13262 Hon. Dennis J. Kucinich Hon. Mark Udall Hon. Grace
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13262 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS July 12, 2001 would have difficulty sustaining population DISTRIBUTED POWER HYBRID Southern California community. Dr. Jesus growth without them. The process feeds on ENERGY ACT ‘‘Jess’’ Carreon, current President of Rio itself. Newcomers who become citizens (or Hondo College, will be leaving the district to legal residents) are in turn entitled to serve as sponsors for relatives’ applications. HON. MARK UDALL assume a new position as President of Port- land Community College in Portland, Oregon. And so it goes. The faces change some- OF COLORADO what. The goals and dreams do not. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Dr. Carreon has been an active contributor to the Southern California community for quite Nearly everyone who comes here and be- Thursday, July 12, 2001 comes a part of the American matrix is seek- some time. After spending his childhood in the ing essentially the same things the Founders Mr. UDALL of Colorado. Mr. Speaker, today San Diego area, he pursued his Bachelor’s were taking about 225 years ago. Americans I am introducing the Distributed Power Hybrid Degree from the University of San Diego. He are all in this together. They draw strength Energy Act. This bill would direct the Sec- later earned his Master’s of Science Degree for new blood, new ideas. That’s the indis- retary of Energy to develop and implement a from the University of California, Irvine, and putable past, and it is the inevitable future. strategy for research, development, dem- his Doctorate in Education from the University onstration, and commercial application of dis- of Southern California. f tributed power hybrid energy systems. After completing his own education, Dr. Distributed power is modular electric gen- Carreon immediately became a teacher. Since IN MEMORY OF STANLEY KRAMER eration or storage located close to the point of then, he has been involved in the educational use, well suited for the use of renewable en- process at nearly every level. He served as HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH ergy technologies such as wind turbines and Assistant Dean of Instruction at Laney College photovoltaics, and also of clean, efficient, fos- in Oakland and as Assistant Dean of Voca- OF OHIO sil-fuel technologies such as gas turbines and tional Education at San Bernardino Valley Col- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fuel cells. lege. Dr. Carreon later served as Vice Presi- Thursday, July 12, 2001 Distributed power avoids the need for and dent of Instruction at El Camino Community cost of additional transmission lines and pipe- College and, most recently, as President of Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to lines, reduces associated delivery losses, and Ventura College. honor the memory of an exceptional film increases energy efficiency. In addition, dis- Jess has made immense strides during his maker, Stanley Kramer. tributed power can provide insurance against tenure as President of Rio Hondo Community During his lifetime, Stanley Kramer pro- energy disruptions and expand the available College. In addition to greatly improving the duced dozens of films. They included such energy service choices for consumers. school’s image, Dr. Carreon has worked tire- classics as Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner, By their very nature, renewable resources lessly to increase Rio Hondo’s involvement in Judgment at Nuremberg and Inherit the Wind. are distributed. Our ability to cost-effectively the community. Under his leadership, mem- Stanley Earl Kramer was born and raised in take advantage of our renewable, indigenous bers of the school’s management team were New York City’s Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood, resources can be greatly advanced through awarded seats on Chambers of Commerce in where he later attended New York University. systems that minimize the intermittency of each of Rio Hondo’s sending districts. In addi- Before he left for the military service in World these resources. Distributed power hybrid sys- tion, Dr. Carreon pioneered the creation of the War II, he established himself in the movie in- tems can help accomplish this. school’s first satellite campuses in the towns dustry as a researcher, editor and writer. His ‘‘Hybridizing’’ distributed power systems— of El Monte and Santa Fe Springs. first film, So This is New York, was released combining two renewable sources or a renew- Still, Dr. Carreon’s involvement reaches far in 1948. able and a fossil source—enables us to offset beyond the classroom. When not teaching, he Working in the 1950s and 60s, Kramer the weaknesses of one technology with the serves on local community boards and acts as stood for things in which he believed and strengths of another. For example, in a hybrid an advocate for economic development. He intertwined them into his works. For example, system, the intermittency of wind power can sits on the Board of Directors for both the he highlighted issues such as race in Guess be offset by the reliability and affordability of American Association of Community Colleges Who’s Coming to Dinner and The Defiant power generated by a microturbine. and the Presbyterian Intercommunity Hospital. Ones, Nazi war crimes in Judgment at Nurem- My bill would direct the Secretary of Energy Dr. Carreon is an active member of Whittier berg, fundamentalism vs. modern science in to develop a distributed power hybrid systems and San Gabriel economic councils and, in Inherit the Wind and nuclear holocaust in On strategy identifying opportunities for and bar- 1999, was named President of the National the Beach. He also depicted his courageous riers to such systems, technology gaps that Community College Hispanic Council. demeanor in his films, not even realizing it, by need to be closed, and system integration Dr. Carreon’s expansive knowledge and creating characters who fought against fear tools that are necessary to plan, design, build considerable expertise have made him a pop- while others stayed behind. and operate such systems. ular speaker at the regional, state and national Mr. Speaker, distributed generation rep- Even though Kramer was known as a ‘‘mes- levels. He lectures frequently on a host of top- resents the most significant technological sage director’’, his friends and beloved ones ics, including economic development, work- change in the electric industry in decades. knew him as much more. Steven Spielberg force preparation, and leadership. Knowing this, it makes sense to focus our once said that Kramer was one of the greatest Dr. Carreon has devoted his life to improv- R&D priorities on distributed power hybrid sys- film makers due to the impact he made on the ing education throughout Southern California tems that can both help improve power reli- ethical world, and not solely based on the art and the 34th Congressional District. He is a ability and affordability and bring more effi- and passion he conveyed on screen. model citizen, active throughout the commu- ciency and cleaner energy resources into the nity. I want to personally congratulate Jess for Eighty of his films were nominated for Os- mix. My bill would help us do this. I look for- all his contributions and wish him success in cars, 16 of them which won and six were ward to working with Members of the House to his new position. nominated for Best Picture. Three of his finest move forward with this important initiative. films made the American Film Institute’s list of f f 100 Best Movies of All Time. Kramer himself was nominated as Best Director three times, IN RECOGNITION OF DR. JESUS IN STRONG SUPPORT OF THE FIS- and in 1962, he was presented the prestigious CARREON CAL YEAR 2002 AGRICULTURE Irving B. Thalberg Memorial Award for Out- APPROPRIATIONS LEGISLATION standing Work. He also received the Pro- HON. GRACE F. NAPOLITANO ducers Guild of America’s David O. Selznick OF CALIFORNIA HON. KEN BENTSEN Life Achievement Award. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF TEXAS My fellow colleagues, please join me in hon- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES oring the memory of Stanley Kramer for all of Thursday, July 12, 2001 his achievements in the movie industry. His Mrs. NAPOLITANO. Mr. Speaker, I rise Thursday, July 12, 2001 love and dedication in portraying significant today to recognize Dr. Jesus Carreon for his Mr. BENTSEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to ex- films has touched the hearts of all. unfailing leadership and his dedication to the press my strong support for the Fiscal Year VerDate Aug 31 2005 15:30 Feb 22, 2007 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR01\E12JY1.000 E12JY1 rmajette on PROD1PC67 with BOUND RECORD.