Vol 21 No1 1974.Pdf
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- Quarterly - Mrs. Daniel Edwards West, Editor VOLUME 21 SPRING - 1974 NUMBER 1 - CONTENTS - TJiE PRESIDENT'S LETTER 1 FIVE GENERATION CHART " 2 NOTES FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK BOOK REVIEWS THE FILE OOX 7 \ INDEX TO 1840 OBION COUNrY. TENNESSEE CENSUS ," 1850 OBION COUNTY. TENNESSEE MORTALtn: SCHEDULE 11 MATHEW ROBERSON MANN FAMILY BIBLE " 12 .JUSTICES OF THE PEACE AND MILITIA OFFICERS 1784-1790 13 EARLY BEDFORD COUNTY. TENNESSEE MARRIAGES REPORTED IN NEWSPAPERS 17 THE MANLY' (MANLEY) FAMILY OF HENRY OOUNTY. TENNESSEE 18 LINCOLN COUNTY. TENNESSEE OBITUARIES • • 20 INDEX TO 1850 CENSUS OF MEMPHIS (SHELBY COUNTY). TENNESSEE 21 GRISSOM (GRISHAM) FAMILY OF HENDERSON COUNTY. TENNESSEE 27 ABSTRACTS OF WILLS & OTHER INSTRUMENTS. WILL BK. 1814-1816, SMITH COUNTY 2R FAMILY CEMETERIES IN WEAKLEY COUNTY. TENNESSEE .32 MAJOR JONATHAN TIPTON'S APPLICATION 33 ANDREW McMAHAN'S REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSION APPLICATION. 34 BERRYHILL FAMILY BIBLE 35 FAMILY CEMETERY, TROUSDALE COUNTY. TENNESSEE 35 COLE FAMILY GRAVEYARD • 36 OLD HICKORY' CEMETERY. CROCKETT COUNTY. TENNESSEE 37 LAWRENCE COUNTY, TENNESSEE MARRIAGES. OOOK "A" 1838-1860 38 INDEX TO BLEDSOE COUNTY ,TENNESSEE DEEDS 44 QUERIES 47 THE TENNESSEE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY . FaST OFFICE BOX 111249 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE -381i1-=1249 \ OFFICERS AND STAfF FOR 1974 President. ...........•.•.... .. .....• .. Mrs. Charles Roy Gilley Vice~President ...............•...•..... Mrs. Charles E. Barham, Jr. Recording Secretary ......• "........• .. Mrs. Thomas K. Blalock Corresponding Secretary ......•....•..... Mrs. J. A. Murphy Treasurer ..•.:....................... S. Caya Phillips Director of Research. ............ ..• .•. .• Miss Carrie Boals Editor. ...............•............ .. Mrs. Daniel E. West Associate Editor Mrs. Augusta H. Brough Advisor ...•................'. ....... .. Mrs. Laurence Gardiner Advisor ......•.............'. ........ .. Mrs. William R. Blair Parliamentarian. .. • .....•............ .. Mrs. T. Rivers Young LIBRARY STAFF BUSINESS STAFF EDITORIAL STAFF Mrs. Finlay A. Tycer Mrs. Edwin G. Hill Thomas ProctorHughes, Jr. Mrs. T. Rivers Young James E. Nichols Mrs. Thomas B. Preston Mrs. john McDonald Mrs. Jefferson D. Upshaw Mrs. Henry N. Moore Mrs. R. SidneyWilroy Mrs. Jefferson D. Upshaw Mrs. JohnD. Tyus Miss Myrtle Shelton Mrs. B. F. LeDuke Mrs. Charles West Miss Carrie D. Boals Herman L. Bogan Mrs. Robert L. Cox Mrs. Robert Louis Cox Mrs. Laurence B. Gardiner Mrs. William K. Bolton Mrs. S. Nelson Castle Mrs. Charles Griffin "Ansearchin' "News the official publication ofThe Tennessee Genealogical Society. Published quarterly - Annual Subscription All silbscriptionsbegin with first issue of year All subscribers. are requested to send queries for free publication. \ The Tennessee Genealogical Society, "ANSEARCHIN' " NEWS or the Editor assumes no responsibility for opinions or errors offact expressed by contributors· . ' . Spring 197L1- -1- THE PRESIDENT'S LETTER Dear Members and Subscribers: The Society receives numerous questions by mai1. We would like to use this page to answer as many of, them as possible.in order to' conserve paper and postage. The following are the subjects about which we receive most of the inquiries,. SUBSCRIPTIONS are $6.00 per calendar year~ and cover £pur quarters--Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. Subscribers, who send in money at any time during the year, re ceive all issues for that year. Not all subscribers are members of the Tennessee Ge~ealogicaI Society, as membership in the Society is limited to the Memphis M~tropolitan area. BACK ISSUES may ~e ordered for an entire year for $6.00; single quarters are NOT sold.. QUERIES are free to subscribers, but are limited to one per year, 50 words per query. Additional queries may be published- if space permits. TABLES OF CONTENTS, showing what has been published in back issues, are free upon request with self-addressed, stamped, 4~ x 9\ inch envelope. SURNAME INDEX is voluminous. Requests for information from this f~le (With SASE) must be limited to FOUR surnames per request. Information includes names and addresses of those WOding on the same line. The Society does NOT do research. SURNAME INDEX OF 1967 SEMINAR is out of print. Surname Index for 1969 is in plentiful supply. FIVE GENERATION CHARTS (sample in this issue), filled out and returned to the S_ociety, may result in contact with someone working on your line. We do NOT furnish blank charts. A SELF-ADDRESSED. STAMPED ENVELOPE must be included in correspondence with the Society if an answer is expected. "ANSEARCHIN'" NEWS COVERS can no longer be sold separately. One cover is furnished with the first issue of every Volume. We hope this wi11 be helpful information for readers. Sincerely, "'--"" /---\ ( . ( ) ,~J ~" l"AMILY REX;ORD CHARI .:3er:t by: ~- Address: _ na .... r B I D B M D I M B I D B \ D M I B I D B M Ancestor of: D I B I D I B 1 D B M D I M B I D B D I .- B I D B M D I I . , D Mail to: The Tennessee Geneaxogical Society post Office Box 111249 MP,mnhis.. Tennessee ,8111-1249 :Be S'\:l·P& to note Dates ttfHl Places of ~if't~.1 DeEitli ant! M:arr!:.e:g.e. Spring 1974 -3- NOTES FROM THE EDITOR t S DESK I 'ANS EA-RCH IN ," NEWS begins iu t~enty-fiifst ye4rof publication ~ith a new editor; hut, fortunately for all concerned, the former editor, Augusta BroUgh, is still $er;ring as Assoct.~teEditor•.. Her fine~0l."k, al~ngwith that of previous capable ed~tors , .. has m~ltltaine? 'a s tandal."d 'of ~ltee11t!nce.artdproduceda .• st~lldygto\ith tn the',nurltberof sl.ll)lIc-,:i~t'll' We'.~lr.~.ttllfO~t\\e1\0'11'$ gt'teu bY~Q~"olunt:eet '8t~tf*ltd~te~itfUl)Ut6tj.8~d _ tfUIl: .ltt't.tl\t!.'I~ln~wt HeOttttfttl1e itt its fin~ tritdl.tton. tt:i.sour d~sire to pHnt what y6u~ant to read,so if you have a request for information from'S: 'part;icul*r' CCHirity",~';~e,wo,1.114 be glad to hear from you. ~", **** ANNOUNCEMENTS , REVOLUTIONARY WAR SOLDIERS AND PATRIOTS BUR.IED IN TENNESSEE, a campUation of data on more than 4,000 soldiers who died within the bounds of Tenn., will be released in March. This book is a project of the 'l"enn. State Regetlt, NSDAR, lInd it has been compiled by Mrs.Wm. E. ktes. Price, $10.00 plus $.50 pOstage. Order from Mrs. RayW.Mettetal, P.O. Box 84, Johrison City, Tenn. 37601. Also avai1l:lble is PIONEER. 'tEACHERS AND PR.EACHE~ by Mrs. Rosalie Keever. Price $5.00 plus $.50 p'o~ta&e. ~ensusand The CENDEXsystemoi' researeh hasa'dded i the 1830 Ab:batna the uno South Carolina, census tofts computerized brain. C~U (C~hsus Index) uses the Spundex code (th.ephonetic system). to search all COUnties qf a given state for all listings of agiyen surname. The following states are coded for at least one census: Tenn., Ky., Ga., Ark., N.C., Miss., La., Ala., Ind., 'Conn., and S.C. For fees and further information write: Genealogic Company, CENDEX Division, P.O. Box 5291, Austin, Texas 78763 * * .* * NEWS AND NOTES FROM OTHER l?UBLICATIONS QUARTERLY OF THE AUSTIN GENEAtDGICAL SOC.IETY, P.O. Box 774, Austin, Texas 78767. MrS. Helen H. Rugely, Editor. $5.00/year. Vol. XIV, No.4, (Dec" 1973): Austin City Directory, 1812-1873. ~HOES, East TennesseeH:i.stotical Society, lawson McGhee :Library, Knoxville, Tenn. 37901. Mrs. WilHam J. MacArthur, Jr., Editor. '$5,00 annually. Qua.rterly. Vol. 19, No.4 (Dec., 1973): The Lamar House; :sijou Theatre, KnOXVille; Grainger County Tax List, 1804. ' " BRANCHES:,ANIJ 'TWIGS ,Genealogical Society of Vermont ,R.F.D. #3 , Putney, Vt. 05346. Newsletter. $0.50 each for back issueS. Vol. 2, No.2 (Spring, 1973): MOsher arid CuttOn family bibles; availability of index to Lamoitle County newspapers; 1973 Orleans Countycemeti!ry commissioners for use itt corresportdence by researchers; Wilcox, Chelsea, Monkton, Bemis Hill Roa,d, and Chandler cemeteries. SQUAH BOOK, 2325 Blake Street; San Bernl1rdino, Calif. 92405. Adelle Whitby Olney, Editor. $5.00 annually. Vol. V, Book 3 (Dee. 2, 1973): Mainly family records interspersed with queries, problems in research, and various records such as cemetery and Bible. " Ansearch1n•" News FAYE1'TE FACTS, Fayette County Gene~logical Society, P.O. Box 351, Vandalia, Ill. 62471. Amanda Sefton, Editor. Quarferly: VoL It, No. IV: First Connnis:;ipners' Book, 1822-1825; Center Baptist Church recol;'ds; first hog mark records; Fayette 'Bible Society records. DAW1:Et.$-J.)AtJ,IEtfANILYNoTlS, .~tfD'1;S.:lUS.ttoU~il. aOAld, t:at()t\~iHe; Mti .. 21228. J •. ttat't-ls'tt Uaftl~b •.. ltd. .4.Oaly~ar.. QUat-tarty •. VbJ.7~NO.1J"eb.• ,1974) s Wt 11:lam D4ftl~ lsf4tal19 of 1\an401,1'1 Cc:funt1, 14 • 'f•• ; ft••,ll.-t t ftp,tftgs about famity memb'ers; tbe ~i.tUam nard.ele-Catherine drert80way family; a Daniels family history ft'om the. Pennsylvania Archives. VALLEY QUARTERLY, San Bernardino Valley Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 2505, San Bernardino, California 92406. Vol. X, No.4 (Dec., 1973): San Bernardino County records; genealogical notes from ''The Guardian"; old pioneer cemetery records; Marriage Book B, 1871-1871. THE SPARKMAN. FAMILY TREE, RD. 11, York, Pa. 17406. David and Linda Sparkman, Editors. V'()Ll, No. 1 (Jan., 1914); Plans for quarterly issues ineludeproblems and solutions in connection with thi.S family; namesglveh of genealogistsoworking on lines in specific areas (Tenn., Ky., N.C. ,etc.); genea1ogiesof SOme readerlil; Sparkmans in 1790 census; abstracts of w.e. wins. tood luck to a new family publication! . , THE MURPllIUiEgUAS.TERLY,MurPhreeGenea.lo.gical' Association, 8506 Cottage Street, Vienna, Va.' ~2180. nillR. Linder, Ed •. $5 .. 00 annually. Quart~rly. Vol. tV, No. 12 ,(Dec"1973) ;OurFamiJ.yTr~e;Dani,elMurphreet.e>g Cabin; Spark family record; ma.p of lrelciltldshowins :wh~i:'e Mur~r,reell, ~1,,~c:l..' . QUARTSRLY OFTHORNroNFAMtLYASSOCtATION, 111 Glass Drive, Nitro, ~. Va. 25143. Jerryl~'iT~orn..tpn, Eq., $,?90a~nu~Uy" ,.Q~.r~~r~y.