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The Tennessee Genealogical Magazi~ "ANSEARCHIN'"NEWS ............ ..- e . .. .. -...... , . ...... ~ ,, , 0. " -.-' " ..- ...... .. " ....-.., ........... '., .''........... , , ....... , .. .,.,....... , I , .... , ...... --,, , ' ......- .......... , ,,'ftII#", .,..".- - '," ........- ,'.". ' .". ..- -_ .. " , ......" -- , ".".", .... , , - ' - --- , ,.,.;fII*,..",__:",.__:: -"- , , , ~..-"" ..*::-:.-:-:.._----_._---------- -: , --.,""'",', ,,--"-----------------., Since 1954 ... For allof Tennessee The Tennessee Genealogical Society RO. Box 111249 Memphis, Tn 38111-1249 Vol. 36, No. 2 Summer, 1989 THE TENNESSEE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY P.O. Box 111249 Memphis, Tennessee 38111-1249 OFFICERS AND STAFF FOR 1989 President Marilyn Johnson Baugus Vice-President Margaret Norvell Sinclair Recording Secretary Iona Fish Marbry Correspondence Secretary Sarah Duncan Blalock Librarian Lincoln Johnson Assistant Librarian G. Nelson Dickey Surname Index Secretary Colleen Nixon Petty Treasurer John David Heuer Editor Betsy Foster West Managing Editor Harry Milton Cleveland, Jr. Director Sarah Anderson Hull Director Gerry Byers Spence LI BRARY STAFF EDITORIAL STAFF BUSINESS STAFF Sandra Hurley Austin Gerry Byers Spence, Miriam Woods Dye Mildred S. Boston Associate Editor Elizabeth Davidson Chancellor Martha McKenzie Carpenter Judy Chambless Cleveland Margaret M. Crymes Lola Kelly Davenport Lucile Hendren Cox Newell Sterling Garrett Dorothy Carter Greiner Beverly Smith Crone Lucille Ledbetter Hastings Geraldine Blanton Holstun William Lesueur Holstun Wanda Hurley Hawkins Mary Louise Graham Nazor Estelle Atkins Horn Jane Cook Hollis Elizabeth Riggins Nichols Bradford Livingston Jarratt Johnnie o. Hollis Clarence W. Spence Martha Everett Weatherford Vyrah Mann Jessie Taylor Webb Ruth Hensley O'Donnell Emma Fisher O'Neal THE TENNESSEE GENEALOGICAL MAGAZINE, "ANSEARCHIN'" NEWS, is the official publication of THE TENNESSEE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. All subscriptions begin with the first issue of the year. Non-delivery of any issue should be reported to the Society within two months of the date of usual delivery. A charge of $2.50 will be made for redeeming and re-mailing copies which are returned to us, and which must be forwarded. Sub scribers may submit ONE free query per year of fifty words or less, which must be re ceived in this office by SepteITlber first of that year. Contributions of all types of ge~ealogical material will be accepted. We publish previously unpublished, Tennessee connected data, preferably that with pre-Civil War dates, all of which is subject to editing to save space. Every effort will be ma4e to print accurate material; however, neither THE TENNESSEE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, "ANSEARCHIN'" NEWS, nor the Editor can as~ume responsibility for errors on the part of contributors. Corrections of proven errors will be published. Publishable and unpublishable contributions are filed in our library for the use of members. Books donated to our library will be reviewed in the earliest possible issue of the quarterly. "ANSEARCHIW II NEWS VOL. 36, NO.2, SUMMER,1989 The Tennessee Gen~alogical Magazine, "ANSEARCHIN'" NEWS, ISSN 110003-5246, is published quarterly in March, June, September and December for $15.00 per year by the Tennessee Genealogical Society (3340 Poplar Ave., Memphis, TN 3tHll). Second Class postage paid at Memphis, TN. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to "ANSEARCHIN'" NEWS, P.O. Box 111249, Memphis, TN 38111-1249. Copyright 1989 by THE TENNESSEE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY • whr wrnnr.a.arr <Srnrnlogirnl tllltngn~inr" "1\usearrqiti ., News Mrs. Daniel E. West, Editor • VOLUME 36 SUMMER 1989 NUMBER 2 - CONTENTS - OVER THE EDITOR'S DESK. 50 THE TENNESSEE CONFERENCE FEMALE COLLEGE - COLUMBIA, TENNESSEE 51 FAMILY GATHERINGS 57 Haynes, Doherty, Lucas, Smith PETITIONS TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF TENNESSEE .•........ 61 Cocke, Greene, Washington, Davidson, Franklin, Roane, Maury, Williamson, Robertson, Jefferson, Wilson and Rutherford Counties FAYETTEVILLE OBSERVER NOTICE: JONES FAMILIES' REMARKABLE LONGEVITY 66 INDEX TO 1840 CENSUS, CARTER COUNTY, TENNESSEE ••... 67 1840 CARTER COUNTY, TENNESSEE REVOLUTIONARY & MILITARY PENSIONERS 70 CONFEDERATE PRISONERS TAKEN AT THE BATTLE OF FRANKLIN 71 WARREN COUNTY, TENNESSEE 1836 TAX LIST ... 77 MEMPHIS/SHELBY CO TN ARCHIVES - PROBATE RECORDS .• •• 80 Smith, Tate, Taylor, Trigg, Ward (2), Wherry, Williams, Wilson DYER COUNTY, TENNESSEE DEED BOOKS A and B 81 BOOK REVIEWS . 87 NEWS AND NOTES FROM OTHER PUBLICATIONS . 90 QUERIES 91 50 "Ansearchin'" News OVER THE EDITOR'S DESK Many times items of general interest to our subscribers are sent to our office, but because we are a quarterly publication, the event has come and gone before we mail our next issue to you. Nbnetheless, some of the ideas and information are worth passing on to others. Such an example comes from the Mobile Genealogical Society of Mobile, AL. This organization has sub-divisions of special interest groups, persons who are re searching the same area. The Tennessee Chairman, Pamela Corley, sent us a list of Mobile members who are searching in our state and the names of the families they are interested in. At a Regional Fair held in Mobile last March, Pamela had a table for Tennessee searchers which served as a contact for others working in Alabama and Ten nessee, possibly on the same family. This is a method of meeting new correspondants, maybe even cousins. If you are interested in trying this idea, Pamela J. Corley, P.o. Box 402, Satsuma, AL 36572 may be able to give you some pointers. Another special interest group is "Pal-Am", Palatines to America. This organization promotes the study of German immigration to North America, and publishes a quarterly journal to help members share findings with others. The 14th National Conference of Pal-Am will be held June 22-24, 1989 at Marian College in Indianapolis, IN. Maralyn Wellauer of Madison, WI will speak on subjects related to the theme "Into the Old Northwest." For information write Palatines to America, Box 101P, Capital Univers ity Cblumbus, OH or call Paul Peak at 303-773-2555. If you have a FEATHERSTONE line, you have a new champion. Gene Hyden, editor of the Heydon-Hayden-Hyden Families, has established a new publication for Featherstone lines. All spellings of this name will be included in the material he prints on a quarterly basis. Volume I, No. 1 was published in January and is an attractive 5x7 computer-generated booklet. Write Mr. Hyden, 7911 Yancey Dr., Falls Church, VA 22042 for information. Another family group has scheduled a reunion. The BURKHALTER family will gather on Saturday, August 19th in Prattville, AL; anyone interested may receive further in formation by sending a SASE to Andy Burkhalter, 115 Shirley Dr., Hendersonville, TN 37075. Andy's Burkhalter-Stevens-Downs lines were in South Alabama ca 1800/30. Conferences, Seminars, Fairs and Workshops are exhilerating and informative ways to further our favorite hobbies, and genealogists have excellent opportunities for that experience in these two events: St. Louis Genealogical Society Fair - 17 June 1989 - Sunset Hills, MO American Family Records Assn. Conference - 21-22 July 1989 - Independence, MO The 20th annual St. Louis Society Fair will feature Arlene Eakle and Daniel M. Schlyter, both of Salt Lake City, as speakers. Their subjects are related to the general theme of the Fair, "Ancestral Routes to Missouri." For more information write to the Society at 9011 Manchester Road, Suite 3, St. Louis, MO 63144. The American Family Records Association Conference theme is "Breaking Through Stone Walls - Where Do I Go From Here?" Two nationally renowned speakers, Arlene Eakle and Marsha Hoffman Rising will offer instructions and suggestions for solving that problem. Write the Association at 311 East 12th St., Kansas City, MO 64106 for registration forms. Summer 1989 51 THE TENNESSEE CONFERENCE FEMALE COLLEGE - COLUMBIA, TENNESSEE A small, tattered and stained pamphlet, which was published in Nashville, Tennessee by Cameron & Co., News Office, Cherry Street in 1860, brings to life one of the early church-related schools. A copy of the thirty page catalogue was given to this society by Doloris Tillman. The Tennessee Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South had es tablished a "Female College" in Columbia, Maury County, Tennessee in 1843, and when this "Annual Announcement" was published, it had been under the leadership of Dr. Jared o. Church for sixteen years. It was reported in the conference minutes under various names, Columbia Female Institute and Columbia Female Seminary, perhaps be cause another Tennessee Conference Female Institute was established at Huntsville, Alabama. "Tennessee Conference Female College is under the patronage of the Tennes see Conference, and has a charter of the most liberal Collegiate privileges. It is located on a beautiful eminence, in the suburbs of the flourishing town of Columbia, and accessible from all points by Turnpikes and Railroads. The Tennessee & Alabama and the Tennessee & Alabama Central Railroads pass through Columbia, which, on this account, becomes one of the most accessible towns for schools in the State. The cars are passing several times daily, so that persons are not detained longer than they may wish. The character which Columbia sustains for intelligence, refinement and morality will ever, as heretofore, render it a most desirable place for the Edu cation of young Ladies." Although it was affiliated with the Methodist Church, the college did not