Key Countries Edition 1 2 THE FREEDOM OF THOUGHT REPORT 2015 Key Countries Edition 3 Freedom of Thought 2015: A Global Report on Discrimination Against Humanists, Atheists, and the Non-religious; Their Human Rights and Legal Status, was created by the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU). The International Humanist and Ethical Union is the worldwide democratic body for Humanist, atheist, rationalist, secular, ethical culture, and freethought organizations. Its mission is to represent and support the global Humanist movement, and to build a world in which human rights are respected and all can live a life of dignity. If you have updates, additions or corrections for the report please email
[email protected] or visit the website at To receive updates and news from IHEU, or join as a supporter, visit The cover image features a detail from a map produced using the data from this report. 4 5 This map shows countries by to their “Freedom of Thought” status, as determined in the Freedom of Thought Report 2015. Ratings applied according to the most severe boundary condition met by a given country. For example if a person can go to prison under the penal code of a given country for a religiously-defined crime such as “blasphemy”, then this country would receive a “Serious Discrimination” rating (even if the country otherwise was relatively free and non-discriminatory). The full list of boundary conditions and country-by-country assessments are included in this Report. 6 “My late husband, Avijit Roy, was a science author, a blogger, a writer on topics including the origins of the whole Universe, homosexuality, the evolution of love and everything including literary criticism in between.