Part 2 Markings Colonial -1865, Which, While Not Comprehen- Sive, Has the Advantage of Including Postal Markings As by Len Mcmaster Well As Early Postmasters6
38 Whole Number 242 Hampshire County West Virginia Post Offices Part 2 Markings Colonial -1865, which, while not comprehen- sive, has the advantage of including postal markings as By Len McMaster well as early postmasters6. Previously I discussed a little of the history of Hamp- Thus I have attempted to identify the approximate shire County, described the source of the data and the location and dates of operation of the post offices es- conventions used in the listings, and began the listing of tablished in Hampshire County, explaining, where pos- the post offices from Augusta through Green Valley sible, the discrepancies or possible confusion that ex- Depot. The introduction is repeated here. ists in the other listings. Because of the length of the material, it has been broken up into three parts. This Introduction part will include the balance of the Hampshire county Several people have previously cataloged the Hamp- post office descriptions starting with Hainesville, and shire County West Virginia post offices, generally as the third part will include descriptions of the post of- part of a larger effort to list all the post offices of West fices in Mineral County today that were established in Virginia. Examples include Helbock’s United States Post Hampshire County before Mineral County was split off, Offices1 and Small’s The Post Offices of West Vir- and tables of all the post offices established in Hamp- ginia, 1792-19772. Confusing this study is that Hamp- shire County. shire County was initially split off from Virginia with Individual Post Office Location the establishment of many early post offices appearing in studies of Virginia post offices such as Abelson’s and History of Name Changes 3 Virginia Postmasters and Post Offices, 1789-1832 Hainesville (Haines Store) and Hall’s “Virginia Post Offices, 1798-1859”4; and that Hampshire County was itself eventually split into all or Hainesville was located near the crossroads of Old parts of five West Virginia counties, including its present Martinsburg Road (County Route 45/9) and Kedron day boundaries.
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