05 TH to 12 th Nov, 2011

Compiled by Allan Wale’ele INTRODUCTION

The initial Automatic Weather Station (AWS) Site Assessment Trip to selected sites of Province was conducted by Mr. Exsley Taloiburi from the UNDP Office – and Mr. Allan Wale’ele from the Meteorological Service Division of the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology. Visits to target location sites was made possible through a courtesy call to the premier of the province for a short meeting during which we were assured of his provinces support after being briefed about the purpose of the trip, the concept of the project, the usefulness of the Automatic weather station (AWS) equipment and the positive impacts and benefits the project outcomes will have on the rural communities and the province.

Roles during the Trip

• Consult with community leaders/landowners on land acquisition.

• Conduct awareness about the project concept and the importance of the AWS.

• Identify suitable site for installation of the AWS ensuring compliance to WMO requirements and security of the equipment.

• Identify site and install manual rain gauges.

• Identify contact persons responsible for collecting data from the manual rain gauges.

Selected Project Sites for during the Trip

( a ) Malu’u (North Malaita)

( b ) (Central Malaita)

( c ) Gwaunaru (Northwest Malaita)

All of these sites are located on the leeward side of the Island and are highly populated areas. We however, not only identify sites but actually install manual rain gauges at three (3) target location sites within the selected project sites during the trip.

Manual Rain Gauge Installation Sites

There are three (3) target location sites where we install manual rain gauges .All three sites have very good access to mobile communication coverage. This is very important when the rain gauges will be replaced by Automatic Self Siphoning rain gauges.

‹ Malu’u (North Malaita)

Malu’u is a target location site where a manual rain gauge was installed during the trip to replace an old rain gauge mainly for continuation of collection of rainfall data for the location. The instrument was installed after a brief awareness talk about the project concept and the importance of the data in terms of food security. For safety and security of the instrument, it was installed within our Telekom compound perimeter fence. Permission for the site was sought from Telekom Office-. The contact person was then briefed on how to collect the data.

Contact Person.

Mr. Polycarp Taloania (Police Officer) C/- Malu’u Police Station Malaita Province.

Office Phone: 51305 Mobile: 74 52922 85 00484

(Sketch of identified site-Direction estimated)

Perimeter Fence

12m N

Rain Gauge

14m 10m Tower


Security Post

‹ Gwaidingale Community High School Langa Langa Lagoon(CentralMalaita)

Gwaidingale community High school is another target location site where a rain gauge was also being installed. The installation of a manual rain gauge at this site was appreciated by the school chairman, the school Principal and staff as expressed by the school Principal after a short awareness talk about the project concept emphasizing the value and importance of the instrument and data regarding food security.

It has been the wish of the School Principal and Staff to have a rain gauge installed at the school as an aid to learning for students. While students will learn from the instrument and data, they will also give us the data for that location.

Contact Person

Mr. Chrisanto Kaeni (Science Teacher)

Mobile Phone: 84 50621

(Sketch of identified site for rain gauge)

CC Staff room

Class room Class room

12 m

15 m 17 m

Rain Gauge

N (Estimated)

‹ TalakalI Community High School Langa langa Lagoon (Central Malaita)

Talakali Community High School is the other target location site where another manual rain gauge was also installed. Here we are privileged to have the Provincial Government Member for that area present during the awareness talk about the project concept, the usefulness and importance of the data that is to be gathered from the instrument in relation to food security for the rural communities of that location.

The Provincial member then reminded the contact person of the importance of the instrument and emphasized that all necessary care and precaution must be taken to ensure the safety and security of the instrument.

Contact Person

Mr. Wally Toata (Social Science Teacher)

Mobile phone: 74 43017

(Sketch of identified site for rain gauge)

Class rooms Vegetable Farms

Rain Gauge 34.17 m N (Estimated)

13.07 m

Staff house Staff house Staff house


Gwaunaru is the selected location target site for the installation of an Automatic Weather Station. However, the location is currently under dispute by land owners and therefore has closed down the aerodrome

Somehow, we have contacted the Provincial Government Member for that area and have informed him that we will be visiting the location to identify a site for the installation of an AWS. We also asked him if he could arrange for us to meet with community leaders/land owners for short awareness talk when they can then be briefed about our intension to install an AWS, the concept of the project and its benefits to the community with regards to Climate Change and Food Security as well as early warnings during a tropical cyclone.

The provincial member however did not turn up but we manage to conduct a short awareness talk to a few community elders/landowners and mostly women and children, emphasizing the need to acquire land for the installation of the AWS considering the benefits and positive impacts the equipment will bring about for their community.

Community members/landowners present during the awareness talk unanimously agreed to let us identify a suitable site of 15m X 15m . A site was then identified within the perimeter of the aerodrome due mainly to consideration of safety and security of the equipment because a football field is nearby.

The selection of this location and site is very important because we can address two issues from the data that we can collect from the AWS. While the data is important for analysis with regards to climate Change and Food Security, it will also provide weather information of the location for Aviation purposes.

Contact Person;

Mr. Oscar Lufi

Aerodrome Coordinates

08 41.7 South 160 40.8 East NB: These coordinates are for the runway only and not the identified site.

Runway Direction

180/360 Degrees

Awareness talk at Gwaunaru

Identified Site Pictures

View to South View to West

View to East

Conclusion and Recommendations

We would like to acknowledge the Premier and his people especially those who rendered their time and services to us throughout the trip. It is sad for me being a local from Langa Langa Lagoon to learn that most people are not aware about the changing climate when they are witnessing the effects themselves. It is therefore satisfying to be able to help one way or the other through the trip.

However there are some issues that needs to be addressed and I therefore would like to base my recommendations on these issues. The weather itself is one of the main contributing factors.

V Expand the rainfall data collection by installing rain gauges at some locations with suitable sites along the North road from Auki to Malu’u. ( This will depend very much on how many automatic raing auges to be acquired under the project V More awareness talks on Global warming and the effects of Climate Change. This is requested by Aoke Langa Langa assistant Constituency Development officer for awareness talks/presentations throughout the constituency. V Officers travelling on site assessment trips be well equipped with GPS, Binoculars, Tape measure, Compass, Rain coats, Life jackets (for travelling by boat/canoe)etc.

Financial Acquittal

Financial Acquittal

Financial Acquittal