What a Way to Earn! Ulatlon About Whether the New Saddened to Hear of His Death
PAGE TWENTY-TWO MONDAY, MAY 1, 19TO -Agencies Make Ending The Weather Zoning Decisions. Cloudy, humid, chance of. Manchester dore, Odjir Swamp Rd., Cov^ Preceptor Gamma caiapter. showers becoming more wide entiy; Fatlwr James Francls^' Gase Mt. Debris A bout T o w n Beta Slgpna Phi,' will have its spread with occasional thtmder-' Hospital Notes PUcoN 70 Main St.; Mrs. Karen annual Founder’s Day dinner to ^ ■ Page 5 • ■ . storms through Wednesday. To Removed by Pair night 60 — tomorrow 70. VISmNO HOlTto- Currier, Marlboroueli; T-hn The Five Point Club of Tem morrow at 8:30 p.m. at the Manchester— CUy^of Village Charm Intermediate Care Semi- Butterworth 38 Creetwood Rd.; Manchester Country Club. FUNERAL HOME Last Friday's disturbance at ple Chapter, OES, wiU meet private, noon - 3 p.m„ and 4 t*wrent Qenard Jr., Baltic; Case MMpitaln In Highland Wednesday at 7:80 p.m. at the YOL. XCI, NO. 181 p.m. • 8 p.nu; private rooms,* Poirier, Loveland HSl Rd., MysUc Review, NABA, will (SIXTEEN PAGES) Park, although resulting in ar homa of Mrs. ManhaU Hodge, MANCHESTER, CONN., TtJESDAY, MAY 2, 1972 (ClaasUled AdverUsiiig on Page 18) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS 18 a.m. - p.m., and 4 p.m. • Dorothy M. Lucas, 94 meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at Odd 1 8 rests of five 18-year-olds, also 121 Falknor Dr. Membelrt ars p.m. Walker St. Fellows Hall. gave local youths a chance to reminded to bring projects to 142 Eaat Center Street Pediatrics: Parents allowed Also, 'Mrs. Karen OBrlberf show their good side.
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