Microsoft Office Live Meeting at Nottingham Trent University

Unified Communications Using Office Live Meeting 2007

Text version of online course.

Contents Unified Communications ...... 1 About Live Meeting 2007 ...... 3 Copyright Information ...... 3 About The Course ...... 3 Module 1: Attending a Meeting ...... 4 Module 1: Overview ...... 4 Module 1: Learning Outcomes ...... 4 The Live Meeting Request ...... 4 Try it!...... 4 Summary - Joining a Meeting ...... 4 Meet Now requests ...... 4 Meeting requests ...... 5 Starting Voice and Video on your Computer ...... 5 Using your Phone as a Microphone and Speaker ...... 5 Module 2: Using Microsoft® Office Live Meeting ...... 6 A Note on Meeting Roles ...... 6 The Menu Bar ...... 6 Content ...... 6 Attendees ...... 7 Voice and Video ...... 7 Q&A ...... 7 Meeting ...... 8 Recording ...... 8 Volume ...... 8 Microphone Icon ...... 8 Web cam Icon ...... 9 Handouts ...... 9 Shared Notes ...... 9 Feedback ...... 9 Help ...... 10 The Menu Bar - Docking a menu item ...... 10 Personalising Live Meeting ...... 10 Interacting with others - Feedback ...... 11 To change your Feedback status: ...... 11 Interacting with others - Using Chat ...... 11 To initiate chat: ...... 11 Module 2: Quick Quiz ...... 13 Module 2: Quick Quiz - answers ...... 13 Module 3: Presenting in a Meeting ...... 14 Presenting Content - Overview ...... 14 Presenting Content: Attendees’ permissions ...... 14 Presenting Content: Displaying a Presentation or Document ...... 14 Presenting Content: Adding Pages to Content...... 15 Presenting Content: Annotating content using the editing tools ...... 15 Presenting Content: Using a Whiteboard ...... 16

Produced by Centre for Professional Learning and Development – 22 March 2010 Microsoft Office Live Meeting at Nottingham Trent University

Presenting Content: Create a Poll Page ...... 16 Presenting Content: Share a Web Page ...... 16 Presenting Content: Share an Application or File ...... 17 Presenting Content: Sharing Controls Toolbar ...... 17 Presenting Content: Distributing Handouts ...... 18 Presenting Content: Shared Notes ...... 18 Presenting Content: Managing Questions and Answers ...... 18 Presenting Content: Questions - Raised Hand ...... 19 Module 4: Creating a Meeting ...... 20 Module4: Overview ...... 20 Scheduling a Meeting ...... 20 Promote Attendees to Presenters in Microsoft® Office Outlook ...... 20 Meet Now using Outlook...... 21 Start an Unscheduled Meeting in Live Meeting ...... 21 Turn an Existing Meeting into a Live meeting ...... 21 Inviting Attendees in Live Meeting ...... 22 Promoting Attendees to Presenters in Microsoft® Office Live Meeting ...... 22 Module 4 Summary ...... 22 Module 5: Recording a Meeting ...... 23 Set Up your Recording Options ...... 23 Record a Meeting ...... 23 Review and Playback ...... 23 Review and Playback ...... 24 Module 5: Summary ...... 24 Try it in Live Meeting ...... 24 Further Information ...... 25

Produced by Centre for Professional Learning and Development – 22 March 2010 Microsoft Office Live Meeting at Nottingham Trent University

About Microsoft Office Live Meeting 2007 If you need to install Microsoft® Office Live Meeting on a non NTU owned computer or gain access using a Macintosh please visit

Move your meeting room onto the web with Microsoft® Office Live Meeting.

Live Meeting is an online meeting space that enables you to meet with colleagues, students, other institutions, businesses and more; collaborating in real-time, and over long distances.

You can deliver a presentation, share ideas, edit files, collaborate on whiteboards and have face to face conversations with students and associates anywhere in the world without leaving your desk.

This course is aimed at NTU staff who will be using their office PC for access to meetings.

Copyright Information Microsoft is a Registered Trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

This guide was produced by the Centre for Professional Learning and Development to support Nottingham Trent University staff members in using Microsoft® Office Live Meeting 2007 and should not be used for any other purpose.

About The Course This course is split into five small self-paced modules with practice exercises. These are: • Module 1: Attending a Meeting • Module 2: Using Live Meeting • Module 3: Presenting in a Meeting • Module 4: Creating a Meeting • Module 5: Recording a Meeting

Produced by Centre for Professional Learning and Development – 22 March 2010 Microsoft Office Live Meeting at Nottingham Trent University

Module 1: Attending a Meeting

Module 1: Overview As a member of NTU staff, Microsoft(R) Office Live Meeting will already be installed onto your Office PC.

You can join a meeting directly from a invitation or from your calendar appointment whether you are the meeting host or an attendee.

This session which typically takes 10 minutes to complete will show you how.

Module 1: Learning Outcomes By the end of this 10 minute module you will be able to:

9 Using a simulation, join a Live Meeting from Microsoft Outlook 9 Identify the difference between Meet Now and Scheduled Meeting requests

The Live Meeting Request 1. Meet Now email request

2. Scheduled Meeting Request You can receive two types of meeting request. An email request for an immediate (ad hoc) meeting or a scheduled meeting invite.

If you have received a message for an immediate meeting (Meet Now email request) you can just click Join the meeting from inside the email.

2. To join a meeting which is scheduled at a later date, open up the appointment in your calendar or meeting request in your inbox and click on Join the meeting.

Try it! Step 1: Double click on your appointment to open it. Step 2: Then click on Join the Meeting inside the request. Step 3: The You are now connecting to the meeting message appears. After a few seconds you will be connected to Live Meeting.

Summary - Joining a Meeting

Meet Now email requests An impromptu meeting can be set up to start immediately. In this case an email request rather than a meeting request will be sent. You can join the meeting from within the message body.

Produced by Centre for Professional Learning and Development – 22 March 2010 Microsoft Office Live Meeting at Nottingham Trent University Meeting requests When a scheduled meeting is set up a calendar appointment invite similar to any other meeting request is sent.

When you accept the meeting, you will still be able to view the original request in your deleted items, or within your calendar.

To join the meeting open the appointment from your calendar when the meeting is due to start and click on Join the meeting.

Meetings can also be set up as recurring events.

Starting Voice and Video on your Computer After you join the meeting, you can talk with the others in a telephone conference call or by using a microphone.

You can click on the microphone icon to mute or unmute your microphone. (You will need headphones or a speaker to hear the audio.) If you have a Web cam and want others to see you, just

Click on the Web cam icon to share or stop sharing video.

A web cam and a headset are optional extras. The camera makes the most of the face to face experience but isn’t essential; neither is a headset as the audio element will work via a telephone.

If using computer headphones, click on the down arrow next to volume to access the volume controls in the Voice & Video pane.

Using your Phone as a Microphone and Speaker To join audio using any telephone: Call 0115 84 84448 and enter the Conference ID followed by # and the Passcode when prompted followed by #.

These details can be found within your meeting invite or, if you have already joined the meeting, in the Meeting Menu Bar item. If you are joining the conference from an analogue or mobile phone you will appear in the Attendees pane as your telephone number. If you are using an IP phone this will display your name.

You should appear in the Attendees list twice if you have already joined using your computer.

You may wish to check your computer microphone is muted (if you have one) by clicking on the microphone icon in Microsoft Office Live Meeting.

Produced by Centre for Professional Learning and Development – 22 March 2010 Microsoft Office Live Meeting at Nottingham Trent University Module 2: Using Microsoft® Office Live Meeting During the meeting you can adjust the volume, interact with others through chat or ask a question.

This module will explain the screen layout, how to customise your screen and interact in your meeting.

By then end of this module you will be able to: Choose the correct menu item to perform a task Understand how to personalise your screen

A Note on Meeting Roles There are two roles you could have when attending a Live Meeting.

• A Presenter • An Attendee

A Presenter will run the meeting once it has started. A Presenter can show and annotate documents from almost any software application, or share an application from their own computer in real time. The Presenter can turn the Live Meeting over to one of the attendees to control the application being shared. We will explore the tools available to the Presenter in the next module.

An attendee can interact with the Presenter by asking questions using a Q&A tool, or verbally using a conference call/microphone. They can establish a Chat session with the Presenter, or use a coloured indicator to raise their hand or call attention to a problem.

The Menu Bar Here is an image of the Menu bar. The Menu Bar is the upper most toolbar and has the following commands in order, left to right: Content, Attendees, Voice & Video, Q & A, Meeting, Recording, Volume, Microphone, Web cam, Handouts, Shared Notes, Feedback and Help.

Content The content pane allows you to manage, show and switch between content items, such as a whiteboard, documents, presentations, areas of your desktop and create a quick poll.

You will only see this menu item if you are a presenter or have been given permission to control the content. More information on permissions and sharing content is provided in Module 3.

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Attendees The attendees pane enables you to view all present in the meeting, invite more attendees (if you are a presenter), view whether they have video and/or audio and their feedback status.

Further information on managing attendees is provided in Module 3.

Voice and Video This pane includes the video and audio controls. You can mute your voice, adjust the volume through your headphones and turn your web cam on or off. You can also see both your own image and the current speaker (if web cams are used).

Further information on joining voice and video was covered in Module 1.

Q&A The questions and answers pane allows meeting members to pose questions to the presenter who can then choose whether or not to answer directly, show everyone the question and answer, or pass the question to the floor.

More information on managing questions and answers is included in Module 3.

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Meeting In this pane, meeting information is given including information for dialling into the conference. See Joining Voice and Video in Module 1.

Recording From the Recording pane you can change the location your recordings are saved to, choose what you wish to record, start and stop recording and playback earlier recordings.

Further information on creating and managing recordings is given in Module 5.

Volume This button mutes or unmutes sound from the conference (through your speakers or headset). These settings only affect your computer connection and not your call if you dialled in.

Microphone Icon This button mutes or unmutes your microphone (if you have one). These settings only affect your computer connection and not your call if you dialled in.

Produced by Centre for Professional Learning and Development – 22 March 2010 Microsoft Office Live Meeting at Nottingham Trent University

Web cam Icon This button allows you to send or stop sending video from your web cam.

Handouts This button opens the Handouts window where a presenter can upload files for attendees to download. More information on this tool is covered in Module 3.

Shared Notes Shared Notes is a text editor pane that all participants can use to type notes. This feature can be used to take and display meeting minutes, create a list of action items during a meeting, or to capture ideas.

Feedback The feedback drop down enables you to quickly alert the presenter to any issue you may have or raise your hand to ask a question without talking over the current speaker.

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Help From the help menu you can view Microsoft Office Live Meeting Online help files and provide feedback.

The Menu Bar - Docking a menu item By default your workspace is empty. The first six menu items on the Menu Bar are moveable panes. You can click a menu item and then drag the pane anywhere on your screen. If you drag a pane to the far left, far right or bottom of the Live Meeting screen you will see a blue shaded area appear.

Dropping a menu into a shaded area will dock the item (fix its location) so it can be kept in view on your screen.

In the example shown the Attendees pane is dragged and dropped onto the left hand panel of the screen.

Personalising Live Meeting Once you have arranged the menu items on your screen, Microsoft® Office Live meeting will remember your settings and this will now be your default layout.

Once your panes are fixed in this way you will be able to show and hide menu items just by clicking on their title on the menu bar. You can dock more than one pane into an area. In the example here, I have Voice & Video, Questions and Answers and Content panes all docked onto the left hand side of the screen, with the Attendees pane at the bottom.

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Interacting with others - Feedback If you are having difficulties - for example you can't hear the speaker or need assistance - you can alert the presenter and attendees using Feedback.

Your feedback status is shown next to your name in the Attendees pane.

To change your Feedback status: Click on the drop down arrow to the right of Feedback: Then click on the most appropriate item to change your status.

Interacting with others - Using Chat Both attendees and presenters can initiate Chat, a one-to-one instant messaging window. Presenters can also block chat from individuals. Chat conversations cannot be saved.

This is one way to get your attendees to discuss a topic in pairs, or for you to alert another presenter of an update or to check information without interrupting the whole meeting.

To initiate chat:

Step 1: Double click on the person's name in the Attendees pane or right click and click chat. This will open a 1:1 Chat window.

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Step 2: Enter your message in the bottom text box then click send.

Note: To use chat you will need to access the meeting using your computer. Once you have closed a 1:1 Chat window the whole conversation is cleared. You cannot save chat.

Produced by Centre for Professional Learning and Development – 22 March 2010 Microsoft Office Live Meeting at Nottingham Trent University

Module 2: Quick Quiz There are two questions where you are asked to choose the most appropriate menu item to perform a particular task.

Question 1 1) Which menu item would you use to upload documents for attendees to download?

Question 2 Which of the menu items would you use to complete the following actions?

1) Find the information to dial in to the meeting. 2) View an attendee's feedback status. 3) Tell the presenter you can't hear. 4) Share an area of your desktop.

Module 2: Quick Quiz - answers

There are two questions where you are asked to choose the most appropriate menu item to perform a particular task.

Question 1 1) Which menu item would you use to upload documents for attendees to download? Answer: Handouts.

Question 2 Which of the menu items would you use to complete the following actions?

1) Find the information to dial in to the meeting. Answer: Meeting. 2) View an attendee's feedback status. Answer: Attendees. 3) Tell the presenter you can't hear. Answer: Feedback. 4) Share an area of your desktop. Answer: Content.

Produced by Centre for Professional Learning and Development – 22 March 2010 Microsoft Office Live Meeting at Nottingham Trent University

Module 3: Presenting in a Meeting Microsoft Office Live Meeting is designed to focus on the content you are presenting. There are many ways you can present content and several options that allow you to customise the meeting as needed.

This module will enable you to complete the following tasks: Present content during the meeting Distribute handouts Check attendees’ status. Change attendees’ permissions to control how they interact with your content.

Presenting Content - Overview During meetings, presenters can show a prepared presentation, create new presentations pages, upload a Microsoft Office PowerPoint® presentation (.ppt), and upload Microsoft Office Word® documents or Microsoft Office Excel® spreadsheets. Any files that are uploaded are read only.

If you wanted to work collaboratively or make changes to a file you can open the file and share the program window.

You can also share anything on your desktop including webpages or any program you wish to view.

Need a blank screen to draw or write on? Create a whiteboard. Want to provide a PDF or complementary information to all meeting attendees? You can upload them as handouts. Want everyone to vote on a subject or gain some quick feedback? You can create a poll page.

Presenting Content: Attendees’ permissions

If you would like your attendees to be able to interact with your content, enter text into shared notes, make their own recordings of the meeting or upload documents to the meeting you will need to change their permissions.

To access attendees’ permissions settings: From the Attendees menu, click on the double arrows >> icon then click on Permissions.

Choose the permissions you wish to give your attendees.

To enable attendees to interact with content, tick Annotate current content. Allowing attendees to Use content tools will enable them to control and change the content everyone views!

When you have finished, click Close.

Presenting Content: Displaying a Presentation or Document Step 1: In the Content pane, click Share then Upload File (View Only).

Step 2: The Choose a document to share window appears. Navigate to the file you wish to import, and then click Open.

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Step 3: The importing window will appear. Wait for it to finish and close. Your attendees will now see your content.

Step 4: The file will be listed in the Content pane. You may wish to dock the Content pane so you can easily access your all of your content items (see Module 2: Moving Menu Items).

Step 5: You can move to the next and previous pages or slides using the toolbar at the bottom left of the screen or by pressing CTRL+ up arrow or CTRL + down arrow on your keyboard.

Presenting Content: Adding Pages to Content To insert a page into a document or presentation already added to your content: Step 1: In Content, click the presentation, into which you want to add a page, to show it (if not already being viewed). Step 2: Click on Thumbnails in the Content menu to view the Thumbnails window.

Step 3: Right click on the thumbnail directly above where you wish to place a new page and then click on Insert New Page. Step 4: You can then choose what type of page you wish to add.

Presenting Content: Annotating content using the editing tools When showing content the Editing Tools toolbar will appear at the bottom of the Live Meeting window.

There are 8 tools available.

From left to right these are: Select tool: use to turn back to mouse. Pointer: produces a red dot marking your cursor position to attendees. Draw Text: Produces a text box for you to type into to annotate the slide. Draw Freehand: Turns your mouse into a pen for drawing or writing. The drop down arrow on this button also enables you to create a rectangle, oval, line or arrow. Color Picker: this is available once you have selected Draw Text or Draw Freehand tools so you can change the colour of the ink you are using. Highlighter: this is a yellow highlighter tool. Drag across text to highlight it. Stamp Tool: Creates a tick, arrow or X where mouse is clicked on screen. Clear Annotations. This allows you to clear all annotations from your content.

Remember! If you want attendees to use these tools they need to be given permission to annotate the content.

Produced by Centre for Professional Learning and Development – 22 March 2010 Microsoft Office Live Meeting at Nottingham Trent University Presenting Content: Using a Whiteboard A whiteboard is a blank page which you can edit and annotate using the editing toolbar at the bottom of the Live Meeting Window.

You can create more than one whiteboard for use. To create and show a whiteboard:

Step 1: In the content menu item, click Share, and then click Whiteboard.

Step 2: When the whiteboard appears use the editing tools to create content.

To view a different content item click on the name of the item you wish to show in the Content menu item.

Presenting Content: Create a Poll Page A poll page is a quick way to get points of view or feedback by asking your attendees to vote. To insert a poll page:

Step 1: In content, click Share then click Poll Page

Step 2: The Create Poll window appears. Type a question and then type each choice you want to the attendees to choose from (you do not need to enter a choice in each box).

Step 3: Click OK.

The attendee’s responses are shown on your screen. If you want to show results to the attendees right-click on the poll page and click on Show Poll Results or press Ctrl+Shift+W

Presenting Content: Share a Web Page Sharing a web page will navigate to the you choose and show this within your live meeting workspace. All functionality of the website will be available, however new windows will not be displayed. Step 1: In Content, click on Share, then Web Page.

Step 2: The New Web Page window appears. Enter the address of the website you wish to use. Then click on Verify Web Page.

Step 3: Wait for the Web Page check to finish. Then click on Create Web.

Produced by Centre for Professional Learning and Development – 22 March 2010 Microsoft Office Live Meeting at Nottingham Trent University

Presenting Content: Share an Application or File Microsoft® Office Live Meeting provides several ways of sharing an application or file.

One way is to Share a Program. You would share this way if you wanted to work collaboratively or edit the file. Step 1: Open the program and/or file you wish to share.

Step 2: In Content, click Share, then click Share a Program.

Step 3: You will see a list of applications that are open on your computer. Click the name of the application you want to display.

The application you selected to share will now be visible to all attendees. When sharing begins, the Live Meeting window is replaced by the file that you have chosen to share. At the top of the file appears the Sharing toolbar with command icons that you use to control and end the sharing process.

Presenting Content: Sharing Controls Toolbar

Step 1: To give control of the application to a participant - click the Share Control icon.

Step 2: In the Give Control dialog box, select a participant's name, click OK, and then, in the Give Control dialog box, click Yes.

Step 3: To take control, the attendee clicks OK in the Live Meeting dialog box

Step 4: Click the Share Control icon to continue sharing and take control back from the participant, or choose another participant with whom to share control.

Step 5: Click the End sharing and return to Live Meeting icon to finish sharing and return to the presenter meeting client.

Handy hint: To share your entire desktop or a selected area on your computer, in the Content pane, click Share, click Share Your Desktop, and then select All to share your entire desktop or select Selected Area to share a selected area on your computer.

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Presenting Content: Distributing Handouts As the presenter, you can upload handouts to the meeting for attendees to download. You can upload the handouts either before the meeting (recommended) or during the meeting. Live Meeting scans the file for viruses as the file is being uploaded. How to upload handouts to the meeting: Step 1: In the menu bar, click on Handouts Step 2: Click Upload. Step 3: Navigate to the file on your computer, and then click Open. Step 4: Repeat the above steps for each file you want to add. When you are finished, close the Handouts dialog box. Note: Remember to inform your attendees that handouts are available by clicking on the Handouts icon, then selecting the file and clicking on Download.

Presenting Content: Shared Notes With the shared notes feature, you can take and save notes during your meeting with the option to share the pane with your attendees. You can also give attendees permission to edit the notes in real time with you and save the notes to their PC. To add notes Step 1: Click on Shared Notes Icon. Step 2: In the text box, type your notes. Save your notes Step 3: In Shared notes, click the save icon. Step 4: In the Save As dialog box, choose the location in which you would like to save the notes then Click Save.

Reminder: To change attendees’ permissions: In the Attendees pane, click on the double arrows >>, then on Permissions.

Presenting Content: Managing Questions and Answers Presenters can use the Q&A pane to review and respond to attendees’ questions. The Q&A pane identifies the person who asked the question and the time it was posted. You can Chat to the person to answer their query, Answer the question or Dismiss the question. To answer a question Step 1: In the Q&A pane, click on the Manage tab Step 2: Click the question you want to answer Step 3: Enter your response in the answer box. You can then choose whether you want to Reply Privately, or Reply to All.

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Presenting Content: Questions - Raised Hand Attendees can raise their hand if they have a question. You can then ask them to voice their question when you have a natural break to do so.

When a question has been asked, rather than answering using the Q&A tool, you can voice the question and your answer and then dismiss the question in the Manage tab. Click on the Manage Tab in the Q&A Pane. A hand icon next to a person’s name in the questions list shows they have raised their hand to ask a question. When you have dealt with the question, click on the Dismiss Question icon (red cross).

Produced by Centre for Professional Learning and Development – 22 March 2010 Microsoft Office Live Meeting at Nottingham Trent University Module 4: Creating a Meeting

Module4: Overview Most meetings are scheduled in advance, but what about those times where an email conversation or a telephone call turn into more. You can start an ad hoc meeting using Meet Now.

Meetings can be created using the Add-in for Microsoft Office Outlook, from Microsoft Office Live Meeting or Microsoft Office Communicator, making meetings easier than ever to start up. By the end of this 15 minute module you will be able to tested by simulation: Create a meeting, Invite attendees, Promote an attendee to a presenter Send an appointment/calendar invite.

Scheduling a Meeting After you have participated in a Live Meeting, you'll probably want to schedule Live Meetings yourself. After you have participated in a Live Meeting, you'll probably want to schedule Live Meetings yourself. You can do that using Outlook, in a similar way to how you would schedule other meetings. To schedule a meeting in Outlook:

Step 1: Click Schedule a Live Meeting

Step 2: On the Appointment tab add your attendees into the To... field, enter a title for your meeting in the Subject: text box, choose the time and date of meeting and add any message you wish to appear in your meeting invite.

Step 3: Click Send

Promote Attendees to Presenters in Microsoft® Office Outlook You can promote attendees to presenters whilst creating the meeting invite. If you forget you can always do this during the meeting.

Step 1: In your Outlook meeting invite, click on Attendees/Presenters on the Live Meeting Toolbar.

Step 2: In the Attendees and Presenters window that appears, click on the name of the person you wish to be a presenter, then click Add >>

Step 3: Their name will now be listed under the Presenters: column, on the right hand side. Click OK.

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Meet Now using Outlook. Starting a meeting couldn't be easier.

You can create an immediate meeting just by clicking Meet Now in Microsoft® Office Outlook. Creating a meeting this way will allow you to send an email to the attendees with the link to join without having to go anywhere else.

Remember to copy yourself into the meeting so you receive the information to join. Quick Instructions:

Step 1: Click on Meet Now.

Step 2: Add your attendees to the To.. box of your email.

Step 3: Copy yourself into the email

Step 4: Click Send.

Step 5: Open your email and click Join the Meeting.

If you need to promote an attendee to a presenter this will need to be done within Live Meeting. (see promoting attendees page).

Start an Unscheduled Meeting in Live Meeting You can also start an immediate meeting directly from Microsoft Office Live Meeting. If you ever want to practice using Live Meeting this is a quick way of getting into the software.

Step 1: Launch Microsoft® Office Live Meeting from your start menu. Start | All Programs | Microsoft Office Live Meeting 2007 | Microsoft Office Live Meeting 2007

Step 2: On the Welcome to Microsoft® Office Live Meeting screen, click Meet Now.

Step 3: Upload your content, set up your voice and video (or call in), upload any handouts you wish to make available, change the attendees’ permissions as appropriate and invite your attendees.

Turn an Existing Meeting into a Live meeting You don't need to reschedule existing meetings to move its location to Live Meeting. How to move your meeting to the web:

Step 1: Open the appointment you scheduled from your calendar.

Step 2: Click on Make this a Live Meeting

Step 3: Promote attendees to presenters if appropriate.

Step 4: Click Send.

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Inviting Attendees in Live Meeting If you have started a Meet Now from the Live Meeting Welcome Screen or have started a meeting and wish to invite another person into your meeting you do not need to leave Live Meeting! How to invite attendees:

Step 1: In the Attendees pane, click on Invite. Then click By E-mail...

Step 2: This will create a new email including the meeting details. Add the people you wish to invite into the To... field.

Step 3: Click Send

Promoting Attendees to Presenters in Microsoft® Office Live Meeting You can promote an attendee to a presenter at any time during the meeting. You cannot demote a presenter to an attendee so ensure this is what you want to do. To promote an attendee to a presenter:

Step 1: View the Attendees pane.

Step 2: Right click on the attendee you wish to promote.

Step 3: Click on Promote to Presenter

Module 4 Summary This module looked at how to create an immediate and a scheduled meeting, how to invite attendees and promote an attendee to a presenter.

9 Turn an existing meeting into a Live Meeting at a click of a button. Open your appointment and click Make this a Live Meeting 9 Create an immediate meeting by launching Microsoft Office Live Meeting from the start menu and then clicking on Meet Now. 9 Promote any of your attendees to a presenter while sending out your calendar appointment invite to a scheduled meeting. You can also do this during the meeting by right clicking on an attendee in the Attendee pane. 9 Create an email invite to an immediate meeting or a calendar appointment invite to a scheduled (future meeting) in Outlook. 9 Invite attendees from inside your meeting, so it’s never too late for someone to attend.

Produced by Centre for Professional Learning and Development – 22 March 2010 Microsoft Office Live Meeting at Nottingham Trent University

Module 5: Recording a Meeting A recording feature in Live Meeting lets you capture all keystrokes, slides and audio of a meeting.

Live Meeting has a real advantage over face-to-face meetings: you can record a Live Meeting in detail. More than someone's meeting notes, more than a snapshot of the whiteboard - a complete recording. Best of all, you don't need to set up special arrangements. Live Meeting is designed to make this an easy option.

Set Up your Recording Options Step 1: From the Menu bar, click on Recording. Then click on Options.

Step 2: The Personal Recording Options window appears. Select all of the meeting options you want to include (for example voice and video).

If you want to change the location where the recorded meeting is saved, next to the Save To text box, click change. Navigate to the folder you wish to save to, and then click OK. Step 3: Click OK to exit or click on Record to start recording.

Record a Meeting To record a meeting: In the recording menu item, click Record Press Pause to pause recording. Press Resume to continue recording paused recording. To Stop recording: Press Stop. You will then be asked if you would like to Save recording, Delete recording or Continue recording. Press OK to save. Note: All present will be made aware when you start a recording. Please check you are not infringing any copyrights before proceeding.

Review and Playback You access your recordings within the Live Meeting Recording Manager. You can launch this from within a Live Meeting or from your Start Menu. To launch Live Meeting Recording Manager from Live Meeting.

Within the Recording pane, click on the double arrows >> then on Saved Recordings. To launch Live Meeting Recording Manager from your start menu:

Click Start | All Programs | Microsoft Office Live Meeting 2007 | Microsoft Office Live Meeting Recording Manager

Produced by Centre for Professional Learning and Development – 22 March 2010 Microsoft Office Live Meeting at Nottingham Trent University

Review and Playback You can play a recording back by double clicking on the recording or right-click on the title then click on Play. The meeting recording will then play in your default internet browser. If the yellow Information Bar appears at the top of your browser, right click on the bar, click Allow Blocked Content, and then Yes.

Module 5: Summary You can record a meeting using the Recording pane in Live Meeting.

Clicking on options in the Recording Pane allows you to change where the file is saved.

You can play back your recording from inside a meeting or by launching the Microsoft Office Live Meeting Recording Manager from your start menu.

In the Live Meeting recording pane, click on >> then on Saved Recordings.

From the start menu: Start | All Programs | Microsoft Office Live Meeting 2007 | Microsoft Office Live Meeting Recording manager

Try it in Live Meeting Activity - To practice, complete the following task on your PC.

9 Launch Microsoft® Office Live Meeting 2007 from your start menu and click on Meet Now.

9 Arrange your screen by docking the Attendees, Q&A, Voice & Video and Content panes.

9 Upload a document or presentation.

9 Change attendees’ permissions to allow attendees to annotate the content.

9 Create a Web Page and create a Poll Page.

9 Invite attendees to the meeting (if a colleague(s) is/are willing to help you practice).

9 Promote an attendee to a presenter.

Produced by Centre for Professional Learning and Development – 22 March 2010 Microsoft Office Live Meeting at Nottingham Trent University

Further Information To discuss how you can use Live Meeting in your area contact your Business Relationship Manager.

If you or your team wish to request a classroom based training course, please contact [email protected]

A printable user guide, information on how to access this from a home PC or Macintosh, and FAQS can be found on the Information Services website.

If you wish to provide feedback on this learning material, please address this in an email to [email protected]

Produced by Centre for Professional Learning and Development – 22 March 2010