.A \EW LOW- \OISE TWIN TRIODE to improve performance and simplify the design of Audio Pre- Amplifier Stages Low noise, high performance, moderate cost - provided by the new RCA -6EU7, a high -mu, nine- pin miniature twin triode designed especially for high -gain, resistance- coupled, audio pre -amplifier stages -in high fidelity amplifiers (monaural or stereo), amplifier kits, tape recorders, juke boxes, and public address systems. Noise and hum are minimized by the use of double - wound, helical heaters, and a new base layout which keeps heater leads well away from the grid leads. Low microphonism, high mechanical strength, and reli- ability are assured by a short, rugged cage which provides sturdy support for the tube electrodes. New base arrangement also simplifies stereo layouts. The accom- panying diagram shows how the basing arrangement facili- tates the design of an amplifier using the two triode units for isolated stereo channels. For technical information, contact the RCA Sales Repre- sentative at our office nearest you, or write directly to RCA Electron Tube Division, Commercial Engineering, Section H 91-DE. Harrison, New Jersey. EAST: 744 Broad Street, Newark 2, N. J. HUmboldt 5-3900. MID-WEST: Suite 1154, Merchandise Mart Plaza, Chicago 54, III. WHitehall 4-2900. WEST: 6355 E. Washington Blvd., Los Angeles 22, Cal. RAymond 3 -8361. The Most Trusted Name in Electronics RADIO CORPORATION OF AMERICA AUGUST, 1960 VOL. 44, No. 8 Successor to RADIO, Est. 1917. only for those who want the ultimate "TOP RATED" AU D Io again and again ENGINEERING MUSIC SOUND REPRODUCTION -and NOW AGAIN! C.
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