“Transportation for A Better Life: Towards Better ASEAN Connectivity and Safety”

August 22, 2014 Bangkok Thailand

THE -- BRIDGE PROJECT: AN INITIAL ASSESSMENT Paper Identification number: AYRF14-046 Nicanor ROXAS, Jr.1, Alexis FILLONE2

1Civil Engineering Department De La Salle University , 2401 Taft Avenue, Manila, Telephone 632-524-4611 loc 226 E-mail: [email protected]

2Civil Engineering Department De La Salle University Manila, 2401 Taft Avenue, Manila, Philippines Telephone 632-524-4611 loc 226 E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract Studies have shown that enormous transportation infrastructure projects recurrently underperform when the actual cost and benefits are compared to the forecasts utilized in the project proposals. The projected costs have been shown to be commonly underestimated while forecasted demand, overestimated. In this research, an ambitious project in the Western Region in the Philippines is assessed. The Panay-Guimaras-Negros (PGN) Bridge Project intends to connect the islands of Panay, Guimaras, and Negros via inter-island bridges that span a length of approximately 23 km. It has been long been proposed and supported in congress where 19 congressmen from the Visayas issued a joint resolution urging the national government to prioritize the construction of the inter-island bridges. In this study, the PGN project is placed in the distribution of previously completed projects of the same scale and lessons are drawn from their experience. Moreover, the Reference Class Forecasting (RCF), as devised by Flyvbjerg, is tackled in order to improve risk assessment in transportation infrastructure project proposals. If the proposed PGN project were placed in the distribution of previously completed projects based on the databases established, a 23% to 55% cost escalation is to be expected when considering only a 20% risk of cost overrun. This translates to a 25% to approximately 33% increase in the allotment from the national public works budget to the PGN proposal. Since the Philippines does not have the recipe for success, caution should be exercised in handling this proposal.

Keywords: Forecast Inaccuracies, Reference Class Forecasting, Cost Underestimation

1. Introduction connect the three main islands of the Western The Philippines is a developing country Visayas Region namely, Panay, Guimaras, and which needs to make an efficient use of its Negros as seen in Fig. 1. Steel and suspension resources. According to the Department of Budget bridges are to be constructed that would accommodate four-lane roadways 1. Support for and Management of the Philippine government, a 2 total of 213.5 billion pesos or approximately 10% this project started way back in 2005 . Recently in of the 2.265 trillion 2014 national budget is 2012, nineteen congressmen from the Visayas allocated to the Department of Public Works and issued a joint resolution urging the president to 3 Highways. From this share, approximately 38% is prioritize the PGN Bridge project . The resolution allocated to the regional offices where Region 6 or stated that the trans-link bridges will foster new the region is allotted the second economic opportunities, reduce transportation costs, improve accessibility, and enhance the largest share next to the CALABARZON region, 3 which is adjacent to the National Capital Region. tourism industry in the region . They also The Panay-Guimaras-Negros Bridge mentioned that the current administration should Construction Project (PGN Bridge Project) aims to not only focus all its resources in the National


“Transportation for A Better Life: Towards Better ASEAN Connectivity and Safety”

August 22, 2014 Bangkok Thailand

Capital Region but also provide assistance for the of the project has expressed that the PGN Bridge progress and development of other regions 4. The Project is now more realizable due to the smaller lawmakers added that based on the latest census of amount of funds needed. However, this same study the National Statistics Office (NSO), the Visayas was updated by the DPWH in 2011 and found that islands have a larger population than the National the total cost has increased by more than a hundred Capital Region (NCR). Despite this, the NCR gets percent to 54 billion pesos. They also added that the bulk of the national budget. Finally, they there are no funds currently available for the PGN expressed that for an archipelagic country like the Bridge project 4. In early 2012, the local Philippines, a unified well-integrated economy is government coordinator for the project had a needed in order for goods and services to be meeting with KGC Ltd., Japan which conducted the transported efficiently 3. study in 2008 6. This just shows the amount of interest in the project where project proponents have looked into several sources of funding, from PPP to ODA and JICA2. The PGN project is also included in the Western Visayas Regional Development Plan as a Major Inter-District or Regionwide Proposed Infrastructure Programs for 2011 to 2016 7. This study looks into the proposed PGN bridge project, a project which will definitely put the region on the limelight when it is fully realized. However, first, the evaluation of the project through cost-benefit analysis should be examined. It has been mentioned in previous studies that most projects of this scale fail and therefore, no matter how prudent the estimates are calculated, human bias is still incorporated. This research intends to place the PGN project in the distribution of previously completed projects of the same scale from which lessons may be drawn from their Fig. 1. Map of Western Visayas Region experiences. Moreover, the RCF, as devised by Flyvbjerg, is tackled in order to improve risk There have been several studies concerning assessment in transportation infrastructure project the PGN Bridge Project. The first study was proposals, such as the proposed PGN project. performed by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in 1999. JICA estimated the total 2. Literature Review cost of the 23.19 km megaproject to be Industrialization and progress are approximately 53 billion pesos. It connects Panay supplemented by costly infrastructure projects with to Guimaras via a 2.59 km bridge while Guimaras the envisioned purpose of acting as catalysts for 5 is linked to Negros by a 20.6 km bridge . In growth and development of nations. However, as another study in 2010, the Department of Public more of these projects are built, much resource is Works and Highways (DPWH) estimated the total being wasted instead, due to the poor performance cost of the project to be around 28.5 billion pesos. of these expensive projects 8, 9, 10. Flyvbjerg also Unlike the JICA proposal, this study recommended mentioned that the best practice in the field of a total of 13.16 km of bridges connecting the three megaproject planning and forecasting may be main islands; 3.6 km Panay-Guimaras Bridge at thought of as an outlier while the norm is a disaster 9.44 billion pesos and 9.56 km Guimaras-Negros 11. The problems caused by these projects are very Bridge at 19.18 billion pesos. In this proposal, the intricate and influential 12. Therefore, much town of Leganes in is connected to attention is needed in the planning of such risky Buenavista in Guimaras while the town of San endeavors. Proper monitoring, evaluation, and Lorenzo in Guimaras is connected to Pulupandan in international comparison or interaction are needed 3. At this time, the proponents


“Transportation for A Better Life: Towards Better ASEAN Connectivity and Safety”

August 22, 2014 Bangkok Thailand

to identify which projects comply with the demand Table 1 Average cost escalation in 258 and cost transportation infrastructure projects forecasts, and other projected impacts 13, 14, in constant prices 15. Proficient planning complemented by ethical politicians, planners, and project proponents will Number Average result in improved decision making; therefore, Project of Quartiles cost Standard projects that deserve to be built are built and those type projects (25/50/75%) escalation deviation that do not, will be abandoned. (n) (%) A problem, observable in the field of Rail 58 24/43/60 44.7 38.4 transportation, is that there is much politics in the Bridges planning and approval of projects 10, 16, 17. Increase in politics entails more competition. This sort of and 33 -1/22/35 33.8 62.4 competition, especially with regards to public tunnels funds, drives project proponents to carefully Roads 167 5/15/32 20.4 29.9 All manipulate their project proposals in order to outdo 258 5/20/35 27.6 38.7 proposals from others. Blown up figures shown in projects proposals are definitely attractive to the decision Source: (Flyvbjerg, 2007) makers. However, these forecasts are biased where the real and unbiased information behind the projects are kept from the public. All these result in less cooperation among government units and the professional expertise of consultants are often ignored due to fact that projects are habitually evaluated through political influence of the proponents 10, 17 or through the personal monetary benefits, gains, or bribes obtained from each of the projects. Inefficient decisions are thus often carried out. Due to the long planning stage, Flyvbjerg has shown that projects of this magnitude are risky, both in terms of revenue and economics where managers often cited that poor forecasting, poor risk identification, and cost escalation are the main reasons for exceeding the budget. In fact, 86% of Fig. 2 Cost overrun in UK (N=4) and non-UK the 258 transportation projects in the database (N=30) fixed-link projects suffered cost overruns. Table 1 shows some results Source: (Flyvbjerg, 2007) of the study by Flyvbjerg 18. It indicates that a bridge project will experience a cost escalation of The histogram shown in Fig. 2 forms the 33.8% in constant prices, on the average. Park and basis for the necessary increase in budget for a Papadopoulou have also made a study identifying given acceptable level of risk of cost overrun. Fig. twenty seven causes of cost overruns in Asia 19. 3 illustrates that for a 50% likelihood of cost The distribution of cost overruns, in overrun happening, the required increase in budget, constant prices, for the fixed link projects, which in constant prices, is almost 20%, whereas for an includes bridges, in UK and non-UK areas is shown acceptable level of 10%, the required uplift is 100% in Fig. 2. It can be verified that most of the fixed of the original budget. link projects suffer cost overruns.


“Transportation for A Better Life: Towards Better ASEAN Connectivity and Safety”

August 22, 2014 Bangkok Thailand

Fig. 3 Required uplift as a function of the maximum acceptable level of risk for cost overrun, fixed links Source: (Flyvbjerg, 2007)

3. Methodology 3. Compare the project with the established With the results from previous studies distribution and predict the most probable concerning the cost overruns and demand outcome for the project being evaluated. shortfalls of transportation megaprojects, a project like the PGN bridge project should 4. Results receive the necessary precautions with regards to The proposed PGN Bridge Project may its cost and performance. The cost-benefit be considered a megaproject due to its enormous analyses are based on forecasts and hence caution size and the colossal capital investment required. should be exercised. However, no matter what It rivals those projects included in Flyvbjerg’s advanced modelling tools are used, some degree database consisting of more than 200 of optimism bias is incorporated in the forecasts. transportation projects all over the world with In order to avoid this, Flyvbjerg advocated the costs varying from $1.5 million to $8.5 billion. use of RCF technique. It is a method which takes The cost of the PGN project costs between the outside view of the specific project being estimates of 28.5 billion PHP in 2010 and 54 evaluated. It looks into the results of a similar billion PHP in 2011 and has been supported in class of previously completed projects, thus congress since 2005 pioneered by a JICA project avoiding the stages in planning where bias may 20 study made in 1999. be incorporated . The method consists of the In a study by Roxas and Chalermpong, 21 following three steps : 129 road and bridge projects from Thailand and 1. Identify a similar reference class of the Philippines were compiled to form a database completed projects which is comparable to similar to Flyvbjerg 22. Out of all the projects, 85 the project being evaluated. are from the Philippines, where 60 are road 2. Establish a probability distribution for the projects and 25 are bridge projects costing reference class with a sufficient number of between 98 million PHP and 17 billion PHP, far samples. smaller in project size than Flyvbjerg’s database. Table 2 shows that the mean cost overrun of


“Transportation for A Better Life: Towards Better ASEAN Connectivity and Safety”

August 22, 2014 Bangkok Thailand

bridges is larger than that of road projects. The required increase in the forecasted Despite the small values of cost overruns, the cost of a bridge project can be derived from Fig. standard deviation values for costs are 5. It can be verified that for a 50% chance of cost significantly large. Only the cost data were noted overrun, about 12% of the forecasted cost should as there were actual demand records kept for be added, while at a 10% level of risk, the transportation projects in the Philippines. required uplift is approximately 60%, in constant prices. Table 2. Average cost escalation in 85 Philippine Despite differences in the required transportation infrastructure projects increase in budget for bridge projects, the studies in constant prices of Flyvbjerg and Roxas agree that most transportation projects almost always exceed Number of Average cost their allocated budget for various reasons. This Project Standard projects escalation fact when coupled with the underperformance of type deviation the projects in terms of revenue, results in (n) (%) significant losses. Therefore, a project in its Road 60 2.70 36.21 planning stage should be subjected to the RCF Bridges 25 11.91 35.02 modelling technique. This way, a more realistic Source: (Roxas & Chalermpong, 2008) cost projection based on the performance of previously completed projects is derived. These The distribution of cost overruns in values may then be used in the cost-benefit bridge projects in the Philippines is shown in Fig. analyses so that a proposal may be evaluated 4. A class specific to bridges is identified more accurately and truthfully. Therefore, separately for the prupose of this study in order projects proposals that deserve to be built are for the identified reference class to be more built, while those that do not, are rejected. comparable to the proposed PGN project. Most The required percentage increase in projects, as indicated in Fig. 4, exceed their budget for the case of PGN project is shown in forecasted costs. Table 3. The PGN bridge project costs 54 billion PHP according to the latest cost forecast. If it is subjected to the RCF technique, then the projected cost may be expected to increase by the amounts indicated in Table 3. In case a 20% level of risk is acceptable for the project proponents, therefore the expected amount should be increased by 55%, in real terms, instead of the original estimate of 54 billion pesos. This adjusted cost is what should be reflected in the cost-benefit analysis of the project. Note that the results of Flyvbjerg seems to be more applicable since the projects in his database are more comparable with the PGN bridge project in terms of cost and size. The maximum cost in the Roxas and Chalermpong database is only 17 billion PHP, which is just one third of the forecasted cost of the PGN project 22. Nevertheless, the different percentage increases in budget for a specific level of risk acceptable to all the stakeholders from both studies are shown in Table 3.

Fig. 4 Cost overrun in Philippine bridge projects


“Transportation for A Better Life: Towards Better ASEAN Connectivity and Safety”

August 22, 2014 Bangkok Thailand

Fig. 5 Required uplift as a function of the maximum acceptable level of risk for cost overrun, bridges in the Philippines

Table 3. PGN Project Proposal budget uplifts for a certain acceptable level of risk been reviewed. Flyvbjerg, through his large database of transportation megaprojects, has well illustrated the landscape of megaprojects Acceptable level of risk Database construction. He disclosed that around 90% of the 50% 20% projects experience cost overruns where up to 50% overruns are common and greater than 50% are not Flyvbjerg +23% 12.4B +55% 29.7B uncommon. He also noted that the cost PHP PHP overruns have been constantly high for the Roxas and +10% 5.4B +23% 12.4B 70-year period all over the world. On the other Chalermpong PHP PHP hand, he revealed that benefits are overestimated making megaprojects risky on two fronts. He suggested the implementation of the RCF technique Given these results, the cost-benefit in the project proposal stage of such projects. In analysis of the PGN bridge project, and other this regard, if in case the PGN project proposal projects as well, should reflect the necessary increases in projected costs as suggested by the becomes a full blown feasibility study, the RCF RCF technique. The more truthful cost may now technique should be employed in order to get the be contrasted against the benefits and hence a better risk assessment right. evaluation of transportation project proposals can The PGN project, has been studied by JICA be implemented. Doing so will reduce the and DPWH with varying projected costs and economic risks associated with such costly designs. The costs range from 53 billion pesos in investments. 1999, 28.5 billion in 2010, and 54 billion in 2011.

5. Conclusion This just shows the uncertainties in this kind of In this research, the long experience of project. Different designs and alignments have other countries in constructing megaprojects has different associated costs, but even if everything


“Transportation for A Better Life: Towards Better ASEAN Connectivity and Safety”

August 22, 2014 Bangkok Thailand

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“Transportation for A Better Life: Towards Better ASEAN Connectivity and Safety”

August 22, 2014 Bangkok Thailand

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