ACTA ORTHOPAEDICA et TRAUMATOLOGICA Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 2009;43(2):173-180 TURCICA doi:10.3944/AOTT.2009.173

Rehabilitation of children with from a physiotherapist’s perspective Fizyoterapist bakış açısıyla beyin felçli çocukların rehabilitasyonu


Department of and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Health Sciences, Hacettepe University, Ankara

Pediatric rehabilitation requires a multidisciplinary team Çocuk rehabilitasyonu, doğum öncesi, doğumda ya da doğum approach to disabilities or handicaps caused by physical, sonrası nedenlerle oluşabilen fiziksel, zihinsel, duyu-algı ya mental, sensory-perceptional, or cognitive disorders due to da bilişsel bozuklukların yarattığı özür ya da engel tablosu- prenatal, natal, or postnatal causes. Cerebral palsy (CP) is na ekip yaklaşımını gerektirir. Beyin felci (BF), fonksiyonel defined as persistent but not progressive disorder of pos- aktivitelerde kısıtlılıklara neden olan, postür ve hareket siste- ture and movement system, associated with functional ac- mindeki ilerleyici olmayan, kalıcı bozukluk olarak tanımla- tivity limitations and sensorial, cognitive, communication nabilir; bu tabloya duyu, algı ve iletişim sorunları, epilepsi ve problems, epilepsy, and musculoskeletal system problems. kas-iskelet sistemi sorunları da eşlik edebilmektedir. Reha- Physiotherapy approaches in rehabilitation applications bilitasyon uygulamaları içinde fizyoterapi yaklaşımları, du- aim to normalize sensorial and motor functions, provide yusal ve motor deneyimleri normalleştirmek, düzgün postür normal posture and independent functional activity, regu- ve bağımsız fonksiyonel aktiviteyi sağlamak, kas tonusunu late muscle tone, improve visual and auditory reactions, düzenlemeye çalışmak, görsel ve işitsel reaksiyonları geliştir- support normal motor development and motor control, mek, normal motor gelişimi desteklemek ve motor kontrolü improve ambulation and endurance, increase the quality sağlamak, var olan hareketin kalitesini artırmak, yürümeyi of the existing movements, prevent soft tissue, joint and geliştirmek, oluşabilecek yumuşak doku, eklem ve postür postural disorders, support orthopedic and surgical pro- bozukluklarını önlemeye çalışmak, ortopedik ve cerrahi gi- cedures, and finally to prepare the child for the adolescent rişimleri desteklemek ve sonuçta çocuğu gençlik ve yetişkin and adult periods. Setting realistic goals, determination of dönemlerine hazırlamak gibi genel amaçları taşır. Gerçekçi the priorities, informing the family and enhancing family hedefler ve önceliklerin belirlenmesi, ailenin bilgilendiril- participation in physiotherapy programs will increase the mesi ve fizyoterapi programına aktif katılımının sağlanma- success of physiotherapy. This article reviews current re- sı fizyoterapinin başarısını artıracaktır. Bu derlemede BF’li habilitation approaches and physiotherapy applications for çocuklarda güncel rehabiltasyon yaklaşımları ve fizyoterapi children with CP. uygulamaları incelenmeye çalışılmıştır. Key words: Cerebral palsy/rehabilitation; child; disability evalu- Anahtar sözcükler: Beyin felci/rehabilitasyon; çocuk; özürlü- ation; exercise therapy; muscle, skeletal; physical therapy mo- lük değerlendirmesi; egzersiz tedavisi; kas, iskelet; fizik tedavi dalities; range of motion, articular. uygulamaları; hareket açıklığı, eklem.

Pediatric rehabilitation is defined to improve the habilitation process requires several disciplines to independence level of a disabled child functionally come together. In this process, inter- and intradis- and psychologically, in the physiological, anatomic, ciplinary communication is a necessity and every and environmental restrictions and to increase the discipline should act according to the needs of the quality of life of children and their families.[1] Re- child and family.[2-4]

Correspondence / Yazışma adresi: Dr. Mintaze Kerem Günel. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi, Fizik Tedavi ve Rehabilitasyon Bölümü, 06100 Sıhhıye, Ankara, Turkey. Tel: +90 312 - 305 15 77 / 154 e-mail: [email protected] Submitted / Başvuru tarihi: 15.01.2009 Accepted / Kabul tarihi: 19.03.2009 © 2009 Turkish Association of Orthopaedics and Traumatology / © 2009 Türk Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Derneği 174 Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated causing activity limitations, that are attributed to non- the disability ratio in developing countries as 12%. It progressive disturbances that occurred in the develop- has been reported that 6 million disabled people live ing fetal or infant brain.[8] The motor disorders of CP in Turkey. In our country, there are 25 million children are often accompanied by disturbances of sensation, in the 0-18 age group, of which 3 million are disabled perception, cognition, communication, and behavior, children between 0-16 years of age.[5] In terms of quali- with epilepsy, and with secondary musculoskeletal ty of life and deficiency, rehabilitation targets should be problems.[12] The estimated prevalence in the general determined exactly, problems identified, the outcomes population is 2/1000.[13] The limitations in activity re- interpreted, and regular follow-ups questioned.[6] quire individual rehabilitation throughout life.[14] Im- In our opinion, rehabilitation terms about chil- paired control and coordination of voluntary muscles dren have quite various definitions in Turkey, which is accompanied by mental retardation or learning dis- should be clearly defined in order to establish proper abilities in 50 to 75% of children and by speech disor- approaches. The use of terms in accordance with the ders (25%), auditory impairments (25%), seizure disor- [14] accepted situation of children is quite as much im- ders (25-35%), or abnormalities of vision (40-50%). portant as established medical definitions. The defini- In Turkey, the prevalence of CP is higher than most tions that are used or ought to be used in our country developed countries. Various reasons to explain this should be generated through interdisciplinary collab- include poor perinatal care, high rates of postnatal oration and taking the opinions of the handicapped maternal diseases and infections, malnutrition, and a children and their families. high rate (25%) of consanguineous marriages.[15] This If we define impairment, disability, and handicap latter factor is increasing and causes, predictably, as to the problems of disabled children; impairment higher numbers of children born with recessive con- [16] defines the primary lesion and pathology, such as the ditions, many of which have associated disabilities. problem with the brain that causes , and in- In our previous study on rare disorders, we found cludes the direct effects of spasticity, such as a dislo- that 90 (40%) of 226 had first-degree, and 27 (12%) [17] cated hip caused by the spastic muscles;[7] disability had second-degree consanguineous marriage. The [18] is used to express loss of function that an individual prevalence of CP in Turkey is 4.4/1,000 live births. experiences because of impairment; therefore, the in- Damage to the central nervous system cause dis- ability to walk or sit well is a disability arising from orders in neuromuscular, musculoskeletal, and senso- the impairment.[8] Handicap is the result of limita- rial systems.[19] These disorders result in posture and tions imposed by the environment and society, which movement deficiencies. Functional independence lev- limits an individual having a specific disability.[9] els of these children are affected negatively due to Another significant classification that has been put secondary disorders such as various musculoskeletal forward in recent years is the International Classifica- deformations and tertiary disorders due to different tion of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF).[10] compensation mechanisms that develop over time. Al- For rehabilitation professionals, the complex relation- though the damage is not progressive, manifestations [6,14,20] ship between disability, participation, and environ- of deficiency and disability may be progressive. ment represents an area of specific importance for Finally, CP occurs as a developmental disor- children. The revised version of the ICF incorporates der.[8,21] The main problem in all types of CP is mo- biological and social perspectives on disablement, so tor disorders accompanied by sensorial and cogni- as to represent fully the impact of health on a person’s tive problems.[1,7,22] The causes of motor disorders are life, including participation in the community. Physi- developmental retardation, abnormal muscle tone, cal, social, and environmental factors, service systems muscle weakness, postural control deficiencies, sen- and policies may influence a person’s attitude to his/ sorial problems, behavioral problems, orthopedic her impairment or activity limitations.[11] problems, abnormal movement patterns and reflex activity, asymmetry and deformities.[3,6,13,23] The func- Cerebral palsy tions that a child with CP should gain following mo- Cerebral palsy (CP) refers to a group of permanent dis- tor developmental milestones are delayed related to orders of the development of movement and posture, the severity of the lesion. The persistence of primitive Kerem-Günel. Rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy from a physiotherapist’s perspective 175 reflexes which should have been inhibited in the nor- processing skills needed for basic activities of daily mal developmental process prevents the development living such as eating, dressing, toileting and bathing; of correction and equilibrium reactions.[24] it includes training in school-related skills and also strategies to help children compensate for specific Rehabilitation deficits in their daily lives.[25,33] Rehabilitation approaches to children with CP are comprehensive. In addition to medical and surgical Evaluation applications, physiotherapy, , In the assessment of a child with CP, questions such as speech therapy, orthosis and other adaptive equip- “Why is physiotherapy required?”, “What are the ef- ment, recreational activities, school and education fective neurophysiological and biomechanical mecha- adaptation and psychosocial support are included in nisms?”, “ How do the accompanying problems affect rehabilitation approaches.[25] the condition?” should be answered. The aims of rehabilitation in children with CP are Motor assessment should include muscle tone, the to minimize the effect of physical impairments, to capacity of co-contractions of muscles, involuntary help the child gain independence in the community, extremity and trunk movements, stability of extremi- and to improve the quality of life of the handicapped ties, correction and equilibrium reactions, sitting bal- children and their families who have a major role to ance, upper extremity and hand functions, sensorial- play in the process.[26] Rehabilitation in children with perceptional problems, speech and language function, CP can differ depending on the clinical type and se- and feeding. In addition, orthosis, mobilization devic- verity, associated disabilities, physiological age of the es and other adaptive equipment, general health status child, and socioeconomic factors. In addition, visual, of the child, and social-cultural and economical status auditory, cognitive disorders, seizures, learning dis- of the family should be evaluated.[13,19] Realistic goals abilities, and emotional problems may influence in- should be defined, and plans for any changes in care tervention outcomes.[23,27] should also be communicated with other members of the treatment team, family, and the patient.[23,26,34] Physiotherapy plays a central role in managing the children with CP and it focuses on function, active In the assessment of motor level, functional de- movement, and optimal use of the child’s potential. velopment, and daily living activities, Gross Motor Physiotherapy uses physical approaches to promote, Function Measure (GMFM),[35] Gross Motor Function maintain, and restore physical, psychological, and so- Measure Classification System (GMFCS),[36] Pediatric cial well-being.[28,29] Interventions for children with Functional Independence Measure (WeeFIM),[37] and CP must be efficient and cost-effective.[14,30] Rehabili- Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI)[38] tation team members try to provide strategies that will may be directive. help children reach their full and independent poten- More recently, GMFM which has been shown to be tial in their homes and communities. The rehabilita- a valid, reliable, and sensitive tool, has been utilized tion influence is not restricted to the medical center for documentation of improvement in function.[39] It and treatment gymnasium, but frequently includes the was initially an 88-item test, then designed to include child’s functioning settings within the home, school, 66 items, inquiring five areas of function including ly- recreation, and community environments.[6,31] ing and rolling, sitting, crawling and kneeling, stand- The physiotherapist focuses on gross motor skills ing, and walking, running, and jumping. The GMFCS and functional mobility in the management of mo- is a common classification system and an evidence- tor deficits in CP.[1] Positioning, sitting, walking with based classification tool of five levels ranging from or without assistive devices and orthoses, wheelchair level I, which includes children with minimal or no use and transfers are areas that the physiotherapist disability with respect to community mobility, to lev- works on. The physiotherapist performs and plans el V which includes children who are totally depen- physiotherapy and home program and provides the dent on external assistance for mobility.[35] Range-of- interphase with the school and recommends equip- motion should be assessed using standardized testing ment and orthosis.[30,32] This approach also focuses on measures.[40] It is important to document tone with the gross and fine motor activities, visual, and sensory , which is a good clinical 176 Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc method. Reduction in the score serves as one of the The most common physiotherapy approach used in ways to document a beneficial tone modulation from children with CP is the Bobath NDT approach.[32,48,51] a treatment.[41] Berta and Karel Bobath, a physical therapist and a neuropsychiatrist, respectively, were pioneers in the The most important parameter of the assessment treatment of CP. As early as the 1940s, they began is observation. The active and self-performed move- to develop an approach that grew out from Berta Bo- ments and the posture of the children during activity bath’s clinical observations and was initially under- or play with the toys and their independence levels are [42] stood in the context of the reflex movements, hier- watched. Observation also includes alertness of the child, communication, habits during the movements, archical development, and maturation theories. The and behaviors of the parents.[43] Bobath approach has spread widely and heavily in- fluenced physiotherapy for children with CP. Accord- Clinical types of CP are most commonly classified ing to the Bobaths, the motor problems of CP arise according to neurological symptoms. Generally we can generally from central nervous system dysfunction, summarize the problems based on clinical types; which interferes with the development of normal . Spasticity is a major clinical postural control against gravity and impedes normal feature of over 75% of cases with CP. The most impor- motor development. The goal was the establishment tant problems in children with spastic CP are spasticity of normal motor development and function, the pre- in extremity muscles, hypotonus in trunk muscles, in- vention of contractures and deformities. Their NDT sufficiency in protective and equilibrium reactions, ste- approach focused on sensory motor components of reotype movement patterns, slow and firm movements, muscle tone, reflexes and abnormal movement pat- combined reactions, joint deformities due to muscle terns, postural control, sensation, perception, and strength inequality, posture and gait disorders.[1,44] memory. Also, the main aim of NDT was to change the neural-based motor responses of the central Athetoid cerebral palsy. Main problems include nervous system. Advances in the Bobath approach fluctuations in muscle tone, involuntary extremity continue and it is currently regarded as a “concept” and trunk movements, insufficiency of stabilization rather than a technique. The concept encompasses of the trunk and extremities, insufficiency of muscle three main principles including facilitation, stimula- co-contraction, and insufficiency of correction, equi- [45] tion, and communication in order to provide normal librium and protective reactions. movement experience, minimize motor-sensory dis- . It generally presents with orders, and improve functional independence levels hypotonus, weak co-contraction, postural stabiliza- of children with CP. Individual growth and cognitive tion insufficiency, dissymmetry, and coordination characteristics of the child should also be considered disorders of movement.[46] In children with hypotonic among important principles. [22,32,48,53] cerebral palsy, weak head control, weakness in trunk Exercises are planned structured activities involv- stabilization and control, insufficiency of correction, ing repeated movements of skeletal muscles to im- equilibrium and protective reactions, joint hypermo- prove or maintain levels of physical fitness. Several [47] bility are seen as the main problems. types of exercises are utilized to improve the child’s [54] Applications motor ability. Physiotherapists emphasize the need for the practice Passive stretching. It is a manual application for to be evidence-based whenever possible.[19,30] Recent spastic muscles to relieve soft tissue tightness. Manual reviews have addressed the effectiveness of physio- stretching may increase range of movements, reduce spasticity, or improve walking efficiency in children therapy interventions for children with CP focusing [54] on neurodevelopmental therapy (NDT),[34] training on with spasticity. muscle strengthening exercises,[35] conductive educa- Static weight-bearing exercises. They are com- tion,[36] various physiotherapy interventions,[48-51] and monly used in order to stimulate antigravity muscle orthotic devices.[52] Recently, methods such as biofeed- strength, prevent hip dislocation, improve bone min- back and electrical stimulation have been accepted as eral density, improve self-confidence, reduce spastic- adjunct therapies.[43,51] ity, and improve fine motor function.[55] Kerem-Günel. Rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy from a physiotherapist’s perspective 177

Muscle strengthening exercises. It aims to increase toxin and to protect muscle length. Recent studies indi- the power of weak antagonist muscles and of the corre- cated that botulinum toxin plus intensive physiotherapy sponding spastic agonists and to provide the functional applications increased the success in the field.[67] benefits of strengthening in children with CP.[56] In addition to physiotherapy and medical treatment, Functional exercises. They combine aerobic and children with spastic CP are often treated surgically. anaerobic capacity and strength training in ambulato- Depending on the individual child, muscle or tendon ry children, and significantly improve physical fitness, lengthening, tendon transfer, and bone correction aim to the intensity of activities, and quality of life. Training restore the functional range of motion, diminish muscle programs on static bicycles or treadmill are beneficial strength imbalance, and align the limbs to a function- for gait and gross motor development without enhanc- ally correct position.[68] The aims of these interventions ing spasticity and abnormal movement patterns.[57] are to minimize the development of contractures and Electrical stimulation. It is proposed as a useful deformities by normalizing the muscle tone, facilitating modality in CP due to the lack of selective muscle con- adequate stretch to muscles, and increasing the active trol required for specific strengthening programs. In par- range of motion, to strengthen weak muscles, to im- ticular, neuromuscular and threshold electrical stimula- prove mobility and acquire functional motor skills, and tion is used for strengthening the quadriceps muscles in to promote functional independence in the house, at [69] ambulatory diplegic children with CP, who find resistive school, and in the community. Physiotherapy applica- strength training difficult.[58] tions after surgery may differ depending on the child’s general health, site of surgery, and surgical approach. Spasticity in children with CP may be a useful sub- The purposes of the applications are to increase range stitute for deficiency of motor strength, in that it facili- of motion, provide muscle strength balance, protect tates standing with extensor and may pro- gains by positioning, develop new movement abilities, vide power to voluntary contractions. However, it often maintain biomechanical regularity, and provide re-am- exerts negative influence and leads to aggravation of bulation. Proprioceptive training has great importance motor disability, impairs standing and walking due to in the applications. Immobilization period after surgery clonus, scissoring, flexor or extensor spasticity, slows depends on the time of mobilization with partial or voluntary movements, affects proper positioning, and full weight and surgical approach and protocol. If the increases the risk for contractures and joint sublux- immobilization period is long after surgery, by open- ation. Pain due to extreme spasticity and difficulty in [59] ing windows on casting or after taking off the plaster, providing hygiene are additional problems. Spastic- electrical stimulation may be useful for strengthening ity reduction is considered for the following aims: to [70-72] weak muscles. Specialized physiotherapy pro- improve positioning and active function, prevent mus- grams have indicated that functional improvements can culoskeletal complications, and reduce the need for only be maintained with regular practice and the effects corrective surgery in the future.[60] Oral medications,[61] of intensive strength training start to disappear after a botulinum toxin,[62] selective posterior ,[63] 3-month detraining period.[73] Postoperative physio- intratechal ,[64] and orthopedic surgery[65] are therapy applications consist of passive, assisted, and ac- used to reduce spasticity.[66] The purpose of physio- tive movement of the limbs and strengthening exercises therapy program before using botulinum toxin is to have also been recommended for patients with CP to prepare the child to the new posture and normal move- improve muscle strength and some functional param- ment experiences. 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