1620 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 159, Pt. 2 February 25, 2013 SEQUESTRATION brought up the idea of the sequester in ‘‘NASA Neil A. Armstrong Flight Research a meeting with the Democrat Senate Center’’. (Mr. HOYER asked and was given (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, Majority Leader HARRY REID. Even permission to address the House for 1 map, regulation, document, paper, or other minute and to revise and extend his re- more notable is Woodward’s assertion record of the United States to the flight re- marks.) that ‘‘Obama personally approved of search center referred to in subsection (a) Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, we have the plan,’’ which was presented. shall be deemed to be a reference to the now entered the final week before the Jack Lew is now the President’s ‘‘NASA Neil A. Armstrong Flight Research dangerous, arbitrary, and irrational nominee for Treasury Secretary, and Center’’. policy of sequestration, which Repub- Woodward reports that in his confirma- SEC. 2. REDESIGNATION OF WESTERN AERO- tion hearings in the Senate, when NAUTICAL TEST RANGE. licans proposed first in their cut, cap, (a) REDESIGNATION.—The National Aero- and balance bill in July of 2011. asked about proposing the sequester, nautics and Space Administration (NASA) If I were the majority leader, Mr. Lew went into ‘‘denial mode.’’ The Western Aeronautical Test Range in Cali- Speaker, that policy would not go into American people are tired of denial fornia is redesignated as the ‘‘NASA Hugh L. effect. Budget discipline is absolutely mode, Mr. Speaker. We need a serious Dryden Aeronautical Test Range’’. necessary, but damaging job growth in plan to replace the President’s seques- (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, our economy to do so is self-defeating. ter, and it needs to come from the map, regulation, document, paper, or other other side of the aisle. record of the United States to the test range The only responsible way forward is referred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed for Republicans and Democrats to work f to be a reference to the ‘‘NASA Hugh L. Dry- together to achieve a balanced solution den Aeronautical Test Range’’. RECESS to deficits that can turn off the seques- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- tration. House and Senate Democrats The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ant to the rule, the gentleman from have each proposed balanced alter- ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair Texas (Mr. SMITH) and the gentle- natives that combine smart, targeted declares the House in recess until ap- woman from Maryland (Ms. EDWARDS) cuts in spending and tax expenditures. proximately 5 p.m. today. each will control 20 minutes. I would hope the majority leader, Mr. Accordingly (at 2 o’clock and 10 min- The Chair recognizes the gentleman CANTOR, would bring that to the floor. utes p.m.), the House stood in recess. from Texas. While many Republicans have been f GENERAL LEAVE praising the sequester as a viable path Mr. SMITH of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I forward, Democrats recognize this b 1705 ask unanimous consent that all Mem- mindless policy for the danger it is. AFTER RECESS bers may have 5 legislative days to re- I urge my colleagues on the other vise and extend their remarks and to The recess having expired, the House side of the aisle, Mr. Speaker, to recog- include extraneous material on H.R. was called to order by the Speaker pro nize the sequester’s consequences, and 667, the bill now under consideration. to work with Democrats to find an al- tempore (Mr. HULTGREN) at 5 o’clock The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there ternative, or, if that can’t be done, to and 5 minutes p.m. objection to the request of the gen- abandon this reckless policy. f tleman from Texas? We only have 4 days left to go, and There was no objection. our country’s overall well-being de- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Mr. SMITH of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I pends on it. PRO TEMPORE yield as much time as he may consume Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous con- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- to the gentleman from California, sent to call up H.R. 699, which is the ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the Chair KEVIN MCCARTHY, the majority whip balanced Democratic alternative to se- will postpone further proceedings and, I might add, the originator and questration, which I know we have today on the motion to suspend the author of this bill. ample time to debate over the next few rules on which a recorded vote or the Mr. MCCARTHY of California. I days and, hopefully, send to the Sen- yeas and nays are ordered, or on which would like to thank the chairman for ate. the vote incurs objection under clause his work. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The 6 of rule XX. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support Chair cannot entertain that request Any record vote on the postponed of H.R. 667, to honor two great pioneers without appropriate clearance from question will be taken later. in American aeronautics and space ex- both sides. ploration, Dr. Hugh Dryden and Astro- f f naut Neil Armstrong. NEIL A. ARMSTRONG FLIGHT RE- Neil Armstrong was a Navy fighter THE PRESIDENT’S SEQUESTER SEARCH CENTER AND HUGH L. pilot, engineer, test pilot, , (Ms. FOXX asked and was given per- DRYDEN AERONAUTICAL TEST and educator who was always proud to mission to address the House for 1 RANGE DESIGNATION ACT serve this Nation. minute and to revise and extend her re- Before joining the Astronaut Corps in Mr. SMITH of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I marks.) 1962 and eventually taking the first move to suspend the rules and pass the Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, I appreciate small step for a man, Armstrong served bill (H.R. 667) to redesignate the Dry- the comments of our colleague from as a test pilot for 7 years at what is den Flight Research Center as the Neil Maryland, but I think he needs to di- presently called the NASA Dryden A. Armstrong Flight Research Center rect them to the President, and I am Flight Research Center in Kern Coun- and the Western Aeronautical Test going to speak to that in my 1-minute. ty, California, which I am proud to rep- Range as the Hugh L. Dryden Aero- The editorial page of The Washington resent. Armstrong flew thousands of nautical Test Range. Post is not known for being critical of hours as a test pilot there, mainly in The Clerk read the title of the bill. the President. This weekend, however, experimental jets and high-speed rock- The text of the bill is as follows: it published an op-ed by one of their et planes. He was also part of the team most veteran reporters which should H.R. 667 in the early 1960s who developed the establish once and for all that the se- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Lunar Landing Research Vehicle used quester—arbitrary across-the-board resentatives of the United States of America in to train our on how to safe- Congress assembled, spending cuts that go into effect March ly land on the . SECTION 1. REDESIGNATION OF DRYDEN FLIGHT After the success of the 1—was the brainchild of the Obama ad- RESEARCH CENTER. ministration. (a) REDESIGNATION.—The National Aero- mission, Armstrong remained an active Woodward writes that at 2:30 on the nautics and Space Administration (NASA) contributor to the aeronautical re- afternoon of July 27, 2011, White House Hugh L. Dryden Flight Research Center in search programs at the Flight Re- officials Jack Lew and Rob Nabors Edwards, California, is redesignated as the search Center. Most notably of these

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:46 Sep 19, 2017 Jkt 029102 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR13\H25FE3.000 H25FE3 rmajette on DSKBCKNHB2PROD with BOUND RECORD February 25, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 159, Pt. 2 1621 was the digital fly-by-wire program, 1947 until the creation of the National ministration and the Congress and imple- which is recognized today as a far- Aeronautics and Space Administration mented with all the consistency that the va- reaching technological breakthrough. where he was named deputy adminis- garies of the budget will allow. Such a pro- He returned to visit the center in the trator. gram will motivate the young toward excel- lence, support a vital industry and earn the years that followed and, throughout President Johnson said of his passing respect of the world. his life, remained a strong advocate of that it was: I hope we can honor his words. But flight research. A reason for national sorrow. No soldier his words were foreshadowed by Hugh H.R. 667 would rename the NASA ever performed his duty with more bravery, Dryden in a letter he wrote to Senator Center in his honor, the Neil A. Arm- and no statesman ever charted new courses Robert Kerr, chairman of the Senate strong Flight Research Center. with more dedication than Hugh Dryden. Whenever the first American spaceman Committee on Aeronautical and Space H.R. 667 would also honor Dr. Hugh sets foot on the Moon or finds a new trail to Sciences in 1961: Dryden’s contributions to aerospace a new star, he will know that Hugh Dryden that made many of Neil The development of space science and tech- was one of those who give him knowledge nologies strengthen our whole industrial Armstrong’s career achievements pos- and illumination. base and serves as insurance against techno- sible. NASA’s Dryden Flight Research Cen- logical obsolescence. Education will profit. Dryden was a key figure in the devel- ter in Edwards, California, was named The discipline of cooperation in a great na- opment of America’s aerospace pro- in his honor on March 26, 1976. The cen- tional effort may well be the instrument of grams from the early part of the 20th ter is NASA’s premier site for aero- great social gain. century to the much more complex nautical flight research. At the dedica- If the same Members who vote to re- programs that are still ongoing at tion ceremony, then-NASA Adminis- name these two NASA facilities today NASA Flight Research Center, trator, James Fletcher, stated: will commit to working in the coming Edwards Air Force Base, and China It is most fitting that this Flight Research months and years for those exploration Lake Naval Air Station in my district. Center, with its unique and highly special- goals to which both men devoted their He was an early pioneer in aero- ized capability for solving aerospace prob- lives, then we will have truly honored dynamics over the first half of the 20th lems, should memorialize the genius of Hugh both of their legacies in an enduring century and enabled many scientific Dryden. and a meaningful way. breakthroughs. When NASA was cre- Neil Armstrong joined NACA in 1955 I reserve the balance of my time. ated in 1958, Dr. Dryden was chosen to following his service as a naval aviator. Mr. SMITH of Texas. I yield myself be its first deputy administrator, fo- Over the next 17 years, he was an engi- as much time as I may consume. cusing his energies on the programs neer, test pilot, astronaut and adminis- Mr. Speaker, I want to thank the that allowed our country to explore trator for NACA and its successor gentleman from California, Majority space and send our astronauts to the agency, NASA. Whip KEVIN MCCARTHY, for honoring Moon. As a research pilot, he flew over 200 Neil Armstrong and NASA Deputy Ad- H.R. 667 will memorialize both men different models of aircraft, such as the ministrator Hugh Dryden with this by redesignating the Dryden Flight Re- storied X–15. He transferred to astro- bill. Not many people know the rela- search Center as the Neil A. Armstrong naut status in 1962 and was command tionship between these two men. Hugh Flight Research Center and naming the pilot for the Gemini 8 mission on which Dryden was the visionary behind center’s test range as the Hugh L. Dry- he performed the first successful dock- NASA’s X–15 rocket plane and the den Aeronautical Test Range. ing of two vehicles in space. As space- . Neil Armstrong was the one who flew the spacecraft that b 1710 craft commander for Apollo 11, Neil Armstrong successfully led the first Dryden envisioned. Edwards Air Force Base, Naval Air manned lunar landing. His service and The X–15 rocket plane set many Weapons Station China Lake, and his famous words, ‘‘that’s one small speed and altitude records in the early NASA Flight Research Center in east- step for man, one giant leap for man- 1960s. Hugh Dryden was the engineer ern Kern County remain a hub of sci- kind,’’ inspired millions around the and program manager for that space- entific discovery, aeronautic innova- world, including this Congresswoman craft which Neil Armstrong flew seven tion and space exploration. I look for- sitting in front of a black and white times. ward to many more groundbreaking television. While everyone knows that Neil Arm- achievements from the men and women Mr. Speaker, it’s clear that Mr. Arm- strong was the first man to set foot on inspired by the legacy of Neil Arm- strong never sought the honor of hav- the Moon, not many people know Hugh strong and Hugh Dryden. ing a NASA center named after him Dryden’s role. The Soviets had Mr. Speaker, H.R. 667 is a fitting while alive. In truth, his name will live launched the first satellite Sputnik in tribute to Armstrong and Dryden, and on throughout history whether or not 1957, and cosmonaut Yuri Gargarin be- I urge my colleagues to join me in sup- we ever name anything for him. I came the first man in space in April porting this bill to celebrate the re- doubt, in this era of declining funding 1961. markable lives of both men. for NASA, that either Neil Armstrong President John F. Kennedy wanted to Ms EDWARDS. Mr. Speaker, I yield or Hugh Dryden would want a single demonstrate American ingenuity and myself such time as I may consume. precious dollar to be spent on a cos- technical superiority over the Soviet Mr. Speaker, H.R. 667 has been of- metic facility name change when that Union, so he convened the National fered to redesignate the National Aero- money could be spent instead on ful- Space Council. President Kennedy nautics and Space Administration’s filling NASA’s mission to reach for the asked for their advice on the best way Dryden Flight Research Center as the stars. And, in fact, when Neil Arm- for America to respond to the Soviet’s Neil A. Armstrong Flight Research strong appeared before our Science string of firsts in space exploration. In Center. The bill would also rename the Committee, he almost said exactly that meeting, Hugh Dryden rec- Western Aeronautical Test Range as that. ommended to the President that the the Hugh L. Dryden Aeronautical Test While I expect that we will approve goal of putting a man on the Moon Range. this legislation today, I hope that all within 10 years was achievable and While I plan to support this bill, it is the Members who vote to honor Neil something the American people could a bit unfortunate since it honors one Armstrong today will remember his rally behind. aerospace pioneer by stripping away testimony before the House Science, The rest is history. President Ken- the honor previously extended to an- Space and Technology Committee dur- nedy grabbed Hugh Dryden’s idea and other worthy pioneer, Hugh L. Dryden. ing which he said: addressed a joint session of Congress Dr. was direc- The key to the success of American invest- the very next month. The Apollo pro- tor of the National Advisory Com- ment in space exploration is a clearly articu- gram was the brainchild of Hugh Dry- mittee for Aeronautics, NACA, from lated plan and strategy supported by the ad- den. Neal Armstrong turned that

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:46 Sep 19, 2017 Jkt 029102 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR13\H25FE3.000 H25FE3 rmajette on DSKBCKNHB2PROD with BOUND RECORD 1622 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 159, Pt. 2 February 25, 2013 dream into reality by making that later and when I received a letter from pride in our country and inspiration in ‘‘one small step for a man, one giant him 3 days after he died. the ability he placed in mankind. leap for mankind’’ on another world al- Naming the Dryden Flight Center There are few events in history that most 240,000 miles away. Hugh Dryden after Neil is very appropriate. After have had such profound and positive was not able to see his dream become graduating from college, he joined impact, transcending generations reality, as he died in 1965. And, unfor- NASA’s predecessor agency, the Na- across the globe. H.R. 667 is just one tunately, Neil Armstrong passed away tional Advisory Council on Aero- way we can pay tribute to this great last August. nautics, and soon found himself at American hero. It is important for us to honor both NASA’s High-Speed Flight Station lo- This bill will accomplish three im- men’s legacies by naming the Flight cated at Edwards, which would in time portant goals: one, to honor Neil A. Research Center after Neil Armstrong become the Dryden Flight Research and the surrounding Test Range after Center. They were both great friends. Armstrong, who served as an experi- Hugh Dryden. With this bill, we reaf- He spent 7 years there flying a variety mental research test pilot at the center firm that America is filled with dream- of new-design and high-performance from 1955 to 1962; to emphasize the con- ers like Hugh Dryden, and doers like aircraft, including the seven flights at tributions of that center to NASA’s Neil Armstrong, who—working to- the control of the X–15. current space exploration mission; and gether—can ‘‘shoot for the Moon.’’ Naming the Western Aeronautical to memorialize the extraordinary ca- Thanks to Mr. MCCARTHY, we honor Test Range after Dr. Hugh L. Dryden is reer of Dr. Hugh L. Dryden by naming their legacy, and that reminds us that also appropriate. Dr. Dryden, as a close the aeronautical test range, approxi- America always needs to think about friend of Neil’s, held the position of Di- mately 12,000 square miles of special- new frontiers. rector of the National Advisory Coun- use airspace, in his honor. I encourage my colleagues to support cil of Aeronautics from 1947 until it As was said: That’s one small step for this bill. was renamed NASA in 1958, then served man, one giant leap for mankind. This Mr. Speaker, I yield as much time as as Deputy Director of NASA until his is a small step to recognize both Neil he may consume to the gentleman death in 1965. He pioneered research of Armstrong and Hugh Dryden. from Texas (Mr. HALL), former chair- airfoils near the speed of sound and the man of this committee. problems of airflow and turbulence. He I urge my House colleagues to sup- Mr. HALL. Mr. Speaker, I want to greatly contributed to the designs of port passage of H.R. 667. thank Mr. MCCARTHY for reintroducing wings for aircraft, including the P–51 Ms. EDWARDS. I’d inquire if the gen- this bill to redesignate NASA’s Dryden Mustang and other World War II air- tleman has additional speakers? Flight Research Center, which is co-lo- craft. Mr. SMITH of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I cated with Edwards Air Force Base in H.R. 667 honors the life and legacy of believe we have one additional speaker. California, as the Neil A. Armstrong two great Americans: Neil Armstrong Flight Research Center. This bill, H.R. and Dr. Hugh Dryden. Ms. EDWARDS. I’ll continue to re- 667, would also rename the Western With that, I urge Members to support serve the balance of my time. Aeronautical Test Range as the Hugh this bill. Mr. SMITH of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I L. Dryden Aeronautical Test Range. Ms. EDWARDS. I reserve the balance will recognize the gentleman from Neil Armstrong, everybody will say— of my time. California (Mr. ROHRABACHER) for as and it’s so true, he needs absolutely no Mr. SMITH of Texas. I yield 3 min- much time as he may consume, and I introduction—people know who Neil utes to the gentleman from California also note that he is the vice chairman Armstrong is. He covered the country. (Mr. CALVERT), who has long been an of the Science, Space, and Technology He has given of his time. He’s an Amer- able spokesman on the issues related to Committee. ican hero, and he is one who never took space. personal credit for his accomplish- Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, I proud- Mr. ROHRABACHER. Mr. Speaker, I ments. Anytime he was speaking about ly stand with my good friend and fel- rise in support of H.R. 667 as a way for the success of the Apollo 11 mission, he low Californian, Majority Whip KEVIN us to honor the memories of Neil Arm- always gave recognition to the teams MCCARTHY, in strong support of this strong and Dr. Hugh Dryden. of engineers, technicians, and sci- legislation we have both championed, These two men, these two 20th cen- entists at NASA and the industry. He H.R. 667, which will redesignate tury frontiersmen, technologists, and, was quiet, thoughtful, and deliberate, NASA’s Dryden Flight Research Center yes, visionaries, these two men who led choosing his words carefully, whether as the Neil A. Armstrong Flight Re- us and, thus, led our country into a testifying before a congressional com- search Center and Western Aero- new era of human history, the era of mittee, giving a speech, or sharing a nautical Test Range as the Hugh L. aerospace when the technology of man- moment with a friend. Dryden Aeronautical Test Range. kind uplifted mankind into the air and One of the great benefits of public b 1720 then into the heavens, this is an era service here in the United States House that we are just now seeing the very Last May, I was honored to have of Representatives is the people you first steps, and these were the men who Neil, along with General Tom Stafford meet in all walks of life. I had the high pushed the frontier and made those and Gene Cernan, visit Rockwall, honor and privilege of meeting Mr. first steps. Texas, my hometown in Texas, and ad- Armstrong on several occasions before dress graduating high school seniors he passed away on August 25, 2012, es- Neil Armstrong’s name will be one of from the area’s public schools and pri- pecially when I was chairman of the the few iconic names from our era that vate schools. Neil spoke to a packed Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee are found in history books 1,000 years auditorium of seniors and their fami- on Science. from now. Most people know him as a lies and then generously took time for Given his place as a revered global brave astronaut who commanded Apol- photos with all the graduating classes. icon, Neil never sought the limelight, lo 11; but before those days, Neil Arm- This was such a magnanimous gesture as Mr. HALL has said. He never lost his strong was an outstanding aero- on his side and yet typical of his com- unassuming manner, his nature as a nautical engineer and a great pilot for mitment to inspiring other generations midwesterner, and values that his Ohio the U.S. Navy and for the National Ad- of students to pursue fields in science, roots instilled in him. He was just a visory Committee on Aeronautics, the space, and technology. These Rockwall wonderful person. NACA, a precursor to NASA. Neil flew County students and their families will Those of us who were old enough to over 900 missions at the NACA High- remember his visit forever, and this witness firsthand when he took his Speed Air Station, and that very cen- was made even more meaningful when first step on the surface of the Moon ter is what we seek to name in his Neil passed away just a few months will never forget the great sense of honor today.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:46 Sep 19, 2017 Jkt 029102 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR13\H25FE3.000 H25FE3 rmajette on DSKBCKNHB2PROD with BOUND RECORD February 25, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 159, Pt. 2 1623 At the same time, we wish to con- we are also prepared to cut millions of Mr. JORDAN. Mr. Speaker, I want to thank tinue to recognize the major and sig- dollars in a budget that should be spent my colleagues for their strong vote last night nificant contributions of Dr. Hugh Dry- on the kind of science and exploration in support of H.R. 667, which would designate den, one of the world’s greatest aero- that both of these gentlemen pio- NASA’s Dryden Flight Research Center at nautical who provided crit- neered. Edwards Air Force Base as the Neil A. Arm- ical leadership to the NACA and is re- When we think of what needs to be strong Flight Research Center. I thank the ported to be the man who gave Presi- done for the next generation in order gentleman from California, Mr. MCCARTHY, for dent Kennedy the idea that a Moon to inspire future scientists and those allowing me to be an original cosponsor of this landing was the right benchmark for who will work in technology—our engi- legislation. America to set as we worked to catch neers, our math students—we regret Forty-four years ago this July, Commander up with the in space. that they won’t see that same kind of Neil Armstrong and his Apollo 11 crewmates Today we honor these great men, and inspiration because of the irrespon- achieved something once thought impossible: by supporting this legislation, we will sibility of this Congress. I want to say successfully landing on the moon and return- continue to support them in every way how pleased I am as I look forward to ing safely to the earth. They succeeded de- and continue to support NASA in its working with Chairman SMITH, because test-flight mission. I know of his commitment to science spite the many dangers they faced and the Let us not forget so many people just and to technology, and I know of his countless things that could have gone wrong associate NASA with space, and Neil commitment to NASA and to moving during their pioneering mission. Armstrong is one of those people. But forward an agency that’s going to pro- I am especially honored to represent Neil as I’ve just pointed out, their work in pel us in 21st century space science and Armstrong’s birthplace: Wapakoneta, Ohio, developing new technology for aero- in aeronautics, but this is not the way which takes great pride in being home to the space and for jet engines and the design to do it. Neil Armstrong Air and Space Museum. The of airplanes has had a tremendous im- While we do our renaming today in museum has on display various artifacts from pact on our way of life and made Amer- honor of Hugh Dryden and in honor of the Apollo 11 mission and other articles from ica the great aerospace power in the Neil Armstrong, we will take an ax Armstrong’s long and storied career. world. So as we honor them today, we hammer to NASA’s budget on March 1, at the end of this week, taking out $894 As a test pilot, Armstrong spent seven years reconfirm our commitment to being at the facility that will soon bear his name. the number one space power and the million from an already strapped budg- et. I dare say that future generations Then called the High-Speed Flight Station, it number one aerospace power on the will not be inspired by what this Con- was a key site for the foundational work done planet. gress will do, will not be inspired by by NASA’s predecessor agency, the National Ms. EDWARDS. I’d inquire if the gen- what the majority is doing by not al- Advisory Council on Aeronautics, NACA. Arm- tleman is prepared to close as well. lowing us and enabling us to sit down strong logged 2,400 hours of flight time there, Mr. SMITH of Texas. Mr. Speaker, we and actually negotiate in a way that is piloting the X–15 rocket-powered plane and are prepared to close. We have no other going to result in our making the kind other cutting-edge prototypes. He was also speakers, and I’m prepared to yield of investment in the 21st century that part of the team that designed and tested back the balance of my time after the our young people deserve. early mockups of a lunar landing vehicle. gentlewoman from Maryland. Again, I am pleased to be able to re- Ms. EDWARDS. Mr. Speaker, I yield Mr. Speaker, this legislation also renames designate the National Aeronautics the Western Aeronautical Test Range at myself such time as I may consume. and Space Administration Dryden Edwards after Hugh L. Dryden, a good friend I am pleased today that we’ve been Flight Research Center as the ‘‘Neil A. of Neil Armstrong who served as NACA direc- able to bring forward H.R. 667. Armstrong Flight Research Center’’ tor from 1947 to 1958. Upon the creation of Former Chairman HALL was here and to rename the Western Aero- NASA in 1958, Dryden was named deputy di- today, and we had an opportunity to do nautical Test Range as the ‘‘Hugh L. rector. While he did not live to see Arm- this in the last Congress. So hopefully, Dryden Aeronautical Test Range’’—re- strong’s moon landing, his many contributions in honor of these two gentlemen, real naming but slashing a budget. tremendous patriots and heroes and With that, Mr. Speaker, I yield back in the field of helped make the pioneers, we will be able to bring for- the balance of my time. Apollo missions possible. I am pleased that ward H.R. 667 and rename the Dryden Mr. SMITH of Texas. I yield myself 1 his career will continue to be celebrated Center after Neil Armstrong. I’m grate- minute. through this legislation. ful to be here to do that with our col- Mr. Speaker, let me thank the gen- Neil Armstrong’s many achievements in leagues. tlewoman from Maryland—who is also space exploration renewed America’s sense of It is sad, however, that here we are the ranking member of the Space Sub- hope for the future. His work at the Dryden on a Monday, prepared to honor these committee—for her comments, particu- Center set the foundation for every NASA mis- two great patriots of NASA, of this Na- larly for her personal comments, and I sion that followed. He sought no honors during tion, and at the same time, by the certainly share her concerns about the his lifetime and was rich in giving credit to oth- close of the week, on March 1, enable a severe cuts that NASA and our space ers, never failing to recognize the contributions sequester to take effect which could re- exploration programs might take if the of the engineers and technicians who helped sult in the loss of $894 million from sequestration goes into effect, but I make his moon landing possible. I was proud NASA’s budget, a budget that would in- also feel compelled to point out that to join my colleagues last night in honoring clude science, technology, engineering, there is a way to avoid that sequestra- this American hero and son of Ohio. investigation of climate change, and tion. all of the things that we need to pre- The House of Representatives, under Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. pare this next generation to be as in- the Republican leadership, has already Mr. Speaker, I rise today to speak about H.R. spired as our generation was with the passed two bills that would take the 667, a bill to rename the Dryden Flight Center exploits and exploration of Hugh Dry- place of the sequestration, and the Sen- as the Neil A. Armstrong Flight Research Cen- den and Neil Armstrong. Yet here we ate has yet to act. After all, the se- ter. I, along with millions around the world are. questration was the President’s idea to were terribly saddened to hear the news this start with, so I hope we will hear from past August of the passing of Neil Armstrong, b 1730 the President and the Senate various a genuine American hero and an inspiration to So I am pleased to go forward in sup- suggestions as to how the sequestra- countless people around the world. This bill porting this legislation today, making tion can be avoided, but the House has was introduced as one way of paying tribute to sure that on a Monday we are able to certainly done its job to avoid those a man who exemplified the true meaning of take a vote to rename these two cen- heavy-handed cuts. public service through a life of inspiring others ters and to honor these two pioneers. With that, I yield back the balance of through his bravery and self-sacrifice. It would But I am sad that here in this Congress my time. rename the Dryden Flight Research Center at

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:46 Sep 19, 2017 Jkt 029102 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR13\H25FE3.000 H25FE3 rmajette on DSKBCKNHB2PROD with BOUND RECORD 1624 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 159, Pt. 2 February 25, 2013 Edwards Air Force Base as the Neil A. Arm- Accordingly (at 5 o’clock and 34 min- Hartzler McIntyre Ryan (WI) Hastings (WA) McKeon Sa´ nchez, Linda strong Flight Research Center, while still nam- utes p.m.), the House stood in recess. Heck (WA) McKinley T. ing the Western Aeronautical Test Range with- f Hensarling McMorris Scalise in the center as the Hugh L. Dryden Aero- Higgins Rodgers Schiff nautical Test Range. For those who may be b 1830 Hinojosa McNerney Schneider unfamiliar with him, Dr. Dryden was a true Holding Meadows Schock AFTER RECESS Holt Meehan Schrader aeronautics visionary, and an individual worthy Honda Meeks Schwartz of our recognition and esteem. The recess having expired, the House Horsford Messer Schweikert Last year, in my capacity as ranking mem- was called to order by the Speaker pro Huelskamp Mica Scott (VA) ber of the House Committee on Science, Huffman Michaud Scott, Austin tempore (Mr. HULTGREN) at 6 o’clock Huizenga (MI) Miller (MI) Scott, David Space, and Technology, I had the opportunity and 30 minutes p.m. Hultgren Miller, Gary Sensenbrenner to participate in the Congressional Gold Medal Hunter Miller, George Serrano f ceremony honoring Mr. Neil Armstrong, along Hurt Moore Sessions Issa Mullin Shea-Porter with , who is also a former senator, ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Jackson Lee Mulvaney Sherman Michael Collins and Edwin ‘‘Buzz’’ Aldrin, Jr. PRO TEMPORE Jenkins Murphy (FL) Shimkus Each of these individuals is a genuine national The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Johnson (GA) Murphy (PA) Shuster hero and worthy of our gratitude. They and the Johnson, Sam Nadler Simpson ant to clause 8 of rule XX, proceedings astronauts that preceded and followed them Jones Napolitano Smith (NJ) will resume on questions previously Kaptur Negrete McLeod Smith (TX) were willing to put their lives at risk and some- postponed. Keating Neugebauer Southerland times make the ultimate sacrifice in order to Kelly Noem Speier Votes will be taken in the following push back the frontiers of knowledge and help Kennedy Nugent Stewart order: agreeing to the Speaker’s ap- Kildee Nunes Stivers our country achieve preeminence in space ex- proval of the Journal, by the yeas and Kilmer Nunnelee Stockman ploration. nays; and suspending the rules and Kind O’Rourke Stutzman Yet, it is clear from the way he carried him- King (IA) Olson Swalwell (CA) self and his public statements, that Mr. Arm- passing H.R. 667, by the yeas and nays. King (NY) Palazzo Takano strong did not seek public tributes such as the The first electronic vote will be con- Kingston Pascrell Thompson (PA) ducted as a 15-minute vote. The second Kirkpatrick Payne Thornberry House is voting on today. Instead, he cared Kline Pelosi Tiberi deeply about the future of our Nation’s space electronic vote will be conducted as a Kuster Perlmutter Tierney program, and in his testimony to our Com- 5-minute vote. Labrador Perry Titus LaMalfa Petri Tonko mittee he stressed the importance of sus- f Lamborn Pingree (ME) Tsongas taining our commitment to a strong NASA. So Lance Pitts Upton it’s worse than ironic that in the same week THE JOURNAL Lankford Pocan Van Hollen that we are voting to rename a NASA Center The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- Larsen (WA) Polis Vargas Larson (CT) Pompeo Wagner for him, we are going to allow a sequestration finished business is the question on Lipinski Posey Walberg to proceed that will make devastating cuts to agreeing to the Speaker’s approval of Loebsack Price (NC) Walden NASA’s budget and set back the very human the Journal, on which the yeas and Lofgren Quigley Walorski Long Rangel Walz space exploration and aeronautics activities nays were ordered. Lowenthal Reed Wasserman that Mr. Armstrong championed when he was The question is on the Speaker’s ap- Lowey Reichert Schultz alive. These cuts will also hurt the Flight Re- proval of the Journal. Luetkemeyer Rice (SC) Waters search Center we are proposing to rename, The vote was taken by electronic de- Lujan Grisham Roby Watt (NM) Rogers (AL) Waxman likely leading to layoffs and furloughs of dedi- vice, and there were—yeas 303, nays 91, Luja´ n, Ben Ray Rogers (KY) Weber (TX) cated individuals who work at the Center—in- answered ‘‘present’’ 1, not voting 36, as (NM) Rogers (MI) Webster (FL) dividuals who in many cases were probably in- follows: Lummis Rohrabacher Welch Maloney, Rokita Wenstrup spired by both Dr. Dryden and Mr. Arm- [Roll No. 46] Carolyn Rooney Westmoreland strong’s examples to work for NASA in the YEAS—303 Maloney, Sean Ros-Lehtinen Whitfield Marino Roskam Williams first place. Aderholt Cassidy Ellmers Mr. Speaker, we can and should do better Massie Ross Wilson (FL) Alexander Castro (TX) Engel McCarthy (CA) Rothfus Wilson (SC) than this. I would urge the Majority to bring a Amodei Chabot Enyart McCarthy (NY) Roybal-Allard Wolf bill to avoid this sequester to the House floor Andrews Cicilline Eshoo McCaul Royce Womack this week so we can vote on it. We should not Bachmann Clay Esty McClintock Ruiz Yarmuth Bachus Cleaver Farenthold McCollum Runyan Yoho be cutting our critical investments in R&D and Barber Clyburn Farr McHenry Ruppersberger Young (IN) in NASA. That is no way to honor the legacy Barletta Cohen Fattah of either Neil Armstrong or Hugh Dryden. Barr Cole Fincher NAYS—91 Barrow (GA) Collins (GA) Fleischmann The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Beatty Collins (NY) Fleming Amash Grijalva Paulsen question is on the motion offered by Becerra Connolly Flores Bass Hastings (FL) Pearce the gentleman from Texas (Mr. SMITH) Bentivolio Conyers Fortenberry Benishek Heck (NV) Peters (CA) that the House suspend the rules and Bera (CA) Cook Foster Bishop (NY) Herrera Beutler Peters (MI) Black Cooper Frankel (FL) Burgess Himes Peterson pass the bill, H.R. 667. Blackburn Cramer Franks (AZ) Capuano Hoyer Pittenger The question was taken. Blumenauer Crawford Frelinghuysen Carson (IN) Hudson Poe (TX) The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the Bonamici Crenshaw Gabbard Carter Israel Price (GA) opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being Bonner Cuellar Gallego Castor (FL) Jeffries Radel Brady (TX) Cummings Garamendi Chaffetz Johnson (OH) Rahall in the affirmative, the ayes have it. Braley (IA) Daines Garcia Chu Johnson, E. B. Renacci Mr. SMITH of Texas. Mr. Speaker, on Bridenstine Davis (CA) Garrett Coffman Jordan Ribble that I demand the yeas and nays. Brooks (AL) DeGette Gerlach Conaway Kinzinger (IL) Rigell The yeas and nays were ordered. Brooks (IN) Delaney Gibbs Cotton Langevin Ryan (OH) The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Broun (GA) DeLauro Goodlatte Courtney Latham Salmon Brown (FL) DelBene Gosar Crowley Latta Sanchez, Loretta ant to clause 8 of rule XX, further pro- Brownley (CA) Denham Gowdy Davis, Rodney Levin Sarbanes ceedings on this motion will be post- Bucshon DeSantis Granger DeFazio LoBiondo Schakowsky poned. Bustos DesJarlais Grayson Dent Marchant Sewell (AL) Butterfield Diaz-Balart Green, Al Fitzpatrick Markey Sinema f Calvert Dingell Griffith (VA) Foxx Matheson Sires Camp Doyle Grimm Fudge Matsui Slaughter RECESS Cantor Duckworth Guthrie Gardner McDermott Terry The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Capito Duffy Hahn Gibson McGovern Thompson (CA) ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair Capps Duncan (SC) Hall Graves (GA) Miller (FL) Thompson (MS) Ca´ rdenas Duncan (TN) Hanabusa Graves (MO) Neal Tipton declares the House in recess until ap- Carney Edwards Harper Green, Gene Nolan Turner proximately 6:30 p.m. today. Cartwright Ellison Harris Griffin (AR) Pallone Valadao

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