Oral Low Dose and Topical Tamoxifen for Breast Cancer Prevention: Modern Approaches for an Old Drug

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Oral Low Dose and Topical Tamoxifen for Breast Cancer Prevention: Modern Approaches for an Old Drug Lazzeroni et al. Breast Cancer Research 2012, 14:214 http://breast-cancer-research.com/content/14/5/214 REVIEW Oral low dose and topical tamoxifen for breast cancer prevention: modern approaches for an old drug Matteo Lazzeroni1,*, Davide Serrano1, Barbara K Dunn2, Brandy M Heckman-Stoddard2, Oukseub Lee3, Seema Khan3 and Andrea Decensi1,4 Abstract Tamoxifen is a drug that has been in worldwide use for the treatment of estrogen receptor (ER)-positive breast cancer for over 30 years; it has been used in both the metastatic and adjuvant settings. Tamoxifen’s approval for breast cancer risk reduction dates back to 1998, after results from the Breast Cancer Prevention Trial, co-sponsored by the National Cancer Institute and the National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project, showed a 49% reduction in the incidence of invasive, ER-positive breast cancer in high-risk women. Despite these positive fi ndings, however, the public’s attitude toward breast cancer chemoprevention remains ambivalent, and the toxicities associated with tamoxifen, particularly endometrial cancer and thromboembolic events, have hampered the drug’s uptake by high-risk women who should benefi t from its preventive eff ects. Among the strategies to overcome such obstacles to preventive tamoxifen, two novel and potentially safer modes of delivery of this agent are discussed in this paper. Low-dose tamoxifen, expected to confer fewer adverse events, is being investigated in both clinical biomarker- based trials and observational studies. A series of systemic biomarkers (including lipid and insulin-like growth factor levels) and tissue biomarkers (including Ki-67) are known to be favorably aff ected by conventional tamoxifen dosing and have been shown to be modulated in a direction consistent with a putative anti-cancer eff ect. These fi ndings suggest possible benefi cial clinical preventive eff ects by low-dose tamoxifen regimens and they are supported by observational studies. An alternative approach is topical administration of active tamoxifen metabolites directly onto the breast, the site where the cancer is to be prevented. Avoidance of systemic administration is expected to reduce the distribution of drug to tissues susceptible to tamoxifen-induced toxicity. Clinical trials of topical tamoxifen with biological endpoints are still ongoing whereas pharmacokinetic studies have already shown that appropriate formulations of drug successfully penetrate the skin to reach breast tissue, where a preventive eff ect is sought. Introduction of tamoxifen, while still retaining its benefi cial anti- At present, tamoxifen is the only proven oral agent for cancer properties, are currently being explored. One such the adjuvant hormonal treatment of hormone receptor- strategy for improving the risk/benefi t profi le of this positive breast cancer in premenopausal women [1], and agent has been to examine the effi cacy of lower doses, it can be used in both pre- and postmenopausal women which are anticipated to be associated with lower toxicity. who are at increased risk of breast cancer [2]. However, Another novel preventive strategy that is currently under the toxicities of tamoxifen, such as thromboembolic investigation is the topical application of either tamoxifen events and endometrial cancer, still pose a clinically or its active metabolites. Th ese two promising alter na- signifi cant problem overall, especially in the prevention tives, oral low dose and topical administration of tamoxi- setting. Novel strategies to reduce the adverse side eff ects fen or its active metabolites, are discussed in the present review (Figure 1). Here we present the results of several phase II trials (listed in Table 1), a description of ongoing *Correspondence: [email protected] 1Divisions of Cancer Prevention and Genetics, European Institute of Oncology, phase III trials, and future prospects using this approach. Milan, Italy Full list of author information is available at the end of the article Oral low-dose tamoxifen for breast cancer prevention An overview of the adjuvant tamoxifen clinical trials © 2010 BioMed Central Ltd © 2012 BioMed Central Ltd revealed that the effi cacy of 20 mg/day of tamoxifen was Lazzeroni et al. Breast Cancer Research 2012, 14:214 Page 2 of 11 http://breast-cancer-research.com/content/14/5/214 Figure 1. The eff ects of tamoxifen on human tissues. (a,b) Systemic administration of low tamoxifen (a) and topical administration of tamoxifen metabolites (b). Topical tamoxifen avoids high systemic exposure to 4-hydroxytamoxifen compared with standard oral tamoxifen, a 16- to 18-fold diff erence, thus reducing the risk of systemic side eff ects. Breast tissue concentrations seem to be suffi cient to achieve inhibition of tumor cell proliferation to the same degree as that seen with the standard dose of oral tamoxifen (20 mg/day) but with much lower plasma levels. Tamoxifen has both good and bad eff ects on specifi c human tissues. Development of new approaches should maximize the good eff ects and minimize the bad eff ects. equivalent to that of higher doses of the drug (that is, 30 reducing the tamoxifen dose to the human-equivalent to 40 mg/day) [3]. Clinical studies addressing the minimal dose of 1 mg/day does not diminish the drug’s inhibitory active dose of tamoxifen have not been conducted so far. activity on mammary tumor formation [4]. Additional On the other hand, data from animal studies indicate that preclinical evidence has shown that the antitumor eff ect Lazzeroni et al. Breast Cancer Research 2012, 14:214 Page 3 of 11 http://breast-cancer-research.com/content/14/5/214 Table 1. Summary of the main published trials on low dose tamoxifen Number of Study Treatment patients Population Primary endpoint Comment Breuer et al. TAM 20 mg/day (91%) 1,385 Women 65 years and older Bone fracture Although standard treatment 1998 [80] TAM 10 mg/day (9%) matched of 20 mg TAM daily off ers no with 5,196 apparent protection against bone controls fracture in older nursing home residents, a daily 10 mg dose seems to be protective Decensi et al. Placebo 127 Healthy women Total cholesterol (primary) Up to a 75% reduction in the 1998 [11] TAM 20 mg/day Hysterectomized Surrogate markers of conventional dose of TAM (that cardiovascular disease, IGF-I is, 20 mg/day) does not aff ect TAM 10 mg/day 35 to 70 years the activity of the drug on a large TAM 10 mg alternate number of biomarkers, most of days which are surrogate markers of cardiovascular disease de Lima et al. Placebo 56 Premenopausal women ER alpha PgR Ki-67 apoptotic Excisional biopsy was performed 2003 [25] TAM 5 mg/day with a diagnosis of bodies and mitotic index on the 50th day of therapy. fi broadenoma of the breast Normal breast tissue samples TAM 10 mg/day were collected during surgery. TAM 20 mg/day Diff erences in the expression of ERa, PgR, Ki-67, apoptotic bodies and mitotic index between the diff erent groups after treatment can be seen on the normal breast tissue Decensi et al. TAM 1 mg/day 120 ER+, BC patients Ki-67 modulation Ki-67 expression decreased to 2003 [26] TAM 5 mg/day 4 weeks before surgery a similar degree among the three TAM dose groups. Ki-67 Decensi et al. TAM 20 mg/day 2010 (f-up) [30] expression after short-term TAM is a good predictor of recurrence- free survival and overall survival Decensi et al. TAM 1 mg/day 210 Current or de novo HRT IGF-I IGF-I declined in all TAM arms 2007 [44] TAM 5 mg/day users (P = 0.005), with a greater change on 5 mg/day. Tamoxifen did TAM 10 mg/week not increase endometrial Ki-67 Placebo expression Decensi et al. TAM 5 mg/day 235 Premenopausal women Plasma IGF-I Despite favorable eff ects 2009 [35] FEN 200 mg/day pT1mic/pT1a BC; Mammographic density; on plasma IGF-I levels and mammographic density, the TAM + FEN OR Intraepithelial neoplasia; uterine eff ects; breast neoplastic events after combination of low-dose TAM Placebo OR Gail risk at fi ve years 5.5 years plus FEN did not reduce breast ≥1.3% neoplastic events Bonanni et al. ANA 1 mg/day 75 Postmenopausal women Plasma drug concentrations The addition of weekly TAM 2009 [41] TAM 10 mg/week with previous breast Biomarker modulation administration did not impair intraepithelial neoplasia anastrozole bioavailability and ANA + TAM modulated favorably its safety profi le Guerrieri Gonzaga TAM 20 mg/week 680 Women with previous DIN Second primary breast High ER and especially high PgR et al. 2010 [49] TAM 5 mg/day cancer (in situ or invasive) expression is a signifi cant adverse prognostic indicator of DIN, and low-dose TAM appears to be an active treatment. Women with low-expression ER or PgR DIN do not seem to benefi t from TAM ANA, anastrozole; BC, breast cancer; DIN, ductal intraepithelial neoplasia; ER, estrogen receptor; ER+, estrogen-receptor positive; FEN, fenretinide; HRT, hormone replacement therapy; IGF, insulin-like grow factor; PgR, progesterone receptor; TAM, tamoxifen. of the drug reaches a plateau above the concentration cancer during tamoxifen treatment [7-9] and taking into that saturates estrogen receptors [5,6]. account the long plasma half life (4 to 11 days after the Given the consistent data from adjuvant therapy trials steady state is reached [10]), dose reduction and inter- of a dose- and duration-dependent risk of endometrial mittent administration off er plausible ways to improve Lazzeroni et al. Breast Cancer Research 2012, 14:214 Page 4 of 11 http://breast-cancer-research.com/content/14/5/214 the safety profi le of tamoxifen. Together, all these obser- setting involved a study of the eff ect on levels of vations suggest that the use of lower doses of the drug ultrasensitive C-reactive protein (CRP), an index of low- off ers a reasonable approach to minimizing toxicity while grade vascular infl ammation and an important risk retaining activity.
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