CARDAMINE Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 654. 1753. Ihsan A
CARDAMINE Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 654. 1753. Ihsan A. Al-Shehbaz and Karol Marhold Tribe: Cardamineae Dumort., Fl. Belg.: 124. 1827. Name derivation: Greek kardamon, used by Dioscorides for some species of Brassicaceae. Lectotype species (designated by Britton & Brown, Ill. Fl. N.U.S., ed. 2, 2: 183. 1913): C. pratensis L. Dentaria Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 653. 1753. Lectotype species (designated by Britton & Brown, Ill. Fl. N.U.S., ed. 2, 2: 187. 1913: D. pentaphyllos L. Dracamine Nieuwland, Amer. Midl. Naturalist 4: 40. 1915. Type species: not designated. Heterocarpus Philippi, Bot. Zeitung 14: 641. 1856, not Wight (1853). Type species: H. fernandezianus R. A. Philippi. Ghinia Bubani, Fl. Pyrenaea 3: 158. 1901, non Schreber (1789). Type species: not designated. Iti Garnock-Jones & P. N. Johnson, New Zealand J. Bot. 25: 603. 1988. Type species: I. lacustris Garnock-Jones & P. N. Johnson. Loxostemon J. D. Hooker & Thomson, J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot. 5: 129. 1861. Type species: L. pulchellus J. D. Hooker & Thomson. Porphyrocodon W. J. Hooker in Bentham & J. D. Hooker, Gen. Pl. 1: 79. 1862. Type species: P. pictus (W. J. Hooker) B. D. Jackson. Pteroneurum de Candolle, Mém. Mus. Hist. Nat. 7: 231. 1821. Type species: not designated. Sphaerotorrhiza (O. E. Schulz) Khokhrjakov, Fl. Magadansk. Obl. 235. 1985. Type species: S. trifida (Poiret ex Lamarck) Khokhrjakov. Herbs, annual, biennial, or perennial, rhizomatous or tuberous, sometimes with axillary bulbils. Trichomes absent or simple. Multicellular glands absent. Stems erect or prostrate, leafy or rarely leafless and plant scapose. Basal leaves petiolate, rosulate or not, simple and entire, toothed, or 1–3-pinnatisect, or palmately lobed, sometimes trifoliolate, pinnately, palmately, or bipinnately compound; cauline leaves alternate, rarely opposite or whorld, simple or compound as basal leaves, petiolate or sessile and base cuneate to attenuate or auriculate to sagittate, margin entire, dentate, or variously lobed.
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