aiDeScbolastic DISCE-QUASI-SEMPER-VICTURVS VIVE- QUASI- CRAS-iHORlTVRVS Vol.. LV. OCTOBER 29, 1921. No. 6. Soon after things started to happen in FIRST FRUITS. rapid succession. Flags and streamers be­ Around the world are lands that root the seed gan to blend official colors with the gold of Of God's own Woi-d: from Bethlehem of old fallen leaves and the glorious blue of the To western isles, lost in the Peace Sea; wold sky. Everything that anybody has said Of rich Brazil designed is to feed about Indiana weather is hereby retracted: The self-same plant that lavish grows, in need six months of rain and snow would not be Of all plants' nutriment, in Greenland's cold; too big a price for these days of ambrosia On seetliing peaks, on waves to mountains rolled, and dew. Old Sorin, recognizing this, hung It thrives, from fear of death forever freed. out Professor Fenlon's blanket and a sign, Yet never did the Gospel-seed so sure "Welcome Old Sorinites," which a barber­ Take ro"ot again, as in the fertile bed shop in town thought good enough to imi­ Of Mary's Heart, never so much endure. tate, after having removed the Sor-ness. There grew the First Lily, heaven-nourished; The S. A. C, captained by Frank Blasius, There grew that God delights to look upon, performed eveiy task •v^'ith such diligence A soul untarnished, radiant as the sun. and ability that somebody has interpreted LEO K. WARD, C. S. C. the initials to mean "Stop At Crepe-de- chine"—which sig-nifies, next to nothing. About sic o'clock the rumor that Nebras­ THE GREAT FURLOUGH. ka was approaching began to look serious- P| c^aOME COMING, everybody will tell and Monsieur Slaggert, marshalling his co­ i:l,_.>;| you, was a success. It was more, horts, led a giant army to the city and or­ lf"~1-| it was everything; and for an in- dered a hei\y barrage of noise. When the." complete description you may look Comhuske|s had finally been [run to earth, up all the synonyms for "magnificent." We the Oliver Hotel looked out up6n a scene the haven't time. The affair really began with like of which had never been witnessed in two events of vast significance, which the South Bend. Under the balcony of the ven­ general public may have overlooked. First, erable hostel surged a detemiined mob; a there was the arrival of Jim Bailey from mob foresworn to relay the spirit of M. Slag- Portland, Oregon, aimed with the money gert's remiirks even to the canal-diggers on which the Notre Dame members of Colum­ Mars. The resulting dialogue was something bia's faculty had gTaciously . consented to like this: Slaggert: "We have been look­ pool so that Jim might draw the lucky num­ ing foi-ward"—Thunder! ! ! Slaggart: "I ber and let the kids play with hydro-chloric say we have been looking" forward"—Thund­ acid without any interference. The other er! ! !.. The locomotives, the rahs, the sirens, event was the fact th^t Coach Rockne was the what-do-you-call-'ems were executed seen, on Friday noon, eating a piece of N. D. with such fei-vour and fullness that Ne­ pie. The influence of this marvelous pastry braska co-eds on the outskirts of the crowd on our athletic perfomaances is not sufficient­ almost fainted of admiration and decided to ly appreciated; and we are making known come to Notre Dame until they remembered a secret of great importance when we say the circumstances and joined in the lusty that on the day before every homecoming. cheers that rose to the stars for Captain Rock treats the pie with deep interest and Swanson. Thisrlad reinforced the splendid benevolence. impression made by Coach Dawson and 82 tfie Nocre 6ameScholascic FIELD. might ha\'e been voted an honorable mem­ Finally the time for the great struggle ber of the N. D. Alumni Association then had come. Those who went early found and there; he can still be, any time he wants their seats without especial difficulty, saw to. We have talked for years about the spirit a most tranquil curtain raiser between South of our school. Well, such talk will be un­ Bend and Lafayette, and were besought to necessary in the future to people who saw purchase everything from crysanthemums the demonstration on Friday evening. It to collar buttons. "The *Juggla, Notre was simply the best ever. Dame's humorous monthly" was earnestly The old boys had begun to roll in, and prescribed by Mr. Flannery; a gentle lad alcoves that had been reserved since last with a pleasant smile proferred the school November gradually filled up with traveling flower with an apologetic air; and Mr. bags. There was a great deal of handshak­ Murphy was observed in the wake of the ing and filling out questionaires, which lasted photographer. Gradually the crowd gather­ until the following noon. Dismal scientists ed, and when the thirteen thousand people who had been gazing woefully upon unsteady had settled down on the outskirts of the barometers were voted out of order by the gridiron, the spectacle was inspiring. Wealth weather gods and "rosy-fingered dawn" was was there and the beauty of many women, registered at Notre Dame. Excitement be­ the pride of youth and the reflectiveness of gan to show its efilects; automobiles dashed maturity, the green of the field and the towards the golden dome with great reck­ sapphire sky. In the background waited the lessness of life; and the .more sedate among .quiet grey skyline of Notre Dame, while a the throng recalled the boxing tournament multitude of automobiles symbolized the that had been staged in the gymnasium on eager descent of the outer world upon our Friday evening. This complex fistic en­ scholastic retreat. The band, surprisingly counter is beyond our power of description. well-groomed for so early in the season, We have confused memories of Jimmy Kel­ passed in stately tread around the field as the ly patting his opponent gently on the back crowd stood with bared heads and heard the of the neck, of Reed's thrilling collision with "Victory Song." the floor, of a stentorian clamor for blood, A moment later and the men upon whom and of a short fat man who went around dis­ Notre Dame had settled her hope, her love locating people's ribs because he couldn't and her prayer ran lightly upon the field. see. The sight of the cherished Gold and Blue '^e Nocre 6ame Schdascic 8S brought forth cheering that thrilled a man more brilliantly effective. There was Cast- to the bone, cheering that was maintained ner, playing grimly and splendidly under the throughout the game with the finest verve handicap of an injured leg; Thomas, effec­ and spirit and for which M. Slaggert and his tive at quarter; and Mohardt, paying to assistants, M. Gleason and M. Clark, desei-ve some extent the penalty for being a star. the most enthusiastic praise. In another But the Hercules of the backfield was un­ moment the warriors of Nebraska appeared, doubtedly Chester Wynne, who did seventy looking like crimson Mephistos and giving five times more than any full-back is sup­ much evidence of having played football be­ posed to do, and without whom Satui'day's fore. A hush, vibrant and contagiously ex­ contest would not appeal to the imagination. pectant, settled upon the crowd. Even Abe It was not a flashy affray, though such Martin was seen to smile eagerly from the little matters as Eddie Anderson's taking press-box, though in general his exterior re­ the ball away from the Cornhuskers who sembled a picture of gloom esconced under a received the kickoff fairly ran amuck with dripping lunbrella. The hot-dog man for­ one's breath. Our forv/ard-passing was got to call his wares, the girls discontinued singularly ineffective, and most of the pass­ powdering their noses, cigars were suffered es we did get originated in the Nebraska to go out, P. J. McEvoy allowed a joke to camp. But it was gripping, brainy, mascu­ sink into oblivion, Cy Sherman stopped com­ line football all the way through and the municating with Lincoln, Doctor Mercier spectators thought that the quarters had only paused in his study of the psychology of the just begun when the blasted timekeeper in­ crowd. Doctor Egan broke off the thread of terfered with the arrangement. The out­ deep diplomacy, Frank Coughlin stood stock- come, of course, made all of us feel happy, still after having given away the last of but hats are off to the lads from Lincoln who twenty-five blankets donated by South Bend handled their end of the fracas as well as merchants to the team—and .... They we wanted them to. It was a game fit for were off!. homecoming and we trust that Rock will This isn't the place to chronicle the game. have the luck to get as good a one for next Let it be enough to say that all those who time. had gathered to witness this medley of punts It is to be regretted most deeply that we and plunges, of heroic attack and' stubborn can't turn a camera round and round to defense, saw two very good elevens battle give everybody who was there a little public with desperate resolution. The game be­ ity. Still we must point out a few:— longed to Notre Dame all the way through, first of all, the man towards whom most but the Cornhuskers were dead only when glances were sent during that afternoon, the struggle was dead.
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