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provided by Nottingham Trent Institutional Repository (IRep) THE INDO-PAKlSTAN SUMMIT: faltering steps towards peace? Sagarika DuH comments on Indo- relations in the light of the recent failed summit in Agra.

Since the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre in New York on I1 September. and the us deterrnina­ tion to bring OSaID:! bin taoen to jus­ tice and destroy the al-Qaeda network which SUbsequently led to the Ameri­ can and British attacks on Afghanistan on 7 October, the politics of have assumed great importance in iruernarional relations. The problem in Afghan.istan is an on·~oin~ one and at this juncture It is almost impossible President Perve"Z Musharraf (left) with Indian Prime Minister Atel Baha,; ro predict what will happen next, Vajpoyee. Retv.feen them is Indian Foreign Minister Jaswant Singh However, and Pakistan are rna­ [or nuclear powers in the region and their relations with etch other are important in maintaining peaLc in the nor be termed a turning point in [no issue rq.:jon, especlaliy since religious scn­ dia-Pakistan relations, bur it W:tS a step However, it soon became apparent runents play a role in their bilateral forward. that the TWO countries were nor on the relations and in their rclarions with On 14 July 2001 Musharraf arrived same wave-length. Al J banquet held neighbouring countries such as Ai­ at Palarn Airport () to attend in Musharraf s honour, the President ghanistan. the summit. He was accompanied by of India. J{.H. Narayanan . said: 'W e in Pakistan is now the only country his wife Sehba and an I l-mernber del­ India hold fast to the fundamentals of in the world which has diplomatic re­ egauon. This was Musbarrafs first visit tolerance and secular uernocrauc prin­ lations with the Taliban and !l:IS been to India, his birthplace, which he had ciples' ," These were the principles on a 'frie nd' o! this pariah regime for left more than fifty years ago. And he which India and Pakistan could build many years. President Musharraf was nOI [he only Pakistani who had ;'I relationship of ' ge n uine pC:Jcc, claims U1.1t the government of Pakistan never visited India. his or his parents' Iriendshlp and co-operation'. Mus­ had to accept the political realities on birthplace. Partition had erected an harraf did not disagree with him, but the ground. However, under US pres­ iron curtain. although Jinn:Ih had his lnterpretation of how these prin­ sure they appear to have changed never intended that to happen, He had ciples should be applied in lndo-Paki­ sides and arc now extending their eo­ said categorically: 'Now that tJ1C divj· start relations was quite different from operation 10 the international coalition sion of India has been brought about that of the. Indian government. He against terrorism. One of the reasons by a solemn agreement between the brought up t he issue of Kashmir. why they had to du this W:dS to pre­ t wo Dominions, we should bury the declaring that there could be no 'mili­ vcot India from benefiting from rhls past and resolve that . .. we shall re­ tary so lution' to the dispute and thar Situation. Pakistan has always tried to main friends ." the two countries must bre-ak the ·im· counter India's dominance in the re­ At Haveli Neharavali in Daryagan]. passe of the past', gion. This article takes us back to the Musharraf met and embraced his old tr soon became clear that for P-J. surumit meeting inJuly 2001 in order nanny, Anaro, now eighry-Ilve years kistan Kashmir was the core issue. to identify the key issues in India­ old and gave her gifts. Musharraf and Musha.rraf even had a meeting with Pakistan relations and comment on his wife then visited the samadbt (he leaders of the All-Party Hurriyat the significance of this summit. It can- (mausole um) of Mahatma Gandhi m Conference (APHC), at which he Rajghac. He is apparently (he firs! Pa­ promised 'his fill! moral, diplomatic klstani head ofSlate to place a wreath and poluical support' to Kashrniris in :11 the samadbi. He wrote in the: visi­ thdr just struggle'. However, the ln­ 5agariKa DUff is 0 lecturer in internationa l rdorions 01 tors' book; 'Never has the requirement dian government was nor 100 happy No.ltinghom Trent University, of his ideals {of peace and non-vie­ about this. I1 regards the Hurrivat as United Kingdom, and also lence] been more severely felt than a 'secessionist outfit', This is at' odds leaches South Asian politics , today, especially in the context of with Mush :tlTafs perception of them Pakistan-lndia rei ations. '2 as the voice of Kashmir,

N ElYoI Zoolond Infcrnorionol Review Kashmir is the only state in India that nas a Muslim maioriry. According 10 the two-nation theory (that the Hin­ dus and the Muslims of the Indian sub­ conlinent arc rwo separate nations) propollnded by the Muslim leaders, on the basis of which India was parti­ tloncd and India and Pakistan came into existence in 1917 as two separate sovereign states, Kashmir should have joined Pakistan. However, Kashmir W;}5 a princely Slate at that time ruled by a Hindu Maharaja, who toyed with the idea of remaining independent. On being invaded by tribesmen from Pakistan, he quickly signed the instru­ ment of accession and joined the ln­ dlan Unio n. 111is led to the first war Indian Army howitzers emplaced to support operations during the brief with Pakistan-backed Infiltrators In 2000 between India and Pakistan, in which India 10SI one-third of the territory of the Slate. Why India did not try 10 re­ rnits receive a lot of media attention. such as the easing of visa restrictions capture the territory, given that its As Berridgc asserts. under the glare of unilaterally announced by New Delhi armed forces were superior 10 those the television cameras, the personal before Musharraf'x visit. Vajpayee said: of Pakistan, ls a question that is some­ prestige of the heads of governments 'it is Our conviction Ih:1( an all-round times asked. However, the Indian gOY· and that of their country is on the Line. development in the relationship be­ ernrneru refused to hold a plebiscite The India-Pakistan summit re­ rween India and Pakistan will have a in Kashmir in accordance with UN flected all these difficulties and prob­ beneficial impact on our dialogue on resolutions as long as PaltiSL:U1 contin­ lems. The fundamental differences be­ jarnmu and Kashmir. ' On the other ued to occupy the territory rhar it had rwcen the rwo countries soon sur­ hand. Musharraf declared at Agra that seized. At any rate the Indian govern­ faced at the Agra calks between the resolurion of the Kashmir issue mcnr has always rejected the IWO­ Musharraf and Indian Prime Minister was the most important aspect of con­ nation theory, maintaining that India Vajpayec and made a dialogue, let fidence building between the two Is a secular state and that Kashmir is alone a [oint declaration, difficult. countries. It soon became clear that an integral part of India. In other Musharraf insisted that no progress hc had come with his own agenda but words, the instrument of accession could be made towards normalisation not much knowledge of the Indian cannot be nullified. 'TIlt: l 'niled States' of relations with India unless the Kash­ govcrnrnenrs position when he view that the rwo countries should rnir ixsue was resolved in accordance blurted out: 'What confidence build­ resolve the Kashmir issue 'taking Into with the wishes of the people of the in,g measures? Confidence building account the wishes of the Kashmlri state. lndla, on the other hand, wanted mt:'1SI1n.' ,~ i~ the rrsoh 11 ilm of Kashmir'. people' is good in principle but is 10 discuss other bilateral issues. These He told a press conference: 'Resolu­ problematic in practice as the Kash­ included cross-border terrorism, set­ tion of the Kashmir dispute, the blg­ miri people are constantly being rna­ ling up of nuclear risk reduction cen­ gest confidence building measure, is nipulated by political leaders. groups tres, trade and economic affairs and at the heart of lndo-Pakixtan conrron­ and organisations. Also the conflict has prisoners of war. talion and litis is the only issue that displaced thousands of Hindu Vajpavec later told the Indian Par­ is blocking peace between us." Kzshmiris and their wishes also need liament that resolution of these issues IQ be con sidered, not just those of the would hdp the peace process. He also Prominent position Muslim population. said that his government would imple­ However, there L, no doubt about the ment the confidence building meas­ fact Ihat Musharraf was under pres­ Summit diplomacy ures announced before the summit, sure from several groups al home to Berridgc argues that 'sumrnirry may sometimes be highly damaging 10 di­ plomacy and is always risky: and it The problem of international poltics in South Asia has assumed may serve only foreign or domestic propaganda purposes, Nevert hclcss, particular importance since the terrorist attacks on the United judiciously employed and carefully States on 1 1 September 2001 . The relationship between India prepared, It can - and does - serve and Pakistan is the key to peace in the region, especially now dlplomauc purposes as well'. Summit that both hove a nuclear weapons capacity. That relafionship diplomacy should ideally Improve po­ has been strained ever since partition in 1947. There were tilled relations between countries and high hopes in both countries and elsewhere that the summit in not promote bickering and polemics. The latter take place when heads of Aqro in July 2001 would open the way to an improved governments do not want to appear atmosphere. The fact that the talks even look place was a step wc.ik or make: any concessions tbat forward, but the vexing issue of Kashmir prevented a will prove to be unpopular with their successful outcome. The current focus on anti-terrorism may home constiun-nclcs. Moreover, un­ cause further problems in the relationship. Likeother kinds of inter-state negotia­ tions conducted :11 lawn levels, sum-

N e-v Zealand lnrerncnonol Review 11 • I . •• I give Kashmir a promlnenr position in not in favour ofth ird-party his raJh with India, that is, keep it at mcdlation or multilateral the top of th e age nda. Perhaps that is talks. lndia has always in­ why the: Pakistanis had insisted mat sisted that the Kashmir is­ the talks should not have :I structured sue should be resolved agenda. The importance of :I struc­ within the framework of tured agenda depends on what kind the Indian consutuuon, of outcome parties to a talk arc hop­ th e Sirnla Agreement ing for. If there are seve ral major dif­ (1972) and the Lahore ferences between them, these will Declaration (1999). TI1Cse have to be thrashed OUl at pre-summit bilateral agreements corn­ talks :H the ministerial level and by mined India and Pakistan expert committees. Scholars would to the principles and pur· argue Ih :1I the conventional wisdom poses of the United Na­ is lh,l( the most successful summit is tions Charter and to set­ the one which witnesses 'the signa­ tling their differences by peaceful that the main issue W:1S transparency. ture of a treaty or release of a joint means. [0 the absence of transparency it W:lS communique actually negotiated be­ difficult to eliminate mistrust ." fore the summit even commenced'." Pakistani claims I! is, therefore, surprising that expec­ Paklstani officials :11$0 claimed that Diverse reactions rations were so high in both countries several of their proposals were re­ However. Islamic groups such as the when clearly there had not been any jected by the Indian team . Emphasis­ Lashkar-e-Taiyaba (Le'T) declared that intensive pre-surnrnit negotiariuns. ing that the Pakistanl government is the summit W:tS a 'failure' because no The Pakistnni President, however, re­ in favour 0( an on-going diplomatic agreement was reached on Kashmir. jected New Delhi's charge that his process, the officials said that their They blamed India and even threat­ ' unifocal, rigid and segmented" ap­ draft declararlon had proposed :111 ened to take their organisation's ac­ proach had led to the summit's failure. annual summit between the rwo riviues beyond the borders of Kash­ He insisted that he was trying to give heads ofSlate or government and a bi­ mir and target the Indian govern­ the talks a focus. e nnial meeting of the rwo foreign ment's inxtallatlons everywhere in On 17 July, the Indian press re­ ministers to tackle three issues: India. The leader of the Le'T advised ported to the nation that the lndia­ • peace, securiry and confidence- the Pakistan government to embrace Pakistan summn had failed because building measures; war and la end the 'dispute' over the rwo sides could OOt reach an • Kashmir and Kashmir as diplomacy had failed. A agreement. Despite efforts throughout • narcotics and terrorism. Harkarul Mujahidcen spokesman said: the day, the rwo sides could not agree The Pakistan govcrnrneru has even ex­ 'Dialogue alone cannot guarantee on the contents of' a joint statement tended an invitation to V:ljpayec to peace. jihad is the answer', while the - the lowest level diplomatic com­ visit Pakistan in the near future. At Hizbul Mujahideen chief Sycd munique, The Pak ist an delegation least, both sides agree on one thing: Salahuddin said 'the failure of the sum­ contended that the dialogue broke the talks/dialogue must continue. mit would result in more Mujahideen down because of India's insistence On the other hand, Pakistan's For­ anacks'.'" that any joint statement must refer to cign Minister, Abdul Sartar, claimed On the other hand, the US govern­ cross-border terrorism in jarnmu and that some progress had been made on ment considers the Agra Summit a KAshmir. Vajpa)'cl: categorically told evolving a structure for a sustained success simply because 'th e meeting Mushnrraf 'We are willing 10 discuss dialogue on Kashmir, PC':l.CC and secu­ took place'. Assistant Secretary ofStdte everything including Kashmir but let rity, terrorism and drug-trafficking at for South Asian Affairs Christina B. us begin from where wc ended: La­ the political level. Economic and com­ Rocca Slated that 'the fact that there hore. Terrorism is very much alive. mercial co-operation would be ad­ is momentum for future meerings is Kashmir cannot be resolved unless we dressed by high offlcials, Thc::y would a C3US<: for optimism', 'nu: US govern­ stop cross-border terrorism.' 7 Unforru­ also deal with other important bilat­ ment saw the summit as 'the ftrStstep n:ucly, the activities that the Indian eral issues, such as the Siachcn and in ;t difficult and lengthy process' and calls cro...;,...border terrorism - and this Wular Barrage, and the pro­ does not believe chac fifry years of is now a major issue in India - Pili­ motion of friendly exchanges at vari­ differences can be overcome OVCr­ stan refers to as a 'fre edom struggle'. ous levels." night. Nonetheless, the United States Musharraf denied that there W;IS an)' Some progress was also made on wants the twO countries to resolve all cross border terrorism in jarnrnu and the issue of nuclear weapons. outstanding issues through ncgotia­ Kashmir, :IS alleged b)' the Indian au­ Muxharrafsaid rhat the nuclear status lions. Secretary ofSUte Colin Powcll thorittes. To accommodate Indian imposed new responsibilities on the has also seated thar 'we wlll do eve­ sensitivities Pakistan W:lS willing 10 two countries: 'W e must overcome rything wc Gin 10 lend our good off­ mention narcotics and terrorism in the the burden of history: other nations ices to the improvement of relations draft but not cross-border have done it', Musharraf and vajpayec between the two countries', Russia terrorism. discussed ways to reduce nuclear risk, too is 'in favour of India and Pakismn lndL1 's perceptions are, however, They agreed to form a sub-group lO nom,alising their relations and resolv­ quite different. Foreign Minister tackle t.he issue. The subject will be ing lheir problems through bilaleral Jas\\,ant Slngh reiterated that cross, tliscussed by an cxpen technical com­ talks and political dialogue' ." On the bnn!l.T terrorism did exist. He also em­ mittee members of tJ1C eve of the ,\gra Summit the Russi.1n phasised that Kashmir was not Ihe foreign :md defcnce ministries, the Forei~n Minisler, Igor Iv:lnov, said Ih;I1 ·centr.ll issut:' between Ihe TWO coun­ :lrmed forces and scientific and other 'Muscuw will welcome any 3grc:e­ tries or 'a dispute' :md lhal India was cxperu;. Senior defence officials sa id menlS thm may emerge from the In·

Nev" Zealand InlernolionolReviev" INDIA AND PAKISTAN dia-I':lkistan summit.' perpetrators, who had no real regard India, Is :1 multi-ethnic state and can­ for human values and the people of not afford ethnic conflict within iLS Kashmir violence Jammu and Kashmir. A leader of the borders. It would like to deal with A week after the Agra Summit, Hurriyat Conference. too, condemned such conflict with a heavy hand. But Vajp:lyee, told the Indian Parliament the killing ofinnocent people and said the government cannot altogether ig­ 'We cannot accept that the insurgency that his organisation \v.IS not involved. nore the wishes and sentiments of Is­ in jarnmu and Kashmir is anything but However, he also stressed that 'the l:unic organisations. Since terrorism in terrorism. The daily killing of innocent need oft.he hour was 10 accept politi­ India is not really its problem, the Pa­ men, women and children cannot sim­ cal realities ... and find a lasting so­ kistan government can afford to ig­ ply be glorified as [ihad or as any kind lution 10 the Kashmir issue as per the nore it and can even extend its sup­ of political movement.' He also said political aspirations of Kashmiris.' This port 10 Islamic organisations conduct­ I hat 'Pakistan's refusal to end cross­ was reiterated at a three-day South ing terrorist operations in that Slate, border terrorism is the main hurdle in Asia Peace Conference held in However, since the terrorist attacks of the creation of a conducive atrnos­ Chennai in early August: Hurrlyat I 1 September and thc adoption by the phcrc.'!' On the other hand, the Pa­ leader Mirwalz Urnar Farooq said that UN General Assembly of resolution kistani Foreign Office has charged the 'a peaceful approach to resolving the 1373. the Pakistani government is Indian security forces with stepping Kashmir issue could eithcr be through now under international pressure to up 'violence and brutalities' in jamrnu a plebiscite or by a "settlement" be­ stop extending its support 10 exrrern­ and Kashmir. For many years now, tween India, Pakistan and the repre­ ist Islamic groups and organisations. international human rights agencies scnrauvcs of the people ofjarnmu and The Indian government responded have noted the violation of human Kashmir".'! to the series of terrorist attacks in rights in Kashmir by the Indian au­ On the other hand, the National jammu and Kashmir in july-Augusr by thortues. However, the Indian govern­ Conference, Kashmir's ruling party. declaring the entire jarnrnu province ment has never accepted their firmly holds that the solution (0 the a 'disturbed area: under the Armed charges. Kashmir problem is to grant greater Forces (J&.K) Special Powers ACI, On [he other hand, it cannot be de­ autonomy to the state. in fact, Chief 1990. This ACt now covers almost the nied that the Indian authorities have Minister Farooq Abdullah wants the entire state of jamrnu and Kashmir succeeded in alienating poor centre to restore the pre-1953 status except the Ladakh region. Icgives St:­ families who are victims of this con­ to the scue. Except external relations, curity forces more powers to deal flict. Mothers lament that their sons, defence and communications, all sub­ with terrorists. This decision was dazzled by the money and the guns jects would be under state control and taken on the basis of a proposal made flashed :H them by terrorist organisa­ 'I would also have its own Prime Min­ by the Chief Minister of jarnmu and tions, are easily recruited and then ister and Supreme Court. However, Kashmir. However, since giving secu­ used by the organisations in their fight this is not acceptable to [he Indian rity forces more power can lead to the against the Indian authorities. Their government and has implications for violation of human rights, human dead bodies are often returned to their other states in the Indian federation. rights activists arc naturally opposed families after they have fulfilled their Abdullah knows, but after the fail­ 10 it. Of course, the military consid­ mission. urc of the Agra talks and In view of ers such violat ions to be collateral Cross-border firing and shelli ng forthcoming elections in the stare next damage. Ir Is interesting to note that and acts of terrorism continued year he has renewed this demand.': the government and the Chief Minis­ throughout the month ofJuly, Indian ter of jarnmu and Kashmir have jus­ authorities daim that terrorist violence Difficult situation tified this declaration in the name of is on the increase in the valley. Hindu Meanwhile, although Musharraf is the innocent civilians killed in these pilgrims are often the victims of these unlikely 10 withdraw his government's terrorist attacks and not national se­ terrorist attacks. The Chief Minister of support for these Islamic organisa­ curiry per se. )ammu and Kashmir condemned the tions, he is in a difficult situation, On To tackle militancy in jarnrnu and aCls of terrorism and said that they Paki stan's independence day he de­ Kashmir the central government could demonstrated the ruthlessness of the clared that Pakistan was Pakistan's bring in legislation 10 replace the erst­ own worst enemy while Terrorist and Disruptive Activi­ Indian troops layout the bodies of three separatists and referred to the tics ACI. Explaining why it was nec­ and a civilian killed in a clash in Kashmir 'economic malaise' essary, Home Minister L.K. Advani the country was stated in the Rajya Sabha on 9 August suffering from with that 'we are fighting a proxy war of extremist and intol­ multiple dimensions unleashed by an erant views in cer­ Inimical neighbouring country which tain quarters. Sec­ has had no qualms in rationalising the tarian groups have brutal killing of innocent men, women been eausi I1g trou­ and children as a freedom struggle'. I~ ble in recent However, Ram jcthmalani, a former months in the prov­ Union law minister and noted jurist, ince of Sindh, and feels I hat sueh le~isl ation is u nneccs­ the Paklstanl gov­ sary. Wh:u is required. in his opinion, ernment has at­ is more effccrive implementation of templed to crack existing laws.'? down on them, Not wit hst a nding Terrorist attacks the two-nation Following the terrorist attacks 011 the theory Pakist:Ln, like World Trade Centre, the Indian Prime

New Zeolond InlernOllonol ReView . INDIA AND PAKISTAN

Minister said in an address ro tilt: In­ rncdiarely responded to Musharraf's the war in Afghanistan. On his recent dian nation on I I September that 'tcr­ remarks by pointing out that the issue visit to lndia and Pakistan in October rorists have st ruck yet another blow was terrorism and not Indla-Pakistan 200 I, Powell made it very ckar that , . _at humanity. at the civilised way relations. A spokesperson of the :'-lin­ for (he Unites States India-Pakistan re­ of Ilfc'. l 'lldcrlin ing India's c< incern. i.'try of External Aft:1i(S said zh,u 'in­ la/ions was not th~ main i .... sue. The a year ago he had told a joint meeting stead of focusing on terrorism, which present situation is reminiscent of lilt: of the: US Congress that 'no region is is responsible for the present siruation. Cold War years, when both. lndi.r and a greater source of terrorism tha.n our It is most rcgrenable that the President P~_kiSlan tried LO gCI closer 10 the su­ neighbourhood'. while in a message of Pakistan continues to give voice to per-powers and get more aid from to President Bush the President of In­ an ant i-Indla tirade '." The following them and support for their concerns dia has assured him that India stands day, Pakistani Foreign Minister Sartar in exchange for their co-operation. Un­ 'united with the American people in called his Indian countcrpart.jaswant fortunately, this kind ofsituation is not this hour of grief.' Pledging India's Singh, 10 mollify him; he was obvi­ conducive re the improvement of support, Vajpayee has declared that ously anxious to ensure that India­ India-Pakistan relations or the promo­ India is ready LO co-operate with the Pakistan relations were not dealt yet tion of peace and stahiliry in South United Statl's in the investigatioos into another blow by Musharrafs remarks. Asia. this crime and '10 strengthen our part­ ( 1nder American and British p re&$UIT, ncrship in leading international ctfons Ml1sharraf called Vajpayec on 8 ocio­ NOTES [0 ensure that terrorism never sue­ ber He condemned the terrorist at­ I. Pranay Sharma, 'Reason Merges cceds again'.I: India has ;lIS() described lack on the jarnrnu and Kashmir As­ with Rhetoric', Tbe Telegrapb, the t.:~ Security Council resolution on semblyon I October, offered to hold (Calcutta), 15 jul 2001, p.l. combating international terrorism as an inquiry about Pakistani involve­ 2. 'Gandhlji's ideals required now for a positive step and hopes that the menr and said that the stalled process bringing peace, S;IY~ xIusharraf', DJe resolve of the uuernauonal cornrnu­ ofdialogue between the rwo countries Hindu (Delhi), 15luJ 2001, 1'.9. niry would now be translated into should be restarted, Vajpayee agreed 3- Pranav Sharrna, 1'.1. concrete action Ihrough effective in principle but reiterated that Kash­ 4. G.R. Berridge, Diplomacy ­ implementalion and regular monitor­ mir should not be the main focus of Tbeory and Practtce (London and ing by the Council." the talks. warning that if Pakistan in­ New York, 1995), p.94. However, it is obvious that Paki­ sisted on focusing on Kashmir alone 5. 'Pakistan puts Kashmir on road [Q start ts very sensitive to India's re­ the talks would remain stalled." peace', Tbe Statesman (Kolkata), sponse to the crisis and its efforts 10 So far, the present crtsts has nOI 16 Aug 2.001. p.t: also 2l and 2·. woo the United States. In an address affected Jnd ia- Pakistan rei arlons sig­ jul2001. on the state-controlled television and nificamly. Since both. countries are eo­ 6. Berridge, p.92.. radio, Musharraf laid the Pakistani operating with the l tnlted States and 7. Prabhu Chawla et ai, .lndo-Pak nation on 19 Seprern ber th:H New are part of the international coalition Summit, !-Ut and Run', Indta To­ Delhi was attempting to lake fuU ad­ for combating terrorism, they are not d£IY. 30 jul 2001. p.20. vantage of lI)C crisis but that the Pa­ pursuing different policies. However, 8. 'Not the end of the road'. Slates­ kistani army would never allow the India's efforts 10 include Kashmir in man; ISlu[ 2001, p. L 'grand Indian gamt:-pl:m' to succeed. the global campaign ag;linsl terrorism 9. 'P,\-I, Musharraf agree on nuclear He told India to 'lay off 'and ernpha­ and have various Islamic groups op­ risk reduction'. ihid., IGjul 2001. sised l.h;ll preserving the unity and in­ erating in Kashmir put on the list of 10 'Lashkar threatens attack'. ibid., 18 Iq?,rity of Pakistan was a primary con­ international terrorist groups could jul 2001. sideration behind his decision to ex­ CHL'>C problems :J.Smany of the groups I I. 'Agra Summit a success, feels USA', tend unstinted co-operation to the have bases in Pakistan. As noted ibid., 21 jul 2001, p.B, Unlled States against the Talib::m re· above, Indi:{ :and Pakistan do not see 12. 'Vajpayce givcs pedantic spct:ch gime and Osama bin Laden. Olller kcy cye'(<>eye on the issue ofcros:rborder on summit', ibid_. 25 )uJ 2001. faclO(S were the revival and revil:lli­ terrorism. Following the suicide bomb 13. 'Hurriy:u seeks peace ralks', Tel­ s,1tion of the economy, safeguarding attack on the jammu and Kashmir egraph. 5 Aug 2001,1'.7. of its nuclear capahilitit.:s and rhe St:lte Assembly on I October by the 14.'For NC, au{onomy is the best so­ Kashmir cause, He c::ven accused In· jaJsh-e-Mohammad, Vajapayee wrote lution for K.'lShmir', Sf.£lIeSmtlll, 3 dia of I1)'lng to inslall an anti·Pakistan to President Bush, e:mphasi~ing the Aug 2001. regime in Afghanistan. India's interest need to rest(:lin Pakis-un from back· 15. 'New anti-terrorist law likely', ibid., in A1~hanistan was s\1spect, in his ing tntcmalionallcrroriSlS in K.'lShmir. 10Aug 2001. 1'.1. opinion: 'I wam [0 ask what has in­ US Secretary of Stale Colin PoweU is 16.lnterview with STAR News, 22 dia gOI 10 do with I\f&hani!'tan> It doc-s sympathctlc 10 India's concerns. Aug 2001, nOI L-ven share its border willl Afghani· Ifthe United Stales succeeds in de­ 17. Pri me Min ister's :lddre~.~ 10 the slan'.19 stroying the terrorist camps in AS n:ttioo (""·WW. indiac~ny .org! lndi.1, on the other hand, percci\"l~ ghani.stan and if tbe Taliban govern­ pmiI\dial.html). the activities in Afghanjstan, such as ment bUs, it may lead to some te;rrorisI 18. 'UN resolution on terrorism a posi­ terrorist tr.lilling cunps, to be a threat organisations leaving Kaslunir. On the tive ste p : india', nJe Times of11" to its national securiLy. TerroriSIS of>"' olher h:lJ1d, there are disaHccted peo­ dla (Delhi), I Oct 2001. er.1ling in J(;l.shmir are oft en tIdincd ple in K.1shmir who will not give up 19. 'Keep off, Musharraf lells Indi:!', in Afgh.1.nJstan and fmart.ced by organi­ their struggle against the Indian gov· The Hindu, 20 Sep 2001 (lmp:// sations based in Ihat country. Unlike ernment so clsily. The solution ulti· ~Ikistan, the Indian ~ov(;mment does mately has to be a pOlitical one and 20. 'India criticbes Mushart:lf re· nOI h.'1\'l' lIiplom:uic rebtions with the cannot grow OUI of 1I11: barrel of:t gun. marks', ibid., 20 St:p 2001. Talihan :md ~llppOrts the Northern TIle pn::'senl crisis has shifted the fo­ 21. 'Musharraf~, lip Vajpayee' ihid., Alliancc. The lndian guvernment im· cus fTom lndia-Pakistan relations 10 9 OCI 2001.

• New Zealand Inrerncrionol Review