AUDIO – June; 1952
JUNE 1952 AU) e 35c EftiGI%EEIRIING ..f7413551, r dg:Vilezrormrder, ............oVordao o.roO T "" ,,,,,,,, ¿-eCr. al " -' .'1°215;16g0E'r7. ',Wr::- m,::::: orsdrourr.74., .............. .1 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, errwr/S,,,,,,,,,,, w""""S.,,,... 14e; ,.-.,,,, - -, 7 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, '4,1710°IaCiA",, s, Nrorr ,,, I. .- Or OZ,,il o I ,,rr if. , .0wW ,,,, :171;740556. ,,, or/00'g . w. '..tiOroor .70O.. rr,w 0 AT OR i ELECTRICAL TRANSCRIPTION Behin th fan;ir blue labél of WOR recording studios... the finest in modern sound recording methods and equipment Radio stations from coast to coast recognize this label as the mark of a top quality transcription. One that can be de- pended on to meet or exceed the extremely high broadcast ... including standards of sound quality. # To maintain this reputation, WOR Recording Studios, one of the largest in the world, use the finest and most costly tape and disc recording equipment obtainable. And- what's ..11110%411:rw equally important - their engineers have found that Audiotape and Audiodiscs are an ideal combination for P meeting the exacting requirements of broadcast transcrip- ,0/P tion and commercial recording work. This same record -mak- ing combination is also being used with outstanding success by America's leading producers of fine phonograph records. and With Audiotape and Audiodiscs, you can achieve this same sound perfection in your recording work, too. Their consistent, uniform quality is the result of more than 12 years of specialized experience by the only company in America devoted solely to the manufacture of fine recording media, both tape and discs. AUDIO DEVICES, Inc. 444 MADISON AVE., NEW YORK 22, N.
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