1 of 16 Funding Application Competition Regional FTA Application Type Main Competition Status submitted Submitted: April 27th, 2020 4:27 PM Prepopulated with screening form? No Project Information 1. Project Title South Tacoma & Lakewood Station Access Improvements 2. Regional Transportation Plan ID 4086, 4085 3. Sponsoring Agency Sound Transit 4. Cosponsors N/A 5. Does the sponsoring agency have "Certification Acceptance" status from WSDOT? N/A 6. If not, which agency will serve as your CA sponsor? N/A 7. Is your agency a designated recipient for FTA funds? Yes 8. Designated recipient concurrence N/A Contact Information 1. Contact name Tyler Benson 2. Contact phone 206-903-7372 3. Contact email
[email protected] Project Description 1. Project Scope This Project will complete preliminary engineering and NEPA environmental review for station access improvements at the South Tacoma and Lakewood Sounder stations. These improvements will include, but not limited to, sidewalks, pedestrian and bicycle improvements, lighting and other station area enhancements to improve safety and accessibility for transit riders and the community. The work will also include analyzing transit use around the stations to inform integration of multi-modal improvements and evaluation of parking improvement options at the stations. The scope also includes the development and implementation of an external engagement strategy, including public engagement activities for targeted outreach to underserved communities in the project area. Sound Transit and the cities of Lakewood and Tacoma will identify the infrastructure needs in and around each station that are most critical to removing barriers, improving safety, promoting TOD and improving access to station-area communities.