RIDE CALENDAR - July 2021 Public Version
WHITEHORSE CYCLISTS - RIDE CALENDAR - July 2021 Public version Participation in these rides implies acceptance of the terms of the Club Ride Terms and Conditions, available on request All rides will return to the start point, unless specifically stated otherwise Carry MYKI card, spare tubes, tools, wet wipes, and first aid kit (available for $2) on your bike if possible All rides must comply with the relevant COVID restrictions The Ride Leader can set a limit on the number of riders, divide the ride, and/or change the route Ride leaders or coordinators: please send JPG or PDF of the ride sheet to Steve - wh.cyclists.calendar@gmail.com New Riders & Membership enquiries: Jennie F 0416 154 865 Descriptions of Ride Types: www.whitehorsecyclists.org.au "About Rides" Ride Calendar compiler: Steve R 0414 991 231 Note: If "SMS" appears with the leader's name, please send an SMS by 6pm the previous day. No "SMS" means you should just turn up. (M) = Morning tea (L) = Lunch (B) = Bail-out possible (F) = Finish CP = Car park RS = Railway station SC = Shopping centre Ck = Creek Tr = Track, Trail Remaining rides for 18-30 June 2021 All rides will conform with COVID requirements Date Ride Title Route Description km Leader Friday Koonung Trail, Park Rd, Heads Rd, Mullum Mullum Trail, 40 Noel M Fri 18/6 9:30 am Apple Pie Ride (M) Petty's Orchard, Yarra Trail M 0427 829 318 A 40 km loop departing Darebin Parklands, along Darebin Ck Trail, Metropolitan Ring SMS Sat 19/6 40 Northern Parks and Rivers Rd Trail, Morning Coffee and Canoli at Thats Amore, Merri Crk Trail, St Georges Rd Tiana E 9.30 am M path, Westgarth St, Wingrove St Fairfield, back to Darebin Parklands.
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