QUQUQUEENSQUQUEENSQUEENSQUEENQUEENSUEENSUEENUEENSUEENUEENSEENEENEENSSS o. Volume 64, NNo.1 23684 MONDAYFRIDAY,, MARCHJANUARY 22,7, 2019 2019 50¢50¢ LILINewWoodside Lawyers Lawyers Queens Charged Charged Man Jail UEENS WithWithPlanCharged Defrauding AssailedDefrauding With By Q ClientsClientsDiverse for for Interests Millions Millions FatalByBy Jonathan ByJonathan David Punch Sperling BrandSperling QueensQueens Daily Daily Eagle Eagle They wereQueens hired to Daily practice Eagle the law — not TheyThey were may hired not seeto practice eye-to-eye the lawon most— not is- breakbreakFaces it. it. Court On ODAY sues,Now but two Queens recently community disbarred memberslawyers from from a TODAY Now two recently disbarred lawyers from a T formeracross Long the political Island lawspectrum firm are have facing found multiple com- — JANUARY 7, 2019 — formerVictim’sgrandmon groundLonglarceny Island oncharges atleast law andfirmBirthday one a arething: scheme facing Denouncing to multiple defraud — MARCH 22, 2019 — grand larceny charges and a scheme to defraud chargethe city’s for allegedly planBy to David pilferingbuild Branda newmore 1,645-bedthan $7 million jail RAIN AND WIND««« WERE NOT ENOUGH chargefromcomplex thefor allegedlysettlements beside pilferingthe of dormantdozens more of thanQueens clients, $7 million QueensHouse ««« Queens Daily Eagle to deter a groupPARENTSINDISTRICT30ARE of Southeast Queens commuters fromDistrictof Detentionthe Attorneysettlements and Richard Criminalof dozens A. Brown Courthouse.of clients, announced Queens on PARENTSINDISTRICT30ARE Family and friends of John “Danny” McGee and activistsFUMINGOVERSCHOOLBUSISSUESFLUSHING from urging FIREHOUSE state lawmakers DistrictThursday.Community Attorney Brown Richard Boardwas appointed A. 9 Brown members, toannounced the progrescase onas -a Thursday.filled a row Brown inside was a appointedcrowded Queensto the case criminal as a to adoptNumerousCLOSESFUMINGOVERSCHOOLBUSISSUES congestion problemsFOR SCABIES pricing with school INFESTATIONto pay bus for drivers transit have specialsive activists prosecutor from by thethe Office No New of Nassau Jails Countymove- specialcourtroomDistrict prosecutor Attorney Friday by morningMadeline the Office as Singas ofthe Nassau man in Countychargedorder to parentsimprovementsFirefightersNumerous and school problems duringfrom children withEnginea rally lookingschool 320at bus thefor on drivers answersJamaica Francis have in ment and Borough President Melinda Katz Lewisparents Boulevardand school nearchildren 37th looking Avenue for in answers Flushing in Districtinavoid relation any Attorney toconflict McGee's Madeline of interest. death Singasappeared in in order court toon LongCenter Island subway City. station The incidentsyesterday. were so bad for the have in recent weeks stepped up their criti- wereresidentsLong Islandnot of allowed DistrictCity. The 30 insideincidents and PS their were384Q, firehouse so they bad heldfor onthe an avoidwhatcismsThe anywould of conflictdefendants Mayor have beenof Bill interest. — he de victim's60-year-olds Blasio’s 22nd proposal birthdayMitchell to. Thursdayemergencyresidents of after Districtmeeting one 30 of withand their PSthe fellow384Q, Department theyfirefighters held anof LenchnerbuildTheSteven thedefendants and new O’Brien, Corey Queens —Kaye, a 60-year-olds Woodsidejail both as ofpart Long resident, ofMitchell theIsland plan is — were served with criminal complaints stemming wasEducation,emergency infected accordingmeeting with scabies, withto ABC7 the the . DepartmentInPost addition reported ofto Lenchnercharged and with third-degree assault for allegedly Corey Kaye, both of Long Island — AOS ADV CATES AND COMMUTERS Queens Supreme Court Justice Gregory fromfor fourallegations “borough-based” that they defrauded detention 29 clientsfacilities be- onskippingEducation, Friday stops,. Cleanersaccording leaving were kidsto ABC7 atat theschool. locationIn andaddition dropping where to Queens Supreme Court Justice Gregory werethrowing located served in the with every punch criminal borough that complaints killed but McGee Staten stemming Island. during offspoke, kids at at least the wrongfive “dollar stops, vans”parents —tell large stories taxis of that a 5- froman tween altercation outside allegations January that2010 they and a defrauded Sunnyside May 2018 29 at bar clients the around since- be- moreskipping than stops, 100 leaving firefighters kids atare school assigned. and dropping The new jails would replace the isolated and year-olddrive Southeast giving hisQueens bus driverstraphangers directions, from multiple their Lasak Honored at Retirement Breakfast tweenshuttered January law 2010 firm and of MayKaye 2018 & atLenchner. the since- If off kids at the wrong stops, parents tell stories of a 5- 3:45 a.m. on Nov. 22, according to the criminal outdated facilities on Rikers Island. driverssubway-starved heading areasthe wrong to transit direction hubs — on pulled one-way up From left, Administrative Judge of the Supreme Court, Civil Division, Jeremy Weinstein; NYS Supreme Court shutteredcomplaint. McGee fell and hit his head on the convicted, law they firm face ofa minimumKaye & ofLenchner. one year toIf a year-old giving his bus driver directions, multiple Lasak Honored at Retirement Breakfast The city will package each site into a sin- streetsnext to anda station one driver entrance. refusing Activists to help said kids the bucklevans Justice Gregory Lasak; Presiding Justice, NY Supreme Court, Appellate Division, Randall Eng; Queens County convicted,ground. He was pronounced dead at Elmhurst maximum they of 25 face years a minimum in prison. of one year to a drivers heading the wrong direction on one-way From left, Administrative Judge of the Supreme Court, Civil Division, Jeremy Weinstein; NYS Supreme Court gle Uniform Land Use Review Procedure seatillustratedVIOLENT belts. “Thisthe ST.need is ALBANS a forcrisis better for SENIOR busany service.parent HOUSING whose child Surrogate Court Judge Peter Kelly. See more coverage on pages 15 and 16. Eagle photo by Andy Katz maximumHospital. of 25 years in prison.Continued on page 7 streets and one driver refusing to help kids buckle Justice Gregory Lasak; Presiding Justice, NY Supreme Court, Appellate Division, Randall Eng; Queens County application, rather than expose each plan to is affected,PIMP andCONVICTED the city of IN New QUEENS York and COURT the mayor “Today would have been his 22nd birthday,” seat belts. “This is a crisis for any parent whose child SurrogateWoodsideThe proposed Court resident Judge jail Peterin Steven Kew Kelly. Gardens See O’Brien more would coverage (right) feature on is pages charged space 15 and withfor 16. detainees third-degree toEagle engage photoassault by Andy with forKatz Continued on page 7 andis affected,A theQueens DOE and judgeneed the city to is beexpectedof Newhandling York to sentence thisand asthe if mayor a it’sSt. a said McGee’s uncle Tim Murphy, 51. “We’re crisis,” said City Councilmember Jimmy Van allegedly throwing the punch that killed John McGee in Sunnyside on Nov. 22. Continued on page 14 AlbansandT H Ethe 2 019DOEpredator QUEENS need to to up be WOto handling eightRLD years FthisIL Masin ifFES-prison it’s a their families. Rendering via City Hall forBramer. admitting Parents that said he that took at their advantage emergency of a meetingdrug- Pool photo by Dennis Clark Empty CourthouseContinued on page 7 Thursdaycrisis,”tival kicked said night, off City last it was nightCouncilmember established with a gala that aheadJimmy any of school theVan addictedwithBramer.11-day persistent long,Parents senior boroughwide issues said citizen that would at and their festival.get pimped emergency a new The bus a festivalteenage meetingservice. Empty Courthouse girl,TheThursdayfeatures currentprosecutors filmsnight, service, itfrom wassaid. Grandpa’s established directorsJoseph Gilbert andBusthat anyproducersCompany, pleaded school Full of History guiltyreleasedwithbased persistent inbefore a Queens statement issuesQueens and apologizing wouldthroughout Supreme get for a thenew the Court incidentsworld. bus Justiceservice. The and TB Rate High in Western Queens Despite CitywideBy Clarissa DeclineSosin PeterassuringTheevent current V seriesallone that endsservice,there Jr. onon is Thursday Sunday,Grandpa’sa zero-tolerance March for Bus attempting 31 Company,policy with forato Full Queensof History Daily Eagle sexlawbreakingreleasedshowing traffick a of statement Queens a and16-year-old leaving apologizing Corner children — girl fora blockfrom thein incidentsdanger. ofDecember movies They and Jim Henderson: Wikipedia PhotogInside the ByQueens Clarissa County Sosin Courthouse and in Long Island City a janitor cleaned the second floor bathroom, 2016alsoassuringby Queens setto Marchthatup filmmakers. telephonethere 2017. is aRead hotlineszero-tolerance more for on anypage policy parents 2. for Queens Daily Eagle experiencinglawbreaking andissues: leaving 718-475-7585, children in 718-475-7586, danger. They a loneInside security the Queens guard watchedCounty theCourthouse front door in while Long his andalso 718-475-7587.set up telephone hotlines for any parents Islandcolleagues City a janitortook their cleaned lunch the breakssecond floorand abathroom, judge sat The Unsung Hero of Communitychatting with visitors on theNews empty benches of his experiencingQUEENS issues: MURDER 718-475-7585, SUSPECT 718-475-7586, a lone security guard watched the front door while his ONLY FOUR OF««« THE
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