Special Status Species Assessment

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Special Status Species Assessment Special Status Species Assessment Con Agra Property April 2011 Prepared For: Prepared By: GEORGE PHILLIPS, Attorney at Law GIBSON & SKORDAL, LLC 5301 Montserrat Lane Wetland Consultants Loomis, California 95650 2277 Fair Oaks Blvd., Suite 105 Sacramento, California 95825 INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of a special status species assessment for the below described Con Agra Property. LOCATION The approximately 103-acre study area is located in the City of Davis in Section 3, Township 8 North, Range 2 East, Yolo County, California, MDB&M. The approximate parcel centroid can be found at UTM 609,874 M E; 4,268,871 M N (Zone 10 North) and is portrayed on the Davis, California 7.5-Minute Series Topographic Quadrangle. Figure 1 is a vicinity map. SPECIAL STATUS SPECIES ASSESSMENT This report summarizes our evaluation of the potential presence of special status species within the study area. The special status species evaluation considers those species identified as having relative scarcity and/or declining populations by the United States Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) or California Department of Fish & Game (CDFG). Special status species include those formally listed as threatened or endangered, those proposed for formal listing, candidates for federal listing, and those classified as species of special concern by CDFG. We also included those species considered to be "special animals" or "fully protected" by the CDFG and those plant species considered to be rare, threatened, or endangered in California by the California Native Plant Society (CNPS); this includes species on Lists 1, 2 3, and 4 of the CNPS Ranking System: List 1 A: Plants presumed extinct in California. List 1 B: Plants rare, threatened, or endangered in California and elsewhere. List 2: Plants rare, threatened, or endangered in California, but more common elsewhere. List 3: Plants about which the CNPS needs more information – a review list. List 4: Plants of limited distribution – a watch list. The CNPS Threat Rank is an extension that is added onto the CNPS List. It ranges from .1 to .3 and indicates the level of endangerment to the species with .1 representing the most endangered and .3 being the least endangered. Con Agra Property Special Status Species Assessment April 2011 1 Sutter Placer Yolo Sacramento Study Area 505 ¨¦§ ^` ¤£50 Davis Sacramento Napa Solano Vacaville Napa Fairfield Lodi 680 ¨¦§ San Joaquin Study Area Source: Merritt and Davis, California USGS 7.5-Minute ± Topographic Quadrangles and ESRI Maps, 2009 Con Agra Property Figure 1 Special Status Species Assessment April 2011 Vicinity Map Also included are taxa meeting the criteria for listing under Section 15380 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. (Note that all CNPS List 1 and 2 and some List 3 species may fall under Section 15380 of CEQA.) The study area was assessed for the potential presence of special status species. Initially, a record search of the California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB) was conducted to list all documented sightings of special status species within ten miles of the site. Table 1 provides a list of special status species that were evaluated including their listing status, habitat associations, and whether potential habitats occur in the study area. Appendix A contains an exhibit displaying CNDDB occurrences within a 10-mile radius of the study area. The following is a detailed summary of special status species and their habitats as they relate to the study area. GENERAL SITE CONDITIONS AND HABITAT Existing Field Conditions The study area is located on relatively level terrain at a median elevation of approximately 45 feet. East Covell Boulevard and Southern Pacific Railroad tracks roughly mark the southern and western boundaries, respectively, while the lands to the south and west are occupied by residential housing developments. Agricultural fields abut the north and east sides of the parcel, and a drainage ditch situated along the foot of the Southern Pacific Railroad line runs just outside the western edge of the parcel. The northern portion of the site is largely undeveloped and contains no habitable structures. The northernmost part is currently utilized for dryland farming while the abutting areas to the south are fallow. The fallow area supports non-native annual grasslands with limited seasonal wetlands. The southern portion of the site formerly housed the Hunt-Wesson tomato cannery, which has since been completely demolished and removed. No habitable structures are present and only the water tower, the concrete foundations of the cannery and access roads/parking lots remain. The cannery site is topographically higher by several feet than the undeveloped northern sections. Figure 2 is a map of the study area. Con Agra Property Special Status Species Assessment April 2011 2 TABLE 1: EVALUATION OF SPECIAL STATUS SPECIES HABITATS Federal State CNPS Potential Habitat In Status Status Listing Habitat Association Study Area Mammals Antrozous pallidus Species of Roosts in rock outcrops, hollow trees, abandoned Foraging and roosting (pallid bat) None Special Concern mines, barns, and attics. habitats are present. Roosts in abandoned woodpecker holes, under bark, Lasionycteris noctivagans CDFG-Special and occasionally in rock crevices. It forages in open Foraging and roosting (silver-haired bat) None Animals wooded areas near water features. habitats are present. Prefer older large leaf trees such as cottonwoods, willows, and fruit/nut trees for daytime roosts. Often Lasiurus cinereus CDFG-Special found in association with riparian corridors. Need Foraging and roosting (hoary bat) None Animals open spaces to forage. habitats are present. Increased urbanization Taxidea taxus Species of This species prefers dry open fields, grasslands, and makes it unlikely that the (American badger) None Special Concern pastures. species is present. Birds Agelaius tricolor Species of Colonial nester in cattails, bulrush, or blackberries Foraging habitat is (tricolored blackbird) None Special Concern associated with wetland or drainage habitats. present. Ardea alba CDFG-Special Rivers, streams, lakes, marsh and other aquatic (great egret) None Animals habitats. Habitat not present. Ardea herodias CDFG-Special Rivers, streams, lakes, marsh and other aquatic (great blue heron) None Animals habitats. Habitat not present. Athene cunicularia Species of Nests in abandoned ground squirrel burrows Foraging and nesting (burrowing owl) None Special Concern associated with open grassland habitats. habitat is present. Nests in tall cottonwoods, valley oaks or willows. Buteo Swainsoni Forages in fields, cropland, irrigated pasture, and Foraging and nesting (Swainson's hawk) None Threatened grassland often near riparian corridors. habitat is present. Charadrius alexandrinus nivosus Species of Sandy beaches, salt pond levees and shores of large (western snowy plover) Threatened Special Concern alkali lakes with friable sandy or gravelly soils. Habitat not present. Species nests/breeds in the Great Basin and migrates Charadrius montanus Proposed Species of to California in the winter. It prefers grasslands and Foraging habitat is (mountain plover) Threatened Special Concern farmlands were it forages for insects. present. TABLE 1: EVALUATION OF SPECIAL STATUS SPECIES HABITATS Elanus leucurus Nests in riparian corridors along streams and rivers, Foraging and nesting (white-tailed kite) None Fully Protected and forages in nearby grasslands and fields. habitats are present. It is not known to nest in California, but it is a winter Falco columbarius transient throughout most of California with wintering Foraging habitat is ( Merlin) None None populations in the Central Valley. present. Plegadis chihi CDFG-Special Forages and nests in fresh-water marshes with heavy (white-faced ibis) None Animal growths of tules. Habitat not present. Amphibians & Reptiles Breeds in ponds or other deeply ponded wetlands, and Ambystoma californiense uses gopher holes and ground squirrel burrows in (California tiger salamander) Threatened Threatened adjacent grasslands for upland refugia/foraging. Habitat not present. Emys marmorata Species of Ponds, rivers, streams, wetlands, and irrigation ditches (western pond turtle) None Special Concern with associated marsh habitat. Habitat not present. Rivers, canals, irrigation ditches, rice fields, and other Thamnophis gigas aquatic habitats with slow moving water and heavy (giant garter snake) Threatened Threatened emergent vegetation. Habitat not present. Fish Adults migrate upstream from brackish areas to spawn in freshwater on submerged vegetation in temporarily flooded upland and riparian habitat in the lower reaches of rivers, bypasses, sloughs. The young remain Pogonichthys macrolepidotus Species of in shallow, weedy areas inshore near spawning sites (Sacramento splittail) None Special Concern and move to deeper offshore habitat as they mature. Habitat not present. Invertebrates Branchinecta conservatio (Conservancy fairy shrimp) Endangered None Vernal pools or other seasonal wetlands. Habitat is not present. Branchinecta lynchi (vernal pool fairy shrimp) Threatened None Vernal pools or other seasonal wetlands. Habitat is not present. Branchinecta mesovallensis (midvalley fairy shrimp) None None Vernal pools or other seasonal wetlands. Habitat is not present. Requires fine to medium sand terraced floodplains or Cicindela hirticollis abrupta low sandy water edge flats. Considered extinct by the (Sacramento Valley tiger beetle) None
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