A Foreign Affair (1948)
Chapter 3 IN THE RUINS OF BERLIN: A FOREIGN AFFAIR (1948) “We wondered where we should go now that the war was over. None of us—I mean the émigrés—really knew where we stood. Should we go home? Where was home?” —Billy Wilder1 Sightseeing in Berlin Early into A Foreign Affair, the delegates of the US Congress in Berlin on a fact-fi nding mission are treated to a tour of the city by Colonel Plummer (Millard Mitchell). In an open sedan, the Colonel takes them by landmarks such as the Brandenburg Gate, the Reichstag, Pariser Platz, Unter den Lin- den, and the Tiergarten. While documentary footage of heavily damaged buildings rolls by in rear-projection, the Colonel explains to the visitors— and the viewers—what they are seeing, combining brief factual accounts with his own ironic commentary about the ruins. Thus, a pile of rubble is identifi ed as the Adlon Hotel, “just after the 8th Air Force checked in for the weekend, “ while the Reich’s Chancellery is labeled Hitler’s “duplex.” “As it turned out,” Plummer explains, “one part got to be a great big pad- ded cell, and the other a mortuary. Underneath it is a concrete basement. That’s where he married Eva Braun and that’s where they killed them- selves. A lot of people say it was the perfect honeymoon. And there’s the balcony where he promised that his Reich would last a thousand years— that’s the one that broke the bookies’ hearts.” On a narrative level, the sequence is marked by factual snippets infused with the snide remarks of victorious Army personnel, making the fi lm waver between an educational program, an overwrought history lesson, and a comedy of very dark humor.
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