PUBLISHED BY THE DISTRICT 28 MUSIC PARENTS CLUB! WINTER 2012 Musical Notes The President’s Refrain Dear Music Parents, Wreath & Coffee Sale – Envelope Coordinator I am still amazed at the fact that MPC has Candy & Coffee Ordering been selling wreaths for 55 years! Many of Coordinator us weren’t even born when the first wreath Incentive Coordinator was sold. What a fabulous idea! Think ! about all the music enrichment, uniforms, Included in the newsletter are descriptions music scholarships and tour lunches that of each position. We are looking for have been provided with the profits from parents who have ANY amount of time these sales. This truly is a testament to our they can give to a great organization. Don’t program and the caring people in our worry if you work and can’t attend our community. I often come across someone monthly meetings. We’d still love to have who says they worked on the Wreath & your help. We will find a spot to meet your Coffee sale or whose child sold wreaths schedule. years ago. Everyone is so proud to have contributed to this longstanding tradition. I have found this to be a great organization We would like to keep this tradition with a lot of hardworking people whose moving for a 56th year. This is the time of common goal is to enhance the music year that all the organizations look to curriculum in District 28. I hope you will recruit committee members for the consider sharing your talents with MPC – following year. I hope you will consider you will help keep the organization moving volunteering your time with us. Our forward. current board has served for 3 years (some Please contact me via email or phone if you even longer) and we HAVE to fill those are interested in any of the open positions positions with new faces in order for MPC or need further information. Now is the to continue to operate next year. The time to give back to the organization that following are the open positions: has provided so much to our student musicians. President Julie Mackin Treasurer President, District 28 Music Parents Club Newsletter Editor/Webmaster [email protected] 847-559-0780

Page 1 Music Parents Club Volunteer Opportunities for 2012-2013

WE NEED YOUR HELP! Please contact [email protected] if you are interested in helping with any of these tasks or grab a friend and share the work.

President: Oversee monthly meetings, issue quarterly report in newsletter, assist with Wreath & Coffee Sale, work with music directors on enrichment opportunities

Treasurer: Maintain financial records of MPC, pay bills, issues financial reports for monthly meetings

Newsletter Editor/Webmaster: Coordinate the publication of the quarterly newsletter and work with district personnel to maintain our website

Wreath & Coffee Sale

1. Envelope Coordinator: Update all sale information in pamphlet, order sales invoices and printed envelopes, obtain stickers of music students from music director; contact volunteers for envelope stuffing; oversee stuffing of envelopes at NBJH held mid September. (June / September)

2. Candy & Coffee Ordering Coordinator: Contact the Candy and Coffee vendors for pricing of products. Place orders with vendor for coffee and candy and coordinate delivery of the products to NBJH. (June, October/November)

3. Incentive Coordinator: Solicit donations for prize awards, purchase incentives for wheel spin; coordinate with Music directors on wheel spin. (August -December)



Congratulations to the Top 10 Sellers at the Wreath & Coffee Sale for 2011:

1. Erica Mackin (ChO)- $1,857 2. Alexandra Hultman (CC)-$1,758 3. Nathaniel Frese (CB) - $1,427 4. Anna Satek (WE) - $1,098 5. Ellen Gilbert (CB) - $1,008 6. Eleanor Mitchell (ChO) - $787 7. Matthew Berger (BO) - $755 8. Chloe MacMillian(CO) - $699 9. Connor Vering (JB) - $691 10. Mary Shults (6th Choir) - $662

Congratulations to 157 Musicians who sold over $75 and were able to participate in “Spin the Wheel!”

Music Parents Club would like to thank the following businesses for their donation of gift cards:

Yogen Fruz Book Bin Subway - Cherry Lane Little Louie’s Quinlan & Fabish Deerfield Music

Page 3 WAYS & MEANS THANK YOU - THANK YOU - THANK YOU To The Ways and Means Committee for orchestrating a phenomenal Wreath & Coffee Sale!



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TIME TO THINK ABOUT SUMMER?! Yes, it’s not too early to think about summer!" As you begin to get flyers, brochures and information about the many exciting summer programs available to you, remember that our band and orchestra departments offer great opportunities at a reasonable price for lessons and summer jazz band . . ." Summer lessons are a great opportunity for music students to continue their progress in their book, prepare for IMEA Auditions in the fall, and learn new music."Questions? Please feel free to contact your music director or lesson teacher for more information. Forms are included in this newsletter to sign up now.

SUMMER MUSIC CAMPS It's time to start registering for summer music camp." Summer music camps are a fun and popular thing to do in the summer!" Interested?" Need more information?" Contact your band director or lesson teacher or check out a few of the camps below that come highly recommended by many District 28 musicians!

MYA (Midwest Young Artists) - Fort Sheridan, IL

ISYM (Illinois Summer Youth Music) Champaign, IL, on the University of Illinois Campus

Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp - Blue Lake, Michigan A popular 1-week or 2-week outdoor camp, offering band, orchestra, choir, jazz, private lessons, chamber ensembles, in addition to other arts activities including visual art, dance,"and theater.

SUMMER MUSIC CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS Your child may be eligible for a scholarship grant for summer music camp from the Music Parents Club. If your child is in Grade 6, 7 or 8 and sold at least $200 worth of products in the Wreath & Coffee Sale this past fall, check out the application form on the next page for more details. The deadline to apply is Friday, March 23rd.


!An important part of fulfilling the MPC mission is encouraging our students to continue with their music education during the summer months. The MPC sets aside funds when possible to assist parents with the cost of sending their children to music camps. Please fill out the information on this page and return this form to your child’s director by Friday, March 23rd. Requirements: ! Money is available to students who attend a MUSIC summer camp to enhance their skill on the PRIMARY instrument they play in a district music group (those that meet before school). ! A maximum of $250 is available ($375/family) depending on the number of students requesting funds and the total cost of the camp ! Only Students currently in Grades 6-8 are eligible ! Students must have sold a minimum of $200 in the Wreath & Coffee Sale to be eligible for a scholarship. This requirement was listed in the purple pamphlet included in the sales material. ! Announcement of scholarships will be made in early May. ! Funds will be paid directly to the designated camp.

Student Name/Grade:______

2011-2012 Music Group:______

Parent Name(s): ______


Email Address:______

Name of Camp:______

Camp Address: ______

Instrument I will play at camp ______Camp Tuition $______

TO BE HANDWRITTEN BY THE STUDENT: Briefly describe why you are interested in attending this camp: ______

Student Signature& Date:______

Parent Signature & Date;______If you have any Questions – Contact: Bryan Kyrouac 504-3532 [email protected] Carolyn Whitaker 504-3534 [email protected] Deb Peterson 504-3529 [email protected] Julie Mackin 559-0780 [email protected] 6TH GRADE CHORUS/CONCERT CHOIR!! FEBRUARY/MARCH/APRIL 2012 CHORAL NOTES

A LOOK AHEAD... 2/4 - Solo & Ensemble Contest (select students only) 2/28 - NBJH Choir Concert @ 7:30 pm (6th Chorus & Concert Choir) GBN Choral Festival 11/15 3/15-17 - Music Man Jr. @ NBJH(select students only) Concert Choir members had their The NBJH Concert Choir girls sang 4/17 - Tour of Schools (all day) first performance of the school year “Double Trouble” from Harry (Concert Choir only) on November 15 at the GBN Choral Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 4/23 - 8th Grade Recital @ Festival. Area junior high choirs (pictured top left), and the Concert 7pm(select students only) performed in addition to several of Choir boys performed a 4-part 5/10 - Spring Choral Concert @ 7pm the GBN academic and extra- acapella arrangement of the oldie (6th Grade Chorus & Concert Choir) curricular choirs. The evening “Barbara Ann.” (pictured below) 5/14-25 - 2012-2013 CC Auditions culminated with a combined choir 6/4 - 8th Grade Graduation piece titled “How Can I Keep from (Concert Choir performance) Singing?” (pictured above)

6TH GRADE CHORUS members Erica Uhlig CONCERT CHOIR BOYS singing “Barbara 6TH GRADE CHORUS member Emily Chang and Natalie Poklop get ready to sing in the Ann” at the GBN Choral Festival on Nov. 15. at the Chicago Recording Company, recording studio. for the “Blank Check Project” on Nov. 3. SOLO & 6th Grade Chorus records at ENSEMBLE Chicago Recording Company CONTEST

FEBRUARY 4, 2012

Best wishes to all singers participating in this year’s contest at NBJH:

Rick An! Alexandra Michalak Chloe Billig ! Julia Morris Allyson Bondy ! Sarah Paton Drew Cariola ! Natalie Poklop Abby Cooke ! Hailee Powell Elaine Currie ! Marie Repasy Lexi Dejneka ! Lexi Rosen Loni Feffer ! Anna Satek Joe Ferber Meredith Schneider Suzanna Glowacki ! Mary Shults Cammie Helgeland Cole Smth Kaitlin Jaffe Ellie Stencel Danielle Kates ! Noelle Westel Sophie Levit Brooks Whitlock Kelsey MacDonald Darby Williams Hope Mailing Mae Wimbiscus

Questions? 6TH GRADE CHORUS Contact Mrs. Whitaker: members had the honor of recording at the Chicago NUMBERS [email protected] Recording Company on November 3rd for “The Blank -or- Check Project,” a professional album that will donate Students in some of its proceeds to wounded veterans at the Walter 847.504.3534 6th Grade Chorus Reed National Military Medical Center. The students contributed to the song “A Letter Home,” written by singer-songwriter Gina Gonzalez. Students Music Man Jr. will each receive the album once it is released in the spring, courtesy of the Music 59 Parents Club enrichment fund. NBJH Musical Coming Soon! Students in PERFORMANCE DATES: Concert Choir Thursday, March 15, 7:00pm ! Friday, March 16, 7:00pm ! Saturday, March 17, 2:00pm ! 88 See upcoming NBJH Total number of NBJH Newsletters for ticket sales Choir members information. Hope to see you at the show! 147 NBJH january 2012 BANDS north shore solo & ensemble festival

Many of our NBJH Concert Band and Wind Ensemble members will be participating in the 2012 North Shore Solo & Ensemble Festival on Saturday, February 4th right here at NBJH. calendar Our musicians have been practicing at home, during lessons, X- january Block and before and after school to make sure their 18 • accompanist works with soloists for solo & ensemble during lessons performances are going to be top notch! 24 • 8th grade band members perform with GBN Pep Band • 6pm • GBN 28 • Jazz Jamboree •!Jazz Warehouse performing Each soloist or ensemble will perform their prepared piece for february an adjudicator who will not only critique their performance, but 1• accompanist works with soloists for solo & ensemble during lessons offer guidance for improving their overall musicianship. It’s an 4 • North Shore Solo & Ensemble Festival • NBJH •!8am-4pm excellent opportunity for our students to improve their skills and 7 • 8th grade band members observe GBN Jazz • GBN get experience performing for other professional musicians. 10 • GBN Music Dept performs @ NBJH •!10am 15-16 •!Elementary Conferences with Band Department march vandercook 1 • Faculty Recital •!NBJH Stage •!7pm school of 3 • Jazz Factory performs @ Pancake Breakfast at Village Presbyterian Church • 10am 14 • Concert Band & Wind Ensemble @ BandFest • Vandercook College of Music music 19 •!5th Grade Band Parent Meeting • 6:30pm •!NBJH Choir Rm BandFest 19 • Beginning, Junior & Concert Band Concert • NBJH Gym • 7:30pm 20 •!Wind Ensemble Concert • NBJH Gym •!7:30pm Concert Band & Wind april Ensemble have an amazing 23 • 8th Grade Music Recital • all 8th grade band members • 7pm •!NBJH Stage" event coming up! 25 • Jazz Night •!Jazz Warehouse & Jazz Factory Performance •!7pm • NBJH We will be participating in 30 • Woodwind Choir & Percussion Ensemble Recital • 7pm •!NBJH Stage! the Vandercook School of Music BandFest in downtown Chicago! We are currently may working on music that we will be performing for a judge as well 3 • NBJH Talent Show as experiencing a clinic with a professional conductor and 7 • Wind Ensemble & Jazz Factory Tour of Schools • all day • all schools 8 • Festival of Bands •!Beginning, Junior, Concert & Wind Ensemble • 7pm •!NBJH clinician. And, of course, we’ll be eating lunch together as well. 11 • WE, ChO & CC NBJH Assembly •!9am •!NBJH Gym 14-18 •!“Audition Week” •!auditions for jazz, woodwind choir & percussion Concert Band & Wind Ensemble members will be receiving ensemble more detailed information about this event as the date. Best of 14-18 • Final week of lessons luck to both bands! welcome do YOU have SmartMusic? Chris & Hope As many of you already know, SmartMusic is an amazing tool that our young musicians can utilize in lessons and in Concert Band!! band, but more importantly at home on your own to computer! Students are currently using it at home to help them practice and give them evaluative feedback on their lesson book assignments, scale exercises, their own part of their band music, and even jazz music! We are currently using it at various levels in lessons at school and demonstrating it in band rehearsals. Three pieces that Concert Band is rehearsing right now are also available in SmartMusic! For more information on how this application for Apple or PC could benefit your child’s progress , please contact your child’s lesson teacher or band director. OR check out our “technology page” on the District 28 Bands website at Page 7 NBJH january 2012 (cont) BANDS

Jazz Warehouse performing @ Jazz Jamboree Our Jazz Warehouse will be making their debut appearance at the Jazz Jamboree at Thomas M.S. in Arlington Heights on Saturday, January 28.

The Jazz Jamboree is a Attention All festival event; the band NBJH Band will perform for judges Alumni! and audience, then Are you still in band @ GBN? receive a 30 minute You are invited to perform with clinic with a jazz Wind Ensemble on Tuesday, March specialist. The students 20, 2012. will also have a chance to hear other middle Your NBJH directors hope YOU will be a part of this special school jazz bands from the surrounding suburbs. concert celebrating the tradition of excellence in the District 28 band program. We’re looking forward to this great opportunity to take our show on the road! Jazz Warehouse will perform at 10am, and Here’s how to sign-up: text “@NBJH-band-alumni” to the family and friends are welcome to join us. number 23559. You’ll be a part of our band alumni texting group. Your phone number remains private, and the group is moderated by the directors. You can text any questions to this Special Thanks to our Q2 Mentor Musicians! Questions? The second quarter of this year marked the launch of Comments? the D28 band department’s new Mentor Musician Need to reach us? program. The Mentor Musician program allows Mrs. Colsen! volunteers from both Concert Band and Wind 504.3400 x8410!! Ensemble to participate in Beginning Band rehearsals [email protected]! as exemplary role models for the first-year band students. Volunteers will have the chance to make a significant impact Mr. Kyrouac on the beginners by sharing their knowledge and skills within the rehearsal 504.3532!! [email protected]! setting. Mr. Scapillato The following students served as Mentor Musicians for 504.3530 Quarter 2: [email protected]! Lucy Davis Mr. Schuler! welcome 504.3531 Kate Seno Jaclyn Mattson [email protected] Rick An to Junior Band!! Ms. Stone Emma Burnson 504.3533 Tyler Gatz [email protected] David Lee Matt Burdick follow us! Jake Mitchell Jessica Revenko

A big THANK YOU to these Mentor Musicians for all their help this quarter! ORCHESTRA NEWS Beginning Orchestra Field Trip On January 19th the Beginning Orchestra took a field trip to see the Lake Forest Symphony. The performance featured works by Italian composers, and a guest artist – guitarist, Adam Levin. For many of our beginning students, this was their first time watching a live symphony orchestra. It was very good for them to ! see things they work on in rehearsals reinforced


by the symphony. Thank you Music Parents Club for funding this valuable enrichment activity! Thank you also to parents who chaperoned this event: Mrs. Gregory, Mrs. Wachala, Mrs. May, Mrs. Mohrdieck, Mrs. Hetzler, Mrs. Berger, Mrs. Han, Mrs. Kousiounelos, Mrs. Mock, and Mrs. Juszczyk. We could not have done it without them.

Beginning Orchestra Recitals The Beginning Orchestra had a wonderful first concert in December! On February 7th and 9th, the orchestra members will now get to experience their first recital. Each recital takes place in the auditorium at Greenbriar, starting at 7:00 p.m. Students are assigned to perform at one of the two recitals, and need to arrive on their night by 6:30 p.m. for tuning and seating – dressed in nice clothes (but not concert black & white). Students will perform a short solo with piano accompaniment provided by Mr. Govert. This is always an exciting evening for the children, since for many it is their first time performing a solo on their instrument. Family and friends are invited and encouraged to come and support our youngest orchestra members.

Cadet Orchestra Updates Congratulations on a great first concert of the year! We are working hard on learning the key of G and C naturals. We look forward to having another wonderful concert in March! Family and friends are always invited to support the orchestra members. !!!!!!!!!! Attention 8th Grade Orchestra Members!!! If you are planning on playing in orchestra next year at GBN, you need to register for “Freshman Strings” during your regular class registration the first week of March. For any further questions, contact Mrs. Wagner at GBN - [email protected]. Page 11 ORCHESTRA NEWS

Junior High Orchestra Bowling Party On December 9th, all of the junior high orchestra students had an enrichment bowling party at Pinstripes. This activity was a great opportunity for students in String and Chamber Orchestra to build connections with each other in a fun and relaxed setting. They will be working together again to prepare for the orchestra tour of schools on March 19th. Thank you to MPC for supporting this event! Below pictures from the party.

String Orchestra Mozart Fest On January 27th, the String Orchestra had a festival in honor of Mozart’s birthday. Students had the opportunity to learn about Mozart and rehearse his music. The students worked with Maestro Paul Vermel, who is a retired orchestra director from the University of Illinois, and a Julliard graduate and former professor. The morning also featured a performance and masterclass by a violin and viola duo from the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. They performed music by Mozart, and worked with the orchestra on their playing technique. A delicious birthday cake was enjoyed by all. Thank you MPC for this enrichment opportunity!

Orchestra Tour of Schools The Chamber Orchestra and String Orchestra are scheduled to tour the District 28 elementary schools on March 19th. MPC is providing lunch for this tour. In February, final information on this event will be given to students in rehearsals


Solo and Ensemble Festival On February 4th, District 28 will host the Northshore Solo and Ensemble Festival. The festival takes place at Northbrook Junior High between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. All junior high orchestra students will be participating in the festival, and have been preparing selections to perform in front of a judge. Students receive a first, second, or third place rating from the judges, as well as verbal and written comments. Congratulations in advance to all of these students for their preparation and participation in the festival. Thank you to Music Parents Club, the District 28 administration, and all parent and student volunteers for their assistance in hosting this event.

Dailey Center Field Trip The Chamber Orchestra will perform at the Dailey Center on Friday, April 13th . We will be performing by the Picasso. The performance is titled "Pizzicato by the Picasso." This concert celebrates the joys of music education in Illinois' schools. The concert demonstrates how music enriches children's lives and how this universal language speaks to everyone.

Upcoming Orchestra Concert Schedule Friday, January 27 String Orchestra Mozart Festival in room 404 at Northbrook Junior High – Extended morning rehearsal

Saturday, February 4 Northshore Solo and Ensemble Festival at Northbrook Junior High – 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Tuesday, February 7 Beginning Orchestra Recital #1 in the Greenbriar Auditorium – 7:00 p.m.

Thursday, February 9 Beginning Orchestra Recital #2 in the Greenbriar Auditorium – 7:00 p.m.

Monday, March 12 Cadet Orchestra and Chamber Orchestra Concert at Northbrook Junior High – 7:00 p.m.

Tuesday, March 13 Beginning and String Orchestra Concert at Northbrook Junior High – 7:00 p.m.

Monday, March 19 Chamber Orchestra and String Orchestra Tour of Schools

Friday, April 13 Chamber Orchestra Dailey Center Performance.


In this Issue: Letter from the MPC President Page 1 Volunteer Interest Form! Page 2 Ways & Means! Page 3-4 Summer Camp Information & Scholarship Application!! Page 5-6

Choral News ! Page 7-8

Band News!Page 9-10

Orchestra News Pages 11-13