l.; 4 Tsinis cf AclvcitiEirC- - 1 L :: s.'V----t..- - VII. PL'OLISUEO EVERY WEDNESDAY t I f r - ( 0 C Far '2 i ur? or leap, I i sc Uc n , - HP m KOT - - - l III H CUi:i. rlil)s( f;iiH;t il M'l titi , ' i. or U , - - - - 14 "fev I'P'il'ii.'V'v. '.- lull cului'.n fnci.il. C , V ., ( JUL 0 ' ' 2 months, - - - - 2r AJ u u G - - - for a h dU col n: u il.s, !;:(( P0 .- -- : Tiis Post will be furnished 12 moMlis, 15 10 - at the following rates: A. i b bTMl dl't! II C l Ult t( H, l O i I: i V ' nU'iits. Win ii tin.- nnnihcr ol tiii.tn ( ( i - $2 It 0;w year, in advance, 00 in u n if a n a vl r; is' mr i; no i' i , h v ; 2 Mn-,:- ,1 ...... -J ,n t . i. r . If pail within six months, 50 ' wiik At tlvi end of the year, 3 00 VOL. 4, LEBANON, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 12, 1850. NO. 47.

; Ticiible3 in "dansas. Ilo.v Maivi; l'oi;:c A i ! iDQCt'S CCVHf JL. Colonel: Yon, Titr! why, you passed :Aa Incidmt in riapolesn'3 Liia. Ileiuwod to C"ri.-- i rKSVKsS o i',r.i.i-r- !j i for an honorable man and a good soldier, The following is telegraphed from Chi- of tin Dollar Newspaper, from M. 'e are pie.-is- :! to that I',-.- - or 1 Sell s, s:n : W. A. ; i j Filer: It is true, colonel, that h:ive the snake cato iies. cago, under date ol I lie 2Uth, and is l.eeu 'a ng in always endeavored to satisfy my officers a dispatch fioin St. Louis: ".My plan is to pur. nise e o ly anii Mas oi i.,is'ni Yirg'mi a o I ill" s "Ct jldid not steal for mvsel."; it was for While the great Xtpolt-o- was inE:y; thrift v spring pi;s, an to el no in hi of slavery esor ial'y d - ' I I'VJL-- le- de-- : 15 Chicago, Oct. 20. I L r - p is-- VI j t f. s l,i v. ."Vi- - Mai ie. he determined to ascei lain as much as i in e.l. nese icril inro n.ls rv on ii.cqj'.e c e'.len Is that V t was received on Saturday will-Ih- lefu-- l Col: And who is this Marie? sible about he habits and customs ul' the Intelligence the summer tin mi:k, the the slave is the norm i! ii,-- nal.-i- .1 evening liv p via Nebraska City, . Piter: Why, Marie who lives there people, and anions t: e rest, interested issengers, and le rvo bran. T.ii. unndition of soci and uii..p.. hini--- lhul'23'i Kan s.-.- mijtants, including tli'-- i h dn-iii.- l ills ,,l in our own ountrv near Arenberg ll in the practice so common anions lio Keeps hi ;;oo.l ifiv coudiiion le nee ssit v ol m on! ; in ing is- - and Ci.l'dien, were taken is. ..nets i I w e'e-ve- where the yreat apple tree - I shall then the Egyptians, of ,nake c'. u mii'.ir or sink'- "en pi in'' the warm inontlis. consider :t that society, it bout th.s patii oel.al s rst. see ere no more! icutchi.it;. One dav Ik- - sent for ..: i' ''V the biates deputy and an impoi tai.t consideration that tlp-- be meat, every n here pr a feiivf " in I'le U. S. K Impromptu Liji33, Col: I do rot understand you. Piter; 'liie.e Mnke-catoiiers- and said D him, by 00 troops, near Plymouth, kept grriHing from the time tint they are ..tig run. This, we he does wit'i - lb- - explain yourself. !' his inlcmri-!,'.- 'llfii' is a sit- - oil 10th inst , jllevious to Jiroceedl taken Iroin the sow till tiiey are lit for th boldix-s- and ability, S.avery can only i,o LOUISVILLE. l:'"Oi 1 A SONG FO.t .OF Piter: W this etter; pent in this house; if vm lind it You sli ill e)las;a (.py. butcher. When commence digging po- defended by showing tint ev n t,!ie coni-- I Mr c. ol the I (;ind lie handed lo the colone the follow-- have two sequins lor .nsi-l- and two lor Idri.lge, ii'luclor parlv, tatoes select the sm ill ones and b ti para, iveiv par: i.d ai! sl.oi , x: e:i- - B1 - e; li'oni (Liv . (jeiiry lo W, m f ' nig letter:)- your men. procii peT:ii'Ssio:i them, cms.) t'nem, and mix in a litile med; on in esi-- ij'.uope oi so'-- e v, ii Pii-kh- seiz-- ei.P.r ;:.' with llie ord i.aai y in nn In ; While wld winds !i n.e, love, "My DAii' FtiiEND I the Tl e man liavir.' nrosl r: l.i; lei ...til ihis keeps them growing, until the. crop is il, bus en a fail are. and has placed Il.tr , tin-i- in- - b'.u-io-i- ol enn-raiit- h i n 1 And jloniti my fipporl iniily of sending you this liv e'1 fo t o of v iter. A l: assured that li'ivsted and div enough to ermil. elil an oili ited bore i:i :i w orsc yeiai p l(,n 1 ,"n0 ,',ovcJ u I fy iiiid.ncl.t lmr a d in en ions Wei e peacei Ull ai'iivui at ihen feed cob meal, groan in lin- le. in if lie we: , tlwe! Arnold, recruit who has enlist. vour thev bioii.nit he undressed iimseii (coin :i slave in law its wi li a A .id brtatlie a xiraiti to In- 1 i i ; i.l I'K mouL!) found 700 troops an six few otl" b hei-.rl- , reiriinent. I also send you a siik purse then iliin. h w lii wat r. a ear, fjr a weeks, and finish iact No one can doubt this fact who . All! drc.ry is my beloved, moil' I pieces ot ariillery drawn up to .is ocean island lone, whicii I have made for you. I did noi ereeiinii; o i belle ilk.- he set p l:it he oppose le ding clean corn meal f,,r tlireo or foui will ex imine t e hhtorv ;md statistics. swelling sea their progress. The a Tint watehes o'er the let my father see that I was making it, for sought, sipaiid-- it ihrouoli iis loot h. so troops aciing iis weeks before killing, a!w sen; bag th. .Systems formed on such nppo-it- e princi- nioiiii. is And lists its surging n posse tile deputy marshal ordered a bah ui'-i- he alwavs scolds me for loving jou so iis lo imiiaie the of th s t pelll. before feediu r. Pigs treaied in this ples as shivery and universal libeity, can- around me, love, and inlor.ned the hole i Tb linstiins crowd much, and s.ays vou will never return. II a in' crept in his manner tile parlv tiny weie ni inner w il wei ii 2o0 is. e: jh bv the not bull he i gh' i: mnot both en. lure. bark along; Ku.v lile's slrauRe prisoners. Search was immediately insti- w;i-- s 1I1M1 Lut you surely will come bask, won't vou? ground lloor, l' iei.-- hiiu.n- If ixr'Ol'e Na following January, and I have al It has been less lliree years sine.r 1),:! anchor'd on the rushing tide b w 1 poh-o- il lang-n- tuted. All the boxes, ti link and iog:ige found the pork of' the be Tins the oi hireling society 1 '.lis song: Lut hether you come back or not, shall an sail, wiih ;iv,i'" (prdity. utter rottenness wai swell wam.erers tip- were i petied, resulting in of is 1 A m a! tbe tHronj thy minstrel, love, always love you. 1 first consented to "M ilicl.e. Mali ie:" whi h means is plan the best I know o but lioilol lirsi announced into the Sojlh. The His vi?il keeps; come yours on the day vou picked up mi one" The G'laral hiuohed, and Slid, one ki got powder, one keg of cartridges, whether much profit can be realized by ins met. with no contradiction V swell other sails, hei. - !!. sales blue handkei chief the A reuber dance, "how is lips? Is the fellow in oool ear- nig to tile night guard, ten Siiarpe's falling poi k for lh- market as long as the much less with any seiioi-.- attempt at re- uiiue thu noon calm sleeps. at 'Hound . I Miles, a and brought it to me. 'Yhen shall I see nest, able 10 tell?" lb- - lieu order.-- box of two dozen revolvers, being pi ice of grain cont inues as at present." futation and no.v one of our ablest Pro- Ai'hile, merrily the melody from Council city, and a number of you .again? What pleases me is the lo explain clearly lb at the rep- freight fessors and rii'i-- t gifted Lecturers, op.-nl- distant music, leads - Of I common rilles belonging to private indi- Young doctors are sometimes hard maintains and ihe i.i Tli lainstrelsy of insmory, have received , that the officers tile had seen. j.a omulges duttiine vi iu The tt p iss.-ssio- 1 - Upon my Sjiirit s'.fals, esteem you, and your comrades love you "1 know it," replied 1 he fellow, "I smelt ds. ooj is then tool; by old invalid "fogies" an nre oblig- public addresses. 1 all w s, w And can hear the a cents clear Hut vou have still two vears to serve him iis soon :is I entered the house " of the horses, baggage, larnr ed to "put up" ith a great manv things The No I th evadi s iuid shirks the ques- Ot tunes so dear to me, utensils, I - th-- y Get Ii n we " said (ri ii.-- a! in Chief, uig an a (paantuy of pro- at first, whicii would be very far from tion, bat will not be able to in eva- sweet serenade thrnnjh ris fast tis you can, and "Here are the persist Like a mermaid's 1 iroin ;o ions, and oi Ui red too w hole parly under standing" if thev broken the ice and longer- - Upon the summer rea. we will he married. "the acting is now begin. Well, j' hid ding it much It so happens ihat "Adieu, my good friend Piter! let the serpent appear, and we will give guard, with oi tiers to shoot anyone who got into a lar and lucrative practice, an eqiiivol-'n- assertion hatl been ma le bv But oh! my heart is lonely, love, M n should attempt to escape. The prisoners A case in point occurred in our own all the Social- And darkling shadows (.lay, "Your dear aiue." thee two sequins cue." ab ltilionisls, who were all wei e sent back. j good cit y of less a hand' ed in Like night-cloud- o'er my spirit, leve, "P. S. Trv to send me something; from The ni hi r. commenced creeping, and troth im, than ists and as such, favor of the subver- gloom my weary way; years because it finds its way to the And r I sipiii t'ng wiitcr on all sides. He ascended This statement of facts has the signa ago, sion ami reconstruction of society. Jt is being, love, France not for should foroct vou, For oh! this lovely in (lie same manner, a staircase leading to of 131 of (he emigrants, mostly Drawer from the lips of a fiiend who true they include slave society in their Vill trouble every hour, but that I m av alwavs carry it about me lures II, heard it. schemes of reform, and insist il is al And absence, like a Stygian breath, Kiss what vou send, and I am sure I shall ill! upper Slory, occupied bv !!ourrienne. those from Aew ork, Ohm, Indiana, that Will 'poison everyfl wer. soon find out the place of vour kiss." A long dark conidor opened into several Hois, Wisconsin, ami Iowa. An old gouty, topped, Il v pocnond t bl- so f.dluie. Hilt the admissions iir apartments It was y ski li lt end "irritant" of a patient, in the absence good evidence culy against themselves. T hd virgin charms of morning fair, Thus the sympathetic affection which luhled ill the tin end, wincii gave, a view ol A NOlIlCIt llO'.K AM) La DUN II It ACE. of his own pin sician, called in a young but Their tesiiniony as against us is altogether And holy eventide, exists ' etween two fond hearts, however liier '. uld each for me new beauty ucar, the country, and at the lioltom of the sky-l- i The re cent race between the Aniei iciin and talented in the nie.dic.il way heorsev, and utterly invalid and worthless. distant, travels far more rapid I v than the If ihou wert by my side. d.t was placed the fountain, this spot Pelican Hook and Ladder companies, in He announced: Rich m nit J E cu in iner. when the queen climbs the fky, electric fluid. We see with the bra n; we And night being the coldest the house. The open- - whicii the American's horse, C'ull.berl, 'How do vou do young man? Y'ou are Though beauteous she be, fee! with the heart. A j inrueym in printer, name unkno vn, nig itsell was sulli' lent! y large to outstripped the Pelican bojs. 'Ihe con- a doctor, lie'?' IM blush her to her cloudy veil, ling-tb- - When the colonel had finished rea ' il has issued fioni the London pre- "A I to thee. from the olin-- i ex re nil y o the C' sequence was that thev challenged the 'I have studied the medic profession, If could point letter, Piter resumed: 'Arnold deliv- Winking Mail's Way in the World; being 1 clia!- - phisi-cia- lies betweoi; view of the be: b! Fgyp n s y . American boys for another race; the Sir. thoroughly, and, for a young Though long the way that ered me this h iter last when I re- the Autobiography of a Journeyman Prin- and its shrine, On attaining til .bug ihe cars lenged was nccept' tl, and Cuihoert ant: have h id my share of practice.' Mypirit ceived my billet. I coild not sleep all ter," a work which commands the nltentio'i far above me in the hluo ridor, the j'li- - pans el rayed 'Oh, yes! I s'pose so. Yes, yes. Yt ni'dit for thiiikiuir of Marie. In her letter of the leading men in Kngland. Of vari- Our allar star doth shine; s I S'-- enioMon. lb- c V toll. bv ihe l iie lace was arianged on spoiling princip- Well, young man, let's how much you There at the mystic midnight hour, die asks nie for something from Franee j ous phases of London life and of priming General-in-Chie- le-, l a.-i.l- is with me, thy free, f and a n'eniier of ollie.os. he companies Letting 59 and do know? Wlnt the matter I'll meet spirit had no money; I have iiioi t gaged tin oiuce. editort cVe , curio-i- notices are given. vow upon our allar, lova, 1. traded by cii' io-i- ! V. I' e Gee, til. I elecling The race track agreed now? You can tell that, can't you?' Ae.d for in to help my umpires. It is said be a genuine ! pay three months, order w forward, lo autobiography, Eternal conitaiicT lot 'oose sight of llie felloe. foi u i iii! upon as Magazine street, Ironi Canal The voting doctor stepped took brolher ntid cousin, who set out on I heir and :i gem of wit and humor. Coming to thee, when slui.iberiug, love, and was determined, if lie I i.eied th vrect to Y aslnng .on Avenue; a distance, hold of his patient's pulse nud s.ii.i: I'll co'.r.o return home, a few days Tins from such a souice, it could not well be Thy dream- - are all of me l"ast. t rick take him in oi two mid a half .ml. s a ri J the lime '1 can better tell wlnl is the m liter window to ihe act. 0 otherwise. And vis'ons bright I'll bring the", love, morning, on rising, I opened my j seein: im liidder and Clos bis evi t r.vcve o, clock Saturday night, after the with you when you tell me your synip Oi' holiest testacy; A blue handkerchief was drying upon a "the man i - beginning hi pat aid 111 Fillmore 11 Hirers bad dispersed, and the loins.' Immigration to Vihoixia A parly of And when our parting's over, love, line, and it resembled the one belonging to absence pains no more General to Junot. And in truth, the momi look. d d own upon llie quiet and d 'Symptoms! ill .t is a'good one! I want lhiitvs-i- x German and French immigrants And Marie. The color and the blue stripes loV; snake-catche- s- -i v. it In pa-se- Monday A beauteous Hride I'll hail thee, r was in most din -' ted streets, the two companies met in vou to tell me, wlnt is t'le mitti-- through Linchhurg on I was base the exlraoi owu" forevermore! were actually the same. I "Mine rv Slate. Habitually pale, as nil s n li y Can ii street, eager for the fray. The nie, an you want me to toil you wn it is enionte tor Wythe county, Yirgini i, where Lebanon, Kv., Noven.bur, 1856. enough to take it and put ii into my knap- kins ire, he bee one every moment p a'er. greatest, excitement prevailed; the niei - the matter with me. Shan't do il, so now they intended settling. The Richmond sack. I went out into the street; my con- lie caded tor nr water, was led bis cans being sure tint wlnt Gullioert hat go ahead!' Dispaicii says thev are the pinneeis of a . science smote me; and I was returning to s body, squirted an tisscl as belore, but done once he should do again, and the Thus prompted, siiil having hold ol ci .nv to be founded in sou'h-wes- t Yir- Select Salr the house to restore it to iis owner, when produced another i'll of hissing. lb- - Pelicans being' justas s ire that Pe:e would the old man's wrist, the young doctoi ginii by capitalists of France, who have The trift. this woman came up to me with the guard ratal looked on e.n-l- si. of the land pi. serve Cul libel i as Lex.ngton did .ecompte. said: already made purchase of land in that and the handkerchief was found in my t lions, have region. design sending 1 In t lie , about ho end of Octo- made a wit li us hand to keep spent, The Americans truck weighed 2,00d lbs., Oil have pa ns across your They 5!l0. of year possession. This is the whole truth. The sign ber, as 1 was returning on foot from Oi leans and, still ci eepia on his belly, ad i anced and the rider 150. The Pc.i-.u- truck you not, ii u lust gel up 111 the winch number, 360 will be over shorlly. capitulations require that 1 should lie shot Colony, the ot liardy. I el.eld t.eioie to the outside ci pilar, ivhicli was tin- lighter and the rider heavier, but the morning . he Gov. of the Charles ll.itinan, to Chateau instantly; but do not dispise me. me, on the. high road, a regiment ol Swiss darkest part of it weight was made to tally wiih that of 'No sir; never had anv thin f the kind wa.i with the party which has jan gone, The judges weie unable to conceal their Cii-mea- hastened forward to hear the In a time, ipl.-- s, ing the Am aieau by piling- on some in niv life, as I remember.' and among the number were three ii Guards. I emotion, nevertheless they unanimously short extra military music, of which I am extremely mouthful of he exe'i iariicles. 1'ivcist ly at tw elvo o'clock, ev 'You are subject, I shoul S:iy, to occa- veteran condemned Piter to death. He heard toe ua'cr. before I had overtaken the regi- low he ' ervtliiiig being in readiness, the word was sional violent be id iches; t hat arises, no fond; but telle; "There ul An-- Our foreman, in sentence without emotion; then advancing: , ' AntociDtts Juki;. ment, the band had ceased playing, and delighted to do in t he lionoi Igt-eii- and away they thundered. Cuth-- i doubt, from toward his captain, requested the loan of! ' reading over pi oof nigiit before hist, came alone continued to maik the itV,-- s ii'! the in-- ( ': be look the lend at llie jump, and kepi No matter about thai; you can dry up the drum four francs. The captain gave him the Geneci io a litt'e paiagiiiph which app. ared in I II 1 tie-i- on I never witi. measured footsteps of the soldiers. m v li , suspect ! n art in 10 P .s slreei; ele having, bv that point, for am lioubied money. lie then approached the old ' our piiprr of esterdav. to the t ffecl llnst, for about half en hour, us. Do you know this risea!, ph iiiiibtlioii aroused, came up headache After marching that adci-c- d woman from whom he had taken the I Madame Richel's physician had entered a small plain, sur- iii.s-p:- g has been unking iool- - of as loi .vai a. .it ad the way to u.icc 'Lei me look at you! lo.,gne Ah! the regiment handkerchief, and I beard him utter these th.il should pass the winter in F.gvpt. a wood of I asked houi, in forcing :k and neck, of the thought so Yon are d tic llittilence rounded by the last us to run, without cntesl yspef Our devil, who is the most rascally of his words: ib, of order. one of the captains if the regiment was umbi alter the imaginary si- 'IV m e X c ehai acti r. A t this point your digestive functions are out "Madame, lore are four francs; know ' kind, immediately desired to know "if she to perform evolutions. The her Oeeed ..! still more . eil' d; he in k he I can s. 'on i euii-t- V going not whelher vour handkerchief be north sin was going to become an Egyptian Mom- 'No, sir,' he replied, 'we are going to ep. Ui a sii.b ed P g .in g. oui.d, "in ned :t lloe.loii! nothing of the kind. I've more; but if il be, it, n- - is in.- dear enough, my?" The scamp got the stick from every trv, and pro!) ably to shoot, a soldier bes tly, r. elliMir,' i e.l a1 U isi.iiigoin A m n nr. it tile stive poweis ol an anacon and you mav excuse !i ni paying ihe printer' in the office. AT. I'. Times. ir.e ahi-- l h ,t' for haling robbed ill r, 1 Cu the linn longing to our company, difference." peaiiMl nl eri, i wiist the citizen upon whom he was billeted.' w hich was ii, ol til ;aee being iiootit eight In. utiles Th ib irtboppid the patient's The fire depai tment in Philadelphia ii. Then taking the handkerchief, he fris-td- 'What!' I exclaimed, 'is he to be tried, was a haii.isom o pen-- l'l'is wai ceitainly good li nt.' lor a run ol o ills; st composed of forty-thre- companies it, and it to the engine gave captain, s,'jing: 1 sir,' condemned, and executed, all in an in doubled his his- - r. nd stjuir Jiw-- nid's and a hail, each horse With a Pel haps you think am a quack, tint ty-- t wo hose companies, and five hook "Captain, in two years you will BUlil?' ser pent, ld,ei line. o. o.tjO" p 'iinds, and idasliales said. and ladder companies, possessing forty-si- x lo our mountains; if vou go near Arenbei g 'Yes,' the captain replied, 'such are the tile bund in, I'issi tin' x: li'.i dinan puilng power ol those Ah vou have hit it now you're right, engines, fifty-fou- r hose carriages, eleven do me the favor to ask for Marin, and gjvej 1 ' This to him was niucl mo- e le' ll.oi'le allllll-lls- 1'l.C rice, ,S l lllltlel ..i r once, any way. You can't tell how tenders, six trucks, 57 o'2'.i terras of our capitulations. her this handkerchief; but do not tell ken reason; as if all ,i course, wasinleiis.n exciimg toad wn-- .I, but ion can tell what 1 think. Call feel of hose, ami S3o feet of ladders. was an unanswerable the pi ice I paid for it.' The es it I ie ept, shown in Lite wnti'Ssed il, and .iSloiiisiied tne shepei'sjv no self 01111 of the Faculty' you hai n't There are, in addition to these, Several ihin-'- bad been in the capitulations; lie then knelt, and after ing fer sombre idol III i even prai t.l' Mig-.zu.- street not a hitle. li nil ) ii laculU !' companies whose serviers nave not nc-- crime and its penalty justice, and vently for a few minutes, rose, and walked flame. It glide I. hoi si.-- weie 'as tine iis si k' yes I erd aiid bowed bis ny tne counci.s, or no i ei use lo Immunity. fcrm stopped, hen a was iy, And the old hvpechondriac accepted witii li step to the Il! En- - ii- app i'Til reniv lor another test when of Harper. come under the control of the Chief Tf vou have any curiosity to witness cution. Wits he repine - ul. T sttor out the tloor ,s- - siink"-enlc- ' .. ever in eiitir.tsi ie n acKers might, ordei and are not, permu- ihe proceedings,' said the captaiu politely, I retired into Ihe wood that I migbi l 'a - aile ir Igp.eer consequently A. O Cio .so nt. Lkiss The following is' ted to appear as lire companies on the ' shall he happy to get you a place. not witness the last scene of this tragedy. Cause he bed n Mkchaxics first, of " n act liens streets. will soon be over.' A few m self up and ma the section securing They shots soon ide known that all A .ys w w is i.ii i We barn niecli-iiiic- i.ipl passed at th. scenes; for imag- was over. as ait uig r ,ti k. Veil to others" Have as aim is Life. Every mar, I never avoid such I Mi u - In- ' in- m llie liu.lelin on the -- i Legislature: IIIOIlli 11' il M - I. c.. light ntii-ia- p'. lint last ii: the Missouri rich or ought to have some absorbing ine that I 'learn, from the countenance of returned to lit lie an poor, Having the plain night of llie gsth of Oelcibei , a serious Every builder, labor- - is. mai around he h hick he sqll. ezee m. eiianx. artiz.m, purpose. Some active engngemei t. lo a dying man, what death I therefore hour after, I found i he gone, ami regiment d.lilcti'iy In L ill leiKli-- e y . Willi SUcl. Ve-- as I" fou-- Open iis aiii' ,.r knnn, or other person, whoslnll whicii his energies are devoted. Not en- followed ti c captain. all quiet; bin as I followed the bonier of .1 in in ny me nam' ot llariis, p. .i !'. n any labor upon, or in iiish in o i into wi he spat The eiiee' ,a. or in joyment, bill LriT, daily, must be the aim regiment formed into square. Be- - the n ood, in ruder to reach llie high i oad. The i'- alias Mi.i who has been residing on . was 1; t h iie seemed lo hai-- gall, in v materials, machinery or tixlures, lor ., ,,., lif,. No man has a right to livu ooruers t ol blood, and 'Uii.i nia" hi .d the second rank, and on the perceived Iran a ni A' le place, a few weeks com improve-- 1 d iis iow The niiiu niter tte past, in y building, erection, or other u tljs (. earth, to breathe iis air, to of tin; wood, some ot soldiers began ot trosblvsmovei art li. - I the nut!- tin lls over ill St. Francis same, Lenu-iint- ex''ii s langs. or ra her In- c.ui;tv, en: upon land, or lor repining uie utile its food; to enjoy its ninny l a grave, under the command of a a I to dig Culling branch of fir. made a rude 11 was ai rested and con. milted to the hands by with vi Ci n a vescih s :ii la'ch older or viitueof any contract I li pioduce in return. Ho is , noui sula nothing subaltern; for regimental duty always cro-s- n hich I placed upon the grave o! ol an officer, and i Ie h:-- ; tile i.l Ws. II. pliin-- wiih it. sii'iscqueuey ni die owner or proprietor thereof, or his light t' n v the blessings ot civi- - a to lb eu has no io performed with regularity, and certain bv a! II I'lelurning to i, sub-co- ac- - lone already forgot save in si made it an put it iiniiii.il b is ek bis home in igent, trustee, contractor or ti ol civil lit even in dame: in bzition.or society iinu erly, discipline maintained, the digging and Mai lit! he was followed by the officer and wit-- s 'The snake-- itchi ; lid r, upon complying me pins is "i without conti bin ion, earnest and sill de- of a po-s- e ni grave. a ol men On tin; dit above this act, shall nave lor h is woi i; or labor of hesd and heart, or hand to Ail igiioi ant fellow, who itlcKy ci.a: dan nying labor of the square eight officers was about to Ill '' n .d, Mi . M oseiy. the officer, an, inei V In the center done, or loaleiiils, fix tuns or mac ihe welfare of in inkind. Certainly no man on and be mitriied, resolved lo make hinisell per- A young tail With w I er.-o- were seated on drums; their right, im. cut to Inrris' hoase furnished, a lien upon such building, j p. religious who makes gratilica ; C!lll truy ninth, w fect in the responses to the marriage cere-miitu- h V. wo-.- a little m ire in front, a was riling el: leli. iu toe Is, they found a n lion or her improvement, and upon the troin sell denying I'V tieil "as ti.stant exerlion n-- but mistake he coinoiii ted b. liilCti' be! d li i upon his knees, but with apparent ll to a rest i.i an is showe. land belonging to such oweer or pl"p:ic-ilii'.- of and ho pleas- ' the gi eat object lite, puts memory the office for baptism for th ;t of c I l simply to a man from and, the onci Us slio: oseiy .killing , w ; si; and prevent him instant tor on hich. the is il iti J, to the ure exactly in t'n pliio; of duly. without some legal riper years, so when the clergyman asked Way of ill est at n ai e kshol end-rin- 'I h Ueing put to death bis hunt. '' extent ot one oei e , lo secure the pavnn'Ui I him in the church: "Wilt thou have this in a k ni s o i I w - i is Fillmore st ck looking up? forms. pi iss mi li.ed upon j is, an mind of such w ork or bor done, r ill He ials, Why T(1 woman for thy lawful wedded wife?" the! :t t il is so ilH on its back thai it The accused was called forward not publish il. lis is bought, nncbit, v, or lixl tires urnisiie, Because well-grow- biidegroom answered very solemnly: look in any oilier direction. was a fine, n fellow, with nnkl, can't "1 renounce them all " A little gi IU;. noble features. By his side stood a Ilia r. An evangelical oi l lady heai'ii: yet Vi It" would h ive u ses for their The minister said: yoke on, exel, hi is I the girls astonished I 'ng I"' a'".l ince Suinl-- i , e X c "woman, who was the only witness against leist .nter. - e,si, i out an oaili on lool." goose with cm ts o. It cheeks, they must do as the roses do go colonel to "I think vou are a eidhusi isiic. He ir ,i,e. W moment the began V ' ' a a io u . hai him. To which be replied: sister Sally." to sleep wiih the liilics, and get up wu.l inter- "On, hei e's not in the w Wol Id ,. - examine this woman, the prisoner .li lie d t.i ,' alld tie Pro- "All this I steadfastly believe." t he morning g lories. him: happier life, th in lo sit by the rove-- ,pe rupted a:-- It Troubles ' ilk hornets, the ' .and tickle your w if-- Pi-l- " '.'i.-I- W. el ot useless, colonel,' he faid, 'I will lid I u it now, as the ser-sai- .l 'It is The man who couldn't contain himself vou ,,Mkc about ti, Ul l hem t he bet d tl I em?" be; a through fctole this y Oman's r hps in llie moment ol g'ee, and t v. isi Lo confess everything; I was found, upon inquiry, to contain about your outcry will n'v bring the win v. I lliiiik the law rally pockets vant when she knocked th; t dd 'jtbe cat's tail when she jumps on your b i.' ' f the fcandkcrehi nquaitof the fluid extract of corn. isw.inn upon vou. knee." I'll Iks." Oil: