The monthly meeting of the Potomac Valley Conservation District was held on Wednesday, July 5, 2017, at the USDA Service Center in Moorefield. The meeting was called to order at 7:42 p.m. by chairperson, Charlotte Hoover. SUPERVISORS: Charlotte Hoover, Ronald Miller, John Hicks, Kent Spencer, Brian Dayton, George Leatherman, Dale Walker, Frank Weese, Gerald Sites and J.W. See OTHERS: Christi Hicks, NRCS; Jeremy Salyer, Andrea Walker, Ben Heavner, Ed Martin (by phone), Nadene Jewell, WVCA; Reggie Pressutti, PVCD; Robert Reed, FSA; Carolyn Hefner, Associate Supervisor. MINUTES: The minutes of the June 7, 2017 meeting were presented for review and approval. A motion was made by Ron Miller and seconded by John Hicks to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the June 7, 2017 meeting and approve them as written and distributed. Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORTS: Treasurer, John Hicks reviewed the treasury reports for the month of June with the Board. All reports were in draft form, as June bank statements have not been received. He reviewed the draft reports for the General Fund and CDO Grant Accounts as prepared by William Lipps, CPA and the Co-Administered Accounts as prepared by WVCA Fiscal Department. Following the discussion, a motion was made by John Hicks and seconded by Frank Weese to approve the draft financial reports and invoices paid within the month of June. The final reports will be brought to the August meeting for approval. Motion carried. INVOICE: The Board received an invoice in the amount of $525.00 from William Lipps CPA for bookkeeping services in the month of June. A motion was made by John Hicks and seconded by Ron Miller to approve payment to William Lipps CPA in the amount of $525.00 for bookkeeping services in June. Motion carried. EXCESS FUNDS: The Board reviewed a request from FNB bank to replace the pledged securities with a letter of credit to cover the excess funds (over the FDIC Insurance amount) on deposit by PVCD. Nadene reported that she had discussed with Chris Casto, WVCA Fiscal Manager, and he indicated there were no issues with the bank using the letter of credit to cover the excess funds. Casto indicated that other state agencies use this method to cover excess funds. Following the discussion, a motion was made by John Hicks and seconded by Dale Walker to approve the use of a letter of credit by FNB to cover the excess funds on deposit by PVCD. Motion carried. John Hicks excused himself from the meeting. CORRESPONDENCE: INVOICE: The Board reviewed an invoice in the amount of $9,975.33 for the 319 Fence Project completed on Shady Brook Farm in Hampshire County. A motion was made by Ron Miller and seconded by Frank Weese to approve the payment in the amount of $9,975.33 to Shady Brook Farm for completion of the 319 Fence Project. Motion carried. John Hicks returned to the meeting. Thank you cards from students attending Conservation Camp were read. The students were very appreciative for the support by the District to go to camp. The Board received a notice of the local work group meeting to be held on Thursday, July 13, 2017 at 10 am in Moorefield. Supervisors were encouraged to attend the local work group meeting to assist in finalizing the NRCS Focus Conservation Approach proposals. The Board reviewed a request from the Hardy County Commission regarding the availability of funds to assist with removal of a stream blockage near Mathias. Jeremy Salyer suggested the request be forwarded to WVCA Watershed Office for review. INVOICE: PVCD received an invoice in the amount of $92,459.84 from CEC for engineering services completed on dams within the District. A copy has been forwarded to WVCA, Gene Saurborn for review and payment authorization. Jeremy Salyer indicated that WVCA was in the process of reviewing the invoice and will advise the District regarding payment. PUMP HOUSE: Action was taken at June meeting for additional research on this issue – o&m agreement is vague regarding sponsor responsibility - and provide a written response to the City of Petersburg regarding the lack of funding to assist with the roof repair. Jeremy will discuss with Ed Martin. SOUTH BRANCH SUBWATERSHED PROJECT: The District received a request from NRCS office in Morgantown about closing out the South Branch Sub Watershed Project – what is PVCD feeling on closure of the project. The proposed project included the construction of 7 dams (4 in Pendleton County, WV and 3 in ). No dams were constructed and action was taken in the 1970s to place the project in an inactive status. No activity has taken place since that time. Records indicate that property was purchased in Pendleton County – need to confirm. Discussion was held on the issue. Charlotte Hoover offered to conduct research on the issue at the Pendleton County courthouse and report back to the Board in August. All in agreement for Charlotte to complete the research and report back. SOUTH FORK MOOREFIELD O&M CONTRACT: John Hicks and Jeremy Salyer discussed the issue with the South Fork Moorefield OMR Contract. They reviewed the correspondence between the WVCA Contracting Division and contractor’s legal counsel. The contractor indicated his plan to use a skid steer to mow the dams under the contract. WVCA personnel advised the contractor that the use of a skid steer was not permitted due to the following: 1. Unapproved piece of equipment (per contract) 2. Safety issues – mowing horizontally and 3. Could cause damage to the structure due to the tracks and turning. Ed Martin also participated in the conversation by telephone. The contractor was notified in writing of the requirement of the slope mower in order to complete the contract and given 2 weeks to respond. His legal counsel sent a letter – copy attached. OSHA documents regarding operation of skid steers on slopes was also discussed – copy attached. Following the discussion, a motion was made by J.W. See to cancel the South Fork Moorefield OMR Contract – provide written notice to JR Landscaping and include the three reasons listed above for cancellation and also approve rebidding the contract. Motion seconded by John Hicks. Motion carried - unanimously.

LOST RIVER SITE #27: Discussion was also heard regarding the status of the gate post replacement on Lost River Site #27. Ed Martin will provide the District with a cost estimate to replace the post – not to exceed $300. He will include the estimate on the O&M work order for Lost River Site #27. Ron Miller will work with the District crew and oversee the replacement of the gate post.

O&M FUNDS: Brief discussion on O&M funds – all combined in the o&m accounts with state match funds. Can be confusing to show how local sponsor funds & state match funds are spent. Will need to discuss / address in the future.

SOUTH FORK SITE# 12: Charlotte Hoover reported that Paul Clayton contacted her regarding his cattle being let out during a recent inspection / job showing on his dam. WVCA staff did conduct the job showing and not close the gate afterwards. Mr. Clayton was not happy – took much time and manpower to round up the cattle and return to correct fields – damage to neighbors yards. The Board was in agreement that ALL gates need to be closed when accessing the dams – whether cattle are present or not. Discussion on an apology to Mr. Clayton – agreed to send a letter.

PATTERSON CREEK SITE #41: Question was raised regarding the installation of fence on PC Site #41 – has this issue been addressed? Mike Ketterman was on site and agreed to discuss with landowner. Jeremy offered to check with Mike Ketterman to make sure issue has been resolved.

EQUIPMENT COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: Ron Miller reported on the Equipment Committee meeting held at the shop earlier this evening. The group inspected the equipment and decided which pieces to offer for sale. The group agreed to hold an auction in September. J.W. See offered to assist that District with the auction – will prepare flyers / advertisement for the sale. Office to provide See with the list of the following equipment to auction: (2) Brush Hogs (side winder & squealer); Litter Spreader Truck; Green Bean Harvester ($30K reserve); Tye Seeder (Reserve); Vermeer Chipper (Reserve); Massey Ferguson Tractor with loader; Chevy ton truck with dump bed; Lime Spreader Truck; Old Trailer with flat bed (behind garage); Box trailer (storage behind garage); (2) old Brillion seeders (parts only); 2 large culverts; box of various junk pieces. A motion was made by Ron Miller and seconded by John Hicks to hold an auction and sell the above equipment and approve the equipment committee recommendations. Motion carried.

CONSERVATION FARM TOUR: The area farm tour will be held on July 26, 2017. The judges will visit the PVCD farm in the afternoon (time not confirmed). Discussion on refreshments. Motion was made by John Hicks and seconded by Frank Weese to approve up to $200 for refreshments for the area farm tour. Motion carried. ADVERTISEMENT FOR POULTRY FESTIVAL BOOKLET: Andrea Walker reviewed with the Board the poultry litter hotline advertisement for the poultry festival booklet – 400 booklets. The cost of the ad is $140 and can be paid for with outreach funding. A motion was made by Kent Spencer and seconded by John Hicks to approve payment of $140 from Chesapeake Bay outreach funds for the poultry advertisement. Motion carried.

PROMO ITEMS: Andrea Walker provided information on promo items for the poultry litter hotline – pens with the hotline logo. The cost of the pens is approximately $110 and can be paid for through Chesapeake Bay outreach funds. A motion was made by John Hicks and seconded by Frank Weese to approve ordering the pens and payment of up to $110 from Chesapeake Bay outreach funding. Motion carried.

DISTRICT BANQUET: Charlotte and Dale are working to confirm a location / date for the banquet – September / October. Will bring information to August meeting.

FOCUS CONSERVATION APPROACH: Christi Hicks reported on the Focus Conservation Approach proposals. Encouraged supervisors to attend the local work group meeting on 7/13 at 10 am to discuss and finalize the proposals.

 Local Foods Initiative – high tunnels  Trout Unlimited – / – Hampshire County  Combined Proposal for Litter Sheds  Grazing Proposal for Mineral County

Following the discussion, a motion was made by J.W. See and seconded by John Hicks to approve the Focus Conservation Approach Proposals for Hampshire and Mineral Counties, provided no changes are made at the LWG meeting on 7/13. Motion carried.

DISTRICT MANAGER REPORT: Nadene reported on the following:

 FY17 Agreed Procedures Engagement (Audit) to be conducted by Suttle & Stalnaker – representatives will be in the District office to review financial records in late August.

PVCD CREW REPORT: Reggie Pressutti reported on the following:

 New Lime Spreader – pick up today – supervisors inspected prior to the meeting  Repairs made / needed to litter spreaders  O&M work on dams going well – currently work on Lunice Creek structures

AG ENHANCEMENT: The Board reviewed the new applications for the FY18 practices – will begin sign ups on July 10.

The Board also reviewed the revised AgEP Administrative Agreement – Jeremy discussed the revised items – section 3.9. District must specify complete section. Any outside funding will not be utilized in considering the amount of AgEP payments at the end of the year. All other information is unchanged. Following the discussion, a motion was made by Ron Miller and seconded by Kent Spencer to approve the revised Ag Enhancement Agreements. Motion carried.

J.W. See excused himself from the meeting.

The following AgEP payments / application were presented to the Board for approval:

LIME: Payments - ** J.W. See 26.31 tons $ 394.65 CS

A motion was made by John Hicks and seconded by Ron Miller to approve the Lime payment listed above. Motion carried.

J.W. See returned to the meeting. Charlotte Hoover excused herself from the meeting – Ron Miller to chair the meeting.

LITTER TRANSFER: Application – Victor Carr 110.27 tons Payment – Victor Carr $1,102.70 CS

A motion was made by Gerald Sites and seconded by Kent Spencer to approve the litter transfer application and payment. Motion carried.

INVASIVE SPECIES: Payments- Mark Simmons $ 110.00 CS; Allen Simmons $220.00 CS; ** Charlotte Hoover $148.14 CS

A motion was made by Frank Weese and seconded by John Hicks to approve the invasive species payments. Motion carried.

Charlotte Hoover returned and resumed as chair of the meeting.

WVCA: Jeremy Salyer reported on the following:

 WVACD Summer Quarterly meeting 7/17 – 7/18 @ Cacapon State Park.  Budget approved – not signed by governor – Districts / Programs uncut at this point  District should include on future meeting agendas – Nominations for Carroll Greene, Lifetime Member and Member at Large  Accepting sign- ups for state fair booth  WV State Committee Meeting 7/11 – video conference

WVCA: Ben Heavner reported that Ag Enhancement sign-ups will begin 7/10. No word on FY18 appropriation amounts yet.

FSA: Robert Reed was in attendance – introduced himself to the Board – in Grant County office. Discussed crop reports – deadline to provide report 7/17.

NRCS: Adam Boner – reviewed proposals – will have for review and approval in August

NRCS: Christi Hicks distributed and reviewed the monthly report for Mineral and Hampshire Counties. Thanked the Board for support on the fence project. PVCD RENTAL EQUIPMENT: Discussion on the District rental equipment – Reggie needs to deliver the equipment – can schedule deliveries on Mondays and Thursdays (or Fridays if needed) in order to allow more time for Reggie to assist crew with o&m work on the dams.

Reminder of Area Conservation Farm Tour on July 26, 2017 – not certain of time yet.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned by motion of Kent Spencer at 9:05 pm. Motion seconded by J.W. See. Motion carried. The next regular meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 2, 2017 at 7:30 pm at the USDA Service Center in Moorefield.

______Chairperson Secretary
