Notre Dame Scholastic Football Review
// B: Vol. LIII. Football Number, December 6, 1919 No. 11 Che i^ouTe Same Scholastic A&CepcisemenCS PIXONl EYES EXAMINED I MAKE THIS YOUR MEETING PLACE Glasses Fitted at Moderate Prices SaHsfacHoH Guaranteed DR. J. BURKE & CO., JIMMIE & GOATS , OmMtsraisTs AND MANDFACTOKING OPTIOAMS . "WHERE THE CARS LEAVE" ' Mrttwwboattedtfaem. Brine Uw pieoa. 23O S. Michigan Ot ^ 4> The Ellsworth Store J. J. KF(EUZBERGE(l ^LL KINDS OF FURNITURE AND ROOM FUR MERCHANT TAILOR NISHINGS AT SPECIAL PRICES FOR NOTRE DAME STUDENTS 916 W. Jeffenon Blvd Arnold Bniidint •* * • • N.V. P. TRUNKS National Grocer Company by the makcnirf "Indestructo" and sellinx at a mnder" WHOLESALE GROCERS •te price. LngKage section—2nd floor 403-8 Sonth St Joseph Street South Bend. Indiiuw GEO. WYMAN & CO. s - "LICiTT HOUSE BRANDS" ' "x" •• • •* * Frank Mayr & Sons PureOmct. Canfol Ca«ip«Muidinc. ~ . Prompt Serriee JEWELERS 113 SOUTH MICHIGAN STREET The Eliel Pharmacy : 930 W. Wadnocton -Kyi. ! Emit Reyer. Ph. C-Mgr. Kable-s Restaurants 'ia«r(o6 N. ICcficu St. ' rt9 W. Jeff(^9on ByhL' iuiw. WmMagtMt Ave. : 906-So: Midiiiaa St. -ro -: '•'^ '^V' ''- ji^^^-i-.i._-,, WMssi mmimmmmmmm Hy^ure HEALy SCNOIAITIC BOARn • •-^. 'X..: i cvK-c.f:-'-''•---'' •.-.;--i .-..•-•>.-• VV • t;c i i,4. , . ;:>-,i-J.X-i'r%-t"«^>^i^ die Howpe Same Schdascic ACttfepCiaemenC^' - ' -. - -'- -- " - - ' "^ C* -"^ ~ - -- , '-~ '-_> I" -'-,.' -'" ' \ •\ -• V'"-;'-; ; " , •'^ ' ^ - _ _: • -' , •' "" : - ''^-/^'^^ -. ' "*. - - XMAS SUGC^STIQNS - •• - - Notre Dame Jeweleiy:—Notre Dame - •_ " - seal or monogram rings, pins, combina • V •' • tion sets wjtfi pearls, cuff links, rosaries \- with cases. La Vallieres, brooch pins, ^•^ • knives, fobs, ever sharp j)ehcils with : ^ _- <: . ^ seal, card cases, Waldemar chains; ihostly any article of jewelery mounted vridi :\,;: - the Notre Dame seal or monogram.
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