The 2016 Annual Report 1 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008

The 2016 Annual Report 4 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 « “The fight against poverty is a battle that must be won by our country. To this effect, improving governance is a must. At this level, I wish to state that FEICOM has achieved a lot. I think it should be lauded for that.” »

His Excellency Paul BIYA, President of the Republic of Excerpt from the preface of the Book « FEICOM, 40 years at the heart of local development», FEICOM, December 2014 The 2016 Annual Report 6 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Editorial board

Président du Conseil éditorial Philippe Camille AKOA , Directeur Général du FEICOM Philippe Camille Akoa Etienne OWONO OWONO Daniel Elisé NTYE NTYE Suzanne NGANE Roger NLO’O NLO’O Jean Aloise BIWOLE Berthe KESSENG Armand ENOGA BEBEY Sylvie SIYAM SIWE Pierre BOSSOKO Claude BOULI BELOBO Severin ZO’OBO BELINGA Antoine EBO’O NLEM Francis TSALA MANI Aline MODASSIE Equipe de rédaction Raymond LIPOP Brice MBABOU Emeline NTAMACK Erica DIEPTON Françoise NGUEMA Catherine NDOUMOU Olivier ESSONO Fabrice MENYE ME NOAH Marcellin NDZANA Arlette NYANGON ALO’O Fatou MEKA Eric MEKINDA Thamar DZAMA Karen MBOMOZOMO Muriel Capitoline ELOMO Yolande LEKASSA Catherine NDOUMOU Liliane NGUEWOUO Appui logistique Bleue Régine TSOUNGUI Salomé ABONDO Christian ETOUNDI Elias AYUK Secrétariat technique de la rédaction Armand ENOGA BEBEY Annick BAHOUNOUI BATENDE Clément TANDA Chef d’édition Romuald NTCHUISSEU NGOCK Elias AYUK AYUK Traduction et révision Clément TANDA Réalisation et impression ETS IPEC Sarl - Infographiste : MAKOUDJOU SODA Merline Flore B.P.: 4961 Yaoundé - Cameroun -Tél.: +237 242 00 40 61 FEICOM, B.P.: 718 Yaoundé - Cameroun Crédit photos Tél.: +237 222 22 27 28 / 222 23 51 64 / Fax : +237 222 23 17 59 Site web :

The 2016 Annual Report 7 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 2016 Finacial Summary

Ressources et financement

The 2016 Annual Report 8 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 2016 Finacial Summary

The 2016 Annual Report 9 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 CONTENTS

L’Etat s’appuie sur nous

The 2016 Annual Report 10 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Les Communes Nos réalisations comptent sur nous parlent pour nous

The 2016 Annual Report 11 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 The 2016 Annual Report 12 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Abbreviations

The 2016 Annual Report 13 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Abbreviations

The 2016 Annual Report 14 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Tables and Charts

N° TABLEAUX Page N° GRAPHIQUES Page Contribution des différents réseaux aux performances de Contribution des différents réseaux aux performances de 1 31 1 31 mobilisation des ressources fiscales mobilisation des ressources fiscales Contribution des unités de recouvrement aux performances de Contribution des unités de recouvrement aux performances 2 32 2 32 mobilisation des recettes fiscales de mobilisation des recettes fiscales 3 Evolution des recettes fiscales par réseau de recouvrement 33 3 Evolution des recettes fiscales par réseau de recouvrement 33

4 Performances des recettes fiscales par nature d’impôts 34 4 Performances des recettes fiscales par nature d’impôts 34

5 Evolution des recettes fiscales par nature 35 5 Evolution des recettes fiscales par nature 35

6 Répartition des recettes fiscales par bénéficiaire 36 6 Performances de prévisions et de réalisation des ICSP 37

7 Performances de prévisions et de réalisation des ICSP 36 7 Performances de prévisions et de réalisation des ICSP 38 Evolution des performances de mobilisation des ICSP de 2014 à Evolution des performances de mobilisation des ICSP de 8 37 8 39 2016 2014 à 2016 9 Retenues de base reversées 38 9 Contribution de recettes d’intercommunalité 40

10 Performances des recettes d’intercommunalité 38 10 Evolution des recettes non fiscales de 2014 à 2016 41

11 Performances de mobilisation des recettes non fiscales 39 11 Evolution par nature de recettes 42

12 Evolution des recettes non fiscales de 2014 à 2016 40 12 Répartition régionale des soumissions 64

13 Contribution par nature de recettes 41 13 Répartition régionale des soumissions 65

14 Evolution par nature de recettes 41 14 Répartition des réclamations par type de problème 70 Thématiques d’assistance-conseil auprès des Communes 15 Répartition spatiale des projets retenus dans les Communes 47 15 71 en 2016 16 Répartition régionale 66 16 Répartition du personnel ayant bénéficié d’une formation 82

17 Evolution des ressources 89 17 Evolution des dépenses 90

18 Evolution des dépenses 90 18 Répartition géographique des projets au 1er janvier 95

19 Répartition géographique des projets au 1er janvier 95 19 Répartition des financements par Région 97

20 Répartition par secteurs et par domaines des projets au 1er janvier 96 20 Répartition des projets d’infrastructures par domaine 98 Répartition des financements du « secteur infrastructures» 21 Répartition des financements par Région 98 21 101 par domaine Répartition des financements du secteur « développement 22 Répartition des financements par type de municipalités 98 22 102 humain » par domaine Répartition des financements du secteur « production et 23 Répartition des financements par secteur du DSCE 100 23 103 commerce » par domaine Répartition des financements du « secteur infrastructures »par Répartition des projets du Secteur « gouvernance » par 24 101 24 104 domaine domaine Répartition des financements du secteur « développement humain» 25 102 25 Répartition des financements par ODD 106 par domaine Répartition des financements du secteur « production et commerce» 26 103 par domaine 27 Répartition des projets du Secteur « gouvernance » par domaine 104

28 Répartition des financements par ODD 105 répartition des financements du compte de réserve de 4% par 29 107 Région 108

The 2016 Annual Report 15 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008

Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008

The 2016 Annual Report 18 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008

René Emmanuel SADI Ministre de l’Administration Territoriale et de la Décentralisation

Président du Conseil d’Administration du FEICOM

The 2016 Annual Report 19 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Progress and Performance . FEICOM has become a flexible, supportive resource-pooling tool whose management complies with the legal imperative of «ensuring a balanced development of the Regional and Local Authorities». Progress and Performance

Certifié ISO 9001: 2008

satisfaction of final beneficiaries and takes up the risk approach. Preparation for this migration is underway and will be completed ince publication of the maiden edition of in 2017. the Annual Report of the Special Council SSupport Fund for Mutual Assistance In 2013, FEICOM embarked on programme (FEICOM) in 2006, there have been two budgeting. Thus, the performance project constant features: progress and performance. underpinning the company’s budget is presented to the Board of Directors. In order to Indeed, the Organization which was created be consistent with the Growth and Employment in 1974 to support Cameroonian Councils Strategy Paper (GESP) which is the reference in their local development mission through framework for government action, sub- the provision of basic social services to the programmes have been set up, these are populations, has been improving the quality connected to the programme of the technical of its deliverables on a daily basis. It even supervisory authority. For each three-year succeeds in some cases in providing tailor- programme budgeting cycle, the institution made solutions for Councils whose incomes develops a Medium-Term Budget Framework appear lower than average. FEICOM has (MTBF) and a Medium-Term Expenditure become a flexible, supportive resource- Framework (MTEF) defining resource pooling tool whose management complies and employment provisions. Performance with the legal imperative of «ensuring a contracts are signed with all staff and provide a balanced development of the Regional and better visibility to the action to be carried out. A Local Authorities». monthly global management chart is produced and enables the General Manager to monitor Several management tools have been put in the activity and performance of the entities. place to guarantee tangible results. Certified ISO 9001/2008 for nearly ten years, the Two staff assessments are carried out per Quality Management System (QMS) implied year, one at mid-term and the other at the end by this standard calls on the Institution to of the year. Frameworks for concerted action permanently question its operation and quest between the Head Office and the Regional for improvement of its performance. Agencies have become systematic in order to encourage de-compartmentalization and This standard which is customer (Mayors) to find concerted solutions to the problems satisfaction-oriented, has just undergone a encountered in the functioning of entities. change from version 2008 to 2015. This new version, which goes beyond the sustainable 2016 was a year of preparation not only for satisfaction of customers, now includes the the migration to the 2015 version of ISO 9001,

Rapport Annuel 2016 21 The 2016 Annual Report Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Progress and Performance

Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 but also for the completion of the Enterprise the construction of a market in the New-Deido Resource Planning System which will allow neighbourhood. The Yaoundé VII Council, for FEICOM to switch to «All-out Computing in its part, was awarded CFA F 1,400,000,000 for 2017». the creation of an aggregates quarry.

But then, what really happened in FEICOM The sub-programme «Local governance» in 2016? In 2016, the four sub-programmes made it possible to effectively support the RLAs adopted by the Board of Directors during its in the management of their projects and in budgetary session of December 2015 all their international deployment. In addition, the achieved satisfactory results. 2nd edition of the FEICOM National Award for Councils’ Local Development Best Practices Thus, concerning the sub-programme was organized and the first prize of this edition «Resource mobilization», on revenue was awarded to the Union of Councils of the estimates of CFAF 105,211,944,001, the Fund Mbam-and-Inoubou Division (SYCOMI) for its mobilized CFAF 111,469,189,102, i. e. an project «Inter-council governance of the basic achievement rate of 105.94% in relative terms. water supply and sanitation public service for Council Taxes Subject to Equalization (CSTE), water and sanitation in rural areas «. During which are financial resources to be shared out the year 2016, the Institution continued its to RLAs on a quarterly basis, amounted to cooperation with the German partner KfW CFAF 80,828,865,963 on estimates of CFAF within the framework of the major FEICOM - 75,721,946,021 or 106.74% in relative terms. Medium Cities Decentralization Programme (PDFVM). This programme underwent a Through the sub-programme «Local significant evolution through the continuation development», significant resources were of on-going studies and the handing of made available. 132 municipalities benefited rolling stock and computer equipment to the from CFA F 35,969,374,671 intended for the beneficiary Councils. In addition, several financing of 170 council projects. It should national and international officials visited be noted that in view of its growing financial FEICOM during the year, including members capacity, in 2016, the Fund increased the of the Government, UN Under Secretary- amount of its financing in favour of RLAs General and Executive Director of UN- significantly. The action carried out to achieve HABITAT, the President of the Association of this increase was based on a new instrument, Senegal’s Mayors, members of the Technical «METROPOLE», which makes it possible to Secretariat of the Local Authorities Loan Fund grant financial assistance to Local Authorities of Ivory Coast and several foreign investors. after a risk analysis, made through a business plan. Thus, the Douala City Council received The sub-programme «Piloting and funding amounting CFA F 5,400,000,000 for administration», which supports the other

The 2016 Annual Report 22 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Progress and Performance

Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 sub-programmes, was implemented to the takes into account your suggestions which are level of 85.62% of its objectives. It enabled all welcome. A section of this Report is devoted the Organization to operate smoothly, with the to some of your reactions that also reinforce timely processing of staff remuneration, the our quest for progress and performance. availability of work supplies, the continuation of the major programme for the construction of Pleasant reading ! the buildings of the Head Office and Regional agencies. FEICOM is proud to notice that more and more Philippe Camille AKOA of you are expressing your encouragement and General Manager observations after reading the Annual Report. The editorial team is very grateful to you and

The 2016 Annual Report 23 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Forum de l’Action Internationale des Collectivités

Session Conseil d’Administration

The 2016 Annual Report 24 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 LE FEICOM

Les valeurs du FEICOM sont consignées dans la Charte éthique, élaborée de manière participative en vue de renforcer la culture d’entreprise et mieux satisfaire les Communes. Ces valeurs sont : le Travail, la Qualité de service et l’Ecoute-clients.

The 2016 Annual Report 25 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 I- Status drawn up in a participatory manner in order to strengthen corporate culture and better meet the The Special Council Support Fund for Mutual needs of Councils. These values include: Work, Assistance (FEICOM) is a Public Administrative Service quality and Customer focus. Establishment endowed with a legal status and financial autonomy. IV- Financial resources

Created by law No.74/23 of 5 December 1974 They are derived from : organizing Councils, FEICOM celebrated its 40 years • Local taxes ; in December 2014. • Subsidies and rebates granted by the State; • Loans; FEICOM is run by a Board of Directors made up of • Cooperation funds intended for council projects 12 members, including 4 Mayors and a General and of which the management is entrusted to Management. It is placed under the technical the establishment. supervision of the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralization, and the financial supervision of V- Assistance mechanisms the Ministry of Finance. FEICOM’s funding is granted for amounts above CFA II- Missions F 30,000,000 by the Financial Assistance Committee and the General Manager, for funding below or FEICOM supports Councils in their development amounting to CFA F 30,000,000. projects through technical and financial assistance. Its duties include: Several funding tools, regularly updated have been  Mutual assistance among Councils through established to ensure balanced and harmonious solidarity contributions and cash advances; development of Local Authorities, while taking into  Financing council or inter-council investment account their needs and specific features. These projects; include:  Covering charges relating to the training of . council and civil status staff; FEICOM’s Assistance Code (CIF) : general  Pooling and redistributing Additional Council framework governing assistance by the Taxes and other taxes subject to equalization establishment; . (Annual Forest Royalty, Stamp Duty on Motor The Programme for Assistance to Low- Vehicles, Stamp Duty on Advertising and Local Income Councils (PARCAF) : mechanism intended to ease access to FEICOM’s Development Tax); assistance by Councils with limited financial  Redistributing to Councils and City Councils, resources; the Common Decentralization Fund. . FEICOM’s Support Framework for the International Activities of Councils (CAFAIC): III- Values tool for the promotion of decentralized cooperation; FEICOM’s values are spelt out in its Code of Ethics . FEICOM’s Special Investment Framework 1Cf. Organigramme à consulter sur le site :

The 2016 Annual Report 26 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 for City Councils and Councils with high geographical representation, each of the 10 Regions potential (CAPIC) : tool for the promotion of of the country has a Regional Agency provided with income-generating projects at the local level; technical staff (Engineers or Architects). Furthermore, . METROPOLE : special credit line intended for there is an Office in Kribi set up in 2014, in charge of funding of the projects of City Councils and monitoring revenues derived from the exploitation of Councils with large financial capacity through the Autonomous Port of this city. cash advances; . INTERCOM: special programme intended for Certified ISO 9001/2008 since 2009, FEICOM is funding of inter-council projects or projects equally winner of the 2012 «UN-HABITAT Scroll of submitted by Councils’ unions. Honour», the most prestigious distinction of the United FEICOM also grants non-financial assistance through Nations system in the area of Human Settlements. The advisory support in the setting-up, monitoring and corporation has a renovated «Gilbert BIWOLE» Local evaluation of projects, as well as the search for funding Development Observatory, which enables to produce and partnerships. geo-referenced information on local development in Cameroon. FEICOM’s interventions are intended to the 374 Councils and City Councils in Cameroon. In terms of

FEICOM’s Présentation

The 2016 Annual Report 27 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Primarfy School

BIBEMI water supply

The 2016 Annual Report 28 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Significant resources mobilized in a challenging environment


Activities to mobilize financial resources in view of financing local development focused on improving the effectiveness of revenues monitoring and control.

The 2016 Annual Report Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Significant resources mobilized in a challenging environment Certifié ISO 9001: 2008

tune of CFAF 30,631,248,157 on estimates of CFA F 29,489,895,011, i.e. an achievement rate of 103.87%. Compared to 2015, these revenues dropped by CFAF 1,622,146,598, i. e. 5%. ctivities to mobilize financial resources in In terms of non-tax revenues, CFAF 25,921,887,662 view of financing local development focused was recovered on estimates of CFAF 40,355,121,000, Aon improving the effectiveness of revenues i.e. an achievement rate of 64.23%. These resources monitoring and control. dropped by CFAF 6,338,223,314, i.e. 19.64% compared to the 2015 financial year. These activities were carried out in a context marked by budgetary constraints at the State level, tariff However, the mobilization of tax resources encountered dismantling following the entry into force of the some difficulties. These include deficiencies of the Economic Partnership Agreement, the drop in customs computer system in revenues generating units, poor revenues due to the reduction of the volume of imports allocation of revenues paid by Public Administrative in certain sectors, optimal mobilization of non-oil tax Establishments (PAEs) to the General Treasury, non- revenues of the State, timid execution of the public repayment of taxes by some public enterprises facing investment budget, persistent cross-border security financial difficulties and the spill-over effects of the new crisis, with a real negative impact on the national tax provisions for the 2015 financial year (reduction of economy, and the strengthening of the collaboration the company tax rate from 35% to 30%, increase in with the partners of the financial authorities in particular. income tax and company tax from 1.1 to 2.2%), which had a significant impact on the 2015 tax balances paid In total, FEICOM mobilized tax and non-tax revenues in 2016. amounting CFAF 137,391,766,764, on estimates of CFAF 145,567,065,001, representing an achievement Furthermore, the non-provision of the Common rate of 94.32%. Compared to 2015 financial year, there Decentralization Fund (CDF), although projected to is a decrease of CFAF 10,891,353,759, i.e. 7.34%. the tune of CFA F 13 billion in the budget of FEICOM, impeded the achievement of non-tax revenues Tax revenues amounting CFAF 111,469,189,102 were mobilization targets. recovered, on estimates of CFAF 105,211,944,001, i.e. an achievement rate of 105.95%. These revenues are Performance of revenues by nature down by CFAF 4,553,130,445, i.e. 3.92% compared to . Tax revenues the 2015 financial year. Tax revenues allocated to FEICOM and intended for Council Taxes Subject to Equalization (CTSE) which RLAs are derived from the following taxes, duties and represent the bulk of tax resources distributed and royalties: made available to the Regional and Local Authorities - Additional Council Taxes (ACTs) ; (RLAs), amounted CFA F 80,828,865,963 (including the base withholding tax pooled). They decreased by - Automobile Stamp Duties (ASD) ; CFAF 2,940,058,828, i.e. 3.50% compared to financial year 2015. - Annual Forest Royalty (AFR) ; - Local Development Tax (LDT) ; Inter-council revenues intended for the financing of council and inter-council projects were mobilized to the - Stamp Duty on Advertising (SDAT) ;

The 2016 Annual Report 30 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Significant resources mobilized in a challenging environment Certifié ISO 9001: 2008

- Business licence proceeds; Revenue collection is organized around two networks: - Liquor licence proceeds; Regional Agencies and the Large Taxpayers’ - Real Estate Property Tax (REPT) ; Department (DGE). The performance of these - Immovable Property Conveyance Fees (IPCF); networks is highlighted in the table below. - Parking Tax (PT).

. Performance of tax revenues by collection network

Table 1 : Contribution of networks to the performance of tax revenues mobilization

2016 achievement Achievement Collection network 2016 estimates (CFAF) Weight (%) (CFAF) rate (%) Agences 56,728,773,067 58,541,064,519 103.20 52.52 DGE 48,486,171,205 52,928,124,583 109.16 47.48 TOTAL 105,211,944,001 111,469,189,102 105.95 100

Chart 1 : Contribution of networks to the performance of tax revenues mobilization

The level of mobilization of tax revenues stands achieved 52.52% of overall performance and the DGE at 105.95 % of set targets. The Agencies network network 47.48%.

The 2016 Annual Report 31 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Significant resources mobilized in a challenging environment Certifié ISO 9001: 2008

. Revenues per collection unit

Table 2 : Contribution of collection units to the 2016 performance of tax revenue mobilization

Achieve- Contribution to 2016 estimates 2016 Achievement Collection unit ment rate overall perfor- (CFAF) (CFAF) (%) mance (%) Adamawa Regional Agency (ARAD) 468,466,938 547,481,897 116.87 0.49 Centre Regional Agency (ARCE) 16,439,712,399 16,319,595,933 99.26 14.64 East Regional Agency (ARES) 350,828,904 534,122,648 152.25 0.47 Far-North Regional Agency (AREN) 538,500,667 648,241,010 120.38 0.58 Littoral Regional Agency (ARLT) 35,302,035,088 36,334,141,970 103.09 32.64 North Regional Agency (ARNO) 577,751,900 689,842,439 119.40 0.61 North-West Regional Agency (ARNW) 778,684,843 822,476,005 105.62 0.73 South Regional Agency (ARSU) 430,131,792 459,776,483 106.89 0.41 South-West Regional Agency (ARSW) 799,175,575 1,081,514,283 135.33 0.97 West Regional Agency (AROU) 1,040,485,002 1,044,871,851 100.42 0.93 DGE 48,486,171,205 52,928,124,593 109.16 47.48 TOTAL 105,211,944,001 111,469,189,102 105.95 100.00

Chart 2 : Contribution of collection units to the 2016 performance of tax revenue mobilization

0.49% 0.47% 14.64% 0.58%




The 2016 Annual Report 32 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Significant resources mobilized in a challenging environment Certifié ISO 9001: 2008

On the whole, collection units surpassed their of 32.64% and 14.64 % respectively, whereas the total performance targets. The two 1st category Regional contribution of the 8 other Regional Agencies known Agencies, i.e. ARLT and ARCE contributed to the tune as 2nd category stood at 5.24%.

. Trends in tax revenues by collection network

Table 3 : Trends in tax revenue by collection network

2016 2016/2015 2014 Achievement 2015 Achievement 2015/2014 Trends Collection network Achievement Trends rate (CFAF) (CFAF) rate (%) (CFAF) (%) Agencies 51,935,897,400 61,248,542,433 58,541,064,519 17.93 -4.42 DGE 53,963,720,184 54,773,777,114 52,928,124,583 1.50 -3.36 TOTAL 105,899,617,584 116,022,319,547 111,469,189,102 9.55 -3.92

Chart 3 : Trends in tax revenue by collection network

Agencies DGE TOTAL

2014 2015 2016 Achievement Achievement Achievement (CFAF) (CFAF) (CFAF)

It emerges from the table above that tax revenues dropped by 3.92% from 2015 to 2016. increased by 9.55% between 2014 and 2015 and

The 2016 Annual Report 33 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Significant resources mobilized in a challenging environment Certifié ISO 9001: 2008

. Performance of tax revenues by type Table 4: Performance of tax revenues by type

2016 Estimates 2016 Achievement Achievement Contribution Revenues (CFAF) (FCFA) rate (%) (%) ACTs 88,454,558,003 93,838,665,298 106.09% 84.19 Business licence 1,955,265,000 1,836,954,834 93.95% 1.65 Liquor licence 410,000,000 143,655,641 35.04% 0.13 Immovable Property Conveyance 2,000,000,000 1,360,276,892 68.01% 1.22 Fees (IPCF) Real Estate Property Tax (REPT) 712,270,000 547,690,218 76.89% 0.49 Automobile Stamp Duty (ASD) 7 ,424,367,000 8,519,886,644 114.76% 7.64 Local Development Tax (LDT) 1,600,000,000 1,851,549,147 115.72% 1.66 Annual Forest Royalty (AFR) 2,435,483,998 3,107,228,925 127.58% 2.79 Parking Tax (PT) 200,000,000 183,997,410 92.00% 0.17 Stamp Duty on Advertising (SDA) 20,000,000 9,139,487 45.70% 0.01 Other tax revenues - 65,963,489 0.06 Revenues in regularization - - 0.00 TOTAL 105,211,944,001 111,465,007,985 105.94% 100.00

Graphique 4: Performance of tax revenues by type

1.66% 2.79% 0.17% 0.01% 0.06%0% 1.22% 0.49% 0.13% 7.64% 1.65%


ACTs Annual Forest Royalty (AFR) Business licence Parking Tax (PT) Liquor licence Stamp Duty on Adversing (SDA) Immovable Property Conveyance Fees (IPCF) Annual Forest Royalty (AFR) Real Estate Property Tax (REPT) Other tax revenues Automobile Stamp Duty (ASD) Revenues in regularizaon

The 2016 Annual Report 34 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Significant resources mobilized in a challenging environment Certifié ISO 9001: 2008

Just as in 2015, tax revenues that performed less were respectively ranked 2nd and 3rd. This shows once again licences, Immovable property conveyance fees, Real that ACTs are the main resource transferred to RLAs estate property tax and Stamp duty on advertising. by the State.

ACTs contributed to the tune of 84.18% of overall . Trends in tax revenues by type performance, whereas ASD (7.64%) and AFR (2.78%)

Table 5: Trends in tax revenues by type

2014 2015 2015/2014 2016 Achievement 2016/2015 Revenues Achievement Achievement Variation (CFAF) Variation (%) (CFAF) (CFAF) (%) ACTs 89,911,339,921 94,975,290,064 93,838,665,298 5.63 -1.20 Business licence 1,949,226,086 1,968,349,183 1,836,954,834 0.98 -6.68 Liquor licence 196,856,909 135,015,265 143,655,641 -31.41 6.40 Immovable Property Conveyance 1,357,406,169 1,314,981,517 1,360,276,892 -3.13 3.44 Fees (IPCF) Real Estate Property Tax (REPT) 536,627,891 537,596,400 547, 690,218 0.18 1.88 Automobile Stamp Duty (ASD) 7,485,159,869 7,757,435,897 8,519,886,644 3.64 9.83 Local Development Tax (LDT) 1,441,655,081 1,690,611,011 1,851,549,147 17.27 9.52 Annual Forest Royalty (AFR) 2,804,898,346 3,450,580,360 3,107,228,925 23.02 -9.95 Parking Tax (PT) 194,968,282 213,395,728 183,997,410 9.45 -13.78 Stamp Duty on Advertising (SDA) 293,569 11,610,897 9,139,487 3855.08 -21.29 Other tax revenues 21,185,461 73,453,225 65,963,489 246.72 -10.20 Revenues in regularization - 3,894,000,000 - TOTAL 105 899 617 584 116 022 319 547 111,465,007,985 9.56 -3.93

Chart 5: Trends in tax revenues by type

2014 2015 2016 Achievement Achievement Achievement (CFAF) (CFAF) (CFAF) The 2016 Annual Report 35 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Significant resources mobilized in a challenging environment Certifié ISO 9001: 2008

There is an increase in revenues between 2014 and compromised in 2011, the repayment by the State of 2015 and a drop in 2016. Indeed, the performance of the funds made by FEICOM to the Councils created the mobilization of these revenues was particularly in 2007 for their functioning, and the regularization of good during the 2015 financial year, as a result balance due at the General Treasury. of the recovery of additional revenues amounting CFAF 11,771,000,000. These revenues were derived from cross-debt agreements between the State and . Distribution of tax revenues by beneficiary certain large companies, the payment of revenues

Table 6 : Distribution of tax revenues by beneficiary

Beneficiaries 2016 Estimates (CFAF) 2016 Achievement (CFAF) Achievement rate (%) FEICOM 29,489,998,014 30,631,248,157 103.87 RLAS 75,721,946,258 80,833,759,828 106.76 TOTAL 105,211,944,001 111,465,007,985 105.95

Equalization and inter-council revenues from IPCF, REPT, business and liquor licenses, parking tax and part of ACTs. Equalization resources include ACTs, AFR, ASD, LDT and SDA. Regarding inter-council resources that go . Performance of Council Taxes Suject to into the mutual fund intended for funding of council Equalization (CTSE) and inter-council investment projects, they are derived

Table 7 : Performance of estimates and achievement of CTSE

Prévisions Réalisations 2016 Taux de Contribution Impôts 2016(FCFA) (FCFA) réalisation (%) (%) AFR 2,435,483,989 3,107,228,925 127.58 3.84

ASD 7,424,366,999 8, 519,886,644 114.76 10.54 LDT 1,600,000,000 1,851,549,147 115.72 2.29 ACTs/CT/PIT 19,575,438,001 18,842,767,406 96.26 23.31 ACTs/ VAT Taxation 22,376,404,001 26,500,817,597 118.43 32.78 ACTs/VAT Customs 22,290,253,000 22,006,551,932 98.73 27.22 SDA 20,000,031 9,139,487 45.70 0.01 Revenues from regularizations - - TOTAL 75,721,946,021 80,837,941,138 106.76 100.00

The 2016 Annual Report 36 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Significant resources mobilized in a challenging environment Certifié ISO 9001: 2008

Chart 6 : Performance of estimates and achievement of CTSE

2016 Estimates (CFAF)

2016 Achievement (CFAF)

s LDT AF R SD A ASD xation /CT/PIT Ta

Customs AC Ts / VAT / VAT regularization Revenues from AC Ts AC Ts

. Trends in CTSE

Table 8: Trends in the performance of mobilization of CTSE from 2014 to 2016

Nature of 2014 2015 2016 2015/2014 Variation 2016/2015 Variation revenue Achievement Achievement Achievement (CFAF) (%) (CFAF) (%) Additional 56,712,937,745 68,474,686,626 67,350,136,229 11,761,748,881 -1,124,550,397 - 1.64 council taxes 20.74 Automobile 7,485,159,869 7,757,435,897 8,519,886,644 272,276,028 762,450,747 stamp duty 3.64 9.83

Annual forest 2,804,898,346 3,450,580,360 3,107,228,925 645,682,014 -343,351,435 - 9.95 royalty 23.02


development 1,441,655,081 1,690,611,011 1,851,549,147 248,955,930 160,938,136 17.27 9.52 tax Stamp duty on 11,624,897 9,139,487 11,624,897 -2,485,410 - 21.38 advertising - Revenues in 2,384,000,000 2,384,000,000 -2,384,000,000 - 100.00 regularization - - TOTAL 68,444,651,041 83,768,924,791 80,837,940,945 15,324,273,750 22.39 -2,930,983,846 - 3.50

The 2016 Annual Report 37 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Significant resources mobilized in a challenging environment Certifié ISO 9001: 2008

Chart 7: Trends in the performance of mobilization of CTSE from 2014 to 2016

Additional council taxes

Automobile stamp duty

Annual forest royalty

Local development tax

Stamp duty on advertising

Revenues in regularization Achievement Achievement Achievement

2014 2015 2016

From 2014 to 2015, CTSE (including the base withholding tax) rose by 22.39% and dropped by 3.50% between 2015 and 2016. Table 9: Base withholding tax repaid Beneficiaries Amounts paid over (CFAF) Douala City Council 7,645,063,302 Yaoundé City Council 8,839,751 Mfou Council 62,542,205 TOTAL 7,716,445,258

Table 10 . Performance of inter-council revenues 2016 Estimates 2016 Achievement Achievement Contribution Revenue (CFAF) (CFAF) rate (%) (%) Business licencce 1,955,165,006 1,836,954,834 93.95 6.00

Liquor licence 390,000,002 143,655,641 36.83 0.47

Parking tax 200,000,001 183,997,410 92.00 0.60 Immovable property conveyance 2,000,000,002 1,360,276,892 68.01 4.44 fees Real estate property tax 732,269,999 547,690,218 74.79 1.79 ACTs/CT/PIT 9,321,635,000 9,668,425,381 103.72 31.56 ACTs/ VAT Taxation 8,522,182,001 10,477,960,412 122.95 34.21 ACTs/VAT Customs 6,368,643,000 6,342,142,763 99.58 20.70 Other revenues - 70,144,606 0.23 Total 29,489,895,011 30,631,248,157 103.87 100.00

The 2016 Annual Report 38 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Significant resources mobilized in a challenging environment Certifié ISO 9001: 2008

Graphique 8 : Contribution of inter-council revenues

0.60% 0.23% 0.47% 4.44% 6% 1.79% 20.70%

Real estate property tax Liquor licence

31.56% Parking tax Immovable property conveyance fees Business licencce ACTs/CT/PIT 34.21% ACTs/ VAT Taxaon ACTs/VAT Customs Other revenues

On the whole, performance targets were attained - cash carried forward; thanks to ACTs which account for 86.49% of inter- - proceeds from the sales of FEICOM’s gadgets and council revenues. However, revenues derived from official insignia ; licences, immovable property conveyance fees and - cooperation resources; real estate property tax are below estimates. This - loans repaid by staff and Councils; situation is due to the multiple difficulties faced in the - proceeds from the reform of assets; mobilization of the said revenues, as well as their low - the Common Decentralization Fund. output.

Performance of mobilization of non-tax revenues

Non-tax revenues include :

Table 11 . Performance of mobilisation of non-tax revenues Revenues Estimates (CFAF) Achievement (CFAF) Achievement rate (%) CTSE carried forward - - Operating budget carried 7,214,065,000 7,214,065,000 100.00 forward Investment budget carried 9,262,040,000 9,262,040,000 100.00 forward Proceeds from sales 23,000,000 22,526,500 97.94 Cooperation resources 720,000,000 645,951,000 89.72 Other non-tax resources 65,750,000 61,214,227 93.10 Receivables 5,178,439,000 3,566,494,785 68.87 Special accounts 4,891,927,000 5,149,596,150 105.27 CDF 13,000,000,000 - 0.00 Total 40,355,221,000 25,921,887,662 64.23

The 2016 Annual Report 39 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Significant resources mobilized in a challenging environment Certifié ISO 9001: 2008

On the whole, estimates for the collection of non-tax was not provided. These resources dropped by 19.65% revenues were not achieved mainly because the CDF compared to 2015 as highlighted in the table below:

Table 12: Trends in non-tax revenues from 2014 to 2016 2014 2015 2016 2015/2014 Trends 2016/2015 Trends Revenues Achievement Achievement Achievement CFAF % CFAF % (CFAF) (CFAF) (CFA F) CTSE carried 54,921,375 75,753,969 - 20,832,594 37.93 - 75,753,969 -100.00 forward Operating budget 6,771,132,903 5,000,000,000 7,214,065,000 -1,771,132,903 -26.16 2,214,065,000 44.28 carried forward Investment budget 7,000,000,000 9,262,040,000 5,357,060,013 326.1 2,262,040,000 32.31 carried forward 1,642,939,987 Proceeds from sales 53,974,250 25,955,750 22,526,500 - 28,018,500 -51.91 - 3,429,250 -13.21 Cooperation 818,104,310 698,991,029 645,951,000 - 119,113,281 -14.56 - 53,040,029 -7.59 resources Other non-tax 89,616,532 74,129,661 61,214,227 -15,486,871 -17.28 - 12,915,434 -17.42 resources Receivables 3,579,260,815 2,751,648,326 3,566,494,785 -827,612,489 -23.12 814,846,459 29.61 Special accounts 6,762,502,276 6,631,632,241 5,149,596,150 -130,870,035 -1.94 -1,482,036,091 -22.35 CDF 2,500,000,000 10,002,000,000 - 7,502,000,000 300.1 - 10,002,000,000 -100 TOTAL 22 ,272,452,448 32,260,110,976 25,921,887,662 9,987,658,528 44.84 - 6 338,223,314 -19.65

Graphique 9 : Trends in non-tax revenues from 2014 to 2016


Achievement (C Achievement Achievement(C (C 2014 2015 2016

The 2016 Annual Report 40 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Significant resources mobilized in a challenging environment Certifié ISO 9001: 2008

. Overall revenues mobilised

Table 13: Contribution by revenue type

Nature de recettes Prévisions (FCFA) Réalisations Taux de réalisation Poids (%) (FCFA) (%) Recettes fiscales 105 211 944 001 111 465 007 985 105,94 81,13 Recettes non 40 355 121 000 25 921 887 662 64,23 18,87 fiscales Total 145 567 065 001 137 386 895 647 94,38 100,00

Chart 10: Contribution by revenue type

Tax revenues Non-tax revenues

. Trends by revenue type

Table 14: Trends by revenue

2014 2015 2016 2015/2014 Trends 2016/2015 Trends Revenue Achievement Achievement Achievement (CFAF) (CFAF) (CFAF) CFAF % CFAF % Tax 116,022,319,547 111,465,007,985 10,122,701,963 9.56 -4,557,311,562 -3.93 revenues 105,899,617,584 Non-tax 22,272,452,448 32,260,110,976 25,921,887,662 9,987,658,528 44.84 -6,338,223,314 -19.65 revenues Total 128,172,070,032 148,282,430,523 137,386,895,647 20,110,360,491 15.69 -10,895,534,876 -7.35

The 2016 Annual Report 41 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Significant resources mobilized in a challenging environment Certifié ISO 9001: 2008

Chart 11: Trends by revenue

Tax revenues Non-tax revenues Total AF) AF) AF)

Achievement (CF Achievement (CFAchievement (CF 2014 2015 2016

In all, from 2014 to 2015, revenues mobilized rose dropped by 7.35%. To reverse this trend, improvement by 15.69%. However, between 2015 and 2016, they actions will be undertaken in 20171.

LOMIE water supply

1 See article on Outlook

The 2016 Annual Report 42 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 La réduction du déficit infrastructurel pour le bien-être des populations

ADAMAWA regional agencie

After six years of implementation, besides the institutional support granted to stakeholders in management, these projects recorded an overall execution rate of 97%.

The 2016 Annual Report RapportThe 2016 Annuel Annual 2016 Report 43 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Cooperation with ADB, balance sheet of achievements and outlook Certifié ISO 9001: 2008

Cooperation with ADB, balance sheet of achievements and outlook Resources and Energy and intended for 135 Councils in the Centre, Far-North, Littoral, North-West, West, South and South-West Regions. Many stakeholders 016 marks the end of the implementation of were involved in their implementation including the Water Supply and Sanitation Projects in Semi- ministries in charge of public health, basic education, 2Urban Areas and Rural Areas (WSSP-SUA/ women empowerment, ADB, FEICOM, CAMWATER, WSSP-RA). These projects aimed at improving access Councils, Civil Society Organizations, business by the populations to water supply and sanitation operators, traditional authorities and the beneficiary services through the construction/rehabilitation of populations. infrastructures, building the capacity of stakeholders in the management of the said infrastructures, and The management of CFA F 3,520,000,000 RWSSI assistance to the beneficiaries. grant intended for components relating to sanitation and capacity building of stakeholders in the management of infrastructures within the framework of WSSP-RA, Funded by the African Development Bank (ADB), was entrusted to FEICOM by Government. In addition the State of Cameroon and beneficiary Councils to to this grant were Councils’ counterpart funds, raised the tune of CFA F 32,088,320,000 for WSSP-SUA by FEICOM, and amounting CFA F 1,277,181,398. and CFA F 12,144,000,000 for WSSP-RA, these Alongside MINEE, the institution took part in the projects were launched respectively in 2010 and technical monitoring of WSSP-RA, whereas monitoring 2011. They were managed by the Ministry of Water of WSSP-RA was carried out by CAMWATER.

Family’s picture of cooporatgion with ADB

The 2016 Annual Report 44 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Cooperation with ADB, balance sheet of achievements and outlook Certifié ISO 9001: 2008


After six years of implementation, besides the Upon the completion of WSSP-SUA/RA projects, institutional support granted to stakeholders in ADB commended the good performance of FEICOM management, these projects recorded an overall and looks forward to continuing this collaboration execution rate of 97%. The balance sheet in terms by diversifying actions intended for Councils. To this of achievement includes the construction and effect, similar projects will be carried out in other commissioning of: Regions, and may focus on areas such as energy and - 700 on 612 public latrines with six compartment agriculture. ventilated pits in schools and health centres; - 600 on 747 private latrines with one compartment Moreover, FEICOM has been involved in the ventilated pit in households; preparation of the project for the development of chain - 71 on 71 business complexes with Gender values of livestock and fisheries intended for some Differentiated Toilets (GDT); Councils and City Councils. The State of Cameroon will submit this project for ADB funding. - 47 on 47 incinerators in Sub-divisional Medical Centres; - 113 on 106 water supply networks constructed, of which 95 handed over to Councils.

The 2016 Annual Report 45 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 FEICOM – Medium Cities Decentralization Programme: activities

Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 kick off in Councils

FEICOM – Medium Cities Decentralization Programme: activities kick off in Councils

financial analysis, development and analysis of business plans, citizen participation and management of Council projects. Moreover, their capacity building plans were also developed. he goal of FEICOM – Medium Cities Decentralization Programme (PDFVM) is Advisory support services provided to FEICOM Tto contribute to the improvement of citizen included training courses on management of Council participation and access by the populations to basic projects and analysis and development of business social services, through the effective implementation plans. In addition to these training courses, staff were of decentralization, and the efficient management of drilled on the management of partnership projects, as the State and local authorities. well as the use of TOM2PRO software.

This Programme which will last a total of 46 months Moreover, in the course of the year, the Minister is co-financed by the Federal Republic of Germany of Territorial Administration and Decentralization through a CFAF 10 billion grant made by KfW to the chaired two major events pertaining to the running of State of Cameroon, and handed over to FEICOM. It this Programme. These include the handing-over of includes 3 components, namely: funding of projects in computer equipment and rolling stock to beneficiary selected medium-sized cities, assistance to medium- Councils of the Programme, as well as an important sized cities and advisory support services provided extraordinary session of the Steering Committee to FEICOM. For their respective contributions, attended by Senior Divisional Officers and Mayors the Government of Cameroon mobilized (CFA of Divisions and Councils concerned. During this F 2,103,285,248), beneficiary Councils (CFA F meeting, the Minister reminded all stakeholders 655,957,000) and FEICOM (CFA F 941,000,000). of their necessary involvement for the successful implementation of this government programme. Regarding the funding of projects, the year was mainly devoted to the selection process of consultancy firms The geographical distribution of the 14 projects in charge of preliminary studies. selected in 12 Councils is highlighted in the table below: Concerning assistance to medium-sized cities, they were trained in areas such as procurement, Councils’

The 2016 Annual Report 46 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 FEICOM – Medium Cities Decentralization Programme: activities

Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 kick off in Councils

Table 1 : Répartition spatiale des projets retenus dans les Communes

Amount of Council Region Project funding (CFA F) Obala Construction of a motor park 386,574,720 Centre Sanitation of Konglo Valley 365,000,000 Mbalmayo Rehabilitation of the market and motor park 605,000,000 Construction of a parking area coupled with a motor Kousséri Far North 600,000,000 park Mokolo Construction of a modern market 775,124,970 Construction of a parking area coupled with a motor Mora Far North 614,520,000 park Yagoua Construction of stores at the market 702,000,000 Construction of a parking area coupled with a motor Bafang 650,000,000 park Bangangté Construction of a central market 800,000,000 West Dschang Street lighting using solar power 184,000,000 Construction of a market including a motor park 800,000,000 Foumbot Street lighting using solar power 168,000,000 Buea Construction of stores at the central market 605,000,000 South West Tiko Potable water supply 768,339,400

Remise solennelle du matériel roulant et informatique aux douze Communes bénéficiaires du PDFVM

The 2016 Annual Report 47 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 MISSION RFELATIVE AU JUMELAGE

Installation du Gouverneur et sa suite

The 2016 Annual Report 48 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Le Feicom

Synergies to better support Councils

Photo de famille de la Signature de la Convention MINAS-FEICOM

La collaboration avec les départements ministériels s’est poursuivie dans le but d’assurer la cohérence des interventions et, de développer des synergies pour un meilleur accompagnement des Communes et leurs regroupements dans l’exercice des compétences transférées par l’Etat.

The 2016 Annual Report Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Synergies to better support Councils

Certifié ISO 9001: 2008

the methodological guide for the exercise of powers transferred to Councils in the area of tourism and leisure was drafted. The publication of this guide EICOM carried out far-reaching activities within is underway thanks to the support of the Ministry the framework of cooperation with national of Economy, Planning and Regional Development Finstitutions. These activities mainly focused (MINEPAT). on the harmonization of strategies for assistance to Regional and Local Authorities, the improvement of A similar document was drafted in collaboration with the provision of basic infrastructures and research in the Ministry of Public Health (MINSANTE) with the the area of local development. support of PADDL/GiZ, for the exercise of powers in this area. The production of this document is Harmonization of strategies for assistance to also underway. Moreover, a programme for the Regional and Local Authorities development of Integrated Health Centres and Sub- divisional Medical Centres (CSI/CMA) was also Collaboration with ministries continued in order to drafted. It aims at improving provision and accessibility ensure consistency in the assistance of the institution, to health services in pilot Councils. and develop synergies to better support Councils and their groupings in the exercise of the powers devolved A collaboration platform was set up with the Ministry by the State. Participation in various frameworks for of Social Affairs (MINAS) through the signing of a concerted action and activities jointly organized with framework agreement. With this ministry, several partner ministries yielded significant results. actions were carried out, including various financial and material assistance to vulnerable persons support With the Ministry of Tourism and Leisure (MINTOUL), centres (disabled, aged, indigenous, abandoned

Lancement Prix National FEICOM

The 2016 Annual Report 50 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Synergies to better support Councils

Certifié ISO 9001: 2008

Bilingual High School of GUNBELA children, etc.). The institution was also involved Improving the provision of basic infrastructures with the preparatory activities for the 1st Conference of Private Welfare Schemes organized by MINAS Several actions were carried out in connection with in October under the theme: « Effectiveness and the partnership framework agreement signed in 2009 efficiency of private social action in view of promoting between FEICOM and the Rural Electrification Agency social entrepreneurship. » (AER), aimed at improving the quality of council projects relating to production and supply of electrical The expertise of the institution was also requested power in rural areas. Thus, 24 interconnected in designing the Project for the Development of projects, 3 thermal projects and 4 solar projects were Chain Values of Livestock and Fisheries (PD-CVEP) monitored. Moreover, studies were carried out for 3 in some Councils and City Councils. This project, projects relating to the extension of electrical power initiated by the Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and supply network, while prospective studies were carried Animal Industries (MINEPIA) and jointly funded by the out for other projects. African Development Bank (ADB), the Government and beneficiary Councils, aims at increasing the In connection with the Municipal Housing Construction production of meat and fish by up-scaling slaughter Programme (PCCM) which is the purpose of the and conservation infrastructures. funding agreement signed on 3 April 2013 with the Cameroon Housing Loan Fund (CFC), funding Besides the above mentioned activities, FEICOM amounting CFA F 1,454,105,500, i.e. 14.54% of the was involved in monitoring the implementation of credit line devoted to this Programme, was granted to the National Capacity Building Programme for City Ngoumou, Pete Bandjoun and Nguibassal Councils. Management (PNFMV) and the National Community- A Special Tenders Board has been set up to ensure driven Development Programme (PNDP). effective implementation of PCCM. In the same vein,

The 2016 Annual Report 51 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Synergies to better support Councils

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Inauguration of ADAMAWA regional agency technical teams of the institution also assisted Councils the programme-document for the capacity building in preparing Tender Documents and monitoring of Council staff were included in PAID-CA’s short procurement processes. term training package. In the same light, FEICOM’s management staff attended a training course run by Regarding progress achieved with the Programme, it IFORD on planning, monitoring and evaluation of should be noted that as far as the projects of Ngoumou development projects and programmes. and Nguibassal Councils are concerned, the process for the selection of successful bidders for works and These partner institutions were also involved in the management has already taken place. revision of the methodological tools of FEICOM National Award, drafting of the terms of reference of Research in the area of local development FEICOM’s Strategy Paper, and designing an outline for the monographs of border Councils. Activities were carried out in collaboration with the National Institute of Statistics (NIS), the Demographic At the same time, FEICOM shared its expertise on the and Training Research Institute (IFORD), and the occasion of a number of events, namely PAID-CA’s Pan-African Institute for Development – Central Africa Pedagogical days and seminars/workshops organized (PAID-CA). These activities dwelt on capacity building, by the NIS, through presentations aimed at blending survey techniques and supervision of students. theoretical approaches and field realities. In the area of capacity building, some modules of

The 2016 Annual Report 52 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Synergies to better support Councils

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Concerning surveys, NIS and IFORD supported Regarding the supervision of trainees, five (5) PAID- FEICOM in the preparatory activities for the external CA’s students in project Management, Environment customer satisfaction survey. For its part, the and management of natural resources training courses institution contributed to the conduct of the ECAM4 are part of the about sixty students admitted by the supplementary survey of which the results would institution for academic internship. enrich the data base of its Gilbert BIWOLE Local Development Observatory.

Family’s picture of KFW PDFVM

The 2016 Annual Report 53 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 KOM YABETA Town hall

DIZANGUÉ Town hall

The 2016 Annual Report 54 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Putting local authorities at the centre of global development agendas

International Action of Collectivities Exchange

Following the evaluation of the Millennium Development Goals (MDDs) in 2015, the international community set 17 Sustainable Development Goals (ODD), which are a global call to eradicate poverty, protect the planet and make in such a way that human beings live in peace and prosperity. Over the year, FEICOM was involved in building advocacy for mainstreaming the crucial role of local authorities and their funding bodies which are major stakeholders of sustainable development, and driving force behind the implementation of international and national development agendas.

The 2016 Annual Report Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Putting local authorities at the centre of global development Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 agendas

municipal finance, map out strategies for raising local resources and contribute to the recognition of the city as a major stakeholder in the definition of the New ollowing the evaluation of the Millennium Urban Agenda. Within the framework of the parallel Development Goals (MDDs) in 2015, the session on «pooled financing and access to credit at Finternational community set 17 Sustainable the local level» during which the General Manager of Development Goals (ODD), which are a global call to FEICOM took the floor, it was agreed that financial eradicate poverty, protect the planet and make in such organizations can play a major strategic role in the a way that human beings live in peace and prosperity. creation of guarantee mechanisms that would ease Over the year, FEICOM was involved in building access by local authorities to international funding. advocacy for mainstreaming the crucial role of local Thus, Local Authorities Funding Institutions (IFCLs) authorities and their funding bodies which are major were identified as channels for access by local stakeholders of sustainable development, and driving governments to resources from international finance. force behind the implementation of international and national development agendas. During the workshop on «Local authorities funding institutions, the driving force behind the implementation Advocacy for mainstreaming local authorities in of the new urban agenda», FEICOM advocated the New Urban Agenda for the recognition of local authorities and their funding institutions as the bedrock for the successful At the invitation of the Global Fund for Cities implementation of the New Urban Agenda. National Development (FMDV), FEICOM attended the thematic systems for funding of local authorities and the actions conference on funding of the New Urban Agenda, carried out by technical and financial partners were held in Mexico City (Mexico) from 8 to 11 March. scrutinized. The creation of an international forum This conference led to solutions that will strengthen of national institutions funding the urban sector was

Visite Directeur exécutif ONU HABITAT

The 2016 Annual Report 56 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Putting local authorities at the centre of global development

Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 agendas

...... also recommended. Discussions pertaining to this arrived at during the 21st Conference of States Parties dialogue framework were furthered in October in Quito to the United Nations Convention of climate change (Ecuador), within the framework of the third United (COP21). Nations conference on housing and sustainable urban development (Habitat III). The institution also took part Discussions on this same issue continued in in the forum on «Financing sustainable development Casablanca (Morocco) on 5 November within the » which held from 18 to 21 April in New York (United framework of « Climate Finance Day-2016 », a forum States of America), at the initiative of the United which brought together major development financial Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). institutions. FEICOM took part in this forum during which were proposed a roadmap and mechanisms Innovative funding to fight against climate change geared towards better funding of actions in favour of the climate. Furthermore, at the Summit of Local To meet the needs of developing countries and and Regional Elected Representatives for the contribute to mitigating climate change-related natural Climate which held on 14 November in Marrakech disasters, the international community intended to on the sidelines of COP22, the institution took part raise 100 billion dollars by 2020. Discussions on the in the sessions on the stakes and possible solutions mobilization of these resources were at the centre of to better raise resources for funding of the fight several international meetings attended by FEICOM. against climate change at the local level. During this Indeed, from 21 to 23 March, the institution took part session under the theme « For vertical integration, in the colloquium on innovative financing organized in backbone of concerted mobilization resources for the Dakar by the Association of Sénégal’s Mayors (AMS). climate », FEICOM stressed the need for reforming Discussions dwelt on FEICOM’s experience in funding the regulatory frameworks governing local authorities local development in Cameroon and the partnerships funding institutions, in order to enable them have needed for the implementation of the agreement easier access to new funding sources.

The 2016 Annual Report 57 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Putting local authorities at the centre of global development Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 agendas

FEICOM was part of Cameroon’s delegation awareness on the issue of funding the capacity building which attended the United Nations Conference on of local stakeholders in the area of the maintenance Biodiversity in Cancun (Mexico) from 4 to 17 December. of infrastructures. At the end of discussions, it was The objective of this conference was to assess the underscored that the culture of maintenance should implementation of the Strategic Plan for biodiversity, be the bedrock of every investment programme in in order to take the measures needed for building a Africa and that achieving the SDGs is pegged on a future in keeping with nature. During this summit, the strong action at the local level. institution recommended among others, building the capacity of local authorities so that they can be able to To make the most of the lessons learned during mainstream biodiversity in their planning papers. these events, FEICOM requested and obtained from FMDV, the conduct of a study aimed at having access Lastly, FEICOM took part in the 10th edition of the to national and international resources intended for European Development Days which held on 15 and funding the fight against the effects of global warming. 16 June in Brussels (Belgium), under the central This study would among others, make it possible theme: « Sustainable Development Goals in action: to identify and locate green funds, as well as the Our World, our Dignity, our Future». On this occasion, opportunities granted by Councils the institution organized a session under the theme « Financing the capacity building of elected officials and staff of local authorities in the management and maintenance of infrastructures and facilities ». It also organized a roundtable of donors to raise their


The 2016 Annual Report 58 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Towards the expansion of RIAFCO n order to consolidate its structuring, the Network In addition, on 5 December, RIAFCO held its 3rd of African Local Government Financing Institutions General Assembly during which its 2017 plan of action I(RIAFCO) requested a settlement agreement with was adopted. The main activities earmarked in this the State of Cameroon. This agreement is expected plan of action include carrying out of a study on the to enable the network to benefit from some facilities conditions for the sustainability and diversification provided and to fulfill its missions more effectively. The of the financial resources of four Local Government network also reported on its activities. Financing Institutions (LGFIs) members of the network including FEICOM, the organization of study missions As regards the visibility of the network and sharing of with a view to exchanging good practices on the good practices in financing local authorities, RIAFCO financing of local development and the search for new took part in several international meetings. It took financial partners. advantage of these forums to advocate for the inclusion of local authorities and their funding institutions in the implementation of the new global agenda. It also contributed to the organization of a study and exchange of experience mission to Cameroon, by Ivory Coast’s Local Authorities Loan Fund (FPCL), which is now an observer member of the network.

The 2016 Annual Report 59 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Adductgion d’eau potable d’EKONDO TITI

Formation des artisans réparateurs (EKONDO TITI)

The 2016 Annual Report 60 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 2nd Edition of FEICOM National Award

Promoting excellence in council management

Photo de famille Prix national FEICOM

After scrutinizing the 28 practices received from the Technical Secretariat, the Committee selected 21 submissions and forwarded them to the International Jury.

The 2016 Annual Report Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 2nd Edition of FEICOM National Award Certifié ISO 9001: 2008

the process was run by the Steering Committee, the Technical Secretariat and the International Jury. Following the publication of the call for submission on EICOM National Award for Councils’ Local 25 April, City Councils, Councils and their groupings Development Best Practices was set up in 2010 with a legal existence had two months to make their Fwith technical support from the United Nations submissions. The guide and reporting format were Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT). It made available to them and they were all given support aims at identifying, rewarding, promoting and following by Regional Agencies. up the best practices of Councils, City Councils and Councils groupings with a legal existence The selection process of submissions which were that contribute significantly to improving the living received in sealed envelopes included five stages: environment of their populations. opening submissions and checking compliance, document evaluation, and field evaluation, scrutiny After the maiden edition organized in 2012, the 2nd by the Steering Committee of shortlisted submissions edition was launched on 22 April 2016 in Yaoundé and final selection by the International Jury. by the Minister of Territorial Administration and Decentralization. Like the previous edition, the second Opening submissions and checking compliance covered four fields: management of resources, management of facilities and infrastructures, local Following the opening of submissions by the Technical governance and sustainable development. Similarly, Secretariat, 134 submissions were recorded from

The 2016 Annual Report 62 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 2nd Edition of FEICOM

Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 National Award

Le Ministre René Emmanuel SADI remettant le Premier prix au Syndicat des Communes du MBAM-ET-INOUBOU

MINATD avec les vainqueurs

The 2016 Annual Report 63 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 2nd Edition of FEICOM

Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 National Award

104 candidates. Regional distribution was as follows (42%), 35 in local governance (26%), 28 in sustainable (Chart 1): development (21%) and 15 in management of resources (11%). Classification by field was as follows: 56 submissions in Compliance of submissions was checked based on the field of management of facilities and infrastructures three (03) aspects: field of submission, submitting

Chart 3 : Regional distribution of submissions

entity and duration of implementation of the practice. end of this stage, 56 submissions which recorded the At the end of evaluation, 30 submissions were found required score were selected for field evaluation. non-compliant, i.e. an average rate of non-compliance Field evaluation consisted in cross-checking the of 22% below that of the 1st edition which stood at 39%. information provided by submitters in their files and collecting additional data in order to better assess Document and field evaluation the practices. Following field visits and based on evaluation reports, 28 practices were forwarded to the 104 compliant practices were assessed based Steering Committee. on the following five criteria: impact, participation, sustainability, transferability and innovation. At the Scrutiny by the Steering Committee

The 2016 Annual Report 64 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008

2nd Edition of FEICOM

Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 National Award

Chart 3 : Répartition régionale des soumissions

After scrutinizing the 28 practices received from the water and sanitation through 450 water points Technical Secretariat, the Committee selected 21 of which maintenance is financed by the fees submissions and forwarded them to the International paid by users. Jury. - The second prize worth CFA F 20 million It should be noted that this Committee is the orientation was awarded to Dschang Council for the and steering body of the Award. It is chaired by the “Creation and participatory management General Manager of FEICOM and its members were of a municipal water and power authority”. top officials representing Government services, This municipal authority is a council public namely the Prime Minister’s Office, the ministries establishment created to supply the in charge of Decentralization, Housing, Regional populations with quality drinking water and Development and Finance, UN-HABITAT, Councils, electricity continuously in areas that are not Academics, media and FEICOM. covered by national distribution companies.

Final selection - Ngoulemakong Council was ranked third with its practice “Enhancing local economy After examining the 21 files forwarded by the Steering through valorization of the cassava Committee, the International Jury awarded prizes to sector”. A CFA F 10 million reward was 13 practices: granted to this Council for developing women - The 1st prize amounting CFA F 50 million was entrepreneurship at the local level. won by the Union of Councils of Mbam-and- Inoubou Division (SYCOMI), for its practice In addition, 10 Special Regional Prizes were awarded “Inter-council governance of public water to the same number of Councils, i. e. one Council per supply and basic sanitation in rural area”. Region for an amount of CFA F 2,000,000 each as This project has enabled 108,000 people follows: living in rural areas to have daily access to

The 2016 Annual Report 65 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 2nd Edition of FEICOM National Award Certifié ISO 9001: 2008

Table 2 : Répartition régionale

REGION COUNCILS AREAS NAME OF PRACTICE Management of facilities The commercial complex: a modern infrastructure for the ADAMAWA MAYO BALEO Council and infrastructures integrated development of the sub-region Inter-council governance of public water supply and basic CENTRE YAOUNDE I Council Local governance sanitation in rural area EAST Council Sustainable development Settling agro-pastoral conflicts Management of facilities FAR- NORTH GUERE Council Management of water supply in GUIBI and infrastructures NKONGSAMBA I LITTORAL Local governance Participatory budgeting Council Management of facilities NORTH LAGDO Council Restoration of soil fertility and infrastructures The Mayor’s Day Programme (Social inclusion of the less NORTH-WEST KUMBO Council Local governance privileged)

NGOULEMAKONG Enhancing local economy through valorization of the cassava SOUTH Sustainable development Council sector

Creation of development zones as a framework of civic KUMBA II Council Local governance SOUTH-WEST participation in council management Management of facilities BAFOUSSAM II Council Sustainable supply of potable water WEST and infrastructures

It should be recalled that the International Jury Senate, the United Nations System, the diplomatic was chaired by Mr Adama MOUSSA, Resident corps, regional and local authorities, academics, Representative of UN-Women in Cameroon. Its media and professional associations. members were renowned personalities of various nationalities representing Government services, the

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Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 National Award

Table d’honneur de la soirée de gala du Prix FEICOM des meilleures pratiques

The 2016 Annual Report 67 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Old and new school of MBEWE MAGOM

The 2016 Annual Report 68 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Customer focus for improved performance

Groupe scolaire HINA

L’audit externe de suivi a conclu à l’absence de non-conformité, confirmant ainsi le fonctionnement satisfaisant et continu du SMQ du FEICOM.

The 2016 Annual Report Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Customer focus for improved

Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 performance

Processing external customers’ complaints

This activity complied with the standard pattern of nowing the needs and expectations of the collecting and analyzing customers’ complaints, customers of an establishment is fundamental in ranging from the identification of correction actions Kthe quest for performance. In FEICOM, customer and corrective actions to carry out and planning satisfaction remains at the centre of priorities. This them, up to the monitoring of the implementation of satisfaction is measured through the processing of the actions adopted. The forty-eight (48) complaints customers’ complaints, the exploitation of the results received relate to the problems presented in the of surveys and spontaneous testimonies, within the following figure: framework of a committee comprising different actions officials and focal points.

Chart 1 : Distribution of complaints per problem type


11% Lenteurs dans le traitement des dossiers 35% Retard dans le paiement des prestaons Méconnaisance des procédures, produits et opportunités offerts Besoin d'assistance-conseil et d'appui technique Requêtes de financement restées sans suite 8% 38%

From the analysis of this figure, it emerges that the tools to all the Municipal authorities and their close most recurrent complaints concern « Ignorance of collaborators (Secretary-Generals and Municipal procedures, products and opportunities offered » Treasurers). The sensitization of Councils on the said and « Funding requests remaining without answers». tools, as well as the presentation of the procedures This finding prompted the establishment to review in force within the institution were at the centre of its communication strategy towards RLAs. Hence, missions of consultancy support as reported in figure FEICOM took advantage of the inter-regional seminars 2 below. organized by MINATD, to present the revised funding

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Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 performance

Chart : Consultancy support themes towards Councils in 2016

Graphique à modifier : attente données de base

Furthermore, the effects of the corrective measures . Giving a new boost to the consultation frameworks adopted in order to improve communication on the between RLAs and FEICOM ; statement of funding requests will be perceptible in . Promoting funding tools, especially CAPIC ; the medium term. . Formalizing the process for negotiation, putting in place and monitoring cooperation projects/ Concerning the deadlines for processing the programmes; complaints made by Councils, they were reduced from . Improving the information system on debt. 30 to 13 days. Furthermore, Mayors spontaneously expressed their Exploitation of 2015 external customers’ satisfaction, through thirty (30) testimonies addressed satisfaction survey to FEICOM. These testimonies were related to the ever-increasing number of funding (53.33%) granted The exploitation of the results of the satisfaction survey to Councils, the management of council debts led to drawing up a six component improvement plan: (26.66%) deemed satisfactory, proper implementation . Supporting the State in improving the management of the missions of the establishment (16.66%) and the of the redistribution process of CTSE to RLAs ; provision of CTSE (3.33%). . Strengthening governance in the process Funding of RLAs;

The 2016 Annual Report 71 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Maquette de la salle des fêtes Douala 2ème

Vue du chantier de l’hôtel de ville de Douala 5ème

The 2016 Annual Report 72 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Toward Version 2015 Of ISO 9001 Standard

The improvement in the quality of services observed shows that Councils satisfaction is a prime concern for FEICOM Management.

The 2016 Annual Report 73 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Toward Version 2015 Of

Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 ISO 9001 Standard

monitoring audit carried out by Bureau Veritas from 13 to 17 November. The purpose of the system reviews was not only to assess compliance with internal, legal, regulatory and normative requirements, but also to 016 was a landmark year for the Quality identify areas for continuous improvement. Management System (QMS) in FEICOM. 2Indeed, the company, ISO 9001:2008 certified The external monitoring audit concluded that there was since 2009, is in the fields of advisory support to no non-compliance, thus confirming the satisfactory elected officials, mobilization of financial resources, and continuous functioning of FEICOM QMS. studies, designing, monitoring and financing of local Nevertheless, some of the key points were identified, development projects, started the migration of its and suggested areas for improvement. QMS to the 2015 version of the ISO 9001 standard. The improvement of the process performance and the The implementation of the recommendations of all quality of the services thus continued, along with the these audits led to the development of a three-year preparatory activities for this migration. improvement programme focused on process control, strengthening customer support and internal control. Continued improvement in process performance This programme also takes into account the main and service quality recommendations of the 2015 customer satisfaction survey. The QMS was implemented deployed during the year through its traditional support, monitoring, On the effectiveness of the QMS, it should be noted awareness, evaluation and monitoring tools. Thus, the that the overall analysis of the Quality Policy led to new 2016-2018 quality policy was disseminated and a higher level of effectiveness and efficiency, thus awareness-raising actions were carried out. During demonstrating the establishment’s high capacity to the 15th Management Review held on 5 September create value. 2016, its general functioning was reviewed. This body, provided for under the ISO 9001 standard and chaired Preparation for ISO 9001/2015 migration by the General Manager, assessed the performance of processes and the quality of services, identified Initiated in 2015, preparation for the migration of impediments and risks and defined the areas for FEICOM’s SMQ to the 2015 version of the ISO 9001 improvement. The rate of achievement of improvement began with the recruitment of a consultant to support actions was 87.75% in 2016, up by 18.52% compared the organization in this exercise, raising awareness on to 2015. the applicable requirements, and training members of the internal project leading team. Thus, all the The improvement in the quality of services observed Heads of Regional Agencies and Heads of entities shows that Councils satisfaction is a prime concern of the Head Office quarter structures were drilled on for FEICOM Management and reflects the increasing the requirements of this new version and on the risk effectiveness of the organization of services that came approach in strategic management. The capacities into force in January 2015. of the internal project leading team, including the quality team and the resource persons identified for As regards the continuous evaluation of QMS each of the processes, were built in the design and compliance, the two internal audit campaigns implementation of the QMS. conducted in March and August preceded the external

The 2016 Annual Report 74 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Toward Version 2015 Of ISO

Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 9001 Standard

All these actions are in line with the innovations knowledge management. They enable our system to contained in the new 2015 version, focused on risk be empowered in its migration, the main challenge of management, customer’s orientation, consideration the year 2017. of all stakeholders, Management involvement and

The 2016 Annual Report 75 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 The 2016 Annual Report 76 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Le Feicom A Dynamic internal Governance

Conseil d’Administration extraordinaire

L’organisme a renforcé son dispositif de contrôle interne afin de garantir la conformité de ses activités aux lois et règlements, et d’en maitriser les risques.

The 2016 Annual Report Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 A Dynamic internal

Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Governance

strengthening the Quality Management System and internal control, as well as implementing the software package, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), he objective of the impetus spurred in the field dubbed Axiom Solution FEICOM. of governance was to continue aligning the Testablishment to national and international Quality Management System (QMS) orientation relating to local development. The reforms undertaken to this end were essentially geared towards Certified ISO 9001/ 2008 since 2009, the establishment strengthening management rules with the view to keeps permanent watch on the evolution of this better supporting Regional and Local Authorities system. It is in this light that it took the commitment (RLAs). to upgrade to version 2015 of the said Standard, which puts at the heart of QMS risks management, the It was a matter of furthering the implementation of the orientation of customers, mainstreaming of interested very high directive of the Head of State, prescribing stakeholders, involving the Management and to FEICOM to remain a key actor to lead Cameroon knowledge management. The initial steps towards this to emergence in 20351. Actions carried to this evolution were taken with especially, the organization end consisted among others on institutionalizing of an awareness raising campaign and building the new working methods and management tools, capacities of the staff.

Conférence des Services centraux et des Agences régionales

1Preface of His Excellency Paul BIYA, President of the Republic, in the Book « FEICOM, 40 years at the heart of local development», FEICOM, 2014.

The 2016 Annual Report 78 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 A Dynamic internal Governance Certifié ISO 9001: 2008

Internal control Other management tools

The establishment has strengthened its internal control Several actions were equally initiated to further the mechanism in order to guarantee the compliance of its modernization project undertaken since some years. activities with the laws and regulations, and to master These include the drafting of the 2018-2022 Strategy the risks thereof. It is in this light that a consultancy Paper, the implementation of the ERP and optimizing firm was recruited, with the aim of granting support piloting management charts. in updating the procedures manual focused on the performance of processes. Furthermore, in Concerning the drafting of the Strategy Paper, accordance with the regulatory prescriptions relating reference framework for the interventions of the to accountability and to ensure transparency, the establishment, the works realized with the support of financial statements for 2013, 2014 and 2015 financial the PAID-CA dwelt on drafting the terms of reference, years were audited and certified by an accounting firm setting up bodies for monitoring and planning activities. recognized by ONECA and CEMAC. This certification As concerns ERP, the activities consisted on further strengthens the credibility of FEICOM towards completing its design, the training of users and partners. preparing for switch over of the system. This software will enable the automation of the internal The permanent monitoring of the internal control management, pooling, availability and information mechanism was equally subject to particular attention, sharing processes, reducing the rate of errors, as well through the drafting and execution of an audit plan as the de-compartmentalization of entities. on assets, Councils’ debt towards the establishment, As for management piloting charts, they were fine- computer and investment projects. The conclusions tuned and henceforth give Top Management a synoptic of these audits were put to good use and plans of view of the activities realized, thereby facilitating action were drafted, with the purpose of correcting the decision making. problems found. To all these tools, it is worthy to add frameworks for Activities relating to risks management dwelt on the concerted action set up to encourage information one hand, on designing and developing tools, and on sharing, evaluate and re-direct activities. the other hand, on training and supporting the different entities in taking up the risk management approach.

The 2016 Annual Report 79 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Forum de l’Action Internationale des Collectivités

The 2016 Annual Report 80 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Human capital at the centre of priorities

Conférence des Services centraux et des Agences régionales

Concerning the 1st category Regional Agencies (Centre and Littoral), given the high economic potential of the cities where they are found, the Board of Directors approved the construction of 11 storey buildings. Given the scope of the buildings, architectural competitions will be launched for their design.

The 2016 Annual Report Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Human capital at the

Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 centre of priorities

the National Order of Civil Engineers. Furthermore, it emerges from the organizational and staffing plan updated in 2016, that since ten or so years, the o address the challenges of decentralization recruitment of new skills has been focused on highly and the requirements of governance, FEICOM qualified staff, having skills matching the needs of the Tidentified the modernization of the management corporation. The result of this managerial option is of the human capital and strengthening corporate translated by a tight control of staff numbers. culture as a major component of its quality policy. In this perspective, particular emphasis was laid on Developing skills strengthening workforce, building skills and promoting social actions. Similarly, staff wages and the work The training plan dwelt on 17 themes relating environment were significantly improved following to governance, management of public finance, the revision of enterprise collective agreement and migration of quality management system, securing the the gradual implementation of the programme for the information system, hygiene and safety. Implemented construction of buildings to accommodate the services up to 85%, this plan enabled to train 213 staff of the corporation. members on 497, i. e. about 43% of the workforce, for a total amount of CFA F 95,675,036. The staff Strengthening of workforce trained is divided as follows: 37% management staff, 37% of supervisory staff and 26% of clerical staff. It In order to improve technical studies and the quality of is worthwhile mentioning that in accordance with the the projects realized for Councils, staff having skills in circular of the Head of State on the preparation of the their respective fields were recruited. The recruitment State budget for 2016, 76% of the training was taught process put in place benefited from the support of by public national institutions.

Graphique 5 : Répartition du personnel ayant bénéficié d’une formation

Management staff Supervisory staff Clerical staff

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Motivating and developing the workforce The ceremony to pay tribute to 8 members of staff going on retirement was a great moment of communion. Following the revision of the enterprise collective This ceremony crowned the support granted to the agreement and the social actions implemented all said staff, which started with the training in designing through the year, the motivation and development of projects and ended with the payment of the entirety the staff witnessed significant improvement. of their rights in accordance with the provisions of the As concerns BEYENE AMBOMO enterprise collective revised enterprise collective agreement. In addition, agreement, the works of the joint committee put in labour honour medals were awarded to 133 deserving place by the Minister of Labour and Social Security, staff. led to proposals aimed at ushering in signific a n t improvement in salaries, approved by the Board of At the cultural and sporting level and within the Directors. framework of the celebration of the International Women’s Day and the 130th International Labour At the social level, health insurance and the medical Day, several activities were carried out among which, centre functioned without interruption. The medical the organization of educative talks, sensitization talks centre recorded 1038 consultations. An allocation on enterprise culture and values, football, karate and in medicines and consumables to the tune of CFA basket-ball tournaments, and keep-fit walks. F 6,000,000 enabled the centre to provide first aid Programme for the construction of buildings to care. In order to sensitize staff on illnesses, four accommodate services educational talks on muscle-skeletal disorders, high blood pressure, diabetes and HIV/AIDS were given by This programme, which started in 2013 and should be medical specialists. ending in 2020, continued with the works of the Head Office building, the inauguration and acceptance of The Committee on Hygiene, Health and Safety at some Regional Agencies and start of works for others. Work (CHHS/CHHSW) was boosted with the aim of With regard to the Head Office building, works are at improving working conditions and the protection of the level of finishing comprising among others casing the health of workers. Members of the said committee in tiles, exterior cladding with alucobond and glace were deployed in the Head Office and in the Regional structuring. At the same time, technical studies for Agencies in order to identify professional risks to construction of access roads should start in 2017, and which the staff are exposed. The narrowness and the delivery of this important building is projected for obsolescence of the working premises which would the end of this very year. be the major risk factors identified, will find the beginning of solution with the gradual implementation The projects accepted, inaugurated or launched of the programme for the construction of Regional concern Regional Agencies. According to the model Agencies and the Head Office building. Similarly, the plan designed for category 2 Agencies, these are 3 participation of FEICOM in the African Prevention storey V-shape buildings, with a floor surface area of Days, in collaboration with preventors of the NSIF, the about 350 m2, a living surface area of about 1050 m2. training of security guards and members of CHHS in In addition to service room, the ground floor is made first aid techniques and running a hygiene committee includes an archives room, 8 offices and 2 blocks respectively, are evidence of the importance that the of toilets. The first floor comprises 10 offices and2 corporation gives to the safety of its personnel. blocks of toilets, whereas the second floor is reserved

The 2016 Annual Report 83 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Human capital at the

Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 centre of priorities

among others, for the office of the Head of the Agency buildings constructed before the end of the year 2017. and the meeting room. Concerning the 1st category Regional Agencies (Centre and Littoral), given the high economic To date, 2 buildings on 10 have already been accepted. potential of the cities where they are found, the These include the buildings of the West and Adamawa Board of Directors approved the construction of 11 Regional Agencies. If the first is functional since the storey buildings. Given the scope of the buildings, month of May 2016, the inauguration of the second is architectural competitions will be launched for their projected for the end of the month of April 2017. design.

The general provisional acceptance of the Far-North Lastly, the start of the works for the construction of the Regional Agency is at the phase of the construction building of the East Regional Agency and the imminent of the second and last storey, this makes it up to three launching of the construction of the Nord, South and

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South-West Regional Agencies, four new projects construction of the Centre, Littoral and the North-West will be carried out in 2017. There will only remain the Regional Agencies for which studies are ongoing.

The 2016 Annual Report 85 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Adduction d’eau potable de BARE BAKEM

Ecole publique de LOUM

The 2016 Annual Report 86 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Accounts reflecting the socio-economic reality of the enterprise

Centre de santé Commune de MUNDEMBA

At the end of the financial year, the administrative account and the management account are consistent, and show that the resources mobilized amounted to CFAF 140,803,139,040 and the expenditures committed were CFAF 29,851,242,353.

The 2016 Annual Report 87 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Accounts reflecting the socio- economic reality of the enterprise Certifié ISO 9001: 2008

2015 on the instructions relating to the execution, monitoring and control of the execution of the budget of the State, Public Administrative Establishments, he drafting of FEICOM’s financial statements Regional and Local Authorities (RLAs) and other is carried out in accordance with the rules and subsidized bodies for the 20156 financial year ; Tregulations governing the accounting of Public • Instruction No.00000196/I/MINFI/CAB of 12 August Administrative Establishments (PAEs). These include: 2010 on the presentation of management accounts of Public Administrative Establishments (PAEs) ; • Law No.2003/005 of 21 April 2003 laying down the • Instruction No.2011/002/I/MINFI/SG/DGTCFM/ duties, organization and functioning of the Audit CLC of 28 February 2011 establishing the accounts Bench of the Supreme Court; and instituting the accounting procedure for council • Law No.2007/006 of 26 December 2007 on the taxes collected by the State. financial regime of the State ; • Law No. 2015/019 of 21 December 2015 on the Each financial statement, i.e. the management Finance Law of the Republic of Cameroon for 2016 account and the administrative account, provides financial year ; data on FEICOM’s budget, equalization revenues • Decree No.2000/365 of 11 December 2000 and expenditures, operations made on the 4% amended by Decree No.2006/182 of 31 May 2006 special reserve account and those carried out within reorganizing FEICOM ; the framework of the National Committee on Local • Decree No.2008/0446/PM of 13 March 2008 on the Finance. harmonized budgetary and accounting framework of PAEs; Prior to the production of these financial statements, • Decree No. 2013/159/PM of 15 May 2013 on the end of the financial year works were carried out to special regime for the control of public finance; ensure that the accounting and financial information • Decree No.2013/160 of 15 May 2013 laying down provided by the establishment is reliable, exhaustive general rules of public accounting; and sincere. • Circular No.00000683/C/MINFI of 31 December

NGAN-HA town hall

The 2016 Annual Report 88 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Accounts reflecting the socio- economic reality of the enterprise Certifié ISO 9001: 2008

At the end of the financial year, the administrative RESOURCES MOBILIZED account and the management account are consistent, and show that the resources mobilized amounted Good results were achieved in the mobilization to CFAF 140,803,139,040 and the expenditures of resources thanks to the reforms undertaken committed were CFAF 29,851,242,353. These by the Directorate General of Taxation and the resources were managed in accordance with the effectiveness of frameworks for concerted actions distribution rules in force, and in compliance with between FEICOM and the State financial services. government prescription which allocates 1/3 of the These resources are divided up between FEICOM’s revenues for the functioning of FEICOM and 2/3 for budget (CFAF 18,893,035,506) and other accounts council investments. (CFAF 121,910,103,534), i.e. a total of CFA F 140,803,139,040.

Table 3 : Trends in ressources

ITEMS 2014 2015 2016 Revenues intended for FEICOM’s operating 12,625,738,827 15,310,729,201 18,893,035,506 budget Council investment revenues 30,087,847,765 36,106,356,508 41,072,162,702 Equalization revenues 76,711,142,617 93,846,678,760 80,837,940,832 TOTAL 119,424,729,209 145,263,764,469 140,803,139,040

It appears that, on the whole, revenues are on the rise, • Routine operation (CFAF 8,276,337,289), with the except equalization revenues. Moreover, it should be main expense items being personnel expenses mentioned that the Common Decentralization Fund (CFAF 5.5 billion), supplies and services consumed (CDF) was not provided during the year under review. (CFA F 1.5 billion). • Investment expenses (CFAF 4,946,173,711) were EXPENSES CARRIED OUT mainly devoted to the construction of the Head Office building and Regional Agencies (CFAF 3.7 Expenses stood at CFAF 112,439,397,398, as against billion), transport equipment, office furniture and CFAF 119,222,786,704 in 2015, i.e. 5.68% decrease. equipment (CFAF 737 million) and up-scaling the This drop is due to the non-provision of the CDF and management system of the enterprise (CFAF 170 the repayment of the funds wrongfully paid to RLAs million). in 2015, during payment of CTSE. These expenses • Council investment expenses materialized through are distributed between the operating budget of the the settlement of payments on account relating to institution (CFAF 13,222,151,000), council investments Councils’ tangible and intangible projects (CFAF and direct transfers of the proceeds of taxes (CFA F 11,346,064,520), financial support to some local 99,217,246,398). development bodies and programmes (CEFAM, PNFVM, AER, CVUC, PDFVM/KfW, etc.) (CFAF The expenses committed were in accordance with 1,461,225,137). CFAF 3,054,232,791 was devoted the public finance management rules in force. The to other local development-related fundings. distribution of expenses stands as follows:

The 2016 Annual Report 89 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Des comptes reflétant la réalite socio-économique de l’entreprise Certifié ISO 9001: 2008

• Resources amounting to CFAF 80,848,515,963 taxes subject to equalization signed by the Minister were paid to local authorities in accordance with the of Territorial Administration and Decentralization. orders on the distribution of the proceeds of council

Table 4 : Trends in expenses

EXPENSES 2014 2015 2016 Routine operation 7,633,147,708 7,699,481,987 8,276,337,289 FEICOM’s investments 2,268,111,565 2,014,158,164 4,946,173,711 Total FEICOM 9,901,259,273 9,713,640,151 13,222,151,000 Council investments 11,163,391,294 12,977,197,680 18,368,730,435 Direct payment of resources 79,266,063,992 96,531,948,873 80,848,515,963 TableauTotal Councils 4 : Evolution des dépenses 90,429,455,286 109,509,146,553 99,217,246,398 TOTAL EXPENSES 100,330,714,559 119,222,786,704 112,439,397,398

In 2016, thanks to organization of the work of technical the previous year. This led to greater consumption of services around Management By Objectives (MBO), resources allocated to council investments. there was consolidation of the improvement of monitoring of council projects which began during

Graphique 4 : Trends in expenses

Routine operation FEICOM’s investments Council investments Direct payment of resources

The 2016 Annual Report 90 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Des comptes reflétant la réalite socio-économique de l’entreprise Certifié ISO 9001: 2008

The balance sheet of financial statements at the end CONAFIL account of the year stands as follows: • Carried forward : CFA F 17,960,089; • Revenues : CFA F 645,951,000; FEICOM budget • Expenses : CFA F 428,657,000; • Carried forward : CFA F 16,476,105,000; • Positive balance as at 31/12/2016: CFA F • Revenues : CFA F 36,486,168,860; 235,254,089. • Expenses : CFA F 27,622,808,311; • Positive balance as at 31/12/2016: CFA F Several projects have been initiated by the institution 25,339,465,549. with a view to improving the performances of the information management system and accountability CTSE pooling and redistribution account reporting. These include, inter alia, the updating of • Carried forward : CFA F 0; procedures, implementing the Enterprise Resource • Revenues : CFA F 80,837,940,832; Planning (ERP), the certification of annual accounts • Expenses : CFA F 80,848,515,963; by an accounting firm approved by ONECCA and • Negative balance as at 31/12/2016: - CFA F CEMAC, as well as capacity building of staff. 10,575,131. In accordance with accounting regulations and 4% special reserve account principles applicable in Cameroon, FEICOM’s 2016 • Carried forward : CFA F 3,670,380,064 ; accounts, following approval by the Board of Directors, • Revenues : CFA F 2,659,945,255; are considered regular and sincere, accurately • Expenses : CFA F 2,051,915,413; reflecting the operation results of the financial year, • Positive balance as at 31/12/2016: CFA F as well as the financial situation and the assets of the 4,278,409,906. institution.

Salle de Classe de DOUME

The 2016 Annual Report 91 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Hôtel de ville de MAKARY

The 2016 Annual Report 92 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Le Feicom

Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Funding of local development continuous quest for the well-being of the populations

Adduction d’eau potable de BIBEMI

During the financial year of FEICOM, the financial Assistance Committee of FEICOM granted 172 funding packages for an amount of CFA F 35,162,670, 645 to 124 municipalities, to which it is worthy to add 140 funding assistance amounting CFA F 1,233,059,223 granted by the General Manager to 103 Councils.

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decree No.2016/0886/PM of 25 April 2016 on the general framework for the realization of infrastructure projects on forced account. All these measures n 2016, while remaining in keeping with the and opportunities led to a 12% average reduction GESP and the SDGs, the goal targeted by the of deadlines in the execution of projects. In terms Iestablishment was to further reduce the deadlines for of results, 185 acceptances were registered (i. e. the implementation of projects, ensuring their quality, about 1800 structures including 153 classrooms, 109 and complying with the decentralization laws which latrines and 11 full-cycle schools furnished with desks, prescribe harmonious and balanced development of as concerns basic education; 22 pick-up vehicles, 62 all the Local Authorities. structures relating to equipment, rehabilitation and construction of town halls, 153 wells and boreholes). Hence, the monitoring of projects was strengthened As concerns improving the quality of projects, their by the setting out of targets to achieve by operational maturation made it possible to standardize the entities, and putting in place a periodic evaluation plans and the cost estimates of the most solicited mechanism which comprises, among others, facilities among which the town halls, schools, health a monthly technical conference chaired by the centres, water supply facilities and municipal hotel General Manager and consultation platforms with establishments. For follow-up of the processes relating Decentralized Government Services (DGS). The to studies, the realization and the post-investment establishment equally seized the opportunities offered monitoring of projects, tools for reporting and data by the provisions of circular letter No.005736/LC/ analysis were equally drafted. MINMAP/CAB of 11 August 2016 allowing for public contract tenders upon the funding agreement, and

Ecole publique de MBE

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Concerning harmonious development, two Situation of projects portfolio programmes focused on social development and covering the entire national territory were formulated As at 1st January 2016, the projects portfolio comprised on the themes of basic education and health. 530 projects, evaluated at CFA F 72,976,300,137.

Table 5 : Geographical distribution of projects as at 1st January 2016

Region Number of projects Amount granted Relative value of funding (%) ADAMAWA 53 4,869,023,241 7 CENTRE 70 11,591,211,799 16 EAST 48 6,893,575,861 9

FAR-NORTH 74 8,539,054,141 12 LITTORAL 53 7,599,819,657 10 NORTH 26 4,012,679,373 5 NORTH-WEST 38 5,434,540,778 7 SOUTH 70 8,571,401,021 12 SOUTH-WEST 56 6,655,811,647 12 WEST 42 8,809,182,619 9 TOTAL 530 72,976,300,137 100

Chart 6 : Geographic distribution of projects as at 1st January 2016

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Table 5 : Distribution by sector and domain of projects as at 1st January 2016

Sector Domain Number of projects Amount granted Culture and leisure 9 500,790,141 Basic education 92 9, 13,909,616 Human development Health 9 596,472,205 Sport 1 105,000,000 Governance Acquisition of vehicles 12 733,954,077 Buildings accommodating local 168 32,852,183,198 Infrastructures services Water and sanitation 113 10,778,413,202 Energy 57 6,915,866,084 Roads and engineering structures 20 2,072,947,175 Agriculture 3 247,069,568 Sand quarries 2 572,765,366 Municipal hotel establishments 8 1,233,560,205 Production and trade Motor park 2 385,000,000 Housing layouts 3 533,750,000 Markets 29 5,242,619,300 Ceremonial halls 2 692,000,000 TOTAL 530 72,976,300,137

New funding agreements Regional and Local Authorities for a total amount of CFA F 36,395,729,868. During the financial year of FEICOM, the financial Assistance Committee of FEICOM granted 172 funding Distribution of funding granted per Region and per packages for an amount of CFA F 35,162,670, 645 to type of municipality 124 municipalities, to which it is worthy to add 140 funding assistance amounting CFA F 1,233,059,223 The Distribution of funding per beneficiary stands as granted by the General Manager to 103 Councils. follows: Making in all, 312 funding packages granted to 180

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Table : Distribution of funding per Region

Rate of Total number Number of Amount Relative value Number of territorial Région of beneficiary granted of funding projects coverage municipalities municipalities (CFA F) (%) (%)

ADAMAWA 22 22 83 3,331,738,646 100 9 CENTRE 71 34 48 8,008,311,641 48 22 EAST 34 16 23 1,777,985,000 47 5 FAR-NORTH 48 17 25 2,087,582,755 35 6 LITTORAL 37 21 35 8,405,256,494 57 23 NORTH 22 15 21 2,678,412,645 68 7 NORTH-WEST 35 17 23 2,478,068,742 49 7 SOUTH 41 17 24 1,793,173,212 41 10 SOUTH-WEST 31 10 14 2,207,512,054 32 5 WEST 33 11 16 3,627,688,679 33 6 Total 374 180 312 36,395,729,868 48 100

Chart 7 : Distribution of funding per Region

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In terms of volume, the Littoral and Centre Regions As concerns the number of funding packages granted, led with CFA F 8.4 billion (23%), and CFA F 8.2 billion the Adamawa Region took the lead with 84 projects (22%) respectively. Compared to the previous year, at a total cost of CFA F 3.3 billion. Indeed, all the the funding granted to these two Regions practically Councils of this Region, the only to have put in place doubled, due to the size of the project presented by a concerted projects maturation framework, benefitted the Douala City Council (New-Deido market) and from funding. Yaounde VII Sub-divisional Council (exploitation of an aggregate quarry). The funding of these two projects Distribution per type of municipality through CAPIC is in line with national orientations aimed at promoting the local economy through Funding covered the three types of municipality as the investments creating wealth and employment. table below indicates:

Table 7 : Distribution of funding per type of municipality

Number of Number of Type of Number of projects beneficiary Amount granted Relative value municipality municipality funded municipalities of funding %

City Councils 14 7 5 6,203,582,094 17 Councils 315 249 146 22,410,991,369 62 Sub-divisional 45 56 29 7,781,156,405 21 Councils TOTAL 374 312 180 36,395,729,868 100

Chart 7 : Distribution of funding per type of municipality

Sub-divisional City Councils Councils 7,781,156,405 FCA 17% 21% 6,203,582,094 FCA

Councils 22,410,991,369 FCFA 62%

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With CFA F 5.4 billion intended for the construction Development Goals (SDGs). To this end, the prime of the New-Deido market, the Douala City Council of place was given to the « production and trade» received the bulk of the envelope allocated for City sector which fosters growth and employment at the Councils. With regard to Sub-divisional Councils, grassroots level, thereby allowing for the development Yaounde VII Sub-divisional Council received CFA F of the social sectors. 1.4 billion for the exploitation of an aggregate quarry. As concerns the other Councils, Bafang Council Distribution per GESP sector benefitted from funding amounting CFA F 999,156,875 for the construction of a municipal stadium. Funding granted covered 4 sectors of the Growth and Employment Strategy Paper, namely: infrastructures, Keeping with the GESP and the SDGs human development, production and trade, as well as governance. In the same drive as in the previous financial years, funding granted covered several sectors of the Growth Distribution among these different sectors is and Employment Strategy Paper (GESP), reference summarized in the table here-below: framework for government action for the period 2010- 2020, while remaining in keeping with the Sustainable

Ecole publique de KENTZOU

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Table 8 : Distribution of funding per GESP sector

Number Number Amount Number of % Funding N° Sector Domain of funding of granted (CFA F) Councils per sector package Regions Human Education de base 32 3,547,032,722 28 8 1 development Culture 7 1,062,968,537 5 3 Sport 1 999,156,875 1 1 15 Total human development 40 5,609,158,134 Purchase of vehicles 23 714,502,104 23 9 Council counterpart 2 Governance 22 159,150,840 22 6 funds 3 Cooperation missions 86 322,628,700 76 10 Total Governance 131 1,196,281,644 Buildings accommodating local 49 11,567,454,290 47 10 services 3 Infrastructures Energy 9 883,797,355 9 6 Roads and engineering 43 2 275,927,183 2 1 structures Water and sanitation 29 3,006,519,552 29 8 Total Infrastructures 89 15,733,698,380 Slaughterhouses 2 86,659,204 2 1 Agriculture 5 212,203,429 5 2 Quarries 3 1,848,742,369 3 2 Municipal hotel Production and 8 1,617,088,601 8 6 4 establishments trade Motor parks 2 166,006,385 2 2 38 Housing layouts 2 510,000,000 2 2 Markets 28 9,200,773,338 28 8 Ceremonial halls 2 215,118,384 2 2 Total Production and trade 52 13,856,591,710 Grand Total 312 36,395,729,868 180 10

From the overall envelope, the « Infrastructures » for over CFA F 5,609,158,134 and the « Governance » sector benefitted from more than CFA F 15 billion, i. sector for more than CFA F 1 billion. e. 43% of funding. As for the «Production and trade» sector, it benefitted from more than CFA F 13 billion, Infrastructures sector i. e. 38% of the total envelope. Other funding were Distribution of funding in the Infrastructures sector is equally allocated to the « Human development » sector presented in the table below:

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Table 9 : Distribution of funding of the «Infrastructures sector »per domain

Number Amount Relative value Domain of granted (CFA Number of Number of of funding per projects F) Councils Regions sector (%) Buildings accommodating 49 11,567,454,290 47 10 73,52 local services Water and Sanitation 29 3,006,519,552 29 8 19,11 Energy 9 883,797,355 9 6 5,62 Roads and engineering structures 2 275,927,183 2 1 1,75 TOTAL 89 15,733,698,380 80 100

Graphique 8 : Répartition des financements du « secteur infrastructures »par domaine

275,927,183; 2% 883,797,355; 6%

Buildings accommodang local services 3,006,519,552; Water and Sanitaon 19% Energy 11,567,454,290; 73% Roads and engineering structures

The programme for the construction of buildings to Human development sector accommodate local services aimed at materializing the presence of the council institution, took a greater share In this sector, funding amounting CFA F 3,547,032,722 of the envelope, i. e. 74% of the funding earmarked for were granted to 28 Councils from 8 Regions for the infrastructures. realization of 32 projects of which the construction of 270 classrooms (nursery, primary and secondary Water and sanitation domain came next in the funding education), 146 latrines and 5 duty houses for with an amount CFA F 3,006,519,552 i. e. 19% of the teachers and school desks, for the schooling of 16,200 envelope, devoted to the construction of 127 wells and children (girls and boys). It is equaIly noteworthy to boreholes with hand-operated pumps and ten water specify that the disability approach was mainstreamed supply networks intended for 90,000 persons. in designing these structures.

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Other funding was earmarked for the construction of These projects which aim at satisfying the needs of a municipal stadium of 2,500 seats in Bafang Council, the young, are in keeping with national orientations and in the realization of 3 municipal grandstands in relating to the promotion of the projects in favour of Dibombari, Ebone and Misaje. this stratum of the population.

Table 10 : Distribution of funding of the «Human development » sector per domain

Relative value Domain Number Amount granted Number of Number of of funding per projects (CFA F) Councils Regions domain (%) Basic education 32 3,547,032,722 28 8 65.58 Culture 7 1, 062,968,537 5 3 19.65 Sport 1 999,156,875 1 1 18.47 TOTAL 39 5, 408, 451, 998 34 8

Chart 10 : Distribution of funding of the « Human development» sector per domain

Production and trade sector envelope allocated for this sector. As for tourism, it benefitted from funding of more than CFA F Markets, motor parks, ceremonial halls, housing 1,617,088,601 for the construction of 8 municipal hotel layouts, aggregate quarries benefitted from funding establishments. amounting CFA F 12,092,154,296, i. e. 86% of the

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Tableau 11 : Distribution of funding of the « Production and trade» sector per domain

Number Number Relative value Amount granted Number of Domain of Councils of of funding per projects (CFA F) Regions domain (%) Markets, motor parks, quarries, ceremonial halls, housing 39 12,228,005,816 5 5 88.25 layouts Tourism 8 1,617,088,601 8 5 11.67 Agriculture 5 212,230,429 5 2 1.53 TOTAL 52 13,856,591,710 48 10 100

Graphique 11 : Distribution of funding of « Production and trade» sector per domain

Governance sector of counterpart funds required from Councils within the framework of the implementation of partnership In this sector, funding concerned basically the projects. realization of cooperation missions and the payment

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Tablea 12 : Distribution of projects of the « Governance » sector per domain

Number Number Relative value Amount granted Number of Domain of Councils of of funding per projects (CFA F) Regions domain (%)

Cooperation missions 86 322,628,700 76 10 26.97

Acquisition of vehicles 23 714,502,104 23 9 59.73

Overdraft facilities 22 159,150,840 22 6 13.30

TOTAL 131 1,196,281,644 98 10

Graphique 12 : Distribution of projects of the « Governance » sector per domain

Distribution of funding per Sustainable the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as Development Goal (SDG) indicated in the table here-below:

FEICOM’s funding is also geared towards achieving

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Table 13 : Distribution of funding per SDG Amount Goals Sector Domain granted Agriculture Goal 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere Production and trade Water 4,102,520,336 Energy

Goal 2. End hunger, achieve food security and Agriculture Production and trade 212,203,429 improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being Leisures Human development 2,125,412 for all at all ages Culture and sport

Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and quality education for all Human development Basic education 3,547,032,722 and promote life-long learning

Overdraft facilities Local governance Goal 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all Cooperation missions Infrastructures 4,202,801,196 women and girls Acquisition of vehicles Water and sanitation

Water and sanitation Goal 6. Ensure access to water and sanitation for all Infrastructures 6,553,552,274 Basic education

Goal 7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, Infrastructures Energy 883,797,355 sustainable and modern energy for all

Markets Slaughterhouses Quarries Goal 8. Promote inclusive and sustainable economic Motor parks Production and trade 13,644,388,281 growth, employment and decent work for all Ceremonial halls Housing layouts Municipal hotel establishments Energy Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote Infrastructures Roads and engineering 1,159,724,538 sustainable industrialization and forster innovation structures Buildings accommodating local services Water and sanitation Infrastructures Human Energy Goal 11. Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and 17,795,823,792 development Roads and engineering sustainable structures Culture and sport Leisures

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Chart 13 : Distribution of funding per SDG

Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3 Goal 4 Goal 5 Goal 6 Goal 7 Goal 8 Goal 9 Goal 11

212,203,429 4,102,520,336

2,062,125,412 3,547,032,722 17,795,823,792


6,553,552,274 1,159,724,538



SDGs 1, 2, 6, 8, 9 and 11 pertaining to “Production and realization of projects with other partners, cooperation trade” and “ Infrastructures” sectors are those for which and studies missions of Elected Local Officials, and FEICOM allocated more resources. This funding was the acquisition of vehicles for their mobility. Water and intended for the construction of markets, exploitation sanitation projects which reduce the burden of cores of quarries, building ceremonial halls, motor parks, generally assigned to women and children equally municipal hotel establishments and construction of contributed thereto. buildings to accommodate local services. Funding granted within the framework of the 4% Funding of projects of the”Human development” reserve account sector which covers the domains of basic education, sport and leisures, as well as culture, contributed to Decree No.2011/1731/PM of 18 July 2011 laying SDGs 3, 4 and 11 to enable all to live in good health down the conditions for the pooling, distribution and and to promote the well-being of all at all ages, ensure payment of the proceeds of Council Taxes Subject to inclusive and quality education for all and promote life- Equalization (CTSE) provided for the funding of special long learning, and make cities inclusive, safe, resilient development operations in favour of border Councils and sustainable. or disaster-stricken Councils. These operations are funded on the order of the Minister in charge of the SDG 5 relating to the quest for gender equality and the Regional and Local Authorities, by deduction of a empowerment of all the women and girls was taken fraction of the quotas of the additional council taxes into consideration for the funding of projects in the intended for FEICOM and Councils. The fraction “Governance” sector through overdraft facilities for the deducted shall not exceed 4% of the said quotas.

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Hence, seven (7) projects of a total amount of CFA account in 6 Regions. The distribution of this funding F 1,296,894,384 were funded by the 4% reserve is highlighted in the table here-below:

Table 14 : Distribution of funding of the 4% reserve account per Region

Beneficiary Councils Number of Amount granted Relative value of % in number of Region projects funded (CFA F) funding (%) funding

East 1 391,378,500 30.2 11.11 Far-North Waza 1 375,000,000 28.9 11.11 Littoral Douala City Council 1 460,000,000 35.5 11.11 Bamenda City Council 0.002 North-West Kumbo 3 2,520,000 33.33 Santa South Kye-Ossi 1 65,315,824 11.11 South-West Limbe City Council 2 1,680,000 22.22 TOTAL Buea 9 1,295,894,324 100 100

This funding was granted to the following municipalities: City Council in the North-West Region; and Buea - Douala City Council following a fire which destroyed Council and Limbe City Council in the South-West the building accommodating its services; Region for the realization of cooperation missions. - Dimako Council of which the market was ravaged by fire; At the end of the financial year, with 312 funding - Waza Council which harbours a good number packages granted, and 185 acceptances of structures of refugees and displaced people following the put at the disposal of Regional and Local Authorities atrocities of the Boko Haram terrorist sect, for the for the well-being of the populations, the portfolio construction of a water supply network; of projects as at 31st December 2016 which still - Kye-Ossi Council for the extension of its town hall; complies with the principles of harmony and balance, - Kumbo and Santa Councils and the Bamenda stands as follows:

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Tableau 15 : Regions Number of projects Amounts granted Relative value of funding (%) ADAMAWA 88 7,547,390,142 8 CENTRE 96 18,075,534,780 20 EAST 44 7,231,395,916 8 FAR-NORTH 79 9,707,595,788 11 LITTORAL 69 9,864,153,161 11 NORTH 29 5,936,346,816 7 NORTH-WEST 44 7,120,070,929 8 SOUTH 75 8,103,064,086 11 SOUTH-WEST 51 6,520,141,353 9 WEST 39 10,277,375,924 7 TOTAL 614 90,383,068,895 100

Vue aérienne du marché de

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Vue aérienne de l’immeuble siège

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cross-border insecurity, projects generating growth and employment, and support to the Councils in designing and implementing projects intended to fight climate change. Projects under implementation will be EICOM will have to implement its 2017 action plan monitored more rigorously, with the aim of optimizing within a national and international context marked the consumption of resources allocated for municipal Fby the revision of the GESP, the completion and investments. In the long term, all these actions are validation of the national decentralization strategy, aimed at improving the organization’s interventions in launching the payment of salaries of Mayors, the entry favour of the Regional and Local Authorities, with a into operation of some major structuring projects, an view to provide responses adapted to the needs of our unstable security situation, the implementation of the fellow citizens. New Urban Agenda, a decline in growth forecasts, etc.

True to its momentum of progress materialized As concerns Local Governance, special emphasis will by a continuous quest for the improvement of its be placed on the support to Councils in the exercise of th performance and quality of service, the organization project management. Furthermore, the 10 customer intends in 2017, to continue carrying out its major satisfaction survey will be carried out and the winning modernization projects in keeping with its four sub- practices of the FEICOM National Award for Councils’ programmes. Local Development Best Practices, will be promoted and disseminated. Pride of place will also be given to In the area of ​Resource Mobilization, there will the revision of the communication tools and the setting be increased monitoring of tax revenues in order up of the Geoportal of the Gilbert BIWOLE Local to take full advantage of the reforms undertaken by Development Observatory. the Ministry of Finance, increase the productivity of low-performing revenues and reconstitute all With regard to Piloting and administration of the the compromised revenues of FEICOM in order to organization, activities will focus on finalizing the claim them. In addition, FEICOM intends to mobilize 2018-2022 strategy paper, the migration of the Quality additional resources, exploring the opportunities Management System to the 2015 version of the ISO offered by bilateral and multilateral cooperation. 9001, revision of the organization chart and organic Emphasis should also be placed on the optimal framework of the institution, and users’ familiarization monitoring of partnership projects in order to speed up with the Enterprise Resource Planning system, disbursements. dubbed Axiom Solution FEICOM.

In the field of Local Development, priority will be given to financing projects in Councils exposed to

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Ancienne Ecole publique de NANGA EBOKO

Nouvelle Ecole publique de NANGA EBOKO

The 2016 Annual Report 111 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Eclairage public AKOM II

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Remise des dons aux enfants des personnels décédés

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Certifié ISO 9001: 2008

12 - 14 January 10 February 12th Annual Conference of Central Services and Assumption of duties by Ms Karen MBOMOZOMO, Regional Agencies at John the XXIII Centre in Mvolye, Integrated Expert of the German Cooperation. For two Yaoundé under the theme “Planning, coordination and years, she will assist FEICOM in strategic management monitoring of the implementation of activities.” and organizational development.

14 January 16 February Ceremony to pay tribute to 8 members of staff going Working visit of Mr. Joan CLOS, Under-secretary of on retirement. the United Nations and Executive Director of UN/ HABITAT. Discussions during the meeting dwelt on 28 January the evaluation of projects carried out in partnership, Working visit by Mr. ALIOU SALL, Chairman of the including the Participatory Slum Upgrading Programme Association of Senegal’s Mayors (AMS). During the (PSUP), FEICOM National Award and programme meeting, discussions dwelt among others on issues for capacity building of Councils and FEICOM staff, related to innovative funding and awareness raising of relating to facilities and infrastructure management. Cameroonian Councils about their participation in the symposium held in Dakar by AMS on this theme. 18 February Solemn signing Ceremony of Funding Agreements 4 February between FEICOM and Pete-Bandjoun, Nguibassal Working visit of Parliamentarians, members of the and Ngoumou Councils, first beneficiaries of the National Decentralization Board. This meeting was Municipal Housing Construction Programme (PCCM). intended to lay the foundation for collaboration to scale up FEICOM’s interventions in favour of the population. 1st March Election of staff representatives.

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7 March 8 April Award of gifts to children of FEICOM’s deceased staff, Solemn ceremony for presentation and handing of as part of activities marking the celebration of the 31st gifts to Councils of methodological guides for the International Women’s Day. exercise of powers transferred by the State, in areas of Basic Education and Water, as well as participatory 8 - 14 March monitoring of projects funded by FEICOM. Several Participation in the thematic Conference on funding bodies supported the production of these guides, the New Urban Agenda held in Mexico City, as part including MINATD, MINEE, MINEDUB, MINEPAT and of preparations for the 3rd UN Conference on Housing the German Cooperation (GiZ). and Sustainable Development (Habitat III). 12 April 22 - 24 March Signing of the Framework Partnership Agreement Participation in the conference on Innovative Funding, between the Ministry of Social Affairs and FEICOM for held in Dakar as part of the General Assembly of the development of synergies to support Councils in Senegal’s Mayors. The Cameroonian delegation to the exercise of powers transferred in the field of social the conference was led by His Excellency Jean KOE affairs. NTONGA, Cameroon’s Ambassador to Senegal, 15 April 29 - 31 March Official commissioning of elected staff representatives First bi-annual Conference of FEICOM Technical during the election held on 1st March 2016. Services devoted to setting up and monitoring Council projects.


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16 - 26 April of FEICOM National Award for Councils’ Local Participation in the thematic Conference on funding Development Best Practices during a ceremony sustainable urban development held in New York on presided by the Minister of Territorial Administration the initiative of the United Nations Economic and and Decentralization in Yaounde. Social Council, prior to the holding of Habitat III. 25 - 26 April 19 April Participation in the Forum of Municipal Bonds held Discussions on the contribution of FEICOM in Dakar, Senegal. It aimed at paving the way for a Management Assistants to improvement of service platform to promote the development of an African quality. This meeting was organized by the Think municipal bonds contract for the establishment of a Tank of FEICOM Management Assistants (CRADIF) strategic partnership for the sustainable, inclusive and in connection with the celebration of the International solidarity development of African local authorities. Secretary Day.

21 - 23 April 7 May Participation in the 3rd edition of the National Week Inauguration of FEICOM West Regional Agency of Quality organized in Douala by the Agency for building by René Emmanuel SADI, Minister of Standards and Quality (ANOR) under the patronage Territorial Administration and Decentralization. of the Prime Minister, Head of Government. 11 May 22 April Launching of inter-regional workshops for capacity Official Launch of the activities for the2nd edition building of decentralization local stakeholders

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Certifié ISO 9001: 2008

Remise des médailles. by the Minister of Territorial Administration and 15 - 16 June Decentralization in Yaounde, with the active Organization of a special session on funding of the participation of FEICOM. The workshops aimed capacity building of elected local officials, Council and at providing Divisional Officers, Mayors, heads FEICOM staff in the management and maintenance of of decentralized services of the State, Council infrastructure and facilities, on the sidelines of the 10th Secretaries General, and Municipal Treasurers, with edition of European Development Days (EDD) held in tools for a better exercise of powers transferred to Brussels in the Kingdom of Belgium under the theme Councils by the State. “Sustainable development goals in action: Our world, our dignity, our future “. 18 May Solemn handing of the ISO 9001/2008 Certificate to FEICOM by Benoît GACHET, Executive Director of 14 - 18 June Bureau Veritas in the presence of Mr. Charles BOOTO Closing of inter-regional workshops for capacity à NGON, General Manager of ANOR. This certificate building of decentralization local stakeholders in covers the period from 2016 to 2018. Bertoua, after the Yaounde, Douala and Buea laps.

10 June 19 June Visit to the construction site of FEICOM Head Office Visit to the construction sites of the Bertoua Central building by the Government Delegate to the Yaounde Market and Town Hall, by the Minister of Territorial City Council. Administration and Decentralization.

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28 June 15 July Courtesy visit by the Bishop of Maroua-Mokolo, His 28th ordinary session of the Board of Directors devoted Lordship Bruno ATEBA EDO. to the scrutiny and adoption of the administrative and management accounts for the year 2015. On this 29 June occasion, Board Members visited the construction site Celebration of the World Book and Copyright Day of the head office building. under the theme “the book, instrument for capacity and productivity optimization in FEICOM “. On this 22 July occasion, the General Manager urged the entire staff Solemn handing of rolling stock and computer to develop the desire to read and write. equipment to twelve (12) Councils within the framework of FEICOM - Medium Cities Decentralization 4 - 5 July Programme (PDFVM). This ceremony was presided Participation in the 7th edition of the Forum on the by the Minister of Territorial Administration and International Action of Regional and Local Authorities Decentralization, in the presence of the Head of held in Paris (France). The Cameroonian delegation Cooperation at the Embassy of the Federal Republic was led by the Minister of Territorial Administration and of Germany in Cameroon. Decentralization. 10 August 8 July Participation in the celebration of the 5th edition of the Visit of students from the National Advanced School African Decentralisation Day (ADD) under the theme of Engineering. During this visit, they were drilled on “Equity, promoting gender equality and empowering the missions, activities and achievements of FEICOM. women for a better implementation of the Agenda 2063

Inauguration Agence Régional de l’OUEST

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Certifié ISO 9001: 2008

The 2016 Annual Report 119 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 2016 Highlights

Certifié ISO 9001: 2008

Intervention de M. Emmanuel René SADI and the achievement of Sustainable Development 18 November Goals” . Extraordinary session of PDFVM Steering Committee, presided by the Minister of Territorial Administration 5 September and Decentralization in the presence of Divisional 15th management review devoted to the general Officers and Mayors of the Councils involved. On this evaluation of the Quality Management System. occasion, the Minister gave orientations for a better monitoring of the implementation of this programme 14 - 17 September funded by the German Cooperation through KfW. 15th session of the Evaluation Committee under the theme “Enhanced monitoring, coaching teams and 30 November compliance planning”. 17th extraordinary session of the Board of Directors devoted to the review and adoption of the revised 3 - 9 October collective agreement of the enterprise. Studies visit and sharing of experiences by members of the Technical Secretariat of Fonds de Prêts aux 2 - 17 December Collectivités Locales (Local Authorities Loan Fund) Participation in the 13th session of the Conference of from Ivory Coast. Parties (COP13), in Cancun, Mexico, under the theme: “Integrating biodiversity for the well-being”. 15 - 17 November Monitoring Audit No.1 of the Quality Management 28 December System by the Bureau Veritas. 29th ordinary session of the Board of Directors devoted to the scrutiny and adoption of the 2017 plan of action and budget.

The 2016 Annual Report 120 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 2016 Highlights

Certifié ISO 9001: 2008

Bloc maternelle et hangar communautaire SANGMELIMA

Générateur énergie solaire éclairage public AKOM 2

The 2016 Annual Report 121 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Ils ont visité le FEICOM

Visite de M.Raplhaël GBALA GNATO Conseiller technique du DG de la DGDDL Côte d’ivoire Visite Evèque de Maroua

Visite Alioune BADIANE Directeur des programmes ...... d’ONU-HABITAT

The 2016 Annual Report 122 Visite du Délégué du Gouvernement Rapport Annuel 2016 de la Communauté Urbaine de YaoundéCertifié ISO 29001: 2008 Visite élève du Lycée Technique de Ngomedzap. Visite du Directeur de l’IRIC Pierre TABI et de ses étudiants photo de famille visite des Députés du CND

Visite Directeur Executif d’ONU HABITAT Photo de famille de la visite de M. Aliou SALL , Président de l’associaton des Maires du Sénégal

Visite du FPCL de Côte d’Ivoire EXIMBANK Etats Unis

The 2016 Annual Report 123 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 S.E. Madame le Haut-Commissaire d’Afrique du Visite Evêque de Sangmélima Sud au Cameroun, ZANELA MAKINA Ecoles publique de LOMIE (Est)

LOMIE water supply

The 2016 Annual Report 124 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Reactions to 2015 Annual Report

Façade hôtel de ville d’EBOLOWA en construction

The 2016 Annual Report Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Reactions to 2015 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Annual Report

Pr. Jacques FAME NDONGO, Minister of Higher Mr. ABBA SADOU, Minister Delegate at the Education Presidency of the Republic in charge Public Contracts I congratulate you, as well as the establishment you are heading, for your contribution in achieving the national It emerges from the perusal of this document that and international planning goals and the millennium the activities carried out by FEICOM these last three development, goals by the financing projects of which years have witnessed a lot of improvement. While a successful outcome ushered in a lot of improvement encouraging you for this performance, I have the in the living conditions of the populations. honour, as concerns public procurement, particularly sensitive to the constraints of technical deadlines, Besides, the Report indicates that, in collaboration, to request you to see into compliance with these among others, with sector ministries, you carried out regulatory requirements in order to optimize tender initiatives which empowered the Councils and built procedures. the capacities of Mayors. For this reason, I once more suggest to you to explore the scope for partnership Dr. Joseph DION NGUTE, Minister Delegate at the with public and private university institutions within the Ministry of External Relations in charge framework of training or research contracts. I have the honour to express my sincere appreciation Dr. Madeleine TCHUENTE, Minister of Scientific as to the efforts made by FEICOM, especially at Research and Innovation the level of supporting Councils in the realization of their development projects and improving the living I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of the 2015 conditions of the populations by providing technical Annual Report of FEICOM that you have addressed and financial support. to me. Through the pages of this report, it was a pleasant surprise to see the high involvement of the Mr. Pierre ESSOMBA, Member of the Board of establishment you are heading in the development of Directors of FEICOM, Secretary General of MINATD our local authorities. While acknowledging receipt of the 2015 Annual Report While expressing my most heart-felt and warmest of the institution you are heading, I have the honour to congratulations for the work you have accomplished in thank and compliment you for the quality of the said the implementation of the decentralization policy dear document which provides a better understanding of to President Paul BIYA, I hereby wish to the progress and strategies implemented in FEICOM, in order to improve its functioning and its assistance to Mr. Ange Michel ANGOUING, Minister of Public Regional and Local Authorities. Service and Administrative Reform Mr. Augustine AWA FONKA, Governor of the West While acknowledging receipt of the 2015 Annual Region Report of the activities of the institution you are heading, I have the honour to express to you my I would like to congratulate for the marked improvement sincere congratulations for the physical quality of the in the performance of your institution, evidenced in report, as well as the information found therein. the substantial increase in the resources mobilized, as well as the number of the major projects realized Furthermore, I would like to encourage you to maintain during the period under review. your commitment to Regional and Local Authorities and your commitment to the implementation of all the I can only encourage you to pursue with further impetus components of the decentralization policy. the goals set in the 2016-2018 three-yearly term.

The 2016 Annual Report 126 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Reactions to 2015 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Annual Report

(Dr) Mrs Najat ROCHDI, Resident Representative CEFAM, always evolutional since your assumption of of the United Nations Development Programme duties. (UNDP) This report clearly shows, if it were still necessary, I thank you for forwarding of this Report of which the beyond the physical findings of keen or uninformed richness effectively retraces not only the achievements observers, the contribution of your establishment of the financial year under review, but also provides in the necessary promotion of council and/or inter- information on the budgetary issues of the Fund council investment. following taking up of the programme budget, as well as on the increase of the resources mobilized having Mr. André BELOMBE, President of the enabled the strengthening of the actions of FEICOM, Administrative Bench of the Supreme Court both at the national and international level.

Rest assured that this report will be perused by my I have the honour to assure you that it was a pleasure collaborators whose observations and suggestions going through the Annual Report which confirms the will be communicated to you. sound health of this public establishment of which the strategic nature in the decentralization policy of the government is consolidated year after year. Mr. Jean Fabien MONKAM NITCHEU, Adviser at the Secretariat General of the Central Committee Mr. Alain Blaise BATONGUE, Executive Secretary of the CPDM of Cameroon Employers Association (GICAM)

I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter I hereby acknowledge receipt of your letter forwarding referred to above through which you forwarded the the 2015 Annual Report of FEICOM. This important 2015 Annual Report of FEICOM. While thanking you instrument, which provides us information and for expressing this mark of esteem to me, I hereby wish statistics on the achievements of FEICOM, will be very to congratulate you for the publication of the actions useful to us as a source for supplementary information carried out by the organization you are heading and that the organization needs to fulfill its missions. encourage to go ahead.

Mr. Joseph TEDOU, Director General of the National Institute of Statistics (NIS)

I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your 2015 Annual Report. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you of the excellent collaboration existing between our two institutions, and express to you my best wishes for the year 2017.

Mr. Mathieu HAGBE, Director of the Local Government Training Centre (CEFAM)

While acknowledging receipt of your 2015 Annual Report, I have the honour to convey my gratitude for this renewed mark of interest that you have for

The 2016 Annual Report 127 Rapport Annuel 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Centre de promotion de la femme de FIGUIL en construction

Hôtel de ville JAKIRY en construction

Hôtel de ville de BABESSI en construction

Façade hôtel de ville de KYE OSSI en construction Hôtel de ville GAZAWA en construction Hôtel de ville MIDIF en construction

Hôtel de ville TCHATIBALI Hôtel de ville KAR HAY en construction en construction

Complexe commercial DE PITOA en construction

Façade hôtel de ville de KYE OSSI en construction Hôtel de ville BABADJOU en construction

Hôtel de ville KUMBA en construction

The 2016 Annual Report 130 Hôtel de villeRapport YOKO en Annuel construction 2016 Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Hôtel de ville BANGEM en construction

The 2016 Annual Report 131 Rapport Annuel 2016 Hôtel de ville MAKENENE en construction Certifié ISO 9001: 2008 Hôtel de ville de DIBOMBARI en construction

Agence régionale de l’EXTRÊME - NORD en construction salle de fête de Douala 2ème en construction

Hôtel de ville d’EBOLOWA 1er en construction