean ef areniathMs, ;si_ that d ^ . m m the famous Moodus Drum Reald&its o f the northeast p ^ of MANCHESTER ~ A (TTY OF VnXAGE CHARM corps to give a demonstration, and Manchester reported today that dui' > Thnraday ia tueat day at the one representative from Uanches-' Memorial Temple, Pythian Sis Temple Oiapter, O. E. S., No. 88, ing the noon hour a flock of no leas iBmdieater Ooontiy dub. and It tor's equally well known "Spirit of ters, win take part In the Neigh will meet In Masonic Temple tomor than 11 henhawka appeared out of BOSPITAL NOTES VOL. LVL, NO. 301 Advmtiataig ou Page U ) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESbAY, SEPTEMBER 22,1937 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE w in materially aaalat with the aii^ 1774." Mr. Von Deck who was to bors' night program of Unity Tem row evening, with the obligation the north, circled two or three times SELF SERVE AND taagamenta If membeia win please have given a demonstration In ple, Hartford Thursday night, and ceremony part of the bualneaa, over the duck farm on Doane street aotuy Mra. Kramer hy Wednesday drumming Is out of town and un all who are in the play or sing In it la hoped many of the members and continued on their way to the Admitted lata yesterday: Mrs. HEALTH MARKET awsBlar at the latest aa to the num* able to keep the engagement. the chonu are requested to appear will attend. A social hour with re southwrest. It Is extremely seldom EUzabetb Modin, 148 Cooper street. her c f (uasta they are Invltliic. tonight at 7 o'clock In Odd Fellows freshments will follow, with Mrs. that these hawks, or hawks of any Dlacharged lata yesterday: Wil Throngs Jam Streets To See Legion Parade banquet hall for rehearsal. variety, are seen together In any Past Chief Danrtters. _ of Helen EDIzabeth Johnson, cbalmuui, in liam Sedlack, 189 Oakland atreet; The Past Presklenta assodatloo S ■ II— - charge, assisted by Mrs. Florence such number and bird-wise observers JAPS IGNORE PLEAS Davidson________ ____ Lodge,______ No.98. Daughters Stanley Zwiiakl, WUUmgntic. Wednesday Morning «C Mary BushasD Cheney aualUary, Mra Mercedes Prior is chairman Beeman, Mra. Ada Carr. Mrs. Mil were speculating aa-to whether some Census: Fifty-one patients. GREEN WARNS LEGION of Scotia, will hold their ■ regular . U. B. W: V„ will hold a meeting to meeting this evening at the home of of the rummage sale which S t Mar dred Clarke, Mrs. Eva Wctherell. unusual condition had arisen to stsirt morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock with Mrs. Margaret Pentland of the garet Circle, Daughters of Isabella Mrs. Ethel Mohr, Mrs. Alice Thorn a migration of the predators. Mrs. Ploreoce Treadwell of 4SS ton, Mrs. Marie Bunzel, Mrs. Nellie Specials Centennial Apartments. win conduct Thursday from 10 OF BRITAIN, U. S. Oentet atreet Taylor and Miss Florence Taylor. o'clock on In the Coughlin building. Oi Interest to local K li^ la n a Is Men's - Women’s ■ CWIdren'S store Oosed At*Noon On Wednesdays. Mra Charles Howard, lecturer of Depot Square. the announcement of a broadcast to Sunset Rebekah Lodge members be given tomorrow night at 8:18 HAIR CUTS - 25c. AGAINST FORCES OF Manchester Grange Is In charge of • Barbeas — No Waltingl the Boosters' night program for the The Emblem club will have a pub enjoyed a solicited supper and enter o'clock over Station WMAS on Kl- Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales. tainment last night in connection wanis boys' and girls’ work. The AND BOMB NANKING Grange's opening meeting tomor lic bridge party at the Elks home lr PIN EH URST . with the first fall meeting. Mrs. row evening at 8 o'clock in Odd In Rockville tomorrow at 2 p. m., speakers will be John D. Pond, CUUITTA’S C sm ptoll’s Fellows hall. A social time with with Mrs. Irene Kosloreck, chalr- Minnie Krause was chairman ofrthe chairman of the New England Dis BARBEB SHOP 84 Onk St. Closes A t Noon supper committee, and Vice Grand trict committee on the work, and PRETZELS IN CARRIAGE refreshments win also be enj0}red Refreshments and a social fty Planes Ra|n Death GIVES WIFE FBEEDUM COMMUNISM, NAZlISM and a large attendance U antici time srlll foUow the games. Mrs. Jessie Kerr of the entertain Clarence Abbott. The' S^ngfleld Pork & Beans % cans 2 1 e Wednesdays pated. ment committee. Mrs. Emma Swan Club quartet will be an a ^ ed fea I<1 son gave several humorous readings. ture of the program. Cliaae A Sanborn Twice On Capita]; 0?er Salem, Maas., Sept 22.— (AP) The Selectmen and Town Clerk Miss Betty McCarthy, song and —Pretzels In her baby's car Union Head Asks Closer Mrs. Ralph Strickland, the for Samuel J. Turklngton will be In the riage puzzled Mrs. Angela M. 1^ i f ? **«le Bttlo spe- dance numbers, and Miss Astrid Fred Jackson of Summit street clal paver tiseuieut to remind our mer Mias Ora Squires of Colches Municipal building office of the clerk Skoog, acrobatic dances. Mrs. * * 8 t a t e lb. Ask, 26, she told Probate Court, ter, was honored with a surprise tomorrow night from 7 to 9 p. m. to and Kenneth Walker of Woodbridge COFFEE 2C e 200 Chinese Refugees Claim Enough Votes that Pliiehnnt closes Tbora Stoehr accompanied the street have entered the employ of until she turned detective. Cooperation Between War Wednesday aftemoona miscellaneous shower at the home I examine the quallflcations of pros dancers. Elmwood Farm Boned Then, she said, she discovered of Mr. Strickland's parents, Mr. and pective new voters and to give the Plnehurst Grocery. Inspection'* T to majority of the members Are KiOed or Wounded her husband, Adolph, Beverly Mra. Calvin Strickland of Golway Elector’s Oath to those who are Have Your Car Checked Veterans and Worker^ o f the Retail Division of the I eligible. tool worker, was taking their i To Elect Doherty On street Saturday evening. Friends and Repaired At . CHICKEN 5 J oz. can two-year-old son Into saloons In- j Chamber of Oommeree voted to and relatives to the number of 40 dose Wednesday afternoons right The Women's Home League of By C. YATES McDANIEL stead of wheeling him for a Sun-1 Organization; GoTem- u r o ^ the year, eaoept during were present from Providence, day airing. { Danielson. Columbia, Hartford and the Salvation Army has postponed JUST PHONE 3615 Nanking, Sept. 22.— lA P )— Leaa HsBday weeks. Scott Towel and Scott Judge Edward P. O’Brien First Legion Ballot this town. Games were played Its meeting from tomorrow to ABEL'S & than 48 boura after Brittah and ft w8l pay yon to shop Wednes- and a buffet luncheon served. Thursday afternoon .'at the citadel, Guaranteed Bleetricnl and granted a divorce on grounds of ment Leaders Also Speak. Towel Holder All For A American proteata to the Japaneae Intoxication and cruelty. Mrs. New York. Sept. 22 — (AP) — dey nseming at Plnebnrst. Our when Mrs. Major Charles M. Abbott Hechanloal Auto Kepalring Campaigners for Daniel Doherty, regular advertlaemeat appenrs Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Segar and wlU be the guest, and all members Bear 78 Cooper Street KeBogg*B government agalnat unreatricted Ask, a formerly Beverly resident etoenhuie on this page. now of New York won custody Boston lawyer, for 1637-38 National Mrs. Eva White of Main atreet are aud friends are urged to be on hand RE-UPHOLSTERED BstabUsbed 1971 bombardment of thla capital, more commander of tbe American Legion BULLETIN! DIAL 4181 enjojrlng a trip through Maine and to greet her. Major and Mrs. Abbott than 60 Japaneae airplanea twice of the boy. today announced they had enough New York, Sept. 22.— the White Mountains. were the commanding officers of C o F n FI r I c r s 2 phgs. 1 rained death and» deatructlon from votes lined up to elect Doherty on the local eorpa 10 years ago. the sklea today, killing, wounding The American Leffion to* Freeh tbe first ballot at the final conven $39-00 or burning to death more tban TOO tion session tomorrow. day selected Los Angeles, Innocent Chinese refugees.