Check List 8(1): 172-174, 2012 © 2012 Check List and Authors Chec List ISSN 1809-127X (available at Journal of species lists and distribution n distribution map of Acratosaura mentalis (Amaral, 1933)

istributio (:Range extension, ) new state record and geographic D

1 1 1,2 raphic Michelle de Souza Brito , Luirick Felix Silva Barbosa , Luiz Cezar Machado Pereira , Patrícia Avello g 1,2 1,2 *

eo Nicola G n o 1 Centro and de Leonardo Conservação e Barros Manejo de RibeiroFauna da Caatinga (CEMAFAUNA-CAATINGA). CEP 56300-990. Petrolina, PE, Brazil. otes

N *2 CorrespondingUniversidade Federal author. do E-mail: Vale do [email protected] São Francisco (UNIVASF), Campus Ciências Agrárias, Colegiado de Ciências Biológicas. Rodovia BR 407, km 12, Lote 543, s/nº - C1. CEP 56300-990. Petrolina, PE, Brazil.

Abstract: We provide new records of Acratosaura mentalis from three localities in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil, these records extending the known geographical distribution of the species to the municipalities of Sertânia, Custódia and Floresta. We also report A. mentalis

from the municipality of Mauriti, which is the first record for the state of Ceará, Brazil.

The gymnophthalmid genus Acratosaura currently et al. 2009): A. mentalis (Amaral, 1933) and A. spinosa 43, 44, 66, 204, 719, 797, 909, 976, 1027, 1041, 1111, 1294; Freitascomprises and two Silva, species 2009. (Rodrigues Acratosaura mentalis (Figure 1) 08°05’15” S, 37°38’35” W; 542 m asl) and Floresta (N = 17: was described by Amaral (1933) as Rodrigues, Colobosaura Cassimiro, mentalis LPE 166, 178, 180, 245, 613, 921, 940, 1032, 1048, 1203, based on specimens from the municipality of Vila Nova - in1331, the Caatinga1333, 1487, and 1489,are characterized 1500, 1822, by 1823; shrub 08°36’04” vegetation S, Colobosaura 38°34’07” W; 316 m asl). These three A.collection mentalis sites in thelie mentalis was later allocated to the new genus Acratosaura municipalities of Sertânia, Custódia and Floresta (Figure now Senhor doet Bonfim al. - state of Bahia, Brazil. 3)on extend a sandy the soil. distribution Our new of findings this species of ca. 60 km north, semifossorial having a large but seemingly insular by Rodrigues (2007). The species iset cryptic al. and nearest collection site in the municipality of Buíque, state of Acratosaura mentalis is reported from some isolated areas 75 km northwest and 120 km west, respectively, from the indistribution the Caatingas (Rodrigues of northeastern 2003; Rodrigues Brazil, and in the 2007). Serra A. mentalis were collectedPernambuco in the (Vale Parque do Ipanema; Nacional 08°37’24” do Catimbau S, 37°09’23” (Muniz and W; m elevation that extends from the state of Minas Gerais 798 m asl). In Buíque, specimens of do Espinhaço, a largeet al. mountain range reaching 2400 locality, its geographical distribution (based on records availableto Bahia (Rodrigues from the literature) 2007). currentlyIn addition includes to the type 23 localities in the states of Minas Gerais, Sergipe, Alagoas,

We provide four unpublished localities for A. mentalis inPernambuco, northeastern Paraíba Brazil, and three Rio Grandein the state do Norte. of Pernambuco and monitoring plans for water dams in the framework of theand one São in Francisco Ceará (Figure river 2), water gathered diversion during work faunal (designed rescues to ensure water supply to about 12 million people in

390 municipalities in the states of Pernambuco, Ceará, ofParaiba the Centro and Rio de Grande Conservação do Norte, e Manejo until 2025). de Fauna Voucher da specimens are deposited in the scientific collection

Caatinga (CEMAFAUNA-CAATINGA/UNIVASF) (IBAMA collectingFrom permits: January 042/2007 2009 to and May 125.r/2010, 2010, we Process collected n° specimens02001.003112/2007-12). of A. mentalis in the state of Pernambuco at Figure 1. Specimen of Acratosaura mentalis (ca. photographed, and released in the municipality of Floresta, state of 45 mm SVL) captured, the following municipalities: Sertânia (N = 10: LC 449, Melissa Gogliath. 563, 1421, 2050, 2107, 2154, 2180, 2528, 2611, 2954; Pernambuco, Brazil. Photos (LPE 1786) by CEMAFAUNA-CAATINGA and

08°04’14” S, 37°15’57” W; 558 m asl), Custódia (N = 12: LC 172 Brito et al. | New records of Acratosaura mentalis in northeastern Brazil their collection as accidental (less than 25% of all A. mentalis in the Santos 2009), where Muniz and Santos (2009) qualified that photograph (catalogued NMA 665) is the first ofverifiable A. mentalis voucher ca. of the occurrence of adultobserved/collected). specimen of A. mentalis was collected in the Caatinga instate the of state Ceará. of Pernambuco, This extends inthe the geographical municipality distribution of Floresta On 03 February 2010 in the state of Ceará, an additional (Figure 3). The new 145 records km north reported from here the are nearest an important record contribution to the knowledge about the distribution atin the the municipality site of capture of Mauriti (not illustrated (07°23’20” because S, 38°46’26” of poor W; and conservation of A. mentalis in the Caatinga region of quality374 m asl). of the That photograph). specimen was To photographedthe best of our and knowledge, released northeastern Brazil.

Figure 2. Geographic distribution of Acratosaura mentalis et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. 2009), 6. Parque Nacional do et al. . Minas Geraiset al. (MG): 1. Santana do Pirapama (Rodrigues 2009), 2. Diamantina (Rodrigues 2009), 3. Turmalina (Rodrigues 2009), 4. Cristália (Rodrigueset al. 2009), 5. Grão Mogol (Rodrigues et al.Peruaçu 2010), (Rodrigues 13. Serra da Guia 2009); (De-Carvalho Bahia (BA): et 7. al. Maracás (Rodrigues 2009), 8. Mucugê (MZUSP 74223), 9. Santo Inácio (MZUSP 79743), 10. Senhor do Bonfim (Type-Locality,et al. MZUSP 40084-5), 11. Sento Sé (Santos 2008); Sergipe (SE): 12. Parque Nacional Serra de Itabaiana (De-Carvalho 2010); Sergipe/Alagoas (AL): 14. UHE Xingó (MZUSP 80182-3); Alagoas (AL): 15. Delmiro Gouveia (Rodrigues 2009); Pernambucoet al. (PE): 16. Garanhuns (MZUSP 65675), 17. Parque Nacional do Catimbau (Rodrigueset al. 2005), and 25.Santos Parque 2008), Estadual 18. Brejo Pedra da daMadre Boca de (Arzabe Deus (Queiroz et al. and Lema 1996), 19. Sertânia (New Record), 20. Custódia (New Record),et Floresta (New Record); Paraíba (PB): 22. São José dos Cordeiros and Sumé (Freire 2009), 23. Cabaceiras (Rodrigues 1986), 24. Cacimba de Dentro (Arzabe 2005); Rio Grande do Norte (RN): 26. Tenente Laurentino Cruz (Gogliath 2010) and Ceará (CE): 27. Mauriti (New Record).

173 Brito et al. | New records of Acratosaura mentalis in northeastern Brazil

Figure 3. Map of northeastern Brazil showing the collection localities of Acratosaura mentalis here published for municipalities from Sertânia (1), easternmost distributional record for the species in the municipality of Buíque, state of Pernambuco. Custódia (2) and Floresta (3), state of Pernambuco, and a single record from Mauriti (4), state of Ceará, Brazil. Number 5 represents the previous

Acknowledgments: Queiroz, A.N. and T. Lema. 1996. Novo registro de Colobosaura mentalis Amaral, 1933, (Sauria: Teiidae) para o nordeste do Brasil. Biociências about specimens housed We in thank the theherpetological Ministério dacollection Integração of Museu Nacional de for financial support, Hussam Zaher for allowing us to use the data Phyllopezus de and an anonymous reviewer for providing insightful criticisms on the 4(1): 87-90. manuscript.Zoologia da USP. Renato Gomes Faria, Ricardo Arturo Guerra Fuentes, Rodrigues, M.T. 1986. Uma nova espécie Papéis do gênero Avulsos de Zoologia Cabaceiras: Paraíba: Brasil; com comentários sobre a fauna de Literature Cited lagartos da área (Sauria Gekkonidae). In Amaral, A. 1933. Estudos sobre lacertilios neotrópicos. Memórias do Ins- M.36(20): Tabarelli 237-250. and J.M.C. Silva (ed.). Ecologia e conservação da Caatinga. tituto Butantan Rodrigues, M.T. 2003. Herpetofauna da Caatinga; p. 181-236 I.R. Leal,

7: 1-74. - lessRecife: and Editora limb reducedUniversitária gymnophthalmid da UFPE. from northeastern Arzabe, C., G.O.S. Skuk, In G.G. Santana, F.R. Delfim, Y.C.C. Lima and- Rodrigues,Brazil (Squamata M.T. and E.M. Gymnophthalmidae). Santos. 2008. A new Zootaxa genus and species of eyelid- bosaS.H.F. Abrantes.(ed.). Análise 2005. das Herpetofauna variações da área biodiversidade do Curimataú, do Bio Pa- maraíba; Caatinga: p. 264- 280.suporte F.S. a estratégias Araújo, M.J.N. regionais Rodal deand conservação M.R.V. Bar. A new microteiid lizard of genus Acratosaura1873: 50-60. (Squamata: Rodrigues, M.T., J. Cassimiro, M.A. Freitas and T.F.S. Silva. 2009. De-Carvalho, C.B., F.L.S. Caldas, D.O. Santana, M.V. Noronha, E.B. Freitas, Zootaxa Brasília: Ministério do Meio Ambiente. - Gymnophthalmidae) from Serra do Sincorá, State of Bahia, Brasil. idae, Acratosaura mentalis (Amaral 1933): distribution extension 2013: 17-19. A new genus of microteiid lizard from andR.G. geographicFaria and R.A. distribution Santos. 2010. map. Reptilia, Check List Squamata, Gymnophthalm Rodrigues,the Atlantic M.T., ForestsK.C.M. Pellegrino,of state of Bahia, M. Dixo, Brazil, V.K. withVerdade, a new D. generic Pavan, name A.J.S. - forArgôlo Colobosaura and J.W. Sitesmentalis Jr. 2007., and a discussion of relationships among the drigues, W.L.S. Vieira and A.C.G.P. Falcão. 6(3): 434-436. American Museum Freire, E.M.X., G.O.S. Skuk, M.F. Kolodiuk, L.B. Ribeiro, B.S. Maggi, L.S. Ro Novitates 2009.In Répteis das Caatingas Heterodactylini (Squamata, Gymnophthalmidae). Recursosdo seridó naturaisdo Rio Grande das Caatingas: do Norte umae do visãocariri multidisciplinarda Paraíba: síntese. Natal: do 3565: 1-27. conhecimento atual e perspectivas; p. 51-84 E.M.X. Freire (org.). Santos,Brasil. F.J.M., Estudos A.P. Penã and V.L.F. Luz. 2008. Considerações biogeográficas Acratosaura mentalis sobre a herpetofauna do Submédio e da Foz do Rio São Francisco, (NCN).Editora GeographicUniversitária distribution. da UFRN. Herpetological Review : August 201135(1/2): 59-78. Gogliath,106. M., L.B. Ribeiro and E.M.X. Freire. 2010. : January 2012 41(1): 105- Received : February 2012 - PE. Jornada de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão 9: 1-3. Accepted Muniz, S.L.S. and E.M. Santos. 2009. Répteis do Vale do Catimbau, Buíque Published online Editorial responsibility: Philippe J. R. Kok