January/February 1980
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COVER: NOTC Van JANUARY/FEBRUARY 1980 Cover Photo: Eddie May FROM THE OFFICERS 3 CLUB NEWS 4 JACKSON DAY FREELOADERS BOARD 6 COVER STORY 7 NUTRITION NEWS 8 DALLAS WHITE ROCK MARATHON 11 STORIES & HIGH LIGHTS > 13 NOTC 5K 16 NOTC 15K 18 HALF MARATHON 19 N O TC 5K 201 ATHLETIC SHOES 10 MILER \ 21 ! PHIDDIPPIDES 1 MILER 22 PHIDIPPIDES 10K LOOP 23 FINISH LINE SPORTS 10 MILER 24 NOTC 2 MILER 25 LOUISIANA CHAMPIONSHIP 25 JACKSON DAY RACE 27 NOTC MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION 29 SPECIAL NOTES BACK COVER / Publisher: New Orleans Track Club Editor: Eddie May Contributors: Pat Couret Carol May Hugh Mellert Computerized Race Results: David Bast Photography: Eddie May Executive Committee: \ George DeDual President ¡ Cliff Cooney Race Director Harold Flettrich Race Day Coordinator AI Ory Race Day Coordinator Eddie May Editor George Owen Treasurer FOOTPRINTS IS PUBLISHED BI David Bast Secretary MONTHLY BY THE NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB, P.O. BOX 30491, NEW ORLEANS, LA. 70190 SUBSCRIPTIONS ENTAIL MEMBERSHIP I IN THE NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB. MAGAZINES EPM#12 ARE FREE TO MEMBERS. sm s FROM THE OFFICERS Back Row from left: Harold Flettrich, George Owen, George DeDual Front Row from left: Eddie May, A1 Ory, David Bast, Cliff Cooney George DeDual, President Many hours after a Sunday morning race, I find myself reflecting on the events of the past eight months. Last June, all of the newly-elected officers set goals for themselves and the NOTC. Our goals were centered on: a better race schedule, more races, an overhead clock, more published results, and greater response to our runners’ needs. It is apparent now that all of our goals have been attained, but not without a lot of hard work. More hard work is in sight as we work on the Spring Schedule and try to find a base of operations, i.e., an office, for better coordination and resource utilization. i • ' A tremendous amount of equipment is needed to handle a race: water containers, hoses, cups, tables, timers, digital clock, chute materials, and many, many other items. Back up equipment and administrative material is housed at A1 Ory’s, Eddie May’s, Harold Flettrich’s, David Bast’s, Cliff Cooney’s, George Owen’s, Boatner Reily’s office, Rod and Susie Saint’s, Roi McLeod’s, and at my house. Office and storage space is a must. With an office, pre-registration and post-race awards and T-shirt pick-up would be facilitated. If anyone has access to, or knows of a building or garage that we can convert to our needs, please let me know. i Several of our national sponsors are not allocating funds for race promotion this year, but we do have scheduled very nice races with Hibernia National Bank, the States-Item, and Discount Store News for the spring. A1 Briede, Bright-Kearney-Ellis, St. Michael’s, Red Robbins, and quite a few other sponsors have returned for our best schedule ever. This spring we will have fewer races with more emphasis placed on better events. Last fall there were as many as 4 or 5 races some weeks, many with as few as 50 participants. Since so much work goes into an event we have decided to use our energy on fewer, better quality races. ; As my second year as Club President draws to an end, I would like to encourage other members to consider an officership. I will NOT be a candidate for the Presidency in June and would like to see our club continue to prosper through conscientious leadership. Anyone interested in information regarding job functions associated with being an ,, officer, please feel free to contact me at: 831-2870. David Bast, Secretary ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP REPORT FOR 1979 In the year 1979, the New Orleans Track Club has experienced a phenominal 50% growth in membership from a base of 920 memberships at the end of 1978 to a total of 1376 on December 31,1979. Additionally, we have 50% more members who are part of family memberships for a total amount of members of 1885. Of the 920 memberships which expired during one of our six renewal periods (January 31, March 31, May 31, July 31, September 30, November 30), a total of 506 renewed their NOTC membership. This is a renewal percentage of 55%. There were 870 new memberships in 1979 which supports the fact that we see so many new faces and new winners in our events. During the last three renewal periods, the growth rate has slowed slightly to a projected 30% increase in 1980. Using this figure, our membership should reach approximately 1800 by the end of 1980, and the total number of members ( withTamily members included) will (be 2500. As Secretary, I want you to know how much I appreciate your consideration in completing the membership forms so they are complete and easy to read, and I also want to thank you for your patience in allowing me time to process your NOTC membership. 3 Harold Flettrich, Jr., Race Day Coordinator A1 Ory, Race Day Coordinator IT COSTS TO RUN IN A NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB RACE The purpose of our club is to promote running. To do this we provide races for both experienced and novice runners to enjoy. But, some of our members and non-members feel they don’t get enough for their money so they refuse to pay to run in our races. ; < ;; One can run anytime, anywhere for virtually nothing, the air is free, the streets, parks, and levees are all free. So. why does it cost so much to run in a NOTC race? This seems to be a very popular question. Some runners are of the opinion that the entry fee is only for a t-shirt or a souvenier mug and some trophies. Many of our members have no idea of what it costs to put on a race, much less what it costs to run our club. The question could very well tie answered, “ It is not what you see but rather what you get.” The following are just a few of the club’s expenses that we can call to mind at this time: Printing and mailing costs for race schedules and special fliers on races, our Footprint magazine, membership applications, computer costs for race results and labels, numbers and safety pins, telephone answering service, P.O. box, insurance and gasoline for the van, cups and ERG, trophies, t-shirts, beverages and oranges, police protection, and countless other expenses'. On top of these there are always extras, for example, during this past year we purchased a $3,000 van, $600 P.A. system, $3,000 overhead clock, eight card tables, 20 safety cones, 20 safety vests, and a $200 shelf unit for the van. THESE ARE ALL NECESSITIES. \ir Large races with several aid stations cost extra. The aid stations for “The Wall,” for example, totaled $135 for cups, ERG, and table rentals. ; ¡. , ; ; Club dues only cover Footprints and the related mailing cost per member. Therefore, the entry fee becomes a necessary evil to survive. We do have numerous fun runs and many low cost races on our schedule imwhich we generate no income. In many of our races without sponsors we actually lose money!!! We depend on sponsored rabes to bring revenue into our club. ' : ; , ' ! ! Entry fees are necessary for maintaining our well-run organization. Freeloaders are taking advantage of paying i members. DON’T BE A FREELOADER! 1 i , „ j 1 , 's ( George Owen, Treasurer i il i || i\ i FINANCIAL REPORT j ' As of 12/31/79 Cash on hand and in Bank i $2,751.08, Receivables // : 3,740.96 ' Payable 1.201,15 ' / i /■■;1 i - Eddie May, Editor ; ,/. ; L With the up-grading of the New Orleans Track Club Newsletter to a magazine format Footprints and the more detailed runners stories and computerized race results, it has been our goal to give the members of the NOTC, a more quality product. But who cares! ' w , \ / In the November/December 1979 issue, I published 24 pictures of runners without the runner’s name belo’tv the photograph. I also listed in the Special Notes Section a statement that any runner whose picture appeared in this issue and the name did not, could receive a free NOTC patch. Well, only one (1) person claimed to have'seen his picture, and received his patch. Also, the application for the NOTC 10 Miler 1/27/80 was included in this same issue. But I have received callsfrom active NOTC,members asking how to get an application for this race. When I incjuired if the current;issue of Footprints had been received, the answer was, “yes, but I haven’t looked at it.” : : .... C The officers of the NOTC spend too much time and energy for this sort of complacency. It is time more people step forward and take an active role in the club, either by helping out or by, at least, acknowledging what we have done for you. : i ; V; ^o/ué ¿Afe mò Executive Committee Meetings Since the last issue of FOOTPRINTS was published, Executive Committee Meetings were held in December and January. The following were the major points of business: 1. 1980 RACE SCHEDULE: It was decided that the next race schedule would limit the number of races to three each month plus a FUN RUN. Also, on non-sponsored club races the minimum entry fee would be $3.00 for members and $4.00 for non-members. There will be several major events including a co-sponsored race by Hibernia National Bank and the States-Item.