fyiume Silty-three Published at Superior. Nebr., 1. S. A. Slumber One

7 ? / jJn l r\

* $ T o l u , V

Wt D O N ’T forget the Collectors ^ Conventions at Chicago and Galveston this month.

>C V&Mm f ■ ^ 4

W Cr /V -l N TCS/t _ w._jtny»t n « C**J William .1. Seever, one of the Western Curio Concern. St Louis. Mo. k.___

!p a i ■ • p i 5 0 c Get your Ad Copy in at once for ll.QO for three years. Our Early hall Issue. !fi |tfi Interesting Offerings ... In Coins ...

15c U. S. Fractional Currency, Bust of Columbia, new and crisp ...... $ 1.0c 10c Meredith, new crisp ...... 20 25c W alker, new and c ris p ...... 40 England, 1911, farthing and ■/* penny of Geo. V., just issued ...... 08 P ortugal, 1908, 500 reis (*£ d o llar) of K ing M anuel, u n c irc u la te d ...... 1.23 England, 1216-72, silver penny of Henry III., fine...... 35 England, 1272-1307, silver penny of Edw. I., fin e ...... 25 England, 1558-1602, Eli/.abeth, 6 pence, d a te d ...... 3.5 England, 1797, Cartw heel 2 pence, large copper coin, weight 2 o z...... 50 E ngland, 1797, sam e, 1 penny, wt. 1 o z ...... 25 £ 3 different Colonial bills issued before 1776, from Va., Pa., and N. J., Hi the three-—fine...... 85 S Spain, gold dollar issued before 1800, fine...... 1.60 Mexico, gold dollar, eagle on cactus, fine ...... 1.50 Hi Jap an , silver yen or dollar, curious dragon, fin e...... 75 Hi N igeria, 1|10 penny, curious alum inum coin, fin e...... 05 Hi Sam e, 1 penny, u n c irc u la te d ...... 10 Scotland, 1560, silver plack o f Queen M ary, fin e...... 73 Ireland, 1689, Gun money, Vz crown of Jns. II., fine...... 35 Ireland, 1625-49, F a rth in g o f Chas. I., fin e...... 15 Hi U. S. Gold dollar, either small or large size, line ...... 2.50 Hi T urkey, gold dollar, fin e...... 115 P ersia, gold '/z dollar, B ust o f Shah, fin e...... 90 i M ontenegro, 1 p ara, unc. r e d ...... 06 Hi Rutlam (India) % anna, curious portraits of the Hindoo monkey god... .15 Transvaal, 1892-96, Kruger 2 shillings with his portrait...... 65 Burmah, silver 2 annas, Peacock and curious Native Ins., fine...... 15 Prussia, 1911, The curious Jubilee 2 mark piece struck in too high relief Hi and recalled, u n c ...... 1-35 Spain (1492) Gold 2 ducats of Ferdinand & Isabella, with jheir busts, fine 8.00 Loo Choo Islands, oval tem po, fine...... •I*1 Abyssinia (1894) 1 [20 dollar Bust of Negus, fine ...... Send for free lists.

$t. Louis Stamp $ Coin Co. ns n nth st $t. Louis, mo. ______THE ■"1111 MOST Wonderful Bargain ever Offered 1000 WELL ASSORTED STAMPS including 1 Argentine new pictorial issue unused 2 Belgium, Parcel stamps fine high values. 4 Jubilee] Austria China (issue) 1 King's head, New Zealand. 1 Tunis (Pictorial) 1 Turkey 1910.issue (with]new Sultan’s'signature). THE LOT Only 20 Cents Money refunded if not satisfied.

Those who ask for my “ world famed” approval sheets and send % dollar bill (the 5c extra to help pay postage) will receive in addi­ tion to the above a Sample lot of'my patent mounts . Perforation gauge and A Grand Set Of 10 Roumania Free. H. C. Watkins, - Haitlands, Granville Road, Barnet, England. .. . . Coronation Postcards .... Of King George V.

A magnificent series showing practically every part of the splendid cere­ monial Procession, The State Coach, The Cream Horses, Their Majesties returning in the State Coach, Showing Themselves to the people on the balcony at Buckingham Palace, The Crowded Streets, The Soldiers, etc., etc., printed in Black Set of 20 different Post Free To Any Part Of The World. 42 CENTS These cards are exquisitely printed and are a splendid memento of the Historic E v en t...... WILLIAM S. LINCOLN, 2 Holies St., Oxford St., LONDON, W., ENGLAND. The Oldest Established Stamp Dealer In The World. Send for my Stani y Lists and see what Mr. Brodstone says of these ca^ds in this number. THROW A W AY// Those Old Fashioned Mounts YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO WASTE TIME BUY SOHE “PATENT” STRIP MOUNTS *••*' They are much more handy t


evr aemr Detector. Watermark Beaver pret eie o i anty tly n ta s in for device perfect A Fie tce A e u . ium rem P A r o F rticle A ine F A valuable coupons w ith p u rch ases. W anted 500 good copies of U. S. 13c, 13c, S. U. give and of copies discount, t good n e c 500 anted per W 50 at ases. al v rch u ro p p ap ith w on s p coupons stam valuable fine our send We o 18uue 2cl00bes nges7, ohfr2c otad Reee e J ces exico M eferen R . them postpaid. for 26c for ash c both pay 7c, o> s e e g d in tra h st ill e w b s, 22c,l,000 titie n a u q unused 118 or le No. g sin issue, 1909 are required. required. are 10 tamarne " " e rin a m ltra U $1.00 sed u Sq. ut C Black 2c nv. E 2cRed c r Vilt ...... “ reen G 50c iolet V ark D lc . . ii W.81 4h v. Soae Wash. W Spokane. Ave., ...... —14th 18 8 . •' W rili, e v A H. E. Red 10c . . le, 33 enlsS. Srvpr, La. Shreveport, St., Reynolds 1323 Allen, O.E. eioPnm rts Colonies &British MexicoPanama W holesale P ric e s To D ealers ealers D To s e ric P holesale W eta ad ot American, South and Central ***« i ******«*«* « * « * * * * * * • « * * * * * * * * * * ik* * * * * * * * * * * « * * * « « « * * * ny 0 Postpaid 10c Only evr ok Co., Book Beaver n prvl t5 prc o 0pr et Vey fine. ery V cent. per 60 to t n ce per 50 at approval On .S Posal ai 1 tmps. Stam s1 g Savin l sta o P S. U. Owl Stamp Co., Co., Stamp Owl dr unde 3c otg e tra. ex postage 35c er d n u rders O ! O C ! ! ! E C I T O N ! ( ...... how­ w o sh 1882 W. W. o u r 60 per cent approval sh eets a g a in st st in a g a eets sh approval references. cent per 60 r u o . Alay N.Y. N lbany, A t., S IL EXCHANGE WILL 3 view p o stcard s 1 larg e U. S. ceot ceot S. U. e larg 1 s stcard o p view 3 a stero cam era. 22cal W inchester , revol­ rifle, to lso A au inchester cal 32 & W er. 22cal revolver leath Colt in era. cal 22 cam bound , stero a ssen iem 2 von arrow s, type or cuts. M ake us au offer. offer. au us ake M cuts. or type s, arrow fi r 2-‘c. Jo h n A. Hell w ig, 49 C linton linton Alt C 49 ig, w Hell grasp! to A. n h turn Jo our Y 2-‘c. r fi coin. foreign P ractice of M edicine, edited by Dr. H. H. Dr. by edited edicine, M of ractice P ver,all good as new, for stam p s, coins, coins, s, p stam for new, as good ver,all o $£J ah o $60 n i . y ry T e. tim on $1600 or cash, $1£0J for e r ,100 h in g e s,1 stam p m agazine,3com ic ic cov­ al in agazine,3com m rig p o s,1stam e g foreign in 1h ,100 ps, r e stam S. U. fO 22 Afso have an 80 acre farm th a t will sell sell will t a th farm acre 80 an have Afso One 17 vol. set of C yclopedia of the the of yclopedia C of set vol. 17 One Only 40 Packets at 25c each! 75 foreign foreign 75 each! 25c at Packets Only40 d I- o Agls Clf, ,. . « A. ,S. U Calif., Angeles, Los SI.- nd. 4U*t>eri*4.r.. 9', B TO OS .B '«,A .9 n C D R .nrr.f.A *itf>de*r*i’*,4 +4hU if : S P M A T S H)o.18C,3

>5 0 3 China, k>fypt,&c.. k>fypt,&c.. China, OQ •Unatiam, i n i t r a B Agf* nv4..50ji.t, miofe.nv4..50ji.t, 2c* HJc, .10 $ 1 1 1.00

.10 .35

00 00 00 00 Stamp Minn & m « « m m m « « m m 1 m m _ A'

HARKS STAHP COMPANY «M Spadlaa Awaac .... Toroata, Canada The House for Stamp B arfalaa^L aitcii Stock of Stampa la Brltlah North America Special Bargains—Cheapeat Brer Offered. Compare theae prices. They are the cheapest In America. Everything guaranteed. Your money back If wanted so you take no chances. No two alike In seta or packets. Terms cash with order. All different in following sets: 7 Nvassa. different ...... 10.18 so r * n h a ______n 10 PeralA ...... T_ .08 100 Cuba ...... ISO 127 Cuba ...... i! 4 8 S a m o a ...... OS 75 T urkey ...... 84 SO S p a in ...... 11 19 Liberia, different...... LOO 40 L iberia ...... iOO 4 M alta ...... 06 26 Slam ...... 74 100 U. 8...... 10 7 Siam ...... 15 50 Spain ...... 11 10 Brazil ...... 05 1ft ...... 03 10 Peru ...... 04 7 P ersia ...... 04 16 Chill ...... 07 5!R Ttaly ...... 04 20 A frica ...... 08 r h ' . . . . .19 20 Asia ...... 04 ft fn r.9 ...... _ .06 10 Capes ...... 04 Kl) ArIh ...... 17 6 Chfna ...... 05 10 T unis ...... 07 25 China ...... *0 6 C yprus ...... 05 8 H aw aii ...... 19 1ft Strait* ...... 07 10 Crete ...... *15 60 U. S...... 08 1 0 T u r k e y :::::::::::: ...... <* 20 T urkey ...... 07 7 Iceland ...... 20 60 T urkey ...... ££

50 P ersia e83 125 Persia I...... *.16 200 Persia ...... 2.99 8 Liberia ...... 19 Ifl R rn r.ll ...... 05 15 Finland ...... 1 * 26 ” | .13 jn Riicmta .09

14 ,f T , ...... , .03 40 Paraguay ...... Lou 60 " .35 40 H aiti ...... 1-22 200 U. S...... l-J! 10 Cuba ...... 5* ftft Wnllftnrt 10 15 Swiss ...... 2; 10 Bolivia ...... *2;

fl St .14 1 A T*r» C l nio n * 1 9. 6 Fljlg ...... 4 H orta . . *......

17 \fpTtrn 1)9 1ft TrlnlHaH 12

Sftft TTnltAri fltatha 1 29

17 Tunis ...... 26 10 Slam ...... 25 2ft Urn*11 .14

Iftft A fH n a fiR 1ft Walt! .17 1R India 04 40 Japan ...... 05 10 Newfoundland ..... ft* (0 A ustralia ...... eft 10 French Colonies ... 9 7ft 100 French Colonies ... 100 Nicaragua ...... ISO French Colonies ... 100 A u s t r i a ...... 1 7K 100 French Colonies .., . 1 RA 100 Portugal Colonies .. 100 Belgium ...... _ .fin 16 H aw aii ...... Oft 19 H aw aii ...... 20 Transvaal ...... 10 Newfoundland ...... 10 T a s m a n ia ...... 1) W urtem b u rg ...... 5 Montenegro ...... 5 Z a n z ib a r...... SO Holland ...... 10 Indo C hina ...... 13 N yassa ...... 100 Australia ...... *£ 100 British Colonies .... 100 South A m erica ...... 25 P eru ...... 10 Qold C o a s t...... *f» 10 Nicaragua ...... 7ft to New Z e a la n d ...... 10 Salvador ...... 1ft 10 Queensland ...... 40 India ...... ,7R 18 Haiti ...... 40 P«rn ...... 7ft 28 R ussia ...... 100 Turkey ...... 70 Mexico ...... Aft 15 Servla ...... 12 Victoria ...... 10 Mexico Revenues ...... 15 H onduras ...... ___ 1ft 4 Lagos ...... 1ft 7 Monaco ...... 1A 10 Ceylon ...... 6 St, Vincent Revenues .... 15 Ceylon ...... 6 Grenada Revenues ...... 12 Bosnia ...... i nn 20 Bosnia ...... Aft SO Belgium ...... 45 Borneo and Labuan ...... ___ 1.50 60 Belgium ...... (50 Brazil ...... 8 Cyprus ...... 40 Bulgaria ...... 25 Greece ...... _ f i f t 60 Brasil ...... 7ft 85 Canada ...... 16 Queensland ...... 13 Johore ...... 50 Honduras ...... 20 New South W ales ...... 17 T u n is ...... 7R If you are Interested In buying stamps at bargain prices, look above offers ov.r carefully. We make this statement without fear of competition. Compare them with other dealers. Our prices are 25 to 100 per cent, cheaper. MARKS STAMP COMPANY 414 Spndlna Avenue - - - - Toronto Canada Approval Sheets, 25, so, aud 75 Postage Stamps on approval per cent sheets for beginners a special­ at Vj off catalog. Fnglish peelable ty, 1000 different, {2.00. Reference. hinges.15c per 1000;celluloid millimeter Bluff City Stamp To., Council Bluffs,la. scale 10c. W illiam Jo st, 525 N . 13 5 t.. POSTMARKS! — Ten thousand, nearly (3), East St. Louis, Illinois. every state. Ten cent* silver brings you thirty. HOUTKAMP.67110th St., Milwaukee, Wis. 5 4. STAMPS PRINTING-Hinges per 1000 10c, Blank Approval Books, The Very Latest Price List Of hold 60 stamps, 10 for 15c or sold BRITISH COLONIALS. in any quantity.ask for pri:es. Cheap, m oderate, and rare stam p s are Stamps from my ap­ quoted for. and C ollectors will be su r­ proval books at 50 per prised how reasonable they can obtain cent off Scott’s, send their w ants from me. D on’t buy a n ­ other stam p u n til you see it. B ritish references. 4 American stamps are all quoted for Get my prices on job printing, Post free but please do not use post cards when sen d in g for list. Printing exchanged for stamps. l e v n t i n n Mayfield Ave.. Chis- E.D. Murdoch, Tunkhannock, Pa. B • l - v V n l i r H ) , wick.London. W. Eng. m m m m m m m m •••••••••••• I Just Published. Entered at Stationers' Hall. I

Size 9 inches by 11 inches. ALBUM FOR KING EDWARD VII, POSTAGE STAMPS, With Spaces For Every Known Variety Of Watermark, Also Varieties of paper--Ordinary --Chalk--Surfaced—Shodes Of Colour — Etc. Their Majesties King George V and Queen Alexandria have both accepted copies of this work. W. S. LINCOLN, 2 Holies Street, Oxford Street, London, W, England. “ The Oldest Established Stamp Dealer in the World,” I I | 83 83 cents cents 1910 1910 Edition Edition Lincoln Lincoln Stamp Stamp Catalog. Catalog. 15th edition of the LINCOLN STAMP CATALOGUE! Giving all the issues from the earliest time throughout the world in one volume. 5,835 Illustrations The correct prices and values of the stamps, colors of the stamps, Geographical and Historical notes that interest stamp collectors. Specially Engraved Atlas of 16 Colored Maps, Mr. Dorpat Says, “Get A Good General Album And Lincoln’s Catalogue.” The Stamps of the U. S. A. Completely Illustrated This Catalogue has just received a Stiver Medal at the Valencia Exhibition Spain, also Diploma Berne Exhibition Switzerland. Price, handsomely bound in cloth, sent post free to any part of the world, 83 cents, or given with the WEST one year for $1.00. W. S. LINCOLN, “The Oldest Established Stamp ’Dealer In The World.’’ 2 Holies Street, Oxford Street, London, W, England. I®“‘Please write for our Bargain List of Cheap Sets of Stamps and Packets of Stamps,W atermark Detector.Stamp Tweezers, Perforation Measure, Hinges and other Philatelic Accessories interesting to the Stamp Collector And also particulars of the famous Lincoln S’amp A bum s. (Over 17 medals and diplomas awarded.; Sent post free for 4 cents. Payments may be made by money order,dollar bills,or U.S. postage stamps. I m p e r i a l C o i n and Stam p Value r ~ ~ — ^ Book, 25c; or for $t.00 catalogue in stamps 5c over. A. Parnaraae.65 Mes- Money Loanedj erole Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. 5-3

OX S T A M P S F R F F ! ®° Foreign «winpi tor O l A I V l r a r u t t l tbe names of two col!**. STAMPS to rt and tc. postage. The following «*ts» are bargain* STAMP COLLECTION Ho two stamps a lik e except w here bo stated. All In good CO IN S c o n d itio n . Postage tc. ex tra on orders for leas than CU RIO S 7 A ustria .01 10 N ether­ 10 Japan .01 10 Portugal .03 lands .01 8 Itouni&nla .09 A N T IQ U E S 21 D enm ark .06 10 K otn.Stat’e.03 7 Greece .06 ETC. lo H am burg ,06 SO France .06 16 Italy M 7 final n .06 11 Hungary .06 S5 1 .8 . t W urten- 9 Sweden .06 •0141 M UNITED STATES b u rg .60 8 Bulgaria ,07 10 Peru .« S Sam oa .0“ 7 Chill .09 10 Finland M Premium Coin Book 15 Sw itzerland ,0$ 17 Belgium .10 10 Cuba .10 SO D enm ark Av 1 E cuador .10 8 Ejm>t .10 Our Buying Prices 10c IS G erm any .10 SO R 'w la .10 40 V. &. .10 P O S T F R E E *0 Norway .16 96 Sw eden .18 60 Belgium .90 100 All dlrf .06 600 All dlff 1.25 60 Animal .14 1 6 0 do do .10.1000 do do 2.50 95 Argentine ,11 SOO do do .SO 900 V ised .10 ?0 Austria iJ >••••< 300 do do .60 600 Mixed .11 100 Ana .14 6 0 0 do do 1.0DUMW Mixed J9 60 Belgium M STRYKER & OLDEHOFF, Fred IPichael, Westfield, N. J. 937 M adison S t., IT'S YOUR LOSS As well as mine if you do not patron­ Chicago, Illinois. ize my A uction S ales, eith er to buy or to sell. I issue the most explicit and Member A.P.S.; C.P.S, attractive sale catalogs which are “ FREE” to auction buyers. Send 75c for a p- iced catalog of a recent sale and get posted on prices as well as the sys­ tem of auction b u y in g atid selling. My “ Hints To Auction Buyers" sent free on request. 25 cents buys ue of those handy “ Pocket Ed- Stock Books” better made and but one third the cost of a foreign made book. My “ Approval Cards” are another necessity you can ill afford to get along w ithout using,20c per d o z ,$1.50 per *00 Large Selections of stamps on approval at uet prices neatly mounted and tabulated in boons by co u n tries.h as long been a specialty. They are intended for reliable and ex­ tensive-buyers that furnish good busi­ ness references and agree to buy no less th a n $3 00 at a tim e. ] do not h andle cheap sheets o f overpriced stam p s and stam ps of doubtful charac­ ter; everything I send out is plainly and neatly mounted and priced Leaflet about my system free on request. For sale av $1.30 including WEST, For One Year, West, Superior, Nehr. Book Sells. POST FREE. S1.;0 BM jgstaia Wholesale Offers. Compare the fol­ Bargains in stamps, 100 var. 5c; 300 var. lowing with otheis dealers prices. 25c; 1000 U .S. or foreign 10c a p p ro v a ls Stamps are in good condition and off 75 per cent off. D. E. Puffer. 26 R u t­ paper land Square. Boston, M aas. 5-4. lib u.S. stam ps 1851 to 1895...... J .35 " “ and fo reig n over 200 v ar .35 Preoanoelled stamps wanted 200 diff U. S. sta m p s...... 1.00 at 3c each. Will pay more for some, ICO “ " • 1 .15 I 4 varieties. Send on approval. I will 30 “ “ .08 return what I cannot use. Robert 1000 env cut sq to 1902---- .35 Weber, Galeton, Pa. 4-3 50 diff. “ 41 <4 (k 46 .15 2c Columbian env cut sq per 100 .10 Fine Mission Stamps un­ 2c “ “ " e n tire 100 ■. .20 sorted many countries,5 kilos for $4.60 2c 1879 per 100...... 15 post free. Cash with order Price list lc 1882 per 100...... 10 post free. E. Willems, 29 Pacifica 3c ** 1882 per 1000...... 35 tion Str., Ledeberg, Ghent, Belgium, 2c 1883 " " ...... 25 Europe. 3-12. 2c 1837 " " ...... SO lc 1890 " " ...... 25 ODD.S & E N D S — U f a C ollector’s 2c 4* 14 44 .20 Duplicates. 2' var U.S & foreign cat t< 44 44 1 OO 50c, l£c;50 v ar U S. A foreign cat $1.00 8c 4 • 4 4 1 « » * ♦ * • 4.00 30c; K0 var U.S. foreign cat $2.50, !0c “ 14 II 41 .75 60c. Postage 2c extra under -0c F.R, IcCo’umbian per 10C0...... 1.00 Lawrence,3:7 Capitol Ave,Hartford,Ct 2c 4. 4 1 .10 Jc • ‘ ico ...... 50 When YOU Wish Y our stam p 5c 4 . II .50 CRI I paper, lists, 14 It I U O E ,L L, good will.etc, 10c “ l.tO kindly tell us about it. The W EST has k 1895 per 100 ...... 35 11 bought New York & Omaha Philatelist, 4c 1000...... " “ “ .75 Philatelic Chronicle & Bulletin,Juven­ 5c “ " " 10C...... 08 8c 4i 41 14 .15 ile & Evergreen Philatelist, Philatelic Chronicle, Curio Monthly Metropolis, 14 II II .20 10c Collectors World. Post Card World, 5c 1898 per 100...... 08 Photo Bulletin, Eastern Philatelist as 10 " •4 44 *4 .15 15c entire 1898 per 100 ...... 1.00 well as several smaller stamp papers. lc Omaha per 100 ...... You see every stamp paper has some " .40 prestige and taking the bunch togeth­ 2c 1 - 4 4 .15 lr “ P a n Am " “ ...... 50 er you get a mighty fine paper. 2c ** ** .20 The WEST, Superior, Nebr., U. S. A. 4c *’ ’* l.:0 6c 1902 " .25 BARGAIN! ! SETS 8c ‘‘ “ .15 13 N<>a6sa 1901,1- 300 r. c o m p l...,,,$ .27 •3c “ “ * * • 1.50 14 Austria 1908, Jub lk-lkr...... 14 15c “ “ .75 14 “ 1904. Ik 72k com p i...... 10 50c “ “ 2.50 12 •* im p post due 1-100 k “ ...... 25 lc - St. Louis" “ ...... 50 12 " perf. - ’• 1-lOOk " .. . .20 2c " " 4 4 4 4 .15 14 Bosnia 1910(very rare)lk-lkr .... 1.75 lc " Jamestown per 100 ...... 40 13 “ post due 1-200 h. com pi ...... 45 2c “ " 4 4 4 4 4 1 .15 7 Ecuador 1907 triangle lc-lkr cpl. 1.00 5c " " 44 ti 14 3.00 10 Roumania 1906 Jub. 1 to 2b. " .60 Special Del 1888 p er 100...... 1.50 16 Persia 1900 lch to 50 krcom pl... 1.20 •4 14 1895 “ “ ...... 50 24 R ussia post officies n e w ...... 65 44 < 4 1902 " ...... 40 40 F ren ch co lo n ies...... 25 lc dues 1895 • 4 4 4 .20 10 “ “ larg e s ta m p s ...... 12 2c " 4 1 4 4 .10 4 Somali Coast 1910 big stamps .. .05 Half Quantities at Same Rates 75 H ayti val 12...... 4.50 Mr. about N Y.Tax stamps? All different stamps in any set all They are all the go, we supply dealerf used List free; approval sheets 40 to all ever the country Why not send for 75 per cent off. Stamps bought for aample.1000(25 var) $1.50 and g et in th e prompt cash. swim, I. X. L. Stamp & Coin Co., Monopol Stamp Co., 63 Nassau Street, New York City. 8 E. 23rd St., New York City, N.Y. Desire to exchange stamps »»**»»»»»* * ¥ ft » « »»»»»»»»»« with reliable collectors everywhere, Six Permits or three stamp basis S co tt or in q u a n titie s of 150-500. papers for 6ve cents. Porter G. Perrin, Wm. Willment, 165 West 25 St., New Sanbornton, N.H. Y ork C ity, New Y ork. 7-3. Exchange. —F ine lot of British Colonials to exchange ‘for 30 30 rifle, 1 READ!! 5 shot gun and automatic pistol. G.C. * Imperial Album. Collector's Cat- £ Martin, Frankford, Pa. m alogue,500 all diff. stamps, M. M, « * scale and 1000 h in g es * 2 50 good stamps and price lists « » fo r 2c. H. PETTY, Denton.Texas. 7-4. * 8 8 E. 30th St., N.Y.City • » m ! is the new addressof the ! ********** * * * ***««*«*e**a • NEW YORK COIN AND STAMP CO., I • D PROSKEY. Proprietor. • Tf you benight purket* from «orae otht r dealer* • Coins, Medals, Stamps, Curiosi- * and fp«l tbut you have been Hung • ties.from all countries and ages. • “ K.WITCHERKICKUN ” • For the past 22 years at 853 • and try nome of our faraou* 41 Dime '• packets and get 2 Broadway. j «itr* value for your money. Any one of the following net* for ten cent*. PoMufi* two cents extra on all order* under a dollar. IS Delirium IM \ 10 C anada f*0 V. S All isanoa 10 Cuba Revenue*'11 Chili *78-V4 > • • • • « IS France 1900 10 Cuban j20 Denmark 10 JaruMtcu Revenue* 10 il^ltlgblAod^V Unnsed Beauties *1 to Jap an 19 C erm niij 190t 13 Jap a n LOCO U A M 11 Simla 'W2 p. Ip IS J*pnn6rt<>lyen 20 Huerta 19 l ruguay 10 D oric Hico 10 Sweden Official u Ic,catalogued 30c, post free 17c 20 Sweden 10 U» 3. Revenue Send f^r our special discount approval books. Uefer- “ eoco please. A -c 20c 12c STRYKER & OLDEHOFF, Westfield, N.J. M Jc «« 50c 1 « 27c % »*»»»»»»» » V » '* * »***•**»»* Le Petit Coliectionneur Copley Stamp Co., Bo-ton, Mass. An International Monthly Review with interesting reading & advertising pertaining to Stamps. Postcaids, Aims, SUMMER SNAPS! Coins, Books. Antiques, etc. TH| MIDIANO STAMP COMPANY. Ask For Sample Copy. MIDLAND, ONTARIO. CANADA. A. Renaut. 12 rue Pasteur, Cureghem, Brussels. Belgium. 1882 '4 pi C yprus ta t 4 c ...... 1c 1899 5 diff Patch Indies 10: *************** *««*«****« ll Austria Jubilee including scarce I Solicit Your Subscriptions For 12 & 3 0 ...... 5c Any magazines.weekly papers, trade 3 unused Rcumauia pictures rat 1’c .fc Journals and periodicals of all kinds. 10 ** 1&9A and 1p9c Persia 20c My prices are the lowest and my 1.2.10 & Jtic unused P o rtia u E-'itador :c 2 high value Angra cat <c; 25 var Port. Col. cat year. This packet contains stamps 60c.10c; 50 var Fort. Col. cat $1.60; 35c. from Australia. Grard Comoro Isl, Mozambique Co. 6 var. cat. 35c. 5c; Dutch Indies. Prussia. Luxemburg, Steinbrenner. Rockfcller Bldg., Cleve­ etc,A we also give you set of Japan. la n d , Ohio. 6 3. Yes,All of this FREE on a:i invest­ m ent of only 25c(foreigt 40c) & you get 12 big Nos. of The Southern Stamp Collection For Sale Philatelist. If you are not already a subscriber you are missing one of C at value over $50 01 in clu d in g tw o the best in stampdom. and to think tn a t it only costs 25c. W hy not take albums. Will sell the same for only advantage of this remarkable offer- $15 0Q. Please write. To Day.Now ! Leon '"arter Gros- lje a n .1227 Oakland >t. Shreveport La. Georgfe J. Rhein, Manchester, Wis,

A FirstCalssNew Issue Dept Has been added to the many good features already existing in Redfield’s Stamp Weekly. Subscribe to “REDFIELD’S” a-id keep posted on what is going on in the stamp world. Each issue is full of reading matter of great interest to every live Collector '•end only 25c for a six-m onths(26 issu es;tri .Isn't) We give each new six month*, sub-rnbv a nice packet of 200 all different. Foreign stamps. Your money promplv refunded if you are not more than p eased with buth the paper and the stamps. The Redfieid Publishing Co., 152 Main St., Smethport, Penna. PHILATELIC SUPPLIES!

We Carry The Largest Variety In The World.


Century Stamp Co., HONTREAL - CANADA. Sole Canadian Agents For Messrs. Stanley Gibbons Ltd., London, England. 100 var U.S. Precancels 20c 40 var. Canada Precancels 20c BARGAINS !! J. D. Hubei, 1305 Trumbull, Ave., Detroit, Michigan. 6-2.

.F o r .S ale;- Stamps, Postcards. In­ dian relics. Will exchange stamps & postcards for autograph letters of dis­ tinguished persons. Joel Du Bose, Elberton. Ga. We Want to Know the names ot every Collector and any Dealer in your locality CANAL 7,ONR on U 5s. complete mint The WEST will ap- o g,, perfectly centered Price $1 70 peal to every one of per set them and we will pay you a large commis­ Canal Zone sion to assist us in C at. no. Description. Condition. >COl«S. Ours yetting acquainted. 32 2c grt-en & black, used 5 04 02 You can do this work 33 2c red and black 0: .02 in your spare time 34 5c blue and black ‘ . .05 . S2 bend names and 35 8c purple and ‘ . .15 06 write for our big otf- 36 10c violet and “ . . 15 06 ers to you. _ _ mmi 37 2c red and black " . .04 .02 38 5c blue and black . . . .03 .01 Philatelic West, 39 8c purple and '' “ .. . .15 .06 40 10c violet and “ “ .. . .15 06 Superior, Nebr., U.S.A. 41 Ic green & black “ ... 02 01 42 2c red and black “ .. . .03 .01 T A Y L O R ’ S------~ 43 5c blue and black " . .03 .01 44 8c purple and “ " , .12 .05 BARGAINS! 10 on 13 “ ... * 15 l-pound U.S. Stamps ...... S .28 l “ Edna Brown stamps, never M orley R. K n ig h t wrilCF ‘'Y our picked o v er ...... ;0 packet of 200 var. British Colonials 1000 U.S. stamps issued before 1S96 .12 for one dollar is the best bargain “ “ *’ all good, 13u var ...... 60 lever sivv, 'You will say the same “ foreign stamps.over lfC var.. .15 for it contains only adhesive postage 1-block of 4 2c Lincoln, new o.g . 12 stamps in good condition- We also *’ “ 2c Hud-on-Fulton o g. -12 oreer 125 var. of British Colonials for “ *“ 2c Alaska-Yukon o. g .12 40c. This packet contains no fiscals, “ of 4-2c Lincoln .o.g..imperfor. .15 clipped cards or cut squares and you “ “ 2c Hudsou Fulton, o. g. “ .15 will find it very satisfactory,25 Mexico “ •* 2c Alaska Yukon, o. g. . “ .15 including Jubilee issue only a dime. 10 Ic Columbian blue o. g ...... -20 12 G uatem ala 10c. 17 Cuba 10c. 10 10- 2c •* violet " ...... 28 V enezuela 10c. 5-3c “ green “ ...... 22 5 4c “ blue o ...... 2« SATISFIED CUST0HERS 5-5c “ brow n o. g ...... 52 all over the world endorse our choice 5 6c “ purple o. g ...... approvals. We allow 60 per cent dis­ 5-8c '• m ag en ta ...... 50 count. A trial solicited. 12c W ar fine o .g ...... 1 5 c ...... -'a 24c “ “ “ ...... 18 Vernon P. Pierce, Used 15c U. S. sc rip good e a c h . . . . New Crisp 15c U S. scrip each.... l.w 1798-1802-1863-18C7-1810 & 1812 in S Co. fair condition each ...... -l0 ALL POSTAGE PAID. Manchester, Hich. Jerome Taylor, North Sutton, N.H* World 1911 on other side, U- S, on this side. Showing one side only, partly unrolled. $ I .0 0 = C R A M ’5 = z ;1911 Express Prepaid Latest Changes New Twentieth Century Commercial and Library Map of The World and The United States. This is the largest map ever printed in the world on one sheetjsize SJ4 x 4 feet. It is reversible map; the 1911 World being printed on one side and the 1911 United States on the other. When hung on the wall either side can be shown at pleasure. One of its must useful features is that along each side bor­ der of both maps is an index of over two thousand principal cities and towns, giving their population and showing how to find them instantly on the map. THE WOKI.l) MAP is the cleares: engraving made bv our new relief plate electro process. It shows the discoveries and changes in Africa. China, South America and Alaska and colors each separate possession and colony in the same color as the country issuing its stamps and coins. This and many other features, make this map peculiarly satisfactory to Collectors of Stamps, Coins. Curios. Cards, etc. Newest International Date Line shown clearly and explained. Additional des< riptiun of Governments area,population of Countries and Colonies. THE UNITED STATES M AP shows all railroads,counties, cities, towns, and railway stations. It shows all the new counties recently established in the different states.and is an up-to-date map in every respect. Shows Gould’s West­ ern Pacific R. R.. MofTats D enver & N W. R. R., C. M. & Puget Sound R. R., Fiager’s Key West Extension R. R.,* etc, etc. SPECIAL LARGE SCALE MAPS OF OUR NEW POSSESSIONS. This Reversible Map is mounted with black Japanned Moulding and rollers at top and bottom, special price for a short time only, PRICE $1,00. express pre­ paid, delivery guaranteed. LARGE SCALE WALL MAPS of any state in the Union; also S1.G0 ex­ press free, prepaid to any part of the United States, Delivery Guaranteed. Send orders to THOHAS J. BALDWIN, ROOM 317. 130 FULTON ST., NEW YORK CITY. Stam ps Free! 100 All different for the names of two collectors and 2 cents postage. C uba 50c 1907, F in e c o p y ...... $ .18 Cuba 50c 1910...... 15 For ti.e .. - , / 100 Different stamps.1000 hinges,Pocket alburn, Beginner au ror lu cetUs \ milometer scales. All for j Imperial album, holds 3500 stamps, 1C00 hinges, Millimeter scale 50c ( and perforation gauge. Packets, Very Low Prices. Coins. Coins 10 diff. Foreign coins ...... S .15 300 diff...... « .2 - 20 •• “ " 25 4f0 “ ...... 37 50 ■■ •• •* 1.00 ...... 60 500 “ ...... ICO " ’• “ 2.00 1000 d if f e r e n t...... 4 HO 10 larg e IJ. S. c e n t s ...... 40 1500 “ ...... U S. J4 ce n ts e a c h ...... 20 2000 *' ...... 7 00 U.S silver 3 cent each ...... 15 3000 “ ...... 22. 50 1883 nickle w ithout cen t e a c h ...... 15 4000 “ ...... Colonial coins each ...... 15 ...... 57.50 5000 “ ...... Jackson cent or token each ...... 15 6000 M ...... 10000 ...... 500.00 2 C onco c o in s ...... 15 10000 “ ...... 3 B u lg aria c o i n s ...... IS
