Town of Hamilton Annual Report
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ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE TOWN of HAMILTON MASSACHUSETTS 1956 ANNUAL REPORT for the TOWN of HAMILTON MASSACHUSETTS 1956 TOWN OF HAMILTON ESSEX COUNTY COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Incorporated June 21, 1793 Area 14.99 sq. miles Sixth Congressional District Fifth Councillor District Third Essex Senatorial District Fifteenth Essex Representative District 1957 OFFICIALS Congressman—William H. Bates of Salem Councillor—Augustus G. Means of Essex Senator—Philip A. Graham of Hamilton Cornelius J. Murray of Beverly Representatives (2) \ ( Clarence S. Wilkinson of Beverly C. F. Nelson Pratt of Saugus County Commissioners (3) Arthur A. Thompson of Methuen John R. Ahern of Lawrence Population 1920 1631 (Federal Census 1925 2018 (State 1930 2044 (Federal 1935 2235 (State 1940 2037 (Federal " 1945 2387 (State " 1950 2764 (Federal " 1955 4116 (State " 1956 TOWN OFFICERS Elected and Appointed Selectmen LAWRENCE LAMSON, Chairman LAWRENCE R. STONE EVERETT F. HALEY Board of Public Welfare LAWRENCE R. STONE, Chairman LAWRENCE LAMSON EVERETT F. HALEY Welfare Agent BERNARD A. CULLEN Board of Health EVERETT F. HALEY, Chairman LAWRENCE LAMSON LAWRENCE R. STONE Moderator JOHN H. PERKINS Town Clerk—Town Accountant FRANCIS H. WHIPPLE Treasurer WALFRED B. SELLMAN Tax Collector BERTHA L. CROWELL Assessors ROBERT H. CHITTICK, Chairman Term expires 1959 ELMO 0. ADAMS ARTHUR L. BENNETT Term expires 1958 Term expires 1957 Planning Board GEORGE C. CUTLER, JR., Chairman Term expires 1960 PAUL F. PERKINS, JR. M. KEITH LANDER Term expires 1961 Term expires 1958 FRANCIS C. MOYNIHAN HENRY J. GOURDEAU Term expires 1957 Term expires 1959 4 Finance and Advisory Committee JOHN C. GARLAND, Chairman CLARK S. SEARS LAWRENCE E. PELKEY CHARLES E. GRANT THOMAS G. STEVENSON Town Counsel STANDISH BRADFORD Registrars of Voters FRANK W. BUZZELL, Chairman Term expires 1958 JESSIE W. B. CUNNINGHAM GEORGE MORROW Term expires 1959 Term expires 1957 FRANCIS H. WHIPPLE, Clerk-Officio Chief of Police EDWARD FREDERICK Fire Engineers A. MERRILL CUMMINGS, Chief RAYMOND A. WHIPPLE RUDOLPH H. HARADEN Moth Superintendent RUDOLPH H. HARADEN Tree Warden RUDOLPH H. HARADEN Forest Warden A. MERRILL CUMMINGS Building Inspector FRANK W. BUZZELL Inspector of Wires THOMAS M. ROBINSON Inspector of Animals and Slaughtering ERNEST M. BARKER Inspector of Milk ERNEST M. BARKER Sanitary Inspector PHILIP S. PLUMMER 5 Sealer of Weights and Measures ERVING 0. MAXWELL Dog Officer HUGH E. MacDONALD Civil Defense Director MELVIN F. REID, Resigned HARVEY E. BARNES Dental Clinic DR. JOHN KING, Dentist MISS FLORENCE L. STOBBART, Nurse Surveyor of Highways CHARLES F. POOLE Veterans' Agent LAWRENCE LAMSON Veterans' Service Director BERNARD A. CULLEN School Committee ALLAN MacCURRACH, Chairman Term expires 1958 GRACE B. LAMSON FREDERICK J. CALDWELL Term expires 1957 Term expires 1959 Superintendent of Schools DOUGLAS A. CHANDLER Trustees of Public Library JOHN F. NEARY, Chairman Term expires 1958 SARAH H. TRUSSELL MELVIN F. REID, Resigned Term expires 1959 JANICE P. PULSIFER Term expires 1957 Librarians LOUISE C. BROWN CYNTHIA B. WIGGIN Main Library Branch Library 6 Park Commissioners ALBERT P. LOUGEE, Chairman Term expires 1957 RAY M. SANFORD PHILIP C. HOPKINS Term expires 1959 Term expires 1958 Park Superintendent HENRY J. STELLINE Water Commissioners GORDON L. THOMPSON, Chairman Term expires 1958 GEORGE A. HARRIGAN RICHARD H. SMITH Term expires 1959 Term expires 1957 Superintendent of Water Works RAYMOND A. WHIPPLE Cemetery Commissioners PAUL S. TUCKER, Chairman Term expires 1959 JOHN T. WALKE RAYMOND A. WHIPPLE, Resigned Term expires 1958 LUTHER M. CAVERLY Term expires 1957 Cemetery Superintendent PHILIP S. PLUMMER Board of Appeals, under Protective {Zoning) By-Law GEORGE G. BECKETT, Chairman Term expires 1957 JOHN F. NEARY ELMER H. SMITH Term expires 1958 Term expires 1959 F. HARLAN CLOCK, Associate Member Board of Appeals, under Building By-Law JEROME F. FLYNN, Chairman CLARK S. SEARS CARL POEHLER, JR. W. WHITNEY LUNDGREN LAWRENCE C. FOSTER Measurers of Wood, Lumber and Bark THEODORE E. JOHNSON FRANK W. BUZZELL ERNEST M. BARKER LEON S. PERKINS 7 Field Drivers CARL C. ANDERSON ERNEST M. BARKER WILLIAM W. BANCROFT HAROLD M. DODGE Fence Viewers JAMES S. MacLAREN HAROLD A. DALEY EDWARD A. UNDERHILL Union Health Department Study Committee HAROLD A. DALEY, Chairman DR. ALBERT R. LARCHEZ SAMUEL J. TYACK PAUL F. PERKINS, JR. School Needs Study Committee ALLAN MacCURRACH, Chairman FREDERICK J. CALDWELL GRACE B. LAMSON DOUGLAS A. CHANDLER JOHN F. NEARY GEORGE C. CUTLER MORLEY L. PIPER HENRY J. GOURDEAU School Building Committee For Plans, Studies and Site For New Elementary School Building Authority of Special Town Meeting, July 16, 1956 FREDERIC WINTHROP, Chairman ALLEN MacCURRACH HENRY J. GOURDEAU FREDERICK J. CALDWELL DONALD L. MILLER GRACE B. LAMSON JOHN F. NEARY ELMER H. SMITH Committee Appointed To Consider the Use or Disposition of The Jonathan Lamson School Building Appointed by Authority of Vote of Special Town Meeting January 4, 1956 LAWRENCE R. STONE ELMER H. SMITH JOHN T. WALKE HENRY J. GOURDEAU JOHN C. GARLAND School Building Committee to Construct Two New Classrooms To Be Added To Manasseh Cutler School Authorized by Special Town Meeting held January 4, 1956 and Annual Town Meeting held March 5, 1956 ALLAN MacCURRACH, Chairman FREDERICK J. CALDWELL GRACE B. LAMSON DOUGLAS A. CHANDLER JOHN F. NEARY GEORGE C. CUTLER MORLEY L. PIPER HENRY J. GOURDEAU 8 Building and Electrical Code Study Committee ARTHUR M. KNIGHT, Chairman CARL POEHLER, JR. JEROME F. FLYNN A. MERRILL CUMMINGS OMER J. POIRIER Committee to Investigate Fire and Police Housing LAWRENCE LAMSON, Chairman EDWARD FREDERICK A. MERRILL CUMMINGS G. GORDON LOVE HENRY J. GOURDEAU REPORT of tke TOWN CLERK 1956 10 REPORT OF TOWN CLERK To the Citizens of Hamilton : I submit herewith my thirteenth annual report as Clerk of our Town of Hamilton. During the year 1956 the elections and town meetings consisted of a Special Town Meeting held January 4th which was an adjournment of the Special Town Meeting called for December 14, 1955 but adjourned to January 4, 1956 due to lack of quorum; the annual Town Meeting and Election which were held March 5th and 13th respectively; the Presiden- tial Primary held April 24; a Special Town Meeting held July 16; the State Primary held September 18th; and the State Election held November 6th. All of the town meetings and elections were held in the High School Auditorium. A detailed report of each is printed in the town report as part of the Town Clerk's report. A list of births, marriages and deaths recorded during the year is also included as a part of the Clerk's report. Each year the returns of several births and marriages are not received until after the list has been compiled and delivered to the printer, resulting in the record not being printed in the town report, although including in the official town records. I express my sincere appreciation to all the townspeople and town officials who have assisted me during the year. Respectfully submitted, FRANCIS H. WHIPPLE Town Cleric 11 REPORT OF THE SPECIAL TOWN MEETING Held in the High School Auditorium, January 4, 1956 Report of Special Town Meeting called for December 14, 1955, but due to lack of quorum was adjourned to January 4, 1956. A count of the Voters by the Moderator and the Town Clerk showed that more than the necessary 200 to constitute a quorum were present. Meeting called to order at 8 :10 P.M. by Moderator John H. Perkins, and Invocation offered by Rev. Edward J. MacLaughlin. Article 1. To see if the Town will vote to receive and accept the second special report of the School Building Needs Committee relative to its activities and investigations from December 1954 to the present time as an interim report and to continue the committee until the next annual meeting, or take any action thereon or relative thereto. Moved by Lawrence Lamson and duly seconded 4 'that the town receive and accept the Second Special Report of the School Building Needs Committee relative to its activities and investigations from December 1954 to the present time as an interim report and to continue the Committee until the next annual meeting. Voice Vote. Motion unanimously carried. Article 2. To see if the Town will vote to purchase the two-room unit which has been added to the Manasseh Cutler School under an agreement, dated February 11, 1955, between The New England De- velopment Corporation and the Hamilton School Committee, and raise and appropriate a sum of money for the foregoing purpose and to determine the manner in which the appropriation is to be raised, whether by taxation or borrowing, by transfer of available funds or otherwise, or to do or act in any manner relevant thereto. Moved by Morley L. Piper and duly seconded "that the town pur- chase the two-room unit which has been added to the Manasseh Cutler School under an agreement dated February 11, 1955 between the New England Development Corporation and the Hamilton School Committee for the sum of $45,000 which sum is hereby appropriated, and for the foregoing purpose there be transferred $45,000 from the Excess and Deficiency Fund of the town." Voice Vote. Motion unanimously carried. Article 3. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the present School Building Needs Committee to serve as a School Building Com- mittee for the purpose of causing specifications, plans and estimates to be prepared for the construction of two new classrooms to be added to 12 the Manasseh Cutler School, consistent with the over-all educational plan outlined by the School Building Needs Committee in its second special report on file in the office of the Town Clerk, and transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Account a sum of money for the same, or take any action thereon or relative thereto.