Simply FINANCE A comprehensive guide to the different options for financing a community enterprise 1st E dition J une 2011 Published by: Cooperatives UK Holyoake House Hanover S treet Manchester M60 0 AS Tel: 0 161 2 46 2900 Fax: 0 161 8 31 7684 email:
[email protected] web: © C opyright: Cooperatives U K 2011 Cooperatives U K i s t he national trade bo dy that campaigns for cooperation and w o r k s to promote, develop and unite cooperative e nterprises. Cooperatives UK aims to brin g together all those with a passion and interest in cooperative action. Design, artwork and illustration by Printed on recycled paper You can get details of other publications from our website. This guide has been produced as part of the Making Local Food Work Project. ISBN: 9780954967789 2 Foreword Money may make the world go round, So often, people say ‘I am keen to be but if you are trying to make the world involved in community enterprise, but a better place it can seem to be notable I don’t know anything about finance / by its absence. So many wouldbe social money / economics’. This is a real entrepreneurs founder on this first step obstacle – it’s the one thing that every of securing the funds they need to launch person involved in the running of a a project. community enterprise does need to know a bit about. Let’s take the knowledge in this This guide will go some way towards guide and spread it around as widely as easing that difficulty.