HE WAS DROWNED. an Effort Will Be Made to Take a Vote on the Fire Police Will Hold a Meetings ^ Are Off After the Trout

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HE WAS DROWNED. an Effort Will Be Made to Take a Vote on the Fire Police Will Hold a Meetings ^ Are Off After the Trout v ' .V '• '' ' ' ' •••••• •.••• •• . - ' . v • •. • '• ,- ' . •.. • • •• V"'./, ; < <•' .. ,v. • J - - ' :> ' , V ' v ' . • c v An Entertaining and Instructive Home Journal, Especially Devoted to Local News and Interests Founded in 1800.] NOR WALK, CONN./FRIDAY, APRIL I, 1892. PRICE TWO CENTSISFFJ VOL. XCIL—NO. 44. •: KRIEF MENTION. ADDITIONAL SO. NORWALK.: Tbc Daily gazette TERSE TALES OF THE TIMES. The trout law is off to-day, and a large number of Norwalk sportsmen is issued very week-day at 3 P. M.. at HE WAS DROWNED. An effort will be made to take a vote on The fire police will hold a meetings ^ are off after the trout. • the Springer free wool bill on Monday. ONE CE»T PER COPT. —The Passion Play is still here. Monday evening. It is not expected to take a vote on Penn­ The Cheapest Bates for Advertising* and The debt statement April 1 will show The Engineer of the City of Nor­ sylvania's border raid claim bill until tht The household furniture of Dr. Did you get fooled this morning ? Charles Reutter arrived this morning.. THE LABGEST CIEOUIATION. an increase in the cash in the Treasury walk Among the Missing. next session of congress. ( over March 1 of about $1,000,000. Many Democratic congressmen have gone Bev. K. McKenzie, of Westport,'?:'- WEEKLY GAZETTE The Weekly Gazette, The price of the preached in Trinity church, last even- •' "V is 2 cents to-day. No Doubt of His Fate. to Rhode Island to assist in the attempt tc [Combined with Fridays Dailv.l Aunt Sally Brown, at the age of 102, defeat Senator Aldrich. ing. Postmaster General Wanamaker will ap The morning of the first day of ApriB ^|< Is issued every Friday at Noon. at Drexel & Co report the Russian Fa­ is hale and hearty, and testifies to the It if? now known almost to a certain­ TWO CKKTS IJEE COPY, OB $1.00 PEE VE/TL. salubrity of the climate of Granby. peal from the recent decision in favor of the was as handsome as a faille francaisetc?,;^ mine Fund total $116,267.86. ty that engineer Patrick McCullen, of letter carriers on the eight hour law. wedding gown. ^ the City of Norwalk, was drowned at The propeller Eagle took over 1,G00' ^ iTie Daily and Weekly. A syndicate, represented by A. F. the time of the collision between the The funeral of AriocPardee took place at' The Norwalk Club is moving into the Hazleton, Pa., and was largely attended barrels of oysters to New York one. Screed to Local Subscribers at Walcott and James R. Keene, have "City" and the transport of the N. Y., night this week. new Club building to-day. purchased the old Monmouth Park race N. H. & H. railroad. It is believed Ex-President Cattell, of Lafayette college, TEN CENTS PEK -WEEK, OB $4.50 PER YEAR. and Rev. J. G. Williamson conducted the Rob. McDonald made the youngsters * }. A. H. BYIKGTON, Proprietor. course. that at the time of the accident McCul­ at the Franklin street school happy yes^Sf^ E. J. Hill attended the Methodist len thought that the "City" was sink­ "services. Conference in Brooklyn, yesterday. Mr. George Holmes is thought to be The contract for the erection of the Penn­ terday by presenting them with rulers./?" ing and jumped for the transport, but Wm. Tristram, until last night in the ;, % sinking rapidly. His daughter, Mrs. missed his footing and fell overboard. sylvania state building at the Chicago expo JOB PRINTING. L. L. Paine, of Bangor, Me., arrived sition has been awarded to Nesbit & Coder employ of Raymond Bros., has opened^ —Broken Stone for wiiikp, u: h es and The body has not been recovered, nor a general merchandize store in Roway- , -*\j Mn. HARM M. GABDNEB. JB., formerly of macadam at P. W. Bales'. 323-e.o.d. yesterday. ______ • has any trace of him been found since of Harrisburg, at $67,900. Erie county (Pa.) Democrats held a con ton. New York City, is the superintendent of our Some of the experts say that tcout the collision. The party who lost a set of false -./ fy McCullen leaves a wife and children vention, indorsed Cleveland and favored J Printing Departments. He is an experienced Rev. S. T. Graham held service in fishing will not be good under two teeth this morning can find them intact • Trinity Church, Southport, last even­ weeks, as the streams are ice chilled at Greenpoint. He had been an engi­ C. Brady for national delegate. tacked to a telegraph pole near the Book, Job and Newspaper Printer, and all ing. and snow chilled. neer on the boat since last fall and was Prosecutor Stockton, of Mercer county. post office building. : |§ work entrusted to him will be satisfactorily liked by all. N. J., is said to be contemplating steps tt Orrin L. Adams was out taking a Read Gregory Brothers' advertise­ ... • • find out if any one was bought to vote foi done. Special care and attention fciven to Three thousand five hundred United sunshine bath this morning, after a "; •' ment of Victor Bicycles in another States troops, it is said, will be ordered WASHINGTON GOSSIP. the Reading coal bill in the New Jersey leg very severe illness, lie is positively ,/ -7- CHURCH AXD SOCIETY PRINTING. column. • to Chicago for the World's Fair dedica­ islature. sure that he has had the grip. ;h' Stephen T. Rockfeller, a saloon keeper at : ! tory ceremonies. Peter Tobin was in his glory to-day. ; Officer Martin is presenting a photo­ WASHINGTON, D. C., March 31, '92. 209 West street, New York, was shot and graph of himself in full uniform to his He was trying to be funny, and evi- - r Electric Cars. Mrs. Sarah Earle and daughter, who Mr. Henry Benedict, the elddlt son killed by William Meyer, a bartender whom dently succeeded, as everyone laughed /' friends. of Daniel Benedict, Esq., and Mr. and he had discharged. Meyer was arrested The Hartford papers are unanimous have been visiting friends in town for at him. Even the dog .-.miled. < • ; The Fairfield County Agricultural the past week, have returned to their Mrs. Theodore Benedict, all of Dan­ after an exciting chase. Mrs. P. Dorlon and hur daughter and • ~j in their testimony as to the success of bury, are here and leave in the morning State Attorney Longenecker, of Chicago, Mrs. O. W. Dorlon, of New York, * Society will meet at South Norwalk home in Danbury. for home. They have been making a the new electric line between East Hart­ Monday. severely beat a reporter in that city whe dined at the City hotel yesterday, and ford and Glastonbury. The time made general tour of Florida, Louisiana, had published an article charging him with afterwards visited the Dorlon House. The summary of the Weekly Record Kentucky and the South, and report a bad faith in the boodle investigations. is excellent, and by having designated The Connecticut Ice Dealers' Asso­ for the current week shows for Nor­ She is as yet undecided as to whether ciation met and dined at New London most enjoyable trip. A. V. Blanchard, of Palmer, Mass., an olo she will open the place this summer or . stopping places, schedule time is possi­ walk 8 real estate sales and $14,780 in yesterday. real estate mortgages. Gov. McKinley of Ohio, was at the man, left his home and took refuge witl not. ble. Besides the danger of frightening Capitol and called on the President to­ relatives, owing to frequent beatings witt There was a large crowd at the War- , x "Steeple Charlie" is in Bloomfield, day. which his wife inflicted him. wick House, last night, to witness the horses is shown to be next to nothing. repairing the spire of the Congrega­ We trust that the corporators of our J. Belden Hurlbutt and Daniel B. The President sent in the name of Four silver mines have been closed in Col­ billiard game between "Ike" Hamilton' tional Church. Bradley, Jr., have been appointed com­ orado owing to the low price of the metal. and "Hen" Pennoyer. The game was f slumbering Norwalk Tramway will visit Emerson Hough to be postmaster at The strike of the 1,000 quarry men in missioners on the Saugatuck Iron Collinsville, Ct., to-day. It is stated that two or three banks it 500 points and Mr. Hamilton out-scored Hartford and see this line in practical Works company estate. Cleveland are in a shaky condition, owing his opponent 154 points. The highest *' Portland and Cromwell has been set­ The suggestion to dedicate the La­ run,54, was made by Hamilton. operation, and then come home and tled by mutual concessions. fayette statue here during the G. A. R. to the Paige bank failure. The amount in­ build one like it. The Times says : Miss Gracie Godfrey, of Chestnut encampment is an exceedingly happy volved will reach millions of dollars. A 'Barney'Kaiser, phonographist, while large quantity of bogus paper is held, in mosl- eating his dinner this noon found some- • • : The Norwalk Minstrels, formerly Co. street, is suffering from a badly burned one. The ceremony should not be neg­ The car now running has a Westing- arm, caused by the upsetting of a spi­ lected and it could not beheld at a more of the cities of northern Ohio. thing lodged between his teeth. He • ; house motor, and cost, all complete, F's, will give an entertainment in the der containing hot lard. At Lowell, Mass., Kate Toy was awarded was not a little mad when he found ity; about S3,000. The electric wire affords new Westport hall, Saturday evening, appropriate time.
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