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Central Florida Future, Vol. 28 No. 08, September 19, 1995

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Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 28 No. 08, September 19, 1995" (1995). Central Florida Future. 1316. lfike Huff shifted from running back to wide receiver to fi#I vacancy-p.20 Flori Future Vol. 28 • No.8 Serving the University of Central Florida since 1968 · Sept. 19, 1995 Government cuts and tuition hike bring students out by JOE CHABUS Staff writer

The Board of Regents met on campus Thursday and Friday and passed a resolution raising tuition in Florida public universities by I 0 percent Tuition at UCFfor the 1995-96 year is $59. 19 per credit hour for Florida residents, and $221.60 per credit hour for non-residents Next year, Florida residents will pay $64 per credit hour to attend UCF, while non-residents will pay $243.76 per credit hour. To show its concern over the cuts and tuition increase, the Florida Student Association (FSA), comprised of student body pn~sidents from each of the state's nine public universities, came to

UCF last week1 holding a town meeting on Thursday and a rally on Friday. "The tuition increase just shows that the Board of Regents is not really · concerned with your education here in the state of Florida," said FSA Ch< George Tait "They aren't concerned with the future of Florida as they say they are. If they were concerned, then they would recognize that a lot of our students cannot afford to be in school as it is now, and if financial aid is cut and tuition is raised at the same time, many of your peers will not be in school in the future." The BOR refused to allow students .protesting tuition in­ creases into Friday's meeting at the UCF arena - even some television cameras were asked to leave the premises. After the meeting was under way, FSA members led a crowd of students into the BOR meeting. Protesters kept silent but held up signs denouncing tuition increases. "They tried to stop us today by keeping usoutofthearenaand by telling us we couldn't have ourpressconference," Taitsaid. "It's photo/SAGINARIO import<1nt that we don't stand by idly and let these kind.of things Students rally at the UCF Arena on Friday to pr.oteslthe Board. of .Regenf s decision to raise tuition see TUITION, page 7 by 10 percent next year. Students use UCF web page to UCF students flawless in protest French nuclear tests engineering competition by DORIS BLOODSWORTH because of World War II, it was logical that Contributing writer France would want a means to protect it­ lives that lie ahead for them . self. by LAURA LEWIS Contributing writer The games began on Thursday with the UCF students are protesting France's She also observed that there are golf tournament, which included prizes for nuclear testing - but you may be missing smaller countries than France with nuclear UCF civil ·and environmental engi- best overall score and for the longest drive the demonstration, unless you are on-line. capability, and felt that France was a friend neering students swept the American. Society from the tee. Cyberspace replaced the college cam­ of the United States. She urged students to of Civil Engineer's state competition in Jack- John WoodsandPeteMaastricht repre­ pus as the site where students attacked the join Greenpeace if they wished to stop sonville last week, taking all five events from sented UCF in this competition and bested the recent test. "Why in the world does France nuclear testing. the Florida Institute of Technology and the field with a score of75 without handicap. The need to test explosive nuclear devices? Let One UCfi student said that "maybe University of South.Florida, closest competitors scored an 85. them test off their own coast," wrote Fritz an embargo wouldn't be such a bad idea," Each year; the Florida section of the Friday's events included the concrete W. Feuerbacher, a UCF student. and then followed that by writing "the American Society ofCivil Engineers (ASCE) canoe and high-stren-gtl'I cylind~rs. Canoe t:am Other sentiments included: " .. .if opinions expressed above are not necessar­ hosts a state competition to test students' ~kill - · members · ~ura, Ta_m1 C9ncepc1~n, there is a nuclear war, France is history. If ily thqse of Lockheed Martin or the Univer­ and ability· to transform knowledge acquired ·"· Jerry Lems and Robert Joynes, along wtth there is a conventional war, France is his­ sity of <;er.tral Florida." in the classr~m to p~actical design situations. canoe designers Jim Dombrowski and John 1 tory. What they should be doing is paying ·Feuerbacher started using the elec- · This year's contest included concrete Woods, joined eff~rts to bring home t~e first us money to protect them. I thought maybe tronic bulletin boards in 1987. He found canoe races, high-strength concrete cylincJer place trophy with the sleek-designed I would hear the slightest peep out of our they were addictive, and would often spend construction, field surveying, a mystery event "Knightstalker." president or possibly the environmental as much as fiv'e hours at a time keeping up and a golf tournament. The races included an all-ladies, all­ v·ce president, but I see that they value their with vari9us news groups. He started the In each event, a different aspect ~f civil guys and coed canoe race. The ladies and coed positions far too much." discussion on the French nuclear testing €hrysanne E. Poole, a senior envi­ and environmental engineering was intro­ see ENGINEERING, page 2 engineering student, said that see WEB, page 2 duced to give the students a better feel of the

'News 1-8 Opinion 9-11 Classifieds 12 13-18 More reviews on the horizon with Chick-F-4 Features Sports 19-20 •

• ..

• Sept. 19, 1995 •The Central Florida Future• 3 Career Fair September 26, 1995 smc1ents use web site Student Government Speaks OLDE, America's Full Service Discount Broker 5M, is from WEB, page 1 by MELISSA LAWRENCE applied for a Justice position . The looking for motivated people to establish a career in the stock brokerage business. • because he was so outraged. Director of Communications and student's response exemplified Students and others who Public Relations for S.G. great upport for Student Govern­ OLDE offers: have UCF computer accounts can ment. Under Chief Justice Ericka 4-12 month paid training program voice theiropi n ions on the ucf. talk Hello UCF! Welcome back Smith, the council will concern Potential six-figure income line by accessing pegasus% and from all of us here at Student Gov- themselves with any student dis­ Excellent benefits entering ernment and welcome to the SGA putes during the year. Also, CON­ If you possess excellent communication skills, gen­ Australia and New Zealand column. Since the beginning of the GRATULATIONS to the Election semester, SG has been busy with a Commissioners. The 15 students eral market knowledge and the desire to excet see joined other countries in protest­ us at the Career Fair on September 26, 1995. ing France's resumption of nuclear variety of projects. chosen are already busy safeguard­ If you are unable to attend the Career Fair call: testing. Nearly 200 nuclear tests From the Legislative Branch, ing the Senate elections and will be • have been conducted by the French we are currently in the midst of the gearing up for the upcoming Spring government, with plans for more. 28th Student Senate Elections Over Presidential elections. Thank you' s 1800 937-0606 Thomas E. Bayston, a se­ I 00 students are actively campaign­ must also be extended to all who or send resume to: nior journalism student, also en­ ing for the 50 available seats. SGA is applied for this position. Stay sup­ OLDE Discount Stockbrokers couraged UCF computer users to looking forward to one of the best portive of your SGA! National Recruiting check out Votelink. Votelink con­ elections in SG history. Please take Last week was an exciting 751 Griswold Street Detroit, MI 48226 ducts discussions and opinion some time to educate yourself about and hectic week for SGA. With the polls on topics of interest from the the candidates. Most importantly, Board of Regents and the Florida global to the local level. Votelink VOTE! Your vote makes a differ­ Student's Association visiting our can be accessed through Pegasus ence. Seek out an active voice through campus, SG took the opportunity ~OLDE your senator and make sure your DISCOUNT STOCKBROKERS and Lynx by the Universal Re­ see S.G., page 6 Member NYSE andSIPC source Locator (URL) http:// Activity and Service Fee money is being spent wisely. TheExecutiveBranch recently -In less than one hour, attended a one day workshop in Co­ UCF students can learn how to coa Beach. In this workshop, the send e-mail and navigate the Cabinet worked through the plat­ net. Computer Services is fonu goals with President Miguel UCF CAMPUS WELLNESS CENTER offering short courses on how to Torregrosa and Vice President Frank PRESENTS use these accounts which are Amqros and laid out a plan to carry free from UCF to students, them out during their terms. They faculty and administrators from also worked on many team building Sept. 19-Sept. 28 at the com­ activities that will help to keep cohe­ %M puter lab located in BA 148. PC sion throughout the year. The I Torregrosa/ Amoros cabinet looks to FREEDOM LAN and UNIX short courses are also available. Registration be heading towards a very success­ ful term! ,0'1No must be done in person at any of From the Judicial Branch, FROM the campus computer labs. CONGRATULATIONS to the Ju­ dicial Council. Thank you to all who a unique program to help you KICK THE CIGARETTE HABIT! UCF sweeps state eqgineering competition

from ENGINEERING, page 1 scored a total of 4 7 points to capture first place. The second and third teams both completed the 200-yard place teams scored 39 and 29 points, course in one minute and 15 sec­ respectively. ORIENTATION: onds. In summary, UCF claimed The men captured a second first place in all events, unprec­ SePtember 29 placefinishwithatimeofoneminute edented in the history of UCF par­ and I 0 seconds. When the scores ticipation in the state competition. were tallied, UCF came out on top. During the Awards Ceremony The UCF team for the high­ held Saturday afternoon, president QUIT DATE: strength cy I inder consisted of Laura Laura Lewis, after receiving the Lewis, Jim Schlottman, Carlos overall first place trophy, addressed October 20 Negron, Jim Dombrowski and Rob­ the audience, and thanked all UCF All Students, Faculty, and Staff Welcome! ert Joynes. They turned in cylinder team members and their faculty ad­ designs which topped over 7,~00 visor, Dr. Sashi Kunnath. Sessions are Fridays, 12:30 - 1 :30 PM psi, easily defeating the competi­ "You (UCF team members) tion. should all be praised for the time Saturday's events included and effort which you sacrificed," the surveying and mystery event Lewis said. "Withoutyou, we would competitions. Survey team mem­ not have been a success." bers Bruce Montes, Mike Liggins, The UCF chapter of ASCE Jeff Brown and Carlos Negron holds its weekly meeting in Engi­ turned in an outstanding perfor­ neering room 324 Fridays at 12:30. mance when their final results were Any engineering student can join. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL: judged to beonlyoneone-hundredth For more information, contact Laura of a foot offlhe benchmark location. Lewis ac [email protected]. HEALTH RESOURCE CENTER Their showing resulted in an- / 823-5841 other first place finish, as did the I ~ team who competed in the mystery event. Members of the team were I WELCOME BACK TO UCF kegina ide1man, Tami Concepcion and Laura Lewis, who I STUDENTS AND FACULTY . ~G R I LL ..G R I LL RECEIVE 10% DISCOUNT WITH VAL.ID UCF l.D. ~AMERICA'S VALUE MENU OPEN AFTER MIDNIGHT ... ------FREE--- -SUB-- --, r jjiifREE DRINK &F'RiES 1 I BUY ANY FULL SIZE SUB I 1 • FREE 20oz DRll-JK AND SMALL FRIES I I . AND GET A JUNIOR FREE I 1 WITH PURCHASE OF GYRO I G R I L L AVAILABLE AT THESE I I G R I L L OR CHICKEN PITA I WROE MIAMI SUBS GRILL: AVAILABLE AT THESE MIAM! SUBS GRILL: I UCF ALAFAYA I I UCF ALAFAYA I I 12201 UNIVERSITY BLVD. 11860 E COLONIAL DR. I I 12201 UNIVERSITY BLVD. 11860 E COLONIAL DR. I ORLANDO, Fl 32825 ORLANDO, FL 32820 ORLANDO, Fl 32825 ORLANDO, FL 32820 I COUPON______EXPIRES 10-31-95 ..I I COUPON______EXPIRES 1()-31-95 ..I NEWS L NOT VALID WITH ANY OTHER OFFER. UMIT ONE COUPON PER VISIT. I L NOT VAUD WITH ANY OTHER OFFER. UMIT ONE COUPON PER VISIT. I 4 •The Central Florida Future• Sept 19, 1995

to worthy organizations and clubs. Todd C. Pingaro Experience: Student Council Trea­ surer, National Jr. Honor Society, National Honor Society (president) Seat2 Cara Wall Experience: Because I am a sopho­ more, I have spent a year seeing what works for Summer '95 and what does not work. I believe in more Michael Lintzner speakers on campus, more safety in the park­ • ARTS AND SCIENCES college. Experience: For six summers, I have ing lots, and support for a baseball stadium. I Seat 1 ·Leonel Jimenez been a manager of an amusement park ca11ed am always willing to listen to you. Josh Gardner: Experience: I have been involved in Quassy in my home state of Connecticut. I Dan Smith • Experience: Since coming to UCF in Lambda Chi Alpha for two years where I have volunteered a lot of time to the St. Experience: I am a very organized and Spring of'94, I have had a consiste_nt record of gained a lot of experience in dealing with Vincent Depaul Society shelter. I have also efficient person who gives I 00% to every­ campus involvement as well a5 working to · school. had experience in elections on this campus. thing I do. IfI am elected, I wi 11 do the best job maintain my grades. My Jeadersh.ip on cam- Seat 7 Seat14 · I can. pus and my previous involvement with senate Jessica Plouffe John Trollinger ill will help me to be an efficient senator that will At Valencia, I was the Experience: Alpha Delta Pi Giftmart Experience: I work in the Student Af­ work for students. Chair and Hoop it Up Co- Chair/Magazine fairs office on campus and see what students Alex Heuer: Chair and Pride Leader '95 Oteam, FCA, want and need everyday. I also get an inside Experience: I have been at UCF for a Gayfers College Board view of how SG works. These experiences little over a year. In this time I have dealt with RUNNING UNOPPOSED will help me to make better decisions for the tremendous red tape and the parking dilemma. students. The only experience that I will yield is that of Jason Moyer an average student trying to get an education Experience: After being appointed to and at the same time trying to improve the the 27th Senate, I took the opportunity to get quality of student life. involved with clubs and organizations to fur­ Seat 2 · ,"n °" ther help student involvement on campus. Also, I have many attributes and values that can help the students and their clubs. Chris Schroeder Seat3 Nicole Metzger

about what my A&S fees are used for. I think every student should have a say in where these • funds go. As a Senator, I represent those students who care. Brian Lowe Experience'. Over the past few years, I Seats have been involved in some activities that Mike Menahem have helped me develop leadership skills Major: Marketing I important in being a Senator. I was a member Juan Garcia of the Valencia Community College Oteam. Experience: Living on campus and Involvement: Sigma Phi Epsilon Fra­ In high school, I was a treasurer of the AFS attending UCF for three yt;ars has allowed me ternity, UCF Varsity Tennis Team Club. ( Foreign Exchange Student Club). Markham Gross to see what leadership and hard working Experience: I'm a well-rounded indi­ Through my past activities , I feel that I have · Experience: I was VP of SGA in high qualities our Student Government needs. My vidual interested in various aspects of our sufficient knowledge that will help me_be­ school and a member of my school's Wel­ office in Tri-Delta has also helped me to deal school. Representing the school in interco11e­ come ;t successful Senator. come Comm)ttee. I have sincere interest- in with responsibilities and deadlines. giate sport events hives me the opportunity to Seats seeing that the student voice is heard. I will Kimberly A. Darovec experience school pride. Being a transfer stu­ John (J.T.) Turner work hard for you as a student senator. Experience: My first year as a senator, dent from another senior institution, and with Experience: Asa memberofthe senate Seat 11 I spent most of my time learning the intricate UCF going through a transition period, I in the spring , i-co-authored the SG Code of John Mahoney workings of SGA. I was a member of the expect to help with further improvement. Ethics, chaired the Campus Shuttle Commit­ Experience: Homecoming Court, So- E&A Committee,.The,SPR Committee, and Johnny Chang tee, Vice Chaired the Organizations and Ap­ cial Chair/B.rother of Lambda Chi Alpha .. chaired the Environmental Ad-Hoc Commit_. Experience: In high school I was vice propriations and Finance committees and Vice RUNNING UNOPPOSED tee, I feel my past experience and future hopes president of student government. I played Chaired the Elections and Appointments com­ Seaf 12 and concerns for SGA make me an excellent varsity sports so I'm very good working with mittee. I have worked actively with Lynx Karla K. Lecroix candidate for Senator:. people. In my fraternity, I was vice president representing the disabled students at UCF that Experience: '94& '95 Oteam, Delta BUSINESS of my pledge class. use both fixed and paratransfer services. Delta Delta Philanthropy Chair, Senator '94- Seat 1 Seat7 Jason Miller '95, Intramural Sports, Heath Bukolt Brittany Tallon Seat6 FCA '93. Chris Cupolo Experience: I feel that because I have Joe Walsh RUNNING UNOPPOSED Experience: I believe that being in the been here at UCF for the past year, and I was Experience: I was a member of the 27th Seat 13 school of Business and attending UCF for also on the UCF Orientation Team, My in­ Student Senate (Engineering Seat #3) last Shannon Martin three years, I have a greater understanding of volvement will enable me to help make deci­ spring and I was also the Student Body Experience: Senator (two years), Sen­ the University's needs and resources. I plan to sions that are in the best interest of the stu­ President my senior year of high school. Five ate C&O Committee, "Senator of the Yea", al locate the A&s Fee that you pay as a student dents. years SGA experience in high ~chool and Senate Finance Committee, Interim SGA VP Sept. 19, 1995 • The Central Florida Future • 5

Wendy Justice Blake Greenfield practices in my fraternity leadership posi­ dent Ambassador, Space Camp Counselor Experience: I feel I have the experience Experience: I feel that through my tions. I believe it is time to take what I have and Thespian society. needed as a senator because I have been leadership and involvement in the commu­ learned to the UCF Senate and beyond. EDUCATION • involved with a number of different organiza­ nity, I have acquired enough qualities to lead Seat3 Seat 1 tions on campus for the last three years. In UCF to a better tomorrow. Robert Carter Laurie Reeves most of these activities, I have held leadership Seat4 Kevin R. Koenig Experience: Since high school, I • positions which I think will help make me a Edric De Armas Chris Raesly .· ~ave ga~ost.Qf ·ID_y, experi­ better UCF Senator. Experience: My past experience in the Experience: I have taken on many ence wor~inK:. fpc various campaigns in David Comer 27th Student Government Senate and leader­ leadership positions such as an executive Tallahassee. "There, I recently worked as Experie_nce: Through three years of ship role will aid me in the coming year of the officer in my fratern~ty. I was projects chair­ assistant to the campaign manager for the involvement in the UCF Greek System, I 28th Student Government Senate. man in Sigma Alplia Epsilon and had the county commissioner. I worked daily with believe SGA is here to benefit the entire Lena Fernandez responsibility of setting up community ser­ prospective voters and various election of­ student body. Being elected would allow me Experience: I served as a Senator for vice projects for Rights Fraternity members . ficials. I quickly learned how to listen to a • to utilize leadership gained from fraternity the College of Engineering during the past I have helped run a food bank at a volunteer voter's concern. Now, I know how to offices and analytical and organizational skill three semesters. During that time, I intro­ center in N.H. carefully preserit the concern to others, gained from work for a financial consultant duced several bills for the clubs I represented Reed Knowlton assuring each voter's voice is heard. and a private medical facility. and was able to achieve fell funding for all of Seat2 Seats · these. I served on both the OAF committee, Steven Conti Jennifer Rocha and the Service and Pub! ic Relations commit­ Experience: I believe that my expe­ Experience: I was a senator for the tee. Ifl am reelected, I will continue to do my rience dealing with very different people College of Business during the 27th Student best to represent the College of Engineering on many everyday issues as an RA will help Senate (Spring 1995). As a senator I serve on and its objectives. me to communicate the needs of future • the Environmental Ad-Hoc and the Organiza­ Seats educators to our senate. My track record as tions, Appropriations, and Finance Commit­ Rick Andrade a reliable dependable leader in ~CA as well tees. Weekly OAF meetings gave me the in housing will be a strong asset to the chance to hear and help with the financial students of UCF. requests of various organizations. Amy Baker Greg Flannigan Seat 3 Experience: I'm famjliarwith the works Deborah Hoyer of Senate through years of debate and high Brett Cooper school government. Experience: I feel my experience of Seat9 working in many different areas of the Brooks Emerson . school and with many diverse organiza­ ··-: Jions, will be beneficial to the student body. As a senator, I w'ould hope my experience .. _wo~ld be an essential key to good commu-


Nations Club . Through these clubs, I have year. worked with the Student Government Asso­ Steven Roberts ciation, and this past experience has given me Experience: I am very responsible, a complete understanding of the role of sena­ conscientious, and have been in charge of tor in the SGA. budgets for my fraternity and several clubs Andrew Smithers and organizations in high school. I also am Experience: Student Body Vice Presi­ very good at public relations, and am easy dent, German Club Vice President, and Sec­ to approach and communicate with. I also retary Gamma Club practiced in Parliamentary Procedure. Mike Wigand Christina Benyola Major: Computer Engineering Experience: My career in Student Experience: I was section leader for Government began in 1990 when I became two years in my high school band and was a represen tali ve Semi no le High School SGA Band Captain for one year. I had a 3.5 GPA for two years. My experiences as Junior and a 1370 SAT. - Class President, Student Government Presi­ Jason Kennedy dent and District Secretaryffreasurer ha~e Experience: I've had the experience given me th{Hlbility to accept responsibil­ before, hence I am very knowledgel!ble about ity. and make decisions based on fairness what this position entails. . and impar~iality . • Seat2 Kevin Bogusch Experience: ~believe that I have·strong MAIN AT-LARGE Chad Troncale leadership qualities and ideas to make things Andy Muench Seat3 happen here at UCF. I feel that the experience Dominic Fariello Richard Vianderbilt I have as a student and as a.friend to my peers Experience: Four years experience Experience: Experience as a student will aid me as a senator for the Department of prior to this year. Held positfons in senate leader in U.S. Air Force Technical School Health and Public Affairs. in high school as well as presidential posi­ responsible for 20 people, mi Ii tary leadership Seat2 Experience: Former experience that tions, active member of the SGA of the experience, president of two organizations Marty Joswick will aid me as a counselor included United State Office, ~ttended Southern District IV and actively involved in other organizations Chad Elliott States Marine Corps Reserves, BOYS State, Rallies, and several state conventions. I in Engineering. past experience serving as a Experience: BeingamemberofSigma National Honor Society Sgt-at-Arms, Fu­ love working with people and helping them senator for Engineering over summer '95 se­ Alpha Epsilon has allowed me to become ·ture Business Leaders of America, Wres­ involve themselves in campus activities. I mester. more confident and secure in my thoughts arid tling Team Capt., Swim Team Capt., Stu- look forward to serving the students! 6 •The Central Florida Future• Sept. 19, 1995

Rorida Student Association rallies against tuition increase and budget cuts from TUmON, page 1 $I 00 (from $2300 to $2400) over also a campus based aid program, so which has resulted in increased ben­ ing cuts. last year's level. To achieve the in­ students are able to make payments efits for students. ""FSA will be participating in happen.·· crease. the House raised the mini­ lo their institutions. "With the emphasis that i a rally againstthe financial aid cut ," FSA officials say they are mum grant from $400 to $600, mak­ Moreover, Congress' pro­ placed on higher education, these aid University of South Florida dedicated to insuring that Florida ing it more difficult for students to posed cuts for student loans targets cuts are a direct assault on the youth Student Body President David students get the highest quality edu­ qua Ii fy for Pell Grants. This amounts the interest exemption for graduate of this country," Tait said. "If stu­ Quilleon. "We are lobbying on be­ cation possible fqr their money. to a $480 million ~ut into the pro­ atid professional students ($3 bil­ dents do not have the access to a half of the 200,020 thou and tu­ According to the FSA, state univer­ gram. and will eliminateoveraquar­ lion), which would increase the cost college education, you students do dents in the state universities to make sity presidents asked for the ·10 per­ ter of a million students from quali­ of borrowing up to 50 percent. not have access to go to work and sure that education is a priority:· cent tuition increase. fying for the program: This leaves $8 billion in cuts students will not have access to the A conglomeration of the nine Some university presidents - State Student Incentive to the student loan program that will political system." state universities, the FSA works are also proposing technology fees, Grants (SSIG): The House Appro­ be targeted at students. At the same If these cuts pass, they would with the Board of Regents together user fees and other charges to raise priations bill elimi.nated the federal time, the multi-billion dollar stu­ b~ the largest to student financial aid to make policies. Members take is­ revenue for the university system. contribution to SSIG. The federal dent loan industry has not been asked in history. sues back to their campuses and get These fees total between 20 and 45 contribution lo SSIG($63.4 million to contribu~e to cuts in the student The FSA opposes any cuts students involved. percent increases in the undergradu­ in 1996) generates over $880 mil­ loan prograT}l. and plans to go to the capital and ate and graduate level. lion in matching state grant aid that The student loan industry share their feelings with Congress. "With the$ I I bill ion cut Nationally, Congress is pre­ will decline if the federal govern­ makes a profit every time a student And even though the BOR passed and the raise in tuition, there is paring lo slash $11 billion in student ment does not contribute. borrows money to go to college. the I 0 percent tuition increase, they a double negative happening loans, including$700million in cuts -Perkins Loans: The House Congress is considering either cap­ also condemned Congress' cuts and on students," said University lo student financial aid. Appropriations bill eliminated the ping or el im inati ng the Direct Lend­ passed a resolution to back the FSA of North Florida Student Body The major student financial $158 million federal contribution to ing program, which has created im­ in its fight. President Josh Kueehe, ·'We aid programs at risk include Pell the Perkins Loan Program. Perkins provements in student lending. The FSA al so encourages stu­ want to rally the students and Grants, State Studenr Incentive Loans are regarded as the best loans Direct lending has forced dents to call local representatives get them involved. That's been Grants and Perkins Loans. The cur­ for low income students because of competit.ion between the federal and tell them not to vote for a budget a real problem, the lack of stu­ rent status of these programs after their five percent interest rate. It is government and the loan _industry, that contains these educational fund- dent involvement." the House Appropriations bi 11 are as fjliiiiliiiimmmlimmmiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii• follows: - Pell Grants: The maxi­ mum grant award was raised by S.G.Column from S.G., page 1 to get involved on the state, as well as national level. SG attended the press conference at the UCF Arena to stop the proposed $I 0 billion dollar financial aid budget cuts. We will follow up the situation from here and let the student body know how they can help SGA protect the students' interests. On a closing note, if you have not had the oppo11unity to meet SG, especially President Miguel Torregrosa and VicePresident Frank Amoros, we al I encoui·age you to do than you were. so! SGA is under an open door policy. If you have a problem that we can help with or even if you simply want to say hi , come in and see us. The Student Government offices are located in the Student Center Complex, Room 155. Remember: SGA is here to serve the student's needs. Let us know what we can do for you! we ·are '· . stillleok-.. ingfor news . writ~ :· ·ers ~ ;· call ,:,. It's everywhere you '\"\f&TI.t to be: 823~8054

C Visa U.S.A. Ind. 1994 'l • ::r~ 0 n 0 ...... ::s ai-; ~ ~ 0 ::i. 0.. ~ ~ .....= =(a • Vl ~ ;'" J ...... ~ ...... \0 \0 Vl


September 19 - 26, 1995

Tuesday 19 Tuesday Knight Live: John Pinette (Comedy) Student Activities Center 8:00 p.m. Wednesday 20 Theater Series I "I Hate Hamlet" REACH presents"The Verdict" SCA 8 p.m. Thursday 21 UCF Police Dept. presents "Streetwise" SCA 7 p.m. Sunday· 24 Movie: "Circle of Friends" Student Activities Center 6:30 p.m. & 9:00 p.m. Monday 25 Diversity Week International Fair 11 :00 a.m. Tuesday 26 Tuesday Knight Live: Geri Jewell (Comedy) Student Activities Center 8:00 p.m.

For more info. call 823 - 6471

• • The Central Aorida Future 0 llllOll September 19, 1995 Coming Next Issue:

0 David Swartz, Jr., A Little Twist, talks about coral eyeballs

O Guest columnist, Ross Stein gives sound advice for women who want to be appreciated "

O P_at Fox, the Opinion Editor has a bone to pick with in­ humane drivers

O More letters to the editor­ it could be yours

The Central Florida Future welcomes your letters and article. Submissions may be mailed, faxed, e-mailed, or brought to our offices. Call for details. Call now. Call often. Let the greek bashing games begin

O A coun~erpoint cJAtral Florida Future article to Vee's "Greek Office Location life has it's social advantages"- why you shouldn't [UCFj join a fraternity the author exactly means by "s~cial competence,". perhaps having the ability to tie one's shoe? Belch on 1------' ! !.______. I am always wary of those who proclaim the superiority command? Keg-stand properly? Next, Yee mentions that 1------Al_afa~ya Trail of a special few over the masses, and Brynner Yee's column · fraternities offer a haven "for those·seeking to cultivate their I .------'------• lionizing the "Greek experience" .at UCF in the Sept. 5 issue private lives." Huh? Cultivate your private life? Perhaps this DD · of The Central Florida.Future was no exception. Fortunately, means perfecting one's personal hygiene or masturbation ~ 0 I needn't have worried - the article js so filled with vague techniq.ues. Your guess is as good as mine. D :S D generalities and.gushing, subjective judgments, that it stands The author moves on to pontificate about the wonderful llliiiii~· as a manifesto for not joining a fraternity. bond that developed between himself and his fellow pledges, D ! Yee begins by decrying the general stereotype of the heavy-handedly implying that such friendships are very rare :::::;: fraternity, instead listing the supposed boons of brotherhoo9; outside. of the Greek umbrella. Here-I must agree with Yee- 'C induding academic and professional development, diversity . 1 suppose ·the bonds I have with my friends will forever be gz and ''social well-being." These first two benefits then go wanting, because we've never raced. with carrots jammed .in r- < . Burger unexplained while the author launches a convoluted argument our peculiar places, or passed out in each other's pools of ~'---I P. King · for the social advantages to be found in the Greek system. vomit, or experienced the unifying thrill of similarly memo- "Most people never truly have the rable hazing experiences .. social life they want," Yee con­ Tell me there's not something Yee follows this with a chal­ fides, and "many students who lenge to prospective pledges to go The ·walk on our · ~ampus don't have more substantial offered by beyond the Greek stereotype to dis­ Central Florida Future much of a personal life." What cover true Greek life. Incomprehen­ © 1995 Campbell Communications, Inc. · kind of arrogant, presumptive pos- the_fraternity experience than sibly, he then hoists his argument on its own petard by labeling particular Offices: I 1875 High Tech Ave., Suite 250, Orlando, FL 32817 tur~ is this? I ~idn't realize th~t testosterone-laden Newsroom : (407) 823-8054 ext. 27; FAX 823-9495 Yee,asafratern1tymember,obv1- . ; · fraternities: "Pikes are known for their Editor ...... Sean Pe~ ously has his fingers on the pulse competition and the proximity athletic prowess .. . Sigma Chi has a Managing Editor ...... John Dysert of social piquancy. • • reputation for ... handsome appear- News Editor ...... Jeff Hunt The author continues with of sorority girts. ance." Is this not engaging in the Sports Editor ...... Jason Swancey this peculiar strain oflogic, stating same stereotyping the author has de­ Features Editor ...... Derek Krause that the best reasons for Greek affiliation are the "sociafs, plored so vehemently in his opening remarks? What hypoc- Opinion Editor ...... : ...... Pat Fox formals, parties, games, and sports," notably such intellectu­ risy! Photo Editor ...... Jeff Hunt ally stimulating activities as the Splash aqua-Olympics and The author concludes this propaganda with another Copy Editor ...... Richard Karman the renowned Delta Delta Del ta Dolphin Daze. Please. Are we revealing statement, this time exhorting students to go "be­ Production Manager ...... Pete Matchett at sum~~r camp or a university? Tell me there's not some­ yond the myth" to discover Greek life in "real friendships and thing more substantial offered by the fraternity experience parties!" At least there's a little clarity in this remark. If your Staff Writers: Laura Bundy, Justin Delias, Dan than testosterone-laden competition and the proximity of goal in college is easy ac~ess to booze and.casual sex, then by Griffin, Ken Jackson, Pat Karsnick, Marc Loyd, sorority girls. all means, go Greek, as Yee suggests: If, however, you Jim Martin, Joseph Nadeau, Not to worry. "Fraternities," says Yee, offer exposure to consider yourself: individual eno~h not to need a -securit· David Swartz, Jr., Tim Springer, '.'other men ofsocial competence." I'm at a loss in understand., blanket of token frie;,'°Cis and feel-good beach~party antics, Michael White, Brynner W. Yee ing how this is a characteristic particular to Greek I ife, or what then consider another outlet for your time and energy_. Business Office: (407) 823-8054; FAX 823-9495 President ...... Stephen Norris According to the New Orleans Times­ Business Manager ...... Richard Agster Picayune 's June roundup of wisdom from Advertising Manager ...... Donald Bates, Jr. Distribution Manager ...... Jonathan Evans the just-completed session of the Louisiana Opinions expre . . ed in Tile Central Florida Future are those of the legislature, Representative John Travis of newspaper or its individual columnists and not neces. arily those of the University admini. tration or Board of Regents. Letters to the editor Jackson, La. said (when opposing an ap­ must be typed and include the author's signature, major, and phone number. Letters are subject to the editing of grammar and for space, and ~ This week's Hum-dinger parently popular measur~): ''I can't be­ become the property of the new paper, subject to their publication. The Cemral Florida Fuwre is a free, campus newspaper publi. hed twice was sent by an alert reader lieve that we are going to let a majority weekly through the fall and spring semesters, and once weekly through Can you be alert reader? the summer semesters. Campbe Communications is not associated an of the people decide what's best for the with the University of Central Flonda. Single copies are free; additional Sure you can. state." co ies ma be urchased at the Future office for $.50 each. l 0 • The Central Florida Future • Sept. 19, 1995 What's new from SG- from parking to tuition hikes

Since the Student Senate did using last years numbers which are not meet this week, there is no new lower than this years. When I have legislative news. Sorry, Dr. Tubbs, the answers to the questionnaire and you'll just have to wait until the 28th the report, I will compare the two Student Senate con venes to play and publish the results. As I previ­ with your ink pad. ously mentioned, Serena Bell no­ There are a few things you ticed a problem on campus and in­ as students should kno~ which di­ will cosr approximately $200. That stead of just keeping her frustration rectly affect you. First, did you know does not include the pegasus fee that to herself, she called SG and voiced that the Federal Government wants drop any further .. In order for this will be payed shortly for that free her concern. to cut TEN BILLION dollars from country to remain competitive in an account you now have. Or the fee After spending approx. 20 financial aid over the next ten years. ever growing .global economy , we for your new ID card. The univer­ minutes on the telephone with her, It is estimated that 250,000 Pell need educated people. Any reduc­ sity is going to try and squeeze she now understands what SG is Grants will be lost. tion in financial aid,especiaJly when students for all the money it can. Be doing to solve the problem. Both . The House ofRepresentati ves ouruniversityis careful when Serena and I encourage anyone who has already passed the cuts and the seriously con­ the university has a problem to contact SG and let Bill now sits in the Senate. I urge sidering a raise Go out and talk to the says it is going us help. SGmight be currently work­ everyone to call your Senators (you in tuition, to provide you ing on the problem and you can help have two from each state) and tell would have candidates and find with more ser - us, or we might not even know there them not to cut your financial aid. In catastrophic out how much they vices. You is a problem. All I ask is you call a.nd Florida, your Senators are Connie consequences. might get the give us a chance to do our job - Mack, you can reach him in FL at This know about what is services, but at represent the students of UCF. (813) 225-7683 voice or (813) 225- brings me to my, what cost? As In closing, the Senate elec­ 7686 Fax. Mr. Mack can also be next topic, a going on, from always, as I find tions will be going on as this issue reached in this DC office at (202) raise in tuition. parking to tuition to out more, I will hits the stands. Please go out and 224-5274 voice or (202) 224-8022 It was brought keep you in­ vote. SG is only as strong as those in fax. Our other Senator is Bob Gra­ to my attention the Student Union to . formed. 'it. The students have many battles to ham, you can reach him in FL at by Serena Bell, Now fight this year and we need strong (813)228-2476 voice or (813)228- a Com. Dis: Federal funding. · about parking .. . 1. ~adership. Oo out an~ talk to the 2479 Fax. Mr. Graham can be major who Today, I wrote candidates and find out how much reached in DC at (202)224-304 f · ca1Ied the SG office (823- 2191) parking services a letter; asking how they know about what is going on voice or (202) 224-2237 Fax. I will with a complaint about parking. I many parking stickers they had sold, - from parking, to tuition, to the leave a copy of both of the FL was not in the· office at the time of and how many parking.spaces were Student Union to Federal funding. Senator's local aod DC addresses the cal I, but I was given the message on campus and where. I also asked These are all topics of paramoun,t and phone numbers in the Student and called her back. for the formula they use to calculate importance to students. I will be out Government (SG) office. . During our conversation the number of parking spaces in the there everyday at the main voting It is very important that you about parking, which I will touch on grass lots. I also called and will be booth located on the green. contact your Senator and explain to in a second, she informed me that receiving a report which contains them that education is important to for students with over I 20 semester the number of students in a given Please stop by and say hi, and this country, and you do not want to hours, in-state tuition might increase building at a given time. This report let me know if there is anything I can see the current level of education four times. The I 21st semester hour was created in February, so I wi11 be do for you. ·

i: - • t Meet ·Dan Griffin

In defense of flag burning I consider myself a conservative, but take serious excep­ An open letter to the tion to Mr. Yee's article on 24_August about flag burning. Greek associations I) As a conservative, I want flag burning to be legal as a fonn of flag disposal or protest. The presence of angry people Dear Greeks, in a society can be a good indicator that the government is not You associations need to get real! On all your serving the people. I want the radicals to burn flags rather than Orlando, and my other brother iives propaganda you talk about how you provide blow up buildings. I also want to know who the radicals are, in Atlanta with his family. I just amiablecommunity . and don't want to force them Tonight on Biography ... found out that I' II be an uncle for the Do you services, forge underground where they might Logical fallacies So, whatdidyoudoon YOUR third time! dilligen't and suc­ become terrorists. America is a summer vacation? I remember writ­ Besides writing this opinion infonnthe cessful leaders, and great and powerful country. and emotion­ ing those essays throughout middle column, I work for Florida's #I that by joining your Surely we can tolerate some and high school grocery chain as new recruits "cl iques," you can disrespect. based ranting and truly finding My pet peeves a manager. In beforehand become a better per­ 2) Mr. Yee uses the only convince them pointless. include: the fact, editor Sean son. Give me a phrase 'Muslims who bomb Having to write a religious right, Rush Perry and I once that drinking break! Why don 't New York buildings' and 'Is­ the liberals that biography is al­ worked at the is required, you just admit your lamic radicals of the middle most as bad. So, Umbaugh, Jesse same store, where true intentions? east' . This is like saying 'Prot­ they are dealing here goes. Helms, hypocrites Sean used to cook th~ age isn't Well , I guess you . estants who blew up a federal with a bunch of (but I guess I'm up some of the do, after the huge building in OklahollJa City'. I was burn a best donuts you a factor? initial fees have Ten-orists are motivated by their fanatic idiots. poor black child. repeating myself) everhad.Askhim been paid. Do you politics, not their religion. Is­ My mother about it some- inform th~ new recruits before hand that drink­ lam .does not teach terrorism any more than Jesus taught people never .. wait, wrong bio. time. ing is required, that age isn't a factor - that's to blow up buildings. It is not fair to the millions of Muslims Rocketed as a baby from the Ihavenopersonal life to speak why there's a second floor, right? Or that sexual in the U.S. and the world to mix their religion with terrorism in doomed planet Krypton ... DOH! of, between work and pr~paring for escapades are a predon:iinant and coveted trophy our speech. . ' · One more try! the GMA T, but hey, what do I need among you.You p~ple must have no respect for 3).Burning a flag cannot be compared to destroying the I was born many years ago in a life for?!? virtue, except for times you preten_d to have Lincoln Memorial or the constitution. Those.items are public the great state of Massachusetts to Some of my favorite things reverence. property belonging to all the people of the United States. Most par~nts whom I have never met. I are: Star Trek, comics, children (I There .is one p0int I'd like to make clear. flags are pnvate pro~rty. Private ownership of an item, even was adopted as a baby by two good spoil my niece and nephew rotten, ~ile there are many losers and ho1Iow beings a symbol sacred to million's, cames with it the right to dispose people, but one·of them died, unfor­ much to their father's chagrin!) and . that belong to Greek societies, the athletes are of that item. If the owners of the Lincoln Memorial (we, the tunately, and my stepmother was pissing people off. semi-exceptions tb the rule. Although they, too, people), decided 'to destroy it, we would be within our rights as quite literally a mother. Eventually, My pet peeves include: the possess egotistical perceptions, at· least they would the owner of a flag that decided to destroy it. I was removed from the tender mer­ religious right, Rush Limbaugh, provide something in return. At least they're I challenge Mr. Yee to think a little harder about how he cies. of niy wi~ked stepmonster by Jesse Helms, hypocrites (butI guess doing something to help UCF. All you others promotes conservatism. Logical fa11acies and emotion-based that great savior, HRS. Since then, I I'm repeating myself), the UFCW though, need to clean up, or just come clean. ranting only convince the liberals that they are dealing with a have fqund a new family , ~nd I and Brynner Yee. Your motives are so invalid! · . ... bunch of fanatic idiots. Let's hope they aren't. couldn't ask for better. My parents w, on to more interesting • Lawrence R~lar, Junior, Philosophy •SeanRoss ano youngest brother live here in things ... Sept. 19, 1995 •The Central Florida Future• 11

Nuclear bomb set off -(HJ: SCOOP'"7HE Sl\OE ;;t;IL/ULJ....._

TherecentNucleartestsetoff not a month has gone by without an by France has lead to protests around earthquake somewhere i.n the w9rld. J theworld.Endingathree-yearmora- And while a nuclear blast in the tori um on nuclear tests, Francedeto- ocean floor may not be sufficient to natedanuclearweaponestimated to cause tectonic shifts, I am quitecer­ be equivalent to about 8,000 tons of tai n that it coultjn' t help anything. TNT. This is just better than half the · What were these people think- force leveled on Hiroshima. ing anyway? At least in a desert, According to AP, Defense there are miles and miles of sand, Minister Charles Millon called the both wide and deep to help absorb test "a peaceful step." the shock waves of a nuclear deto- And I thought our govern- nation. Why underwater? ment has the comer on idiocy. I am Ancl as if iinderwater isn't so accustomed to hearing double- bad enough, they chose the site of a talk come from our great leaders, volcano to put this dooms day ma- • that when I hear this sort of thing chine into. There's some rocket sci­ Comedy- with a focus on wafffes coming from anotherso-called civi- ence thinking for you. Iized nation, it makes my hair curl. What about the sea life in that D I guess we'll show World wide response was area? How many tons of fish were that guy Larry a quick and heated. Takashi Hiraoka, killed? How many marine mam­ thing or two about Mayor of Hiroshima, sent a letter to mals are now going to die? theFrenchGovernmentstating, "As This sort of brazen environ­ what's funny the repr~sentative of the oeo01e of mental assault may have been toler­ the first city ever • • . • ated 20 years ago, · . If you tuned into my column tosufferanatomic ThlS IS :foolishness, but now it on Thursday you'11 recall that this • bombing, I not defense. Ifs shouldn't, it can't week the American Humor Institute tion of about two million. strongly protest. be. And remember, and I are educating the great masses Funny; UCF is SPAMMED ,,, This violates the tantamount lo this is one in a se- (the four to six people who read my thinkers out there who would con­ iti East Central Weasel, a fudge-a­ trust of humanity, . ries of possibly. column) on the subje~t of humqr. sider using the wattle as a flotation licious region with a population of and is an killing a·lly in the eight blasts the We're examining what is funny, device: Waffles, upon exposure to about two million llamas. u n for g iv ab I e, house with a shot French plan. and what is not funny. salt water, soon become waterlogged Although the meaning of the reckless act." And in case In the last lesson, we learned and lose all buoyancy. They also sentence is completely lost, it can't J a P a n . gun, and I ~y you're suffering that running over vagrants sleeping look very, very unappetizing). · be ignored that the second version ts however, was not from short term in the gutter is not funny. It's just In question two, the giant much more comical than the first. themostviolently KNOCK IT OFF!· memory loss, it was plain r1;1de. In today's session, we Eggo waffle seems. equally out of Even though choosing the appalled. Protests justrecentlythatwe will_l~am what is funny. place, making it somewhat comical. right funny word can raise the hu­ in Tahiti have been so violent that were hearing stirrings about our Humorisacomplexphenom- This might lead one to believe that mor factor ofjust about any writing, French reinforcemems were sent. govemment resuming nuclear tests. enon, but there are a few fool-proof. Eggo waffles are humorous all in the right topic has to be chosen as Rioting in the streets reflected the We a11 hear a great deal of techniques to being funny. One of themselves. That is not the case, as well. You can't just start talking sentiments of those currently under rhetoric from the conservatives the most important aspects in hu­ you cf}n see in quest~on three. about the Spanish-American War, French rule, and one report even about the need for strong' defense-;- moris word choice. Findingjustthe · In the final question, it would throw in the occasional llama, ·and ' mentioned threats of succession. and so on, and so on, but make no right tenn can increase your humor be perfectly normal to eat waffles hope to i;iave a funny final product. Protests were held around the mistakesaboutthis. Weall saw what factor by ten fold. Let's test your No, a subject with lots of humor world, primarily at French embas­ modem military is capable of. We word choice humor skills. A11 you Funny: UCF is potential must be used. sies in such places as Finland, Aus­ watched that tidy little war we af- h~ve to do is choose the funniest Animals are always ·:a good tria, Spain and Denmark. Other pro­ fectionately called Desert Stonn. word to insert in the blanks: SPAMMED in East starting point when you ~re working tests were held across Europe, Ja­ We now are capable of picking one I. Just as his boat's bow be­ Central Weasel, a on humor. You can make up practi­ pan, Argentina and the United States. buildingoutofacity frommilesand · : gan to si!lk below the water's sur­ cally any far-fetched story, and as Millon told French radio Eu­ miles away. Wearecapableoftar- face,Charlessawa outof fudge-a-licious long as you add some comical situ­ rope- I the tests would "dissuade . geting militarily strategic locations. the comer of his eye. ations orone-Tiners, you' II soon have. adversaries who eventually would Of what possible use are nuclear (a) rescue boat, (b) life vest, region with a - ~n excellent comedy piece. like to threaten France and Europe." weapons? They kill people, inno- (c) giant'Eggo waffle population of about Television is another excel­ What? Are they planning a cent people, children, pets, trees. 2. Barbara slammed the car lent foothold to have in a work of bad wine season? Would someone This is foolishness, not defense. It's door shut, and at that instant she two million llamas. humor. There's all sorts of humor­ please tell me who would like to tantamount to killing a fly in the remembered she had locked her ous commentary to be made on the threaten France or Europe? house with a shot gun, and I say inside the car. for breakfast, which takes the hu­ subject of television, most of which Are they worried about KNOCK IT OFF! (a) keys, (b) purse, (c) giant mor 'right out of our fat free waffle involving Oprah. If there were no Sadam Hussein suddenly taking a Now, to those of you who are Eggo waffle friend. Additionally, it would seem such thing as TV, I would only have liking to Canne? Or perhaps they' re as opposed to this as I am, I ask you, 3. After eating a giant Eggo that the missing of Frank's favorite three or four columns written. afraid that the Tahitians will sud­ what are you going to do about it? waffle for breakfast, Frank realized WUCF radio program would be Perhaps the most reliable denly become boat people, and they Justsitthereandfume?Forgeta.~out . tha~ it was already ten o'clock and anything but funny. That's where source of coinedy comes from real want to show them what they might it tomorrow? Here's my idea."we he had missed his ____ you've got to have some background life and the news. Funny and ironic encounter on their way to France. all get free E-mail accounts at the (a) soccer practice, (b) job know ledge on the ·subject - no on_e stories appear. in .the news almost Oh I get it, it's because of Library right? It takes about 15 min- interview, (c) favorite WU~F r~dio has a favorite WUCF radio pro- daily, even more frequently when those bombings they've been hav­ utes to compose a ~ouple of sen- program gram! Ha! • · ... Congress is in session. The humor­ ing. You'veheardaboutthem,right? tences ofprotest, right?.You all have Congratulations if you an- · -In addition. to "giant Eggo ist has got to keep an eye out on all . Seems they've been having a small my E-mail address,:right?!? Well swered "C" toa11 threequestions. If waffle" there are a few other words these topics and more. . problem with certain Middle East­ then, iftheChristianRightcandoit, you aren't sure why the "C" an­ that an~ consistently funny when Well, I hope you learned a ern factions bombingJewishschools why can't we, right?!?! . swers.werefunny, let me explain. In used in the improper context, such few things about humor today. in France. Now there's a new con­ So E-mail me your ·com- question one, you may expect a as: SP AM, weasel, fudge-a-licious, Thanks for joining me in this install­ flict that definitely warrants testing ment-it only takes a paragraph, rescue boat or a life vest to show up and-last but not least-llama. ment of A Little Twist, and remem­ nuclear weapons. Nuke the terror­ with your name, and 1'11 compile it, just in the nick of time in that situa­ To see how these words work ber to weasel your fudge-a-licious ists. Brilliant. print it, and bestofall, E-mail IT TO tion. However, it would be totally when thrown into an ordinary sen­ SPAM llama. I have long been of the opin­ THE WHITE HOUSE! unexpected to see a giant Eggo tence, I give you the following ex­ *Hey Look! An Interactive ion that the U.S. testing of nuclear Get your friends and family waffle as you are drowning. The ample: Columnist! I'm really just a collec­ weapons in Arizona was risky busi­ to join in. Do -something meaning- waffle is totally out of place in that Not Funny: ·( the UCF tion of silicon chips and transistors. ness at best, absolute stupidity at ful for a change! At some point, scenario - there's no point in it catalog) UCFis located in East Cen­ E-ma'jl ine at david.swartz@ worst, but this French idea has to we're all going to have to put our beingthere(anotetoall therational tral Florida, a region with a popula- to download me. take the cake. feet down and say enough is enough. Granted, I'm not a student of Better we do it now, then after there's geophysics, but surely I'm not the been an accident. E-mail me at Comments to the editor- email: [email protected] only one who has noticed that lately, patfox@ The Central Florida Future Classified September 19, 1995

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_Cash _Check Amount$___ ~.,------I would like the ad to run the following dates. (The F~ture publishes Tues. and ThUis. during the Fall and Spring Semesters.) ______

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ACROSS 57 Pardoned 31 Hotels 55 Put money in 60 Something left 32 Colors the pot I Job over 33 Be without 56 Twinklers 6 Pitcher 62 Fiendish 34 Mr. Sharif 57 Charges for IO Diminutive suffix 63 Opposer 35 Paddy plant professional 14 Type style 65 Ship of 1492 37 A fruit services 15 Fashion 66 Freedom from 43 Best or.Ferber 58 Ellipse 16 Picture of a kind worry 45 Privileged one 59 Go up 17 Prevent 67 Midday 48 Learned one 61 World 's longest 18 Chick's cry 68 Senior 50Mood river 19 River in England 69 Winter vehicle 52 Pavarotti, e.g. 64 Shoe part 20 Attorney 70 Yuletide item 54 Zoo animal · 22 Good-luck 71 Peruses bringers 24 Upperclassmen: DOWN abbr. The Answers j 25 Conceit I Steep rocks !S a Y 3 26 Ten11is great 2 Remain :H 3 0 1 27 Emerald suspended J. N 29 Sluggish in air 33 Sported 3 Portents. 36 Countless years 4 Uncommon 38 Heavy wood 5 Part of dinner used in 6 Businessmen cabinetwork 7 Sorrow 39 In the center of 8 Watery swelling 40 Map abbr. 9Meal 41-Boleyn IO Make more 42 Pearly material severe 44 Of that kind 11 Musical group 3 H A 46 Hardy character 12 Sour A Y ~ H' 47 Walks 13 Watches : 3 J. l H ~ - 49 Condition 21 City in India 51 Biting insect 23 Loafer 53 Paved way: 27 Unkempt "How do you like your ribs?" abbr. 28 Water lily · -Carl \Veathers 54-dedeux 30Com bread Action ]llck'io11 ~ -• SUPPORT OUR


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by LAURA BUNDY play, Andre»', a television actor, comes perfect. Andrew's agent, played Theater critic to New ·York to get back to "real" by Gloria Duggan, speaks in a acting but finds himself terrified when mystery. accent t~at comes and A season opener is cru­ cast as Hamlet in a Shakespeare-in the·· goes,-

'11 111~ I f)f)5 (jJ~N'l1 ll1\l. l~l.f)llll)1\ l(II.. )l 1\NI) lTIJ)J~() l~l~S'l1 l\'1\I..

0 A look ahead to the Hungarian immigrant living in the rest of the way. I recommend 14th annual festival America. Sam is revived, but is anyone coming to the festival to NEW SUNDASH WOLF SYSTEMS • • clueless to his own identity . He be- watch this flick. And, you can be and a possible Winner, comestheembodimentofHamlet,a sure that we will be seeing Scott Grand Opening Special director Scott Crockers character that he knows inside and Croker in the future . As for the rest $5 off Full Set of Nails of the hundreds of films coming in entry, The Understudy. out. One can easily see how this - well let's just say I'm looking $39.95 l month unlimifed-tanning makes for a great story 2s Sam (a.k.a. forward to being severely impressed. l free tan with full set of nails by JEFF LAMAR Ham ) relates to the world through For those of you that didn't Staff writer Shakespearian dialect. I enjoyed the know The Central Florida Film movie a lot - mainly because it and Video Festival will be taking 1011 LOCKWOOD BLVD. OVIEDO For the last few nights, local was shot very well and each charac­ place (Sept. 22- Oct. I) at the fol­ 365-9755 movie enthusiasts and students have ter had a lot of depth, personality, lowing venues: The Orlando Mu­ been gathering at a special screen- and yes, cuteness about them. The seum of Art, The Go Lounge and ing house to view submissions to movie was shot in l 6mm and has a Loch Haven Center. this year's Central Florida Film take KaP.lan and get and Video Festival. Heather Danenhower, Sam Gaffin, Laurie a higher score ... i Golub, Anthony Torres, Brent Tho­ mas, Amy Wieck and of course, Classes starting soon - call now!. . myself, are among some that have volunteered to subject ourselves to these magnetic strips of subliminal whatnots. If1~5)

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Melonball RECTOBER·· Tug-of-War Volleyball . Pajama Tube Relay Ultimate Nerf 2 Headed Monster Relay Burger King Sip Off ~ .. nig{Jtfe~

Food -provided by: FRIDA Y ~ QCTQBER 6 Prizes provided by: Pepsi Fazoli's Marriott 6 PM - MIDNIGHT Pizza Hut Frito Lay Bagels Etc. Coca Cola Wet 'n Wild Burger King - .. Jungle Jim's T.G. Lee Dairy f;...~E59 Water Mania Dun.kin Donuts Duffy's Subs Domino's Pizza Fun 'n Wheels UCF Baseball Additional Sponsors: HONORARY STARTER JAY BERGMAN Black-Eyed Pea " Kelsey's Pizzeria UCF Police .Sign up at Re-e. Services: 823-2408 Army ROTC Malibu Grand Prix Teams: 4 men 4 women Walt Disney World Only the first 24 teams will be accepted September 19, 1995 F-5 TIUJCE CbID rnmcrn~mrn • /ht ho/ft§/ rtJ'itW§ /hi§ §idt OJ /ht border SUit. JOE DIRT CAA BODfANs· 11119

Bodeans Chick Foo Fighters Lunachicks KIDS Joe Dirt Car Someone's Ugly Daughter Foo Fighters Jerk of Alf Trades Soundtrack (Slash/Reprise) (Epic/550) (Roswell/Capitol) (Go-Kart) (London) Grade: A- Grade: F Grade: B Grade: D Grade: B+

Al ways having respect for the \}{el I, with me being the chick The anticipated release from These gals obviously got their What's with this KIDS Bodeans, like many, I had never band expert, I grew quite excited former Nirvana drummer Dave name form combining "lunatics" soundtrack? Is this from some NC- given them a proper listening. Now when I saw the new CD Chick lying Grohl, Foo Fighters is intriguing. and "chicks," and they are right on 17 movie that never opened in Or­ I'm upset I didn't get to them sooner. on the features desk. Unfortunately, Grohl proves ·himself as an the mark. This collage of tiresome lando so it forced die hard movie­ Their latest release, Joe Dirt Car, is it turned out to be the latest record able singer although his vocal ten­ and annoying songs is badly in need goers to drive all the way to Tampa a double CD that was recorded live company ploy to market a scantily­ dencies on many of the songs seems of a makeover. It's The Offspring to see?!? It is? Oh, okay - now I at shows in Chicago, Milwaukee, clad little lass singing about going tobereminiscentofTheBeachBoys. meets overblown women's lib. know what's going on. and San Francisco. down on someone in a theater. "Wattershed" is a purely punk song -"Drop Dead" and the title If you are a big Lou Barlow Chronicling five albums of With a dirty mouth, ridicu- with screaming, aggressive vocals. track are infectious and stand out, and Sebadoh fan, you'll want to work, like a can of sardines, these J~usly explicit lyrics, and a rhythm "Big Me" is a slower ballad with but become irritating quickly. The snatch up this soundtrack immedi­ two CD's are jam-pack with emo1~-~·WJ·ij. .. that sucks beyond words, soft ser-ene music and Grohl's vo­ rest of Jerk is about the same. ately. Working with one of his side lion and sincerity. Lil Educational Exchange • _ or Southpaw Grammar Intemet: E-mail: [email protected] • • Smiling Daisy Corsage ~eprise 1-800-2-COUNCIL -$499 -'- Grade: C 1-800-226-8624 Morrissey is someone who doesn't hav~ anything to prove, and MEDICAL CAREERS CAN MOVE unfortunately, it shows on his new FASfFR IN 1HE AIR FORCE. release, Southpaw Grammar. He still reigns as a lyrical king, Join the Air Force and see how fast your medical but hedoesn' t break any new ground career can move, whether you're a physician or psy­ this time up. It seems like good ol' chologist... dentist or physical therapist Moz is just going through the mo­ In each area of expertise, you'll find a professional tions. medical environment where the needs of the patient:.. No1mally, Morrissey has kept not cost of treatment-come first You'll be eligible to his band in the background while he apply for educational assistance to a~ce your . assumed all the anention, but South­ carw-. And enjoy an excellent compeilsationjbenefits paw Grammar is definitely the most package, including~ ~ys vacation with pay each "band-oriented" release of his ca­ ~· reer. Working once agai~ with gui­ Pl~ you'll take every step of your career as a com­ tarists Boz Boorer and Alain Whyte, missioned officer-standing proud, confident and Morrissey seems to· have placed a assured that the best career step~ the first one: · good deal of trust in the musical joining the Air Force. relationship. Well, hereallyshouldn 't Discover the rewards yourself. Call have. The sound is very brash and competes with Morrissey's vocals USAF HEALTH PROFESSIONS TOLL FREE for the listener's attention. Also, a 1-800-423-USAF few of the songs just drag on and on (clockinginatovertenminutes)with --- needless instrumentals. aa;;.-. -... Unless you need this album to ...... ~ ...... ll!l!l~..-117!::~ .... ~.. ~~~ =-~~-~ ;> fulfill your Morrissey collection, I'd ...... say leave this one alone. •Mike Isaacs ~ "Cc 0 ., -~ ~ !:I =0 u ..c::0 E-4 • If) °'- o\ (. -..... 0... 0 (/)

< Sept. 19, 1995 • The Central Florida Future • 19 I B_order Cantina Mexican Rest~urant 4250 ALAFAYA TRAIL , Mike Huff to become Daunte Cu/pepper's newest target : (ONE SLOCK NORTH IN PUBLIX CENTER)

HUFF, from page 20 as a halfback in our four receiver he has recovered. Best Mexican Food in Central Florida set," said running backs coach Although the Seminole de­ -----DAILY SPECIALS----- He and Eddie Keyes, now Alan Gooch. "So he has adapted fense has not been as dominant the "veterans" of the group, have well and that's why he'll make a this year as in the past, they are

UCF's Student Legal Services provides free legal consultation and representative in certain legal areas for qualified UCF students. For information or an appointment call 823-2538 or stop by the student center room· 22 7 Monday-Friday Sam-Spm

Funded through Activity & Service Fee by the Student Government Association

1995 Fall Schedule for Recreational Services

Event Deadline

• Racquetball Doubles 9129 9/30 z • Rectober (K)nightfest 10/4 10/6 I < Fitness I ~ I Connection VJ~ I .. •Baseball 10/9 10/16-11130 0 -< I ::E ~ I ~ ::c •Tennis Singles "A" 10/20 10/21 I rll I I East Colonial Dr./State Rd. 50 .. • Bench Press 10/24 10/28 - I I I • Tennis Singles "B" 10/27 1115 I 6615 E. Colonial Dr. Orlando, FL 32807 I • Basketball 10/30 1118-2/19 I 658-8000 . I I I •Soccer 1116 11/13-2/22 I Mon.-Thurs. Sam-llpm Friday Sam-lOpm I • Community Softball 11/6 W13-1/29 I Saturday 9am-8pm Sunday 12pm-5pm I L------~ ~Th~~~~~Fl~~~aF~~~re ~~~~~ports Se tember 19, 1995 Mike Huff switches from running back to receiver by TIM SPRINGER Golden Knights 'have been deal­ As the Golden Knights pre­ speedy group in hopes that his Staff writer ing with since the 1995 season pare to play the FloridaStateSemi­ experience will replenish the pass­ began. noles in the biggest game in UCF's catching depth that the Golden Although he is one of'the · A young and talented group history, the wide receiving corp Knights planned to have at the smallest guys on ~· of receivers are finding themselves welcomes a new pair of hands beginning of the season. Deion Does Dallas·- Jerry the field, Mike ""' continuously looking for some­ looking to contribute to the cause. The sophomore tailback, Jones wants to buy Super Bowl Huffis being· thrust one to fill a spot vacated due to Standing 5 feet 5 inches tall turned receiver, from Labelle, XXX this year. At least that's what into one of tJ!iebig- injury. This week, Huff is the an­ and weighing I 57 pounds Huff Florida, will add to the Golden he thinks he 's doing if he's willing gest holes the swer. will join the young, talented and Knights' arsenal. Although he ha to spend $35 million for one player only 15 career catches, his speed that he and the rest of the world and ball handling abilities will thinks will bring them the Bowl. enable him to turn a short pa s Sure, Deion is a tough act to follow , into a big gain. but there are a lot of NFL players Huff's new a&Signment is a that feed off the hype that Deion is result · of the Injuries that have so graciously enhancing upon the plagued the Golden Knights at the sports world. Especially when the wideout position. With the loss of Cowboys are planning to use Deion Rufus Hall for the season (ACL) in the offense and on kick returns. and the knee injury keeping Stuart Don't you think there are a few Stipe out of action, Huff has an 275-pound, muscle breeding, opportunity to showcase his skills. power hungry, I'm gonna eat your Considering the depth at the mother for breakfast lineman out tailback position, Huff knows that there that would love to send Deion he will have a better chance of and his super ego to the rehabilita­ getting on the field to help his tion center for life. I hope Dallas is team as a receiver. eliminated in the first round 6f the "I hope to start, but I think playoffs - by the Bucs! I' II be coming in on second team," DenverWho?Well wedon't Huff said. "Either \\lay; I'm just really know who yet, but the newly happy to play." "" acquired Denver hockey team is Moving Huff over to re­ predicted to reach the Stanley Cup ceiver enables the Golden Knights Finals this year. For those who to gain an experienced player in haven't been keeping up to date in photo/SOLARES an area t~at is dominated by youth. the hockey world, the Quebec At one time this looked like a gathering of a powe.rful backfield. Now, however, Mike Huff Nordiques moved their franchise (bottom right) has become another target, wide receiver, for Daunte Culpepper (top left). see HUFF, page 19 to Denver this past summer. But the same players and coaches still exist with the team, which is why .Poor attendance at UCF games has become the nonn last years president's trophy teain is predicted to reach the finals this ball or basketball, is beneficial to creases scholarships for women's a university. The teams can bring year. Keep in mind that thjs is not a 1 sports due to gender equity laws. franchise team, and star prayers .'1 111~ ·I .. INI~ national attention to a school, Since UCF increased the number such as Joe Sakic and Olen Nolen which attracts top notch students of sdiolarships given to the foot- will be at the helm this seaso'n for from across the country. see ATI"ENDANCE, page 19 the Denver-um, well let's just .Remo Giuliani Another reason is that it in- wait and see. NBA Stuff-Of course around here there is only one an­ It's Saturday afternoon and swer as to who will win the NBA the UCF Golden Knights take the title this year - Magic! O.K. - field at the Orlando Citrus Bowl. The Rockets a three-peat? They Sixty thousand fans scream and· weren't even supposed to repeat. cheer for the team in black and Throw· them in with Pete gold as UCF finishes its final year (McNeeley). Seattle should learn in Division J-AA football. Now from its first two "exit stage left" the only thing wrong with this ~. appearances, but as they say, bad picture is that it's minus 47,000 things come in three's. Barkley's FANS!! gone, so there is no more Rising So far this season, two home Sun. L.A.' s got oj...:_enough said. games have averaged just over S.A. needs to hook their w~nn and 13,000. Now, with a student body cast ~im right off the roster before of 25_,900, I find this a little dis­ they can even glimpse at a title.All turbing. It would be ridiculous to that Jazz, and still no NBA title. expect everyone to attend, so let's Won't be any different this· year. just try and figure this thing out. Is N. Y. -they' re the one's thatshould ·it that UCF students don'i like be fighting Tyson. Chicago - his football, or is pride in your school · airness is back and the front office uncool? With u·CF's move into I­ problems have been solved. Sure, A football, I think it is important they lost Grant because of it, but for our team to have more sup­ Pippen is staying tight. This may be port. the Magic's only worry this :year. One of the reasons we don't Look for an Eastern Conference have a larg~ attendance record is finals rematch and quite possibly the lack of a non-student, non­ one to. never forget. The winner of alumni fan base. Many other top that series will win the title. Now I0 s·chools have this but this will repeat after Tl)e, "There's no place just take time as UCF improves. like borne, There's no place like However; what UCF does ~rnve is home" (Be sure ·to be tapping you a large alumni support for the team. Nike's together at the toes). In fact, I am convinced that more ''There's no place like home!" All alumni show up for ' our games right, you back? I know, you had an than do students. Another thing awful dream, but it seems to me we have is support from all the that the Magic will be the wicked sororities and fraternities - they witch of the East taking its first make up most of the students that NBA title. show up. But I don't think the