THE EVENING STAR TWO MORE SIOO,OOO RACES C-2 Wothington, D. Cv Tkunday, Janwiy 39, 1959 Redskins Sign 3, Swede to Meet Including Baugh's Favored Gem New York Trocks Add Star Linebacker Patterson tor The Redskins have signed Hialeah Vidor, $275,000 to Stakes three linemen, Including one from Sammy Baugh’s Hardin- Signing Today NEW YORK. Jan. 29 (AP),— The $32 million Aqueduct Is Simmons team. Joe Biggs, 220-pound guard, Ajaccio The richest stakes schedule In expected to be opened this sum- Last NEW YORK, Jan. 2# (AP) the history of New York rac- mer. comes highly recommended by MIAMI, January