Grubb Family
THE GRUBB FAMILY OF PENNSYLVANIA AND DELA WA.RE. THE GRUBB FAMILY. (l•'ro11n the Daily Local Xews, Oct. lS93.) 'l'be Grubbs •were q,mong the earliest Eng Penn obtained a charter from Charles II for lish sett1ers on the Dela ware .tu ver, their tbe province of Pennsylvania, and on the arnval ante-dating the fouudini; of Penn 24th ot A ugus r, 1682, purchased from the sylvania. In this day of swift ocean stearn Duke of York the territory now comprising erR and myriads or sailing vessels .. it ts diffi tbe State of Delaware. A few days later he cult to realize the obs1ac1es to a succeli-sful sail(:-d for Pennsylvania, and on the 2l:hh of colonization of a wilderness 1nbaoited by October had arrived at Upland, which name savages or an uncongenial race. The Swtdes be cbar ged to Chester,and upon the division bad oeen seated on tbe Delaware s1nce toe of t,he province into three counties he gave year 1688, but the colony dtd not fluurisb and one of tberu tbts name. their occupation exumcted little beyund t1cte Tbe minutes of the Friends' Meeting at water. Tbetse haa for their riv1:tls the Dutch, Burlington, N. J., begin with the date, 15th who finally, in 1665, overthrew the Swedish Lf 5th-month, 1678, but another volume cOD• rule on ther1verandrematned1n possession, lains copies of certificates of membership though without much attempt at coloni brought from England of earlier date. Be zau .. n, until they iu turn were conquered by t.ween two of these, dated 14th of 1st-month, tne Eng11sh in ltiti4.
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