Gounterattack Starts in United Nations, Diefenbaker Pours Scorn On
ATcrage Daily Net Preaa Run The Wcathat . F«ht the Week Ended Sept. X4, lft«0 of V. & WMMw 13,220 k jttm night' end Sleinber et ^be Andit M H igh Bmwui e f Olroalstlen MancheBter^A City of Village Charm VOL. LXXIX, NO. 304 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, SE»»TEMBER 26, 1960 (Claanlflcd Advertietag ee Page 14) PRICE FIVE CBNtB / Gounterattack Starts in United Nations, ■ « . " ^ Diefenbaker Pours Scorn on Khrushchev Ike in New York State News Nikita Moves Roundup For Support For Talks on UN Of Neutrals UN Future at Stake •A Timbers Sworn In New York, 'Sept. 26 (/P)— - New-York, Sept. 26 (-5*)—" But, the President avoided any By RELMAN MORIN direct mention of Soviet Premier' Nikita- Khrushchev mapeu- United Nations, N. Y., Sept. 26 (/P)— A Western counter- Crowds estimated by policA at Nikita S. Khrushchev and his As Federal .Judge vered today for the favor of 750,000 persons, hailed Presi Kremlin plan for reshaping the offensive against Soviet attempts to revise the United Na neutrals in the swelling strug tions rolled into high gear today with the Russians accused dent Eisenhower today as he United Nations. Hartford, Sept. 26 <iT*)— The gle over international leader arriyed^'for important policy The runchtime crowds in the- 15th federal judge to serve in of conducting a “ giant propaganda drama of destructive mia- streets greeting the President ap ship and the future cf the talks with the leaders of India Connecticut was sworn into representation” to undermine the world organization. peared bigger than,, those which United Nations.
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